How to find out the network card in Linux. What is a network card, and what is it for in a computer, laptop, and how does it work? How to find out which network card is on my computer, laptop: methods. How to choose the right network card for your computer, know

A network card, more commonly known as a network card, is a device that allows a computer to communicate with other devices on a network. In most computers and laptops, the network card is already built into the motherboard, not only to reduce the cost of the device, but also for the convenience of the user. Of course, you can use a separate network card.

Imagine a situation when a user reinstalled the operating system and now some of the devices do not work for the simple reason that the necessary drivers are missing. This can happen with a network card. Therefore, in order to find out which driver is needed for a network card, you need to find out its name. I will tell you about several methods that will allow you to do this in just a few clicks.

We look at the name through the device manager

The easiest way for the vast majority of users is to look at the name with the help, where you can see all the information about the equipment installed on the computer.

Find the "Computer" icon on the desktop (if it is not there, click on the "Start" button and look at the right side of the window that appears), click on the right mouse button and select "Properties". A window like this will appear:

Click on the "Device Manager" link. A window with installed devices will open. Select "Network adapters" and look at the installed model of the network card. There may be several of them. Remember also that here you can see additional devices for connecting to the Internet, including or Bluetooth adapters.

Using the command line

You can take advantage of. It's very simple.

Click on the "Start" button and in the "Find programs and files" line (for Windows 7) write three letters cmd and press the Enter key. This will invoke the command line.

We look at the specification of the motherboard

If you are using the built-in network card in the motherboard, then it may be easier for you to type in the name of the motherboard into a search engine. This will help you find out the device name for downloading drivers. About that on the computer, I already managed to tell some time ago.

Sometimes the name of the network card can be found on the box from the motherboard, of course, if you assembled the system unit yourself.

Alternatively, you can see what is written on the network card itself. To do this, however, you have to open the lid of the system unit and look at the device. Of course, we are only talking about a third-party network card, not a built-in one. If you do decide to use this method, then first turn off the computer and unplug the power cord.

Third Party Programs

Of course, you can use third-party programs that show the specification of your device.

One of the most popular programs of this kind is Everest. Paid, but allows you to use the first month for free. Of course, you can use a free analogue.

You download the program, install it on your computer, launch it and find the information you need.

I hope that these four methods will be enough for you to find out the model of your network card.

A network card or network adapter is needed to create a local network with which you can connect several computers to each other, as well as to connect your computer to the Internet. Sometimes the card starts working incorrectly, but you can restore it yourself using standard Windows 7 tools.

When to manually configure the adapter

You need to update drivers or change the settings of the card if you have problems with raising the local network or connecting to the Internet. Please note that the appearance of such problems is not always caused by the network adapter, but sometimes it is precisely because of it that errors occur that block access to the network.

How to find out the adapter model

The first thing to do is check if the card is connected to the computer and recognized by it. The adapter is included with all laptops and computers by default, so if you did not assemble your device in parts yourself, you should not think about its absence. But there are times when the wires going to it disconnect or go away.

A network card (or network adapter) is a device that enables a computer to communicate with other devices. On modern PCs and laptops, the components of this device are integrated into the motherboard.

You will need to open the computer case and check it only if the network card is not displayed in the "Device Manager":

Card activation

If a network card is connected but not in use, it must be turned on manually. This can be done in several ways. If the card is not damaged, then the inclusion will not cause errors.

Through the "Device Manager"

The previous section described how to view the card model through the Device Manager. Find the required adapter and, by right-clicking on it, select the "Activate" function. If the card is turned on successfully, the down arrow icon will disappear from its icon.

Click on the "Activate" button in the "Device Manager"

Using the "Control Panel"

  1. Using the Start menu or any other method, launch the Control Panel on your computer. Open the "Control Panel"
  2. Navigate to the "Network and Sharing Center".
    Go to the "Network and Sharing Center"
  3. Click on the "Change adapter parameters" sub-item.
    Click on the sub-item "Change adapter parameters"
  4. A list will open, which most likely will contain several cards. One serves as a connection to a wireless network, and the other to a wireless network. Additional adapters may be listed. Select the required one and by clicking on it with the right mouse button, select the "Enable" function. Wait for the activation to end: the red cross icon on the map icon should disappear.
    Click on the "Enable" button to activate the adapter


If the card cannot be activated in the previous two ways, then perhaps this can be done through the BIOS settings.

