Happy cell phone numbers. Which set of numbers is best for sales. Numerology of telephone number: characteristic

Your mobile phone number can tell a lot about its owner and his fate. All the secrets of the numbers are stored in numbers, which are of great importance in numerology.
  Guessing by the phone number that you use every day has a significant impact on all your activities, your communication with colleagues, friends, your character and your life.

To perform the numerological calculation of your mobile phone, you will need to sum all the numbers and display the total amount.

For example, if your phone number8 912 212 03 72

Step 1. Add all the numbers from the number, but do not take into account the prefix ( 8)
9 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 3 + 7 + 2 = 29

Step 2. The numbers in total we also need to add 2 + 9 = 11

We need to add the obtained numbers to get the number influencing your fate, in this calculation our result is the number 11

Numerology of your phone number. The value of the numbers.

0. This amount does not come out in total, but note that suddenly this number is on the phone. Embody boldly your dreams and plans, higher forces will always be on your side. But if there are a large number of zeros in the phone, this can indicate that you need to take on less commitment and rest more often.

1.    It gives a strong character, intelligence, gives self-confidence. The potential that the number possesses will bring good luck in the career, the desire for leadership, favors the impact on the environment. A figure can help strengthen workplace positions and workflow.
  Patronizes the owners of the Sun unit.

2. A figure that has a feminine and dual nature, which brings harmony to life and helps to achieve reconciliation with others. Courtesy and diplomacy come to the rescue. A number with this number helps in analyzing your own feelings and revealing your strengths. A phone number helps to negotiate with business partners and establish business contacts. Also, deuce will help to find the most successful job.
  Astrological influence of the moon on the figure.

3. A magic number, the male principle of which is associated with a series of births, life and death. Room is good for individuals with a creative start. Pick up such a number for yourself in order to decide in society at the expense of your talent. In the work of the three favors the occupation of tourism, advertising, art professions.
Jupiter patronizes the owners of the three.

4. The number of stability, gives self-discipline and energy. Suitable for home phone numbers, four will save you from hassles with neighbors and communal services. There is no need to use the room for the purpose of cheating in tourism and entertainment. But it is well suited, for example, for the construction business and cleaning companies. But you should beware of the four, if your personal life does not add up, you should change the number to get rid of problems.
  Four trustees Uranus.

5. The number of marriage, connecting the feminine and masculine. The problems of the owner, as a rule, are solved successfully. The number is suitable for clarifying the omissions of any plan, including romantic ones. In work, such a number is successful for business. People unconsciously reach out to make a call. Five affects the character, allows you to develop originality, but only when establishing a connection with the owner. If the connection is not established, then you should abandon the five, as the effect of the number will be the opposite.
  Astrological favor of the planet Mercury.

6. Conscientious, calm figure. A number for calls to family and friends to resolve old contention. Using this number is easy to get advice and peace. In business, six is \u200b\u200bgood for service providers. If the owner of the room is responsive and tolerant, the six will help him. This number has come to you for a reason, even if such qualities are not inherent to you. Six often find themselves the owners, to assist people and gain personal happiness and success.
  Six obeys Venus.

7. A magical and mysterious figure, possessing the powers of secret knowledge and wise perception. The phone number is ideal for the development of ties in the mystical sphere, the field of scientific research. Seven allows you to evaluate and perceive the world not with sound, but with intuitive meaning and feelings, develops instinct, allows you to let everything around you through you. The result has both pros and cons. Due to the developed intuition, you will be protected from most failures, but this can lead to isolation and leave a feeling of “strangeness” for an outside audience. It is not reasonable to have such a number if there is a need to often make appointments and also conduct financial negotiations. The advice received is also not good.
  The owners of the number seven are under the prosperity of Neptune.

8. Helps to achieve well-being in material terms, success. The owner will prosper. The figure does not allow the spirit to be refracted in the achievement of the goal, the obligation increases. You will not find peace until you get what you want. If you have financial difficulties, get this number. The number will greatly help in the field of trade and in building credibility among business partners. It is recommended that you make meaningful conclusions on this number.
  According to astrological calculations, Saturn is responsible for this figure.

9. The sign of the cycle, the end of the old and the beginning of the new. The figure is universal. Suitable for absolutely all cases, because it combines all the previous qualities of numbers. The number will help you in any situation and will present “gifts of fate”. The energy reserve of the nine will give strength to get out of any situation. The owner of such universality is not rarely inclined to compassion, developed emotionally and intuitively.
  The energy of Mars helps the owners of the nine throughout life.

11. The number of leader. A versatile symbol, can bring fluctuations from unquenchable energy to gloom in all spheres of life. The owner of the number is not deprived of attention and he is always accepted as a serious person. Personal life is full of pleasant surprises and positive emotions. The figure supports the enthusiasm in business and stimulates the resolution of problems when faced with them.

