Instructions: how to set up automatic emails in MailChimp. How to set up an account and create a mailing list in MailChimp Mailchimp how to remove a mailing address from the basement

MailChimp doesn't have a Russian version. You can use a page translator in your browser, but often it just complicates things. In general, the MailChimp interface is intuitive, and the words used there are simple, so even a minimal knowledge of the language will be enough. And of course you can learn a lot from our guide.

Sign up for MailChimp

To register in MailChimp, go to the main page, in the upper right corner, click Log In, go to the login page. On the same page, click Create o; an account, as in the screenshot. Then everything is the same as in other services. Enter email, username and password. You can enter your account not only through mail, but also through your username. If you don't want to come up with a unique username, you can just write your mail there again. The password should contain at least:
  • one lowercase character
  • one capital letter
  • one digit
  • one special character
  • minimum 8 characters
To fulfill all the conditions, use any online password generator. If you are used to remembering the same password, we advise you to quit this bad habit and start storing passwords securely, for example, using OnePassword or LastPass. When your account is created, do not forget to go to your inbox and click on the link in the email to confirm your email address. Now you can use.

Setting up a MailChimp account

After confirming your account, a form will open where you need to enter information about yourself and the organization, company name, website address. This information is by default written in the footer of the letter and some forms of subscription. It can be removed or left - the choice is yours. In the footer of the letter, it looks like this:

And on the subscription confirmation page - like this: After filling out everything, you will be taken to the start page of your account, where there is nothing yet:
In the future, here you will see statistics on subscribers and sent emails.

Profile and Account menus

When you hover over your name, a menu appears in the upper right corner of the page. From there, you can get to the main account management pages.
On the profile page, you can change your password and see a list of accounts that you have access to. Please note that MailChimp separates the concepts of profile and account (Profile, Account). The profile is linked to the user, and the account is linked to the company. One person can have access to several accounts:
This is convenient for the user - you can log into different accounts with the same login, - and for companies - you can differentiate user rights.

How to give users access to their MailChimp account

To give access to your account to your colleagues, do not try to send them your username and password - these scoundrels someday may quit and send a letter with a video to your entire database, where you drunk playing twister with your accountant at a New Year's corporate party.
So go to Account → Settings → Users.
There will be a list of users who have access to the account. Click on the Invite A User button. We indicate the e-mail to which you want to provide access, and user rights:
  • reader: view only;
  • viewing reports, creating and editing campaigns without the ability to send campaigns;
  • manager: full access to the account, except for payments, export of subscribers and the ability to change account information;
  • admin: full access without restrictions.

How to change contact information in MailChimp

In the settings → contact information section, you can change the information that you filled out when you first set up your account: contact information, company activities, website address.

How to pay for an account

Mailchimp can be used for free and paid, there are four options for this:
  • Forever Free - free account;
  • Monthly - billed monthly;
  • Pay As You Go - pay as needed;
  • Pro Version - extended version - for those who have been using the services for a long time, and the mailing base has already exceeded 10,000.

Forever Free Plan is a free plan included by default, it allows you to have up to 2000 subscribers and send up to 12000 emails per month. You can pay via the Upgrade Account button or pay for the service by credit card or PayPal. To select a payment method, go to Billing → Monthly plans or credit. There, in the right corner, you can configure the payment method.
Click on the button and enter your credit card details.

Mailing lists in MailChimp: create, customize, add subscribers

How to create a mailing list in MailChimp

So, there is nothing in your account yet. Start by creating a subscriber list. Go to Lists and click the Create List button there. You will be prompted to fill out a form. Well, fill in:
List name - the name of the mailing list. Think of something so that you can easily understand what the addresses are, where they came from and what letters they receive. Name the lists decently - subscribers see these names. Default from email - the default sender address, which will be seen by the recipients of the mailing list and to which I will send replies. The sender's address can be changed when preparing the mailing list. Default from name - the name of the sender by default, which will be displayed in the "from" field. It can also be changed for each mailing. Campaign URLs Settings - Setting up special links for campaigns, for now you can skip. Remind people how they signed up to your list - a reminder why the person received the newsletter. Users see it, and it is supposed that this reminder will help forgetful subscribers to remember what kind of newsletter it is. It doesn't really help. So just write something like "You received this email because you signed up for [company name] mailing list." Company / Organization - Information about the company. This information will be automatically inserted into the footer of letters. Notifications - notifications. You will receive news about your list: how many people have subscribed, how many have unsubscribed. You can choose options: receive all news in bulk for a day (daily summary) or receive a notification as soon as someone subscribes (one-by-one subscribe ...) or unsubscribed (one-by-one unsubscribe ...). The settings will only work for specific list of subscribers. When you create a new mailing list, this data must be re-entered, it can be made different at least for each list. But any mail that you use as the sender's mail will have to be verified - to confirm that it really belongs to you. The settings of each mailing list can be changed at any time. To do this, from the Lists menu, go to the desired list, click Settings → List name and defaults
There you can change the list name, address and sender name.

