How to build a pie chart. Comparison of different values. How to add data labels to a pie chart in Excel

A pie chart is useful if you need to show the proportions or parts of something relative to the whole. A classical pie chart is built as a rule for a single data series, since increasing the number of data points will complicate understanding.

In today's post we will look at an example of creating a not exactly pie chart. In fact, we will build a petal diagram, but outwardly it will resemble a circular, with slices of different radii. Such diagrams are useful when it is necessary to evaluate several factors of different nature. As can be seen in the figure above, the shape of a single slice determines two values \u200b\u200b- the angle of rotation of the slice and its radius. Both of these values \u200b\u200bcan be described by two data series.

The figure shows the original data. In column B there are values \u200b\u200bthat determine the angle of rotation of the slice, in column C - the radius of the slice, i.e. how much he will perform. For clarity, we can assume that this is a table of norms of costs for the manufacture of any product, i.e. in cell B2, the time required for the manufacture of products “a” is indicated, with the consumption rate of the material in cell C3.

In order to build a pie chart with different radii of cuts, it is necessary to make additional calculations.

In the first line, the percentage value of the slice (radius) is pulled from the original table. The next line defines the percentage of rotation angle from 360 degrees. Further, the initial and final cut angle.

In the range I5: Q366 are the data that will be reflected in the chart.

Here, in column I, are the axes of our chart. In fact, each axis corresponds to one degree of rotation of the data series. In cell J6, there is a formula that returns the percent cut value, if the current angle is in the range of the start and end slice angle (J3: J4), otherwise returns 0.

We delete all unnecessary elements of the chart: category labels, grid of the construction area, legend, axis of values. We set the required format of data series. More I wrote in previous articles.

We set the maximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bof the axis so that when the source data changes, the scale of the diagram does not change (we used this technique for). To do this, select the diagram and go to the tab Work with charts -\u003e Constructorto group Chart layouts.We click Add chart elements -\u003e Axis -\u003e Advanced Axis Options.

A dialog box appears to the left. Axis formatwhere in the tab Axis parameters   you must manually set the minimum and maximum axis boundaries.

The final touch to our chart will be the addition of captions for each slice. To do this, add another data series, with a range of values \u200b\u200bin cell A1: B9. Set the pie chart type: right-click on the chart, select Change the chart type for the series.In the dialog box that appears   Change chart typein field Select chart type and axis for data series,find the newly constructed data series and set the pie chart type. Click OK.

Right-click on the pie chart, call the drop-down menu, select Add data signatures.Call the drop-down menu again, but this time choose The format of the data labels.In the dialog that appears on the left Format of data signaturesset the checkboxes as shown in the picture.

When you click on the check mark Values \u200b\u200bfrom cellsselect a range of data labels C2: C9, indicating the percentage of the slice.

Well, like everything, lastly, remove the fill from the pie chart so that users do not see our focus. From the obtained diagram it is clear that the second production “b” is the longest made and has the highest consumption of components.

Charts are an essential element of a variety of presentations, slide shows, business programs and financial reports. Using the chart, you can visually display how this or that aspect of the company’s work has changed over the years, or show the percentage of various parameters. A beautiful and clear diagram will be more understandable to the reader and the viewer than an unclear drawing, so it is very important to learn how to draw beautiful, clear and understandable diagrams that will help you in your activities.


In Microsoft Excel, you can, by specifying your settings, create an automatic chart   from the templates of the program, but these diagrams are no different either clarity or aesthetics. Based on the finished diagram in Excel, you can create your own chart, more visual, concise and stylish, using the same parameters.

In the previous diagrams, get rid of all the excess. Your diagram should resemble a light and clear, free from unnecessary details, transparent and aesthetic. To make the graph clear, do not use more than two colors in it. Red, black and shades of these colors will be the best option for any chart. This makes it easy to read information on each scale. Be sure to reflect in a marked increase in parameters.

If you have two diagrams whose indicators can be combined into a general chart, use this feature - make one overall handy. chart. Each parameter color in its color.

It is not necessary to show the ratio of different indicators in one column of the chart - such information will not be read by the viewer. It would be much better to divide each into two - red and black. The value of one or another indicator will be shown in each column, and the height will be shown in accordance with it. Nevertheless, the reading of information can still present difficulties, as the number increases, and it is difficult for the reader to correlate them with the total values \u200b\u200bon the lower scale.

Much neater will look the same chart, in which the main scale (for example, distributing the results in) will be placed vertically, and all will be directed sideways. Since long numbers will also be placed horizontally, the chart will not give the impression of too much data.

§ 1 What is a chart?

In this lesson you will not only learn what a pie chart is, but also learn the basic skills of building, reading and working with pie charts. To begin with, what is a diagram, for what and where is it used?

