Download drivers for all computers. DriverPack Solution - automatic installation of drivers on your computer

Finding the best program for installing and updating drivers for windows 7/8, 8.1 / 10, in the future, greatly simplifies the solution of such problems. Because outdated version, and especially their absence, bring where more problemsrather than an operating system or a poorly performing program. So, without a driver for a sound card, your computer will be dumb, and if you do not have a driver for a video card, then you can forget about games on your computer.

We hope you find the information on driver update programs helpful.

Below will be presented proven and convenient programs for finding the necessary drivers for updating, automatically finding them on the Internet, downloading and installing. These programs carry irreplaceable functions for users of computers and laptops, especially people who are not particularly versed in this.

Driver booster

Driver Booster is a pretty good program, Russian and with the presence free version, which can quickly scan the device and identify old and outdated drivers. In addition, it will not only show you the drivers that need to be updated, but also indicate how critical the update is. That is, it will let you know which drivers should be updated first.

  • During startup installation file, pay attention to the installation modes - full and custom, unchecking the checkboxes from additional applications if you do not need them.

  • This is how the program window will look after the system is scanned. We see the need to update drivers. Click " update all«.

It cannot but rejoice that it is possible update drivers in background - with just one push of a button... The program independently creates control point, with the help of which, if necessary, the system can be rolled back into working condition.

DriverPack Solution

DriverPack Solution - We can safely say that this is one of the best programs that allows us to find and update drivers. There are 2 ways to install and use this program.

1 way Launch online versions, a quick and easy way to update. Click " download online - version”And run the installation file.

  • In the category Drivers", Put" Russian" and press " Install driver«.

  • The program will automatically download and install everything required drivers to your computer.

Method 2 Installation full version - Driver package Pack Solution Full is an ISO image (such files are often called virtual disks), which must be opened in a special program, for example, such as Daemon tools... Since the ISO image is quite large - about 8 GB, you need to download it via torrent.

  • It is also important to note that to apply this image it is possible even on those computers where there is no Internet. Often programs of this nature for updating drivers require an indispensable Internet connection. And this is one of the basic advantages this package - just download the image once!
  • When you open the downloaded image, the program will automatically scan your personal computer, and will provide you with a report in approximately this form.
  • You just need to put a checkmark in front of the drivers selected for installation and click on the button to start the operation. A good option is to immediately click "update all", and after a dozen minutes on your device the drivers necessary for work will already be installed (although in some cases you need to install drivers manually, which are rare, therefore they are not in the database).
  • Before starting the installation of drivers, it is better to create a checkpoint to restore the operating system (this is done in order to be able to "roll back" it to a working state in case of an emergency).

Driver checker

Driver Checker is a handy and easy-to-use driver installer and update program, especially if you want to reinstall your operating system Windows 7/8, 8.1 / 10, but absolutely all drivers are missing. This program will make it possible to save all the drivers that were installed from the system (backup), and then at any time they can be restored.

  • After downloading boot file, run it. After the program is installed, click " Start scan»When the scan is complete, you will receive a report with recommendations for the best driver to update. And perhaps there will be none.

  • Having found outdated or not installed drivers, it will offer to download and install them.

  • Button" Next"Then download the driver" Dowwnload", After pressing which a window will be displayed where you need to enter the registration key (BRE09-CA7H6-DMHKK-4FH7C, should work) and then" Buy now«

  • When the latter is over, you will receive a report with recommendations on which drivers are best to update. And perhaps there will be none.

Slim Drivers

Slim Drivers - Extremely simple and completely free utilityto check and update drivers. Naturally, it is not capable of putting drivers in the background, however, it will easily scan your system and provide you with a list of direct links for new drivers. It's also a great time saver.

  • The program window immediately prompts you to start scanning the system.

  • The program offers driver updates. Download links are also provided for them.


DriverMax - The program designed to search for drivers and update them is very interesting. It works extremely quickly, and a personal computer is scanned in just 10-20 seconds. Note that the program has two versions: free and PRO. In fact, the free version will be enough for home use. Although the program interface is english language, this does not complicate the process of using it. When you run the program for the first time, you will receive an offer to scan your computer, and, of course, you will only have to agree.

