Definition of an information system in computer technology. Information system

Information Systems meet every day in our life - at home, at work, on the street, in transport. And today it is quite difficult to imagine life without such systems! After all, information systems are our so-called assistants. Any organization can no longer fully engage in any activity without information and analytical systems. One of the simplest examples of an everyday information system can be called a telephone directory, where numbers are indicated, as well as the last name, first name, patronymic of subscribers.

The enterprises actively use information management systems. With the help of such systems, the life of mankind is greatly facilitated, this is a huge and invaluable help, because one or several people cannot keep in their heads or on paper data that occupy terabytes of RAM in a computer. However, simply storing such information is not enough; it needs to be systematized and adapted for convenient use.

Everything information Systems can be presented in the form of an information guide and an information database. Each of these systems can be subdivided into others with a more specific focus, for example, by subject - medicine, geography, etc. Thus, each field of activity has its own information management system.

The main function pursued by absolutely every such system is the collection, storage and retrieval of information. A large amount of information often makes it difficult to find, it takes a lot of time and effort. Management information systems are the main assistant in finding the information you need. It is very fast, quite convenient and very practical. In addition, in the near future, information in electronic form will replace paper documents, since it is much easier, faster and more economical to handle electronic documents.

By its scale information Systems are divided into three main groups:

  • Individual systems are systems created exclusively for one user; they contain personal, personal data that are entered into this system by the user himself. A notebook is a good example.
  • A collective is a system intended for a small group of people and containing information available exclusively to them.
  • Enterprise is a system that can include both small and large enterprises.

Examples of various information systems and their main functions:

  1. Mailing system, the system is designed to send a specific or specified message to various specific mailboxes.
  2. Reference information system of the registry, through which any citizen can make an appointment with a specific specialist at a specific time.
  3. A meteorological system, which, according to various indicators of instruments, can combine the received data and generate approximate weather data in a certain region.

Information systems: results and conclusions

Summing up, we can say that mankind has stepped far along the path of progress and innovation, before, to find the necessary information, a person had to dig through hundreds of documents and reference books, but now he just needs to set the necessary search parameters in the information system and he will receive the result in a few seconds. Moreover, there is a huge variety of classifiers that also simplify the search for the necessary information, and also allows you to select certain search criteria. It is also possible to create your own classifier, which will satisfy exactly your needs in finding the required document.

Take advantage of all the achievements of humanity and always stay in step with the times.

Information system (IS) is any organized system for collecting, storing and transmitting information. More deeply, it is the creation of additional sources that people use to obtain, filter and disseminate data.

The definition of "information systems" is associated with computer technology. In other words, it is a kind of complex, implying the work of people and computers, as a result of which information is processed or interpreted. This term is sometimes used in a more limited sense - to refer to the software required to run a computer database, or as a definition of a computer component.

But the emphasis is usually on information systems, the definition of which includes the final surface layer - users, processors, inputs, outputs, and the aforementioned communication networks. Any specific IS is aimed at supporting operations, management and decision making.

The definition of an information system can be reduced to the fact that it is information and communication technologies (ICT) that are used by various organizations, as well as the way in which people interact with these technologies in support of business processes. Some researchers make a clear distinction between information and computer systems and business processes. ICs typically include, but are not directly related to, a computer component.

Information systems, the definition of which we will consider later in the article, differ from business processes in that they only help control the effectiveness of the latter.

Some scholars have argued for the benefits of IP as a specific type of workflow. However, it is a system in which people or machines perform specific functions and activities, using resources to produce specific products or services for customers. While the information system is, as already mentioned, an intellectual complex whose activities are devoted to the collection, transmission, storage, search, processing and display of information.

Information system - what is it?

Thus, ICs are closely related to data transmission systems on the one hand and workflow on the other. They represent a form of interconnection in which data is presented and processed as a form of social memory. The information system (the basic concepts, definitions associated with it, we consider in the article) can also appear as a semi-official language that supports the creation of human decisions and actions. It is a major area of \u200b\u200bresearch for organizational informatics.

Basic concepts, definitions, classification of information systems

There are different types of IC, for example:

  • transaction processing;
  • decision support;
  • knowledge or learning management;
  • database management.

