Last updated internet explorer. We update the Internet Explorer browser to the current version

Any program, preinstalled software and web browser must be updated from time to time. Thanks to this simple action, you will receive additional features that the product probably have along with updates, improved speed and performance in general. However, this article will not be devoted to updates in general, but to how to update the internet explorer browser. Despite the fact that many have already forgotten it, giving their preference to more promoted and improved browsers, the other half of the users still continue to use it successfully.

Internet Explorer 8 update

You can update the browser data in several ways, depending on which version you need. So, to understand how to update internet explorer, first of all, enter it. At the top left of the window, you will see the Tools tab, click on it.

You will see a list of different commands, among which select "", after which a new window will immediately open. Click "Configure" and wait until the system checks for updates. Then select "Clear All", it helps to filter out unnecessary updates. After that, you need to select the updates that relate to IE and uncheck them. In the options there will be an active line "View and install updates", click. The boot process will begin, after which the system will ask you to restart your computer, agree.

Internet Explorer 9 update

Go to the start menu, and type in the search "Updates", after which you will see "Windows Updates", click on them.

In the open window, on the left side, you should click "Check for updates", after which recommended and important updates will appear in a new window, from which you need to select the ones you need. "Install updates" and you're done!

Internet Explorer 10 update

We go into the browser and click on the gear icon in the upper right corner.

As a result of this action, you will see a list of some commands, select "About Internet Explorer". In the window that appears, check the box "Install new versions automatically", and that's it.From now on, your browser will itself update to the latest version when it is available. If, after updating the browser, you cannot start it or about incorrect work, for example, on Windows 8, then you need to fix such errors.

As you can see, updating IE is as easy as shelling pears and it won't take more than a couple of minutes of your time. But it will significantly improve browser performance, and therefore your productivity too.

Internet browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 was developed and released back in 2012 and is used by default in Windows 8. In 2013, MS IE10 became available for free download to all Windows 7 SP1 users. The browser offered better performance, developer capabilities, real-world download site performance, and expanded support for web standards. You can download the software for free in Russian from our or the official website of the developer.

It is faster than Internet Explorer 9, while, at the same time, it has updated: HTML5 support, CSS3 support, DOM support, SVG support. Updated API support for indexed databases. This version is already built in and ubiquitous. Added features for touchscreen users. IE 10 browser supports Do Not Track Now and sends the default header to all sites you connect to.

This has sparked some controversy with companies like Yahoo, which have said they will not comply with Microsoft's Do Not Track implementation. The main reason for this is that the function was designed as a conscious choice. Among the additional innovations, we note that the browser includes a spelling checker and automatic correction of the entered text.

For all its advantages, in Internet Explorer 10, the user can turn off the spelling correction feature if he considers it too intrusive.

Software interface

The browser interface includes an address bar, menu bar, favorites bar and status bar, which can be enabled or disabled individually via the View menu. In addition, in the "View" menu of Internet Explorer 10 in Russian, there are options for changing the encoding, viewing the page source, adjusting the text size and adjusting the page scaling.

Menu « File"In the browser provides options that are similar to those in most other Windows applications, such as Save, Save As, and Properties. You can also open a new window, tab, or session from the File menu.

The Edit menu in Internet Explorer is pretty mundane. The IE tool menu contains most of the browser's security features. The Tools menu provides access to features such as pop-up blocking, browser viewing, location tracking, and ActiveX filtering.

Menu « ToolsAlso includes an Internet Options command that can be used to change the home page, clear browser history, or change the browser's appearance. This dialog also contains a Security tab that can set the browser's security level and enable or disable Protected Mode.

On the tab “ ConfidentialityThe dialog box contains options that can block pop-ups, enable private browsing, and deny users access to the user's physical location. The dialog also contains a Contents tab with settings related to the use of certificates, autocomplete, etc.

The " Compound»Allows users to customize their Internet connection. In the Programs tab, users can manage add-ons, file associations, and applications that are used for Internet-related services such as email.

Finally, the " Additionally»Provides the finest control over almost every aspect of the browser. Users can completely customize browser behavior. We recommend downloading the Russian version of Internet Explorer 10 if you have not yet upgraded to more or simply prefer old, but reliable software.

Regardless of the popularity of browsers, IE is present for most users, since it comes with the Windows distribution and is part of the operating system. It is highly recommended to update it, whether it is the main browser or "in reserve". With the updates, a more stable version is installed, bugs are fixed and security when working on the Internet is increased. However, IE has its own refreshing features that set it apart from other browsers.

Since IE is part of the operating system, it is updated along with Windows. To start the update process, open the Start menu and go to Control Panel. Select "System and Security" and then click on "Windows Update". You are in the OS updates menu. If you have automatic updates turned off, turn it on.

Now on the right, select the "Search for Updates" option. Wait a couple of minutes while the search takes.

Now you can install service packs, which are divided into important and optional. IE updates are important, so click on the appropriate line.