  • When the scan is over, DriverMax will provide you with a report, as well as recommendations as to which system drivers require updating and a link to download them.

Of course, you can object and insist on the need to use the official site to download drivers. It is quite a good option, if you know exactly your manufacturer, and there are definitely drivers for your model on the site. But if the device is no longer new, or the manufacturer remains unknown?

Well, we will not say that installing ten drivers manually is not the most exciting process.

Good day!

Drivers are like gears in a mechanism, if they are not on your computer (or they are not "native") - the system does not work in normal mode: then something hangs, then it does not start, various slowdowns and errors.

Video and audio drivers are especially difficult (in the first case - problems with games, in the second - no sound). I think that is why there has always been an interest in programs that allow you to update drivers without the direct participation of the user (so that you press 1 button and that's it ...).

Actually, in this article I decided to collect a dozen of similar programs that will help save time and nerves in case of problems with drivers.

By the way, the list of programs below is relevant at the beginning of 2018, presented, in a way, the top 10 best products with their pros / cons.

And so, more to the point ...

Driver booster

It is considered one of the best auto-search and driver update programs. Judge for yourself: to start the update - you only need to press one button! After that, the program will scan your PC, and show for each of your hardware current version driver (will recommend what to update, and what can be left - you just have to agree and update everything. Very quickly and conveniently ☺).

In addition to drivers, the program also updates important components in Windows related to games (so if you have problems with them, it might be worth checking your system with Driver Booster).

Note: An Internet connection is required for Driver Booster to work.

Driver Booster - found 18 outdated drivers // example of the program


  1. a simple and convenient interface that even a completely novice user can understand;
  2. a huge database of drivers, which is constantly updated (for more than 1 million devices);
  3. the update process takes place in 2 stages: first, the program scans your PC, then asks you what exactly it will update (you can simply agree with the recommended settings, or you can configure everything yourself);
  4. before updating - the program archives your old drivers (so that you can roll back if something happens ...);
  5. there is a batch driver update (i.e. for several devices at once).

DriverPack Solution

DriverPack Solution (or DPS) is fundamentally different from Driver Booster - it can work even without an Internet connection. DPS just has 2 versions of the program:

  • the first is a 15 GB ISO image. If you download it in advance, then later you can run DPS and install drivers on any PC that does not have Internet (for example, sometimes it happens that the computer is connected to the network - but does not work network Card due to the lack of a driver (which must be downloaded ☺). In this case, such an image helps a lot!);
  • second - regular programsimilar to Driver Booster. You also start it, then DPS scans the PC, and then downloads all the necessary drivers from the Internet.


  1. there are two versions of the program: one for online updating, and the second for offline work (an ISO image with a large collection of drivers can help out a lot in case of network problems);
  2. a large database of drivers (usually found for all equipment);
  3. in addition to the DPS drivers, it offers to install other necessary and useful programs (conveniently);
  4. batch driver update;
  5. the ability to create a backup of drivers;
  6. it is possible to conduct an anti-virus scan of the PC, check the RAM, etc.;
  7. of the minuses: the latest versions have a lot of ads built in, see carefully behind all the checkboxes!



Completely free utility for auto-searching, installing, and updating drivers. I note right away that the utility needs access to the Internet!

The use is very simple: just start and press just 1 button "Find Now" (as shown in the screenshot below).

In a minute or two, a driver will be found for each piece of hardware on your PC / laptop (see example below). You just have to tick off all that you want to update and click the "Install" button. Actually, this is the whole process. Very convenient!

List of found drivers (DriverHub) / clickable


  1. a large database of drivers for a wide variety of equipment: audio and video cards, USB devices (scanners, printers, etc.), mat. boards, etc .;
  2. when updating, the utility uses drivers from the official sites: Intel, AMD, Microsoft, Sony, etc.
  3. completely free: download speed, the number of updated drivers, etc. moments are not limited in any way!
  4. it is possible to roll back the system to a previous state (if you are not satisfied with how the new driver works);
  5. the program is completely in Russian;
  6. the menu has links for quick setup OS: power supply, disk manager, computer management, network management, etc.
  7. works in Windows 7/8/10 (32/64 bits).

note: on all the "checkboxes" during installation (sometimes the Avast download offer pops up)! In addition, the program does not behave very well on laptops with low resolution (the window is not "scaled").

