Tehran war. Meetings "Big Three"

The Tehran Conference (codenamed “Eureka”) is the first meeting of the heads of government of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain during the years of the Great Patriotic War. It took place on November 28 - December 1, 1943. For the first time, the Big Three gathered in full force - Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill.

The Tehran conference was supposed to outline ways to achieve the goals of all parties involved. So the US wanted to get a guarantee of the Soviet army entering the war against Japan after the victory over Germany. They would, in this case, be able to greatly reduce their losses and costs. Britain made plans to continue isolating the USSR and hoped that German military forces would continue to be dragged away to the eastern front, and that waging a hard war would weaken the potential for the appearance of a “red threat” in Western Europe. In the case of the opening of the second front of Britain bargain for the most favorable conditions. Well, while the Soviet Union, being fed up with the long promises of the Allies, wanted to achieve a specific date for opening the second front. And secure their consent for the future to strengthen the sphere of influence in Europe when the Soviet Army enters the liberator there.

Disagreements arose in determining the meeting place of the leaders of the anti-Hitler conference. Stalin suggested Astrakhan or Arkhangelsk, Roosevelt believed that the best place was Alaska. There were options for Cairo and Baghdad. But in the end, they settled on Tehran. Before the war, Iran had strong ties with Germany, but in 1941, troops of Britain and the Soviet Union entered Iran, and a unit of American soldiers was stationed to provide land-lease. But the occupation did not prevent the Germans from maintaining a powerful spy ring. Four intelligence conducted a secret war in Iran.

In late November, delegations from three countries came to Tehran. Churchill arrived with great pomp and housed in the building of the English mission. For the first time, Joseph Stalin was forced to use an airplane for a flight to Iran from Baku, where he traveled by a special lettered train. Prior to this incident, the Soviet leader managed by land transport. He was guarded by the 182nd Mountain Rifle Regiment, which included a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Iran. The most difficult path to the capital of Iran was with US President Roosevelt. He had to cross the Atlantic on the battleship "Iowa" to Algeria in 9 days, from there to get to Cairo where Churchill was expecting the president to agree on a joint position in future negotiations.

A photo. Soviet and Allied delegation outside the Soviet Embassy in Tehran

Why did Roosevelt stop at the Soviet Embassy? There are several answers to this question, and each is convincing enough in its own way. Firstly, the embassies of Britain and the USSR were very close to each other, so that at the time of the meetings the fence of the embassies was dismantled and a corridor enclosed by shields was formed so that the passing ones could not be seen. And the US embassy was located far on the outskirts of the city, the daily round-trip would put the life of the president and members of the delegation at risk. Secondly, there was information about the imminent assassination attempt on the heads of the Big Three by the German special services. And it is much easier to provide security in one area without being sprayed on the roads and outskirts of the city.

Upon returning to the conference in Washington, US President Roosevelt, speaking to reporters, said that Stalin had invited him to stay at the Soviet embassy for security, since he, Stalin, had become aware of the plotting and possible attempt. So the threat from the German agents allowed the leaders of the two powers, living what is called under the "one roof", to hold a whole series of confidential meetings and negotiations. Perhaps it is precisely this that predetermined both the fate of a particular Tehran conference and the fate of the world in the future.

The Soviet Embassy was located in a huge mansion with adjacent buildings and a large area. The building, where the office was located earlier, was re-equipped under the Roosevelt residence.

Thus, a diplomatic complex was created, which surrounded three rings of tanks and infantry units. In Tehran, for three days of the conference, the telephone, telegraph were disconnected, the activities of all media were suspended and radio communications were muted, the city was completely blocked by troops and special services.

A photo.The ceremony of transferring the sword of honor - the gift of King George VI of Great Britain to the citizens of Stalingrad to commemorate the heroic defense of the city.

The first meeting of the Tehran Conference opened on the afternoon of November 28 at the Soviet Embassy in the Iranian capital. For four days, the heads of government exchanged views on major issues of war and peace. The conference was attended by military advisers and diplomatic figures. The British and American delegations numbered 20-30 people, whereas with Stalin there were only Molotov, Voroshilov and translator Pavlov.
The Teheran Conference, unlike the Moscow Conference, did not have an agreed agenda in advance. Each delegation had the right to put forward for consideration any questions that it considered necessary. Not only joint plenary meetings, but also bilateral meetings took place. The latter largely contributed to the convergence of views and the success of the Tehran Conference as a whole.

The main attention at the conference was paid to the problems of further warfare by the anti-Hitler coalition. In this regard, the question of creating a second front in Europe against Germany, the opening of which the United States and Britain have repeatedly postponed, was subjected to detailed consideration. As a result, the USSR continued to bear the brunt of the struggle against the fascist bloc in Europe.

The Soviet Union believed that the Allied forces should land on the European continent in a place that would create a real, and not imaginary, threat for the enemy, jeopardize its most important military-industrial facilities, and above all the Ruhr, to achieve fast and efficient results. This place the Soviet Union has always believed France. The Soviet delegation consistently and firmly defended this line at the Tehran Conference of the leaders of the three Allied powers.

The US delegation at the Tehran Conference first took on the issue of creating a second front against Nazi Germany an indefinite, wait-and-see attitude. However, by and large, she was guided by the decisions of August 1943. Anglo-American Conference in Quebec. The decisions of the Quebec Conference corresponded to the strategic attitude adopted by the United States government. The essence of this strategic attitude was that it was no longer possible to delay the opening of a valid second front. Aware of the danger of further delaying the second front, and President Roosevelt himself.

The British delegation led by Prime Minister Churchill arrived in Tehran with plans. The war, in which "the honor of almost all victories on land belongs to the Russians" and "the average person should think that Russia is winning the war," the British were even more worried degree than Americans. If England, they believed, “will not emerge from this war on equal terms” with the USSR, its position in the international arena can change dramatically, and Russia will become the “diplomatic master of the world.”

President Roosevelt opened the discussion on the second front at the first meeting of the Tehran Conference on November 28, 1943. He said that in August 1943. Anglo-American Conference in Quebec, it was decided to invade the Allied forces in France around May 1, 1944. However, the president immediately made the reservation that if the United States and Britain were to conduct major amphibious operations in the Mediterranean, then the invasion of France might have to be postponed for two to three months. Roosevelt was interested in the opinion of the Soviet delegation on the question of how the Allies could most significantly alleviate the situation of the Soviet Union, as well as how best to use the Anglo-American forces stationed in the Mediterranean region.

The Soviet delegation proposed to take Operation Overlord, that is, a landing in north-west France, as the basis for all operations in 1944 and, as support for it, to carry out an invasion of Southern France — either simultaneously with the first operation, either a little earlier or later.