22. Successful sign. It stimulates the ability to analyze and think seriously about important matters for the sake of effectiveness of which you need to work hard. For a business person, this is an indicator of reliability and status. It is also transmitted to the personal qualities of the individual. On an intuitive level, others see you as a stable and serious person.

33. A sign of talent on the verge of genius and focus on the benefit of people. People seldom direct their creative abilities to the benefit of people, so the owner itself is considered a unique person. A rare combination of numbers. The owner of the room is always ready to help if he is contacted. The most suitable number for the healthcare provider. If you already became the owner of such a set of numbers, be prepared for the dedication in helping others.

44. The influence of a special set of two fours is expressed in vitality and personal integrity. Such individuals can be called "rock" and support. In the provided opportunities and goals you have no limit if you have 44. There are no unattainable goals. But still, if your inner energy does not correspond to such great ambitions, then you need to think about changing the number in order to warn yourself against unnecessary throwings and uncertainties in your possibilities and desires.

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Someone even poorly remembers the numbers of their mobile, while someone remembers a good half of the phone book in their device. Choose a Tele2 number - is it necessary or even easier to take, without looking, the first thing that was offered? And if you choose, then what?

Briefly on the topic

Choose a Tele2 number based on your needs. For everyday use, the usual one is suitable, for work (especially related to sales) it is better to choose a beautiful combination. The numbers are ordinary, bronze, silver and platinum. Their cost varies depending on the region of connection.

How to choose the right combination?

To pick up the phone number Tele2, you must first decide what kind of appearance you need. We can choose from ordinary, free, and so on. "Beautiful" - bronze, silver, gold and platinum. But for the "beauty" will have to pay from 50 to 15 000 rubles, depending on the features of the combination and the region of connection. We do not rack our brains and agree to any combination suggested by the consultant in the office or the system when ordering online if:

  • You and your environment have been using only phone books for a long time and do not have the habit / need to remember mobile numbers.
  • Phone for you - only a means of communication.
  • Your contacts are not displayed in promotional materials.

How to choose a beautiful Tele2 number is worth considering if:

  • Your work is related to advertising, sales, and your contacts will be provided to current or potential customers.
  • The exclusivity of the phone number matters to you.
  • There are some memories associated with a certain date, and you want a reminder of it to always be with you.

Below you can familiarize yourself with each of these types. To make it easier for you to choose a Tele2 phone number online and offline, we have given the main options for the series. You can read more about this in another article on our website.

What does the operator offer us?

Any mobile phone, whether it’s regular or “beautiful,” is a unique combination of numbers whose takes do not exist. It is always federal and has no reference to the geographic location of the user - if we draw an analogy with landlines, where sometimes you need to enter the city or region code. Wherever you call, the set of numbers always remains the same.

In most regions, the following options are available for choosing a Tele2 phone number:

View Cost and Description Example
Ordinary Approximately 85-90% of the total mass. Any set of numbers, without any sequences, go two, three, or four identical numbers in a row. There is no additional charge for them upon purchase.
Bronze Three repetitions in a row or two pairs with a gap. About 50 rubles +7 (***) *00-0*-** ,

7 (***) **0-0*-00

Platinum Four identical digits or two identical triples in a row +7 (***) ***-00-00 ,

7 (***) 001-00-1

Gold Two to three repeating pairs or three identical numbers at the end of the combination

The average cost is 500-900 rubles., Moscow Region - 9000, Primorsky Territory - 5000 rubles.

+7 (***) ***-00-11* ,

7 (***) ***-01-01 ,

7 (***) ***-*0-00

Silver Two repeating or mirrored pairs in a row. They cost 100-150 rubles in the regions, Moscow 3000 rubles. +7 (***) *01-01-** ,

7 (***) *01-10-**

Please note: among the Tele2 numbers available for selection, there are combinations that are valid only for certain cities / regions. For example, the “Golden mean”, “Happy”, “100% new”, “Sale%”, etc. These are either varieties of combinations listed above, or ordinary, but coming at a discount, never been in use, etc. If you want to know, follow the specified link.

How to buy

The only safe place where you should select a Tele 2 phone number is the operator’s official website. Here you can be sure that for your money you really get a free number that will belong to you.

Briefly on the topic

You can connect to Tele2 in the communication salon and on the operator’s official website.

Here are two directories where you can place an order:

In both cases, be sure to indicate the correct region!

Further registration is not difficult: we select the tariff, the type of SIM card (standard, micro or nano), click "place order" and follow the prompts of the system. Then it remains only to wait for the courier if delivery has been ordered, or go to the communication salon personally if you prefer pickup.

Feng Shui Consultant Natalya Pravdina "\u003e Natalya Pravdina told the readers of her site about the influence of telephone number digits on a person’s fate. According to Feng Shui, each digit emits certain vibrations that affect a person. Choosing a favorable number, you can attract good luck , money and well-being.