  1. The BIOS is entered using the Delete key, which must be pressed while turning on the computer. Perhaps the key that activates the BIOS will be different: this will be said in the hint that appears in one of the corners of the screen at the stage of the logo appearance. If you know the model of your motherboard, you can find on the Internet the button responsible for entering the BIOS.
    Enter BIOS by pressing the Delete key
  2. The design and location of items and sections of the BIOS may differ depending on its version and model of the motherboard, but the following procedure is approximately the same for all versions. Go to the "Advanced" tab.
    Open the "Advanced" tab
  3. Go to the subsection "Onboard Devices Configuration".
    Open the subsection "Onboard Devices Configuration"
  4. To enable the card, set the value “Enabled” in the line “Onboard Lan”. Disabled means the card is disabled.
    We set the parameter "Enabled" for the line "Onboard Lan"

Video: how to enable the network card in Windows 7

You can disconnect an extra card in the same ways that you allowed it to be turned on: through the "Device Manager", "Control Panel" and BIOS. Only in the last step of the method through the "Device Manager" you need to click the "Disable" or "Delete" button, in the "Control Panel" the "Disable" button, and in the BIOS change the value from "Enabled" to "Disabled".

Disable the card through the "Control Panel"

Updating and installing drivers

Drivers are required so that the card does not conflict with other components and fully performs all its functions. They are usually installed automatically the first time you plug in the computer adapter, but sometimes the drivers crash or become outdated. In both cases, you need to reinstall them yourself. This is done through the "Device Manager".

Automatic update

The positive side of this method is that you will not need to search for drivers manually, the negative side is that you will need an Internet connection, which may not be available if the network card is not working. But if you have the ability to connect to the network, then you can update the drivers in the following way:

Manual update

The advantage of this method is that you can download the card drivers manually from another computer that has Internet access, and then transfer them to your own and install. It is recommended to download the card drivers strictly from the official website of the company that created it.

What to do if the drivers are not installed

If at any of the stages errors occur that prevent the installation of drivers, you must remove the adapter from the "Device Manager" and restart the computer.

Removing the card from the "Task Manager"

After rebooting, open the list of connected devices again, and in it the sub-item "Other devices". It will contain the "Network Controller", which is your card. Install drivers on it using one of the above methods.

The network controller is in the sub-item "Other devices"

Video: how to update a network driver

Viewing Map Options

If you want to find out the physical address, IPv4 parameters, gateway address and other possible information about the adapter, then follow these steps:

Additional way

You can also find out the parameters of the card through the "Command line" using the command "ipconfig / all". You can find the "Command Line" by going to "Start" - "Accessories" - "Command Line". Executing this command brings up information about all physical and virtual adapters recognized by the computer.

We execute the command "ipconfig / all" to get information

How to change map parameters

The previous paragraph described how to view information about a network adapter. But you can not only see it, but also change it by following these steps:

Video: how to set up a network card

Network card update

The only way to update the network card is to install more recent drivers on it, in which the developers have fixed some of the previously made mistakes. Installation of new drivers is performed directly over the already installed ones. If you cannot install over it, then you should remove the device, restart the computer and repeat the procedure. How to do this is described in the section "Updating and installing drivers".

Can I use two cards

Two network cards can work simultaneously and offload each other if one of them is aimed at working with Internet traffic, and the other - at working with a local network. To do this, you need to correctly set the IP, DNS and router parameters for both adapters.

Reset adapter settings

You can reset the adapter settings, namely TCP / IP and DNS, using standard Windows tools or using a third-party program from Microsoft. Conditions under which a reset must be performed:

  • internet connection speed is slow or unstable;
  • files are downloaded broken, this happens due to the same instability of the Internet;
  • when connected, the Internet works fully, but after a few minutes problems begin;
  • manually changing adapter settings led to other internet problems.

Standard method

Start Command Prompt by going to Start - Accessories - Command Prompt and enter the commands "netsh int ip reset c: \\ resetlog.txt", "netsh int tcp reset" and "netsh winsock reset" which will reset the settings to the factory settings. Done, the registry branches and system files will see the changes, you may need to restart your computer.

