Programs for android on pc. The best Android emulators on PC. Koplayer system requirements

Programs emulators of the Android OS for a computer with support for the Russian language are very popular software products not only for those who like to play mobile games, but also for a wide range of developers who are testing written applications. Considering that now every modern person actively uses Android-based mobile devices in his life, emulators will allow not only to run game applications, but also to fully use the installed software with further synchronization with the main devices.

After installing the Android emulator for PC on Windows, you will even be able to use the necessary applications from Google Play. During the installation process, the emulator will equip your operating system with the necessary drivers and files to ensure its correct operation. After the installation is complete, the program will provide you with the opportunity to make additional settings for further work according to your requirements. For example, you can choose the quality of the image that will be broadcast to you, determine the amount of resources on your computer that will be allocated, and so on. As a result, after completing the installation and configuration of the software, you can proceed to the full use of Android applications on your computer.

Greetings, dear lovers of tablet computers. In today's article I have made a selection of the best, in my opinion, emulators of the Android operating system for Windows. Also, based on all the material received, I will try to select the best Android emulator.

The Android app store has several hundred thousand different software products, both paid and free. Such an abundance of applications makes this operating system, along with iOS, one of the most popular and demanded mobile operating systems in the world.

It is quite logical that with such, I am not afraid of the word, huge popularity, various emulators appear on the pc, allowing you to open applications developed for Android on a regular platform. Below you can find a list of the brightest and highest quality representatives of emulators for Android.


This emulator is perfect for testing your applications created for the Android operating system, all this is available thanks to the built-in hardware OpenGL acceleration. In the past, this project (emulator) was called Android VM, gradually it grew into a full-fledged, and in my opinion, one of the highest quality products of this kind of all available.

Genymotoin software tool is a multi-platform emulator, which means that it is available for most operating systems such as: Windows, MacOS, Linux.

Of the large number of advantages and capabilities of this software tool, I would like to note the following:

  • Quite an impressive base of devices supported for emulation. At the same time, the database is constantly updated, which, of course, cannot but rejoice;
  • Allows you to emulate a Wi-Fi connection;
  • Emulation of the rear and front video cameras on the device;
  • The ability to create screen castes.

This, of course, is not a complete list of all the advantages of this tool. I deliberately did not touch on some features. they are unlikely to be understood by an ordinary, ordinary PC user.

Despite all the possibilities and advantages of this emulator, of course there are also disadvantages, where without them.

  • Apps built with Adobe Air Mobile are not supported by this emulator.

If you do not know which tool to choose, then I recommend starting your searches with this emulator.


Emulator website -

The emulator is a creation of Chinese developers. Of course, this program does not reach the level of the previous one, but it can still be used as an alternative tool. No special features or advantages were noticed.

I would like to note the operating speed of this emulator, it is indeed slightly higher than the speed of other tools. But, coupled with the amount of "brakes" and "glitches", this seemingly tangible plus fades. Perhaps by the time you read this article, the developers have eliminated the most obvious flaws and bugs. Suitable for Windows XP, 7, 8.


Not exactly an emulator, in the usual sense of the word. This product is rather an environment for running Android games on a personal computer under the control of the Windows operating system. If you are looking for an emulator only for running games, then you will not find a better tool.

Of the advantages that this emulator has, I would like to note the rather good speed of the application.

YouWave for Android

A small, simple program for emulating the Android operating system. If you compare it with other representatives of XP, 7,8) from this list, then YouWave is one of the most used tools. All the same, simplicity and an intuitive interface are the two most important qualities of a good emulator.

It would seem, why emulate the Android mobile operating system on a computer if you are not a developer? There are plenty of reasons for this, and one of them is the huge ecosystem of applications and games that are created specifically for Android, but are not present on Windows, Linux or OS X. What to do if you want to continue playing Clash of Clans on your computer or upload a high-quality photo to Instagram from PC? Of course, it is worth resorting to the help of emulators. The best ones are presented in this article.

