How to find a file on a windows 8 computer. How to quickly find files, folders and programs in Windows by searching

What are system requirements Windows 8?

  • CPU: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with PAE, NX and SSE2 support
  • RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit Windows or 2 GB for 64-bit
  • Free disk space: 16 GB for 32-bit Windows or 20 GB for 64-bit
  • Video card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics adapter with WDDM driver

Additional requirements for using certain features:

  • To use touch input, you need a tablet or multi-touch monitor
  • To access the Windows store, download and run applications, you need an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024x768
  • To use the Snap function (attaching applications), a screen resolution of at least 1366x768 is required
  • Access to the Internet
  • Secure boot requires firmware that supports UEFI v2.3.1 Errata B and has a certificate from a certification authority in the UEFI signature database Microsoft Windows

What is the minimum resolution to run on Windows 8?

You can run Windows 8 even at the smallest resolutions that are not currently used anywhere like 640x480. To use various functions inside Windows, the corresponding minimum permission is required:

  • To access the Windows store, download and run applications, you need a screen resolution of at least 1024x768
  • To use the Snap function (snapping applications), a screen resolution of at least 1366x768 is required

When installing Windows 8 on the second system, the disk of the first OS is not visible in it

When windows installation 8 by the second system on a computer with a different Windows OS (7, Vista or XP), the partition on which the previous OS is installed is not assigned a letter.

You can manually assign a drive letter to display it.

  1. Click on right click mouse in the lower left corner of the screen ---\u003e Disk management.
  2. Right-click on the section without a letter and select Change drive letter or drive pathand then assign a letter to it.

What image formats can be mounted using standard Windows 8 tools?

A new feature in Windows 8 is mounting (connecting) disk images using standard tools. Officially only ISO and VHD images are supported, but in fact - all "renamed" ISOs, for example IMG. For images of other formats, you will have to continue to use programs third party developers: Alcohol, DAEMON Tools, Virtual CloneDrive, etc.

Microsoft account

What is a Microsoft account and what is it for

A Microsoft account is an alternative to a regular Windows username and password. The main difference with a Microsoft account is the synchronization of operating system and application settings over the Internet with other computers where you are logged in with the same account.

How do I start using my Microsoft account or switch back to my local account?

Press the charm Options ---> ---> Users --->

Switch to Microsoft account

Switch to local account.

Here you can change your password.

Is it possible to log into Windows without an internet connection?

Yes, it is possible. A connection is required to synchronize data and does not affect the ability to log on to Windows. As soon as the connection reappears, the data is synchronized.

What data is automatically synced?

You can define which settings will be synchronized:

Press the charm Options ---> Change computer settings ---> Synchronizing settings --->

  • Personalization. Colors, background, lock screen and your avatar
  • Personalization of the desktop. Themes, taskbar, high contrast and other options
  • Passwords. Login details for some apps, websites, networks, and homegroup
  • Special abilities. Narrator, screen magnifier and other options
  • Language settings.Keyboards, input methods, interface language and other parameters
  • Application settings. Certain app settings and files purchased through the app
  • Browser. Options, log and favorites
  • Other Windows options.Explorer and mouse

Even if you have one computer, syncing can come in handy. When reinstalling Windows you do not have to waste time configuring the above parameters, all settings will be automatically received from the cloud storage on the Internet.

What other benefits does a Microsoft account have?

  • Automatic login to modern windows applications... The ability to seamlessly download and update apps from the Windows Store.
  • Data synchronization in modern applications. For example, if you start making a shopping list at home and place a file in a SkyDrive folder on your computer, this file will automatically be sent to cloud storage in the Internet. You can continue editing it at work, and then, when you arrive at the store in the evening, you will view the list on your smartphone or tablet. Very comfortably!

If you forget to put a file in storage, you can use SkyDrive to get to it at remote computer... The main thing is to allow this possibility in advance.

Introducing the new Windows 8 interface

Where are the Start button and menu now? How do I get them back?

