How to find Facebook comments by name. How to search in Facebook and how to get to the top search results, as well as what social search is and how to activate it

Search for a person in any social network is not difficult. In the end, it is for this purpose that these resources are intended. Not losing popularity, Facebook has some features that allow you to find friends with minimal time and effort.

  How to find a person on Facebook

The first and main way to search for friends is to use a page specially designed for this purpose. To get results for your search:

  • on the top panel, click on the icon with the image of people - “Requests to add as a friend”;
  • under it you will see a link with the signature “Find Friends”;
  • click to open a new page with various search tools;
  • the “you can know them” section is Facebook recommended contacts that were selected based on common interests;
  • if such a list does not satisfy your thirst for dating, continue to search using the sidebar on the right (if you looked at the list, go back to the very top of the page);
  • fill in the proposed fields in order to narrow the list - enter the first and last name, city, school and so on;
  • if you are not sure what information to enter, follow the prompts that Facebook will offer;
  • here you can specify only one e-mail (or an account of another service, such as ICQ, Twitter) to find a person whose personal data you do not know;
  • you can export all your contacts from Gmail to Facebook to search based on your email.

  How to find a person on Facebook - use the search field

This method is an accelerated search by key criteria - for example, first and last names. The search field is located at the top of the page and marked with a picture with a magnifying glass. You can also use email or phone number. If a person chose to hide them, he will not be in the list of results. Interestingly, Facebook can handle requests like “Find people who like the same thing as me”, analyzing profile data. And a few more tricks related to finding people.

Can't find a friend by first and last name? Perhaps something is wrong in the search engine itself. Try installing the Facebook app on your smartphone and tablet to search again.

Examine the friends list of your friends, maybe you accidentally stumble on the one who is needed.

We are sure that you entered the first and last name correctly, but there is nothing in the results? Try to “guess” the link to the profile of a person by the patterns:

At the end of the list of results of any search on Facebook, do not forget to click on the “Show more ..” link to find exactly what you want. You can search for people on Facebook even without having your own account. Just go by

With the latest search engine, users can find the information they need. Be it music, video, group on the subject of interest or personal page, application or event. It is also worth noting that you can find a person on Facebook without registering on the site. Below we describe in detail about each item in more detail.

All the questions that we will consider here, they are quite ordinary and there is nothing secret or unknown. We have taken into account the desires and needs of our users who have just begun to master social networks and cannot understand a lot.

Search for people by last name and first name

Today, it does not matter if you are registered in a social network or not - you can search using a third-party, specially designed for this service.

And so, you know the name and surname of the person you want to find. Go to the site:   and in the search term enter the name with the last name or just the last name. Click the "Find" button and select the desired social network. In our case, this is Facebook.

In our case, Chups is the last name. Now many users enter their nickname instead of last name. Name is Tyoma.

In the special fields above, you can specify the age of the person, his place of residence, work or study.

If the desired user has an avatar installed, it will not be difficult for you to find it from the photo. This way, you can search for people on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, My World and many other sites.

Find people by country and city

With the help of the service described above, you can search for a person on Facebook by countries and cities. You only need to enter the country, city or region in the appropriate field and click on the "Find" button.

The search results will display all registered users whose page is open for indexing by search engines.

If a person does not have a picture on the avatar - it will be very difficult to find among all the participants who will be represented in search results. For this, enter as much data as possible about the people you are looking for.

How to find a person on Facebook by age

Through a special Yandex service    There is a choice of criteria for the search by age.

This makes it possible to find an interlocutor of his age category.

By clicking on the "Details" button, you will receive complete information about the user and will be able to compare it with the data that you have. Namely, the nickname of the person, city of residence, information on education (school, gymnasium, lyceum, university, etc.). There will also be links to the pages of this person in all social networks.

It is worth noting that with this search you can not find the groups that you are interested in, applications and games, events and pages. Here we described only how to search people on Facebook by countries and cities if there is no registered profile. For more advanced search, we recommend.

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Finding people on Facebook can be done in several ways. We will tell about them.

So, below is the answer to the question - how to search for people on Facebook?

How to find a person on Facebook. Method 1.

To perform such a search for facebook, you need to know the name, (and better and last name) of the person you want to find. For example, you need to find a person named luda-love.

Enter the first name (last name) of the person you are looking for in the field, as shown in the figure. If such people are on Facebook, they will appear in the list of search results.
  By the way, in the search field facebook, you can enter the name of the country or city, then you will find a lot of people. This can come in handy when you want to find people from another country or some city.

To view even more search results - click on Show more results.

TIP. Many Facebook users specify their first and last names in English. If you write on Facebook a search for a name in Russian, then it is likely that you will not find who you are looking for.

In the search results, click on the person you were looking for (and found 🙂 - here you are on his page. And then click on the add to Friends button (of course, if you want).