Of decisive importance for most information systems are information technologies, usually designed to perform tasks for which the human brain is not very well suited. For example, processing large amounts of information, performing complex calculations, and managing numerous concurrent processes.

Information technology is a very important and flexible resource available to leaders. Many companies are now recruiting a Chief Executive Officer for these issues. The CTO can also act in this role.


The definition of "the essence of an information system" implies the presence of six components that must be combined to create it. And the first is hardware.

This term refers to technology. And it means the computer itself, which is often referred to as a central processing unit (CPU), and all the hardware associated with it to support the operation. Among the auxiliary equipment required for the creation of ICs, one can mention input and output devices, data storage and communication devices.


The next component is software. This term refers to the computer programs and manuals (if any) that support them. There are computer applications, machine-readable instructions, that direct electrical circuitry within the hardware of a system and cause it to function in such a way as to produce useful information from the received data.

Programs are usually stored on some machines, sometimes on removable media.


Another component is data - facts, which are used by programs to obtain useful information. Like programs, data is usually stored in a machine-readable form on disk or other storage device until the computer needs it.

The definition of "information systems" is not possible without taking into account the presence of facts that are processed and systematized.


Another component that defines the essence of the described definition is procedures. This term refers to the policy that governs the operation of a computer system. These can be certain requirements and rules on the basis of which the IS functions and develops.


Every system also needs people if it is to be useful in some way. Moreover, people are often the most significant element. And this is probably the component that most affects the success or failure of information systems. This item includes not only users, but also those who operate and maintain computers, maintain data and networks, etc.


Another component of the IS is feedback (although it is not necessary for functioning).

As noted, data acts as a bridge between hardware and humans. This means that the information we collect is only scattered information until it is systematized. At this stage, the data becomes information and falls into the definition of an information system.

The use of information systems directly depends on their types.


Thus, the classical type of IP is often described in various textbooks. In the 80s, it was presented as a pyramid that reflected the hierarchy of the organization.

As a rule, the transaction processing systems were at the bottom of the pyramid, the management of information systems, making decisions to support the system, was located just above, and the executive IS model ended at the top.

This pyramid model remains useful today, since it first formulated a number of new technologies, but some of its components may not be relevant, although they fall under modern information systems, the definition of which we are trying to formulate. Examples of such ICs can be as follows:

  • data storage;
  • enterprise resource planning schemes;
  • expert;
  • search engines;
  • geographic information;
  • global information system;
  • office automation.

Computer ICs

A computer information system is created using computer technology to perform some or all of the scheduled tasks. Its main components are:

  1. A piece of hardware that includes a monitor, processor, printer, and keyboard that work together to receive, process, display data and information.
  2. Software - programs that enable hardware to process data.
  3. Databases, which are a repository of related files or tables containing relevant data.
  4. Networks, which are a nexus system that allows a variety of computers to allocate resources.
  5. Procedures, which are a set of commands designed to combine the above components in order to process information.

Information systems, the definition of which is presented in the article, includes the first four components (hardware, software, databases and networks) into one complex, which is known as the information technology platform.

IT workers can then use them to create ICs that monitor security, risk and data management. These activities are known as information technology services.

Information systems development

Information technology departments in large organizations tend to greatly influence the development, use and application of information technology. A number of techniques and processes can be used to develop and use IP. Many developers now use an engineering approach such as the Software Life Cycle (SDLC), which is a systematic way of developing an information system through stages that occur in a specific sequence.

IP can be developed internally or externally. This agreement can be achieved by outsourcing specific components or the entire system. A technologically realized environment for recording, storing and distributing linguistic expressions, for drawing conclusions from such expressions - all this includes the concept of "information systems".

Terms and definitions related to IP are rather complex and do not have a narrow focus, so they can be used in almost any area. But there are also specific areas of their application.

Geographic Information Systems: Definition

Examples of narrower classifications are geographic information systems (GIS) and earth information systems. They allow collecting, storing and analyzing and graphically visualizing spatial data. Their development is carried out in several stages, which include:

  1. Recognition and specification problems.
  2. Collection of information.
  3. Specification requirements for the new system.
  4. System design.
  5. System architecture.
  6. Implementation.
  7. Review and maintenance.