Often in our life, the results of human activity, for example, comparing the cost of products, the composition of various mixtures or any other numerical data is more convenient to present visually, in the form of a picture. Numerical values \u200b\u200bare easier to compare if they are depicted as graphical objects of different sizes. Drawings are better perceived by man. For them, you can visually compare the results and draw certain conclusions. Such figures are called graphs and diagrams.

Today we will get acquainted with the diagrams. A diagram (from Greek “image, drawing, drawing”) is a graphical representation of data that allows you to quickly evaluate the ratio of several quantities.

§ 2 Types of diagrams

There are many types of diagrams. They can be planar and volumetric. Among the charts are distinguished:

et al. We will study pie charts.

§ 3 Pie Chart

Pie charts are a fairly common form of diagrams, the whole value is depicted in such diagrams as a circle. And part of the whole is in the form of a sector of a circle, i.e. its parts, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich corresponds to the contribution of this part to the whole. This type of diagrams is convenient to use when you need to show the proportion of each value in the total volume.

§ 4 How to build a pie chart?

Let's look at a specific example. An alloy of iron and tin contains 70% pure iron, the rest is tin. To visualize this position, draw a circle and paint over 70% of its area in red and the remaining 30% in blue.

Because in a circle of 180 + 180 \u003d 360º, then you need to find 30% of 360º. For this 360: 100 ∙ 30 \u003d 108º. So you need to hold two radii at an angle of 108º and paint over part of the circle between them in blue, and the rest of the circle in red. So we got a pie chart.

More often to build a pie chart you have to break the circle into more parts. For example, let's create a pie chart for proper nutrition for students. For schoolchildren, the five-daily diet is the most important: first breakfast - 20%, second breakfast - 15%, lunch - 40%, afternoon tea - 10%, dinner - 15% of the daily ration.

To begin with, we will find how many degrees fall on each area. Perform the following calculations:

1) 360: 100 ∙ 20 \u003d 72º - this is in the morning breakfast

2) 360: 100 ∙ 15 \u003d 54º - second breakfast

3) 360: 100 ∙ 40 \u003d 144º - accounted for lunch

4) 360: 100 ∙ 10 \u003d 36º - afternoon tea

5) 360: 100 ∙ 15 \u003d 54º - dinner

Now, in the circle, we draw the radii OA, ОV, OS, ОD and ОЕ so that the angle of the AOW is 72º, the BOC angle is 54º, the angle is CD-144º, the angle DOE is 36º and the angle EOA is 54º. Next, it remains to choose colors and paint over each area. We got a pie chart, from which it is very clearly seen that most of the food comes at lunch, and least at lunch time.

By the way, it should be noted that the pie chart is clear only if the number of parts of the whole diagram is small. If there are too many parts of the diagram, its application is ineffective due to the insignificant difference of the compared data.

Thus, in this lesson you learned what a pie chart is and learned how to build them yourself.


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  3. We calculate without errors. Works with math self-examination in grades 5-6. Author - Minaeva S.S. - year 2014
  4. Didactic materials in mathematics grade 5. Authors: Dorofeev G.V., Kuznetsova L.V. - 2010
  5. Control and independent work in mathematics grade 5. Authors - Popov MA - year 2012
  6. Maths. Grade 5: studies. for students obshcheobrazovat. institutions / I. I. Zubareva, A. G. Mordkovich. - 9th ed., Sr. - M .: Mnemozina, 2009. - 270 pp., Ill.

We continue the topic   charting in Excel 2007. Pie charts are suitable for information in which you need to display the share of one object in the overall statistics. Pie charts can be flat, three-dimensional, cut. In this lesson we will look at how to create a volumetric pie chart in Excel. Let's fill the chart area with texture and change the border characteristics for the chart construction area and the legend, and also change the color of the chart title.

So, below is a table of sales data for individual employees of a department, for which we will build a chart:

Select the data rangein our case it is B4: C9. Go to the panel Insert,   choose a section   Charts   push the button Circular   and select the item Circular volumetric. In brackets we give the command entry in abbreviated form.
(Insert - Diagrams - Circular - Circular Volumetric)

We will get the diagram as in the figure below.

Let's make the diagram more attractive.   The figure does not display information about the sales of each employee in numbers. In order to add this data, do the following: select the panel Constructorfind Chart layouts, choose the layout Layout 6.
(Constructor - Chart Layouts - Layout 6)

The chart shows the sales of each employee as a percentage of the total sales of the entire department. If we are satisfied with the presentation of data as a percentage, we do not change anything. If you want to display the values \u200b\u200bin rubles, go to the panel Layout, in section Signatures   push the button Data signatures   and select the item Additional data signature options ...
(Layout - Signatures - Data Signatures - Additional parameters for data signatures ...)