Find the line Internet Explorer for Windows in the list and tick it. At the same time, you can safely highlight all the important updates to optimize the OS and patch security holes. Click "Ok".

In the update menu click on "Install updates". A restore point will be created so that in the event of a failure, the system can roll back to a healthy state. If you selected all important service packs, after installing them, the system will ask you to reboot. Click on the corresponding button in the update menu and wait until the system installs all the packages.

After rebooting, start IE. If the settings window appears when starting the browser, select the recommended settings and click "OK".

Now go to the settings menu in the upper right corner and select "About" from the list. Check the box for automatic browser refresh. Now you don't have to follow the steps described above every time, IE will keep track of new patches itself. Another way to update is to immediately install the latest version of the browser from the official Microsoft website. It is enough to follow the link and click "Download Internet Explorer". You will be prompted with the latest browser version. If you don't want to change your search engine to the one suggested by Microsoft, uncheck "Search Bing and MSN by default." After the installation file has finished downloading, run it. Confirm your actions in the window that appears by clicking "Run". After installing the browser, restart Windows and start IE. When the settings window appears, select the recommended settings.

Go to "Settings" - "About" and check the box "Install new versions automatically". The browser will now update itself.

Despite the seeming complexity of updating IE, it is enough to configure updates once, after which this process will be performed automatically. If you decide to download the browser installation file from the Internet, never download it from unknown sites, so as not to catch a virus. Use only Microsoft official website for updates. If you are using manual installation of Windows updates, remember to check the Update Center from time to time. Timely updates will make Internet surfing more comfortable and safer.

Now we will consider with you the fastest and easiest way to update the Internet Explorer 8 web browser installed on your computer to the latest, ninth version of Internet Explorer.

Computer software requirements

IE9 can only be installed on computers running Windows Vista or Windows 7. Both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture of these operating systems are supported. In fact, these are all the requirements that your computer must meet.

To verify that you are indeed using the eighth version of the IE web browser, follow these steps:

  1. Start Internet Explorer
  2. Select menu item Help - About the program.

Figure 1 - Help window "About"

If in the window that opens you can read that you have the eighth version of Internet Explorer installed - then everything is fine, you can proceed directly to the update process.

Download and install Internet Explorer 9

You can download Internet Explorer 9 from the official micro site of Microsoft's new web browser.

Attention! At this stage, you need to select the version of the operating system you have installed, including its architecture (32- or 64-bit). By default, both versions of IE9 will be automatically installed on 64-bit operating systems. You can later use any bit version, however 64-bit IE9 cannot be made the default browser.

A few seconds after downloading and running the web installer, the download and installation process for Internet Explorer 9 begins.

Figure 2 - Installation process of Internet Explorer 9

Note. If during the installation process it is found that any other programs are open on the computer, a corresponding warning will be displayed on the screen, where the installer will offer to automatically close the running programs. You can opt out of this, but in this case, during the installation process, you will need to restart our computer. In this case, it is better to take care in advance to save all the work you have done.

After restarting your computer, you can immediately start working on the Internet. To ensure that you have version 9 of IE installed, duplicate the steps described earlier.

Figure 3 - Help window "About"

As you can see, everything went well. Now you have installed the most modern web browser from Microsoft, and nothing prevents you from starting to explore the vastness of the World Wide Web right now. Welcome to the "beautiful Internet"!

The Explorer is on every PC with Windows OS. Typically, the browser version is outdated. This is because the recommended updates are not being downloaded. Many people think: why do this? Let's consider what it is for, how to update the Internet Explorer browser and make the updates happen automatically.

What is it for

Have you ever wondered, surfing the Internet, how the browser works. Developers are constantly adding new standards and scripting languages. They are not supported by browsers that do not have the latest updates. On a legacy browser, you cannot use features that work on modern sites. Also, content may not display correctly.
Think about safety too. Errors in the program code can lead to the loss of confidential information. Therefore, the update must be constantly monitored.
Depending on the Windows installed on the PC, there are different versions of the Explorer:

  • For windows xp, the latest supported version is IE8;
  • Vista OS supports the ninth;
  • For Windows 7 and 10, this is IE.

How to find out the installed version

Open IE. We find in the upper right "Service" (gear icon). Click on it with the left mouse button and select "About".

Important! Depending on the selected installation option, the Explorer will be fully downloaded to your PC, or a small file will be downloaded. Further download to the latest version will begin after installing it on the PC from the Microsoft server. In this case, the installation may be delayed. It depends on your internet connection speed.

How to update automatically

Windows 10 automatically and free of charge checks devices for the latest versions, which are downloaded and installed on your PC. IE is a Microsoft product, so all new updates will be downloaded to your PC automatically. To do this, configure the system.
Go to "Start" - "Options" - "Windows Update Center". Further "Check".
If everything is set, this will be reflected in the message.


The stable version of the browser is installed with the updates. A browser is a program that allows you to access the Internet. The security of the PC directly depends on the reliability of its operation. The updated browser will work faster and without freezes, it will be possible to load new plugins.

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