We execute the commands "netsh int ip reset c: \\ resetlog.txt", "netsh int tcp reset" and "netsh winsock reset" in the "Command line"

Through a third party program

You can download Microsoft's NetShell program, which does not require installation, from their own official website. After launching it, follow the instructions on the screen to reset all changed settings.

Download the program to automatically reset the map settings

Resolving Adapter Errors

During configuration or use of the adapter, the following errors may occur, which will not allow using the Internet or local network. Most of these can be eliminated without replacing the card.

Card does not have valid IP settings

This error can be encountered when setting IP parameters or scanning the network module using standard Windows tools designed to automatically eliminate errors.

Getting settings manually

If you have not changed the parameters of the adapter, that is, it receives an IP address automatically, then a manual request to obtain an IP can fix the problem:


Resetting the settings to their default values \u200b\u200bis the most reliable way. How to do this in several ways is described in the "Reset adapter settings" section.

Manual adapter setting

If the previous methods did not help, you should try to set the settings yourself:

Error "This device cannot be started"

This error occurs in the "Device Manager" not only with the adapter, but also with other connected devices, and has code 10. To fix it, you need to update the card drivers. How to do this is described in the section "Updating and installing drivers".

Adapter not working, not installing, or not showing

If the adapter does not work, is not installed or is not displayed, then the reasons may be the following:

Changed map settings fly off

If, after you close the window with the changed settings or restart the computer, all the changes you have made fly off as if you hadn’t made them, then there are two ways to solve this problem: set the settings by running commands and change the incorrect values \u200b\u200bin the registry.

Making changes through the "Command line"

Run "Command Prompt" with administrator rights and sequentially run the following two commands: "route delete" and "route -p add mask X", in the second command "X" is the IP of your router, which usually looks like "", but may have a different meaning in your case.

Changing registry settings

A network adapter is needed to connect to the Internet and other computers. If it does not work or is not displayed, check its connection to the computer with wires, and then the status of its drivers and parameters. Remember to make sure the use of the network card is enabled in the BIOS.

Quite often, after reinstalling Windows, users are faced with the fact that their local network and Internet do not work. Obviously, you need to install drivers, but it's not clear for which network card. In such cases, users ask themselves a completely logical question, how to find out what kind of network card I have.

How to find out what network card I have on Windows 7, 8 or 10

If you are using the operating system Windows 7, 8 or 10, then in order to find out which network card you have you need to open “ device Manager". The easiest way to open " device Manager"Is to execute the command" mmc devmgmt.msc ".

To do this, press the key combination Windows + R and in the window that opens, enter the command "mmc devmgmt.msc" (without quotes, of course).

After that, you will see a window " device Manager". Here you need to open the section " Network adapters". This section will display the name of your network card.

Please note that some programs can create virtual network adapters, which are then displayed in the list of network adapters in " Device manager". It is quite easy to distinguish these virtual adapters. Because they have the same name as the program. For example, in the screenshot above, there is a virtual adapter from the VirtualBox program.

How to find out which network card I have on Windows XP

In the Windows XP operating system, everything is exactly the same as described above. You need to open " device Manager"With the command" mmc devmgmt.msc "and see the name of the network card. The only difference is that in Windows XP the section with network cards is not called "Network adapters", but "Network cards".

How to find out what network card I have using the command line

Also you can find out the name of the network card using the command line. To do this, open Windows Command Prompt and enter the command "ipconfig / all".

After that, the command line will display information about all network connections on this computer. On the contrary, under the item "Description", for each of the network connections the name of the network card will be indicated.

Other Ways to View Network Card Information

All of the above methods of obtaining information about the network card use the tools built into the operating system. But, you can use third-party programs. For example, you can use the AIDA64 program. In this program, you need to open the section " Devices - Windows Devices - Network Adapters».

This section will indicate the name of the network card, as well as other information about it.


If the operating system is working correctly, right-click on the "My Computer" icon and select the lowest command - "Properties". In the "Properties window" go to the "Hardware" tab and click the "Device Manager" button. From the list of devices, select the item "Network cards" and click on the square with a plus sign to the left of it. A list of network devices with the names of the models installed in your system unit will open.

