Determine the type of sound card. DirectX to help us. How DirectX utility can help you find out which sound card your gadget has

Before you suspect a breakdown of the sound card on your computer, carefully inspect the existing PC connectors for external damage. You should also check the performance of the subwoofer with speakers or headphones through which sound is played - try connecting them to any other device. The hardware you are using may be causing the problem.

It is likely that reinstalling the Windows operating system will help in your situation, be it 7, 8, 10 or the Xp version, since the necessary settings could simply have gone wrong.

Let's move on to checking the sound card

Method 1

The first step is to tackle the device drivers. This requires:

After that, the drivers will be updated and the problem will be resolved.

Also, this procedure can be carried out if there is an actual version of the software on removable media. In this situation, you need to install, specifying the path to a specific folder.

If there is no audio card at all in the device manager, then go to the next option.

Method 2

In this case, its full diagnostics is required for the correct technical connection. You must do the following in a specific order:

Please note that this option is only suitable for discrete components that are installed on a separate board.

Method 3

If, after a visual inspection and check of the speakers or headphones, they turned out to be in working order, and reinstalling the OS did not bring any results, we move on:

After the test of the sound card is completed, the system will inform you about its state and if it turns out to be inoperative, you will understand this based on the results.

Method 4

Another option, how to quickly and easily check the sound card on Windows OS:

This will run diagnostics for audio problems on the computer.

The program will offer you several options for problems, as well as indicate the connected audio devices. If, the diagnostic wizard will allow you to quickly identify this.

Method 5

The third option, how you can check if the sound card is working, is the following:

In the tab "Driver" and "Information" you will receive additional information about the parameters of all devices installed on your PC, both integrated and discrete. Also, this method allows you to diagnose problems and quickly identify them by means of a software check.

Now you know how to quickly and easily test your sound card in several ways. Their main advantage is that for this you do not need online access to the Internet, and all procedures can be carried out independently, without contacting a specialized service.

More detailed in this video

Today it is impossible to imagine a computer that would not reproduce sound. In the same way as in a situation with a power outage, sometimes there is a loss of sound on the computer. The user immediately thinks about what happened and tries to find out the solution to the problem from friends.

Usually, in such cases, advice is given - to reinstall the drivers for the sound card. If the speakers do not produce any sounds at all (or they give out, but just some wheezing with a rattle) - the point is definitely in the drivers: either they are simply not installed, or as a result of something they are damaged.

All models of sound cards have their own drivers, but what if the manufacturer and brand are not known? You need to somehow find out which sound card is on your computer.

Fast navigation through the article

device Manager

  • Click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the screen.
  • Hover over My Computer and right-click. In the menu that appears, select "Properties".
  • You got to "System Properties". Click the Hardware tab, then select Device Manager.
  • A rather large list of various devices will appear - all these are components of your computer, you need the item "Sound, video and game devices". The top line will be the name of your sound card.

In case you need more accurate information, you can right-click on your sound device:

  • Select the item "Properties", then the tab "Details" and find the item "Property" (with a drop-down list, in which select "Equipment ID").
  • In the properties window, you will see a list with different values. Move the cursor to the lowest value and press the right mouse button.
  • Select "Copy".
  • On the Internet, open a search engine, Google or Yandex, and paste the copied value.
  • Then follow the links, you will find the required driver by clicking on several links (and if you are lucky, then on the very first one).

Other options

Other ways to solve the problem:

  • A solution to the problem using a program called "Everest" or "SISandra". Such programs will show information not only on sound devices, but also completely describe every part of your computer in more detail.
  • If you have a DirectX program on your computer, you can use the Direct diagnostic included in it, Go into it, select the "Sound" item and see the name of your sound card.
  • Another option, more reliable, but for some it may be inconvenient, is to remove the cover of the system unit, and then search for a sound card (usually its model is written on every part). Thus, you can find out not only the model of the sound card, but also the video card, processor, RAM and other things.

Good to know

Considering that the systems of the Windows family are very similar, the methods described above are perfect not only for XP, but also for Windows 7.

Once you know your card model, you can find the drivers you need. To do this, write its model in a search engine and search for the results you need by clicking on the links. When you find what you need, download and install them. After that, restart your computer. The sound should now work again.