Method 2

On Facebook, you can find your friends using your ICQ or email. It makes sense if you are sure that your friends who you have in ICQ or who you wrote to in the mail are registered on Facebook. Here is an example of a search using mail. Similarly, you can search for friends using Skype and others.

Click Find Friends, as shown in the image below.

Choose a way to search for friends on facebook (in this example we show how to search on facebook using mail):

Enter your mailbox password. And then click "Find Friends."

If among the people from your ICQ, mail or Skype (depending on what you were looking for) are those who are registered on Facebook - you will see them.

Distributing your passwords is not recommended to anyone, but if you decide to search for friends in this way, you can do so - enter the password, find and add friends, and then change the password from ICQ, Skype or mail (depending on what you were looking for) .

Method 3

In Facebook, you can search for personal information (as in classmates). For example, by school, work, etc. To do this, click "Search for friends".

Scroll down the page that opens a little bit. Then, click "Other Tools". And then, click “Find friends, classmates and colleagues”.

Specify information to search.

Good to know. This method is the longest, because you have to look at a sufficiently large number of people to find your friends among them. Yes, and those whom you are looking for may not provide information about your place of residence or work.

If you can not find friends on Facebook

It is possible that the one you are looking for just closed your page to search. Maybe he just does not have a Facebook account.
  Or you incorrectly enter information for search. You can try to find a person with the help of his friends. If you intend with whom the one whom you want to find speaks - look for his friends. Then watch their friends tape, probably you will find the one you are looking for.

You can find anyone on Facebook by phone number November 10th, 2015

You can find anyone on Facebook by phone number.

Go to Facebook and type in the search box the phone number of your friend (in the format 8XXXXXXXXXX). A search will immediately reveal his profile. But what is most interesting - in this way you can find any user who is registered on Facebook. Enter the phone number, get a link to your account. Likewise, any Facebook user can find you. What can be done to not be so easily found?

So, open Facebook in the browser and find the lock icon in the upper right corner (Fig. 1). Go to the menu "Confidentiality Check", start the check and reach the third step - "My Profile". Here, in the "Phone" line, the "Only me" item should be selected. Due to this, your phone will not be visible in the profile. But you can still be found by phone number.

Now again click the mouse on the lock and in the window that appears below click on the line "See other settings." Further in the window “Privacy Settings and Tools” we find the item “Who can find me,” then “Who can find you using the phone number you specified?” And select “Friends of friends” or “Friends”. So you limit the list of those who can find your profile by phone number through the built-in search on Facebook.

Nothing more can be done yet. Facebook binds account to your phone number. Having got rid of this binding, you will not be able to log in to the profile with this number, receive notifications about the reset of the password and access codes. However, for these purposes, Facebook is gradually beginning to use mobile applications.

Facebook is a huge community of people who can be closely related to each other. Since users can specify different data when filling out a registration form, it becomes quite easy to find the necessary user. Using the simple search or recommendations, you can find anyone.

There are several ways that you can find the right user on Facebook. Friends can be selected as a normal search, and through the advanced, which requires additional action.

Method 1: Find Friends page

First of all, you need to click on the button. "Requests to add friends"which is located on the top right of the Facebook page. Next, click "Find friends"to start an advanced user search. Now you are presented with the main page for people search, in which there are additional tools for accurate selection of users.

In the first parameter line, you can enter the name of the person you need. You can also search by locality. To do this, in the second line, you must write the place of residence of the desired person. Even in the parameters you can choose the place of study, the work of the person you want to find. Note that the more you specify the exact parameters, the narrower the circle of users will be that it can simplify the procedure.

In section "You may know them"   You can find people recommended by the social network. This list is based on your mutual friends, place of residence and interests. At times, this list can be very large.

Also on this page you can add your personal contacts from email. You just need to enter your email details, after which the contact list will be moved.

Method 2: Search Facebook

This is the easiest way to find the right user. But its disadvantage is that you will be shown only the most appropriate results. The process can be facilitated if the necessary person has a unique name. You can also enter an e-mail or phone number of the person you need to discover its page.

Thanks to this you can find people by interests. For this you only need to enter "People who like the Page Title" page. Then you can view people from the list that gave you the search.

You can also go to a friend's page and see his friends. To do this, go to your friend’s page and click "Friends"to view his contact list. You can also change filters to narrow the circle of people.

Mobile Search

You can also search for friends through the tab "Search".

Enter the required username in the field. You can click on his avatar to go to his page.

On your mobile device, you can also search for friends via Facebook in the browser. This process is no different from searching on a computer. Through a search engine in the browser you can find the pages of people on Facebook without registering on this social network.

Without registering

There is also a way to find a person on Facebook if you are not registered on this social network. To do this, you just need to use any search engine. Enter the name of the person you need in the row and write after the name Facebookso that the first link is the link to the profile on this social network.

These are all ways that you can find people on Facebook. Also note that you will not be able to find a person’s account if he has restricted certain functions in the privacy settings or deactivated his page for a while.

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