Bluestacks - all in one

One of the most popular and fastest growing Android emulators for Windows and OS X. With the 2.0 update, the emulator literally changed - a fresh, but sometimes overloaded interface appeared, the developers began to position Bluestacks more as an opportunity to play Android games and for this they added several useful functions.

Most programs and games are compatible with Bluestacks - as the developers themselves say, and in general, the library of software for the emulator is quite extensive. It is worth noting that all games and applications are specially optimized in the Bluestacks internal directory, that is, they will definitely work on a computer. If you install a third-party APK file, then, of course, its correct operation is not guaranteed. Some programs are completely built into the emulator and work almost out of the box, for example - Instagram. All the features typical for the emulator are present: changing the screen orientation, imitating shaking, taking screenshots, emulating GPS, convenient work with files - dragging and dropping from Windows Explorer or Finder OS X into the program, copy / paste, and sound control.

You can easily switch between open applications and games using tabs, just like in a browser. Among other things, support for gamepads is implemented for games. If Bluestacks has its drawbacks, then probably only low performance and sometimes too cumbersome interface can be attributed to them. You can download Bluestacks for Windows and OS X on Treshbox or on the official website of the emulator.

Nox App Player - convenient and functional

It represents a more minimalistic, convenient and functional solution. Compared to the same Bluestacks, Nox does not have any bulky menus with recommendations, various synchronizations with your own account and other functionality that will be superfluous for most users. When you launch Nox App Player, the user will see the familiar Android desktop with a sidebar where the buttons for quick functions are located, as well as the familiar Home, Back and Recent. The developers decided to remove the bottom bar with control buttons to save space.

One distinctive feature is immediately noticeable - when launching applications that work only in portrait orientation, the emulator screen and window are adjusted. That is, there will be no situations like in Bluestacks, where portrait programs take up ¼ of the screen, and the rest is empty space. By the way, in the settings you can adjust the window size and orientation, as well as performance by allocating processor cores and memory.

Geeks in Nox App Player will appreciate the function of getting by switching one toggle switch in the settings. And here you can also set custom keyboard shortcuts. Even without rooting in Nox App Player, you can record video from the screen. It might not even have been mentioned if the emulator was using a fresh version of Android (video recording is available since 5.0), but, unfortunately, the Nox developers are still stuck on 4.4.2 KitKat.

For games, the Nox App Player is not the best way - in many, the graphics are displayed incorrectly. The emulator is more tailored for applications and work with them. For example, to create videos and beautiful screenshots without top and bottom bars. Also, the emulator is integrated with the Windows 10 notification system. You can download the Nox App Player emulator for Windows on the Treshbox and the official website of the project.

Genymotion - for developers

Genymotion is an emulator built specifically for Android game and app developers, but ordinary people can also use it. Unlike the previous two emulators, Genymotion is present on all three popular desktop platforms - Windows, OS X and Linux.

Since Genymotion is an alternative to the emulator built into the Android SDK, templates of a wide variety of Android devices are available in it - from smartphones and tablets of the Nexus line to some little-known state employees. The emulator of each device has a set of relevant characteristics: screen size and resolution, processor and video chip, battery, GPS and support for cellular networks, and some others. When you start an application or game in the emulator, you can call a special panel to control all these device parameters. For example, you can find out how the program will behave when the GPS or the Internet is turned off. Also, device parameters can be freely edited.

For ordinary users who would like to play and use mobile applications on a computer, Genymotion is not very suitable, but for geeks it is. You can download the Genymotion emulator for Windows, Linux and OS X on the project's official website.

MEMU - for games

It is another emulator mainly focused on mobile games. Here they have a special keyboard layout and even emulation of a gamepad. For example, for onscreen buttons, you can bind keys on your keyboard. Such functions are often lacking in the same Bluestacks, which is also positioned as a platform for mobile games for PC. Otherwise, MEmu is a standard emulator with a good set of features.

At the time of this writing, MEmu does not use the newest version of Android - 4.4.2 KitKat, but Lollipop or even Marshmallow is not particularly needed in emulators, because most software is optimized for KitKat. Among the interesting additional functions of MEmu are: sending applications from a computer to a smartphone or tablet for quick installation, convenient change of screen orientation, and full-screen mode for games. The picture quality in the latter is often poor, but still. Surprisingly, most "heavy" games in MEmu are well emulated - no graphics problems.