A sound card (sometimes called a sound card) is an add-on device to your computer that allows you to process sound. Initially, the boards were separate cards, a little later they began to be integrated into motherboards in order to save money. It is clear that such cards produce far from the best sound, and if you are a music lover, you should buy a separate sound card. The cost of really good boards can easily reach tens of thousands of rubles.

The first external sound card can be considered a device from Covox Inc. It connected to the printer port of the IBM PC and allowed mono digital audio to be played. The IBM PC, by the way, was initially notable for its lack of sound, since it was created for solving business and scientific problems. The only sound it made was the sound of the built-in speaker, which is needed to indicate faults. This was in 1986. Interestingly, this device was one of the most popular on the market for the next 10 years, although already in the late 80s of the last century, audio cards from other manufacturers began to appear on the market.

Modern audio cards do not differ in large dimensions and take up relatively little space, not to mention the built-in ones. Many users do not even know their sound card model, which, in general, is not at all surprising - the main thing is that there is sound. But in fact, you need to know the model of the card at least so that in case of something you can update the drivers on it. For example: you turn on the computer and the sound disappears. Through trial and error, you figure out that you just need to reinstall the drivers.

Today I will tell you how to find out the name of your audio card.

Method one

I will show an example based on the windows 7 operating system, but in fact the method is also suitable for other versions of windows, including XP or 8.

First thing we need to do is open the Device Manager. You can get into it in various ways. For example, hover your mouse over the Computer icon on your desktop, right-click and select Properties.

A window will open to view information about your computer. On the right side of the window there is an icon "Device Manager" - click on it.

Now the device manager we need has opened. Here we see a list of devices, but we are only interested in "Sound, video and game devices". Click on the icon and you will see a list of audio cards.

It is important not to get confused as there may be other media devices here. In addition, the name of the audio card in my case (Realtek High Definition Audio) is incomplete, since the card is built-in. If you have a separate sound card, its name will be reflected in full.

Method two

If you need to find out the exact name of the audio card, even if it is built-in, third-party software will help you. On the site, I have already repeatedly mentioned programs for viewing the configuration of a computer. One of the most popular programs is undoubtedly Everest. Yes, the program is paid, but for the first 30 days you can use it for free, and if you like it (and you will definitely like it), you can purchase it.

So, download Everest from the official website, install it on your computer, and then launch it. Having opened the program, we find the subsection "Multimedia" - "Audio PCI / PnP" and see the full name of the audio card on the right side of the screen.

Method three

If you are using an external sound card, then you probably have left the packaging from it. Find the last one and see the device name on it.

If you bought a system unit in a boron in a store, then you need to find purchase documents - they will indicate the name of all components, including a sound card.

Traditionally, you can ask your questions using comments.

How to find out your sound card

aSUS audio card

Very often, after reinstalling windows, all drivers are not installed and the user cannot fully use the functions of the PC. Today we will consider a situation when there is no sound on the computer, we need to install drivers, but we do not know which ones. To find out which drivers you need, you usually wonder what kind of sound card I have (its model), but you do not always know the answer to it. Therefore, now I will help you figure out which sound card you have installed in your computer or laptop

Why bother with a sound card?

Why do we need a computer? Everyone performs their tasks: someone develops software, someone controls technological processes, in other words - for work. But there is another side - entertainment. Watching popular videos from YouTube, downloading a movie to comfortably spend your free time, listening to music. If it weren't for a sound card in computers, it wouldn't have been much fun. Why do you need an external or discrete sound card?

Everything, as always, depends on the circumstances, someone does not care about what sound is installed in a computer or laptop, and someone, on the contrary, is anxious about the choice of this spare part, people professionally strive to get a better sound of their favorite composition. This is how all the options look like, how to find out which sound card is worth:

  • Everest program
  • PC Wizard
  • dxdiag.exe
  • Device manager windows xp, 7, 8.1, 10
  • Look under the cover of the system unit

Let's go through all the options one by one.

Everest is the best program for determining information about a computer ...

We look in Everest what sound card is installed!

It doesn't matter whether windows determines sound or not, the method is the most universal and we recommend it. To do this, download the Everest program, now this is the correct name for the AIDA64 program that we need to install. After we have downloaded -\u003e installed -\u003e run the program -\u003e on the left in the menu, select “multimedia -\u003e Audio PCI / PnP -\u003e look to the right and we see a list of installed sound cards.

