Setting up an IP CCTV camera

For stable access to an IP camera via the Internet, the best outcome is if your “IP address” is statistical. If not, then you can contact your provider and activate this service (but you will have to pay for it...

What is a computer keyboard

A keyboard is a device for entering data into a computer: letters, numbers and symbols. It is also used to control the system, that is, it is analogous to a computer mouse. Depending on the type of connection, it can be...

Using product keys for Office

Windows 8.1 and the Windows 10 operating system are already available with Office 15 and 16 (Office 365). Initially, the user is given a trial version (a trial period of using the program). How to extend...

How to return money to Aliexpress

Even if you have been ordering from for a long time, something unpleasant can happen to you at any moment - the seller sent you an obvious defect, the package got lost somewhere along the way, or you simply changed your mind about the purchase and...