What numbers in the telephone number emit hazard energy

According to Natalia Pravdina, there are a number of numbers that must be avoided when choosing a phone number. These are 2, 3, 4 and 5. If all these numbers are found in your number, or some one of them, then your life is at risk. These numbers attract failures, troubles, and problems. They thin the negative energy, which will interfere with all your undertakings and aspirations.

Check the numbers of your friends and relatives. If they have these numbers in a telephone number, then think about it, but how is their life developing?

Lucky Feng Shui Figures

Natalya Pravdina gave advice on choosing the right phone number. According to a feng shui consultant, numbers 8 and 9 bring luck. Numbers that have a figure of eight or nine attract the energy of success and give a person strength and luck.

If the telephone number has a combination of 88 or 89 numbers, then success is doubly guaranteed.

Another lucky number in Feng Shui is one. It gives confidence, additional vitality and gives a person high potential.

Feng Shui 2014: which numbers will bring good luck in the year of the Horse

Energies are constantly moving, so every year numbers and their combinations can change their character. According to Natalya Pravdina, in 2014, numerical combinations such as 18, 81, 77, 68 and 97.

If one of these combinations is found in your telephone number, then be sure that the year of the Horse will bring you many new opportunities, victories and pleasant surprises.

Natalya Pravdina also talked about numbers, a combination of which is undesirable this year. According to Feng Shui forecast 2014, combinations of numbers 44, 43, 16 and 17  only problems and troubles will attract you.

As Natalya Pravdina said, to attract good luck in business, you need to choose a lucky phone number. If you have long noticed that there are few joys and happiness in your life, while negative numbers appear in your phone number, would it not be better to change your phone number to a more favorable one? Good luck will gradually begin to turn in your direction, and all problems will remain in the past. We wish you all the best and don’t forget to press the buttons and

18.04.2014 10:50

An expert in the field of feng shui Natalya Pravdina on her website talked about pets and about ...

Feng Shui consultant Natalya Pravdina told readers of her blog about a unique way to attract good luck, love ...

Phones are firmly entrenched in the life of modern man. And almost everyone now has this miracle machine and its own personal phone number. But did you know that your personal number can become a wonderful assistant in attracting good luck in various spheres of life? How - the numerology of the phone number will tell.

Most of the available sources suggest calculating the individual numerological value of a telephone number by summing all its constituent numbers. In our opinion, this approach is somewhat incorrect, since the standard 11-digit mobile number usually consists of:

  • a number indicating the country code (+7 or 8 - for Russia);
  • mobile operator code (usually 3 specific digits);
  • directly the personal number (7 arbitrary digits).

The final 7 numbers will be of decisive importance and influence, therefore it will be more correct to make the numerological code precisely from their sum. Here is an example of calculating this indicator:

  1. Suppose a subscriber has the following phone number: +7 911 345 56 72   (the number is chosen at random, any coincidence with the real one is pure coincidence);
  2. We drop the country code - +7, the mobile operator code - 911, we get the number we are interested in - 345 56 72 .
  3. By numerological coagulation we reduce all numbers of a given number to one: 3+4+5+5+6+7+2=32 . If you get a prime number, do not change anything - it will be the very value of the phone number. In the given example, the number is two-digit. Again we add its components: 3+2=5 .
  4. Our numerological code is 5. We look at the interpretation.

It should be noted that the numerology of the phone number can be calculated not only for the numbers that you received from some mobile operator. Do the same with any phone number - be it home or office.

The nuances of computing

It may happen that as a result of the calculation we get double-digit numbers, or 44. If in the above example we reduced a two-digit number-sum to a simple one, then the situation with these numbers is different: you can’t carry out further manipulations with them, they won’t bring them to prime numbers . This is due to the fact that in numerology, the numbers 11, 22, 33 and 44 are called master numbers (or dominant numbers). It is believed that they themselves (individually) are already strong and influential, have special significance.

