Sending messages VKontakte limited. What does it mean? Sending messages is limited to VK - what does it mean

Vkontakte is a well-thought social network that closely monitors violations in the field of communication. To protect users from fraudsters and spammers, the service has its own protective mechanism. Sending messages is limited to VK - what does it mean, why did it happen and how can you get out of the situation - this will be discussed further.

What does this notice mean?

The sending of messages is limited - this is a new notification in the VC, which indicates the use by the user of the limit on the number of persons who can send him a message. Also, the option can be considered as a kind of protection against spam.

If you are not involved in advertising, the most likely cause is a restriction on the part of the recipient. He could change the profile settings, prohibiting sending messages to him both from specific individuals and from various groups. Do not forget about the Black List, where users regularly send each other during an argument.

The reasons for limiting the sending of messages in VK

  • Blacklisting a user account is the most common reason;
  • Restricting the recipient to the circle of persons who can send him a message is most often limited to friends;
  • VK restrictions on sending due to suspicion of spamming - such blocking includes social network algorithms;
  • possible failure on the server - yes, this also happens.

There are several additional restrictions that can cause an alert:

  • the maximum number of SMS to users who are not in the Friends list is 20 / day;
  • restriction on applications for adding to Friends - 50 / day;
  • when quickly sending to one or several users - up to 10 messages.

It is worth noting that for the mobile platform, some restrictions may be more stringent. For smartphones, the maximum number of “quick” messages only sometimes reaches 10. With frequent sending, the probability of blocking directly depends on the size of the text, speed, and your device. Removing the ban will occur when the user responds to messages or after a certain period of time has elapsed. The repeated block will have a longer cooling period.

What to do if you are in an emergency, or limited to settings?

Let it become impossible to send personal sms to the user, but it is still possible to contact him in other ways. Please note that the list of actions with restrictions by the user is much more than when getting into an emergency. There are several basic ways to bypass a lock.

  1. Send a friend request. After sending the application, you need to press the same button again, and in the appeared menu choose "To write a message". Thus, your message will go along with your friend request. Please note that in case of a response from the user, but without confirming the friend request, it will be possible to communicate with the person in less than a day.
  2. Write to the family and friends of the user, and ask them to send your message.
  3. Attaching a message to a gift is considered the most effective method. If you wish, you can hide the text from outsiders.
  4. Ask a person who is on the user's list of friends to create a general conversation. This is almost the only opportunity to directly contact a person with whom you are in an emergency.
  5. Use alternative communication channels, which are often publicly available. Phone number, twitter, instagramm and other social sockets will help you quickly contact the user.
  6. Perhaps the limit is set by a person unconsciously. Therefore, by the above methods, give him this information. Let him check in "Settings""Privacy""Contact me"who has the right to leave messages to him.

Can a restriction be mistaken? Yes, the probability of failure on the VC server cannot be excluded either. The restriction on sending in this case can be solved by changing the platform (from mobile to PC and vice versa), waiting, or contacting support.

Let's sum up

Now you know what the blocking “Sending messages is limited” to VC means and how it can be bypassed. However, you need to consider the likelihood that the user really wants to stop communicating: temporarily or permanently.

The use of workarounds in this case is not recommended. After all, threats, insults, spam, fraud and other negative aspects of communication can be not only the cause of the eternal blocking of the page, but also an appeal to law enforcement agencies.

By the way, about the worst offenders and spam. The support service also has its limitations, which do not allow inadequate individuals to send messages frequently. As you can see, the staff did not forget about themselves.

Limited for some users, friends or groups of people, and how to prevent sending messages to other people in the VC.

Why sending messages to VC is limited

Sometimes it happens that you cannot write a VKontakte message to someone (or vice versa - someone cannot send a message to you). Why it happens:

Privacy settings for messages in VK are very useful. For example, it is allowed to set a limit on sending messages to some people who interfere with you (they spam, insult or otherwise annoy you). Or limit the ability to send messages to you, so you do not scribbled everything. Let's see how this is done.

How to prevent users from sending you messages

Method number 1

1. Go to page settings - “Settings” section.

2. Further, the section “Privacy” - “Connection with me”. In the drop-down list “Who can write me private messages” select the desired item. If you click "Friends Only", then other people to write to you will have to be added to you in. If you select “Everything except ...”, then you can prohibit a specific person or group of people from writing you

3. If you select “All but ...” in the window that opens, select who is limited to sending messages to you and click the “Save” button

Now marked will not be able to write you a message. If it goes to your page, then the “Send Message” button under the avatar will not be available.

But this method has significant minus. If you have already communicated with the person, then the restriction on sending messages will not work for you. In addition, he will also be able to create and incorporate you into it. Therefore, there is a more effective way.

Method number 2

To completely restrict the user access to the dialogue with you, you need to add it to the blacklist (as described in detail in). After the operation, the correspondence will be unavailable. The selected friend or subscriber will not be able to view and send you messages, and if he had a dialogue with you before, he will now see the following message:

You cannot send a message to this user, because he has restricted the circle of persons who can send him messages.

