How can I delete a file or folder if it is not deleted? How can you delete a file that cannot be deleted from a computer (protected, damaged, system, used) Cannot delete no access windows xp

Sometimes, when you try to open a folder, an error message may appear. Let's see what can be done if there is no access to the folder.

The reasons why a folder cannot be opened are very different, but I will try to tell you about each of them and instruct you on what to do in each case if access to the folder is denied. To begin with, I must say that everything the following actions must be performed using an administrator account.

You are not the owner of the folder

After reinstalling or updating Windows, you may no longer be on the list of folder owners, so the system reasonably prevents you from reading files that do not belong to you.

Now I will tell you how to access the folder in this case. First, go to the "Control Panel" menu item and select "Folder Options" or "Folder Options", depending on the system.

In the "View" tab we find the item "Use the Sharing Wizard (recommended)", if you have Windows 7 or XP, if Windows 8 - "Use simple shared access to folders (recommended)", uncheck the box, click "OK".

Now right-click on the folder and select "Properties" from the drop-down menu. In the "Security" tab, click on "Advanced" and in a new window click on the "Owner" tab at the top of the window. At the bottom left, click "Change".

It is possible that you will not have such a tab. Then you need to go into safe mode and then follow the steps that are described below.

In the window that opens, select the name of the user whom you want to allow access and click "OK". To get access not only to the folder, but to all the files and folders inside, we selected the item "Change owner of subcontainers and objects" and then click "OK".

As you can see, there is nothing difficult. The very bottom line is that the owner of the folder has changed and in order to fix this, you need to indicate yourself as the owner. It's different when you encrypted data and after reinstalling Windows decided to open this folder. Then the head may just explode, and your problem is solvable and you shouldn't worry! Hopefully, after following my instructions, you are no longer denied access to the folder you need.

By the way, if such an error appears when you open a flash drive or disk, then be sure to check your computer for viruses.

Here's another option, from the person who posted the video:

Very often, when you try to delete even an empty folder from the desktop or the recycle bin, you fail.

Typically, in such situations, you will receive one of the messages below.

  1. no access
  2. folder is not empty
  3. object used
  4. disk is write protected
  5. can't find file

What to do then. There is an exit. You will need to do one or two steps or use a special program. Let's go in order.

Unable to delete folder - no access or disk is write-protected

Before proceeding with the description of deleting folders to which there is no access, one should say about viruses.

True, they are usually in the form of mini programs and are capable of "clinging" to the system and even disguising themselves as system files that they cannot be removed not only by the usual methods, but also with special uninstallers.

What can be done in such cases. Give access or remove protection. you can find out here.

Often elevated privileges are required to delete a file. ... Also, do not forget that sometimes a simple restart of the computer or laptop solves the problem.

Why I can't delete a folder from the Trash

Different files can be hidden in the trash (for example, Dc1, Dc2, Dd3, windows.old, bonjour) those who do not want to be deleted.

There are several options depending on the position. You can use (for a very long time), or special programs, which are written about in the last section.

Can't delete folder - object is in use

If, when deleting, it says that the object is in use, then it must be closed. The folder can contain any document or program.

You opened them and forgot them. Very often it can be seen in and closed. Also, a regular restart of the computer sometimes helps (restarting helps to delete an empty folder).

If the methods above did not help, and you know the name of the process / program / object, then you can close it in, and then safely delete the folder.

Program for deleting non-removable folders

This is a small Russian-language utility that allows you to unlock and delete even non-removable files.

In addition, Unlocker can significantly help to carry out such operations as: renaming, deleting, moving.

With its help, you will not speak, I can not delete the folder, because the file cannot be deleted, since it is used by another application.

A common problem faced by novice users is that a file or folder (because of some file) is not deleted, which must be deleted. At the same time, the system writes the file is occupied by another process or the action cannot be performed because this file is open in Program_nameor asking for permission from someone. This can be encountered in any version of the OS - Windows 7, 8, Windows 10 or XP.

Another way to delete such a file is to boot from any LiveCD drive, from a system resuscitation disk or a Windows bootable USB flash drive. When using LiveCD in any of its variants, you can use either the standard Windows graphical interface (for example, in BartPE) and Linux (Ubuntu), or the command line tools. Please note that when booting from such a drive, your computer's hard drives may appear under different letters. To ensure that you are deleting the file from the correct drive, you can use the command dirc: (this example will display a list of folders on drive C).