The most famous Android emulator that many users stop at. BlueStacks is really good. It is compatible with almost all programs and games from Google Play, and in the "Application Center" tab shows recommendations according to the ratings of other users.

The emulator has a Pika Points reward system. To earn points, you need to install applications and play. Points earned can be redeemed for Google Play gift cards, premium subscriptions, T-shirts and more.

When working with files, there are no problems: documents, photos and other data can be transferred from Windows Explorer or macOS Finder by simply dragging and dropping. You can switch between running applications as between tabs in a browser.

  • Platforms:Windows, macOS.

Nox App Player is a minimalistic emulator that offers a familiar Android workspace with control buttons on the sidebar. In the program settings, you can adjust performance by adding processor cores and the amount of allocated RAM, as well as change the orientation and size of the window.

Some games in Nox App Player start with errors, but for working with applications it works fine. The program has integration with Windows 10 notifications, so you can install the same instant messengers and communicate peacefully through the emulator.

3. MEmu

  • Platforms: Windows, macOS.

This emulator in Russian is primarily intended for games. Focused on gamers, a special keyboard layout and gamepad emulation gives out. The program supports both programs from Google Play and the installation of applications via APK.

On MEmu, you can emulate "heavy" games - there are no problems with performance, but the picture quality suffers a little.

Music, videos, pictures, and downloads are accessed through shared Windows folders, so you can quickly transfer files from the emulator to your computer and vice versa.

There is root access and a built-in application directory. But there is nothing interesting in the catalog: games and programs in Chinese of dubious origin.

  • Platforms: Windows, macOS.

A free emulator for games that works thanks to its low resource requirements. If other programs need at least 4 GB of RAM for normal operation, then Koplayer will be enough for 2 GB. It is installed with an English interface, but in the settings there is a Russian language, as in regular Android.

Google Play and APK files are available to install applications. The main advantage of Koplayer is the ability to customize the keyboard layout for each game. You can also control it with a mouse or a gamepad: just mark a virtual button on the screen and assign it a physical analogue on the controller.

  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux.

Genymotion is a program for developers that can emulate a large number of Android devices with real characteristics: from flagships of popular brands to unknown state employees. Before downloading, you need to create a free account - you will need its data when you first start it for authorization.

For ordinary users, Genymotion is unlikely to be a convenient solution: there is no Russian interface, games and programs from Google Play often do not start.

But if you are starting out on Android, then this emulator will help you conduct all kinds of tests. When you launch an application or game, the device settings control panel is available. Thanks to it, you can see how the application will behave in a different screen orientation, without connecting to GPS, Bluetooth turned on and other conditions.

What computer can I install the Android emulator on

There are no special requirements for installing the emulator on Linux and macOS.

For the emulator to work on a Windows computer, the BIOS must have AMD-v or Intel VT-x virtualization enabled. This is usually the default. But if the Android emulator won't start, check your settings.

Under Advanced BIOS → Features or Advanced → CPU Configuration (look for something similar) there should be an option for Virtualization or Intel Virtual Technology. Make sure it is set to Enabled.

Most emulators are memory hungry. If the computer has less than 4 GB of RAM, then the program may slow down.

Also take a look at the drivers for your graphics adapter. They must be the latest version, otherwise the emulators will not start. To check the driver version on Windows, press on your keyboard, type dxdiag and click Run. Go to the "Display" tab and look at the version in the "Drivers" field.

Go to the video card manufacturer's website and check what version of drivers is available for your graphics adapter. If there are new drivers, install them.

You can simplify the process using the program. Once launched, the utility will scan all components of your computer and show you which drivers need to be updated. You just have to open the "Drivers" tab and click "Install".

On macOS, installing system updates in a timely manner is sufficient to keep drivers up to date. On Linux, the procedure depends on. For example, Ubuntu has a built-in "Software and Update" utility for updating drivers from third-party developers.