Academic discipline

The field of research on the concept of IP covers a variety of topics, including systems analysis and design, computer networks, information security, database management and decision support systems.

The definition of "classification of information systems" currently does not have a unified interpretation. It involves some data management operations, with a practical and theoretical solution to the problems of data collection and analysis. Depending on the industry, these can be tools to improve the performance of business applications, programming and software implementation, e-commerce, the use of electronic media, data mining and decision support.

Information systems (the definition of this concept was given earlier), serve to unite economics and informatics. They are a field for the study of computers and algorithmic processes, including their principles, software and hardware designs, applications, and their impact on society. Many modern scientists have discussed the nature and foundations of information systems, which have their roots in other reference disciplines - for example, computer science, engineering, mathematics, management, cybernetics, etc.

IC can also be defined as the collection of hardware, software, data, people and procedures that work together to produce quality information. They are directly related to information technology, computer science and business. The study of theory and practice related to social and technological phenomena that determine their development, use and impact on human life is the area of \u200b\u200binterest of those who study information systems.

The definition to which the article was devoted is also used to describe the organizational function that applies this knowledge to industry, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. They often boil down to interactions between algorithmic processes and technologies.

The field of IP study includes the study of theory and practice related to social and technological phenomena that determine the development, use and impact of information systems in organizations and society. In a broad sense, the term "information systems" means a scientific direction of research that considers the strategic, managerial and operational activities to participate in the collection, processing, storage, dissemination and use of information and related technologies in society and organizations.

The term information systems is also used to describe the organizational function that applies this knowledge to industry, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. IP is often referred to as interactions between algorithmic processes and technologies. These interactions can occur within or outside organizational boundaries. An information system is a technology that various organizations use for their own purposes.

Various types of information systems provide for the use of a PC as the main technical means for processing any information. Computers on which specialized software are present represent the technical basis and are also the main tool of such systems.

What it is?

All types of information systems represent a specialized hardware and software complex, the main purpose of which is to ensure the reliability of stored data in a computer, as well as to perform a number of functions that are specific to a particular subject area. In addition, such complexes provide the user with an extremely convenient and at the same time easily mastered interface.

Today, various types of information systems are used in almost all areas of modern society, including:

  • State institutions.
  • Financial and credit institutions.
  • Manufacturing areas.
  • Science.
  • Education and many other areas.

During the creation of various types of information systems, a wide variety of problems may arise related to the formal algorithmic or mathematical description of the problem being solved. The efficiency of its work, as well as the degree of automation, which is determined by the degree of human participation in making certain decisions based on the information received, directly depends on how well this system will be created.

The more accurate the mathematical description of the problem, the more opportunities there will be for using a computer to ensure the complete processing of all information, and the less direct participation of the person himself in all these processes will be. This is what determines the degree of automation of various tasks.


This type of information systems is a task in which absolutely all the elements are known, as well as how they are interconnected. In structured problems, there is the possibility of expressing their content in the form of a mathematical model, which has an extremely accurate solution algorithm. It is worth noting that in the majority of cases, such tasks have to be solved several times, while they are routine in nature. The main purpose for which these types of information systems are used in an organization is to highlight the solution of structured tasks, as well as ensuring the complete automation of their solution, that is, when the role of a person in the whole process is practically absent.


Such tasks make it impossible to single out certain elements or to establish a certain connection between them. Due to the fact that such types of information structures do not provide for the possibility of creating an initial mathematical description and, accordingly, the subsequent development of an algorithm, their solution is associated with a number of difficulties. The possibilities of using the information system in this case are insignificant, that is, in most cases in such situations, the decision is made directly by the person himself, who is based on his own experience, as well as various data that he received from different sources.


An expert information system and its types are programs that behave like an expert in a particular field. In other words, such a system is often highly specialized, and all of its solutions correspond to the area under consideration.

Among the typical examples of the use of such expert systems, it is worth highlighting the solution of problems like the localization of faults in various equipment, for example, in medical diagnostic devices.