How to allow VK user to send messages to you

To remove the restriction on sending messages, you need:

In the first caseyou need to go to the settings of the page - “Settings” - “Privacy” - the section “Contact me” and remove restrictions or exclude the user from the list of those who do not have correspondence with you.

In the second case It is necessary to exclude the user from the black list. To do this, select “Settings” - “Blacklist” and delete the user from the emergency.

To avoid intrusive SPAM messages and communication with unwanted users, the VKontakte social network allows a person to close access to personal correspondence with him, limiting the circle of people who can write to him, for example, only to friends or friends and their friends. This is an important and convenient feature that should be present in every social network, but it can lead to some difficulties. If a user who is not in your friends urgently needs to contact you, and you have such limitations, he may have difficulties with this. However, they are fairly easy to overcome, and in this article we will look at how to write to a person in VK if his person is closed.

Table of contents:

Send a message with your friend request

No one user can disable the ability to add themselves as friends, and this can be used if you need to send a message to a person. In order for your message to be sent along with the application for friendship, you need to do the following:

When the user then sees your friend request, he will have it displayed along with this message.

Please note: This method is not the most effective, since not all users regularly check the list of friend requests, often doing this every few days, weeks or months, due to which your urgent message can be read by the addressee at the wrong time.

Contact user through notifications

Another way to contact a user is to send him a notification. This can be done from any group or from your personal page, just mention the user in the message as follows:

The person whose ID was used in the message will receive a notification. By clicking on it, he will be able to read the message that was sent.

Contact the user through group dialogs

Perhaps the best way to contact the user is to use group dialogs. It is necessary for one of your mutual friends to create a dialogue in which you would add both of you, after which you will be able to correspond with each other.

If you need to contact a person who has a private account and you don’t know any of his friends, you can try to find a friend of his who has private messages open. Contact such a friend and describe the situation to him. Ask him to add to your dialogue the person with whom you want to talk.

Despite the fact that it is as possible to get in touch with a person in this way, as VKontakte users regularly check their messages, this method is still very complicated and requires the ability to negotiate with strangers who will unite you with the addressee in one dialogue.

Send a message with a gift

Another way to contact an unfamiliar user is to send him a message along with a gift. This will require:

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to contact the user if his personal messages are closed. If you need to urgently "reach out" to a person, you can use all the above options.

He has no button on the page "To write a message",   and if you try to write to him in a previously open dialogue, an error appears: “You cannot send a message to this user, because he limits the circle of people who can send him messages.”   What to do? How can I write to a person if he has restricted messages, closed a lichku or blocked me?

Write it in a personal it can not. He did it himself, and here you can’t do anything - it is impossible to open someone else’s personal power. Therefore, send a personal message now will not work. Need to think about other options.

Sometimes people write somewhere in a group: “Write in lichku, in l / s”,   but they forget that their private messages are closed (from all or only from non-friends). Most often it is from non-friends: if you are not VK friends with this person, then you cannot write him. Perhaps, he once set such a setting and forgot - after all, his friends calmly write to him, and he thinks that other people can too.

What to do? How to write if messages are closed?

You can’t write directly, but there are other options.

Contact through group

If both of you are in any group, try to find his comments there and write through the button "Reply".   For example, write this:

Open lichku, please.

Then he will see a notification of the answer and will guess that they want to write to him in a personal and cannot do it.

Add as Friend

Try to add a person to friends. Perhaps he changed his settings so that only friends can write to him. Go to his page and click "Add as Friend".   In this case, you can attach a message in which to write the reason - for example, “You have a private. Please open or add to friends. ”   If he sees your application, he will somehow react (if he sees fit).

Connect with a man through his friends

Go to the page of a man and see a list of his friends. If there is someone among them whom you know, write to him and politely ask him to send your message.

Contact in another way

If you really need to contact the person, and through a PM VK - no way, then call him or write an SMS. You do not know the number - try to find it through mutual friends. You can also search it in other social networks and write him there - instruction: Find a person on the Internet, in social networks.

Why is the PM closed?

Because a person went into his settings (they have each) and changed the rule to whom he is allowed to write himself in a personal. Sometimes it happens that he himself did not understand what he had done, but more often they do it quite consciously. For example, yesterday you could write to him in a personal, but today you can not. At the same time you are not his friends. So he could choose "Only friends".   During the week, you can still write to him if you have been texting before, and then not.

Also, a person could block you if he does not want to communicate with you. In this case, if you were friends, he removes you from friends, and then blocks you, and you remain only a subscriber. For you, at first, it looks like you can't write to a friend. This is his desire, try to treat him with understanding. If you still want to give him a message, read this instruction from the very beginning.

How to make a person unlock me?

If he does not know how to unlock, then it is necessary that he read this instruction: - everything is written there.

If he had a reason to block you, and you want to apologize, find another way to contact him (). Ask for forgiveness and try to explain that you will behave politely, you will not get him and that your communication will not be unpleasant for him.

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