Nowadays, technologies have advanced so much that it no longer seems fantastic to launch a full-fledged PC game on your pocket device. But each of you would like to play or anywhere. Do you think it's unrealistic? But no! All this is possible now, for this you just need a stable and fast Internet ...

Well, I think it's worth starting with what is 2 ways... First ask yourself: Do you need all of this? I warn you, you have to tinker! Now it's worth deciding what you want to run on your pocket. Already become a cult classic or modern heavy games?

For the first method, a special application called ExaGear , as well as the distribution kit of the game. It's all! See below for more details on launching the classics.

With the second method, everything is not so simple. I'll make a reservation right away, the essence of the alternative method is streaming from your PC. That is, you are in full control of your computer, but with Android or IOS devices. For this, we will need, again, a special application - KinoConsole , and also a stable Internet both at the exit and at the reception. Consider this!

1) Launching the good old classics:

It is worth clarifying what kind of classics we are talking about. We will run step by step and, for example: Might & Magic Heroes III, Sid Meier's Civilization III, Disciples II, Fallout 1/2 and many others.

There are 2 versions of this application - ExaGear Strategies to run strategies, and ExaGear RPG - to run RPG games. They differ only in the controls adapted for special games. In this case, IOS devices disappear, because there is simply no application for the system! Check out the system requirements and skip to the guide itself:

System requirements:

  • Android 4+
  • ARM v7 processor (neon)
    P.S. Processors Inteli.e. x86 are not supported!
  • Guide for launching games through ExaGear:
    1. Download ExaGear Strategies or ExaGear RPG, depending on the selected game, from the app store Google.
    2. After installing the application, connect your smartphone to the PC and move the unpacked distribution of the game to the folder ExaGear (it is at the root).
    3. Disconnect your phone and launch the app. You should automatically see the executable.exe file. Click on it, choose control and go!

    1602 Anno: Creation of a New World
    Age of empires 1
    Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings & The Conquerors
    Age of japan
    Age of wonders
    Agharta: The Hollow Earth
    Amerzone: The Explorer "s Legacy
    Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura
    Baldur "s Gate
    Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn & Throne of Bhaal
    Blood Omen: Legacy Of Kain
    Caesar III
    Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now!
    Civilization II: Test Of Time
    Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
    Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun & Firestorm
    Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines
    Counter-Strike 1.6
    Cultures: The Discovery of Vinland
    Cultures 2: The Gates of Asgard
    Cultures 3: Northland
    Cultures 4: 8th Wonder of the World
    Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
    Deus Ex
    Diablo alpha
    Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction
    Disciples I: Sacred Lands
    Divine Divinity: Birth of a Legend
    Dragonfire: The Well of Souls
    East Front II: Fall of the Reich
    Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
    Enemy Infestation
    Extreme tactics
    F-16 Multirole Fighter
    Fallout 1.2
    Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game
    Fallout tactics
    Fallout: Nevada
    Fallout 2
    Fallout 2 restoration project
    Full throttle
    Jagged Alliance 2: Gold Pack
    Half life day one
    Half-Life by GFOXSH
    Heroes of might and magic
    Heroes of Might and Magic 2
    Heroes of Might and Magic 4
    High Orbit Ion Cannon
    Home world
    Kingdom under fire
    Imperialism II
    Lamentation Sword
    Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader
    Lords of the Realm II
    M.A.X .: Mechanized Assault and eXploration Gold
    Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim
    Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares
    Midtown madness
    Might and Magic VI, VII, VIII
    Pajama sam
    Panzer General 2
    Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain
    Quake I, Quake II
    Railroad tycoon 2
    Rising Lands
    Risk 2
    Planescape: Torment
    Sam & Max: Hit The Road
    Savage Wheels
    Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator
    Shadow flare
    Sid Meier "s Alpha Centauri
    Space Clash: The Last Frontier
    Squad Battles: Advance of the Reich
    Star Wars: Rebellion
    Stronghold: Crusader Extreme
    Submarine titans
    Sudden Strike 3 (Confrontation 3)
    Sudden Strike 4 (Confrontation 4)
    The Neverhood
    The settlers iv
    Throne of darkness
    Total annihilation
    Total Annihilation: Kingdoms & The Iron Plague
    Traffic Giant
    Unreal gold
    Unreal Tournament
    WarCraft 2: Edition
    Warhammer 40,000: Rites of War
    Zeus: Master of Olympus
    Allods: Seal of Mystery
    Rage 2: Lord of Souls
    Pilot Brothers - All in One
    Pilot Brothers 3D: The Garden Pest Case
    Pilot Brothers: The Serial Maniac Case
    Pilot Brothers: Olympics
    How to get a neighbor 1, 2 (Neighbors from Hell 1, 2)
    Prince: Legends of the Forest Land
    Morhukhn Jones and the last chicken trip