Other types

Also, the classification and types of information systems offer several more basic options:

  • Manual. In such systems, there are completely no modern technical means that would ensure data processing, and the person himself is involved in the implementation of all actions. For example, in this case, the activity of a manager in a company in which manual computers are completely absent, and a specialist works with just such an IS, can be considered.
  • Automatic. These are the most optimal information systems today. The structure and classification of such systems provides for the performance of any operations related to data processing, and is carried out without direct human participation.
  • Automated. In the functioning of such information systems, information processing is carried out with the participation of both the person himself and various technical equipment, but the main role is still assigned to the computer. In the modern interpretation, considering the types of information systems support, the concept of an automated system is also considered without fail. It is equipped with a range of specialized modifications. At the same time, there are also different types of automated information systems, which are divided among themselves according to the scope of use or the nature of data processing.

Scope of application

Information systems are initially designed to provide fully automatic performance of certain tasks assigned to different structural units.

Among the main functions that various types of information management systems undertake, it is worth highlighting:

  • Operational control and regulation of processes.
  • Operational and long-term planning.
  • Accounting.
  • Supply and sales management and many other tasks.

Process control

The main types of information systems for the control of technological processes are used in order to automate various functions that are currently assigned to production personnel. Such systems are quite actively used today in the organization process. They help support the technological process in the modern mechanical engineering and metallurgical industries.

Computer-aided design

The concept and types of computer-aided design information systems provide for the automation of various functions that are assigned to architects, designers, designers, or design engineers who create new equipment or various technologies. Among the main functions that such systems undertake, it is worth highlighting the carrying out of engineering calculations, the formation of design and graphic documentation, as well as detailed modeling of the objects being designed at the moment.


These systems are designed to fully automate all functions of the company, and therefore they cover the entire cycle of work, from design to the subsequent sale of products. It is worth noting that the creation of such systems is quite difficult, since in this case a careful approach is required in terms of the main goal, for example, making a profit, conquering a certain sales market and much more.

It is worth noting the fact that such a method can provoke significant changes in the structure of the company itself, and not all managers decide on this.

Information retrieval

Initially, it is worth considering how the problem is formulated in general form in this case. To do this, you need to answer three questions:

  • What to look for? (what sources of information are needed).
  • Where to look? (where these sources may be located).
  • How to search? (what tools can be used).

If we consider what are the main sources of information on the Internet, then here the types of data in information systems will be all kinds of www documents, articles located in newsgroups or lists, mailings, various library files, directories of address information and many other sources.

In this case, you can search for information manually, that is, find out addresses from various specialized journals, or use all kinds of paper directories, which contain data classified by categories. The most important thing on the Internet is to learn how to use special tools, the main purpose of which is to collect information about resources, as well as to provide users with an extremely fast search service.

What is such a system?

An information retrieval system is a full-fledged hardware and software complex that has its own web interface, and also allows you to quickly find this or that information on the Internet. The software part of the search engine is a basic engine that includes a whole range of programs. In most cases, it is the strictest trade secret of the organization that developed the search engine.

The main task that is set before such a system is a thorough search for various data that are relevant to the information needs of certain users. It is extremely important in this case not to lose anything in the process of searching for information, that is, to determine absolutely all documents that relate to the user's request, but do not provide anything superfluous. It is for this purpose that the characteristic is used, which determines the quality of the search procedure, and it is called "relevance".

Metasearch system

This format of information systems is a specialized tool that sends a user's request to several search engines and catalogs at once, and sometimes to a hidden virtual space in which data is collected. As a rule, they are not indexed by the majority of traditional search engines. Collecting the necessary results, such a system completely erases any duplicate links, after which, in full accordance with the algorithm established by it, it combines and groups the results, thus forming a general list.

Unlike separate directories, metasearch types of information systems structures do not provide for the presence of a database, but at the same time they save a huge amount of time, since there is no need to enter queries in various search engines. It is for this reason that, in most cases, the SERP is the most relevant. Most often, metasearch engines are used by webmasters who are trying to find out if their site is in the top of the main search engines, what are its current ratings, and how popular the links are.

10. Information systems

1. Information systems: definition, purpose of creation, structure.

2. Basic principles of IP development

3. Classification of information systems.

4. Systems of classification and coding of economic information.

IP classes: MR I, MRP II, ERP

1. Information systems: definition, purpose of creation, structure.

Information- this is some information, knowledge about objects and processes of the real world. Economic information is usually displayed in the form of documents.

Document is a material carrier of information that has legal force and is executed in accordance with the established procedure.

