VGA: what is this cable, driver, graphics adapter

Hi guys! Well, are you studying a computer? And I will help with this, today I will tell in simple words about what a VGA Driver is! So you have a monitor? Well, probably there is, but in order to display a picture on the monitor, you need a video adapter. So guys, in order for Windows to communicate normally with the video adapter, send him commands to change the resolution, then for this all you need a video driver. It is the driver that helps Windows to communicate with the graphics adapter, in short, just with the vidyuha!

Well, okay, well, that's the VGA Driver, what does that mean? Well, as I already wrote this driver. But it may not be an easy situation! It may be that Windows itself could not take and install the drivers on your vidyuhu, as if it does not install them on separate video cards at all, you need to manually install it yourself. Windows just puts firewood on the video core built into the processor, I checked this on my own experience. But for some vidyuhi it seems not, but what does Windows do in this case? She puts her simple VGA driver, which, although it provides an image, but it is not very good .. And the Windows can slow down with such a driver ...

What to do then? You need to find out the model of the video card (for example, using the AIDA64 program) and go to the search engine, write something like this, as I wrote, see:

And yet, my advice: download drivers only from the official site, do not download from other sites, because in addition to drivers, you can hap a virus too!

If you have Windows XP, well, you never know, then this Windows does not know how to download and install drivers by itself, well, there is no such thing in it. In terms of video, she herself can only install the VGA Driver, normal drivers need to be installed only manually!

See, for example the Catalyst Control Center program:

This program is a proprietary program that comes with drivers for aTI video cards Radeon.

So, stop, maybe you don't need to install the driver, maybe let it be as it is? Again, if you have built in graphics core in a processor (for example Intel HD) and at the same time you have Windows 7, Windows 10, then these Windows must install the drivers themselves, you do not need to touch anything here. In all other cases, you need to take a vidyuhi model and look for firewood in a search engine, well, that is, as I showed above in the picture, without these drivers you do not need to use a video card!

And one more thing, I have here intel processor with built-in vidyuha, Windows itself puts firewood. This I mean that I do NOT have AMD, I can not be 100% sure that everything is also there with the built-in kernel, but I think so too!

If you have a separate vidyuha, then you can try to install the drivers that came on the disk along with the video card.

If you do not install the driver on the video in Windows XP, then there will be such an unidentified device:

It says Standard VGA Graphics Adapter, but it can be written differently, but in about the same style. By the way, a similar thing is written in Windows 7/10, but I even found a picture, see:

You see there is still a Video Controller at the bottom, I don't know what it is, but apparently it's also vidyuha! And all this is displayed in the Device Manager, but how to call it? And here's how: hold down the Win + R buttons and then write the command mmc devmgmt.msc and click OK. This is my window:

See here I have it written Intel (R) HD Graphics? Well, this is the built-in core in the processor, the Windows itself delivered it to me

Well, I'll write something else to you. In general, VGA stands for Video Graphics Array and is itself a video transfer interface, by the way very old. Today it is replaced by DVI, it is a digital interface. The difference is especially noticeable on large diagonals. But the name of the built-in drivers in the video still retains the word VGA

You can also use some program to update drivers, here is DevID Agent (, it seems like a good program, I somehow updated the drivers with it, but that was a long time ago.

All the guys, I told you everything, now you should know what a VGA Driver is! Good luck


Most modern computer users mobile devices or television panels came across such a concept as VGA. Is it a connector, video adapter, monitor, driver, cable or adapter? Unfortunately, many of us, as a rule, do not have a clear understanding of this issue. Therefore, it is worth dwelling on this standard in more detail.

VGA: what is it in a general sense?

First, a few words about the standard itself. In its broadest sense, VGA is not the individual components listed above, but a complete component-type video interface originally developed by IBM for its computers.

Thus, both hardware and software components are included in the understanding of the entire technology of image reproduction or transmission, and the functioning of the interface consists in their interaction.

The history of the emergence of the standard

Now a few words about the emergence of the VGA video standard. We figured out a little what it is. The technology was first introduced by IBM in 1987 on PS / 2 computers.

VGA adapter, unlike its predecessors and successors, used (and uses) for high-quality image transmission analog signal... But along the way, the question arises of why the introduction of the new standard was needed. To fully understand such a solution, you need to refer to the main parameters of the devices themselves.

Main characteristics

The first and one of the main factors in the transition to this standard, most experts call the moment that initially it was necessary to reduce the number of wires in the main cable with the ability to connect system units through graphics adapter VGA to corresponding monitors, which were able to reproduce much more colors and shades than before. At the same time, a higher picture resolution was achieved.

