Key features of Google Chrome search engine. How to clear the search bar in the browser from suggestions

Since Google updated its logo, there has been a lot of controversy among designers. Some people like the new logo, others consider it simple and say that it was better before. Be that as it may, such news is a reason to talk about relatively little-known functions of the search engine. After all, in Google you can not only search for information - the search line is fraught with a lot of surprises. They will be discussed in this article.


It turns out you can play games on Google! For example, in the once very popular game Pacman. To do this, write pacman in the search box and click the search button. Click on the Click to Play link and the game will start.


Another game is Zerg Rush. A very funny toy. You can play endlessly. Enter the query zerg rush in the line and press Enter. The game continues until the zerg destroy the search results.


Few people know that in Google Translate you can enter words not only from the keyboard, but also by hand. It is not very clear why the search engine introduced this function - for Latin and Cyrillic it is practically useless. However, if you need to translate a word written in hieroglyphs, this feature can be very useful.


It will probably be difficult for many to immediately pronounce a large number like 19999995468. With Google, this is not a problem. Enter the number into the search, then the \u003d sign and the desired language. A quick check showed that the service works crookedly in Russian-speaking Google. If you enter 19999 \u003d English, the system still writes the number in Russian. You can find out how to spell a number consisting of a maximum of 13 digits.


Among other things, there is a calculator in the Google search bar. And pretty fancy. You can not only add-subtract, but also perform complex mathematical calculations.


Another calculator - this time for calculating tips. It may well be useful for those who are bad at math and those who are light (or not so) drunk. To start the calculator, you need to type tip calculator in the search box and enter the invoice amount, tip percentage and number of persons in the windows that appear. Google will quickly calculate everything.


The search bar can also help with currency conversion. A very handy thing when you need to calculate quickly and you have an open search. Just enter, for example, 100 rub to usd and get the desired figure. Google also shows a graph of the course dynamics.


Want to know how many ounces are in a kilogram? Or how many feet are there in a kilometer? The search bar can do that too. And there can be a lot of other things, for example, you can transform temperature, volume, mass, speed, time, etc. Enter lbs to kgs and then select the desired values.

Google also has a timer. A very useful thing. If you need the timer to work after 45 minutes, then you need to enter google timer in the search box and set the desired time, for example, 45 min. In other locations of the search engine, the time can be set in the window that appears, the Russian version only supports a query in the search bar.


In fact, the search bar has many other features. With its help, you can draw graphs, calculate the area of \u200b\u200bgeometric shapes, find out when sunrise or sunset begins in any city on the planet. The search bar will allow you to view the weather forecast, check the status of the flight, including arrival time and terminal number, calculate the distance to the destination, and also find out the release date of the expected film. But this functionality is unlikely to be useful for freelancers. But what is listed can help in the work. Besides games, of course. Games will help you to distract yourself from your business for a while.

We have released a new book, "Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand."


The search bar is a field in the system where the user enters his request.

Such lines are found on sites with a lot of information. The user can use such a line and find the necessary information on the site.

But the most striking example is search engines.

What the search bar looks like

In search engines

This is how the Yandex search bar looks like.

After entering the request, you should click the "Find" button and enjoy the selection result. Once you have entered your queries, you can refine your results by selecting the advanced search button.

Advanced search will select the most relevant results.

The search engine provides for work with various filters (search by time, pictures, news, etc.). Using them, you can refine your query: enter a restriction by region, word form, specific website, file type, language, web page update date, etc. Active filters change color, while the search engine gives results automatically, according to the specified conditions.

There are additional quick filters below the search bar. You can only search for pictures, information on maps, etc.

Google's foreign search is not much different from its Russian competitor.

To search, you must also enter a key query.

In Google, you can also work with the quick search filtering system (horizontal menu below the line).

Google's advanced search will also help you refine your search query and provide the most accurate information. A system of explanations is used for navigation.

Interesting features of search lines in each search engine

When you enter a key query, each search engine (Yandex, Google and others) gives out keys related to your entered query (which were most often searched by people, and also entered earlier by the user of your computer).

For example, you enter the keyword Voronezh. PS displays a pop-up window with tips, when you select one of them, you can clarify your request. For example, he can issue additional keys such as "Voronezh on the map of Russia", "Voronezh region", "Voronezh farewell to Roman Filippov." It is clear that the query "Voronezh" is too voluminous, and the search engine is not completely clear what exactly the user is looking for. By specifying the key, you will receive more relevant results.

Why do you need hints in search engines

The main task laid down by the developers is to help the user find it. Over time, SEO specialists began to focus on when promoting a site, in particular, to compile a semantic core (selection of keys by which the site is promoted). As a rule, these are low-frequency or mid-frequency, with synonyms and tails, for information on which Internet users are looking.