System is a complex of interrelated means that act as a whole. Each system is characterized by structure, input and output flows, purpose and restrictions, and a law of functioning.

System encompasses a complex of interrelated elements that act as a whole in achieving the set goals.

Each system includes components

1. The structure of the system is a set of elements of the system and the relationships between them.

2. Functions of each element of the system

3. Input and output of each element and the system as a whole.

4. Objectives and limitations of the system and its individual elements (achieving cost reduction and increasing profits)

Each system has properties of divisibility and integrity.

IP provides collection, storage, processing of information about the object supplying workers of various ranks with information for the implementation of management functions.

EIS is system, functioning which is the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information about the activities of any economic entity in the real world.

EIS are intended for solving problems of processing data from office automation, performing information search and individual tasks based on artificial intelligence methods (from lectures).

Information System (IS) is a software and hardware complex designed for automated collection, storage, processing and issuance of information. Usually ISs deal with large amounts of information that has a rather complex structure. The classic examples of information systems are banking systems, transport ticketing systems, etc.

IP always specializes in information from a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe real world: economics, technology, medicine, etc. The part of the real world displayed in the IS is called subject area ... Therefore, economic IP is an IP whose subject area is economics. In this sense, it acts as an information model of the subject area.

Any system of management of an economic object has its own information system, called an economic information system.

Economic Information System (EIS) - a set of internal and external flows of direct and feedback information communication of an economic object, methods, means, specialists involved in the process of information processing and the development of management decisions.

The information system is a system of information services for employees of management services and performs technological functions for the accumulation, storage, transmission and processing of information. It develops, is formed and functions in the regulations determined by the methods and structure of management activities adopted at a specific economic entity, realizes the goals and objectives facing it.

IP structure

The most common division of EIS subsystems is the separation of the supporting and functional parts. The functional part is actually a model of the object management system. With regard to control systems, the feature of structuring can be the object management functions, in accordance with which the EIS consists of functional subsystems. The supporting part of the EIS consists of information, technical, software, organizational, legal and other types of support.

Regardless of the features, any EIS consists of functional and supporting parts. The functional part is determined by the totality of tasks to be solved, identified for certain types of activities of various economic objects (by function).

The supporting part is a complex of interconnected means of a certain type that ensure the functioning of the system as a whole or its individual elements. The supporting subsystems include: information support for IO, technical support for maintenance, software for MO, legal support for Legal A, software software, organizational support for Org., Technological support for Tech.

IO is a set of a unified system of classification and coding of information of unified documentation systems, schemes of information flows circulating in organizations, as well as the methodology for constructing a database of IO is subdivided into out-of-machine and intra-machine.

Out-of-machine unified documentation system, as well as a classification system for coding accounting information.

Intra-machine - documents and arrays of documents stored in the computer memory in the form of libraries, archives, databases, knowledge bases.

TO - a set of technical means intended for the operation of the IS, as well as the corresponding documentation for these means and technological processes.

Tech.O - focused on the selected information technology for entering the registration of transmission, processing and issuance of effective information. (centralized, distributed, decentralized)

Software - includes: general system and special software products, as well as technical documentation (OS, shells, programs ....)

Mat.O. - a set of mathematical methods, models, algorithms for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the IS, as well as the functioning of the complex of technical means.

Org.O - a set of methods and tools that regulate the interaction of workers with technical means and among themselves in the development and operation of IS.

Right. - a set of legal norms that determine the creation of a legal status and the functioning of IP, regulating the procedure for obtaining the transformation and use of information. (from lectures)

The structure of information includes in its totality the following concepts: information space, subject area, object, object instance, object properties, object interaction and interaction properties. To describe a subject area means to enumerate objects and relationships between them, and then describe them with attributes and constituent units of information.

The structure of economic information is quite complex and can include various combinations of information aggregates with a certain content. An information set is understood as a group of data characterizing an object, process, operation. By structural composition, information aggregates can be divided into:




    The management process is based on the processing of information circulating in logistics systems. A necessary condition for the coordinated work of all links of the LC is the presence of information systems, which, like the central nervous system, are able to quickly and economically bring the required signal to the right point at the right time. One of the most important conditions for the successful functioning of production as a whole is the availability of such a system of information that would make it possible to link together all activities (supply, production, transport, storage, distribution, etc.) and manage it based on the principles of a single whole.