    The advantage of this method is that everything is processed right in your hands. That is, there will be no delays, and offline play is also possible. The only thing worth saying about the controls: it is not very convenient, you will have to get used to it, but I think if you are a lover of turn-based strategies, then you are a rather assiduous and patient person, so you will be able to do it. There is also support for network games, multiplayer fully works!

    Details about control options, errors and about the emulator itself can be found on the website Thanks to the site for the information provided, there you can also ask questions to the developers. The authors of the applications are Russian guys, so support them by purchasing the full version of the application!

    2) Launching absolutely any game:

    Here the application will already help us KinoConsole , with the help of it we will produce a stream from the PC to our pocket "bucket". This time, the method is suitable for all platforms, even the owners of Windows Phones did not stand aside!

    You must understand that for a good game you need a very stable and fast Internet connection, at least 10 MB / sec. If the PC and the phone are on the same WiFi network, then everything will just fly. And for long-range gaming, you need LTE! This time, system requirements are not needed, and you only need a computer on which the games will run.

    Guide for launching games through KinoConsole:
    1. Download the application for your device: Android, IOS, WindowsPhone.
    2. Download and install a special server for PC: KinoConsole_1_44.exe
    3. Start the PC server and set it up: enter the password for access from the phone, log into your Google account, turn off VR (so that you can control your fingers).
    4. Open the application on your smartphone, if you are on the same WiFi network, the computer will find it automatically. If you are far away, then log into your Google account and open an additional menu in the settings. In it we press "Connect to ..." and enter your external IP address.
    5. After connecting, you will see a list of games installed on your computer. We launch any of them.

    The advantage of this method is that you can start and play whatever you want. There is direct control of your PC, there is a separate application from the same developers to control the desktop directly. By combining them, you can get a powerful tool.

    P.S. For control, the program emulates the connections of a gamepad, so on a smartphone, control is configured in the form of a gamepad. To do this, open an additional menu and look at the corresponding item for setting up control. You can also open a menu of hot keys and some settings, to do this, press anywhere on the screen at the same time with three fingers.

    There are other analogs of this program - Kainy is one of them. Management in this program is more convenient, because the keyboard layout on the screen is configured, not the gamepad. The principle of operation is exactly the same, but in operation it is more complicated: preparation for connection takes longer. With a WiFI connection, everything works very well, but with LTE, everything is much worse than with KinoConsole, which is why I took this software as a basis.

    I would like to summarize by the fact that now cloud services are actively developing, which also use the streaming function, but no longer from your PC. There will definitely be no restrictions here, and even more so on the nose of the fifth generation (5G) network. They have already been announced, it remains to wait until they reach Russia.

    You must understand that both methods are imperfect. Errors and bugs are possible, I warned you that you have to tinker. The mobile market has made a huge leap forward over the past 5 years, and processors are already emerging that can compete with full-fledged PC processors.

    Also, it is not yet clear what they are preparing for us RockStar this year - for several years in a row they have been steadily releasing new mobile devices. However, all sorts of ports have already been made, only and remain, and not every processor can pull out such games. So we are waiting for a smartphone more powerful than your calculator in the near future!

    These are the ways we moved our PC into our pocket.

    Try both methods and write your impressions in the comments!

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