Snappy Driver Installer

Approx. : Can work without Internet access.

Snappy Driver Installer is a free auto-installer of drivers (very similar to DriverPack Solution, a direct competitor to it, although the package is not so popular). What distinguishes it from the previous program (DPS) is that the offline version is not distributed in the form iSO image (to open which you need additional programs), and in the form of a simple folder with an EXE file, they launched it, and the drivers were updated. Very comfortably!

By the way, Snappy Driver Installer also has a compact version, the size of which is only a few megabytes. But it requires an internet connection to work.


  1. a huge collection of drivers for all occasions (I recommend writing it to an emergency flash drive so that it is always at hand);
  2. two versions of the package: full 14 GB (without the need for an Internet connection), and compact - the program weighs 4 MB (but you need unlimited access to the network);
  3. a minimum of advertising and unnecessary programs;
  4. quick update;
  5. customizable shell for the user's taste;
  6. completely in Russian.

Utilities from Intel, AMD, NVIDIA

Intel Driver Update

An official utility from Intel that will help update drivers for any product of this company: processor, network devices, disks, and more. Compatible with all versions of Windows, completely in Russian.

After launching the utility, it will automatically recognize the hardware and find all the software it needs to work properly. Installation of drivers takes place completely in automatic mode.

In general, if you use Intel products, of course, I recommend using native utility ☺. The rest, it is unlikely to be useful ...

AMD Driver Autodetect

These are the means for automatic search video drivers for AMD products. Once launched, the utility will automatically detect your video card, system and other characteristics and provide a link to download the optimal driver.

The utility is completely in Russian, works in windows environment... The program, by the way, can be used not only to search for a driver, but also to update an already installed one (you must agree that it is much easier to press one button in the program than to independently climb through the wilds of official sites, where there is a mountain of all the semi-necessary information ☺).


Official utility for NVIDIA users. After running the utility, it will scan all your hardware on your PC, assess if there are drivers for them, and offer to update them (if necessary). By the way, in the settings profiles, you can set how often updates will be checked (whether to allow the use of beta versions, whether to notify pop-up messages in the tray).

By the way, starting with the R275 drivers, NVIDIA Update updates not only drivers, but also game profiles automatically (including SLI profiles). I will also add that on the official website (the link is given above), a step-by-step configuration of the program is scheduled (although there is nothing special to configure there ☺).

Driver genius

Highly popular program to work with drivers. It is quite multifunctional: it can automatically find and update to the latest driver version, create backups already installed drivers, restore lost, delete old and unnecessary. It's easy to use: after starting the program, it will automatically collect information about your PC, hardware, evaluate the system and offer an update option. Supports Russian.


  1. a huge database of drivers, support for more than 300,000 different devices;
  2. backup of the current drivers (moreover, you can put them both in the archive, and create an EXE installer so that in case of problems you can run it and install the drivers without Driver genius);
  3. the ability to remove old or redundant drivers;
  4. command line support;
  5. russian language support;
  6. works under all popular Windows: 7/8/10 (32/64 bits);
  7. of the minuses: the program is paid (in the free version there is a limitation on updating and working with backup).


A free and rather multifunctional program for automatic search and updating of drivers (by the way, it copes with this quite well). In addition to its main responsibility (☺), the program does a good job of creating backups "firewood" (and in case of problems - restoring them). There is also a task scheduler (for example, for regularly checking for updates), there is a function to remove any driver from the system (clean!).


  1. fast automatic search and update;
  2. task Manager;
  3. function complete removal old or unnecessary driver;
  4. backup and restore;
  5. all functions work in the free version (many similar utilities ask for payment for the same functionality);
  6. works in all common Windows: 7/8/10;
  7. of the minuses: an abundance of advertising during installation (see carefully at the checkboxes).