    At the current level of development of social production, it has become obvious that information is an independent production factor, the potential of which opens up broad prospects for strengthening the competitiveness of firms. The streams of information are the connecting threads on which all the elements of the logistic system are strung.

    Information logistics organizes the data flow. He is engaged in the creation and management of information systems (IS), which technically and programmatically ensure the transmission and processing of logistics information. The subject of the study of information logistics is the features of the construction and functioning of IS that ensure the functioning of drugs. The purpose of information logistics is the construction and operation of information systems that ensure the availability of: 1) the necessary information; 2) in the right place; 3) at the right time; 4) the necessary content (for the person making the decision); 5) with minimal costs.

    With the help of information logistics and the improvement on its basis of planning and management methods in companies of leading industrial countries, a process is currently underway, the essence of which is the replacement of physical stocks with reliable information.

    1. Information system. Types of information systems

    Information is the main logistics and production factor. Main types of information:

    1. Internal, i.e. the flow of information within an object between subdivisions and levels of the organizational structure.

    2. External - the flow of information between this organization and other b. ects, outside its limit. External information flow includes:

    1) planning

    2) coordination

    3) service

    At the base of the functional pyramid of the logistics information system is a system of operations between the links of the logistics system, which determines the relationship between the functional divisions of the company (in terms of the implementation of logistics functions), logistics intermediaries and consumers of the company's products. At the analysis level, the logistics regional or administrative managers of the firm mainly use information for tactical purposes for marketing, forecasting financial and operational performance indicators. Finally, at the top strategic level, logistics determines the management strategy and is linked to strategic corporate planning and the mission of the firm.

    The characteristics of the system levels of the functional structure of the logistics information system are associated with the achievement of certain strategic and tactical goals of the company and competitive advantages.

    The organizational structure of the logistics information system can be broadly formed from four subsystems: order management, research and communication, logistics solutions support and generating output forms and reports. These interconnected subsystems provide information and computer support for all functions of logistics management and communication with the micro- and macrological external environment.

    In the organizational structure of the logistics information system, the subsystem for managing order procedures is highlighted as one of the main subsystems, which is due to the direct contact of this subsystem with consumers in the processes of processing and fulfilling orders. The use of the concept of "electronic data interchange" and the standards based on it is of great importance here.

    The subsystem of scientific research and communication reflects the influence of the external and internal environment of the company on the logistics management process and interacts between the links of the logistics system and management functions due to:

    Integration of logistics planning with corporate planning;

    Interaction of logistics management with other corporate functions;

    Strategic guidelines for the organizational structure of the logistics system and personnel;

    Information technology integration;

    Preparing or purchasing technological solutions and using intermediaries;

    Adaptation to the conditions of the company of the forms of supply chains, channels and networks, as well as management functions;

    Emphasis on productivity and quality of services in logistics.

    The considered subsystem plays an important role in reflecting the changes and requirements of both the external and internal environment of the company. A logistics manager can use this subsystem to scan a firm's micro and macro environment in four ways:

    1) indirect consideration based on a general analysis of the information received, when there is no specific set goal;

    2) direct consideration, when information about the external and internal environment of the firm is actively analyzed with a pre-formulated goal;

    3) informal research on limited and unstructured data;

    4) formal research using a pre-drawn plan, procedures and methods for processing and analyzing the information received.

    To optimize the results of assessing the impact of the external and internal environment of the company on the behavior of the logistics system, the logistics manager must use the key information sources of the subsystem in the monitoring process. There are two aspects to consider here. First, the use of information by the firm's staff to assess the effectiveness of their logistics solutions. For example, accounting information or information on prices for finished products of competitors can provide a comprehensive answer about the effectiveness of management; information on the size of cargo shipments can be used by the transport departments of the company, etc. Secondly, the logistics partners of the company, such as suppliers of material resources, resellers, carriers and consumers of finished products can also use the information subsystem to improve coordination and reduce their own costs. An important place in the subsystem under consideration belongs to forecasting, in particular, to such aspects as collection of initial information, assessment of accuracy, reliability, and the use of the most effective forecasting methods.