Numerology of a telephone number: interpretation of the results

Prime numbers from 1 to 9

  1. Unit  - the number that is best suited for the business sector. A telephone number, the numerological value of which is 1, should be chosen by managers, chiefs - in a word, leaders. It brings success in all matters related to the professional environment (contracts and contracts, work with legal papers, negotiations and meetings with business partners, etc.). The unit is not recommended for the love sphere.
  2. Deuce. A number with a code of 2 is the best choice for building relationships related to partnership, cooperation, joint projects. This is the team number. The deuce promotes rapid career growth, gives the owner of this phone number purposefulness, tact and excellent diplomatic qualities.
  3. Troika. A phone number with code 3 is best suited for areas of diverse activity. It will bring good luck to people associated with the creative field (actors, artists), people who make their own bread in word (journalists, writers), representatives of tourism and show business. The three gives the owner of the room openness, friendliness, and helps him develop a creative streak. Also 3 helps to negotiate with sponsors, investors - in general, with those people who can provide some kind of material support.
  4. Four. A telephone number with a value of 4 is favorable for representatives of creative professions (artists, musicians, actors), as well as for those whose activities are related to building a hierarchy, restoring order (representatives of the executive branch, managers, etc.) The four attaches to order, educates people in discipline, organization, contributes to the emergence of health and internal energy.
  5. Five. Number with numerological code 5 is recommended to choose people who act as an intermediary in any business. It helps to successfully resolve issues of an organizational nature (related to travel, business trips, booking tickets, etc.), allows you to reach the necessary agreements in a short time. Five gives the owner of the room decisiveness and confidence in any situation.
  6. Six. The phone number, whose numerology is 6, is most suitable for personal and family relationships, for solving problems of a sensitive nature. He attunes to trust, sympathy, sympathy, interest, attentive and warm attitude to each other. With this number you can always find a common language with your family members and friends. The owner of the six gives responsiveness, tolerance and diligence. A telephone number with a value of 6 is extremely unsuitable for the business and professional sectors - it will bring failure and disrupt important projects and plans.
  7. Seven. The phone number with code 7 is favorable for areas related to mysticism, science, education. This is a number for people independent and self-sufficient, accustomed to rely only on themselves and strive for freedom. Seven gives the owner of the room good intuition, isolation, contributes to the fact that he will perceive others and the world through the prism of his own personality. Phone number with code 7 is not recommended for people who cannot live without communication.
  8. Eight. A telephone number with a value of 8 is a godsend for people related to the field of trade, in particular large and wholesale sales. The G8 brings success, attracts financial well-being, strengthens credibility in the supply and demand market. While in personal use, the phone number with numerological code 8 contributes to the material prosperity of its owner. However, the eight has one negative property - the tendency to attract thieves and robbers, dishonest people.
  9. Nine  - Suitable for those who often have to deal with legal and judicial issues. Nine gives the owner of the room confidence, instills in him an objective look at the events around him. The telephone number with code 9 will also benefit in matters related to promising endeavors and important plans. It attracts favorable financial opportunities, but is fraught with the emergence of conflict situations and litigation.

Master numbers - 11, 22, 33, 44

Now we will consider what opportunities and prospects are given by dominant numbers in the numerological meaning of the telephone number.

  • Eleven  - A code that combines the conflicting vibrations of a two and a double unit. On the one hand, this is the pursuit of harmony, on the other, leadership. The owner of such a number should be able to find a middle ground between these two aspirations, and then all his undertakings will be doomed to success. Numerology of telephone number 11 instills in a person a serious perception of all areas in which he has to go through life. Eleven also contributes to pleasant surprises in a personal relationship environment.
  • Twenty two  - a value symbolizing well-being, success, recognition and prosperity. The owner of the room can achieve all this subject to painstaking work and determination. The phone number with code 22 is favorable for the business sector, as it gives reliability and stability.
  • Thirty three  - symbolizes the presence of talent and requires the owner of the phone number of sacrifice and willingness to help other people. This number is well suited to representatives of the medical profession.
  • Forty four  - a code meaning independence, stronghold, invulnerability, impenetrability and integrity. Forty-four endows the owner of the phone with enormous internal resources and opens up almost unlimited possibilities.

Numerology of a phone number is a kind of magic wand. Knowing the meaning of each digit, which can act as a phone number code, you can succeed in any desired area of \u200b\u200byour life. Want to prosper in many areas? Then just get a few phone numbers for yourself and use them for their intended purpose.

Guess today with the Tarot card "Card of the Day"!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready - draw a card:

Do the numbers of the telephone number affect the nature of the conversations that are conducted with it? The area of \u200b\u200bknowledge on numbers says yes! This is indicated by the numerology of the phone number that you use most often. Add all its numbers together, bring them to one. And then find out if your phone helps you in life or not!

Phone number: what does numerology say about numbers?

All our lives we have been surrounded by many numbers, hundreds of them: passport number, identity card, individual taxpayer number, shoe size, clothes, ticket number, license plates, etc. Each of these numbers affects us, but most are very minimal degrees. You can’t fall into paranoia, so even at the very beginning it is worth noting that the numerology does not play such an important role in our lives. However, it can be that drop that fills or overfills the cup. A well-chosen combination, a happy phone number in numerology will bring us luck, and if we have our own company - success in business. Maybe this is not the most important factor, but you should make sure that the phone number helps us and favors our goals.