When using a bootable USB flash drive or installation disc for Windows 7 and Windows 8, at any time during the installation (after the language selection window has already loaded and in the next steps) press Shift + F10 to enter the command line. Alternatively, you can select System Restore, which is also linked to in the installer. Also, as in the previous case, pay attention to possible changes in drive letters.

Using DeadLock to Unlock and Delete Files

Since the Unlocker program considered below, even from the official website recently (2016), began to install various unwanted programs and is blocked by browsers and antiviruses, I propose to consider an alternative - DeadLock, which also allows you to unblock and delete files from your computer (it also promises to change the owner, but in it didn't work in my tests).
So, if when deleting a file you see a message that the action cannot be performed because the file is open in some program, then using DeadLock in the File menu, you can add this file to the list, and then, using the right click - to unlock it (Unlock) and remove (Remove). You can also move the file.
Although the program is in English (perhaps a Russian translation will appear soon), it is very easy to use. The disadvantage (and for some, perhaps, an advantage) - unlike Unlocker, it does not add the file unlock action to the explorer context menu. You can download DeadLock from the official website\u003d822

Free Unlocker program to unlock files that are not deleted

Unlocker is probably the most popular way to delete files that are used by a particular process. The reasons are simple: it is free, it does its job properly, and in general it works. You can download Unlocker for free on the official website of the developer site has recently been identified as malicious).

Using the program is very simple - after installation, just right-click on the file that is not deleted and select "Unlocker" from the context menu. In the case of using the portable version of the program, which is also available for download, run the program, a window will open to select the file or folder that you want to delete.

The essence of the program is the same as in the first described method - unloading from memory the processes that are busy with the file. The main advantages over the first method - using the Unlocker program, it is easier to delete a file and, moreover, it can find and complete a process that is hidden from the eyes of users, that is, it is not available for viewing through the task manager.

Update 2017: Another way, judging by the reviews, which works successfully, was suggested in the comments by the author Toha Itishnik: install and open the 7-Zip archiver (free, also works as a file manager) and rename the file in it, which is not deleted. After that, the deletion is successful.

Why the file or folder is not deleted

What can interfere with deleting a file or folder

If you do not have the necessary rights on the system to modify a file or folder, you cannot delete them. If you did not create the file, then chances are that you cannot delete it either. Also, the reason may be the settings made by the computer administrator.

Also, a file or folder containing it cannot be deleted if the file is currently open in the program. You can try closing all programs and try again.

Why, when I try to delete a file, Windows says that the file is in use

This error message means that the file is being used by a program. Thus, you need to find the program that uses it and either close the file in it, if it is, for example, a document, or close the program itself. Also, if you are on a network, the file may be in use by another user at the moment.

After deleting all files, an empty folder remains

In this case, try closing all open programs or restarting your computer and then deleting the folder.

Each user has encountered a similar problem when a file stubbornly does not want to be deleted for an unknown reason! It is impossible to delete a file, and that's it, no access! Most often, an inscription is displayed that the deletion of this object is impossible, because it is currently being used by some application, access to the object is denied, there is protection against deletion and more. But what should the user do if the malicious object still needs to be deleted by all means ?! And you don't need any kind of rubbish in your computer, which constantly accumulates and loads the entire system! You should find out the solution to such troubles. This article discusses several methods to achieve the desired result, helping to remove both protected files and damaged, used and system files.

Sometimes, if you cannot delete a file, a simple solution works - to close all programs used by the user. For example, it is not possible to delete a music file if it is currently playing on your player. Only after closing the player window can you start deleting objects. By the same principle, you need to close other programs if there is no access to the file. Just in case, you can restart your computer and then try to delete the file again. Does it work? Excellent! If the attempt turned out to be a failure, then we move on to the second step, which can help.