The way for the curious, as well as for those who survived the reinstallation of Windows and did not find the driver for it, is to see everything with your own eyes. Unplug the computer and remove the lag screws on the rear panel. Remove the side cover. If an external network card is installed in the system unit, remove the screw that secures it to the system and remove it from the slot. The type of network adapter is written on the face of the adapter.

If the network adapter is integrated into the motherboard, find its name and rewrite it. Go to the manufacturer's website and study the characteristics "" - among others, the type of network adapter will be named.

If for some reason it was not possible to determine the adapter model, use Windows tools. Right-click on the "My Computer" icon and select the "Management" option in the context menu. On the left side of the control window, click on "Device Manager". A list of devices installed in the system unit appears on the right. Those on which the driver is not installed are marked with a yellow question mark. Right-click on the Ethernet controller item and select Properties from the context menu. Go to the "Details" tab. Expand the drop-down list and find the item "Device Instance Code". The code appears in the window below. Rewrite it.

Go to the website\u003dname and in the Search vendors field enter the first 4 digits of the code. For example, device instance code: PCI \\ VEN_1106 & DEV_3106 & SUBSYS_14051186 & REV_8B \\ 4 & 2966AB86 & 0 & 30A4

The first four digits - 1106 - enter in the corresponding field. The search will return the name of the manufacturer

Click on the company name. In the new window, enter the following four numbers in the Search devices field - 3106. The program reports the type and model of the network adapter.


  • how to find out which network adapter

The controller is one of the most important components in all technical and electrical devices, since it is responsible for control, and without it, accordingly, nothing will work. It also plays a very important role in flash devices, but, unfortunately, periodically its malfunction is the cause of the failure of the entire flash drive.

You will need

  • Personal computer, flash drive


To fix a USB flash device, it is very important type ... To accomplish this task, it is convenient to use special programs that are available on the Internet. The first step is to type controller, you must follow the link Next, download the special CheckUDisk 5.3 program, which is written about on this page. Install the program. In general, we can say that the installation will take less than a minute. Open the downloaded one and run the exe file.

When you do this, a small window will open in front of you, in which you should next to the item "All USB Device". If a USB flash drive is inserted into the computer, a list of working devices will appear in the "Connected UDisc" window, where you must select your flash drive and left-click on it.

Now in the list, which is displayed in the lower window, you can name and other information, but special attention should be paid to the VID & PID indicators, which are directly related to the controller, as, accordingly, determine its type. When looking for drivers or other tasks, VID & PID data are very important.

To perform a function by definition type controller you can use other programs, for example, UsbIDCheck, ChipGenius, or USBDeview. But there is not much difference, since they are extremely similar to each other. As you can see, define the type controller in a USB flash device is not that difficult, but it will help to solve many problems. The main thing is only to follow a certain algorithm of actions.

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After reinstalling Windows, it is often necessary to install an additional driver on a separate device. Operating systems contain drivers for only a small fraction of computer hardware, and some devices require newer drivers than those originally installed. One of these devices is a network card. It is rather difficult to determine the model of the card - its board itself does not have clear indications of the model name.

You will need

  • A computer with network access.


Enter the task manager. To do this, right-click on the My Computer icon, select the Task Manager item in the context menu, and left-click on it. A window will open in which a list of all devices installed on the PC will be listed, grouped by semantic categories.

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Neglecting analytical data on statistics will lead in the future to the loss of a significant number of consumers and lower positions in search engine rankings due to ignorance of market requirements.

Helpful advice

Be very careful to include the Google code on every page of your site. This service will give you detailed information about visits and page views, as well as the time spent on the site of visitors and other parameters. Detailed statistics will be shown when you select one or another item.

A network card or card is an integrated peripheral or add-on device that enables a computer to create, connect, and interact with wired and wireless networks. To find out its manufacturer and model, use one of the suggested methods.


If your network is already installed in the computer, you can look at the warranty card or receipt, of course, provided that you kept the original box from the device. The full name of the manufacturer and model of the device is always indicated in the warranty card.