Itself today has a structure, which includes the following elements:

  • graphic controller for data exchange between video memory and central processor based on bit operations with data;
  • video memory DRAM 256 KB, divided into four color layers;
  • serial converter of video memory data into bits for transferring attributes to the controller;
  • an attribute controller for converting input data to palette-based color values;
  • synchronizer to control layer switching and timing parameters of the graphics adapter;
  • a cathode-ray tube controller for generating synchronization signals with the monitor.

Provided that the VGA driver is installed in the system, the maximum resolution is 640x480 pixels per inch with a color depth of up to 32 bits. Of course, at the time the standard appeared, it was truly a revolution. But today you can find much higher resolutions, which is achieved through the use of digital technologies. But as it turns out, even at the current stage of development of computer technology, the VGA standard cannot be discounted. What does it mean? Yes, only that for the transmission of the image, as already mentioned, an analog signal is used, which can be converted into any other. In addition, the size of the adapter itself is greatly reduced and can be integrated directly into motherboard or additionally to the video card.

Here it is worth paying attention also to the fact that digital signal has a wider bandwidth, and MPEG coding technology is used to transmit such a signal. This, in turn, leads to a loss of quality.

VGA monitors and TVs

Since the appearance of the main standard, the corresponding monitors have been actively used, and after that, the television panels of this interface (for example, LCD devices).

Today, such an abbreviation is usually used to designate all graphic modes, including monitors that are capable of supporting a resolution of 640x480 pixels, regardless of the hardware component. At the current stage of development, they are practically not used, although at one time they were very popular.

Graphics adapters

Almost all modern graphics accelerators (video cards), be they integrated or discrete, support the main modes of the described interface and are equipped with the corresponding outputs (ports), which are sometimes also referred to as D-Sub.

In other words, a video card can have multiple video outputs. And the VGA connector is mandatory. By the way, such connectors can be found on the rear panels of stationary system units and on the side walls of laptops.


It goes without saying that no graphics accelerator will work if the appropriate driver is not installed for it (including the VGA driver).

But for modern video cards, such control programs need not be installed from databases. operating systems, and from distributions of equipment manufacturers. In addition, today management or overclocking utilities are widely used, supplied for the most popular nVIDIA cards and Radeon.

Many gamers can make sure that the VGA driver is working correctly by setting the video mode 640x480 or its non-standard variations in the game settings. Actually, the same situation is observed when connecting a computer or laptop to a TV panel high resolutionif a VGA cable is used (and not only with the same type of connectors on both sides).

Types of cables and adapters

Since there are a lot of connection options for completely different video interfaces, it is worthwhile to dwell on cables with adapters that can be used to convert the image transmission according to a scheme that will be recognized by both the receiving and transmitting devices.

As an example, consider a VGA cable with different transition options. Among the main ones (except for the usual type), the following can be distinguished:

  • VGA-DVI (used on some video cards that do not have a VGA connector, although they support the corresponding operating modes);
  • VGA-HDMI (can be used to connect older computers or laptops to modern TVs and projectors);
  • VGA-RCA or VGA-"tulip" (used to connect modern computer systemsnot equipped vGA connectors, to old TVs or monitors with cathode ray tubes ELP);
  • VGA-HDMI-RCA-mini-Jack (a variation of combining the two previous adapters for connecting with sound transmission - no sound is transmitted through VGA);
  • VGA-S-Video (less popular option for connecting to TVs).

The main connector of the standard, also designated as DE15F, in any of the variants is a 15-pin connector on one side, which allows transmitting a signal based on progressive scanning technology, in which the voltage change corresponds to the change in the brightness of the ELP (the intensity of the beam of the monitor gun or the kinescope).

Summary and conclusions

That's all there is to understanding VGA. What it is? In fact, this is exactly the interface, and not its individual components necessary for correct functioning. And as you can already see, it is present in most modern computer devices. Although the prospects for the development of such technologies look very vague, nevertheless, so far no one is going to abandon them.

It remains to add that this standard, despite the appearance of its followers in the form of the same Super VGA or XGA interface, still remains one of the most popular and demanded all over the world and on all types of devices, including computers, laptops, TV panels or even mobile gadgets.

Not so long ago, the VGA connector was extremely widespread, and therefore users did not have any problems connecting various types of monitors to such connectors. Indeed, at that time, this interface was used by all modern monitor manufacturers. But today there are many other, more advanced connectors such as DVI, HDMI and Display Port for connecting monitors.

The invention of new connectors was facilitated by active development computer technology... After the first liquid crystal monitors appeared, the VGA connector immediately showed that its capabilities were no longer enough. In this regard, manufacturers began to actively make all sorts of adjustments to the original structure of the connectors in order to achieve the highest possible image quality displayed on the screen. Thus, the DVI format initially appeared, and the companies that produced equipment for entertainment and games also released their own format, as a result of which a replacement took place: VGA\u003e HDMI connector. After a while, DisplayPort appeared.

