Why the computer mouse won't listen. The computer mouse has gone mad! Why is the mouse jumping? Causes of problems and their solutions

What if my computer mouse won't listen?

    The most common reasons for jerking optical mouse:

    1. The use of shiny surfaces (for example - lacquered tables) and especially plexiglass instead of a normal mouse pad.
    2. Strong mouse exposure, such as direct sunlight.

    In the first case, in the absence of a normal rug, as a temporary measure, you can put at least a sheet of plain paper under the mouse. It usually helps.

    First check the mouse for working condition, that is, plug it into another computer or laptop - will it work ?! If it works, but it sticks to yours, maybe it's the input, you can try to insert it into another input. If this did not work out - the mouse works the same way, then adjust the mouse. You can do it like this: start-control panel-mouse! And customize as you need, as you like!

    The mouse is probably optical, is it shining red from the belly? Perhaps a hair has fallen into the window of the optical system. Get it out of there, and everything will return to normal. It also happens when the substrate is not suitable for the sensor, it glares. But this is usually resolved immediately.

    In such cases, I take it out of the computer and plug it back in. Begins to obey. But even with me it often happens that it spontaneously roams around the screen. Horror stories. Probably the computer started up.

    perhaps you frantically jerked your foot and hooked the mouse wire below. He just came out of the nest! Insert it, but remember that some types of mice can only be connected when the computer is turned off! So, the algorithm is as follows - turn off the computer, connect the mouse and turn on the computer!

    It happens to me too. Personally, the button on the mouse pad helps me (I have a wireless mouse with a wired mouse pad). But if you have a different type of mouse, then you can take out the mouse cord and insert it back or restart the computer. I think this is a temporary problem that will be resolved. If the problem persists and the methods do not help, you will have to buy a new mouse.

    There are, of course, many options, the first one is something from below where it glows red. Second, the mouse itself may be faulty, another of the options that happened to me is hacking and unauthorized access to your personal computer. Try to turn off the Internet, if hacking then the mouse should stop in one position and move only according to your movement.

It is unlikely that anyone counted how much it takes an ordinary computer mouse to run across the table during one working day while actively working, say, in a graphics editor or in a publishing system. During the day, the mouse's mileage is probably measured in tens of meters. And in a week? Per month? Per year? Is it any surprise that this peripheral fails the most often. Many even consider computer "mouses" to be a kind of consumable material similar to cartridges for printers, and hence the conclusion: it is hardly worth starting repairing a broken mouse at home if you do not have sufficient qualifications. But it is necessary to periodically clean the mouse from the dirt and dust that gradually accumulates inside the case: most often they are the reason for the deterioration of the quality of the mouse operation with its completely serviceable mechanics and electronic circuit.

Dirt (dust mixed with the sweat of the palms and small filaments from the mat) falls on the ball, and from it - on the coordinate rollers of the axes rotated by it, rolling on them with dense rings. As a result, the ball begins to slide, and the mouse cursor makes characteristic jerks on the screen when the mouse moves smoothly across the table. Or, conversely, you can only move it with a sharp jerk of the mouse. Both mean that it is time to clean the mouse. This operation is simple and does not require any special tools, only three things are needed: some accuracy, tweezers and a cotton swab moistened with alcohol, vodka or even just cologne.

Take the mouse in your left hand and turn it "belly up". On the bottom one can clearly see a lid holding the ball with a hole through which the ball touches the table (in a mouse turned upside down, the ball is "sunk" into the body). On the lid it is easy to find an arrow stamped in plastic and the words "open". Remove the ball from the hole, and you will see a support roller and two cylindrical rollers, the axes of which are mutually perpendicular, along its edges. See how much dirt is stuck on them! It is these gray-brown ring-shaped stripes that spoil the mood for you and your faithful mouse. They can be cleaned off with an alcohol cotton swab clamped in tweezers (make sure that the liquid does not drip inside the case, especially if it is not pure alcohol, but an aqueous solution), or gently scrape off, gradually turning the rollers and blowing loose pieces of dirt from the hole. The support roller, which is attached to a spring, is cleaned in a similar way. And finally, when everything is done, it remains only to put the ball in its original place, cover the hole with a lid and turn it in the "close" direction.