Another removal method is using the "Task Manager"

It is important to find out - you can find and close an not obvious program or process that / which uses a file that is stubbornly not removed from unnecessary ones. This can be done through the "Task Manager"! To call this dialog, you should know the following: use the key combination "ctrl" + "alt" + "delete" (for old Windows operating systems) or the combination "ctrl + shift + esc" / "Windows" + "X" (if the version OS from Windows 8 onwards). In the "Task Manager" window that appears, you need to find out the program or process that uses this object and quit its work. After that, you can delete an unnecessary file, non-removable objects cease to be.

ATTENTION! Make sure the object is not an essential component of the operating system! If you ignore this, then it is possible that the deletion of this file will entail irreparable consequences in the operation of the entire system and you will have to reinstall the OS again. Delete only those files that you understand!

The third method is removal using bootable flash drives or disks

This method is quite practical and allows you to delete almost any folder or file from your computer system. To do this, you need to start the computer using one of the LiveCD drives, a resuscitation disk or a special flash drive (if you don't have one, it's better to get one as soon as possible) to boot the OS. When working with these drives, you will be able to use the familiar Windows interface. It is important to know that when the system boots from these types of drives, the system will most likely change the names of the hard drives and call them completely different letters. Therefore, carefully watch which object you will delete, or use the dir c: command (for the appearance of objects located on the C drive you are used to).

When working with bootable flash drives / disks, you need to press the "Shift" + "F10" combination at any boot time. This will take you to a dedicated command line. Here you can also select "System Restore". It is the command line that can, by the way, what is worth learning, used to solve many other problems.

After starting the system from these drives, using the command line, you can selectively delete all unnecessary information from the hard drives of your computer. Now Windows can't stop you from doing it! After all, it is disabled and its protection of all objects from deletion is disabled.

The fourth removal method through the Unlocker program

This method is the easiest and most effective! Today, the Unlocker program, probably, as it will be useful to find out, is the most popular method for deleting an object that is occupied by programs or processes and there is no access to it. Why is this program so convenient, which removes non-removable objects? There are several reasons: it is completely free, has ease of use, and easily solves the problem of deleting protected files. After installing Unlocker on your computer, you just need to right-click on the unfortunate object and select “Unlocker” from the pop-up menu. When using the portable version of the program, you just need to launch it and in the window that opens, select the desired folder or object to be deleted.

The principle of work of the Unlocker program is based on the first described method of deleting objects. The program itself performs the operation of unloading from the system memory those processes that prevent the removal of the desired object, such a process usually creates a problem. That's just Unlocker is able to complete even those processes that are not visible to an ordinary user in the "Task Manager" window!

Reasons for the appearance of objects that cannot be deleted in the computer

After the procedure for cleaning your computer from unnecessary files, you can choose two ways of further behavior. You can continue to work with the system in the same way and periodically clean it from such problematic objects. Or you can figure out the reasons for their occurrence, why files that cannot be accessed are created, prevent their appearance, which will significantly reduce the overall system load and increase its performance.

The fact is that Windows is very careful about all files that you try to delete! This, of course, is good when you are a novice user and accidentally deleted the wrong file. Pulling it back out of the basket is easy. It's another matter when you are already a fairly experienced user and are deliberately trying to delete a file. Windows carefully puts it in the trash for possible recovery. Now you need to empty the trash in order to completely remove the object from the system. By the way, there is a method to avoid the trash can and delete the file past it. To do this, press the "shift" + "delete" key combination. Do you think files are erased after emptying the Trash? No! It's just that Windows hides the files in the far corner, where we can get them with the help of special utilities. This file will be erased only after it has been repeatedly overwritten. Until that time, it will take up space on your hard drive and feed on system resources, reducing the performance of the entire system.

Files that cannot be deleted (protected, damaged, system, used) appear as a result of various system failures.
This leads to the fact that Windows cannot deal with these files, and itself closes access to them for security purposes. For example, if the installation process is interrupted, incompletely saved files "remain" in the system. The system cannot deal with these types of files and simply "quarantines them." You may also encounter viruses that cannot be removed from your computer. It happens that a virus file is deleted, and after a while it appears again. Therefore, it is important to have a reliable antivirus program on your computer that will help prevent the penetration of such virus files. Viruses also include suspicious files with a weight of 0 kilobytes. No utility can remove them from the computer, but antivirus scanning will cope with this problem in a couple of minutes.

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