Information and communication technologies in physics lessons as a way to increase the effectiveness of teaching. The use of ICT in teaching physics Information communication technologies in physics lessons

The most important task of the school, including the teaching of physics, is the formation of a personality capable of navigating the flow of information in the context of continuous education. Awareness of universal human values \u200b\u200bis possible only with the appropriate cognitive, moral, ethical and aesthetic education of the student. In this regard, the main goal of teaching can be concretized by more specific goals: upbringing in schoolchildren in the process of activity a positive attitude towards science in general and towards physics in particular; development of interest in physical knowledge, popular science articles, life problems. Physics is the basis of natural science and modern scientific and technological progress, which determines the following specific goals of education: students' awareness of the role of physics in science and production, education of ecological culture, understanding of moral and ethical problems associated with physics.

At the present stage of school development, the task of transforming the traditional education system into a qualitatively new education system is put forward - the task of educating a literate, productive thinking person, adapted to the new conditions of life in society. A natural orientation in the educational process is the attitude towards independent acquisition of knowledge by students, towards their self-education and self-knowledge.
In this regard, at present, special attention is paid to an individual (personality-oriented) approach in teaching students, creating conditions for the child to master various ways of independently acquiring and assimilating knowledge, and developing his creative potential. One of the most important areas solving this problem is the introduction of information tools in the learning process
The purpose of my work is to summarize the experience of using information and communication technologies in physics lessons. I see my task in helping students through the use of information and communication technologies to create conditions for mastering general educational skills, knowledge of the subject and for the formation of interest in physics. As the end result of organizing this activity, I see an increase in the quality of teaching in the subject of physics as one of the priority directions of the Concept of modernization of Russian education.



Using ICT in physics lessons

Physics teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 14"

Named after A.M. Mamonova, Stary Oskol


Chapter 1. The role and place of the computer in teaching physics.

Chapter 2. The use of information and communication technologies in teaching physics.

2.1. Computer experiment as a means of students' research activities.

2.2. The role of the computer at different stages of the lesson.

2.3. Computer testing is an effective way to control knowledge




The most important task of the school, including the teaching of physics, is the formation of a personality capable of navigating the flow of information in the context of continuous education. Awareness of universal human values \u200b\u200bis possible only with the appropriate cognitive, moral, ethical and aesthetic education of the student. In this regard, the main goal of teaching can be concretized by more specific goals: upbringing in schoolchildren in the process of activity a positive attitude towards science in general and towards physics in particular; development of interest in physical knowledge, popular science articles, life problems. Physics is the basis of natural science and modern scientific and technological progress, which determines the following specific goals of education: students' awareness of the role of physics in science and production, education of ecological culture, understanding of moral and ethical problems associated with physics.

At the present stage of school development, the task of transforming the traditional education system into a qualitatively new education system is put forward - the task of educating a competent, productive thinking person, adapted to the new conditions of life in society. A natural orientation in the educational process is the attitude towards independent acquisition of knowledge by students, towards their self-education and self-knowledge.

In this regard, at present, special attention is paid to an individual (personality-oriented) approach in teaching students, creating conditions for the child to master various ways of independently acquiring and assimilating knowledge, and developing his creative potential. One of the most important areas for solving this problem is the introduction of information tools in the learning process.

The aim of my work is to summarize the experience of using information and communication technologies in physics lessons. I see my task in helping students through the use of information and communication technologies to create conditions for mastering general educational skills, knowledge of the subject and for the formation of interest in physics. As the end result of organizing this activity, I see an increase in the quality of teaching in the subject of physics as one of the priority directions of the Concept of the modernization of Russian education.

Chapter 1. The role and place of the computer in teaching physics

The most valuable educational outcomes are considered flexibility and breadth of thinking, ability and desire to learn. But in practice, schooling generally provides a certain amount of knowledge, while the interests of students are not developing sufficiently. This is primarily due to the predominance of the explanatory-illustrative teaching method in most schools.

At present, the actual problem of education is the creative assimilation of knowledge by schoolchildren. It is precisely this that can ensure the development and self-development of the student's personality based on his individual characteristics. The main task of the teacher in this case is to make the acquired knowledge personally significant for the student. This can be achieved by forming a positive attitude towards learning in schoolchildren, organizing learning in such a way that it maximally promotes the development of their activity, independent creative thinking, but for this it is necessary to focus on the organization of the educational process to increase the independent work of students.

In the teacher's activities, the maximum role should be played by the work on organizing the cognitive activity of students, and not by communicating information to them. The teacher, on the other hand, cannot always combine his activity in presenting educational material with the necessary share of activity in organizing students' independent work on this material. It is well known from the foundations of didactics that only independent individual educational activity can lead to the formation of solid and deep knowledge, sustainable skills.

The solution of the difficulties encountered, possibly in many ways, let us dwell on one of them. To overcome the existing difficulties a teacher can in many ways help a computer, the operational capabilities of which have a huge didactic potential. Therefore, many teachers pin great hopes on electronic computers, believing that their use can narrow the gap between the knowledge that the school really gives now and which modern society requires from the younger generation.

The rapid development of computing technology and the expansion of its functionality allows the widespread use of computers at all stages of the educational process: during lectures, practical and laboratory classes, during self-preparation and for monitoring and self-monitoring the degree of mastering of educational material. The use of computer technologies has significantly expanded the possibilities of the lecture experiment, allowing one to simulate various processes and phenomena, the full-scale demonstration of which in laboratory conditions is technically very difficult or simply impossible.

Great opportunities are contained in the use of computers in teaching physics. The effectiveness of using computers in the educational process depends on many factors, including the level of the technology itself, and the quality of the training programs used, and the teaching methodology used by the teacher.

Physics is an experimental science, it is always taught, accompanied by a demonstration experiment. In a modern physics office (as, indeed, in any other office in natural science specialization), not only various installations and devices for conducting demonstration experiments should be used, but also computers with a multimedia projector or a demonstration screen.

Diverse illustrative material, multimedia and interactive models raise the learning process to a qualitatively new level. The psychological factor cannot be disregarded as well: it is much more interesting for a modern child to perceive information in this very form, rather than using outdated schemes and tables. When using a computer in a lesson, information is presented not as a static unvoiced picture, but as a dynamic video and scale, which significantly increases the efficiency of mastering the material.

The interactive elements of training programs allow the transition from passive to active assimilation, since students get the opportunity to independently simulate phenomena and processes, to perceive information not linearly, with a return, if necessary, to a fragment, with a repetition of a virtual experiment with the same or others initial parameters.

As one of the forms of teaching that stimulate students to creative activity, it is possible to propose the creation by one student or a group of students of a multimedia presentation accompanying the study of any topic of the course. Here each of the students has the opportunity to independently choose the form of presentation of the material, layout and design of slides. In addition, he has the ability to use all available media in order to make the material the most entertaining.

Let's consider some ways of using information and communication technologies in physics lessons:

· computer modelling;

· Computer demonstrations;

· Laboratory - computer workshop;

· Solving problems in an Excel spreadsheet;

· Computer testing.

Computer demonstrations

The main advantage of this technology is that it can organically fit into any lesson and effectively help the teacher and student. Another important circumstance is that there are such physical processes or phenomena that cannot be observed visually in laboratory conditions, for example, the movement of a satellite around the Earth. In this case, computer demonstrations are invaluable, as they allow you to "squeeze" the time and spatial framework and at the same time to obtain conclusions and consequences that are adequate to reality. On the other hand, the advantage of this technology is that it does not require a large number of computers. One computer, a video projector, or a complex - a computer plus a TV set - is enough to start working with this technology.

Computer modelling

Computer simulation is a powerful scientific field that has been developing for decades. The use of this computer technology in school, especially in specialized classes, has a great future, since computer modeling is a powerful tool for understanding the world. Both individual and group forms of creating computer models by students are used.

Computer testing

In the educational process, testing in one form or another has been used for a long time. In the traditional form, testing is an extremely time-consuming process that requires a lot of time investment. The use of computers makes the testing process so technologically advanced that in the near future it may become the main element of monitoring the level of students' knowledge.

Computer workshop

This technology is more labor intensive for the teacher and requires special training. It is necessary to have a computer class and dividing the class into subgroups. Since the active role of the student was originally laid down in technology, this type of activity is extremely effective for his creative development. The computer is considered here as a means for solving certain problems of physics. But, using a computer practice, the teacher should not abandon the traditional form of laboratory work, but it is better to skillfully combine these forms in practical lessons. For example, while one subgroup is doing a workshop using a virtual laboratory, another is doing the same workshop, but using traditional physical equipment. Then you can swap the subgroups.

Solving problems in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is very effective in terms of saving educational time (quick calculations), and is also convenient for graphical presentation of physical processes, for analysis and comparison of the resulting graphs. This technique increases the cognitive interest of students, since even those children who do not like solving problems, in this case, willingly respond to the proposed options for using Excel in physics lessons, which ultimately increases the effectiveness of learning.

Undoubtedly, at school a computer does not solve all problems; it remains just a multifunctional technical means of teaching. No less important are modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which make it possible not only to “invest” in each student a certain stock of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of students' cognitive activity.