In Windows 8, the Start menu is replaced by the Start screen.

Here you can pin the most frequently used applications, as well as gain access to all applications installed on your computer. The start screen appears immediately after Windows starts up.

There is no way to return the "classic" Start menu. Alternatively, you can use.

The "Start" button appears when you move the cursor to the lower left corner of the screen:

and it brings up the start screen.

Initial (start) screen

Appears immediately after Windows boots.

Here, as conceived by the authors of Windows 8, all the information you need will be collected. On one tile there is a weather forecast, on the other there are news headlines, there are also tiles for launching your favorite programs and games, for opening web pages and computer folders.

The home screen is customized to your liking. You can attach the necessary tiles here and remove unnecessary ones, move, reduce or increase the tiles for a better perception and contain more dynamic information.

The home screen is automatically supplemented with tiles for installed programs.

How do I search in Windows 8?

The easiest way:

  1. From the home screen, start typing your search term.
  2. Then, if necessary, select where the search will be carried out: among applications, settings, files or in one of the applications
  3. Get the result:

You can also search while in a modern application. To do this, press the charm Search and type a request.

Charms Bar

You can call the panel in one of the following ways:

There are many ways to shut down. Standard way for Windows 8 is as follows: move the mouse pointer over one of the right corners of the screen (or quickly slide your finger from the right edge to the center on touch display) -> Options (or press the keyboard shortcut Win+I) -> Shutdown.

No hibernation in shutdown menu

To add it there, right-click in the lower left corner of the screen ---\u003e Power management ---> Power button actions ---> Changing options that are currently unavailable ---\u003e check the box Hibernation mode.

Why are the window titles not transparent?

According to Microsoft, this has lost its relevance. Transparency is disabled in the final windows versions 8.


Where can I find "All Programs"?

In Windows 7, there was an All Programs item in the Start menu. In Windows 8, right-click on any blank area of \u200b\u200bthe Start screen and select All Apps, or click Ctrl+Tab.

Application switching panel

On the left side of the Windows 8 screen, there is a panel for switching between applications. To call her

  • Move your mouse cursor to one of the left corners and then up or down.
  • Swipe in from the left edge touch screen, and then, without lifting your finger, push the app back to the left edge.
  • Use a keyboard shortcut Win+Tab.

You will see the running applications and can select the one you want. The desktop and all desktop applications are present as one item when switched.

For fast switching between running applications and classic applications, click in the upper left corner. When using the touchscreen, slide your finger from the left edge to the center.

To switch between all running apps (Metro style, as they used to be called) and desktop apps, use your familiar and favorite combination Alt+Tab.

Attaching Applications

With pinning, you can use two apps at the same time. For example, while surfing the Internet, manage your music playlist.

To attach, take the application by the very top (the cursor turns into a palm)

and drag to the right or left edge.

Bring up the application switching panel and drag the thumbnail to the other edge.

How do I close a modern app?

There is no need to close them. When idle, Windows pauses modern applications, and after a while, closes.

If, for any reason, you need to manually close a modern application, here are several ways to choose from:

  • Press on the keyboard combination Alt+F4.
  • Move the mouse cursor to the top of the screen and drag to the very bottom.
  • Click on the thumbnail unnecessary application on the app switching bar and click Close.

  • End the application in the task manager.

How do I enable gadgets?

Gadgets are not available in Windows 8, you cannot enable them. To solve the problem, look for ways from craftsmen.

Search has become one of the main windows improvements 8.1. Search Heroes feature that introduces search results in the form of a beautiful and functional presentation, really became the hero of most reviews of the new OS.

But I want to focus your attention on another innovation - the search bar. It's still more interesting there.

With the release of Windows 8.1, I began to frequently use the Win + S keyboard shortcut, primarily due to the fact that the search opens anywhere and does not look like a foreign window, but as a sidebar.

You can also call this panel with the Search charm. When you are on the Start screen, you just need to start entering a request.