How to add subscribers to the MaiLChimp mailing list

There are several ways to add subscribers to your mailing list.

Add subscribers manually

As long as you don't have hundreds and thousands of subscribers and you just want to add your mom to your mailing list, you can do it manually. To do this, on the mailing lists page, find the one to which you want to add a subscriber and click on the "Add subscriber" button
This feature is available on the list page itself too
When adding a new subscriber, you can write him all the values, including additional fields, only one field is required - email. At the end, you need to put a checkmark, which is highlighted in the screenshot below. This is how we confirm that the person has consented to receive our newsletter. If you do not check the box, the contact will not be added.
The second checkbox in this screenshot "if this person is already on my list, update their profile" is optional. It means that you are not adding a new subscriber, but updating his details.

Copy from Excel

Suppose you have an Excel file of contacts and you want to upload them to a mailing list. Go to the desired mailing list, Add Contacts → Import Contacts
There we select the item Copy / Paste from file
Click the Next button in the lower right corner. Next, copy the contacts from our Excel file and paste them into the copy window. It is desirable that the list of addresses in your file be compiled taking into account the fields you need.
Be sure to check the box like in the screenshot. So you agree that Mailchimp can change your tariff after adding contacts - if there are more addresses than your tariff allows, you will be automatically transferred to another one and the money will be withdrawn. After we have copied and pasted the contacts in the field, click the Next button. The system will try to match its list fields with the columns from your Excel file. You just need to configure these fields (well, for example, you had a column with a date of birth, and MailChimp calculated this as the registration date) - click on each, skip the ones that are defined correctly (Skip button), and give the correct names to those that MailChimp does not recognized. Be careful, later this data may be required for personalization. As a rule, the system recognizes email, name and phone number without problems.
Then we press the Next button. If it is inactive, then you have missed some field. It must either be edited or clicked on Skip (do not use).

Import from CSV

This function is in the same menu as the previous one - Add subscribers → Import Contacts. When importing, you do not need to copy anything, just upload the file with subscribers in CSV format to the system. Go to the next page using the Next button. There we upload the file with subscribers.
Go to the next page, where the already familiar procedure awaits us - we assign which column belongs to which additional field. Everything is exactly the same as in the previous paragraph. We skip the columns we do not need, for the needed ones we write what kind of field it is.

Built-in subscription forms

For mailing lists, you can customize subscription forms and place them on the site. We described this procedure in detail in the article on MailChimp subscription forms.

Why your account may be blocked

Mailchimp fights unscrupulous mailers. He can block the account or certain functions in it if he suspects you of sending spam. Honest mailing from spam is distinguished primarily by the consent of users to receive emails. Spam comes in without an invitation, and users expect a good newsletter. In Mailchimp, you cannot submit a campaign without the option to unsubscribe. If you do not add the "unsubscribe" link yourself, MailChimp will insert it. After registration, you indicate in your profile the type of activity of the company, the main site. MailChimp has been checking this information for a while. It is important here that the activities of your organization do not fall under the prohibited, they check mainly for this. For example, if your business falls under the category of gambling, for example, you are engaged in sports betting, then your account will be blocked. We'll have to look for a less conservative platform in this regard, mostly people face problems due to the primary mailing rates. You register normally, download the subscriber base, send the first campaign, and some functions in the system are blocked for you. There are several reasons why this might happen.
  1. Domain warming up. If a mailing list has never been sent from your domain before, then you should not send it to a large number of addresses at once. The domain needs to be "warmed up" by sending letters to a small number of recipients. This will build your reputation. That is, your letters will gradually open, read and click. This means that you are definitely not a spammer who sent out malicious mailings and changed the domain. Well, don't forget
  2. Clean account at MailChimp. You download part of the database, make mailings, and then you cannot download another part of the database. If the first mailings show poor performance, MailChimp will temporarily disable the ability to import contacts. The system understands bad performance as a large percentage of complaints and unsubscriptions. The ability to import will be returned to you when the unsubscribe and complaints rates of the following campaigns return to normal.
These are the main reasons why MailChimp can block newbies. Even if you have a customer base from CRM that you want to send letters to, then most likely you will not be able to do it right away. In addition, customers who did not subscribe to you themselves are unlikely to be loyal subscribers, because they do not expect your letters.