What is VGA?

VGA connector is an analog connector that connects the monitor to a computer. For the first time, this standard appeared back in 1987, when it was developed by IBM specifically for a series of new computers. In systems of this series, a video card was used, which received the same name with the connector itself, while the resolution of this video card was small by today's standards (only 640x480 pixels). Thus, if you come across the concept of "VGA-connector" or "VGA-resolution" somewhere, you can roughly start from these numbers.

Despite the fact that this format appeared a long time ago, its use is still found today on many modern models of video cards. The maximum permissible resolution that VGA-connectors provide is 1280x1024 pixels, while the frame refresh rate can reach 75 Hz.

If a larger image is displayed on the screen, then serious quality losses will be noticeable. It is for this reason that over time, other methods of digital data transmission are being used more and more actively.


DDC is a specialized way of integrating digital interface with a VGA connector and ensures the normal connection of the monitor to the video card. First version of this standard appeared in 1994, and it included the EDID 1.0 format, defining several options for physical channels. The second version of this format, which appeared already in 1996, made EDID a completely separate standard, and also defined the new DDC2B + protocol. A year later it was released a new version, which already introduced the updated DDC2Bi protocol, and also provided support for the VESA Plug and Display connector. Among other things, the final version provided a connector for flat panel displays with separate hardware addresses.

In 1999, the DDC standard was completely replaced by E-DDC, and today EDID is nothing more than an auxiliary standard by which the format of a compressed binary file is defined, which describes the properties, as well as the graphic modes of the monitor, written to the memory chip by the manufacturer. this monitor.


VGA connectors DDC1 allow the monitor to broadcast its characteristics to a computer in unilaterally... After the video card detects this information on the cable, it automatically reads it in sync with the vertical sync pulses. For the time it takes to broadcast data, the vertical sync frequency may rise slightly (up to 25 kHz) if a DDC1-compatible monitor is detected.


Connector vGA monitor DDC2 already provides for two-way communication, that is, initially the monitor can broadcast its specifications, after which the computer adjusts to the parameters used by the monitor. The bi-directional data bus is a synchronous bus, which is somewhat similar to Access.bus. This bus is based on I2C technology, which is also evidenced by the fact that they even use standard signals of this standard.

AT modern computers a 15 kOhm load is provided in the event that we are talking about SCLK or SDA channels. On the first channel, the monitor must provide a load of kOhm, while the DDC2B bus is a unidirectional version and provides only a single master on the bus, which will be the graphics adapter used. The monitor continues to function as a slave on a standard 7-bit I2C bus, addressing 50h and providing up to 256 bytes of EDID ROM. For the reason that given access provides exclusively reading, the first I2C will always be A1h.


The pinout of the VGA connector of the E-DDC format has shown itself to be the most efficient version of this connector, while it is the latest among all existing ones. It was first introduced in 1999 and was characterized by the fact that the information about the display was stored in the device's memory, the volume of which was approximately 32 KB. It is worth noting the fact that in 2007 the E-DDC version was also approved, which provided support for such standards as DisplayID and DisplayPort.

Pinout 9-pin connector

The pinout of the 9-pin VGA connector is as follows:

  • Red video line.
  • Green video line.
  • Blue video line.
  • Horizontal sync wire.
  • Vertical sync wire.
  • Red common wire.
  • Blue common wire.
  • Green common wire.
  • Common sync wire.

It is worth noting that if a standard VGA connector is considered, the pinout will be slightly different, since there are 15 pins provided.

How to make an extension cord?

It often happens that enough needs to be done long cable with a VGA connector that will integrate equipment, for example, in different rooms.

Of course, you can just take and buy a long cable VGA-VGA connector, the pinout of which allows you to have the length you need, but in fact, the first thing that does not speak in favor of such a solution is its cost. For such a ready-made cable, the length of which is 15 meters, you will have to pay at least $ 20, depending on the quality of performance, not to mention how much the cable will cost you, the length of which is even longer compared to the above.

The second problem, which relates to rooms where the final repairs have already been made, is that the only optimal option to stretch the cable is to run it behind the skirting board. In this case, in fact, you need to understand that the factory cable can be quite thick, in addition, it is also equipped with specialized thick ferrite rings, and therefore it turns out to be impossible to lay it behind the skirting board. If you need to pull the cable through the wall into the next room, then you will need to make a hole, the diameter of which will correspond to the width of the D-sub 15pin connector. In a more understandable language, it is unlikely that anyone will be interested in the VGA-connector unsoldering, for the installation of which you will need to drill a hole about 40 mm in diameter.