How to turn off hints in search engines

Sometimes a pop-up window with tips gets in the way when working with a search engine: for example, more than one person uses a PC, and he wants to keep the search confidential. Or, old user queries that appear in the popup interfere with the search. Let's consider how to remove tips for an individual search using the example of Yandex. In the upper right corner of the main page, click “Settings”, then “Portal Settings” and “Results”. You should remove the markers in the “Personal search” section and save the configuration.

To delete some prompts or adjust their display order in a different way - when entering a query, go to the prompts window. There is a delete button opposite each key, and you can change the order by simply dragging the selected key up or down the window.

Search through browsers

Modern browsers allow you to enter a request directly in the address bar.

In each browser, by default, after entering a request, a certain PS opens, which can be changed in its settings.

Google Сhrome

You can enter a request in one of two fields. The top field (this is the address bar) in our example will automatically include the Google search bar. The lower one serves for convenience and expands the functionality of the browser. In our example, it enables Mail search. A full-fledged window of hints works, which we will discuss below.

Mozilla Firefox

When entering a key, a search is implemented using the Yandex. Moreover, only tips for your previous search pop up. There is no call to the hints of the PS.


By default, foreign Google helps in search, helping with hints. For convenience, the web browser interface itself contains links to several search engines. In addition, you can search for something through the address bar itself at the top.

How to change the search engine in the address bar

Let's say Yandex doesn't suit you, you need Google. As we said earlier, you can change the call of the preset search engine through the address bar in the settings of each browser. Let's look at how to change the main search engine in the Google Chrome browser.

Select the symbol in the upper right corner of the open browser.

Go to settings. In this section, you can change the search engine for the address bar and interface.

Web browser search hints

The browser, like the PS, offers help to the user in the form of prompts when entering a query. When you enter the very first letters, the browser already issues the corresponding requests from the ones you entered earlier. In addition to requests, it also gives the names / addresses of the pages visited, which contain the entered combination of letters.

How to clear the search bar in the browser from suggestions

Each request entered by you (and not only you) through the browser is stored in its cache. The list of similar requests drops out constantly if you enter a new similar key in the browser. To clear the cache, you should forcefully delete them or set a ban on caching.

In the "Service" section "Properties" find your browsing history, mark all items indicating key queries, save the changes. In the "Search" find the pre-installed search engine and to disable caching, select "Disable".

Press Ctrl and F12 at the same time. Activate the "Search" mode. Disable hints. Then go to "Advanced" - "History" and delete the disk cache.

Mozilla Firefox

Go to "Settings" and turn on "Privacy". In the same place, delete the history and set the dates for its clearing in the future. Check the markers on the items "Cache" and "History of forms and search", clear them.

Let's take a closer look at how to remove search suggestions using Google Chrome as an example.

To go to the settings, click on the “three dots” symbol at the top right. Select "Settings" - "Advanced".

Remove the indicated marker.

It is also possible to remove a specific hint in each browser. For example, in Chrome you need to enter a query, select an unnecessary hint, press Shift + Delete.

You can turn off hints at any time if you don't need them.

Press on settings icon Settings.
A new tab will open.


Add to.

Press on settings icon in the upper right corner and select Settings.
A new tab will open.

Step 2. Make Google your default search

In the Search section from the drop-down menu, select Google.

Step 3. Make Google your homepage

In the "Start Group" section, select "Next Pages:" and click Add to.
Enter in the field that appears. Click OK.
Close the settings tab. The changes will be saved automatically.

Make Google your default search

Click down arrow on the left side of the search box.
Please select Google in the drop-down menu.

home page

Click on Firefox in the top left corner, then select Options, and then click on Options in the right menu.
Click on the General button in the top menu with the picture of a switch.
Next to When Firefox starts, open the drop down menu and select Show my home page.
Type in the Home Page box, and click OK to save.

Step 1. Make Google your default search

Click down arrow on the left side of the search box.
Please select Google in the drop-down menu.

More: Make Google Your Home Page

Use your mouse to drag the blue Google icon shown below onto the icon home pagelocated in the upper right corner of your browser.
Then in the pop-up window, click Yes.

... or change the start page manually

Select Firefox from the menu bar, then click on Preferences.
Type in the Home Page box, and close the Preferences window to save.

Step 1. Open browser settings

Click Safari from the Apple menu and choose Settings.

Step 2. Make Google your default search

In the dropdown menu Primary search engine select Google.

Step 3. Make Google your homepage

Next to New windows open with, open the drop down menu and select Homepage... Open the next drop down menu and select Homepage to see your homepage in new tabs.
Then type into the box next to Homepage.
Your changes are saved.

Step 1. Open browser settings

Click Opera in the top menu and select Settings, and then General settings.Preferences, Settings or Parameters... If there is an item in the main menu Service, click on it and select Internet Options.