Another less popular program PC wizard

PC Wizard 2013 where to go and what to watch

We will not consider the installation of this program, since we downloaded a portable version that does not require installation. At startup, you will have to wait while the PC Wizard scans our computer and all its devices. On the left in the menu, select the icon with sound, after which a more detailed description of the category that we have chosen opens in the center, we should pay attention to "Device Audio" in our test stand 2 sound cards, so we see several C-media and HD devices Audio Controller

Direct X assistant or not?

On our keyboard, we press the key combination win + R, we see a window into which you can enter text, enter dxdiag.exe.

run dxdiag.exe

In the application that opens, go to the sound tab and look for the information we need about the device model.

how to find out which sound with directX

Find the sound through the "Windows Device Manager"

we look the same in the dispatcher

Microsoft products have a built-in utility that displays all the devices on your computer, so go to the device manager, if you don't know how to do this, then use the article - how to find the device manager. We open the multimedia section and look at the devices.

What sound card do I have if it is not built in? - you ask, so let's analyze another method that is suitable for discrete sound cards: if you have a stationary computer - not a laptop, then you can unscrew the lid of the system unit, and start research, of course there may be a lot of dust. We find the sound one, and if you know what it looks like, we look at the model, usually there is some kind of specification that we drive into the search engine and get the result.

There are also external sound cards, as for example an external usb hdd disk, here we just turn the device over and look at the specification.

If you continue to wonder what kind of sound card I have and do not quite understand how to find out which sound card is worth, then watch the video that can finally figure it out for you

How to find out which sound card is installed on a computer or laptop windows 7, 8, 10

One of the most convenient ways to get this information is by using the Everest program (aka AIDA64).

After downloading the software, go to the directory where the application was saved, launch the file.

Here you can find the most detailed information about your computer. To identify your sound card, go to the Multimedia \\ AudioPCI / PnP section.

In the working window, on the right, in the device description, we see the sound adapters used. In this example, we have two of them: an integrated Realtek and an additional one connected to the PCI slot of the C-Media motherboard.

Determined using PC Wizard

It is also convenient to determine this information using the PC Wizard utility, which has a fairly large functionality. It compares favorably with the previous program in that it is distributed free of charge.

The launch of the program will be accompanied by the collection of information about your computer, so you will have to wait a little.

When the program opens, on the left in the Iron section, click on the icon with the image of a note with a speaker.

On the right, in the Multimedia workspace, you can see the parameters of the installed audio devices.

Using DirectX

Certain data about the sound adapter can be obtained by standard means of the system without resorting to using third-party programs. The information, of course, will not be so extensive, but you should still be aware of such methods.

The first is using DirectX. The utility is easiest to start using the Run window (Win + R combination), add "dxdiag.exe" there, the longer way will be to run it through the Control Panel.

The DirectX Diagnostic Tool starts.

On two tabs - Sound 1 and Sound 2, you can see information about the sound adapter.

Using the device manager

The second method is through the Dispatcher. It can be opened through the Start button, right-click - Device Manager (for windows 10).

For any system, launching the dispatcher by typing in the Run command "devmgmt.msc" will work.

Motherboard socket - what is it and how to identify it

In the sections marked with the speaker icon, you can find out information about audio devices - you can see the installed adapters in Sound, game and audio devices.

It should be noted that in this way it will not be possible to find out which device you are using, if no drivers are installed on it, then you should look for it in the Other devices section and install software on it.

How to find out which sound card is on your computer: several ways

Everyone has encountered sound problems on a computer at least once. Sometimes it just disappears for some unknown reason, and then two questions arise: what happened and how to fix it? The answers to them are simple and usually identical in all cases - a problem with drivers that need to be reinstalled. But to do this, you need to find out the name of the sound card and start from it.

The situation when the question arises "how to find out which audio card is on the computer?" Is usually familiar to people who are not knowledgeable about equipping their devices. Meanwhile, driver installation and its subsequent correct operation are simply unthinkable without this information. There are several ways to determine the settings of your machine:

  • everest program;
  • sISandra program;
  • dxdiag.exe utility;
  • system help.

Everest and SISandra programs are similar in principle of operation and provide the most complete information on the characteristics of devices. It is simply necessary to get these programs if you do not want to constantly experience some difficulties. They usually give even the name of the manufacturer, the date of assembly of the device and many other sometimes unnecessary details.