If cleaning the rollers does not help to restore the former smoothness of the mouse cursor movements, and also if the cursor can only move along the screen in one direction (horizontally or vertically), then this means, alas, a circuit malfunction, optomechanics or a break in the communication cable with the computer ... Having a radio-mounting soldering iron at hand and in the absence of a warranty for the mouse, you can try to replace the cable or probe it along its entire length in search of a damaged area. The same soldering iron will also help in the event of a breakdown of one of the buttons (usually the left one, which is used most often): in a three-button mouse, you can replace the faulty microswitch with one located under the middle button, which is rarely used. But any such repairs can be seen rather as a temporary measure before buying a new mouse - it's better not to save on this.

If immediately after starting the computer, the mouse cursor starts blinking, scurrying around the screen or trying to control Norton Commander instead of the user, this most likely indicates a mismatch of the driver used for this mouse model or a damaged driver (in the latter case, it is recommended to rewrite it In addition, check the position of the mouse mode switch ("two-button / three-button"): in many models it is located on the bottom and when moving on the table may move to an unstable middle position, forcing the driver work instead of a two-button mouse with a three-button mouse recognized by it when it starts up, or vice versa.

See in issue on the same topic


Vyazanichev I. Mice. "ComputerPress", 1990, No. 9.

Ioffe AF Personal computers in organizational management. Moscow: Nauka, 1988.

The computer gains intelligence. M .: Mir, 1990.

Kuznetsov E. The new Pointix mouse technology makes the work of PC users easier. "PCWeek / RE", 1997, 15 July.

"Bat" for computing machines. "Computing technology and its application", 1991, No. 5.

McCracken H. Nimble fingers will replace the mouse. "PC World", 1994, No. 8.

Milt L. Computer pointing device for working with three-dimensional graphic images. Electronics, 1991.

Marble mouse. "Home Computer", 1998, No. 7.

Riofrio M. Comfortable trackball. "PC World", 1997, No. 5.

Rybakov M. A. Anatomy of a personal computer. M .: Intermekhanika, 1990.

Teach G. Personal computers for scientists. Moscow: Mir, 1990.

Fainberg V. New "mice" - a trinket or a necessity. "ComputerPress", 1990, No. 8.

Users often encounter problems that arise when working with a computer. One such problem is it stops working computer mouse ... What could be the cause of the malfunction, we will analyze in the article.

Types of mice

Computer mice can be classified according to these criteria.

Causes of problems

There are a lot of reasons why the cursor does not move and the computer mouse stopped working, but they can be divided into two groups: hardware and software.

We will refer to hardware:

We will classify the software as:

  1. Malfunctions related to the device driver.
  2. Intentional disabling of the mouse by malware.
  3. A conflict between the mouse utilities and other software.
  4. Malfunctions operating system that created a chain of problems that led to the inoperability of the device.


Before taking any major troubleshooting steps, check:

Important! If the device is not recognized (device descriptor request failed) or your mouse is in the "Other devices" section, the solution to the problem is described in detail in this.


If you checked the mouse by software, and when connected, the cursor does not move or does not move correctly, the problem is in the hardware of the device. To eliminate:

Wireless with USB transmitter

If you have a wireless mouse connected to a PC via a transmitter, go through and read the publication about. Nothing helped? Try the following:

Important! Software installed for another product (mouse, wireless keyboard , touchpad, sensor) may conflict with the wireless mouse. We recommend uninstalling the utilities, restarting the computer and checking the operation of the manipulator.


If you are using a bluetooth pointing device and the cursor stops working:

  1. Turn off, replace batteries and turn on the device.
  2. Check the operation of the transceiver (reboot it, connect another device to Bluetooth).
  3. Check the operation of the driver for the Bluetooth transmitter.
  4. If necessary, roll back to previous version or reinstall the driver.


If the Wi-Fi mouse cursor stops working or begins to "twitch", the reason may be in the protocol that the router uses. This is because the device and the router are operating in the same 2.4 GHz band. To solve this problem without replacing the mouse:

  1. Go to the router settings in the Wi-Fi section.
  2. Change the protocol to 802.11g, and save the changes (experiment was performed on D-Link Dir-615M).
  3. Reboot your router and turn off / on your mouse.