If you are looking for your network card model or card to download drivers for a clean version of Microsoft Windows that does not contain built-in device drivers, go to the network card manufacturer's website. Find the page for downloading drivers and software. Usually, it is called Downloads, Drivers, etc. Most likely, the site will automatically detect your network card. If it doesn't, download all available drivers and try installing them via driver update in Device Manager. It is also possible that when connected to the Internet, the operating system will itself determine the model of the network card and load the necessary driver.

If the driver is already installed and you need to find out the manufacturer's name and model number of the network card, go to the Windows Control Panel through the Start menu or the system folder “My Computer” and double-click on the “Device Manager” shortcut after switching to the “Small icons "or" Large icons ". In the device manager window that appears, find the "Network adapters" section and expand it with a single click of the left mouse button. All network devices will be listed there, including Wi-Fi. Double-click a device name to view the details of the device and the driver installed on it.

You can also open the case by carefully removing the network card (if it is not integrated) from the lan slot and look at the labeling on the sticker in the corner of the network card.

For the correct operation of most devices of a personal computer, special files (drivers) are required. There are many different methods you can use to successfully install drivers.

You will need

  • Sam Dirvers program.


First, connect the new network adapter to your computer. To do this, disconnect the system unit from the AC power and remove the left cover. Install a new network card in the PCI slot and turn on the computer. If you are using a USB-LAN adapter, then connect it to an already turned on PC. This will speed up the automatic device detection process.

Some time after the operating system boots, the new network adapter will be automatically detected. If the set of this OS includes drivers for this equipment, they will be automatically installed. If this does not happen, then install the necessary files yourself. The problem is that you will not be able to access the Internet until this adapter is working.

In such situations, it is recommended to use additional programs. Use a different computer and download the Sam Drivers utility. If you are unable to record the entire program, then open the Drivers folder and copy from it all archives containing the LAN string in the name, for example DP_LAN_wnt6-x86_1110.7z.

Now copy all these archives to a separate folder on your computer. Open Device Manager and find the network adapter with an exclamation mark in its name. Right-click on it and select the "Update Drivers" option. Now select "Install from Specified Folder". In the menu that opens, select the directory in which the driver archives are located and click the Ok button.

After completing the driver installation for the network adapter, connect the cable to it. Wait for the automatic detection of the new network. Remember, it is best to use the drivers provided by the manufacturer of this device. Visit the site you want and download the latest drivers.


  • where is the network adapter

After installing the operating system, it is extremely important to select the correct versions of the working files for some devices. Most often, installing new drivers allows you to increase the productivity of equipment.

You will need

  • - Sam Drivers;
  • - access to the Internet.


To search for network drivers cards various methods can be used. First, try to find the files you need by visiting the official website of the manufacturer of this equipment. If you are setting up a mobile computer, then it makes sense to visit the site of the developers of this device.

Download the found files. Use WinZip or its equivalent to unpack them from the archive. Now press the "Start" key and right-click on the item "My Computer". Go to PC properties.

Open the Device Manager menu and find the correct network adapter. Go to the properties of this device. Select the "Drivers" menu and click the "Update" button. In the next dialog menu, select Install from a list or specific location.

Now point to the folder on your hard drive where the unpacked drivers are located. Wait for the automatic selection of the necessary files and their installation.

The main problem is that it is not always possible to connect to the Internet without using a network card. In such situations, it is recommended to use additional utilities such as Sam Drivers.

Run dia-drv.exe from the Sam Drivers folder. Wait while the program scans the connected devices. After the utility has finished loading, check the boxes related to network devices, such as LAN Atheros and LAN Others.

Click the Install Selected button and select Typical Installation from the drop-down menu. Confirm the installation of unverified drivers. Restart your computer after completing the above operations.

Open Device Manager and make sure the network card is working properly. If the program does not automatically pick up the drivers, use the method described in the third and fourth steps. In doing so, specify the folder where you installed the Sam Drivers program.

Tip 8: How to determine which computer is on the network in 2019

Sometimes it becomes necessary to determine which computer connected to networks... It is enough to find out the IP address, and then you can find the user by knowing his location. If at the moment computer implements connect or ping, then we can say with complete confidence that it is in networks.