The dxdiag.exe utility is the second most reliable method. It will not be difficult to figure it out, but you need to find a manual for use.

Each computer has its own operating system. The person who identified it (and this is elementary - its name is highlighted at startup) can easily get information in the system help.

In order to find out which sound card is on a windows 7 computer, you can also use the help of your menu. Then you can quickly determine if there is any need to reinstall the drivers at all.

How can I find out which sound card is on my computer through the device manager?

Before accessing the Internet and downloading new programs, you can always try to deal with existing ones using the task manager.

To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Start the computer and point to the "Start" button.
  2. Select the "My Computer" section and the "Properties" subsection.
  3. Go to the subsection "System Properties" and open "Hardware".
  4. From the opened four tabs, discover "Device Manager".
  5. Find Sound, Video and Game Controllers in the list.
  6. There you will see the name of the sound card.

How does DirectX help you find out which sound card your gadget has?

If the victim of sound loss was able to install the DirectX utility, then you can search through the Direct diagnostic. To understand which sound card is on your laptop, you just need to find a window in the menu called "Sounds". There is necessarily a record that is so needed.

And, finally, if there is still the question of how to find out what kind of sound card you have, you can disassemble the system unit. Having looked inside and recognized its name, he can write it down for the future, so as not to repeat the operation in a similar situation.

Cards can be included in motherboards or as an independent device. The cost in the second case will be higher than in the first. The quality is theoretically the same, but in reality the difference is insignificant. No matter how many separate audio devices are installed, the resulting sound quality will remain approximately the same.

How to find out which sound card I have on a computer or laptop on windows XP, 7, 8, 10

If you are familiar with the computer hardware, it is easier for you to understand the problems. Popular breakdowns include a “lost”, incorrectly installed, as well as missing sound card “firewood” after reinstalling windows. Knowing the part model, you can download the driver you need online. It is not difficult to find out.


  1. Open the system unit and see the board (for computers).
  2. Launch Device Manager in windows of any generation.
  3. Install the EVEREST program.
  4. Install PC Wizard.
  5. Install DirectX program.

The basic principles of each method are the same for windows XP, 7, 8.1 and 10.

Methods number 1 and number 2. Opening the system unit and launching the task manager

In a stationary computer, you can unscrew the lid of the system unit and examine its insides. You will see many boards. If you find a sound card, you will most likely find the model markings as well. More often than not, this chip looks like a flat square with small shiny contacts along the edge. Please note: it is easy to confuse it with a network card or control chip.

Council. The close position of the sound card is indicated by a group of capacitors and an audio connector (a group of thin vertical contacts). They usually coexist.

There are also external sound cards, for example, an external hdd drive that is connected via usb. In this case, just flip the device - the specification will be there.

windows is provided with a standard utility that stores information about all the devices in your computer. To search, enter the "Device Manager":

  • Click "Start" at the bottom left of the monitor.
  • Right click on "My Computer".
  • Select "Properties" from the drop-down menu.

  • In the new window, select the "Hardware" tab, then - "Device Manager". An extensive list of devices will appear, divided by category.
  • Look for what you need - Sound, Video and Game Controllers (this heading may vary slightly).
  • To drill down on the data, right-click on the name of the map. Next: "Properties" - "Details" tab - "Property". In the drop-down list, stop at "Equipment ID". The bottom value on the list is your model.
Council. "Device Manager" is not always a good solution, because sometimes it does not display the card modification, but only the belonging to the driver family.

Methods number 3, 4, 5: installing programs

Among the popular software for identifying computer or laptop devices is the EVEREST program, which has recently undergone a rebranding and is now called AIDA64. It easily downloads from the developer's site and is intuitive in the process of installing and diagnosing a computer. After launching, you will see the Multimedia section in the menu: select Audio PCI / PnP and look at your sound cards.

You can find out which sound card you have using a special program

Another program - "PC Wizard" - does not require installation at all, since it works in a portable version. Download the file and run it right away. After a while, PC Wizard will review all devices. In the menu, click on the icon in the form of a note and a speaker - a description of the section and a list of devices will open in the main window. Your card model is listed on the line that starts with “Device Audio”.