However, the British Prime Minister tried to replace the opening of a second front in France with the development of operations in Italy and the Balkans, in order to ensure the occupation of Central and Southeastern Europe by Anglo-American forces, and the question of the timing of the commencement of operations through the English Channel to military specialists. "

The opening of an effective second front against Nazi Germany was again threatened. In the current situation, the Soviet delegation showed determination and firmness. The head of the Soviet delegation therefore reiterated that the leaders of the USSR, the USA and England should solve three main questions: the start date of Overlord, the commander-in-chief of this operation and the need for an auxiliary operation in southern France.

On the morning of November 30, 1943. At a meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States and England, after a lengthy discussion, it was decided that the United States and Britain would launch Operation Overlord during May 1944. simultaneously with the auxiliary operation in the South of France. The latter operation will be undertaken on a scale to which the amphibious funds allow it.

As a result, the Tehran Conference finally resolved the issue of opening a second front in Western Europe and stipulated that Anglo-American troops would land in the number of 35 divisions in north-west France in May 1944, and that this operation would be supported by the landing of troops in the South France. Stalin, in turn, said that Soviet troops would launch an offensive at about the same time in order to prevent the transfer of German forces from the Eastern to the Western front. This major decision of the Tehran Conference was fixed It was written in a secret agreement, in which there was also an equally important point: "The conference ... agreed that the military headquarters of the three powers should henceforth maintain close contact with each other in relation to forthcoming operations in Europe."

The decision taken in Tehran to coordinate the actions of the allies against the common enemy was a success of the Soviet government. The decision to deliver a crushing joint strike against Hitler Germany fully met the interests of the anti-fascist coalition as a whole.

A photo. I.V. Stalin, W. Churchill and F. Roosevelt at the negotiating table at the Tehran Conference

The conference discussed the future of Germany. Roosevelt and Stalin spoke in favor of splitting Germany into small states in order to rule out the revival of German expansionism. Roosevelt proposed to dismember Germany into five parts and transfer Kiel, Hamburg, Ruhr and Saar under the control of the United Nations. Stalin emphasized that the unification of Germany must be prevented at all costs. No final decision was made on this issue, however.

The parties detailed the question of what might happen in Europe if by the time of the collapse of Germany there were no Anglo-American troops.

The question of Poland was also painful at the conference and controversial for Soviet-British relations. By this time, Stalin had broken off relations with the exiled Polish government in London. Raised with the support of the British, the question of the shooting of Polish soldiers in the Katyn forest near Smolensk, the Kremlin considered how blackmail was to force Moscow to make territorial concessions. In Tehran, Stalin confirmed that the eastern Soviet-Polish border should run along the line established in September 1939, and proposed to move the western Polish border to the Oder, and Lviv should become part of the Soviet Union. Understanding that Moscow will stand to the death in this matter, Churchill agreed with this proposal, noting that the lands received by Poland are much better than the lands that she gives. Stalin also said that the USSR hopes to get Konigsberg and move the border with Finland further from Leningrad.

The conference clearly indicated the consent of the Western allies to meet Stalin in the territorial issue. It was also claimed that the post-war world would be ruled by four powers (USSR, USA, England, France), operating under the auspices of a new international organization. For the USSR, it was a colossal breakthrough; The United States took on global functions for the first time; Great Britain, whose role was relatively diminishing, should have been content with the fact that it did not fall out of the Big Three.

When discussing the question of the further conduct of the war with the fascist bloc in Europe, great attention was paid to the issue of Turkey’s entry into the war and related problems. This question was not new. The British sought cooperation of Turkey in order to jointly prevent the development of the revolutionary movement in the Balkans and the liberation of the Balkan countries by the Soviet army. At the Tehran Conference, the British delegation, convincing its participants of the importance of Turkey joining the war on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition, emphasized the “great advantages” that the allies would receive from this: opening the way to the Balkans; the opening of communications through the Dardanelles and the way to the Black Sea, which could be used both for rendering naval assistance to the Soviet Union, so as to send it a shorter supply route; a possible exit from the war of Romania and Bulgaria and others. The Soviet delegation also supported Turkey’s participation in the war, but given the futility of the Anglo-Turkish talks on this issue held on the eve of the Tehran Conference, it was felt that Turkey would not enter the war. At the conference, an agreement was also reached to send, on behalf of the governments of the three allied powers, an invitation to Turkish President I. Inon to arrive in early December 1943 in Cairo for talks with President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill. The meeting in Cairo took place on December 4 - 7, 1943, but it did not give positive results.

The Soviet delegation, meeting the wishes of the allied governments of Great Britain and the United States, and also considering Japan’s repeated violations of the Soviet-Japanese neutrality pact concluded on April 13, 1941 and assisting Hitler Germany, declared that the USSR would enter the war against Japan when the German army will be finally crushed.

One of the last issues at the conference was the issues of post-war cooperation in ensuring lasting peace. The President of the United States stated the American point of view regarding the creation of an international security organization in the future. According to the presidential scheme, outlined in a conversation with I.V. Stalin November 29, 1943, the world security organization, the core of which is the United Nations, should consist of three bodies:

Assembly consisting of all members of the United Nations, which will have “no other authority than the giving of recommendations”, and which will meet “not in one particular place, but in different places”;
- the executive committee consisting of the USSR, the USA, England, China, two European countries, one Latin American country, one country of the Middle East, one Asian country and one of the British dominions; the committee will deal with all non-military issues: economic, food, agricultural, health issues, etc .;
- a police committee consisting of the USSR, the USA, England and China, which will monitor the preservation of peace and prevent a new aggression on the part of Germany and Japan.

The Soviet delegation supported the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an international organization for the preservation of peace and security. The conference did not take any special decision to create an international organization, but the general ideas of cooperation and unity of action of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain were reflected in the Declaration of the Three Powers, signed at the end of the conference.

The conference adopted a “Declaration on Iran”, in which the participants declared “their desire to preserve the full independence, sovereignty and territorial inviolability of Iran.” It noted the importance of assistance from Iran in the war against the common enemy. The heads of the three powers expressed their intention to provide Iran with serious economic assistance.

December 1, the conference ended. A statement by the leaders of the Big Three said: “After finishing our friendly meetings, we confidently wait for the day when all the peoples of the world will live freely, without being subjected to tyranny.”

A photo. Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill during the Tehran Conference

The historic meeting of the “Big Three” was completed ... The heads of the three great powers of Great Britain, the United States of America and the Soviet Union departed to their homes, rushing carriages to the airport along the streets of Tehran.

The greatest intelligence game of several countries also ended in a complete fiasco of the Nazi Abwehr. Who knows which way the story would have gone if the attempt on even one of the leaders were successful and the Germans managed to disrupt the Tehran conference. But history does not know the subjunctive mood, and what happened happened: on June 6, 1944, the Allies landed in Normandy, opening the Second Front, and on October 10, 1946, the first General Assembly of the United Nations was inaugurated.