Find out the user's IP address. Then go to and enter the IP address in the “search for” field. The computer will give information about which country this address belongs to. The message is issued in English. There are special programs that show the user's location and city on a geographic map. Similar programs can be found on the informative website

Send an instant message to the user in the form of a pop-up window by typing the command “net send, IP-address, message” in FAR Manager. In this case, you will receive information about the provider, which has data on the actual location of the user. Please note that he will not provide this data without a special request.

Use a special PHP program online sniffer or http web sniffer (eng), which saves information about any user (IP address, time of visiting the page) in a special file on the server. To find out data about a user from any social networks, chat, blog, forum, etc., enter the http web sniffer address on the net as a useful link. Everyone who clicks on it will become known to you. You can find out the IP address by networksthe name of the provider (often even the name of the company), the address of the page from which the link was clicked and the type of operating system Alternatively, you can paste the link into the email and ask the user to click on it.

Use the traceroute or ping utilities. With their help, you will determine the availability of a node, but not the availability of a specific service on it. Connect to any Internet site (search server, sites of large companies, etc.). When calling connection functions, define a programmatic response to various errors, thereby checking the availability of nodes and services.

A network card is a device by which computers connect to a network and communicate with each other. Structurally, the network adapter can be an expansion card and can be inserted into a special slot on the motherboard or integrated into the motherboard.


You can find out the type and model of the network card in different ways. If the device is external, you can see the markings with your own eyes. To do this, disconnect the computer from the power supply, remove the screws that hold the side panel of the system unit, and remove it. Remove the network card from the slot and find its characteristics.

If the card is integrated, find the motherboard model name. It is usually written over PCI slots or between the CPU and RAM slots. On the manufacturer's website, you can get complete information about integrated devices.

You can get information about devices using Wundows. After the system boots, go to the "Control Panel", double-click on the "Administrative Tools" node and click on the "Computer Management" icon. In the console window, click the Device Manager snap-in. A list of system unit components will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

Expand the Network Cards node. If the system has detected a network adapter and installed a driver for it, the device model will be displayed in the list. If the network card

What are the network adapters

A network adapter is a printed circuit board that plugs into a slot on your motherboard. It can also be integrated into the motherboard or connected to a computer via a USB connector. There are other options, but these are the most common. The adapter can be distinguished by the characteristic connector designed for connecting the connector of the network cable. There are more and more adapters for network connection using either Wi-Fi technology. The latter are distinguished by the presence of a radio antenna. The purpose of any kind of network adapter is the physical connection of the computer and the transmission medium, as well as the preparation and transmission of data from one device to another.

Installing and configuring the network adapter

Before installing the network adapter, pay attention to its brand, it will be required during the setup process. Physical connection requires access to the motherboard. For this purpose, you need to disconnect the cover from the system unit.

Next, find the connector on the motherboard for installing the card. Often, in this case, you need to remove the covering metal plates from the rear panel of the system unit in order to bring out the external interface of the adapter. Install the module in the slot, make sure that the connector for the cable is accessible, and screw the board with a screw to secure it. Then put the cover back on the system unit. Connect the network cable.

Turn on your PC. After the system boots, a message appears that a new device has been found. For correct operation, you need to install a driver that matches the system and the brand of the network adapter. It is better to download it from the manufacturer's official website. Then reboot the system. The network connection icon should appear on the taskbar.

Right-click the icon and select Network and Sharing Center. This is where all the network connection settings are made. In particular, go to the "Change adapter settings" menu, after which all existing network connections will open.

To change properties, right-click on the icon of any of them and select Properties from the context menu. In addition, the status of each connection is also visible here: “Enabled” or “Disabled”. Connections included but not working for any reason are crossed out with a red cross. You can also enable or disable the connection (software control of the adapter) through the context menu.

A network adapter or network card is an integral part of any computer connected to a network, providing communication and data transfer with other devices and access to the Internet. To understand how they work, you need to know the characteristics of the network cards.

The bit depth or bandwidth of the card determines the data transfer rate. There are 8, 16, 32, 64-bit adapters. In stationary computers, 32-bit adapters are more often used, and for a server 64 bits are better suited. The more bandwidth, the higher the speed of the connection and data transfer over the network. The following speed parameters are distinguished: 10, 100 and 1000 Mbps. Typical speed required for operation and used by most adapters is 100 Mb / s. But with the development of the Internet, users have a need for 1000 MB / s cards in order to achieve a higher connection. If the provider does not provide this speed, this card will not be of any use.