Important! Changing the protocol is suitable if the Internet speed is not higher than 25 Mbit / s.


First of all, check if the touchpad is enabled on the laptop. We recommend that you read the information on setting up the touchpad on this one.

The touchpad can be disabled by software. Go to BIOS:

If turning on does not help and everything is in order with the driver, then there is a problem in the hardware. This could be:

  • damage to the touch panel;
  • disconnecting the loop.

Advice! If you are confident in your abilities, you can check the fastening of the touchpad cable. It happens that during transportation, it jumps out of the connector to the motherboard.

If the tips in the article did not help you find the mouse connection problem,. Describe your problem in detail, we will try to find the answer together.

Users sometimes face such a problem when the mouse stops responding to clicks. What is the reason for this problem? How can you deal with such a task? What features this process recommended to pay attention? In some cases, factors that have absolutely nothing to do with input devices can influence the mouse. The user can immediately carry the faulty item for diagnosis system administrators ... This is a completely logical decision, but there is still no need to rush. You can try to figure out on your own why the mouse does not respond to clicks, and try to cope with the problems without outside help.

Mouse does not respond to clicks: clogging

The first and most common reason for the lack of response to clicks is common equipment clogging. If the mouse refuses to respond to a click or does it every other time, then it is recommended to check it for cleanliness. To eliminate such a problem as clogging is possible only with completely new equipment. If the device has already worked for some time, then in case of problems with the mouse, you can start cleaning this component. This is not so difficult to do, and the result will not be long in coming. When the user gets rid of all the dirt that has accumulated under the mouse buttons, it will work in full force.

Mouse does not respond to clicks: malfunction

We have considered only one scenario. There are actually many options. What if the mouse doesn't respond to clicks? The equipment is likely to be out of order. This is true for any devices, both new and already working for some time. If the equipment is defective, it is recommended to take it to service center ... Here the craftsmen can check the device and say if it needs to be repaired. If yes, then you can safely leave the mouse until troubleshooting at the service center. Otherwise, you will have to completely change the input device.

Functional check

Even if the mouse is cleaned of dust and dirt, it still does not respond to responses, you can still check its performance. To do this, it is recommended to connect the device to another computer, install the drivers for the hardware and make sure that everything works properly. This technique makes it possible to make visits to service centers with specific claims. This test can help you identify the sources of failures and problems.

What other options are there for the development of events? What should you pay attention to in other situations?

Connectors and sockets

What if the mouse refuses to respond to clicks? First of all, don't panic. This problem is common for many users. Sometimes the problem is technical. However, it does not pose any danger to the operating system or computer. Possible cause the problem may become a damaged connector. If the socket to which the equipment is connected is damaged, then the contact between the mouse and the pointing device can be established every other time. There is only one way out of this situation - try to connect the mouse to another socket. This is the only way to fix the problem. It is worth noting that the connector on the device may also be damaged. In the best way to fix the situation in this case will be the purchase of a new mouse. Generally, connectors cannot be repaired. After the repair work, they still break down, and quite quickly.


What if the mouse stops responding to mouse clicks or does it every other time? There can be many options for the development of events. As mentioned earlier, the problems are often technical. However, there are exceptions. The layout, which will be discussed below, is typical for gaming mice. The problem usually lies with the drivers. This software is responsible for recognizing devices in the operating system. The complete absence of this software or the old version can cause the mice to work every other time or not be detected by the computer as available hardware at all. In this case, you only need to install the drivers on your computer (usually they are already included with the mice). You can also try updating your existing drivers. After that, you should restart the operating system. If these procedures have brought a positive result, then you do not need to worry. If the mouse refuses to work, then you need to continue looking for the source of the problem. There are many alternatives.


Only laptop owners can face this problem. Is there a cursor on the screen, but the mouse does not always respond to clicks or refuses to work at all? You can try to test the touchpad. If it functions normally, it is recommended to disable this component. The whole problem lies in the fact that some assemblies of the operating system and laptops do not support the simultaneous operation of the mouse and touchpad. The result is a hardware conflict. The mouse refuses to function properly. When the touchpad is disconnected, the connected device will be fully functional again. You can continue to use the mouse. And don't be surprised if the problem is sudden. Nobody is safe from such situations.