A photo. Landing in Normandy. Operation Overlord

teheran Conference, Tehran Conference 1943
  November 28-December 1, 1943

A place

Tehran, Iran


United Kingdom United Kingdom

Questions addressed

Opening of the second front in Western Europe.

← Cairo Conference Second Cairo Conference →
  on Wikimedia Commons

The first in the years of the Second World War was the conference of the “Big Three” - the leaders of three countries: F. D. Roosevelt (USA), W. Churchill (Great Britain) and JV Stalin (USSR), held in Tehran from November 28 to December 1, 1943 of the year.

  • 1 Preparation
  • 2 Conference objectives
    • 2.1 Opening of the “second front”
    • 2.2 Polish question
    • 2.3 The post-war world order
    • 2.4 Security issues in the world after the war
  • 3 Attempt on the leaders of the "Big Three"
  • 4 Memory of the conference
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 Literature
  • 7 References


In addition to Tehran, options were considered for holding a conference in Cairo (at the suggestion of Churchill, where inter-allied conferences with Chiang Kai-shek and Ismet Inonu were held earlier and later), Istanbul or Baghdad. As usual, Stalin refused to fly by plane anywhere. He left for the conference on November 22, 1943. His lettered train No. 501 proceeded through Stalingrad and Baku. Stalin was driving in an armored spring twelve-wheel car.

In the memoirs of Air Marshal A. Golovanov there are references to the flight of Stalin and all the Soviet representatives of this conference, prepared by him personally. We flew two aircraft. Golovanov personally ruled the second. On the first, which was controlled by Viktor Grachev, Stalin, Molotov and Voroshilov flew.

Conference objectives

The conference was designed to develop a final strategy against Germany and its allies.

Wikisource has related texts.
Declaration on Joint Action in the War against Germany and on the Post-War Cooperation of the Three Powers

The conference became an important stage in the development of international and inter-union relations, at which a number of issues of war and peace were considered and resolved:

  • the exact date of the Allies ’opening of the second front in France was established (and the“ Balkan strategy ”proposed by Great Britain was rejected),
  • discussed the issue of granting independence to Iran ("Declaration on Iran")
  • the beginning of the solution of the Polish question
  • about the beginning of the USSR war with Japan after the defeat of Nazi Germany.
  • the contours of the postwar world order were outlined
  • unity of views on issues of ensuring international security and lasting peace

Opening the "second front"

The main issue was the opening of a second front in Western Europe.

After a long debate, the Overlord problem was stumped. Then Stalin rose from his chair and, turning to Voroshilov and Molotov, said with irritation: “We have too much to do at home to waste time here. Nothing good, as I see it, does not work. ” The critical moment has come. Churchill understood this, and, fearing that the conference might be disrupted, made a compromise.

O. B. Rakhmanin

Polish question

W. Churchill’s proposal was accepted that Poland’s claims on the lands of Western Belarus and Western Ukraine would be satisfied at the expense of Germany, and the Curzon line should be in the east. On November 30, the British Embassy hosted a solemn reception on the occasion of Churchill's birthday.

Postwar world

  • de facto, the Soviet Union was granted the right as an indemnity to attach to itself after the victory a part of East Prussia
  • on the inclusion of the Baltic republics in the Soviet Union at the appropriate time should undergo a plebiscite, but not under any form of international control
  • also, F. Roosevelt proposed to divide Germany into 5 states.

During the conversation of I. V. Stalin with F. Roosevelt on December 1, Roosevelt believed that world public opinion would consider it desirable that the opinion of the peoples of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia on the inclusion of the Baltic republics into the Soviet Union be expressed sometime in the future. Stalin noted that this does not mean that the plebiscite in these republics should be held under any form of international control. According to the Russian historian Zolotarjova, at the Tehran Conference in 1943, the United States and Great Britain actually approved the entry of the Baltic states into the USSR. Estonian historian Myalksoo notes that officially the United States and Great Britain never recognized this entry. As M. Yu. Myagkov writes:

As for the further American position regarding the entry of the Baltic states into the USSR, Washington did not officially recognize this fact, although it did not speak out openly against it.

Security issues in the world after the war

At the conference, US President Roosevelt outlined the American point of view regarding the creation of an international security organization in the future, which he already outlined in general terms to the USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs V. Molotov during his stay in Washington in the summer of 1942 and what was the subject of discussion between Roosevelt and English Foreign Minister Anthony Eden in March 1943.

According to the scheme outlined by the president in an interview with Stalin on November 29, 1943, after the end of the war, it was proposed to create a world organization on the principles of the United Nations, and military issues were not included in its number, that is, it should not be similar to the League of Nations. The structure of the organization, according to Roosevelt, should include three bodies:

  • a common body composed of all (35 or 50) members of the United Nations, which will only make recommendations and will meet in different places where each country will be able to express its opinion.
  • an executive committee consisting of the USSR, the USA, Great Britain, China, two European countries, one Latin American country, one Middle Eastern country and one of the British dominions; The committee will deal with non-military issues.
  • a police committee composed of the USSR, the USA, Great Britain and China, which will monitor the preservation of peace in order to prevent new aggression from Germany and Japan.

Stalin called the scheme set forth by Roosevelt good, but expressed his concern that small European states might be dissatisfied with such an organization, and therefore expressed the opinion that it might be better to create two organizations (one for Europe, the other for Far Eastern or world). Roosevelt pointed out that Stalin's point of view coincides in part with Churchill’s opinion, which proposes the creation of three organizations — European, Far Eastern, and American. However, Roosevelt noted that the United States would not be able to be a member of a European organization and that only shock, comparable to the current war, could force the Americans to send troops overseas.

On December 1, 1943, in an interview with Roosevelt, Stalin announced that he had considered the question and believed that it was better to create one world organization, but at this conference no special decision was made to create an international organization.

An attempt on the leaders of the "Big Three"

For security purposes in the Iranian capital, the US president stopped not at his own embassy, \u200b\u200bbut at the Soviet one, which was opposite the British one (the American embassy was much further away, on the outskirts of the city in a dubious area). Between the embassies they created a canvas corridor so that the movements of the leaders were not visible from the outside. The diplomatic complex thus created was surrounded by three rings of infantry and tanks. For three days of the conference, the city was completely blocked by troops and special services. Tehran suspended the activities of all media, disconnected the telephone, telegraph and radio. Even the families of Soviet diplomats were temporarily “evacuated” from the zone of upcoming talks.

The leadership of the Third Reich ordered the Abwehr to organize an assassination attempt on the leaders of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain in Tehran. The secret operation under the code name “Long Jump” was developed by the famous Nazi saboteur No. 1, the head of the secret service of the SS in the 6th section of the Imperial Security Directorate General, Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny, who since 1943 has been a special agent for Hitler’s special assignments (he was called a “scarred man” ", At one time he rescued Mussolini from captivity, carried out a series of high-profile operations, such as the murder in 1934 of Austrian Chancellor Dolfus and the arrest in 1938 of Austrian President Miklas and Chancellor Schuschnigg, after about followed by the invasion of the Wehrmacht and the occupation of Austria). Later, in 1966, Otto Skorzeny confirmed that he had instructions to kill Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, or to steal them in Tehran, penetrating the British Embassy from the Armenian cemetery, from which the spring began.