Chapter 2. The use of information and communication technologies in teaching physics

For the use of information and communication technologies in teaching in the educational process, the school has the necessary conditions. The physics classroom is equipped with 11 computers for students and an automated teacher's place, connected by a local network with Internet access, as well as a multimedia projector, laser printer and scanner.

The use of information technologies in teaching physics allows me to more successfully solve the followingtasks:

Develop the imaginative thinking of studentsdue to the use of wide possibilities for the presentation of visual information;

Develop creative thinkingby using dynamic methods of processing and presenting information;

To carry out the education of collectivism and communicationin the process of exchanging data between students when discussing or creating joint video projects;

Cultivate cognitive interest,relying on the natural craving of schoolchildren for computer technology;

· Develop new teaching methods focused on the individual cognitive needs of the individual.

The solution of these problems becomes possible due to the use of such information processing methods as mathematical modeling, computer graphics, multimedia, computer processing of the results of laboratory experiments, together with video computer tools.

2.1. Computer experiment as a means of student research

Computers in physics lessons, first of all, allow to highlight the experimental, research activities of students. Computer models are an excellent tool for organizing such activities. Computer simulation allows you to create on a computer screen a vivid, memorable dynamic picture of physical experiments or phenomena and opens up wide opportunities for the teacher to improve the lessons.

It should be noted that computer models are understood as computer programs that imitate physical experiments, phenomena, or idealized model situations encountered in physical problems. Students are most interested in computer models, within which it is possible to control the behavior of objects on a computer screen by changing the values \u200b\u200bof the numerical parameters underlying the corresponding mathematical model.

Some models allow, simultaneously with the course of the experiment, to observe in a dynamic mode the construction of graphical time dependences of a number of physical quantities describing the experiment. Models like these are of particular value because students tend to have significant difficulty drawing and reading graphs.

Computer models easily fit into a traditional lesson, allowing you to demonstrate almost "live" many physical effects, which are usually painfully and for a long time explained "on the fingers." In addition, computer models make it possible to organize new, non-traditional types of educational activities.

I will give as examples two types of such activities, tested in practice:

1. Lesson research in the 11th grade on the topic "Photoeffect". Students are invited to independently conduct a study of the dependence of the photocurrent on the frequency of the incident light, using a computer model, and obtain the necessary results. The Physics in Pictures computer program makes it possible to carry out such a study in just a few minutes. In this case, the lesson approaches the ideal, since students gain knowledge in the process of independent creative work, because they need knowledge to obtain a specific result visible on a computer screen. In this case, I am only an assistant in the creative mastery of knowledge.

2. Lesson in solving problems with subsequent computer verification... In the 10th grade, when solving problems on the topic "The movement of bodies thrown at an angle to the horizon", I offer students for independent solution in the classroom or as homework individual tasks, the correctness of the solution of which they can check, then setting up computer experiments. The possibility of subsequent independent verification of the obtained results in a computer experiment enhances cognitive interest, makes the work of students creative, and often brings it closer in character to scientific research. As a result, many students begin to invent their own problems, solve them, and then check the correctness of their reasoning using computer models. To effectively involve students in learning activities using computer models, I prepare individual handouts with assignments and questions of various levels of complexity. These materials can contain the following types of assignments:

1. Study assignment. (Model assignment, experiment management, tasks and questions on model management).

2. Computer experiments. (Conduct simple experiments on this model according to the proposed plan, questions to them and measurement results).

3. Experimental task. (Plan and conduct a series of computer experiments).

4. Test tasks. (Choose the correct answer using the model)

5. Research assignment. (Conduct an experiment proving some proposed pattern, or refuting it; independently formulate a number of patterns and confirm them by experiment).

6. Creative task. (Come up with a problem, solve it, set up an experiment to check the answers received).

A significant number of computer models, covering almost the entire school physics course, is contained in educational electronic publications: Physics in Pictures, Open Physics, and Living Physics. There are great possibilities for modeling physics problems in the Microsoft Excel environment. The programming environment for computer modeling is programming languages.

Of course, a computer laboratory cannot completely replace a real physical one, but this is not required. It is no secret that students with great pleasure and diligence perform practical, experimental and laboratory work, where there is direct contact with devices and mechanisms.

So, in the 8th grade, when studying a mathematical pendulum, we first carry out the laboratory work "Investigation of the dependence of the period and frequency of free oscillations of a mathematical pendulum on its length", and then we conduct a computer study of the same dependence. The difference between the values \u200b\u200bobtained in real and computer experiments allows us to speak of measurement errors not as abstract mathematical values, but as an obligatory factor in carrying out a real computer experiment.

The computer model "Conversion of energy during vibrations" (a topic considered in grades 8 and 10) graphically shows the relationship between potential and kinetic energy at any time. In a computer experiment, it is possible to change the mass of a body making oscillatory movements, rigidity and total energy of the system. And here again ample opportunities open up for improving the structure of the lesson: the possibility of conducting a lesson with classes of different levels of education.

In the 11th grade, when studying the topic "Isoprocesses", computer models make it possible to simulate the processes of compression and expansion of an ideal gas at a fixed value of one of the parameters: pressure, temperature, volume. At the same time, on the graph shown next to the animation model of the process, there is a change in the other two parameters and, therefore, the appearance of the graph itself. An energy diagram is immediately displayed, and students can see how the amount of heat, the work done and the internal energy of this process change. The first law of thermodynamics is being tested in practice. I also use these isoprocess models for post-completion tests.

Principles of using a computer model in the lesson:

1. A model of a phenomenon should be used only when it is impossible to conduct an experiment or when this phenomenon proceeds very quickly and it is impossible to trace it in detail.

2. The computer model should help to understand the details of the studied phenomenon or serve as an illustration of the condition of the problem being solved.

3. As a result of working with the model, students should identify both qualitative and quantitative relationships between the quantities that characterize the phenomenon.

When working with the model, I take into account the individual characteristics of each student and offer them differentiated tasks of different levels of complexity, containing elements of independent creativity.

Physics is an experimental science. It is difficult to imagine the study of physics without laboratory work. The school's victory in the priority national project "Education" and the receipt of 1 million rubles for innovative processes made it possible to improve the material and technical base of the physics classroom: equipment was purchased for laboratory work and a demonstration experiment. But the personal computer that came to the rescue makes it possible to carry out laboratory work, the full-scale implementation of which within the school is difficult or impossible. In them, the student can, at his own discretion, change the initial parameters of the experiments, observe how the phenomenon itself changes as a result, analyze what he saw, draw appropriate conclusions.

When studying the topic "Electrodynamics" in grade 10, I conduct laboratory work "Calculation of electrical circuits." The advantage of this work is the ability to obtain graphs of the current - voltage characteristics taking into account the internal resistance of the devices themselves. Students use the capabilities of Excel to build graphs. Within the framework of the same topic, I conduct a study with students of the influence of electric and magnetic fields on the movement of a charged particle.

It is practically impossible to do without a computer experiment when studying the topic "Quantum phenomena" in grade 11, since it is impossible to conduct a real experiment on this topic in school conditions.

To conduct a virtual experiment I use programs such as Physics in Pictures (developed by Physicon) and Stratum (developed by Perm State Technical University).

A systematic, competent computer experiment leads to the emergence of a conscious need for schoolchildren to use a computer to solve problems, including physics. From students I often hear suggestions to solve or check a problem on a computer. Optimally selected programs for conducting an experiment allow students to independently choose a program for solving a specific problem.

2.2. The role of the computer at different stages of the lesson

The computer is integral to explaining new material. This is the creation of presentations using PowerPoint tools, and the demonstration of materials from the 1C Education. Physics". Compared to the traditional form of teaching a lesson, the use of multimedia presentations frees up more time that can be used to explain new material, practice skills, test students' knowledge, and review the material covered.

The presentation of a lesson is a multimedia summary of it, containing a short text, basic formulas, drawings, drawings, video clips, animations. Typically, these scripts are prepared in the form of multimedia presentations using PowerPoint from the Microsoft Office suite. With PowerPoint, you can build charts and graphs, prepare slides, brochures, and organize slide shows.

Students reveal new theoretical content in the course of organized active perception of computer material: with my word, skillfully posed question, I direct perception and thought to the necessary theoretical conclusions. The screen form of computer (and audiovisual) information gives a rare opportunity to jointly - my and the class of observation - and reflect on the facts, search for a way out of problem learning situations, empathize with the dramatic moments of the history of science, allows you to discuss the relevance and significance of the material being studied in the course of assimilation.

Materials of the program “1C Education. Physics "I use when verbally checking homework. Video fragments and animations of this software product are provided with an audio sequence, that is, an oral explanation of what is happening. I propose to the responding student to dub the video that I showed in the previous lesson, and then watch it again, but again with sound. Thus, the student can judge for himself the correctness and completeness of his answer.

At the end of each topic, I invite students to make presentations themselves, which are then discussed with the students. I show the best of the presentations to students who will come to this class next year. In the office, the presentations created by the students are systematized by topic and class.