    The third component of the logistics information system is the subsystem for supporting logistics solutions, which is an interactive computer information system that includes databases and analytical models that, as a rule, implement optimization tasks that arise in the process of logistics management. The subsystem forms, updates and maintains variously structured, centralized and distributed databases for four main types of files:

    Base files containing external and internal information necessary for making logistics decisions;

    ° critical factors that determine the main actions, goals and constraints in decision-making;

    Policies / parameters containing basic logistics operating procedures for key areas;

    Solution files storing information about previous (periodic) solutions for various logistics functions.

    This subsystem uses a large number of economic and mathematical models and methods (in particular, forecasting to support decisions made by logistics management). All these models and methods can be divided into classes: optimization, heuristic and simulation. Optimization models of decision making are based on methods of operational calculus: programming (linear, nonlinear, dynamic, stochastic, integer), mathematical statistics (correlation and regression analysis, theory of random processes, theory of identification, theory of statistical models of decision making, etc.), calculus of variations, optimal control, queuing theory, graphs, schedules, etc. In particular, the following problems can be specified for various logistic functions:

    Optimal dispatching in production, transportation, cargo handling;

    Optimal placement of objects in production, distribution, storage;

    Building optimal logistics chains, channels, networks;

    Building the optimal organizational structure of the logistics system;

    Optimal routing;

    Determination of the optimal duration of the constituent logistic cycles;

    Optimization of collection, processing and order fulfillment procedures;

    Optimization of parameters of inventory management systems;

    Optimal choice of carrier, forwarder, supplier, etc.

    In the subsystem under consideration, interactive (dialogue) procedures for information support for decision-making by logistics management are widely used.

    The fourth element of the organizational structure of the logistics information system is a subsystem for generating output forms and reports. "

    The information support system in logistics for the performance of the above functions must be properly organized. The specificity of this system lies in the fact that in the course of its activity it must be able to influence all functional subsystems of a logistics organization. Based on this, three ways of organizing it are possible: centralized, decentralized and specialized.

    With a centralized method of organization, information support activities are concentrated in one department (department) and report directly to the top management of the organization through the vice president (deputy director) for information systems (technologies). The advantage of this method of organization is to ensure high efficiency of work on the introduction of new information systems and technologies. The disadvantages include the high costs of maintaining the management apparatus.

    With a decentralized method of organizing the information support subsystem, specialists from different functional units perform the functions of managing information flows in their subject area. The advantage of this method of organization is the high level of knowledge of the subject area of \u200b\u200bthe information systems manager, the disadvantage is the duplication of the same type of tasks and functions in different departments of the organization.

    With a specialized method, the organization does not have departments for information systems (technologies). If it is necessary to develop and implement a new information system, these organizations contact specialized firms and perform work on a contractual basis (outsourcing).

    This is common in small organizations that cannot have full-time IT professionals and rely on consultants. The advantage of this method of organizing the information support system is a high level of scientific and methodological developments, the disadvantage is the complexity of taking into account the specific features of the object.

    The choice of this or that method of organizing the information support system depends on many factors, primarily on the size of the organization, the existing business processes in it, and the availability of free funds. Note: the information support system has now reached such a level of specialization that it requires attention to its organization - modern leaders understand this. Therefore, any small organization includes information services. The information system necessary for the adequate performance of logistics functions must meet the following requirements:

    Information flows must be informationally compatible;

    Internal interconnections and interdependencies of information flows should be causal;

    The hierarchical subordination of information flows to must be clear;

    The information system must have the property of integrability.

    3. Principles and levels of information logistics system

    The principles of building a logistics information system should be based on:

    1. Completeness and suitability of information for the user. The logistics manager must have the necessary and complete (sufficient) information to make decisions, and in the form he needs. For example, information about inventory or customer orders often needs preprocessing and is usually not located where the logistics manager makes a decision.

    2. Accuracy. The accuracy of the background information is essential for making the right decisions. For example, information on the level of stocks in the distribution network in modern logistics systems allows no more than 1% errors or uncertainties for making effective decisions in physical distribution, stock creation and customer satisfaction. The accuracy and reliability of the initial data is of great importance for forecasting demand, planning the needs for material resources, etc.