From the Soviet side, a group of professional intelligence officers took part in uncovering the attempt on the leaders of the “Big Three”. Information about the impending terrorist attack was reported to Moscow from the Volyn forests by scout Nikolai Kuznetsov, and in the spring of 1943 a radiogram came from the center stating that the Germans planned to conduct a sabotage in Tehran during a conference with the participation of the leaders of the USSR, the USA and the UK is the physical elimination of conference participants. All members of the group of Soviet intelligence officers under the leadership of Gevorg Vartanian were mobilized to prevent a terrorist act.

At the end of the summer of 1943, the Germans dropped a team of six radio operators in the area of \u200b\u200bKumsky Lake near the city of Kum (70 km from Tehran). After 10 days, they were already near Tehran, they were transferred to a truck and got to the city. A group of radio operators made radio contact with Berlin from the villa, which was specially prepared for this local agency, in order to prepare a bridgehead for disembarking saboteurs led by Otto Skorzeny. However, these ambitious plans were not destined to come true - the agents of Vartanian together with the British from MI6 were bearing and deciphering all their messages. Soon, after a long search for a radio transmitter, the whole group was captured and forced to work with Berlin “under the hood”. At the same time, in order to prevent the landing of the second group, during the interception of which it was not possible to avoid losses on both sides, they were given the opportunity to convey that they were disclosed. Upon learning of the failure, Berlin abandoned its plans.

A few days before the conference, arrests were held in Tehran, as a result, more than 400 German agents were arrested. The last was taken by Franz Mayer, who went into the deep underground: they found him at the Armenian cemetery, where he, painting and releasing his beard, worked as a gravedigger. Of the large number of agents found, a part was arrested, and the majority was overruled. Some were handed over to the British, others - deported to the Soviet Union.

Conference memory

  • "Tehran-43" - an art television film of 1980 on the prevention of the Tehran terrorist attack
  • Monument to Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill (Sochi)
  • Series movie "Death to Spies. Crimea"
  • Documentary feature film "True Story. Tehran-43"


  1.   then followed the Yalta and Potsdam conferences.
  2.   pravda54
  4.   V. A. Zolotarev The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: military historical essays in four books. - Moscow: Nauka, 1999. - ISBN 978-5-02-008655-5
  5.   Mälksoo L. Soviet annexation and state continuity: the international legal status of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in 1940-1991. and after 1991 \u003d Illegal Annexation and State Continuation of the Baltic States by the USSR. - Tartu: University of Tartu Publishing, 2005. - P. 149-154. - 399 s. - ISBN 9949–11–144–7.
  6.   M. Yu. Myagkov. Looking for the Future: An American Evaluation of the Participation of the USSR in the Post-War Structure of Europe 1941-1945 // Bulletin of MGIMO (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs. - 2008. - № 3.
  7. 1 2 Soviet Union at the international conferences of the period of the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945. Collection of documents. - M .: Politizdat, 1984. - T. 2. The Tehran Conference of the leaders of the three Allied powers - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain (November 28 - December 1, 1943). - p. 32-33. - 175 s. - 100 000 copies
  8. 1 2 3   The recording of the conversation of I. V. Stalin with F. Roosevelt on November 29, 1943 at 2 pm 30 min. // Soviet Union at the international conferences of the period of the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945. Collection of documents. - M .: Politizdat, 1984. - T. 2. The Tehran Conference of the leaders of the three Allied powers - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain (November 28 - December 1, 1943). - pp. 101-105. - 175 s. - 100 000 copies
  9.   The recording of the conversation of I. V. Stalin with F. Roosevelt on December 1, 1943 at 15:00. 20 minutes. // Soviet Union at the international conferences of the period of the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945. Collection of documents. - M .: Politizdat, 1984. - T. 2. The Tehran Conference of the leaders of the three Allied powers - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain (November 28 - December 1, 1943). - p. 151-152. - 175 s. - 100 000 copies
  10.   Great Patriotic: Opportunities are real, but unrealized
  11.   Tehran-43: “We were not like that! ..” The newspaper “Tomorrow”. No. 44 (728) of October 31, 2007
  12.   Illegals // “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, No. 3487 of May 28, 2004
  13.   From the diary of the German intelligence officer F. Maier. Iran. 1941-1942 // "Domestic archives" № 3, 2003
  14.   Materials of the Teheran Conference of 1943. Electronic Library of the Faculty of History of MSU
  15.   TV series on Channel One
  16.   True story. Tehran-43.


  • The Tehran Conference of the leaders of the three Allied powers - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain / Gromyko A. .. - Moscow: Political Literature Publishing House, 1974. - Vol. 2. - 175 p. - (The Soviet Union at the international conferences of the period of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945). - 100 000 copies
  • Karpov V. Generalissimo. Book 2. - M .: Veche, 2011. - 496 p. - 2000 copies - ISBN 978-5-9533-5891-0.
  • Berezhkov V. Tehran 1943. - M .: Publishing House of the Press Agency News, 1968. - 128 p. - 150 000 copies
  • Churchill, Winston Spencer. Closing the Ring. - Boston: Mariner Books, 1986. - Vol. 5. - 704 p. - (The Second World War). - ISBN 978-0395410592.
  • Foster, Rhea Dulles. The Road to Tehran: The Story of Russia and America, 1781 - 1943. - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1944. - 279 p.


  • Materials Tehran Conference
  • Tehran-Yalta-Potsdam
  • “Declaration of the Three Powers” \u200b\u200band “Declaration of the Three Powers on Iran”
  • Schwanitz V. G. 4-2010 Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill in Iran (Stalin, Roosevelt und Churchill in Iran, Webversion (him))

tehran Conference, 1943 Tehran Conference, 1943 Tehran Conference, Tehran Conference briefly

Tehran Conference Information About

The Tehran Conference (codenamed “Eureka”) is the first meeting of the heads of government of the USSR, the United States and Great Britain during the war years. It took place on November 28 - December 1, 1943. The problem of the opening of the Second Front by the Western allies took the main place in the discussions. 7 times put on the conference this question. On November 30, Roosevelt informed the Soviet leader that the Joint Committee of the Chiefs of Staff of the United States and Great Britain, with the participation of him and Churchill personally, had decided to launch Operation Overlord - the landing in Normandy - in May 1944.

In Tehran, attention was also paid to post-war problems: the creation of an international organization for security, the future of Germany, the question of the Polish and German borders, the status of the Baltic republics, etc. Stalin also gave an oral consent to start a war against Japan after the end of hostilities in Europe.