At the stage of generalizing and systematizing knowledge, I create and fill in various tables simultaneously with the students, using a multimedia projector. For example, in the 7th grade, when studying the topic "Aggregate states of matter", I display a document in Word format containing the following table

Then, together with the students, we fill in this table: they are in notebooks, the teacher is on the screen.

In my work, I pay great attention to the educational aspect of the lesson and I believe that a child may not be a great scientist, but an independent person, able to analyze his actions, behavior, improve himself, realize himself in the world around him, he needs to learn. It is working with a computer in the classroom that forms the skills of searching for the information it needs at a given time. A source of such information can be a book, an encyclopedia, the Internet, and interactive computer courses. For example, the lack of information about scientists and their life activity, character traits in a physics textbook used to be compensated for by showing video clips that she recorded from TV, her own stories, messages from children. Now it has become possible to use the "Interactive Encyclopedia of Science and Technology", the Internet.

The lessons of self-search for information using all possible sources are the most beloved of my students. So, for example, finishing the study of the topic "Energy" in the 8th grade, I give a lesson "Using the energy of moving water and wind." Students are encouraged to independently find information about different types of power plants. In this case, some of the students will use printed sources, and some will use Internet resources (Appendix 1). The philosophical idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a lesson is to “turn” students towards the book as a source of knowledge and lead them to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to useof all available sources of information. One of the goals of such a lesson is the education of a critical approach and understanding of the information received.

I actively use electronic textbooks to find information in physics lessons. For example, when studying sound vibrations in grade 8, I ask students the question: "What is the pain threshold of hearing?" For the correct answer to this question, I propose to use the resources of the Open Physics 2.0 program (developed by Fizikon LLC). Students who are already familiar with the principles of information retrieval launch the program's search engine and find the answer to the question posed. This is followed by a discussion of the findings.

2.3. Computer testing is an effective way to control knowledge

Testing knowledge, skills and abilities is, undoubtedly, an important element of any educational process. In my work, I use different approaches to controlling knowledge: sometimes I devote most of the lesson to it, using various methods and forms of verification, at other times I conduct a frontal survey or control work. For a systematic, deep test of students' knowledge, the computer is of great help. It allows you to reduce the time spent on checking. Modern electronic textbooks provide me, as a teacher, with a large selection of different types of tests and tasks to test knowledge. With this form of control, the possibility of subjective assessment is excluded, since the mark is set by an "impassive" computer. It is important that the student works in a rhythm that is convenient for him. I prefer to use not only ready-made forms of control, but also to develop them myself. Today, quite a lot of shells have been developed, which the teacher fills in with questions at will. For example, "Q-test". This program allows you to compose simple tests for intermediate control of students' knowledge literally in a matter of minutes. When studying the topic “Work and current power. Thermal effect of current ”I propose a test developed in the“ Q-test ”program, containing 10 questions, for each of which there are 4 possible answers, including only 1 correct one. After passing the test, the results are entered into a text document. The accumulated test results allow me to monitor the development of program material, to plan individual work with students.

2.4. Using Microsoft Excel to solve physics problems

When solving computational problems, especially in high school, I practice using Microsoft Excel. The use of spreadsheets allows you to distract from routine calculations, makes it possible to process a large amount of data, build graphs and diagrams for a deep understanding of the process, analyze the essence of the phenomena. For example, when studying the topic "Gravitational phenomena" in the 9th grade, when solving problems, I suggest that schoolchildren, using the capabilities of the Excel program, solve the following problem: determine the first space velocity for all planets of the solar system, knowing their radii and the acceleration of free fall on them, build graphs of dependence and analyze them. Then, using the results obtained, solve the following problem (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Solving the problems "The movement of artificial satellites"

2.5. Using a computer in extracurricular activities

One of the forms of creative work of schoolchildren in physics lessons and after school hours is the preparation of thematic reports, abstracts, crosswords, puzzles, oral journals. Here again computer technologies help. When performing this type of assignment, students acquire the skills of creating tables, mastering the skills of typing, inserting pictures and tables into a text document, using various fonts, making headings, and preparing business documents, for example, in preparation for scientific and practical conferences. (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Design of the title page of the work at the scientific-practical conference

The use of computer technology in the classroom, of course, allows you to solve a large number of problems in teaching physics. But one difficulty should be noted, which was already mentioned above. This is a confident computer skills for both teacher and student. When conducting such lessons, the teacher is very dependent on the degree of the student's possession of computer skills, which are mainly instilled in computer science lessons. Teaching informatics according to the Basic Curriculum at school has been conducted since the 8th grade, so it was of great help to me that I have been teaching a propaedeutic course in informatics, starting from the 2nd grade since 2000. This made it possible, already from elementary school, to form among students the concept that a computer is not a game console, but a powerful and very convenient tool for solving many educational and non-educational tasks.

My students prepare presentation materials, abstracts not only for physics lessons, but also for other subjects, and actively use a computer in extracurricular activities. For the third year already, under my leadership, the school newspaper "" with an electronic application has been published at the school. Initially, the high school students and I published the newspaper only in printed form, but the photographs and video materials collected by the children to cover the life of the school accumulated. Students offered to show them in the hall of the school in the format of presentations and videos. The frequency of the release was determined - once a month (Fig. 3).

Figure: 3. The title page of the electronic supplement to the school newspaper ""

Materials for presentations are prepared not only by the members of the editorial board, but also by everyone, including the school administration. Therefore, every release of an electronic application is expected by everyone.

Thus, the use of information and communication technologies is already a widely recognized and rapidly developing area in education. My experience "Using information and communication technologies in physics lessons" is summarized at the municipal level. Repeatedly for the colleagues of the district, I conducted "master classes" and made presentations at meetings of the district methodological association of physics teachers.

Working at school for many years, I observe the social activity of students who use a computer. I believe that my lessons with the use of information and communication technologies also contributed to this.


In my work, I summarized the experience in the use of information and communication technologies in teaching physics and came to the conclusion that along with a variety of technologies, forms, methods, teaching methods, information and communication technologies in teaching made it possible to achieve a guaranteed pedagogical result.

Based on the results of training for 5 years, the progress in the classes where I teach the lessons is complete (100%); the quality of knowledge from 55% at the II stage to 63% at the III stage; the degree of training from 66% at the II stage to 51% at the III stage.

Every year my students take part in the regional physics Olympiad. From 2004 to 2007 there were 7 winners and prize-winners.

Students in grades 9 and 11 choose physics as an elective exam

2003-2004 academic year, optional exam


Number of applicants

Academic performance


Degree of training

Average score







The best result in the area of \u200b\u200bBryukhova Elena, grade 11

2004 - 2005 academic year, analogue of the Unified State Exam, optional exam

2005 - 2006 academic year, Unified State Exam, optional exam

Average test score - 56.8

2007 - 2008 academic year, analogue of the Unified State Exam, optional exam

Alexey Salnikov has the best result - 26 points out of 32, the average test score is 18 (in the region 17.24), the average mark is 3.5 (in the region - 3.44)

Strong knowledge of the subject, interest in physics allow students to continue their studies. Over the past 5 years, they entered higher educational institutions, passing physics or with the result of the exam - 11 people.

Assessment of the quality of training of students, along with quantitative, can also be qualitative. I feel deep satisfaction when, leaving the lesson, the students say: "Thank you for the lesson!", Or "Today was a wonderful lesson!", When I see their eyes burning with curiosity, when they call the subject "physics" their favorite subject.

In future activities I will continue to work on the use of information and communication technologies in teaching. Network technologies for distance learning are now widespread. In the use of such technologies, I see a guarantee of the success and competitiveness of my students, who could study in this way along individual educational trajectories. Thanks to the implementation of the KPMO project, the computer equipment park is being updated at the school. Using an interactive whiteboard in a lesson will raise the learning process to a qualitatively new level of education.


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2. Varlamov SD, Eminov PA .. Surkov VA Using Microsoft Office at school. Study guide for teachers. Physics. M: IMA-press, 2003.

3. Williams R., McLean K. Computers at school. Moscow: Progress, 1998.

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5. Dyachuk P.P., Larikov E.V. Application of computer technologies for teaching in secondary school. Krasnoyarsk: KSPU Publishing House, 1996.

6. Ignatova I.G., N.Yu. Sokolov. Information communication technologies in education // Informatics and education - M .: 2003-№3.

7. Kavtrev AF, Computer models in school physics course. Journal "Computer tools in education", No. 2, St. Petersburg, Informatization of education, 1998.

8. Kavtrev AF, Experience of using computer models in physics lessons at school. "Diplomat", Sat. Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen "Physics at school and university", St. Petersburg, Education, 1998.

9. Lvovskiy MB, Lvovskaya GF Teaching physics using a computer. // Informatics and Education - Moscow, 1999, No. 5.

10. Plotnikova I.A. Test control methodology in high school // Informatics and education - M .: 2000 - №1.

11. Podlasy I. P., Pedagogy. New course: Textbook for ped students. universities: In 2 kn.-M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2000-Book. 2 .: The process of education.

12. Podlasy I. P., Pedagogy. New course: Textbook for ped students. universities: In 2 kn.-M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2000- Book. 1: General basics. Learning process.