Because, if we, for example, expect peace, and the vibration of our phone number is 3, then we will not have time to receive calls. But if we want clients, relatives and friends to call us, and the phone vibration is 7, then we should not be surprised that he will be silent. Someone who expects changes at work, wants to have more orders, customers, wants his social life to be in full swing, should think about how to choose a phone number according to numerology in accordance with their own expectations. It is worth knowing how to calculate the “telephone” vibrations, know the meaning of each of them, and then choose the ones that will be needed at the moment.

Numerology of a telephone number: calculation

Each telephone set has its own numerological vibration. There are several theories on how to calculate it. Some say that only the last digit is important, while others say that the last 4. You can find on the Internet services such as "numerology of a phone number online", but, by and large, there is no special need for them, because in order to get the required number you need to perform simple arithmetic operations.

In order to correctly calculate the vibration, simply add together all the individual numbers. Example: number 123 456 789 has a vibration of 9, since 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 \u003d 45. Then again we add the result - 4 + 5 - and get the number 9. Analyzing your phone number, pay attention to whether there are any numbers that appear more than once.

Numerology of numbers: which phone number to choose?

If you are faced with choosing a phone number, but don’t know which area of \u200b\u200blife is most relevant to improve, and you want to pick up just a happy number, you should choose a combination with the same vibration as your Road of Life. That is, if you are a numerological unit, select a phone number with vibration 1. The more such "friendly" numbers, the better this digital set is combined with you.

Operators have in their assortment the so-called "golden numbers", which consist of the same numbers and are therefore easier to remember (for example, 600 222 333 or 501 233 433). In the case of a numerical analysis of such a combination, it may turn out that the four 3 contained in it change the main vibration, for example, to a more entertaining one.

For example, in numerology, the phone number 602 880 884 will be good for a person who runs his own business, because it has four eights. And the main vibration is the number 44, that is, the master number, and after addition - 8.

It would be ideal if each set of numbers corresponded to the purpose for which it serves. For example, an artist, an actor must have a phone with vibration 3 or 5. If someone runs a company, exists in conditions of high competition, then it would be good if the vibration is 1. How to determine all this?

Numerology phone numbers: individual values \u200b\u200bfor business, work and personal needs


Business, work

Such a device should be located in offices, firms, government agencies. This number is useful for employees of debt collection, advertising, and trade organizations. Numerology of a vibration-prone phone number 1 brings breakthrough power, therefore it is recommended to people who run their business and who need to break through among a large number of competitors. This is a great vibration for the boss, who will be able to conduct many complex conversations on the device. And these conversations will give concrete results.

Private life

Number 1 is a male vibration, it gives courage and enterprise. This number is not intended for chatter, but for important issues and the provision of necessary information. You can remotely manage personnel from him, settle important matters, coordinate decisions.

Anyone who calls from such a number is unconsciously accepted by the interlocutor as a leader, expert, person with authority, gives the impression of a competent and decisive one. It can be difficult to get through to a person who has a phone with such vibration, because he himself prefers to decide with whom he will communicate.

This is an ideal number for an independent person, someone who is involved in any kind of rivalry, competition. Promotes any initiatives, new events, and also gives a special gift of persuasion. Everything that a person says from this number sounds convincing. However, it should be borne in mind that you need to not be too rude and remember the delicacy during the conversation.


Business, work

If you value long conversations, you should choose a phone number with vibration 2. According to numerology, this number helps to maintain contacts - thus, this is a good number for a person who will use the phone for personal purposes. However, if we talk about business and work, it will be favorable to journalists or freelancers. This number is for people for whom negotiations, consultations and fruitful cooperation are important, who want to be in constant contact with others (clients).

A phone number with vibration 2 will also be good for an orphanage, boarding school or nursing home, as it contributes to the emergence of positive feelings, a feeling of warmth and care. This is an ideal vibration for a medical institution, those involved in guardianship, give some advice. The caller on this device will meet with understanding and compassion, as well as with help. However, it is worth noting that it will be good for incoming rather than outgoing calls, because it does not provide breakdown power.

Private life

Such an assistant favors frank conversations about feelings, confessions, and any therapy. If this is your personal number, then consider that over time you will become a home psychologist for your friends and first aid in case of any troubles

Vibration is very good for single people looking for a partner.


Business, work

The number 3 contributes to interesting conversations and frequent contacts, since 3 is the energy of joy and creativity. Some people think that this value should be avoided for a work phone. Of course, in the case of self-employment - most likely, yes. And if you are a freelancer and want customers to call you, then you should choose this number, because it brings a lot of contacts and conversations.

It will also favor journalists, artists, sellers, people involved in advertising and the arts. Great room for a travel agency, gallery, movie, theater, hotel, transport companies. Thanks to such an assistant, many people can be persuaded to use the services of this institution.

Private life

This is a social phone, created for gossip and many hours of talk about a variety of pleasant events. The room is great for young people who are looking for active contact with others. In this case, you should prepare for the relentless negotiations on the mobile phone, SMS, MMS, etc. Unfortunately, there may be a problem with the tidy amounts of telephone bills.