Roosevelt said that he intended to tell Marshal Stalin the good news for him. The fact is that today the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, with the participation of Churchill and Roosevelt, made the following decision:

Operation Overlord is scheduled for May 1944 and will be carried out with the support of a landing force in southern France. The strength of this auxiliary operation will depend on the number of landing craft that will be available by that time.

Stalin says he is satisfied with this decision.

Churchill notes that the exact date of the start of the operation will obviously depend on the phase of the moon.

Stalin says that, of course, he does not require that the exact date be named, and that, of course, one or two weeks will be necessary for the maneuver within the month of May.

Roosevelt says that, as far as can be judged now, the most appropriate time will be from May 15 to 20.

Stalin says that he wants to tell Churchill and Roosevelt that by the time the landing operations in France begin, the Russians will have prepared a strong blow to the Germans.

Roosevelt says that it would be very good, as it would not allow the Germans to move their troops to the west (...)

Churchill says that the fact that Russia should have access to warm seas is quite obvious. He further says that the governance of the world should be concentrated in the hands of nations that are fully satisfied and have no complaints.

Stalin remarks that the governance of the world must be concentrated in the hands of nations that are capable of it.

Churchill says that is perfectly correct, and continues that if a country is not satisfied with something, it will always be a source of concern. Therefore, it is necessary that the destinies of the world should be concentrated in the hands of strong countries that are completely satisfied and have no desire to take on anything else. Churchill says that our three countries are such countries. After we agree among ourselves, we will be able to assume that we are completely satisfied, and this is the most important thing (...)


Roosevelt. In the United States, the question of the inclusion of the Baltic republics in the Soviet Union may be raised, and I believe that world public opinion would consider it desirable that sometime in the future in some way the opinion of the peoples of these republics be expressed on this issue.

Therefore, I hope that Marshal Stalin will take into account this wish. I personally have no doubt that the people of these countries will vote for joining the Soviet Union as well as they did in 1940.

Stalin. Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia did not have autonomy before the revolution in Russia. The king was then in alliance with the United States and with England, and no one raised the question of the withdrawal of these countries from Russia. Why is this question now? (...)

Roosevelt. There are also a number of Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians in the United States. I know that Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, both in the past and quite recently, were part of the Soviet Union, and when the Russian armies re-enter these republics, I will not fight for it with the Soviet Union. But public opinion may require a plebiscite there.

Stalin. As for the will of the peoples of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, we will have many cases to give the people of these republics the opportunity to express their will.

Roosevelt. It will be useful to me.

Stalin. This, of course, does not mean that the plebiscite in these republics should be held under any form of international control.

Roosevelt. Of course not. It would be useful to state at the appropriate moment that elections will be held in these republics in due time.

Stalin. Of course, this can be done (...)

Roosevelt. I think that it is still too early to decide on the creation of a world organization, but I think it would be advisable to consider the issue of police forces. I believe that Marshal Stalin understands that the activities of the world organization will depend on the three powers (...)


The conference:

1. Agreed that the guerrillas in Yugoslavia should be supported by supplies and equipment to the greatest extent possible, as well as by commando operations;

2. Agreed that, from a military point of view, it is highly desirable that Turkey enter the war on the side of the Allies before the end of the year;

3. Took note of the statement by Marshal Stalin that if Turkey turns out to be in a war with Germany and if, as a result, Bulgaria declares war on Turkey or attacks it, the Soviet Union will immediately find itself in a state of war with Bulgaria. The Conference further took note of the fact that this fact can be communicated during the upcoming negotiations on Turkey’s involvement in the war;

4. Took note that Operation Overlord will be undertaken during May 1944, together with the operation against Southern France. This last operation will be undertaken on a scale to which the amphibious funds allow. The conference further took note of the statement by Marshal Stalin that Soviet troops would launch an offensive at about the same time in order to prevent the transfer of German forces from the eastern to the western front;

5. Agreed that the military headquarters of the three powers should henceforth maintain close contact with each other with regard to forthcoming operations in Europe. In particular, it was decided that a plan of mystification and deception of the enemy in relation to these operations should be agreed between the respective headquarters.

F. D. R [F. D. Roosevelt].

I.St. [AND. Stalin]

W.CH. [W. Churchill]

Soviet-American relations during the Second World War 1941-1945. T.1. M., 1984.


Roosevelt spent a lot of time explaining the details of his plan to create an international organization for the preservation of peace, the core of which would be the United Nations. Stalin, it seemed, was not enthusiastic about the president’s proposal to grant equal rights to small states in the maintenance of universal peace. Stalin outlined his considerations very simply: if the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States want to maintain world peace, they have sufficient military and economic power for this and do not need any help to ensure international security ... There was also a general exchange views on the demilitarization of Germany. Stalin spoke in favor of having, if necessary, the opportunity to occupy the most important strategic points within Germany or on its borders or even at some distance. No decision was taken, but in principle, everyone apparently agreed that the military potential of Germany should be destroyed ...

After all, to one degree or another, recognized the Curzon-Roosevelt line as Poland’s eastern border, however, did not give specific consent, the question of the western borders remained unresolved, although the three leaders agreed in principle that Poland should receive part of the German territory as compensation for the area that was supposed to stay with Russia.

There was also no definitive solution reached on the question of the dismemberment of Germany, which Roosevelt had been thinking about for a long time, although his plan seemed to have been generally accepted positively. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe president was to split the Reich into five main parts or states ...

Lehi U. Advisor to the two presidents // World War II in memoirs ... M., 1990. P.421-423  (Leahy W. (1875-1959), Amer. Fleet Admiral (1944). In the Second World War - Chief of Staff at the Supreme Command of the US forces, simultaneously Chairman of the Committee of Chiefs of Staff).

Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill at the Tehran Conference.

From the historical dictionary:

THE TEHRAN CONFERENCE 1943 - the first meeting of the leaders of the three leading powers of the anti-Hitler coalition: USSR (J. Stalin), USA (F. Roosevelt) and Great Britain (Winston Churchill) - November 28 - December 1 in Tehran (Iran). The conditions of the agreements concluded were largely determined by the major military successes of the USSR in the summer - autumn 1943.

The Allies agreed on joint action in the war against Germany and on opening in the North. France second front no later than May 1944

The specially adopted Declaration expressed confidence in the future post-war cooperation of the three powers and emphasized the need to create a United Nations to ensure peace and the security of peoples.

On the issue of the post-war territorial structure of Europe, the allies made decisions: to transfer to the USSR a part of the East. Prussia (now - Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation); recognize the entry of the Baltic states into the USSR; restore the independence of Poland within the borders of 1918; proclaim the independence of Austria and Hungary.

The question of the future structure of Germany was postponed.

The USSR, meeting the wishes of the Allies, promised to declare war on Japan no later than three months after the end of hostilities in Europe.