We do it ourselves

Thus, there are two factors that represent the main disadvantages of using a ready-made cable - these are its cost, as well as dimensions. It is for this reason that a completely self-wired VGA connector is a much more suitable option.

In this case, we will broadcast the signal to this format from the computer to the monitor through a shielded pair of 5/6 categories, since this decision is a much cheaper and more efficient option. In this case, FTP Cat.5e will be used, which is not equipped with active transceivers. The cost in this case will be about $ 0.30 per meter, and therefore for a full cable 15 meters long you will need to spend no more than $ 4.5, which, of course, is an order of magnitude less compared to $ 20, and if we talk about even longer, then in this case the cost will ultimately vary even more.

Of course, in the VGA interface, 13 out of 15 pins each provide analog component video, while the horizontal and vertical synchronization signals, as well as other service information and control signals, will be of much poorer quality. At the same time shielded twisted pair FTP Cat.5e provides only 8 conductors, but this is quite enough to transfer video data to the monitor from a computer.

Making it easier

The best option is to use a VGA-RJ45 adapter without soldering, since in this case it will be enough to compress the ends of the twisted pair with a shielded modular connector. If you have no desire to start soldering, then a pair of such adapters will cost you no more than $ 5. If you want to save money, or maybe you do not have the opportunity to find such an adapter at the moment, then in this case you have only one option - to solder.

Thus, you yourself can choose exactly how it is more convenient for you to act and how to make such an extension cord for yourself. If necessary, soldering of any types of adapters can also be carried out, one of the most popular among which is the adapter for the "tulip".

VGA (eng. Video Graphics Array) - the standard of monitors and video cards. Released by IBM in 1987 for PS / 2 Model 50 and higher computers. VGA was the last benchmark followed by most video card manufacturers.

In most cases, the term VGA is used in one of three meanings:

  • VGA graphics adapter connects to both color and monochrome monitors, while all standard video modes are available. The refresh rate of the screen in all standard modes, excluding 640-480, is 70 Hz, in 640-480 mode - 60 Hz. The graphics adapter has the ability to display 256 different colors, any of which can receive one of 262 144 different meanings (6 bits are allocated for reddish, green and blue components). The volume of VGA video memory is 256 KB. The VGA graphics adapter, unlike the previous IBM video cards (MDA, CGA, EGA), uses an analog signal to transfer color material. The transition to an analog signal was justified by the need to reduce the number of wires in the cable. The analog signal also made it possible to use VGA monitors with the following video cards, which can display more colors. The official successor to VGA was the IBM XGA reference, in practice it was replaced by various extensions to VGA, known as SVGA.
  • The term VGA is also often used to mean resolutions 640-480 regardless of the hardware for displaying the image, although this is not entirely correct (for example, 640x480 mode with 16-, 24- and 32-bit color depth are not supported by VGA adapters, but can be generated on a monitor designed to work with a VGA adapter with using SVGA adapters).
  • This term is also used to refer to a 15-pin D-subminiature vGA connector for transmitting analog video signals at different resolutions.
  • VGA - Wikipedia -
  • VGA (connector) - Wikipedia -
  • Video Standards - Wikimedia Commons -
  • Video Graphics Array -
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  • Hello dear readers! We continue to consider the topic graphical interfaces for computers. I will not write much today, I will just mention a few main points.

    Let's consider how SVGA differs from VGA. I needed to find out their differences when buying a new monitor cable. I'll tell you about my findings.

    Functional and external differences

    Let me underline a couple of key points.

    1. VGA supports up to 256 different colors in total.
    2. SVGA is capable of transmitting up to 16 million colors.

    A significant difference in favor of the second technology.

    It makes sense that the Super VGA successor to the Video Graphics Array has advanced features. I won't go into the numerous programmatic nuances now. I think it is already obvious where there will be more advantages for modern technology.

    Have you looked? Let's show you a couple more photos.

    Such a connector can be seen on a discrete graphics card. A similar connector is often used to connect to the built-in graphic card... You can find out about their differences from.

    As you can see, the same "sockets" are present on the monitor and video adapter. They are quite easy to connect using the appropriate cable.


    Once I was seriously puzzled as to what would fit what. Everything turned out to be simpler than it seemed at first glance.

    The fact is that the interfaces are compatible, but they have the same connectors. Therefore, in practice, I did not have problems with the elementary connection of monitors and video cards.

    Additionally, you can explore other blog posts. There is high-quality and proven in practice information about normal remote work and website promotion.

    I continue to prepare blog updates. More content coming soon. Stay in touch. See you later!

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