    3. Timeliness. Logistic information must enter the management system on time, as many logistics technologies require, especially those based on the "just in time" concept. Timeliness of information is essential for almost all complex logistics functions. In addition, many tasks in transportation, operational management, order and inventory management are solved in real time ("on line"). This is also required by the numerous tasks of logistic monitoring. The requirements for the timeliness of receipt and processing of information are implemented by modern logistics technologies for scanning, satellite navigation, bar coding, and the introduction of EDI / EDIFACT standards.

    4. Orientation. Information in the logistics information system should be aimed at identifying additional opportunities to improve the quality of products, services, and reduce logistics costs. Methods of receiving, transmitting, displaying and preliminary processing of information should help to identify bottlenecks, reserves for saving resources, etc.

    5. Flexibility. The information circulating in the logistics information system must be tailored for specific users, have the most convenient form for them. This is casa. It is used by both the company's personnel and logistic intermediaries and end users. Paper and electronic document flow, intermediate and output forms, reports, certificates and other documents should be maximally adapted to the requirements of all participants in the logistics process and adapted to the possible dialogue mode for many users.

    6. Suitable data format. The data and message format used in computer and telecommunication networks of a logistics information system should make the most efficient use of the performance of technical means (memory size, speed, bandwidth, etc.). Types and forms of documents, location of details on paper documents, dimension of data and other parameters should facilitate machine processing of information. In addition, information compatibility of computer and telecommunication systems of logistics intermediaries and other users is required in terms of data formats in the logistics information system.

    The formation of an information system in logistics is carried out according to a hierarchical principle, and in logistics information systems, the numbering of levels starts from the lowest. This principle was adopted in order to ensure the possibility of building up the information system with higher ranks and its inclusion as a subsystem in generalizing systems and networks of a higher order, if the need arises.

    In accordance with this structural decomposition in information systems in logistics, there are three levels:

    1. The first level is the level of the workplace (in a broad sense), for example, a storage area, a machine for machining, a place or installation for packaging and labeling, etc. At this level, one or another logistic operation is carried out with a controlled material flow, namely its element (part, unit packaging, working table-satellite or some other load unit) moves, overloads, packs, undergoes one or another processing.

    2. The second level is the level of the production site, workshop, warehouse, etc., where the processes of processing, packaging and transportation of cargo units take place and workplaces are located.

    3. The third level is the system of transportation and movement of cargo units in the entire production and sales system as a whole, from the loading of raw materials, materials and components to the delivery of finished products to consumers and settlements for them.

    The supply and management levels that correspond to their information system levels determine the functional and operational completeness of the information subsystems.

    At the top level of the information system, the scheduling information subsystem is implemented. Here, the logistics management of the total material flow is carried out in order to organize production and sales activities aimed at the most effective satisfaction of market needs.

    At the second level of the information system, the so-called dispositive (disposite) information subsystems are presented. These subsystems detail the plans drawn up at the top level and bring them to the level of individual production sections, workshops, mechanized to one degree or another warehouses and other production units, etc., and also determine the methods of action of these units.

    The so-called executive information subsystems are located at the lower level of information systems. They bring tasks, rules and instructions to specific workplaces and performers, also monitor the progress of the technological process at workplaces and provide feedback, forming primary information from these workplaces.

    Note that the planning, dispositive and executive subsystems are connected by direct and reverse vertical information flows.

    Separate complexes of tasks within the specified functional subsystems are linked by horizontal information flows.


    As a result of the logistic construction, information and technical b aza with system management, I must allow analysis and at taking control actions on bb ect in the conditions of the set goals and established informational processes.

    The main factors associated with building information and it n o - logistic and systems are:

    1) Conditions for the interaction of systems with each other and the environment.

    The logistic system of the organization of management establishes such an order in which the information and the information formed on its basis and nf oh a qi about nna e flows between individual organizational units and it is the nature of informational lead. Target character outstripping information allows to carry out an objective hematic analysis sit ats ui and make the necessary decisions. Ca and about b projects and objects of management, being in the process of functioning in a target, informational and organizational relationship, image are united histologically th process control system.

    At the present time, depending on the nature of the relationship between the ek t ami, management structures, as well as their signs, the following the main e types of hierarchical organizational structures.

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