If the mouse does not respond to clicks, then the problem may lie elsewhere. Slow response from input / output devices in some cases can be explained by high processor load. Why can such a phenomenon be observed on a PC? There are many options for the development of events. The most common are the following:

A large number of functioning programs;

Non-compliance of the PC with the system requirements of the operating system;

Exposure to viruses and other malicious objects;

Long equipment operation without rebooting or shutting down;

Insufficient hard disk space for normal operation of the operating system.

In any case, it is necessary to provide unloading to the processor. In this case, the user is advised to close numerous programs that are running in the background. You can also restart your computer. Better to let him rest for a couple of hours. After that, the user must resume trying to connect the keypad. The problem should go away.

Impact of viruses

What if the mouse doesn't respond to clicks? As mentioned above, the real cause of hardware problems may well be virus activity. A computer infection may well lead to this phenomenon. What to do in this case? You must try to cure your computer. If this problem occurs when working on a laptop, the touchpad will save you. With the touchpad, you can easily control the cursor and the PC. Antivirus program will be able to find and disinfect potentially dangerous files. If this fails, the user will be prompted to delete the document. When the cursor cannot be controlled at all, the computer is usually taken to a service center. There they will quickly be able to cure your system of all viruses, without causing any damage to the owner's data.


If the mouse refuses to respond to clicks, then it is recommended to pay attention to system requirements ... The problem may be that all modern equipment has certain system requirements for the computer. Non-compliance with the system requirements may make the device impossible to operate. Or it will be unstable. If an incompatibility with the operating system is found, the problem can be solved in several ways. The user can either change the operating system or change the connected equipment. In practice, the second option is most often encountered. It is recommended to pay special attention to compatibility issues for owners of devices running on the Windows 10 operating system. A lot of equipment today conflicts with this operating system. Therefore, do not be surprised that the operating room windows system does not respond to mouse clicks. How to be in this situation? It has already been said that it is necessary either to change the operating system, or to change the connected equipment. How exactly to proceed in this case? Everyone decides this for himself.

Power supply

The last reason why a mouse connected to a computer may not respond is wrong settings power supply. This problem usually occurs on laptops. It is recommended to go to the power settings and disable the function that allows the disconnection of USB ports. It is to them that information input-output devices are directly connected. Then you need to save all the settings and restart your computer. The work of the mouse after that, as practice shows, is getting better. It's actually not all that difficult. It is enough just to go through all the available options. Then you will be 100% able to figure out why the problem occurred. Do not rush to purchase new equipment. It will likely be possible to do without it. If the user doubts his abilities, then you can immediately carry the computer and faulty equipment to the service center. There you will quickly be helped to diagnose the malfunction and fix the problem.

A computer mouse is an ingenious device that was created almost in the middle of the last century. Without this simple thing, we would not be able to fully manage a computer and a laptop, because a replacement for it as such simply does not exist. Therefore, when it stops working normally or is simply "buggy", it is necessary to somehow solve this problem. Today I will talk about why the mouse may not work and what actions need to be taken to revive it.