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14. Usova A.V., Bobrov A.A. Formation of educational skills in physics lessons. - M .: Education, 1988.

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Today education is undergoing modernization processes. In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” the content of education should be focused on ensuring self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its implementation. One of the main principles of the state policy in the field of education is “the general availability of education, the adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students”.

The federal state educational standard of basic general education is a set of requirements that are mandatory in the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education by educational institutions that have state accreditation.


Today, in the context of the informatization of education, new modern innovative technologies are emerging that open up new opportunities for organizing effective interaction between the subjects of the educational process. The relevance of the use of information technologies and the possibilities of networks is confirmed by the strategic directions of the development of education in Russia. One of the main tasks formulated in the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society adopted by the Security Council of the Russian Federation is to improve the quality of education through the development and use of information and communication technologies. To ensure high-quality, sustainable changes in education, it is necessary to systematically update three interrelated elements: educational environment (conditions for obtaining education) - teaching staff - educational technologies (methods, tools).

New educational technologies include:

  • a new educational standard, a new basic curriculum, new teaching materials (educational and methodological kits);
  • new mechanisms for financing the educational process, updating the mechanisms for selecting and attracting personnel to the school (staffing table);
  • formation of concepts of social orientation in school development programs - health school, full-time school, specialized school, external studies, family school, UVK, etc .;
  • new forms of education based on the technical equipment of schools (computerization and internetization of schools) and new competencies of teachers and managers in the light of these changes;
  • development and dissemination of distance learning among teachers and school students;
  • new regulations for the work of the school that develop the classroom system and offer alternative approaches to organizing the educational process, especially on the basis of the active formation of an information-rich environment of an educational institution and the policy of forming a unified information educational space.

The introduction of information technology into the learning process creates fundamentally new pedagogical tools, thereby providing the teacher with new opportunities. At the same time, not only the functions of the teacher are changing, the sector of independent educational work of his students is also significantly expanding. It is known that independent educational work is effective only in an active-activity form. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the introduction of methods and approaches that develop these forms of learning and enhance the motivation of students as an integral part of the educational process. Another consequence of the expansion of the self-study sector is the need for continuous monitoring of the learning process. All this, of course, requires a change in teaching methods.

The real goal of informatization of domestic education is to change the content, methods and organizational forms of educational work in the conditions of the formation of a “new” school, which is designed to solve the problem of preparing young people for life in an information society. As the analysis of the existing situation shows, life not only makes new demands on the school, but also provides it with some tools for solving new problems. Chief among these are new pedagogical technologies and the ICTs that support them.

Analysis of the existing possibilities of information technologies from the point of view of educational problems allows us to identify five new pedagogical tools:

  • interactivity,
  • multimedia,
  • modeling,
  • communicativeness,
  • performance.

The main problems and contradictions in the use of ICT in a physics lesson, their conditionality

The teacher is currently faced with the problem of teaching the child such technologies of cognitive activity, the ability to master new knowledge in any forms and types, so that he can quickly, and most importantly, qualitatively process the information he receives, apply it in practice when solving various types of tasks (and tasks) , feel personal responsibility and involvement in the learning process, prepare yourself for further practical work and continuing education.

There are several reasons that lead to a loss of interest in mastering new knowledge, in mastering the technology of cognitive activity (and, as a consequence, a loss of interest in the subject):

The use of traditional teaching designed to increase the flow of information with a limited time, which does not allow students to fully reveal their creative potential.

Elements of research are not fully applied, as an essential component in teaching physics, in laboratory and practical work: due to insufficient equipment or the simplification of the experimental model itself, students spend a lot of time on calculating the desired quantities and measurement errors, the impossibility of repeating the experiment many times for different parameters, etc .;

Formal approach to solving physical problems (solving them only on paper and the impossibility of verifying the result obtained in practice);

Poor provision of demonstration equipment due to insufficient funding;

The impossibility of showing some physical experiments in a school setting, due to their high cost or high danger, etc .;

Let's consider two main problems in teaching physics:

1) Many phenomena in a school physics classroom cannot be demonstrated. For example, these are phenomena of the microworld, or fast-flowing processes, or experiments with devices that are not in the office. As a result, students experience a number of difficulties in their study, since they are not able to mentally imagine them. The computer can not only create a model of such phenomena, but also allows you to change the conditions of the process, "scroll" with an optimal presentation of educational material for assimilation.

2) Physics is an experimental science. It is difficult to imagine the study of physics without laboratory work. Unfortunately, the equipment of the physical room does not always allow for complex laboratory work, does not allow the introduction of research work that requires more sophisticated modern equipment. ICT comes to the rescue, which allows to carry out rather complex laboratory work. In them, the student can, at his own discretion, change the initial parameters of the experiments, observe how the phenomenon itself changes as a result, analyze what he saw, and draw appropriate conclusions.

New information technologies make learning a fun process, contribute to the development of student research skills and stimulate teachers to master research project methods. Information technologies make it possible to individualize the learning process, to activate the activities of difficult students in the preparation and conduct of the lesson. The use of ICTs in the classroom increases the motivation of students to the learning process, conditions are created for students to acquire the means of cognition and study of the world. The use of ICT in physics lessons makes it possible to increase interest in the study of the subject, expand the possibilities for demonstrating experiments through the use of virtual images. Today, a teacher who uses ICT in the educational process has a unique opportunity to make a lesson more interesting, visual and dynamic.

Purpose: the introduction of ESM in the learning process in physics lessons.

Tasks: In order to qualitatively teach students the main subjects of the school curriculum, using new information technologies, it is necessary:

Know the didactic capabilities of a computer;

Possess the methods of using a computer in the organization of training;

To be able to use a computer to organize control and self-control of the mastering of the passed material by students;

Be able to optimally combine computer and traditional teaching technologies;

Use new information technologies to organize the creative activities of students, etc.

The process of forming ICT - teacher competence takes place in three stages:

  • acquiring a basic level, i.e. knowledge, skills and experience in using general-purpose ICT tools;
  • mastering the subject-oriented level: the formation of readiness for the implementation of specialized technologies and resources in educational activities, developed in accordance with the requirements for the content and methodology of a particular academic subject.
  • realization of the need to create your own electronic educational resources (EER) - experience is accumulated, i.e. the teacher acquires the ability to analyze the didactic potential of educational software, evaluate their effectiveness, anticipate the result of their use, and develop guidelines for their use.

In order to maintain interest in the subject and make the educational process of high quality, I actively use in the lessons information and communication technology, which allow students to form a higher level of self-educational skills and abilities - analysis and structuring of the information received. At the same time, it should be noted that new teaching aids make it possible to organically combine information and communication, personality-oriented technologies with methods of creative and search activity.

The use of ICT in the classroom enables the teacher to reduce the time spent on studying the material due to the clarity and speed of the work, to check the knowledge of students in an interactive mode, which increases the effectiveness of learning, helps to realize the full potential of the individual - cognitive, moral, creative, communicative and aesthetic, contributes to the development of intelligence, information culture of students.

I use information and communication technologies for different purposes and at different stages of the lesson:

  • illustrative, visual explanation of the material;
  • self-study with denial of the teacher's activities;
  • self-study with the help of a teacher-consultant;
  • partial replacement (fragmentary, selective use of additional material);
  • the use of training (training) programs;
  • use of diagnostic and control materials;
  • performing home independent and creative tasks;
  • using a computer for calculations, graphing;
  • the use of programs that simulate experiments and laboratory work;
  • use of game and entertaining programs;
  • use of information and reference systems;
  • organization of students' project activities;
  • distance learning.

The use of computer models in physics lessons in the implementation of different teaching methods

Computer models (CM) are one of the new types of educational objects that have enriched the system of teaching aids in a modern school. Since its inception, CM has quickly become part of almost all digital educational resources in physics. Educational computer models based, as a rule, on high-quality physical and mathematical models of real objects and processes, as a new means of visualization, are incomparable in efficiency with any other digital object.

The use of material or materialized models of real objects has always been considered a very expedient teaching method, since it provides a deeper assimilation of the main (essential) in the phenomenon. CM in this sense are no exception. The advantages of computer models are quite obvious. Computer models allow:

  • to study physical phenomena and technical objects at a level accessible to understanding, excluding resorting to the often cumbersome description of many details and the analysis of complex mathematical calculations; to emphasize, thanks to a simplified form of presentation of the phenomenon and multimedia effects, attention on the main (essential) in its content;
  • study the phenomenon in a “pure” form, accurately reproducing the required conditions for its course;
  • observe the phenomenon in dynamics (i.e., fix its development in space and time);
  • accompany the work of the model with a visual interpretation of the regular connections between the parameters of the system under study in the form of dynamic graphs, diagrams, diagrams, etc .;
  • to carry out operations that are impossible in reality, in particular: to change the space-time scales of the phenomenon; set and change the parameters of the studied system of objects without fear for its state, as well as the safety and security of the environment.