Key features

Local search is performed by folders, settings and applications. Search results are ranked based on frequency of use. Below the main SERP, there are Smart Search suggestions based on Bing SERPs. Above the search bar is a result filter.

These functions new line search is not limited. I will show you the opportunities that the journalists and Microsoft itself did not focus on.

File Explorer

If you start typing a drive letter (for example, E: \\ or simply \ ), all files and folders in this directory will be immediately displayed. You can navigate through them with up and down arrows, and open by adding a slash. You don't need to remember the path to the file, everything happens visually and instantly.


Running commands works exactly the same as in the Run window. This feature has appeared since the days of Vista, but for some reason, many people still do not know about it or do not use it.

Address bar

Entering the address was inherited from the "Run" window, but now the output includes direct links to well-known sites.

Search by people and mailing addresses

If you enter the name of a contact, for example from Twitter, Facebook, or another network connected to the People app, the search bar will prompt you to send them a message, call, or something else.

You can also enter a frequently used e-mail, and the system will offer to write a letter to the addressee.

Music search

If you enter the name of any song, artist or album, the first result in the output will prompt you to start playback immediately. Moreover, unlike the "Search heroes" screen, there is no connection to Xbox Music, the music opens in the player selected by default.

Search pinned tiles

All pinned apps, sites, contacts, and other shortcuts are also indexed and accessible via search. In addition, many search results can be immediately pinned to the home screen by right-clicking on the result. For example, I have a whole group of music album tiles.

The search engine in Windows 8.1 has been completely redesigned. It is so different from Windows 7 and Windows 8 that some users may have difficulty understanding how to work with it. That is why we decided to create complete guide on the search with screenshots and examples.

How to search through the Search bar

From the start screen, simply enter keyword(and). Once you click on any letter or numeric key, the Search bar appears on the right side of the screen and displays the search results based on what you entered.

If you want to find something while in desktop mode, just press Win + s on your keyboard or move your mouse cursor to the lower right corner of the screen and select "Search". Then you need to enter your search term.

What search results look like

First on the list are the applications that match the search query, followed by the parameters, and then the files. Depending on the search term you enter, you may only see some applications, options and files. The thing is, there just isn't enough space in the Search panel to show them all.

Search results are followed by suggestions based on relevant keywords from the search query. These offers are provided search system Bing. She does this, including on the basis of the user data she has and your search history.

One important difference between local search results and keyword suggestions is that there is always an icon next to each of the local results. You will never see icon suggestions.

How to filter search results

In Windows 8, search results were automatically filtered by category. Windows 8.1 doesn't have this, but you can easily do it manually.

To filter search results, you need to click on the "Everywhere" filter immediately above the search line. This will open a drop-down menu with search categories / filters, including "Anywhere", "Options", "Files", "Pictures from the Internet" and "Videos from the Internet".

The default search filter is “Everywhere”. If you choose "Options" then operating system will only display links to options found in the Control Panel or PC Settings menu.

If you select "Files", then in the search results you will only see files that match your search query. With the two remaining filters (Web Images and Web Videos), the Search bar will show you keywords based on Bing data for a specific search query.

Experiment with these filters to get a better understanding of how they work.

How to use search results

Now let's take a look at how search results are used. When performing a search, you will have four important elements that you can interact with:

Filters - in the previous section of the article, we have already shown how they work.

Search button - allows you to open search results in full screen mode... This window displays both local results and Internet search results (Bing).

searching results - clicking on any of them will open the corresponding element.

Keyword Based Suggestions - when you click on any of the suggested keywords, a full-screen window will open with the corresponding search results. Search results will include local results and Internet search results (Bing).

As mentioned above, when you press the search button (or Enter on the keyboard), a full-screen window with search results will open. The first in this window are local results - these can be files, applications, and settings.

If you scroll to the right, you will see results from Windows Store, from the internet (sites, images, videos), as well as related searches.