Causes of problems and their solutions

  • To understand whether the device really does not work or the problem lies with your computer, you need to connect it to another PC or laptop. If the mouse turns out to be fully functional, then try inserting it into a different port on your main computer - it is known that USB ports are often "buggy", and rearranging the plug will work. If you have a PS / 2 mouse, I recommend purchasing a special PS / 2 / USB adapter so that you can use the device through any USB port. The PS / 2 connector itself may not work, hence the problem.
  • The next step is to carefully look at the mouse, in particular, at the LED. If it is lit, but the device does not want to work, then the matter is probably in the "software". To get started, just try to restart your computer (and don't laugh, this works in very many cases) and if it doesn't help, then try installing the driver specifically for your device. To do this, go to the manufacturer's official website and download the required drivers.
  • In some cases, a problem may arise after installing one or another software - probably there is a conflict in the system, as a result of which the mouse stops responding to any actions. Often, something similar happens when viruses get on your computer. What to do in such situations? It is recommended that you boot your computer into safe mode and check the performance of the "rodent". If it works, then either remove the installed software, or roll back the system to an earlier date. And of course, don't forget to scan your PC for viruses.
  • Interestingly, PS / 2 mouse users are more likely to encounter the problem. Why? The fact is that the plug used in such devices is not perfect. It consists of many contacts (such as pins) that tend to bend. For example, you took the plug out of the port and put it back in, after which the mouse stopped working. Some of the pins appear to be bent and need to be returned to their normal position. This can be done, for example, using the most ordinary tweezers or something sharp (even the most ordinary ballpoint pen may work for you). USB mice are completely devoid of this problem due to a much more sophisticated system.
  • In theory, the wire could be damaged. This rarely happens, since it is not exposed to strong mechanical stress. And yet, pets often gnaw through the wire. So, we carefully examine it for external damage and if you did not find any, then we do the following: we take the mouse in our hands and begin to move the wire. If the indicator (LED) starts blinking at this moment, then, apparently, the matter is really in the wire. It needs to be replaced, although in most cases it will be cheaper to purchase a new "rodent".
  • In case you are using a wireless mouse, the most common cause of the problem is a dead battery, as well as a problem with the Bluetooth receiver driver.
  • Now let's move on to the buttons and wheel. If we talk about buttons, then the inoperability of one or both of them is most often associated with a mechanical problem. In theory, it is possible to rewire the microcircuit, but this is usually not economically viable - a new mouse costs the same amount, if not cheaper. But if the wheel sticks, then it makes sense to disassemble the device and clean it from dirt - hair and other "charms" are wound on the wheel, which interfere with its operation. Try to clear the wheel, everything should be fine.
  • Continuing the conversation about buttons, we must mention that for additional buttons located on the sides of the mouse (they are usually used in games), you need to install other drivers that come with the device. They can also be downloaded from the manufacturer's website.
  • In the event that the mouse still works, but not quite adequately, for example, it jumps from side to side, then dirt may be to blame for this (in the case of ball-point mice, this, one might say, is normal), and problems with settings. If in the first case it is enough to clean the device from dirt, then in the second you need to play around with the settings. For example, try adjusting the sensitivity of your gadget. How to do it, me.
  • If problems with inoperability occur in games, or rather, the mouse does not work in a specific position, then the problem is 99% in the settings of the game itself.

What cannot be done?

  • If you recently purchased a mouse that is under warranty and it stops working, then do not try to repair it yourself - this may result in a loss of warranty.
  • You can damage the device if you start repairing it yourself without the necessary skills. Therefore, I recommend contacting specialists with similar problems.

Finally, I will say that in most cases it is quite easy to solve the problem yourself, for this you just need to find the cause of the problem, which most often lies in the software. If you have any questions, please contact.

Sometimes users face a problem when the mouse does not respond to clicks. Why can this happen? How is it proposed to deal with the task at hand? What features and nuances of the process are recommended to pay attention to? Sometimes factors that are not at all related to information can influence the mouse. Users can immediately take faulty hardware to system administrators for diagnosis. This is a logical decision, but you shouldn't rush. You can independently figure out why the mouse does not always respond to clicks, and even cope with problems without outside help.


The first and fairly common cause of the phenomenon under study may be a banal clogging of equipment. If the mouse does not respond well to a click or does it every other time, it is recommended to check its purity.

Clogging can be eliminated only on new equipment. If the device has already worked for some time, then in case of problems with the mouse, you can start cleaning the component. This is not so difficult to do. The result will not keep you waiting - after the user removes all the dirt accumulated under the buttons, the mouse will work in full force.


But this is only one scenario. In fact, there are a lot of possible layouts. Mouse not responding to clicks? It is likely that the equipment is out of order. Relevant for any device - both new and already working for some time.

It is recommended to take the defective equipment to a service center. There, the foremen will check the device and say if it needs to be repaired. If so, you can leave the mouse in the service center until the troubleshooting. Otherwise, you will have to completely change the input device.

Functional check

If a new or already cleaned mouse from dirt and dust does not respond to clicks, you can independently check its performance. To do this, it is recommended to connect the device to another computer, install the hardware drivers, and make sure everything works.

This technique allows you to make visits to service centers with specific claims. Also, with the help of such a check, you can often understand the sources of problems and failures. What other scenarios are possible? What should you pay attention to in this or that case?