Orientation to generalized plans when organizing the work of students with computer training models is fundamentally important, because allows learners to extract the most complete educational information contained in them by the author-developer. Working with such instructions in a fairly short time leads to the formation of students' general approaches to the study (research) of computer models and the formation of generalized skills. No less important is the purposeful development of students 'ability to independently construct an answer based on a text that includes computer models based on the corresponding generalized plans, and to reproduce the most important stages of the models' work in the form of pictures as they answer.

The use of ICT in the organization of the educational process has a number of advantages, but at the same time it is accompanied by disadvantages and problems.

Advantages Disadvantages, problems of use
Visibility, depiction Long preparation for the lesson associated with the selection of ready-made ESM, the creation of your own resources
Possibility of simultaneous playback on a computer screen and in sound of a certain set of objects represented in different ways Overloading the lesson with demonstrations (listening), turning the lesson into a visual-sound, literary-musical composition with an incorrect definition of the didactic role of ICT, their place in the classroom
Variability of presentation of educational material Insufficient methodological preparedness of the teacher in terms of the use of ICT in a specific lesson
Interactivity (in some cases) Lack of network versions and interactivity of some ready-made CRC
Rational use of lesson time (with the correct definition of the didactic role of ICT, their place in the classroom) The danger of suppressing interpersonal communication when overloading an ICT lesson and neglecting other forms of organizing educational activities
Modeling processes that are difficult to demonstrate in a school laboratory setting Refusal from the "live" experiment, which allows to carry out the material and technical equipment of the office, in favor of the electronic one; as a consequence, the lack of direct research of reality
The ability to change the conditions of the process, slowing down or speeding up the process Weak provision of educational institutions with modern equipment
Study of an object in motion, change, development
Objectivity and speed of assessment in computer testing
Mathematical processing of results
Organization of self-control at a convenient time Strengthening social inequality in organizing students' homework using ICT (if the possibility of preparing a student for a lesson in a computer classroom is not provided)
Organization of independent search, research activities
Using a large database of objects for preparing speeches, reports, abstracts, presentations
Possibility of a virtual tour
Prompt receipt of encyclopedic information The risk of receiving inaccurate information from the Internet in the absence of verification of the source

Designing a lesson using ICT requires a teacher to spend a lot of time, patience, and perseverance. Naturally, modeling of various phenomena in no way replaces real, “living” experiments and experiments, but in combination with them allows explaining the meaning of what is happening at a higher level. Based on my own work experience, I can confidently assert that the use of information and communication technologies, provided that their didactic role and place in the lesson are correctly determined, as well as an assessment of the optimality and feasibility of their use, arouses real interest in students, motivates students, includes everyone in the work, allows more effectively use lesson time, quickly establish feedback with students, overcome the subjectivity of grading. Information technologies increase the informativeness of the lesson, the effectiveness of teaching, give the lesson dynamism and expressiveness.

The result of the work is a deeper understanding by students of the essence of physical phenomena, the ability to independently pose a problem and find ways to solve it, put forward hypotheses and test them experimentally. The use of modern ICTs in physics lessons reveals new opportunities in learning, allows developing the creative abilities of students, activating cognitive activity and increasing motivation for learning and, thus, contributes to the formation of a child's “I-concept” and determines the prospects for the development of his personality, strategies for future adult life ...

Predicted results.

In my opinion, the prospects for using ICT in physics lessons are as follows:

  • the formation of key competencies of students in the learning process and in extracurricular activities;
  • increasing student motivation to learn;
  • mastering computer literacy by students, increasing the level of computer literacy among teachers;
  • organization of independent and research activities of students;
  • creation of your own bank of educational and methodological materials, ready for use in the educational process;
  • development of spatial thinking, cognitive abilities of students;
  • the aesthetic appeal of the lessons.

Bibliographic list.

  1. Ospennikova E.V. The use of ICT in teaching physics in a secondary school: a methodological guide / E.V. Ospennikov. - M .: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2011 .-- 655 p. (
  2. Smirnov, A.V. Methods of using information technologies in teaching physics [Text]: textbook. manual for stud. higher. ped. educational institutions / A.V. Smirnov - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008. - 240.
  3. Theory and methods of teaching physics at school. General questions [Text]: textbook. manual for students of higher. ped. study. institutions / S.E. Kamenetsky, N.S. Purysheva, N.E. Vazhevskaya [and others]; ed. S.E. Kamenetsky, N.S. Purysheva. - M .: Academy, 2000 .-- 368 p.
  4. Serikov V.V. Personality-oriented education: phenomenon, concepts, technologies: Monograph.yu - Volgograd: Change, 2000.
  5. Lukyanova M.I. Theoretical and methodological foundations of organizing a personality-oriented lesson // Head teacher. Management of a modern school. - 2006. - No. 2.

"Effective use of information and communication technologies in teaching physics."


The concept of modern education poses a number of problems for the school, the solution of which is often impossible without the widespread introduction of new computer technologies in education.

Today, in a physics lesson, it is necessary, with a minimum number of teaching hours, to give a sufficient amount of information to guarantee the completeness of mastering the main thing. The profiling of secondary school also requires the active introduction of new forms and methods of teaching. For this purpose, it seems effective to use the achievements of computer technology in the learning process.

A survey conducted with students in grades 10-11 showed that a significant part of students experience difficulties and lose interest in the subject, do not fully realize their creative potential.

The reasons that lead to the loss of interest in mastering new knowledge with the traditional approach to teaching:

The use of traditional teaching designed to increase the flow of information with a limited time, which does not allow students to fully reveal their creative potential.

Elements of research are not fully applied, as an essential component in teaching physics, in laboratory and practical work: due to insufficient equipment or the simplification of the experimental model itself, students spend a lot of time on calculating the desired quantities and measurement errors, the impossibility of repeating the experiment many times for different parameters.

A formal approach to solving physical problems (solving them only on paper and the impossibility of verifying the result obtained in practice);

Poor provision of demonstration equipment due to insufficient funding;

The impossibility of showing some physical experiments in a school setting, due to their high cost or high danger.

The relevance of the project is due to:

1. The need to bridge the gap between the modern level of teaching physics at school and the didactic potential of information society technologies.

2. The need to create software and methodological support for teaching physics to schoolchildren using ICT.

The following contradictions are characteristic of the modern system of teaching physics:

1. Between the didactic potential of information society technologies and the existing level of teaching physics at school.

2. Between the educational needs of the information society and the lack of the necessary software and methodological support for teaching schoolchildren.

The above contradictions make it possible in the current system to formulate the project problem, which consists in substantiating and constructing a new effective approach to teaching physics based on ICT.

The theme of the project is "Effective use of ICT in teaching physics"

Object of study : the process of teaching physics in grades 7-11.

Subject of study : learning environment of a school physics course.

Objective of the project:

Show effective means of teaching students using ICT and the effectiveness of their application

The learning environment developed with the use of educational information technologies will allow creating a physics teaching system that will not only generalize, concretize, systematize knowledge in physics, but also increase the motivation of students to study this discipline.

The most significant goals of designing the educational process using educational information technologies are to increase the motivation of students, to automate the educational process, to develop reflection, creative thought of students, etc.

Achievement of this goal is expected through the solution of the following tasks:

1.development of the student's personality, preparing him for independent productive activity in the conditions of a modern information society: the development of thinking, aesthetic education, the formation of the ability to make the right decision or offer options in a difficult situation, the development of skills to carry out experimental research activities.

2. Implementation of the social order due to the informatization of modern society.

3. Intensification of the educational process at all levels of the continuous education system:

Improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process through the implementation of the capabilities of information and communication technologies (ICT);

Enhancing cognitive activity using ICT;

Deepening interdisciplinary connections through the use of ICT;

Implementation of the ideas of open education based on the use of network technologies.

Project resources : the presence of an office equipped with a computer, a projector, Internet access, the ability to use an interactive whiteboard.

The idea behind the project is as follows:

The effectiveness of teaching physics and the quality of knowledge of students will be higher if the design of the learning environment is based on the system of teaching physics with the use of ICT.

Expected Result:

- teacher - the ability to design a learning environment; the opportunity to implement fundamentally new forms and methods of teaching; additional opportunities to maintain and guide the development of the student's personality; creative search and organization of joint activities of students and teachers; development and selection of the best options for training programs; use of intellectual forms of labor;

- learners - access to non-traditional sources of information; increasing the efficiency of independent work; there are completely new opportunities for creativity, acquisition and consolidation of various professional skills;

- parents - the opportunity to participate in the learning process, from monitoring the level of progress, ending with participation in joint projects.

1.Using a computer in the classroom as a universal technical teaching tool

Traditional audiovisual teaching aids can be successfully replaced by a computer, screen and multimedia projector. Modern software allows you to demonstrate a large amount of visual material in the lesson: drawings, diagrams, tables, texts (formulations of laws, formulas, etc.), video recordings, animations, physical models. I myself can assemble a presentation from the objects of an electronic resource, which will be demonstrated during the lesson. The information content of the slides will vary depending on the type of lesson.