It's worth noting that the page can scroll indefinitely - Bing is constantly loading new search results so you can find what you're looking for.

Right-clicking on the search results opens context menu with options.

If this is a site, then you can copy its link.

For files, the context menu allows you to copy the selected file or open its location.

When you right-click in the section of images from the Internet, you will be able to filter them by various criteria, including size, color and type.

In the case of video, these criteria include duration and resolution.

In the upper left part of the search window, a colored rectangle with the current search query.

Clicking on this triangle opens the Search panel. This way you can enter another keyword and get started quickly new search.


Definitely, search in Windows 8.1 has become much more powerful than that in Windows 8. The integration with Bing opens up even more possibilities, and to search for something on the Internet, you no longer have to open the browser first - you can find what you are looking for directly from the home screen. And if users appreciate this feature, it could have a positive impact on Bing's market share.

Have a great day!

Search functionality in Windows 8 has taken on a new development. The G8 makes it possible to search for information not only on local computerbut also in the Windows Store and on the Internet using Bing - search service Microsoft. The number of places from which you can search has also increased, and it has become much more convenient and easier to use it. However, everything in order.

Smart search from the home screen

There are three small icons in the top-right node of the Windows 8 Start screen. To search, click on the "Magnifier" icon and start typing your query.

It is enough to enter a few characters in search stringto have the system suggest a number of options. It remains to click the appropriate one.

Next to the search field there is a filter button that allows you to choose what and where to search: a file, parameter, image, video from the Internet, or all together (the “everywhere” option).

By the way, to search for information from the home screen, you don't even need to run the search function. Any text that you start typing on the keyboard will itself be inserted into the search bar.

If you enter a query and do not select anything from the list suggested, pressing Enter or the "Find" button (the "Magnifying glass" icon) will open a window with all the results that match the query.

Right-clicking on any of the files will open a short context menu at the bottom of the screen: open location or copy this file.

If you were looking for materials on the network, right-clicking on the found one will open a button to go to the site.

The video menu allows you to filter what was found by length and resolution.

Images from the Internet have the richest filter. Here you can set the picture size, type, layout (horizontal or vertical), color scheme (black and white or color), and also open the People application.

Search from pop-up panel

There is another Search button in the pop-up sidebar (Charms Bar in Windows 8), which appears on the right side of the screen when you hover over the upper right corner.

In addition, you can open the side panel by pressing windows keys + C, and to call only the search (in a separate panel), you need to press Windows + F.

Search from the Windows button context menu

The Windows button has replaced the Start button in the G8. Clicking on it now opens the initial windows screen 8, and many useful functions moved to the context menu of this button. Among them is the search. To use it, open the menu and click the "Find" command.

Search from Windows Explorer

To search for data via windows explorer 8 each folder has a small input field marked with a magnifying glass icon. Enough to print in it key phrase - and in a couple of minutes the system will display a selection of files and directories whose names include this request.

Search parameters and filters are set in the settings of the menu of the same name. By clicking the Search button on the top panel of a folder, you can specify:

  • Search location - current folder only or current and all subfolders.
  • Time range - when the file was created or modified.
  • File type (document, picture, music file, mail message, contact file, playlist, and more).
  • File sizes - from empty (0 kb) to gigantic (\u003e 128 mb).
  • Other file properties are tags, type, rating, folder path and shooting date.

Alongside, in the "Options" section, there are buttons for viewing the query log, configuring locations, saving specified conditions, and closing the search window.

How to find and open hidden files and folders in Windows 8

Many system files and the folders are hidden from the user's eyes and do not appear in the explorer. This is done primarily to protect against accidental deletion, but in some cases, such secrecy hurts, not helps. For example, when you want to find and manually remove a virus or find the data that it has hidden.

Make hidden files and folders visible in Windows 8 in several ways.