In popup window   in section Signature options   enable option Meanings, the remaining options are removed.

In the same window, go to the section Number   and set the number format: in the area Number Formats   choose format   Monetarypush button Close.

Change chart style: panel Constructorchart Styles section, choose Style 26.
(Designer - Styles diagrams - Style 26)

The diagram will look like:

Change the background chart: on the panel Format, in section Figure stylespush button Fill shapein the pop-up menu, select the item Textureselect texture Canvas.
(FormatFigure stylesFill shapeTextureCanvas)

Set the color and thickness of the border of the diagram:
(FormatFigure stylesContour shapeTheme colorsBlue, Accent 1, 25% darker shade)
(FormatFigure stylesContour shapeThickness1.5 pt)

Next, change the legend settings: on the panel Layout   in section Signatures   push the button Legendchoose item More legend options ...
SignaturesLegendAdditional parameters of the legend ...)
1) In a popup window Legend format   choose a section Fill, in the right part of the window, select the option Solid color, Color White, Background 1.
  2) Further in the section Border color   choose an option solid line   and choose Color Blue, Accent 1, 25% darker shade.
3) Change the thickness of the border in the same window ( Legend format)   choose a section Border styles, in field Width   set the value 1.5 ptpush button Close .

The color of the chart title is slightly darker than the border color.on the panel Format   in section StylesWordart   click on the triangle next to the button Text fill, in the pop-up menu, select the color Blue, Accent 1, 50% darker shade.
Styles WordartText fillBlue, Accent 1, 50% darker shade.)

To edit the title, double click on it with the left mouse button. In more detail the design of the title is described in the article "".

Give some shape bulge: on the panel Format   in section Current snippet   push the button The format of the selection.
(FormatCurrent snippetThe format of the selection)
In popup window Chart Area Format   choose a section Rotate the body shapechange the field values Y\u003d 40º and Perspective\u003d 30º, press the button Close.

If the numbers in the diagram go beyond the bounds of the figure, increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe diagram, to do this, just drag the diagram. As a result, we obtain the following diagram.

So, we sorted out how to create a pie chart in Excel 2007.

Important note:   All the above commands can be executed via the pop-up menu by right-clicking on the selected chart object. If you liked the article or you have questions on this topic, write in the comments or via the feedback form.

MS EXCEL users should be able to quickly create professional-looking charts. In MS EXCEL 2007 there are many styles developed for this. However, time does not stand still: in financial and analytical journals there are constantly new types of graphs, charts, histograms that allow you to select the most important data, to correctly place accents. This article describes a chart to display the company's sales by months, decorated in green tones.

This type of chart is suitable for the presentation of a report on the dynamics of the company's sales volumes both in monetary terms and in percentage terms. The diagram is created using standard MS EXCEL tools. The dark border at the top of the diagram is made using a graph of the type Graph.

The peculiarity of this diagram is that the signatures belonging to different categories are displayed above the data. This, on the one hand, allows you to visually highlight the values \u200b\u200bof each category, and on the other hand, to display all the data on one diagram to compare them. The diagram was created using standard MS EXCEL tools, and an additional data series was used to display the captions.

A bar chart with a percentage (%) of execution, displays both the actual value and its change from the previous value. The diagram was created using standard MS EXCEL tools; an auxiliary horizontal data axis was used to display the% change.

The forecast chart displays 5 scenarios: basic, moderate, planned, optimistic, and super optimistic. This type of chart can be used to visualize different variants of the forecast: sales, costs and other indicators. The diagram is created using standard MS EXCEL tools.

Bar graph, displays planned and actual values. Also with the help of this diagram, you can track the change in plan-fact values \u200b\u200bfor certain groups of goods. The diagram was created using standard MS EXCEL tools; additional data series were used to display the dynamic display of product groups.

This bar graph, performed in a professional style, displays planned or actual values. The diagram is created using standard MS EXCEL tools based on a typical histogram and can be easily customized by experienced users for use in your presentations.

Bar chart, displays annual values \u200b\u200bin the context of 2 mutually exclusive categories, for example, Export-Import; Success-Not Success, Sold-In Stock, etc. Also with the help of this chart, you can track changes by months, quarters, days. The chart was created using standard MS EXCEL tools, when setting up the chart, additional data series and auxiliary axes were used.

Bar chart, displays annual values \u200b\u200bin the context of 2 mutually exclusive categories, for example, Export - Import; Success - Not Success, Sold - In Stock, etc. Also using this chart, you can track changes by months, quarters, days (7 periods). The chart was created using standard MS EXCEL tools; additional data series were used to customize the chart.

The forecast chart displays 3 scenarios: pessimistic, basic, optimistic. This type of chart can be used to visualize different variants of the forecast: sales, costs and other indicators. The diagram is created using standard MS EXCEL tools.

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