For example, in the lesson of studying new material, I demonstrate a video recording of the experience (in the event that the demonstration of a real experience takes a long time, the small details of the experiment are not captured by the students and in the event that the experience is impossible), then I demonstrate an animation or a computer model of the process (allows to consider the features phenomena, repeat the process repeatedly, complicate it). At the stage of consolidating new knowledge, I play the game (the principle of the game: a question arises on the screen on the topic studied - the student's answer follows - the correct answer appears on the slide, accompanied by a thematic drawing or photograph). At the end of the lesson, I dynamically repeat the main steps of the lesson with the students, demonstrating separate information slides.

Such (essentially traditional) lessons allow the teacher to abandon the usual tools in the work of chalk and blackboard, to make the lesson brighter, to maintain students' interest in the subject.

1. Using a computer, projector and interactive whiteboard.

2. Preparation of presentation for lessons.

3. Testing of students.

4. Control works.

2. Using computer models in physics lessons

The computer model allows you to control the behavior of objects on a computer screen by changing the values \u200b\u200bof the numerical parameters underlying the corresponding mathematical model. Some models allow, simultaneously with the course of the experiment, to observe in a dynamic mode the construction of graphical time dependences of a number of physical quantities describing the experiment. Models like these are of particular value because students tend to have significant difficulty drawing and reading graphs.

The following types of assignments for students to computer models can be distinguished:

Computer experiments;

Experimental tasks (that is, tasks for the solution of which it is necessary to think over and put an appropriate computer experiment);

Computational problems with subsequent computer verification (students are offered 2 - 3 tasks, which must first be solved without using a computer, and then check the answer received by setting up a computer experiment.

When drawing up such tasks, it is necessary to take into account both the functionality of the model and the ranges of change of numerical parameters);

Tasks with missing data (when solving such tasks, the student must figure out which parameter is missing to solve the problem and independently choose its value),

Creative tasks (within the framework of this task, the student is invited to compose one or several tasks, solve them independently (in the classroom or at home), and then, using a computer model, check the correctness of the results obtained);

Research assignments (an assignment during which students need to plan and conduct a series of computer experiments that would allow to confirm or refute certain patterns.);

Problem assignments (using a number of models, it is possible to demonstrate so-called problem situations, that is, situations that lead students to an apparent or real contradiction, and then invite them to understand the reasons for such situations using a computer model).

Interim results today are:

1. Created a database of computer models on certain topics.

2. Models are used in the lessons.

3. Digital educational resources

Ready-made software products can significantly reduce the time to prepare for the lesson. They contain good quality visual and illustrative material for textbooks, reference information, additional material that broadens the horizons of students or more in-depth material.

I also use software products that contain interactive practical work, working models, tables, figures, graphs. They allow you to visually explain phenomena, processes, and also demonstrate experiments.

The lessons are actively used electronic educational resources "Open Physics 2.6", "Physics, grades 7-11" Physicon, "Physics, 7-11 grades. Library of visual aids ”,“ Physics lessons by Cyril and Methodius ”,“ Electronic lessons and tests “Physics at school”, “Virtual physical laboratory”, “1C: Tutor. Physics + Options of the Unified State Exam ”and others. The resources of the programs are used at the stage of preparing and conducting physics lessons, as well as for independent work of students outside the classroom. Multimedia complexes contain electronic textbooks, video clips, interactive models, laboratory work, exercises, tasks and tests, allow you to include their content at any stage of the lesson: in the explanation of new material, in the stages of knowledge actualization, in the formulation of the research, in the stage of independent work with subsequent verification ...

These programs are also intended for practical lessons, which are used to solve problems with subsequent verification on a computer model, which stimulates the independent activity of students.

Interactive laboratory work allows you to fully complete the practical part of the curriculum, especially in cases where the experiment cannot be carried out for objective reasons in a laboratory environment.

However, it should be noted that all the listed forms of conducting practical classes using ICT initially require a well-developed technology, including the setting of educational tasks and the organization of educational activities of students.

4. Use of Internet resources

Great opportunities in my practice are provided by the use of Internet resources, which allow carrying out various forms of training sessions at a qualitatively new level.

Internet - educational, reference information

Internet - Unified State Exam

Internet - workshops, lesson

Internet - profile, pre-university training

Internet - olympiads, competitions

To organize the initial acquaintance of students with Internet resources, I compiled a list of different e-mail addresses with a short annotation compiled specifically for students.

Such a list is on a special stand in the physics room.

I will give examples of such annotations when studying physics.

1. - This resource contains accessible, interesting illustrated material in the form of physics textbooks for grades 7, 8 and 9. There are many high-quality and calculation problems, as well as examples of analyzed solutions to problems for grades 7 and 8.

2. - Animation of physical processes in optics, waves, mechanics, thermodynamics. There is a theory for each of the proposed topics, a visual experiment in close-up.

3. - The resource contains a large number of reference tables in physics: "Mass", "Velocity", "Energy", "Data on the Earth, Sun, Universe", "Physical constants", "Masses and sizes of molecules", "Properties of gases, liquids and solids" and much more.

4. - Scientific electronic library contains the latest science news in the form of small articles that are updated daily. You can learn everything about the latest discoveries in science.

5. - A resource that will help a student find any information on physics, material on the history of physics. There is also a short physical encyclopedia for children, a large encyclopedic dictionary, biographies of physicists

Internet resources that are used often:

"Information and educational portal of the Republic of Belarus",

Physics in Animations (,

official information portal of the Unified State Exam (,


Open College. Physics "(,

methodological association of physics teachers (,

"Physics Ru" (,

Russian educational portal (, Astrophysical portal (,

"Unified collection of educational resources" ( and others. Site materials are used in preparation for lessons, to control ZUN, to prepare students for Olympiads and the Unified State Exam, distance learning, for research work.

1. Use of resources in preparation for the lesson.

2. Search for information on sections of the course.

3. Preparing students for olympiads and competitions.

5. Project activities of students.

An educational project is a joint activity of students with a common goal aimed at achieving the final result. This activity allows you to express yourself, try your hand, apply your knowledge, show your results. The product of the project activity is a report, poster, model, drawing, information, presentation.

Project activity educates and develops: independence in manifestations (in a pair, group, individually); the ability to listen to others; the ability to express your opinion; communication and interest in achieving the goal; the ability to learn to understand and express yourself.

Students are also motivated to study physics when they prepare home projects. Using various digital environments, editors and resources, MS Office applications, the guys prepare messages, reports, additions to the lesson material. I formulate a specific task for the students, and the students choose the technology for completing this task themselves, but I evaluate the final result. It is important that the material used (diagrams, diagrams, text information, animations, videos, illustrative graphic material) is logical and carries the specific necessary information.

Interim results today:

Participation in competitions for research projects;

Participation in the work of the IAS.

6. Distance learning

Modern technologies allow organizing distance learning. Distance learning (DL) is learning when the teacher and the student are spatially separated and when all or most of the training procedures are carried out using information and telecommunication technologies. Distance learning enables the student to acquire the required knowledge himself.

DL is distinguished from traditional forms of education by the following characteristic features:

- there is an opportunity to practice at a convenient time for yourself, at a suitable pace and place. At the same time, the duration of mastering the course may vary;

- the student can master this course simultaneously with basic training or main professional activity;

- the possibility of forming an individual curriculum from a set of individual courses;

- the student can simultaneously access a variety of sources of information (libraries and databases, electronic and conventional manuals). With the help of the Internet it is possible to communicate both with the teacher and with other students. Of course, personal contact is also possible;

- both the student's time and the teacher's time are effectively used. The requirements for training areas and their operation are reduced;

- the use of the latest information technologies contributes to the promotion and adaptation of a person in a modern information society;

- provides equal opportunities to receive diverse education outside the restrictions of place of residence, health status and other characteristics.

The effectiveness of DL, as well as of traditional education, depends on the quality of the teaching materials used and the skill of the teachers. However, when organizing DOs, you should pay attention to the following points:

- at the center of the learning process is the student's independent cognitive activity;

- it is necessary that the student learns to independently acquire knowledge, using various sources of information, be able to work with this information, using various methods of cognitive activity, have the necessary techniques for working with a computer and the Internet;

- independent acquisition of knowledge should not be passive, on the contrary, the student from the very beginning should be involved in active cognitive activity, involving the application of the knowledge gained to solve various problems of the surrounding reality;

- the organization of independent activity of trainees in the network involves the use of the latest pedagogical technologies corresponding to this form of training, stimulating the disclosure of the internal reserves of each student. The most successful in this regard are teaching in small groups, project method, research, problem methods; a detailed summary of the lesson with the necessary material - unusual information, questions, creative tasks;

- list of activities of distant students during distance learning;

- list of activities of the most distant teacher;

- a list of materials or the materials themselves required for the lesson (links to websites, own web quests, texts, necessary laboratory materials, CD-ROM).

Interim results today:

Today the site operates, on which all information on this project will be located in the future;

Conducting distance physics Olympiads on the basis of a personal site;

Use of electronic correspondence (e-mail) for consultation and reviewing of students' scientific projects, testing and independent preparation for the exam and olympiads;

Placement of materials for preparation for lessons, olympiads, scientific projects on the pages of the site.