Many users have a program from the DirectX family installed on their computer. Most often, it is installed automatically. The program includes a diagnostic service. Use the "Win + R" key combination to call the "Run" service. Paste the dxdiag.exe command into the line. The program window will open, in which select the "Sound" tab. There will also be information about your card.

When you know the modification of your sound card, find and download drivers for it on the Internet. Then restart your computer. The sound should be restored.

How to find out which sound card is installed on your computer: video

Very often the owners of a personal or laptop computer are faced with the task of how to define their sound card. Indeed, the days are long gone when the only mass audio adapter that has become truly popular was the "Sound Blaster" and its modifications "Pro", "32", etc.

Computing systems are now dominated by embedded solutions. One can argue for a long time where the sound is better: integrated or discrete cards. However, the proliferation of laptops and similar portable solutions has led to the fact that a chip soldered to the board is the most optimal option in terms of ergonomics and power consumption. Why, then, the question arises: "How do you recognize your sound card?" - if there is a standard? Alas, despite the small number of sound solution manufacturers, each of them has a whole line of models. Each of them has its own characteristics, its own driver. It is not surprising that it is so important to figure out how to recognize your sound card. So let's get started ...

Studying the specifics

One of the easiest ways to find out your sound card is to study the packaging and the manufacturer's website. Let's assume that the computer is stationary and the card is discrete. The product packaging always has the model name on it. For example, it can be a copy from the "Creative" company - "X-Fi Titanium HD". If the box is lost or you need to figure out how to find out your sound card placed in the laptop by the manufacturer, then you can use another method.

For a laptop, read the model and manufacturer name on the back of the sticker. Next, you need to find the characteristics of this model (for example, Acer 7720G). For this example, this is a Realtek sound chip. In a similar way, you can determine the type of sound chip integrated on the motherboard of a stationary computer: knowing its type (for example, Gigabyte H61M-S2PV), you need to open the manufacturer's website, find your "motherboard" and look at the sound chip in the "Specifications" section. For the example board, this is the "Realtek ALC887" audio codec.

Programmatic way

An equally popular method for determining a sound chip is using programs. One of the most famous is "AIDA64". After launching it, you need to go to the "Multimedia" section, where select "Audio PCI / PnP".

If it is not possible to install third-party applications, then you can use the tools of the operating system itself. Let's consider how to find out your sound card Windows 7. It is necessary on the system shortcut of the desktop "My Computer" to press the right mouse button and in the list of menu items that appears, select the lowest one - "Properties". Next, you should open the "Device Manager". If the driver was installed automatically (that is, it needs to be updated), then the required solution will be located in the "Sound, game and video devices" tab. Having opened "Information", you need to select "Equipment ID" in the drop-down list. Next, you need to copy the line, paste it into the browser and start searching the Web. In case of problems, you can reduce the number of characters. For example, for the line HDAUDIO \\ FUNC_01 & VEN_10EC & DEV_0887 & SUBSYS_1458A002 & REV_1003, you need to delete everything after "DEV_0887". This method is one of the most convenient and accurate. If the driver was not installed at all, then the sound card will be in the "Unknown devices" section. In this case, you need to do the same operations with the search for the string "ID".

A sound card (or sound card) is a computer component that processes and outputs sound. With it, you can listen to music, voice acting in films and games, or even process the sound yourself using special programs. This can be digitizing recordings, eliminating noise, mixing, recording, adjusting the frequency range, etc. The audio card has connectors for speakers or headphones, a microphone, and a line-in for audio input from another device. All connectors are colored in different colors, under which there is an icon of the device to be connected. For example, the speaker output is colored green. The speaker plug is also colored green.

The sound card can be built-in (integrated sound card) or so-called external, which is made in the form of an electronic expansion card inserted into a special slot on the motherboard.

Built-in sound card
External sound card

In modern computers, the sound card is almost always integrated into the motherboard. For an ordinary user, the capabilities of an integrated audio card are quite enough, and external ones, due to their high characteristics, are more focused on music lovers, musicians, sound engineers. In addition, external sound cards are also produced as a separate device in a separate housing. They will connect to the USB port. Such devices can already be called professional.

Studio external sound card

It should be noted that if you nevertheless decide to purchase a high-quality external sound card for installation in a computer, then the speakers (or headphones) must be of high quality, otherwise it will be a waste of money.

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