The three is mobility, many contacts, changes, and, above all, independence. However, such a numerological telephone combination should be chosen by lonely people, because it promotes new acquaintances, flirting and novels.


Business, work

A conversation on such a phone will be short and related to specific problems, without unnecessary “chewing” and chatter. Ideal for conveying accurate information. This is a combination for large business (it serves serious interests well), as well as an excellent number for any employee who needs to make the right and quick decisions.

The number brings stability, and also attracts specific interlocutors who (unlike 3) know exactly why they are calling. Subscribers have certain expectations and requirements.

Numerological vibration is good for doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers, construction companies, accountants, offices, reception desks, and where the basis in the work is to obtain reliable information. This number is for the administration of a car dealership, school or technical store, as well as for a company where physical labor predominates.

Private life

Vibration number 4 will be suitable for specific, economical and responsible people. They call only when necessary. Therefore, people who like frequent conversations and constant contact should avoid it.

If you have such a number, then you probably noticed that over time, instead of chatting around the clock, you become more restrained and “economical” in words and just solve problems and do business.

Not conducive to flirting, romance, or expressing feelings on the phone. Vibration 4 brings seriousness, distance from others, and even some coldness.


Business, work

The numerology of a vibrating 5 phone number is good for creative mavericks who are constantly on the go. The energy of this figure is similar to 3, with the difference that it is more “diffused” and variable. Calls will be interesting and unexpected for one and the other. Their theme will be intrigue. The phone will either constantly ring, or then there may be a long silence.

A room with this vibration is rather not suitable for very serious institutions or companies. Good for advertising, the editorial office, in the ad department of the newspaper, designed for places where entertainment and events are organized, for example, travel agencies.

This number will be good for representatives of free professions, as well as for people who work with the word - an excellent choice for media workers, journalists and sales representatives. Such a phone is also justified in such "nests of debauchery and excitement" as a casino, bar, night club or escort agency. Conversations on it are usually quick, concrete, intelligible, sometimes a little frivolous and tough.

Private life

Of course, such a vibration will suit lonely people who start calling themselves and others will call them.

The phone favors flirting, romance, and private contacts.

Sometimes people with this vibration of the gadget are so overloaded with the number of contacts that they forget to call back.


Business, work

This number promotes harmonious relations, order, all misunderstandings thanks to it will be resolved. Subscribers will be willing to trust their problems and, of course, will receive help. Such a number brings good active contacts, more specific than 3.

A good number for nannies, psychologists, teachers, educational, educational institutions, places where someone is looked after, any institution that somehow works for the good of the family. The room is perfect for any place where they care about health, physical condition, appearance, for example, hospitals, pharmacies, hairdressers or beauty salons.

The combination with a final vibration of 6 is ideal for artists, for companies involved in art (for example, an art gallery), good for a hotel and a furniture salon.

Private life

Vibration promotes family life, reassurances of warm feelings and love. This is a good room for children and seniors who expect help. Also, subscribers will be able to count on words of support, and conversation will be a balm for their soul.

Room useful in love and partnership. Promotes long, warm, family conversations. It is worth remembering that there should not be too many conversations, because otherwise the home budget may not be able to withstand this.

If you are looking for the other half, be sure to make sure you have such a number. Because it gives you a magical chance by chance or mistake to find the love of your life by phone.


Business, work

The numerology of a phone number with vibration 7 is definitely not conducive to violent communication, so this number is not for companies and individuals who are interested in maintaining relationships and active contacts. In this case, talk about affairs, business will be restrained, not specific enough and there will be few of them. Rather, such a phone should be located in calm and “elegant” art institutions, such as museums or exhibition halls.

This is a good number for those who have some secrets and want to hide them, for example, if someone leads a second life, etc.

Ideal choice for agents, single people in life, detectives, people involved in science.

He is good in the offices of therapists, for church institutions, priests, for famous people who use this phone only for private contacts. People who call this number will often need spiritual support.

Private life

This is a very good vibration for a person who works all day in noise and wants to be left alone at home. Because the seven, rather, protects people from calls. However, it can turn out the other way round: if this is a home number, then friends will often call it, the subscriber will turn into a therapist, a magic wand and a vest for all his friends who will cry all day long into his pipe.

This is a number that is difficult to reach, because its owner often loses the charger, does not like to talk or does not carry the device with him. A good choice for those who have purchased a phone just in case and rarely use it in practice.


Business, work

Numerology of vibration phone number 8 for business - ideal. This is the most “business” issue that favors conversations about official affairs, money and business, therefore it is highly recommended to entrepreneurs. Vibration of the number 8 is a help in working with banks, customers and important people. It helps in clear, specific telephone conversations, therefore it is also recommended, in particular, for trading.