Among the many ways to improve the effectiveness of the lesson, the use of information technology today occupies one of the leading places. Of course, the future belongs to information technology. With their help, today it is possible to solve many didactic, organizational and methodological problems.

The design of a learning environment using ICT is the formation of physical culture of students in its forms (academic discipline - additional education - extracurricular activities), where design management is considered as a process of creating an environment that is adequate to changes in society.

The effective organization of the educational process, which uses the capabilities of new information technologies, allows for individual and collective work with students, as well as integrate various forms and strategies for mastering knowledge in the subject, aimed at developing independent cognitive learning activities. It is a kind, unique for a given environment, an alloy of separate, pedagogical and other components that provide an overall learning effect, increasing the motivation of students to study the discipline and their creative activity.

Considering the workload of a modern teacher, we can recommend using the multimedia market innovations. Today there are especially many of them and, what is most pleasant, their technical and didactic capabilities are increasing.

The use of computer technologies does not change the terms of training, and often the use of electronic educational programs in the classroom requires more time, but it gives the teacher an opportunity to more deeply illuminate a particular theoretical issue. At the same time, the use of multimedia courses helps students to understand in more detail those physical processes and phenomena, to study important theoretical issues that could not be studied without the use of interactive models.

The greatest efficiency of using a computer in a lesson is achieved in the following cases:

- the use of multimedia courses in the study of topics, phenomena that are most fully and in detail covered only in electronic educational programs that cannot be studied in a real experiment;

- more complete visualization of objects and phenomena in comparison with printed teaching aids.

- using the ability to vary the time scales of events, interrupt the operation of a computer model, experiment and use the possibility of their repetition;

- automation of the process of monitoring the level of knowledge and skills of students;

- testing and correction of the results of educational activities;

- the use of software environments, virtual laboratories for the organization of creative, educational and search activities of students.

Of course, the pedagogical efficiency of using software environments depends not only on the electronic means themselves, but also on the preparation of teachers to work with them, on the availability of equipment in the school.

A computer is a powerful tool in the hands of a competent teacher, but it will never be able to claim the place of the Teacher himself.

List of used literature

2. Apatova N.V. Information technology in school education. -M .: IOSH RAO. 1994, 228.

3. Astafieva E.N., Filatova L.V. Information technologies in the system of advanced training of educational workers // Informatics and education - M., 2001. - №4; - 35-40.

4. Afrina E.I; Using email in physics lessons. // Questions of Internet education. - 2003. - No. 1.

5. Baranova Yu. Yu., Perevalova EA, Tyurina EA, Chadin EA. Methodology of using electronic textbooks in the educational process. // Informatics and Education. - 2000. - No. 8. - G.43-47.

6. Bespalko V.P. The components of pedagogical technology. - M .: Pedagogika, 1989 .-- 192 p.

7. Gomulina N.N., Mikhailov SV. Methodology of using interactive computer courses with elements of distance education // Physics. - 2000 - No. 39. - 68-71.

8. Guzeev V.V. Methods and organizational forms of training. - M .: Public education, 2001 .-- 128 p.

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"Information and communication technologies in physics lessons as a way to increase the effectiveness of teaching »

Research activities "href \u003d" / text / category / nauchno_issledovatelmzskaya_deyatelmznostmz / "rel \u003d" bookmark "\u003e research activities. They like to make discoveries on their own.

The use of presentations in the classroom promotes better assimilation of the material, increases the activity of students. And if the student himself prepares a presentation for the lesson, then he studies additional literature; analyzes, organizes the material. In addition, it develops general intellectual skills: to correctly present material; argue statements; the ability to listen and hear the statements of classmates.

In adolescents, the ability to think abstractly, to analyze and generalize facts and phenomena, that is, to a more modern way of knowing reality, increases. During this period, adolescents willingly accept indirect guidance in the form of advice or an unobtrusive offer to help.

Competent use of modern computer technologies in the classroom allows you to make them interesting and colorful, lively and dynamic. The development of abstract, logical thinking of children occurs through the figurative.

IV ... Experience in using ICT as a means of studying physics in basic school.

4.1 ... Using ICT as a means of visualization.

It is known from psychology that search activity is more productive and purposeful if the learning problem is visualized (“see and think”). Therefore, at the beginning of the study of a new topic, it is very useful to present cadres with a clear formulation of the educational problem (the stage of motivation and formulation of the educational problem).

At the stage of updating the knowledge necessary to master the new material, the staff and work with them are diverse. It can be:

Diagnostic non-judgmental control, better mutual control;

Multilevel quality, design, graphic tasks;

Physical dictation, blitz survey;

Working with organizing, summarizing tables, logical diagrams.

When studying new material, slides, together with a natural experiment, create a single active cognitive environment in which the teacher, with a series of skillfully selected questions and tasks, excites and directs the students' thought to new theoretical conclusions. Further, in the course of consolidation, he clarifies, corrects students' understanding of new knowledge, forms initial skills.

In the course of explaining and consolidating the new material, the staff should be diverse in order to cover all the moments of cognition: the algorithm for finding a solution to the problem posed, evaluating alternatives, discovering the consequences and their significance in theory, etc.

The resulting effect:

· It has become much more convenient to demonstrate video materials. At any time, you can freeze a high quality frame for sketching or commenting, which would be difficult when using a video recorder with a low quality freeze frame. Or turn off the sound and allow the student to analyze the situation. And then, turning on the sound, check the truth of the fact. (When studying the topic "Change in the state of aggregation of matter" in grade 8, we rely on the molecular structure of matter, which was studied in grade 7).

· If it is impossible to conduct a "live" experiment (due to its danger, lack of equipment or specific conditions), it became possible to carry out a virtual experiment on a computer model.

It is possible to view the resulting graphs. The graphs that appear on the screen when studying thermal phenomena (the dependence of T on time during phase transitions, when the concepts of the amount of heat, heat capacity, etc.) are introduced, make it possible to better understand the observed phenomena.

4.2. Using ICT as a source of supplementary material.

The main source of information is educational literature. The selection of additional literature on the subject is sometimes problematic, since the library fund at the school is not large. If you order literature from the regional library, it will take a lot of time. This is where the computer acts as a source of information.

A student in preparation for a lesson can use a computer as a universal source of information. The global computer information network Internet, electronic encyclopedias and textbooks, various training programs are just a small part of information sources. To create colorful and meaningful abstracts, design reports, a set of abstracts - for all this, you can use a computer

A huge amount of information has been created on electronic media, for example, "Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius" 2008. Here you will find encyclopedic and reference articles, interactive applications, illustrations, videos, fun facts and more. dr.

4.3 ... ICT application as a means of monitoring learning outcomes.

Along with the traditional control designed to assess the final learning outcomes, the computer allows you to organize control of the learning process itself, to carry out diagnostics of material flow in order to correct the further process.

I reinforce the studied material with the help of the same personal computer with the program "Physics Lessons by Cyril and Methodius". Here I also use crosswords.

Knowledge control, or rather feedback, I establish on the basis of self-control and self-assessment of students' knowledge. Before starting the lesson, I give a piece of paper and ask to rate myself for completing my homework. I suggest that half of the class sit down at the computer and do the tests. These can be tests developed by one or two students or tests from the computer program "Physics Lessons by Cyril and Methodius".

We are not in a position to change the content of knowledge control, but we can change the form of its implementation, make it more attractive. In the computer form, the training solution of problems, tests, the actual performance of the test work is pleasant to the students for a number of reasons: they immediately get the result; do not waste time on registration, corrections, etc .; you can use reference material, tips, calculator. This is the most objective type of control that is fair for students.

4.4. The use of ICT as a means of laboratory work.

You can also do laboratory work with the help of physics programs. The work turns out to be more visual and effective. Lab work can be done in class, as well as set as homework. By changing the parameters for each student, you can get a great result in the performance of work.

In the physics classroom, you can analyze the course of laboratory work using a computer model before performing the work or after completing the real work, conduct a computer study of the same dependence. All this contributes to the development of research skills, encourages a creative search for patterns in various processes and phenomena.

In grades 7-9, students have difficulties in studying the movement of a body moving in a moving frame of reference relative to a stationary one. The modeling program "Relativity of motion" from the package "Living Physics" helped here - it allows you to simulate all cases of relative body movement.

When studying the electromagnetic field in grade 9, students learn the gimbal rule, the right hand rule for the solenoid, the left hand rule.

On a German site I found the "Electric Motor" program. The figure on the left shows a frame in a magnetic field, connected with a collector to an electric current source. The lines of magnetic induction are directed from top to bottom, and with a given polarity of switching on the current source, the frame will rotate counterclockwise, which is fully consistent with the left-hand rule. The control panel allows you to change the direction of the electric current in the frame, the lines of magnetic induction and the direction of the ampere force. This program allows not only to demonstrate to students the device and principle of operation of a DC motor, but also to create interesting problem situations in the lesson.

On the same site there are programs "Four-stroke internal combustion engine", "Steam engine".

On the disk “Cyril and Methodius Virtual School. Physics ”is a demo program that helps you learn how to determine the price and value of the measured quantity. On the same disk: demo program "Body impulse" and computer program "Movement of molecules in gases, liquids and solids".