Orlov A.S., Georgieva N.G., Georgiev V.A. Historical dictionary. 2nd ed. M., 2012, p. 508.

Tehran Conference 1943 , a conference of heads of pr-in three allied powers in the 2nd world war - the USSR, the USA and the UK: before. SNK USSR I.V. Stalin , President of the United States F. D. Roosevelt   and the prime minister of great britain W. Churchill with the participation of diplomas, advisers and representatives of the military. staffs. Held in Tehran on November 28 - December 1, 1943. The main issues were military issues, especially the question of a second front in Europe, which, contrary to the commitments of the United States and Great Britain, was not opened by them either in 1942 or in 1943. In the new situation resulting from victories Ow. The army, the Anglo-American allies began to fear that the Sov. Armed. Forces will free Zap. Europe without the participation of the armed forces of the United States and Britain. At the same time, during the negotiations, a difference was revealed in the points of view of the heads of pr-in the USA and Great Britain about the place, scale and time of the Allied invasion of Europe. At the insistence of owls. The delegation of T. K. decided to open a second front in France during May 1944 (see Overlord). Because it also took note of the statement by JV Stalin that the Soviet troops would launch an offensive at about the same time in order to prevent the transfer of German forces from the Eastern to the Western Front. In Teheran, Sov. the delegation, responding to the requests of pr-in the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as taking into account the repeated violations by Japan of owls. Treaty of 1941 on neutrality and in order to reduce the duration of the war in the D. East, declared the USSR's readiness to enter the war against Japan at the end of the war. action in Europe. On T. to. The United States raised the question of the dismemberment of Germany after the war into five autonomous states. England put forward its plan for the dismemberment of Germany, which envisaged the isolation of Prussia from the rest of Germany, as well as the rejection of its southern provinces and their inclusion together with Austria and Hungary in the so-called. Danube Confederation. However, the position of the Sov. Union prevented the Western powers to implement these plans. On T. to. Was reached in advance, the order agreement on the establishment of the borders of Poland along the "Curtain Line" of 1920 in the east along the river. Oder (Audra) - in the west. A “Declaration on Iran” was adopted, in which the participants declared “their desire to preserve the complete independence, sovereignty and territorial inviolability of Iran.” Other issues were also discussed at the conference, including those related to the post-war. organizations of the world. The results of T. to. Indicate the possibility of military. and politich. state-in cooperation with various societies, the system in solving the international. problems. The conference helped strengthen the anti-Hitler coalition.


The Soviet Union at the international conferences of the period of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. T. 2.

The Tehran Conference of the leaders of the three allied powers - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain November 28 - December 1, 1943. Collection of documents. M., 1978;

Correspondence of the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers with the Presidents of the United States and the Prime Ministers of Great Britain during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Ed. 2nd T. 1-2. M., 1976.

Used materials of the Soviet military encyclopedia

The Tehran Conference was an important step in uniting the Allies against the Axis forces. The leaders of the three leading states parties to the conference were able to discuss goals and wars and the further course of action, and also began to act together to bring the day of victory closer and reduce losses.

The Tehran Conference is one of the key political and historical events in the first half of the twentieth century, as well as the first conference during the Second World War, which was attended by political leaders of the so-called “Big Three” - the three leading states of the XX century.

In total, during the Second World War and after its completion, the Yalta, Tehran and Potsdam conferences were held, which decided the fate of the postwar world and laid the foundation for an organization that would be responsible for maintaining order in the second half of the twentieth century.

The Teheran Conference of 1943 was attended by Joseph Stalin (USSR), Franklin Delano Roosevelt (USA) and Sir Winston Churchill (United Kingdom).

The meeting of the leaders of the “big three” took place from November 28 to December 1, 1943 and was almost not accompanied by conflicts between the three representatives, although those had quite different visions of the future strategy of hostilities and the structure of the post-war world.

The Tehran Conference got its name from the city of sunny Teheran, which is located in the country of Iran, in which it was held.

I.V. Stalin, W. Churchill and F. Roosevelt at the negotiating table at the Tehran Conference

Relations between the allies during the Second World War before the Tehran Conference were rather tense. That is why the participants of the union could not work together first with maximum efficiency. The assembly in Tehran rectified this situation, and world leaders agreed to act together against the common powerful enemy in the face of the Third Reich regime, as well as the fascist regimes in Europe and Japan.

Like any such important political event, the Tehran Conference, on which the fate of mankind depended, caused a massive resonance in the media and quickly became the main news of authoritative publications.


Initially, it was difficult to decide where the leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition would meet - the Tehran Conference could well be called Cairo, Baghdad or Istanbul.

It is worth noting that Roosevelt and Churchill were not too comfortable to hold a conference in Tehran. The first wanted to hold it somewhere in North Africa (at that moment there was a huge American army, which would not give the Germans a chance to disrupt the meeting). And Churchill thought it best to spend it in London or Cairo, which was under the protection of the British army. Roosevelt and Churchill also said that they could not fly to the Soviet Union and were ready, for example, to hold a conference in Alaska. Stalin said that he would not fly so far from the front, because his country is now in a difficult situation, a powerful leader was needed for soldiers and civilians.

And yet it was Stalin who had the right to dictate his own conditions, which he achieved thanks to major victories over Germany during and after Stalingrad. To such an argument, the leaders of the United States and Great Britain could not oppose anything. He told Roosevelt and Churchill that a country with all three embassies — British, American and Soviet — was needed for holding Iran ideally suited for that. At that time, this country was under the control of Soviet, British and partly American military units. Consequently, the leaders of the "big three" could not fear the breakdown of the conference - the danger came only from secret agents.

Nevertheless, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed that the conference should be held in Tehran. Although after it there were also small conferences in Cairo, which were held without the participation of the Soviet leader.

Before the Tehran Conference, Roosevelt and Churchill met in Cairo, but then went to Iran. Stalin himself traveled by train from Moscow in November 1943. The leader of the USSR personally selected the Soviet representatives, and his journey was classified as "secret". On the date of departure of the Secretary General and his route knew only a few of the high command, as well as some politicians.

Upon arrival in Tehran, Roosevelt accepted the offer of Stalin to settle in the Soviet embassy, \u200b\u200bguided by security objectives. Churchill refused and settled in the British office. It was decided that the conference should take place in the Soviet-British diplomatic complex.

Conference objectives

The main objective of the Tehran Conference was as follows: "To develop a final strategy in the struggle against Nazism and fascism, to break Germany, its European allies and Japan."