3DP Net

3DP Net - specialized utility, which is required to update the driver for network adapter (network card). Imagine: you don't have the Internet, because the network card does not work (there is no driver for it). And for the network card to work, you need a driver that is available on the Internet.

How to solve this puzzle? That's right, download 3DP Net, which is only about 100 MB in size (you can use your smartphone), and run it - the utility will automatically select the driver and you will have a network. Recommend!

Note: please note that there are 2 utilities on the official website - 3DP Chip and 3DP Net (we are talking about the second one!).

Double Driver

Developer site:

This small free utility is required to create a backup of all installed drivers. Moreover, she does this very quickly (often the time required is no more than 1 minute!).

I want to note that the drivers in the utility are displayed in a convenient list (in order), which can be saved or printed. The drivers in the backup also lie carefully, each in a hotel folder, the names of which are identical to your devices.

In general, it is an extremely necessary, useful and free utility (similar programs for backups cost money) ...

Driver sweeper

Developer site:

Simple and reliable program to remove absolutely any drivers in the system clean! Be careful with her, because it does not limit you very much in your possibilities. It helps a lot in those cases when you can't remove any driver "stuck" in the system (or you can't see it and can't find it, but it is there ☺).

Before deleting it, you can create a backup copy of all "firewood" (just in case) ... The program works in all windows versions, Russian language is supported.


A simple and effective utility for completely removing the video driver from the system (I think many have encountered the problem of updating the video driver, due to the fact that the new one was not installed until the old one was completely removed). This is exactly what DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) can handle.

The program supports all software for video cards from manufacturers AMD, Intel, NVIDIA (including various registry keys, components, folders, etc.). I would also like to note that after DDU is running, your system does not have any traces of the presence of the old driver.

Display Driver Uninstaller has three modes of operation: the first is a simple removal of the driver and restarting the PC / laptop; the second is the usual deletion (reboot is on your conscience ☺); the third is to remove and turn off the PC.

By the way, the utility keeps a log, which records all the actions that you perform. For example, you can use it to see which versions of drivers have already been installed (it is convenient if you are looking for the current working version of the driver and do not remember which ones you have already tried).

Results (what to remember!)

  1. one of the most simple ways update all drivers and game components in Windows - use Driver Booster;
  2. if you do not know for which device you do not have a driver, open device Manager: a yellow exclamation mark will light up next to a device for which there is no driver;
  3. it is highly advisable to write some driver package that can work on the emergency flash drive ahead of time without internet connection (e.g. Snappy Driver Installer or DriverPack Solutions (if the choice fell on the second program, then additionally discard the program for opening ISO images));
  4. if you have failed to update driver through automatic update in similar programs - try the manual way:

That's all for me, for additions on the topic - a separate thanks in advance!

Hello friends! Today I want to give you links to download the best software for installing drivers. If you decide on your computer or laptop, then they will be very useful to you, since the first thing that is done after changing Windows is setting up the Internet and.

Let's go deal with the drivers!

DriverPack Solution program for installing drivers

Best program to search for drivers and for subsequent installation, this is of course DriverPack Solution. It is completely free, which is very important, since you have to pay for other programs. There are two versions of DriverPack Solution and now I will tell you which one is right for you.

If you have already set up the Internet, then download the version of DriverPack Online. For those who have not yet reinstalled Windu, better fit the second version is DriverPack Offline. It does not require an active Internet connection, therefore, having downloaded this version once, we can update any driver on all computers and laptops, without an Internet connection.

Attention! DriverPack Solution is completely free, but despite this I should warn you that when installing drivers, this program may install additional programs ( yandex browser, archiver and the like). In order not to install all this stuff, you need to select the Expert Mode in DriverPack Solution and uncheck unnecessary programs.

Driver Booster to find drivers

The next program worth checking out is called Driver Booster. I read a lot of negative and positive reviews on the Internet. Some even claim that the program "breaks" the system. I won't say that the program is bad, I had no problems with it, but I must warn you.

Optionally download Driver Booster and install it.

After starting, Driver Booster scans all the hardware in a few seconds and offers "Update All" in one click.

It surprises me that Driver Booster will always find something to update! So I like a minute ago already updated all the drivers in another program. And Driver Booster still found 10 outdated drivers. Maybe he updates something that doesn't have to be updated at all?