A computer experiment introduces into the lesson activity technologies of active, developing learning. Thus, the experiment becomes "a universal addition to practically any methodology of teaching physics."

4.5. The use of ICT as a means of saving time.

When using clarity in the form of tables, posters, reproductions of paintings, portraits, you have to remove some, attach others, and if you also keep notes on the board, it takes a lot of time. Using a computer, it becomes possible to save time.

Physics lessons are characterized by a constant lack of time and equipment complexity. A common case when the use of computer technology will be more than justified is the modeling of the phenomena of the microworld, processes of colossal scales or occurring in a time incommensurate with the time allowed for their study or hidden from the observer. Examples include phenomena in semiconductors, explosion, molecular interaction, diffusion, images in a cathode-ray tube.

How much of the teacher's time during the explanation will be spent drawing and wiping the board?

The study of a number of topics requires the use of significant amounts of graphic material. The limited space of the chalkboard can lead to the need to wipe out some of the previously made constructions, which will create difficulties if it is necessary to return to them in the course of consolidating what was learned. The traditional technique has long found a way out of the situation through the use of educational posters and slides. The computer in this case is not an alternative, but organically complements the above means. A separate advantage of a computer, in relation to the reproduction of educational graphics, is the simplicity of the color highlighting of the necessary elements and the ability to reproduce the dynamics of constructions, similar to the movement of the teacher's hand.

The programs "Open Physics" and the electronic encyclopedia "All Physics" can provide effective graphic support in the study of the kinematics of oscillatory motion.

Is the use of computer technology the best way to solve the assigned tasks? Computer technologies are not an end in themselves, but a means that can ensure high efficiency of the teacher's work.

V. Results of using ICT as a means of learning.

Physics lessons are carried out with computer support. The theoretical study of the problem determined the need for an analysis of this problem in the real educational process.

I) Assessment of the quality of training.

II) The attitude of students towards the use of ICT in the educational process.

III) Expanding the information competence of students.

IV) Saving study time in the classroom using ICT.


Experience in the use of ICT as a new means of studying physics has convinced me that the main educational goal is to increase the effectiveness of teaching, to create an active cognitive environment necessary for a dialogue between teachers and students, and heuristic conversation. To organize understanding (not memorizing) learning through the content of computer training materials. Everything should be built not on memorization, but on active independent practical activity, non-standard solutions. The use of ICT revitalizes the students' perception of the material, instills interest in the study of the subject, and improves the creative abilities of students. Computer materials are a necessary part of a unified set of teaching aids, which the teacher can supplement, modernize, and vary the ways of application.

The advantages of incorporating ICTs over traditional ones are manifold. These, in addition to the possibility of a more visual presentation of the material, which contributes to the development of both figurative and logical thinking, in addition to effective testing of knowledge, etc., include the variety of organizational forms of student work, methodological techniques. But with all this, the principle of necessity and sufficiency must act here. All users (including children) should be aware of the harmful aspects of working on a computer and some safety and preventive measures - this should also be taught. Doctors first of all warn about high visual load, therefore it is necessary to do special eye gymnastics in the classroom.

The use of ICT in physics lessons helps to achieve the following goals:

· Activation of the student's interest in the subject and the learning process.

· Development of skills of independent work on finding the necessary information.

· Saving time when processing large amounts of mathematical information.

· Removal of a conflict situation in case of student failure.

· Saving the teacher's time.

By integrating computer technologies into the educational process, you can provide:

· Development of constructive, algorithmic thinking due to the peculiarities of communication with a computer and work with specialized programs;

· Development of creative thinking by changing the content of reproductive activity, performing tasks of a heuristic, research nature in the environment of intelligent learning systems and modeling programs;

· Development of communication skills through the implementation of joint projects in the course of computer business games;

· Formation of skills in making optimal decisions and adaptation in a difficult situation (in the course of computer experiments based on simulation programs, when working with training programs);

· Achievement of the level of competence in the field of computer technologies necessary for successful social and professional adaptation of the student

Science and technology do not stand in one place, it is necessary to keep pace with progress so that children feel confident in the future.


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Using ICT in physics lessons

Bulchun Inna Olegovna

physics teacher MOU Bert-Dag secondary school

Tes-Khem kozhuun of the Tuva Republic

In the modern world, information and communication technologies are taking an increasingly important place. The process of schooling in this sense should not lag behind life, so the issue of introducing them into the structure of a modern lesson is very relevant. This implies one of the tasks of our pedagogical activity - the formation of a personality capable of adapting to the modern world.

The goals of using information technology in the lesson:

Make the lesson modern (in terms of the use of technical means);

Bring the lesson closer to the worldview of a modern child;

Establish a relationship of understanding between teacher and student;The main role of ICT in the work of a teacher:

a) saving time;

b) the ability to emotionally and figuratively present the material;

c) checking and securing the ZUN using various methods and techniques.

The idea of \u200b\u200busing ICT for modeling various physical phenomena, demonstrating the device and the principle of operation of physical devices arose as soon as computing technology appeared in school. The very first lessons using ICT have shown that they can help solve a number of problems that have always existed in teaching physics at school.

Let's consider two main problems in teaching physics:

1) Many phenomena in a school physics classroom cannot be demonstrated. For example, these are phenomena of the microworld, or fast-flowing processes, or experiments with devices that are not in the office. As a result, students experience a number of difficulties in their study, since they are not able to mentally imagine them. A computer can not only create a model of such phenomena, but also allows you to change the conditions of the process, "scroll" with an optimal presentation of educational material for assimilation.

2) Physics is an experimental science. It is difficult to imagine the study of physics without laboratory work. Unfortunately, the equipment of the physical room does not always allow for complex laboratory work, does not allow the introduction of research work that requires more sophisticated modern equipment. ICT comes to the rescue, which allows to carry out rather complex laboratory work. In them, the student can, at his own discretion, change the initial parameters of the experiments, observe how the phenomenon itself changes as a result, analyze what he saw, and draw appropriate conclusions.

A few words should be said about the development of computer lessons. There are already electronic textbooks on physics aimed at the individual user: "Physics in Pictures", "1C: Tutor", "Open Physics" by "Physicon" and other developments performed on optical disks. Most of them are professionally made, have beautiful graphics, contain good animations, they are multifunctional, in a word, they have a lot of advantages. But in most cases they do not fit into the topic of the lesson. With their help, it is impossible to achieve all the goals set by the teacher in the lesson. Computer lessons require special preparation. For such lessons, I began to write developments, combining in them both real and virtual (i.e., implemented on a monitor screen) experiments, sometimes using Internet resources containing the latest information on some sections of textbooks:

1. Theory of relativity: online physics textbook

2. Lessons in molecular physics

3. Physics in animations

4. site for students and teachers of physics

5. Erudite: biographies of scientists and inventors

6. Site with demoshttp: //

Our school pays great attention to student-centered learning, where the center of learning is the student himself - his motives, goals, his unique psychological makeup, that is, the student as a person. Application of information and communication technologies fororganization of student-centered learning allows:

  1. to increase the motivation of students to learn and their cognitive activity;
  2. to build the educational process, taking into account the personal characteristics of each student, focusing on the development of their creative abilities;
  3. create conditions for independent management of the course of training;
  4. differentiate and individualize the educational process, creating conditions for systematic control (reflection) of the assimilation of knowledge and the level of training of each student;
  5. make timely corrective actions of the teacher during the educational process.

I would especially like to note that the modeling of various phenomena in no way replaces real, "living" experiences, but in combination with them allows you to explain the meaning of what is happening at a higher level. Students can independently create multimedia models of the interaction of bodies, physical phenomena and, by changing the interaction parameters, visually see the result. The tool for integrating textual information and multimedia (sound, video, animation) makes the learning process more attractive due to the colorfulness of computer graphics, allows you to better develop visual-figurative thinking. The inclusion of summary tables, formulas, necessary illustrations and animation models in the multimedia synopsis contributes to a more intensive organization of the educational process.

ICTs are not intended to replace the blackboard and classical forms of education, they are intended to help the teacher explain the topic in the most effective way only when it is necessary to demonstrate the process, create a vivid image, etc. In other words, when the topic itself requires the multimedia presentation of the material being explained. When, without multimedia, it is difficult to explain in full, clearly and comprehensively. When you need to show an object hidden from the human eye, for natural reasons, for example, the molecular structure of a substance.

My work experience shows that such lessons arouse real interest among students, force all even weak children to work, allowing the principle of developmental learning to be implemented, leading to an increase in the quality of knowledge.

Unfortunately, today it is not always possible to use them for a number of reasons: insufficient technical equipment, labor intensity, availability of a free computer class. The use of ICT in the classroom, in each specific case, has to solve the problem of the appropriateness of the application and the ratio of computer and real experiments.

If a teacher wants to be interesting for his students, to improve his pedagogical skills and the level of intelligence, he should at least theoretically imagine how ICT can be used in the classroom, and, as a maximum, use these technologies with enormous universal possibilities.


L.I. Governors, K.A. Potekhin "New information technologies in the process

teaching physics "

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