Eight will work well in a betting company, a bank, insurance companies, an exchange, a court, a law firm, a law firm, a bank, a military unit. Through it, all issues are effectively resolved.

Such a phone perfectly justifies its presence in large companies, international corporations, wherever there is a lot of money and where they want to maximize their collection.

Private life

This figure supports the achievement of profit, contributes not only to augmentation of property, but also the maintenance of constant business relations.

Having such a phone for private use, add more humor, relaxation, a touch of warmth to your conversations, smile and soften your voice. Otherwise - regardless of the intentions and nature of the conversation - you will be heard and perceived as an evil commander who does not speak, but issues orders one by one. Especially you need to increase your sensitivity during a conversation if someone is handling a problem.


Business, work

The numerology of telephone number 9 makes it ideal for a charitable organization, foundation, association, socially useful organization (for example, a shelter for single mothers) or a helpline, receiving messages about accidents. Nine brings fame to the organization, but not necessarily money goes for fame.

This number is good for travelers, people with a free spirit, individualists. Vibration 9 introduces numerous social and foreign contacts, as well as a positive perception of the environment.

Private life

A very good number for private practitioners and people who help others (for example, volunteers, carers). People who crave help, sympathy or understanding will call him. The figure is useful for people conducting social activities, but not expecting profit. Calls on it are creative and emotional.

Great for sincere, spontaneous conversations that give a feeling of support and security. This is a convenient, “friendly” telephone, on which you can talk for a long time and freely, complain, regulate contentious issues.


How to choose a number? Numerology: the magic of numbers in your phone number

Ever wondered what secrets this unique set of digits of your phone number holds? What does he mean? Or maybe everything that happens to you in one way or another is connected precisely with the phone number ....

The numbers matter

According to numerology, choosing particular numbers (even unknowingly), we influence not only our character, but also the events occurring in life.

Numerology in Feng Shui is an opportunity to attract positive energy into your life, increase prosperity, make useful contacts and even avoid trouble.

Therefore, do not rush to get beautiful numbers with the same numbers in a row: 7777, 1111. Depending on your character, a combination of numbers that may not be attractive at first glance may turn out to be favorable.

The balance of life - Yin and Yang in your room

According to the meaning of Chinese numerology, all numbers are divided into Yin (even) and Yang (odd). It is important that the balance of these parties is maintained in the telephone number.

In Feng Shui philosophy, each number has a specific meaning. But each figure has its own period, which makes it more active than others. For example, now there is an 8th period (the eight dominates) - it began in 2004, and ends in 2024.

The following numbers are considered the most favorable today:

1 - leadership, marks the beginning, renewal

6 - symbolizes money, gold, financial stability

8 - means luck, prosperity, prosperity

9 - increase and increase profit.

The following numbers are considered neutral:

2 - indicates conservatism, caring for others

3 - negotiations, competition, with a complex combination causes controversy and aggression

4 - brings luck, partnership, useful new acquaintances

5 - the figure-emperor, self-confidence, helps to understand yourself, but now is in a weak period of luck

7 - the figure of a warrior, may incur losses (not always material)

Choose a phone number with a successful combination - for example, 168 (lucky leader, profit), 968 - increase in luck in money.

Arcane Meaning Arithmetic

Western numerology interprets the meaning of numbers only when they are added and reduced to one. Take, for example, the phone number 8 917 589 46 32. When adding all the numbers, we get 62, add 6 + 2 and get 8.

What special meaning does the number of your phone number carry?

1 - a strong number that increases your energy and helps to influence others. Ideal for businessmen, but not suitable for people who are looking for a second half.

2 - stands for romance and is suitable for those who are in search of love. The number also sets up for collaboration. Good for those involved in sales.

3 - symbolizes creativity and fun. Suitable for artists, young people, musicians. Undesirable for ambitious individuals.

4 - stability and reliability. This is the ideal number of banking organizations, law firms for which reputation and trust are important. This number is also suitable for those with a large family.

5 - brings to life adventures and a certain instability. This number is good for people who love freedom and travel.

6 is the most favorable figure for family members. Carries with itself care, protection, strengthens family relationships.

7 - a mystical number that balances positively affects the internal mood. Recommended to students and thinkers.

8 - luck, attraction of money. A number ideal for businessmen and ambitious people. Symbolizes practicality, not suitable for people interested in personal growth.

9 is one of the happiest numbers. Also, this number indicates idealism, compassion, therefore it is suitable for medical workers and members of charitable organizations. Not the best option for people seeking to increase their financial condition.

Choose not only beautiful, but also lucky numbers on the Golden Moscow numbers website. Thanks to the convenient search form, you will quickly find a suitable phone number for yourself.