Driver Genius to find and install drivers

For me Driver genius is a classic! Let me explain why. The trick is that when I first found out that there are special programs to install drivers, I ran into Driver Genius and used it for a long time. Really cool program!

It is also easy to operate. In the main window, click Start Scan, then download and install the drivers.

DriverPack Solution is the most popular program for automatically finding and installing drivers on your computer. A very effective and convenient solution that will greatly simplify the installation of drivers on Windows, eliminating the need for exhausting searches. The program is compatible with operating systems of any bitness, and will help you update your computer.

DriverMax is a popular free software for reserve copy drivers on windows computer or updating them. Also, this convenient manager manage and update all installed drivers in a few clicks. We suggest you download the DriverMax utility for free without registration to solve this problem, helping to easily and timely download fresh updates drivers from the Internet. System drivers for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 are supported.

AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition is a comprehensive package of Windows drivers designed to improve the graphics capabilities of video cards from famous company AMD. By installing these drivers, you can significantly improve the performance of your graphics card, provide more control over its functions, and at the same time make the playback of videos and games smoother and more smooth.

WinToFlash - convenient programwhich gives the user a very valuable opportunity. Its main function is to easily and quickly transfer the Windows operating system installer from disk to flash drive. The utility supports almost all operating systems used today, including Windows 7, 8, XP or Vista.

DirectX is a free assembly of Windows add-on programs required to support new technologies used to improve the performance of multimedia applications such as games, video files, and sound. As a rule, after installing this new API package, you will feel an increase in the performance of your video card, problems with graphics and sound (if any) in games will disappear. IN recent times, such API packages are bundled with new games, as the game maker clearly wants to be sure that their new creation will work without any problems on your computer.

Driver Booster is an application from the IObit software company designed to automatically search and update device drivers on personal computers running Windows. With this application, you can also remove unnecessary or incorrectly working drivers, create backup copies of the drivers present in the system.

Microsoft. NET Framework - latest free version software platform for Windows, which has been released and regularly updated by Microsoft since 2002. The platform is a set system libraries and components for developing and running applications. It was created with the aim to combine Microsoft developments and provide users with the opportunity to use these products not only on stationary computers, but also on various mobile devices.

Realtek HD Audio - drivers for integrated sound cards computers on Windows 10, 8, 7, XP. it free driverswhich are used by default in almost every computer. There are many functions and settings provided to customize the performance of your speaker system.

For a long time, reinstalling or updating drivers for many inexperienced users turned into a real headache. And the main problem was not so much installing them, but finding a new or correct version.

The fact is that the components included in the system unit may belong to different manufacturers, and it is not always possible to determine the brand using special ones.

Well, do not open the same system unit just to find out the brand of the manufacturer of this or that device. Fortunately, there are programs that allow you to reinstall or update drivers in a fully automatic mode and without any additional knowledge or experience.

In this review, we will look at five of the most famous programs to update drivers.

Driver Updater Genius Professional Edition

Additional features of Driver Checker include the export function. This unusual tool is intended for new versions of drivers from any computer with access to the Internet. At the same time, Driver Checker creates a special html file, opening which in a browser, the user will be taken to a page where all drivers marked by the program can be downloaded separately.

Driver Updater - Driver Magician

An alternative solution for finding and updating drivers can be the Driver Magician program from the developers of GoldSolution Software.

The program is easy to use and has a lightweight, minimized interface. In addition to the commercial version, which costs $ 29.95, there is a light version with reduced functionality distributed for free.

Unfortunately, with the free version, you can only back up and restore drivers that are already installed on the system. The upgrade tools include only the commercial version.

Driver Magician's work algorithm is somewhat different from the applications described above. You should start working with this program by updating the database, after which it is imperative to create a backup copy of all detected drivers. If the program displays a list of drivers not supplied by Microsoft (they are marked in red), then before making a reservation, select the "Find all drivers" item in the main menu.

By default Driver Magician copies drivers to a separate folder as individual files, but if desired, the user can specify a different type of reservation in the settings. Driver Magician supports creation of a zip archive, a self-extracting exe archive, and an auto installation executable file.