Jacks and connectors

Mouse not responding to clicks? What to do? For starters, don't panic. This problem is encountered by many users, often the source of trouble is a purely technical component, it does not pose any danger to the computer or operating system.

Alternatively, a damaged connector may be the cause of problems with the mouse. The socket to which the equipment is connected is damaged, as a result of which contact between the machine and the manipulator is established every time.

There is only one way out - connect the mouse to another socket. This is the only way to fix the problem. By the way, the connection connector on the device may also be damaged. In this situation, it is best to purchase a new mouse. After all, connectors are usually not repairable. Or, after these manipulations, they still break, and very quickly.


What if the mouse does not respond to clicks or does it every other time? There are many options for the development of events. It has already been said that often all problems are technical. But there are exceptions.

For example, the following layout is typical for gaming mice. It's all about the drivers. This software is responsible for recognizing devices in the operating system. Old version or the complete absence of these applications can lead to the fact that the mice will work every other time. Or even find themselves among unknown to the computer equipment.

In this case, you just need to install the drivers on the computer (usually they are attached to the mice) or update the existing ones. The operating system then reboots. Is there any progress? Then you don't have to worry. Does your mouse still not work fully? We need to look for the source of the problem further. There are still many alternatives.


Only laptop owners face this problem. Does the mouse not always respond to clicks or does not work at all, although there is a cursor? You can try to test the operation of the touchpad. If it functions normally, it is recommended to disable this component.

The thing is that some laptops and operating system assemblies do not support the simultaneous operation of the touchpad and mouse. Therefore, there is a hardware conflict. As a result, the mouse refuses to work normally.

As soon as the touchpad is disconnected, the operability of the connected device will return to full. And you can continue to use the mouse. By the way, do not be surprised if the problem has arisen suddenly - no one is immune from this.


But if the mouse does not immediately respond to clicks, then the problem may be different. For example, a slow response from information is sometimes attributed to high CPU utilization.

Why is this phenomenon observed on computers? There are a lot of options. Among the most common are the following:

  • a large number of functioning programs;
  • inconsistency of the computer with the system requirements of the operating system;
  • viruses;
  • long equipment operation without shutdown or reboot;
  • lack of hard disk space for normal operation of the OS.

In any case, you need to provide unloading to the processor. It is recommended to close numerous programs running in the background and restart the machine. Better to give her a few hours to rest. Next, the user must resume trying to connect the mouse. The problem should go away.


Mouse not responding to clicks? The virus, as already mentioned, is the wave of the real cause of the arising hardware problem. Any computer "infection" can lead to this phenomenon.

What should be done in this case? We must try to cure the computer. If the problem is observed on a laptop, the touchpad will save. With it, you can easily control your computer and cursor. The anti-virus system will find and disinfect potentially dangerous files. If this fails, the user will be prompted to delete the document.

As a rule, when the cursor cannot be controlled at all, the computer is taken to a service center. There, the system will quickly be cured of all viruses without causing any damage to the owner's data.


If the mouse does not respond to clicks, you should pay attention to the system requirements. The point is that all modern equipment has certain requirements for a computer. The discrepancy between them makes it impossible for the device to work. Or it will be unstable.

When incompatibility with the operating system is found, there are several ways to solve the problem. Either the user changes the OS or the connected equipment. The second option is most often encountered in practice. It is recommended to pay special attention to compatibility issues for owners of "Windows 10". A lot of hardware conflicts with this operating system. Therefore, there is no need to be surprised that Windows does not respond to mouse clicks.

What to do in this situation? It has already been said: either change the connected equipment, or change the operating system. How exactly to proceed? Everyone decides for himself.

Power supply

This is the final reason why the mouse connected to the computer is not responding. All the fault of the power supply settings. This problem is most common on laptops.

As practice shows, after that the work of the mouse is getting better. In fact, everything is not so difficult. Enough to iterate over everything possible options ... This is the only way to understand 100% what is the matter. You shouldn't rush to buy new equipment either. It is likely that you can do without it.

If the user doubts his abilities, you can take the computer along with the faulty equipment to a service center. There they will quickly help not only diagnose, but also fix any computer problem. How exactly to proceed? The final decision is always with the user!