If you know the name and location hidden folder, just open the directory in which it is located, enter its name in the address bar and press Enter. The folder, even if it is not visible, will be opened and all its contents will be displayed on the screen. Here is one such example - appData folder in the user directory that stores hidden application data:

To view the hidden data of only one folder, click in top menu button "View", open the section "Show or hide" and check the box "Show hidden items".

How do I use Search in Windows 8.1?

Advanced search capabilities in windows system 8.1

Search in the system is very important. Personally, I often use search, especially when it comes to programs or catching malware software... On the other hand, search can help find lost files and folders, as a rule, many people are looking for images or musical compositions. This is the largest part of the files in modern devices... Documents take up an insignificant part disk space compared to music and photos. Not surprisingly, it's pretty easy to get lost in collections of this magnitude. In general, search is relevant at all times, most of the work on the Internet is search, work with search engines, work with requests. Have you noticed that starting from Windows 8, searching in the system is combined with searching on the Internet? This is very convenient, and reduces the time spent by the user to receive answers in areas of interest. I'm sure everyone started using Windows 8 search because it became really friendly and simple there. However, the search in the system explorer goes unnoticed. It is necessary to correct this annoying omission, so let's talk about searching in Windows 8.1, and more specifically about searching from Explorer.

I already wrote that the easiest and most convenient search is from a special menu that opens as soon as you move the cursor from top to bottom on the right side of the screen. But it is very simple, and not very functional when it comes to searching directly in the system. And here the guide comes to our aid, or rather, the search built into it.

You need to open Windows 8.1 Explorer and pay attention to the search tab. Explorer's built-in search tools automatically scan all folders / subfolders, as well as files inside. If you are not sure where exactly the file you need is located, click search in libraries - the place where most often users store their files and folders.

In the search window, you must specify the criteria by which the selection will be made. The search results are sorted as follows - the first in the list are files whose names match the search criteria, then a list of files matching metadata and content (if we are talking about a text document).

Searching from the explorer window has a different technique and is therefore more efficient for finding files on Windows 8.1.

Convenient element of the explorer interface Windows 8.1 it is possible to start a search from anywhere, or rather from your location. In this case, if you do not know the name of the file that you need, use the multiplication sign "*" to search by groups. The asterisk replaces the characters present in the name and gives all possible options in the search.

See for yourself if you type a search pattern next type - "File *" (note the asterisk at the end), all files will be found in which "File" is a prerequisite, and then all its constituent parts, and the formats in which the files are presented (photo, video, text).

What if you need to find image files? Everything is very simple in the search condition the "* .jpg" construction (without quotes) is specified. The result will be all images with a .jpg extension.

By the way, a search in Windows 8.1 can be performed not only by one (simple) condition, but also in a more advanced version, when there may be more than one star. This works well as long as you know the part of the file you are looking for.

Search in Windows 8.1 when you don't know the file name

Yes, this is a fairly common situation when you do not know the name of a file, but you roughly know the date it was last modified. This is where Windows 8.1 Explorer comes to our rescue, and its sorting capabilities. The chain of actions in such a situation is somewhat different, but at the same time easily accomplished.

1. The first thing we start with is open the desktop and then open Windows 8.1 Explorer. In the explorer, select the folder (if we know its location) in which we will search for lost files, or simply select the search all over the computer.

2. Next, pay attention to the search box (located in the upper right corner), and drive in our search criteria. Accordingly, if you know the name of the file, we drive it in completely. You know only a part, we drive in a part and a multiplication sign (an asterisk "*"), or just a star sign when the name is not known.

3. The explorer will give full list files and folders based on search criteria.

4. Then go to the "View" tab and select sorting by creation date. Remember, sorting can be from highest to lowest, or vice versa. Be careful.

It is worth noting that if you are looking for files that may be hidden, they are easy to open. In the same view tab, check the corresponding box.

That's all for today. We learned how to produce custom search in Windows 8.1. Work with search templates, and how to quickly find and sort files that you have lost. I hope that the article was useful for you, with an abundance of new information... There will be time to go over the entire cycle, links below. Thank you and see you soon.

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