It is possible to determine the main provisions (questions) of the Tehran Conference, which were raised for discussion by the leaders of the powers of the anti-Hitler coalition.   Key decisions made at the Tehran ConferenceYou can highlight the following:

  1. The opening of the "second front" in France. The final date of commencement of a large-scale military operation was adopted, which was named Overlord (later it was moved to June 6, 1944).
  2. At the Tehran Conference, the heads of government of the USSR, the USA and the UK discussed whether to grant Iran independence. At that time, the military forces of Great Britain, the USA and the Soviet Union were located in this country.
  3. The problem of the so-called “Polish question” began to be discussed, since this state was one of the first to suffer from the oppression of Germany and the USSR.
  4. At the Tehran Conference, it was decided to join the USSR in the war against Japan, but only after the threat from Germany in Europe disappears, therefore, the Allies must first help defeat the Third Reich.
  5. Among the main issues addressed by the Tehran Conference were the post-war structure of the world, namely the borders of states in Europe. At the conference, approximate first contours of the post-war world were indicated.
  6. Participants of the Tehran Conference discussed issues of ensuring peace and international security in the postwar period.

The Tehran Conference also discussed the issue of Turkey entering the war against Germany and its European allies. The main initiator of Turkey’s entry into the war was British Prime Minister Churchill.

Churchill also said that if Turkey entered the fighting, the United Kingdom would provide substantial support - it would give new modern weapons, strengthen the Turkish army with two infantry divisions, and also provide air support. Otherwise, if Turkey refuses to enter the war on the side of the Allies, Churchill will stop military supplies, will not allow the Turkish government to participate in the peace conference and talk about allowing the Soviet Union to pass through the Bosphorus.

At the Tehran Conference, Churchill’s point of view was not supported by either Stalin or Roosevelt. They believed that the opening of a new front in the Balkans would only weaken the position of the Allies before disembarking in Normandy, which was already actively preparing at that time.

Opening the "second front"

The main decision of the Tehran Conference was to approve the start date of Operation Overlord, which would mark the opening of a “second front” in Western Europe, namely in Northern France. Initially it was decided that the troops would launch an offensive around May 1944.

Stalin said that the USSR suffers more than the rest because of the Second World War of 1941-1945, since it was the Soviet people who were holding back the main forces of the Wehrmacht. He insisted on the speedy opening of the “second front”.

It is also impossible to deny the fact that the USSR did not really need another front to open in Western Europe. The fact is that the victory over Stalingrad seriously undermined the military might of Nazi Germany and thereby strengthened the Red Army. Roosevelt and Churchill understood this perfectly well and knew that the military power of the USSR would be quite enough to independently destroy the forces of the Wehrmacht and break the government of the Third Reich.

Most of all, the United States was actually interested in opening the “second front”. The United States, having begun hostilities in Western Europe, would be able to strengthen its position in Europe after the end of the war. So that the Soviet Union did not suspect a similar goal of the United States, the American delegation at the Tehran Conference took a wait-and-see attitude, thereby filling its own worth.

The American delegation led by Roosevelt was unable to convince the Soviet leader about the other dates for the start of the operation and then Churchill took the initiative saying that they will be ready in May.

In fact, the level of training of the allies was not at a sufficient level and it was decided to move the operation.

"Overlord" or as it is called - "Norman operation", is still considered the largest amphibious operation in the history of mankind. According to the plans of command, it was divided into two stages:

  • operation "Neptune"  - its essence consisted in the landing of troops on the Norman coast and in the seizure of a bridgehead in northern France for a further offensive on the occupied territories in Western Europe;
  • operation "Cobra"–The breakthrough of the Nazi defense and the liberation of France, which followed immediately after the operation “Neptune”.

Operation Overlord was highly classified so that the enemy could not prepare for defense. In the military bases in which the soldiers participating in the operation were located, it was decided not to let out fighters beyond their borders so that there was no information leakage.

In addition to Britain, the United States and its allies in the battle for France also participated soldiers of France under the command of Charles de Gaulle. At the beginning of the operation, the number of fighters ready for disembarkation was almost 1.5 million. And at the time of its completion, the number of soldiers numbered almost 3 million. The Germans were in the numerical minority more than doubled.

The operation was undertaken on a huge scale - the Allies landed on the coastline 80 kilometers long.

Post-war problems

The heads of government of England (Great Britain), the USA and the USSR at the Teheran Conference expressed their opinion on the solution of post-war problems in Europe.

The most pressing problems were:

  • “The German question”;
  • "Polish question";
  • european economic recovery - primarily France.

Question about germany

The question of Germany or the “German question” is one of the key European geopolitical problems of the twentieth century. The leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition could not agree on a single opinion.

For example, the leader of France, Charles de Gaulle, insisted on permanently dividing Germany into several independent states. Such a decision would completely save France from the further threat of Germany, which in the course of the two world wars caused them great damage.

US President Roosevelt  He said that the country also needs to be divided, because if this is not done, the ground may arise for a new conflict. Germany, in his opinion, should remain united under the control of the Allies, until complete denazification passes.

Soviet Unioninsisted that the country be divided into spheres of influence. This led to conflicts between the allies and eventually the united country was divided into Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) and the GDR (German Democratic Republic). The first was under the control of France, Britain and the United States, and the second - under the control of the USSR. As a result, this separation existed until 1990. After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Germany was united into a single state.

The division of land in the course of the "German question"

To fully solve the “German question”, four political principles were issued, which were included in historiography as “four Ds”:

  1. Denazification. The key principle that implied the complete elimination of all Nazi organizations.
  2. Demilitarization - the disarmament of the German army.
  3. Democratization is the return of multiparty elections and all freedoms to the population.
  4. Decartelization is the dissolution of all large economic enterprises (cartels) that controlled the country's economy and did not give opportunities for the development of medium and small enterprises.

Polish question

The Polish government, which at that time was in exile and received a political shelter in England, insisted that the lands of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus be returned to them.

The leaders of the Western powers considered the claims to these territories to be insufficient and decided that they would be solved at the expense of Germany.

Roosevelt and Churchill were unanimous in their opinion that Poland should abandon the idea of \u200b\u200ba great Polish empire that existed a few centuries ago. They believed that she should come to terms with the status of a small state.

An attempt on the leaders of the "Big Three"

In 1943, it became clear to Hitler that it would be almost impossible to win a war. The USSR moved into a swift counteroffensive, and the forces of the Allies would soon be replenished with US troops, followed by the opening of the “second front”.

The leadership of the Third Reich was vital to thwart the negotiations in Tehran and destroy the leaders of the United States, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom.

To this end, the Abwehr (the intelligence and counterintelligence agency of Germany) was ordered to organize an attempt on Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill. Responsible for the assignment was appointed the best Nazi spy Otto Skorzeny, who has already completed several difficult tasks, including Mussolini saved from captivity. The operation to eliminate the leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition received the code name "Long Jump".

Hitler's espionage machine - Otto Skorzeny

Counterintelligence of the USSR was able to find out about Operation Long Jump, after which Stalin ordered the mobilization of all Soviet intelligence in Iran to counteract German agents.