This bus is used to exchange information between the network card and the motherboard. There are various types of interfaces: ISA, EISA, VL-Bus, PCI, CF. Modern computers mainly use the PCI interface, which supports 32 and 64-bit data exchange. USB is used to connect external network cards, and a CF slot is used to connect a laptop.

If you plan to connect to the network using a coaxial cable (there are thick and thin Ethernet cables), then you need a network card with a BNC connector. When used for data transmission with twisted pair, RJ45 connectors are used. These two types of connection are used most often.

Most modern network cards are additionally equipped with a ROM chip, which provides a number of advantages. This chip provides, if necessary, booting the computer not from a local disk, but from a network server, even if there are no disks installed on the computer, and does not affect the operation of the card itself.

This mode determines the ability to receive and transmit data from the network card. If the properties of a network connection say, for example, "100 Mb / s Full Duplex", this means that the network card operates at 100 Mb / s and can send and receive data simultaneously, unlike Half Duplex. But for the Full mode to work, it is necessary that the device with which the connection is made also supports this mode. In modern computers, for the sake of convenience and cost reduction, network adapters are integrated into the motherboard, although external ones are often used. The network cable is installed in the corresponding connector on the network card.

Sometimes you need to look at the network cards in Linux that are connected to this computer, find out the product name or technical characteristics of the card, as well as its data transfer rate. For example, when you want to check the compatibility of a network driver or kernel module with an Ethernet adapter, you need to know its hardware specifications, such as: model number and manufacturer, (for example: Broadcom NetXtreme, Intel I350), speed (for example: (1GB / s, 10GB / s), connection mode (full / half duplex), etc.

You will also need this information if you want to select a driver for your wifi adapter. In this manual, I will tell you how to find out the linux network card and see all its available characteristics.

NIC info using Ethtool

If you are interested in information about the Ehternet wired network card, then you can use the Ethtool utility. It is a command line tool for checking and modifying PCI Ethernet card settings. To install Ethtool on Ubuntu or Debian use the command:

sudo apt install ethtool

In other distributions, installation is done in the same way, only you need to use a suitable package manager.

To display the settings of the network card in ethtool, run the utility passing the name of the network adapter in the parameters. Superuser rights are needed here so that the utility can get information about the local network settings and connection status.

sudo ethtool eth0

Here you can see the supported modes of operation Supported link modes, speed Speed and connector type Port, and also the connection status. Use the i option to view information about the network driver and firmware:

sudo ethtool -i eth0

Here you can see which modes the firmware supports, as well as its version. If you are interested in the MAC address do:

sudo ethtool -P eth0

Network card info in lshw

In the second method, we will use a utility to display detailed information about Linux hardware - lshw. With it, you can view information not only about the Ethernet card, but also about the Wifi adapter, as well as see a list of network cards.

To install lshw on Ubuntu or Debian, type:

sudo apt install lshw

To see the linux network card and view its detailed information, run the utility with the following parameters:

sudo lshw -class network

In the output of the command, you will see all the network interfaces connected to the system, in addition, more detailed information is displayed here than in the output of the previous utility. At the very beginning, you see the manufacturer - vendor and product name - product, baud rate size as well as section configuration you can find the field driver, where is the driver used.

List of network cards in lspci

If you only need to find out the product and manufacturer name of your network card, you can use lspci. Usually lscpi is already preinstalled on the system, but if not, you can install it with the command:

sudo apt install pciutils

Now to view the available network cards use:

lspci | grep -i "net"

Here you can see that two linux network cards are connected to the system, for wired internet and wireless, both from Broadcom.

Network card info using ip

The ip utility allows you to view more detailed information about the network protocol for your card. To view information, run:

In the screenshot, you can see two physical linux network cards - wlan0 and eth0, as well as two virtual devices. For each of the cards, you can find out the status and MAC address.


In this article, we have covered several ways to find out the Linux network card. You can see not only the manufacturer and the device name, but also its characteristics, such as the speed of the linux network card, the driver used and the MAC address. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

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