Numerology phone numbers

Numerology today allows people to solve many issues in which they are not completely sure. Among the significant areas worth mentioning is “numerology and business”.

Esoterics represent a fairly large number of concepts proving the influence of numbers on the life processes of people, their fate. If we proceed to the practical application of numerological meanings, we can understand what the concept of numerology of a telephone number means, and how it affects the achievement of success in business.

Simply put, we call numerology a system of knowledge that allows you to manage certain events in our lives and in one way or another influence their course.

A lot of people, when buying a new mobile phone or replacing a SIM card, are eager to get a “beautiful” number, and it is important that it is easy to remember. This is not due to poor memory, but rather to the desire to increase personal prestige in the eyes of others or to emphasize the status of the company. Indeed, in modern society, a “beautiful” number containing combinations of the type 1111 or 7777 belongs, as a rule, to successful businessmen and companies occupying leadership positions.

What is so special about telephone numbers with identical and repeating numbers for business? Practice shows that such combinations are easy to remember, look spectacularly in advertising, on business cards, play a big role in business development, leave positive impressions about their owner.

Among the “beautiful” there are also paired and mirror sets of numbers, arranged in ascending order (or decreasing). For example, 448-44-844, 333-55-99.

Such combinations definitely bring good money to the owners. According to statistics, if, during a campaign, the company resorts to broadcasting advertising and the ticker line shows a number of the same numbers, the number of calls increases by 25%.

Naturally, many in order to increase profits are willing to pay serious amounts for prestigious rooms. Interestingly, Sichuan Airlines, the airline of China, laid out an amount of $ 285 thousand for the phone 888-88-88.

Many people try to choose lucky phone numbers unconsciously (they just liked the numbers, or the combination coincides with some important date), others follow the magic of numbers, first contacting numerologists for advice.

The Chinese say that choosing a home or mobile phone number follows the rules of Chinese numerology, where all numbers are divided into Yin and Yang (harmony of even and odd).

Phone Number Analysis

If you want to know what kind of magic and value the numbers of your phone number carry, carry out a numerological analysis.

All numbers from the combination must be added up without taking into account the codes of the country, city, mobile operator. Then reduce the amount by the method of numerological addition to one significant digit. The result of a simple summation will be a single-digit number.

You can take, for example, the number 341-10-44 \u003d 3 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 4 + 4 \u003d 17 \u003d 1 + 7 \u003d 8. So, according to the calculations, the numerological value for the phone number 341-10-44 is the number 8. This diagram is a simplified analysis.

An experienced numerologist, when performing such manipulations, takes into account a very impressive number of factors if the client wants to pick up a phone number for communication with his family, for business, etc. It is simple to carry out a similar procedure nowadays: you can make an appointment with a numerologist, or get a consultation in online mode.

For those who want to choose a “beautiful” and “happy” combination on their own, it will be useful to interpret the numbers obtained by adding.


  • 1 - such a phone is successful for making personal dates, important meetings, employment, for developing long-term projects.
  • 2 - the number helps to resolve important contentious issues, build partnership relations, favorably affects conversations with colleagues.
  • 3 - choosing a phone with such a number, you are doomed to success in monetary matters: investors will never say no.
  • 4 - such a numerological number of a telephone number means that its owner must become an artist, musician, fashion designer or other creative person.
  • 5 - you should definitely pay attention to a similar set of numbers for a person who is often on the road, traveling, traveling; it is recommended to make online purchases, order tickets.
  • 6 - the phone is extremely successful for conversations with family people, for spiritual advice.
  • 7 - if you are a careerist, you do not have a family, then this combination will bring good luck, strengthen your financial situation, and help in resolving working moments.
  • 8 - having received the figure eight in the calculations of your number, be sure that matters related to the sale of real estate will be crowned with success.
  • 9 - a combination that gives the number nine in the calculations, is intended to solve legal issues, for successful results in litigation.

Numerologists note that each figure has its own time period, when it has the most powerful influence. Now is the period when the events are ruled by the eight - the eighth period. Its beginning was in 2004, and the completion will be in the year 2024.

The following values \u200b\u200bare recognized as positive today:

  • 1 - update in business, achievement of leadership.
  • 6 - financial stability.
  • 8 - prosperity, luck in business.
  • 9 - profit, increase.

Figures bearing neutral influence:

  • 2 - care for people close to you.
  • 3 - competitive outbursts, aggressive attitude.
  • 4 - dating useful people.
  • 5 - introspection, confidence, now this figure is in a weak impact on business.
  • 7 - the figure of self-knowledge, learning.

In Feng Shui, numerology explains the influence of numbers as the possibility of attracting a stream of light energy into a string of life events. And telephone numbers are the most effective tools in this business.

Naturally, the nature of a person and his fate are already predetermined by the numbers inherent in the date of birth. However, we can still make some adjustments and turn things into a successful channel.

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