Stalin also immediately informed about the upcoming terrorist act Roosevelt and Churchill. Since the US embassy in Tehran was far from the Soviet - on the very edge of the city, Roosevelt decided to settle in the Soviet for greater security. Churchill did not have to do this, since the British and Soviet embassies were opposite each other.

In the summer of Tehran, before the start of the Tehran Conference, the landing of German radio operators began, which established radio contact with Berlin in order to prepare a springboard for the landing of the commando group led by Skorzeny.

Since the Allies knew about the operation, the Americans, along with Soviet intelligence officers, intercepted the German radio communications, which allowed them to find radio operators and capture them.

Berlin learned about the capture of radio operators and stopped the operation of disembarking the second group. At that time, several hundred German agents were already in Tehran, who were safely found and also captured, also forcing them to work for Allied intelligence. Thus, most of the agents were recruited.

  Final arrangements and documents

At the conference, it became obvious that Soviet-American relations during the Second World War were warm — both leaders held a similar vision for the world after the hostilities. Churchill continued to adhere to the policy of isolation of the USSR.

Following the Tehran Conference, the leaders of the “Big Three” decided to open a “second front”. The chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff said that the US Army was fully prepared for the offensive. Based on the plan, at the time of the offensive in France, the USSR was obliged to launch an offensive on the Eastern Front on the same day, so that the German command could not transfer forces from the Eastern Front to the Western.

In the end, the Teheran Conference, Stalin accepted the demands of the Allies for the USSR to enter the war against fascist Japan after the military power of Germany was completely broken.

At the Tehran Conference, the heads of government of the United States, Great Britain, and the USSR adopted the so-called “Declaration of Three on Iran”. According to this declaration, Iran should become a fully independent state after the end of hostilities.

The leaders of the Big Three also tried to persuade the Turkish government to enter the war against Germany. However, this was not achieved at the Tehran Conference.

At the conference between the Soviet and British representatives a conflict arose around the "Polish question".  The Polish government, which at that time was in exile and was based in Britain under the protection of Churchill, filed charges against Stalin. Its essence was that during the joint occupation of Poland, together with units of the Wehrmacht, thousands of Polish officers of the Katyn Forest were shot by Soviet troops. Stalin strongly denied these accusations and said that they simply wanted to blackmail him so that the USSR would make territorial concessions to Poland.

At the Tehran Conference, the leaders of the Western powers made territorial concessions to the USSR. It was also decided that the post-war world would be governed by an international organization, the main participants of which would be the USA, the USSR, the United Kingdom and France.

The link http://www.hist.msu.ru/ER/Etext/War_Conf/tehran.htm allows you to view the materials of the Tehran Conference of 1943. At this address are placed the decisions of the conference, the recording of conversations of heads of government and working papers. Based on these documents, it will not be difficult to determine the main (specific) provisions of the Tehran Conference.

For comparison, you can also compare the decisions of the Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam conferences.

Tehran Yalta Potsdam
1. The USSR agreed to take part in the war against Japan after the defeat of Germany.

2. The opening date of the “second front” was approved, although after it was changed.

3. Consideration of post-war problems began, such as the “Germanic” and “Polish issues.”

4. The participants decided on the fate of Iran - after the war it should become fully independent.

5. The leaders of the “big three” came to a consensus on creating an organization that would support peace after the war.

1. The leaders of the “Big Three” agreed to divide Germany into four occupation zones.

2. The first agreements on the creation of the UN (United Nations) were reached.

3. A “Declaration on Liberated Europe” was signed, which dealt with assistance to the states of Eastern Europe.

4. Resolved the issue of post-war Poland.

5. The parties agreed on the amount of compensation to be paid by Germany to the winning countries.

1. The leaders agreed on the objectives of the occupation of Germany - the allies had to denazify, democratize, decentralize and decartelize.

2. Stalin reaffirmed his promise to declare war on Japan after the victory over Germany.

3. At the same conference a conflict began between the parties, which led to the “cold war”.

4. Reparation payments were assigned.

5. The leaders of the "Big Three" came to a common opinion on the account of the borders of states in post-war Europe.

Postwar world

As a result of the Tehran Conference, the coalition leaders managed to reach three agreements on the post-war structure of Europe:

  1. At the Tehran conference, the participating states decided the fate of some countries of Eastern Europe - the Baltic states were to join the USSR after the vote of citizens of these countries.
  2. The Soviet leader managed to convince the United States and Great Britain to transfer part of East Prussia to the USSR, namely the Kaliningrad region.
  3. One of the decisions of the Tehran Conference regarding the arrangement of the world in the future was not accepted - Roosevelt proposed to divide Germany into five independent states.

There was much controversy about the first agreement after the war. Historians have argued that they officially allowed the Baltic States to be annexed to the USSR, although Washington then denied this fact. The United States at the conference did not openly support such a move, but did not oppose it, thereby giving Stalin the will.

After the Tehran Conference, the Yalta and Potsdam conferences supplemented the list of these agreements.

  Security issues in the world after the war

President of the United States of America Franklin Roosevelt presented his point of view on the creation of an international organization in the future that would guarantee and maintain security in the world. He had already spoken about this before the beginning of the conference to the Soviet commissar of foreign affairs, Vyacheslav Molotov. He visited the US capital Washington in the summer of 1942. Also Roosevelt again discussed in May 1943 with the British Foreign Secretary, Anthony Eden.

Stalin Roosevelt outlined his plans in November 1943. For his security in the world, in his opinion, an organization should be responsible that would work on the basis of the principles of the United Nations. However, this organization should not be similar to the same League of Nations, which failed in its duties and allowed World War II. A new organization for the preservation of peace would not solve military issues.

According to Roosevelt, there would be three bodies within the new organization:

  1. General body  which consisted of all the countries of the Organization. His powers included only the opportunity to make recommendations. At each organ meeting, all member countries can express their opinion on a particular problem.
  2. Executive committee,  which would include: one of the dominions of Great Britain, one country of the Middle East, one Latin American country, two European states, the United States, Great Britain, China and the USSR.
  3. Police Committee  which will monitor the preservation of the world, to avoid another aggression by Japan and Germany. It should include four states: the USA, China, Great Britain and the USSR.

Stalin and Churchill liked the idea presented by Roosevelt. However, Stalin also objected that such a scheme was considered wrong on the side that such an organization would be affected by the rights of small European states, which also suffered greatly during the Second World War.

The leader of the USSR, in turn, suggested that the creation of two organizations would be the best way out - one for the Far East, and the second for Europe.

Churchill was generally in agreement with the proposals of Roosevelt and Stalin, but he considered that one or two organizations would not be enough - in his opinion there should be three. Roosevelt was against such an organization of the world after the war.

In December 1943, Roosevelt had a conversation with Stalin, and they came to the conclusion that the creation of one organization would be the most rational one. Despite the fact that at the Potsdam Conference world leaders actively talked about the creation of an organization for the preservation of peace, it never took a formal decision to create it.

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