Our tip: download, fast and free browser. Google Chrome opens web pages and applications with lightning speed.

We often think of the browser address bar solely as where we enter the URL of the page we want to go to. At the same time, with its help, you can do a lot of really useful things, which we will talk about today.

Use as unit converter and calculator

If you urgently need to perform some simple mathematical operation, such as converting Celsius to Fahrenheit, minutes to hours, or meters to miles, you shouldn't look for a calculator on your computer or an online converter on the Internet. Chrome can do this for you, you just need to enter the operation of interest in the address bar. For example, 50 c \u003d f will calculate the desired temperature, and 50 feet \u003d inches will calculate the distance.

Turn your browser into a notepad

You are surfing the Internet, and here they call you and ask you to write down some important information. Often a piece of paper and a pen are not near, and "Notepad" has to look for several minutes among the abundance of programs. Chrome will help out in such situations, because you can simply enter the following address: data: text / html, .

As soon as you press Enter, the browser window will turn into a regular blank sheet of notepad, where you can quickly write an urgent note. So that next time this situation does not catch by surprise, we advise you to immediately bookmark this page. By the way, if you want to personalize your notebook a little, you can add some CSS to the URL by writing, for example, like this: data: text / html, .

Search specific sites

Google veterans are probably familiar with the old site: search operator. Using it has now become much easier. To do this, go to the desired website and, placing the cursor at the end of the address bar, press Tab. After that, we add what exactly we want to find. The search will be carried out exclusively within the required page.

Search inside Gmail or Google Drive

Going to a separate web application to find something takes a few clicks and certainly won't be faster than searching through the browser bar. To do this, you need to execute the following instruction once:

The next time you need to search for something in one of the services, simply type or into the address bar and press Tab.

Open mail sending window

Going into Gmail or a third-party client and clicking on the "Compose a new letter" button turns out to be much slower than entering mailto: into the browser line. If you need to send an email urgently, use this tip.

Learn more about site security

If the site you are visiting seems suspicious, then control everything that it will do in your browser by clicking on the page icon located to the left of the website address. There you can find out information about the cookies used, as well as block JavaScript, pop-ups and much more.

Remove text formatting

If you often have to copy text from third-party sources, then the formatting problem has definitely not bypassed you. The address bar will help you quickly return the usual color, size and font of the copied text. We paste the text we need there, and then copy it from there. All formatting settings will be removed.

Try the file manager

This will not be the most requested feature of Google Chrome, but you can still use your browser as a file manager. Just type C: / on Windows or file: // localhost on Mac and Linux. On the latter two platforms, you can also use the convenient shortcut file: ///.

Find anything using drag-n-drop

If you hate using the familiar Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V shortcuts as well as right clicking, then Google Chrome has a solution for you. Any word from a web page can be easily found on the Internet. You just need to drag it to the address bar and press Enter.

Determine a specific location for a new tab

If you are obsessed with the specific location of your browser tabs, simply drag and drop any link or URL to the desired location on the tab bar.

What additional features of the address bar do you use? Share your tips in the comments.

Google Chrome allows you to search on the Internet directly from the address bar at the top of the browser window (also called the "universal search box"). If you enter search terms in this string, it automatically displays search results from a search engine such as Google.

You can specify the search engine that the address bar will use by default.

Default search engine settings

Google Chrome's address bar uses by default google search to display search results, but you can use another search engine as well:

If the search engine you want is not listed, follow these steps to add it as a new search engine.

Adding, changing and removing search engines

The Google Chrome browser automatically saves a list of search engines that it encountered while browsing. For example, if you visit the page , the browser will automatically detect and add the YouTube search engine to the list of search engines you can use. Therefore, you will be able to search YouTube directly from the address bar without even going to that site.

To manually add, edit or remove search engines in your browser, do the following:

Learn more about search engine settings

Below are some tips on the information you need to provide for each search engine.

  • Adding a new search engine... Enter a tag for the search engine.
  • Keyword... Enter the text combination you want to use for this search engine. For quick access in the address bar to this search engine, use the keyword.
  • Url... Enter the address of the search engine.

To find the corresponding web address, follow these steps:

  1. Open the search engine you want to add.
  2. Search.
  3. Copy and paste the web address of the search results page into the URL box. Remember that the URL of the search results page is different from the URL of the website. For example, you get access to Google at need to add the URL of the search results page, for example\u003dXYZ if you were looking for "xyz".
  4. Replace the search term in the URL with% s. For example, for a Google search engine, the final search engine URL would be\u003d%s. When you enter a search term in the address bar,% s will be automatically replaced with your search term.

Make sure you include% s in the URL. Otherwise, you will not be able to configure this search engine as default search engine.

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