Hello! In this short post, I would like to tell you about why a mouse may not work on a computer. The other day, this happened to me, later the mouse worked for me again and I decided to write an article about it. There are several ways to do this. Well, let's get started.

Method 1 - restart your computer

Most often this happens due to a failure of the operating system or drivers. One way to get your mouse back on line is to restart your computer. In my case, it helped, the mouse worked again for me. Therefore, the most effective and convenient way is to restart your computer.

Method 2 - checking drivers

If method # 1 did not help you, then you need to check the drivers. The keyboard will help you to do these actions, for this you use the buttons: Tab, windows, shift + F10, arrows. Go to My Computer \u003d\u003e Properties \u003d\u003e Device Manager \u003d\u003e Mice and other pointing devices. If you see an exclamation mark next to the words “mice and other pointing devices”, it means that you must reinstall the drivers on your computer.

Method 3 - check the operation of the mouse itself

If both of the above methods did not help you, then you need to make sure that your mouse works at all. To do this, you need to plug the mouse into another USB port. If you have another computer, you can use this method or check the performance of the mouse with your friends. If your mouse does not work even then, then you will have to spend a little money.

Well, this is where I end my post. I hope my advice helped you get your mouse back to work. Most often, method # 1 helps: restart the computer. At least in my case, it helped. On this I say goodbye to you. Bye everyone!

Yours faithfully, Albert Karamov.

Users often encounter problems that arise when working with a computer. One of these problems is the computer mouse stops working. What could be the cause of the malfunction, ...

Users often encounter problems that arise when working with a computer. One of these problems is the computer mouse stops working. What could be the cause of the malfunction, ...

how to troubleshoot mouse problems

in mouse operation

If your mouse does not work well, then take your time
run to the store for a new one, and try to "cure" the old one.

Initially - make sure
that there is no problem in the mouse itself.

If wired - is the wire damaged?
If it's wireless - is it time for the battery?
change or fix the USB connector.

If everything is in order with this, then connect to the Windows problem.

There are tons of ways to improve your mouse experience on your computer.
Can customize mouse operation "For yourself" or change pointers.

And you can troubleshoot
or update the configuration.

In different Windows packages, the path to the mouse settings may differ.
In Windows 7 - as described below. In other Windows packages - maybe
be different. But mouse settings are a must.

The beginning of the path to elimination
problems starts with the Start button.

In the right column of the menu, the Start button, if any,
select "Devices and Printers".

A window will open in which there will be all devices,
connected to your computer.

If there is no function in the right column of the Start menu
"Devices and Printers", then click "Control Panel".

And select in the section "Equipment and Sound" -
button "View devices and printers".

Or you can click "Hardware and Sound"
and in the new Devices and Printers window.

In any of the options - a window will open
with connected devices (screenshot above).

To troubleshoot - click
over the mouse file to highlight.

If there is no File button in Explorer, right-click
by clicking on the mouse file. A context menu will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

And choose, from the context menu, "Troubleshooting".
Wait for the troubleshooter to diagnose the problem (this may take a few minutes) and then follow the instructions.

Although there may be no instructions.
If the problem is solved without your participation.
An active “Finish” button will appear at the bottom of the window.
Press and, for correct mouse operation,
restart your computer.

How to update mouse configuration

If the troubleshooter doesn't help
mouse problem - config can be updated.

This can be done through the device manager.
You can find it through the Start button.

Start → Control Panel → Hardware and Sound.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

Under Devices and Printers, click on Device Manager. This tab will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

In this tab find the mouse, right-click
mouse and select "Update hardware configuration".
And the program will update.

And another problem happens with the mouse - the computer does not respond
on clicks of the left mouse. I myself have recently encountered such a phenomenon.
The mouse pointer moves across the screen, the left mouse clicks, but does not open anything. No windows, no start - nothing. The right mouse opens the context menu, while the left mouse cannot open anything from this menu. Neither an emergency shutdown of the computer, nor all kinds of advice from the Internet (about the Enter key and the "hot keys" Ctrl + Alt + Del) - did not help to solve the problem. At first I thought that there was a problem with the computer, and then I connected another mouse. And after Windows installed the driver for this mouse, everything worked fine.

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