After scanning your system, Driver Magician will display a list of available drivers for update, including version, class (type), device, release date, and vendor information.

A distinctive feature, or rather a disadvantage of Driver Magician, is the absence of an automatic update function, in view of which each driver has to be downloaded manually.

However, this is not all. Many outdated drivers the program does not detect it, although new versions have appeared on the manufacturer's website for a long time.

The absence of the Russian language in the official version and the relatively high price with such weak functionality hardly testifies in favor of this application. The conclusion suggests itself - Driver Magician is significantly inferior driver programs Checker and Driver Genius and can only be used as an additional tool.

Driver Finder - DriverMax

If the price of the above applications does not suit you, or you prefer to use free software, we recommend paying attention to the program. This simple utility is designed primarily for reinstalling drivers, but can just as well be used to detect outdated and download the latest versions.

Unfortunately, there is no Russian language in the program. But DriverMax is free, though to work with it you need to register on the developer's website.

You can create an account directly in the program window by specifying mailing address, login and user password. Email should be indicated real, as it will receive a letter asking to confirm registration.

After that, you can use the program without any problem. DriverMax is a bit like Driver Magician in terms of its operation algorithm. Before updating, you must make a backup copy of all or selected drivers, saving each of them in a separate folder or zip them into a single zip archive. Then you can start analyzing and actually downloading new versions for the devices detected by the program.

It is interesting that the primary analysis (indexing) of the installed in the system driver DriverMax produces even with its own installation. You can also check the system for obsolete ones every time you start the program.

DriverMax divides all detected drivers into two categories: correct and requiring updating, and besides, the program can tell the drivers of which devices are missing at all. From the report provided by DriverMax, you can find out the version, creation date, quantity required files and data about the developer. Like Driver Magician, DriverMax lacks an automatic driver installation feature. After clicking the “Download” button, the program redirects the user to its “home” site, from where all the necessary drivers can be downloaded manually.

The disadvantages are all in plain sight - the lack of the Russian language, trust from users, the automatic update function, the inconvenient interface ... On a five-point scale, the program does not pull more than a C.

Driver updates software - DriverPack Solution

And last on our list is the wonderful software called DriverPack Solution. This renowned application combines functionality, security, high performance and ease of use in the best possible way. At the same time, DriverPack Solution is completely free, does not need installation and can be run from any portable media.

Unlike the applications discussed above, DriverPack Solution does not use an Internet connection - having downloaded the program once, which includes a huge number of drivers for different devices, you can use it whenever you want.

DriverPack Solution includes drivers for operating windows systems XP, Vista, 7 both bits, as well as a number free software... On the manufacturer's website, the program can be downloaded from a torrent, which is very convenient, since it allows the user to independently choose which driver packages to download.

To start working with the program, run the DriverPack Solution.exe file. The program will scan the system and upon completion of the check, it will display a list of obsolete and missing ones and offer to update (install) them. At the same time you can use additional features package - install the software included in DriverPack Solution, update, test rAM etc.

DriverPack Solution supports two modes of operation: simple, when the program performs all operations by itself, without any user intervention, and advanced (expert mode). Working in expert mode, the user can independently decide which drivers need to be updated and which not. In the new, twelfth version, the developers have finally implemented the function of creating backups. Moreover, it is possible to create backups of two types: from the current program database and from the drivers already installed in the system.

The only wonder is why so required function was not implemented before, because even this smart program how DriverPack Solution cannot provide a 100% guarantee that all updated drivers will work correctly.

This list could go on and on, but does it make sense? There are a couple dozen more similar, but lesser known programs on the net. Why lesser known? Perhaps because in fact they are not so good and it is for this reason that they did not receive user recognition. And this is a very important criterion when choosing any software, regardless of what task it was created for. You can't go wrong with it. And in the end, perhaps I should say a few more words.

Software for updating drivers, of course, is a thing, but nevertheless, to get carried away with finding and installing the most latest versions drivers are not worth it. If your system is stable and without errors, do not rush to update the drivers, let alone experiment with them - otherwise it may end up not at all what you would expect.

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