Learn how to customize forms in Mailchimp, what fields are, how to add / remove / edit fields, and how to create a mini CRM in Mailchimp:

You need to go to the list for which you will now set up forms and pages, and click on the "Signup forms" tab. Mailchimp will then open a page with four kinds of forms.

We are interested in today General forms... Opening it, you will see how your page looks right now. It's such a rather dull sight, everything is in English, in such gray tones. In general, it is very sad and understandable that subscribers, when they see this inner kitchen of yours, may be upset.
The first thing we need to change is to translate the page from English into Russian. Click on the tab "Translate it", select the language from the drop-down list "Russian".

Mailchimp offers us its version of the Russian translation. To be honest, this is not the best translation, i.e. here from the point of view of copywriting everything is bad. The good news is that you can change the whole thing in your own way. Those. just take and change the texts to your own texts.

If you prefer to write there with humor, then it's very cool to play with the buttons here. If you prefer a more formal style, just tweak the current translation, because the phrase “Subscribe to the mailing list” is scary. I'll just leave here "Subscribe."

After you have already done all the modifications, click on the button "Save Translation Settings". Mailchimp will show you the changes immediately. Well, you can already live a little humanly.
So, further. After we have translated the whole thing, we return to the tab "Build it" and here we can add or edit fields in our form. See what happens. Here I have this test list, there are 5 fields. There are open fields, i.e. when a subscriber, for example, from your mailing list clicks on the "update your profile" button, he sees only these 3 fields. These fields are your internal information and only you can see it. Here you can add people to some groups, and people will not know anything about it. You can add some information, for example, about purchases - purchase date, purchase amount, last order amount, last purchase date, city of residence, for example. Well, in general, all you need, what information about the subscriber you need, you indicate it here. The subscriber will not know about her in any way. He will see exactly as much as you allow him.
This is where you edit the fields. Look, instead of an e-mail address, you can specify your own specific text: "write your most reliable e-mail", for example. Here you can also specify auxiliary text for a specific field. Remember that there are special rules for the e-mail field - it is always visible (visible).
More flexible for editing is the field "name" (First Name). Here we can specify how the field itself will be named. Here we can indicate a merchtek. What is a merchtek? This is a code that is replaced in the letter for the person's data. Those. if you insert this merchtek into your letter, then the person opens his mailbox, he will see his name instead of this phrase. Here we indicate whether the field should be required or not, and here we can hide it or make it visible.
We can delete fields or, on the contrary, add new ones. Remember that in order to delete a field you need here in this plate, in this pop-up window, write in large letters, which is very important, in large letters the word "DELETE". And only then the field will be deleted.
To add a field, you need to select its type. Let's take a quick look at the field types.
The field can be text. This is our name, for example, city, company name, some other data that requires text.
Number Is a number. Those. here we indicate, for example, the amount of orders, the number of children, the number of husbands or wives, something like that, quantitative.
Radio buttons - this is our field, with the ability to choose one option from several. When we have few options, 2-3, we give the person the “Radio Buttons” field.
Check boxes - when a person with us can choose several options. For example, we ask a person: "what films do you like" and offer a choice, there, action films, comedies, melodramas, dramas, thrillers, etc. A person can choose several genres of cinema.
Drop down good when you have a lot of options to choose from. Pay attention there, if you need to choose a warehouse for a new mail or some city of residence. All such large data sets usually use Drop Down.
Date - date of last purchase, date of first purchase, date of fifth purchase - whatever. Some kind of date, but not a birthday. There is a separate "Birthday" field for the birthday. Why such difference? The "Date" indicates the year, that is, for example, there, January 1, 2015. And then you become attached to the year and you will not be able to regularly congratulate a person on his birthday or on some event.
When we choose "Birthday", then Mailchimp regularly sends a person a letter on that date, regardless of the year. This is important to understand. Therefore, enter all such anniversaries in the fields with the "Birthday" types.
Address - it is clear what it is.
Zip Code (US Only) is for the US only. Their special encoding.
Phone - phone number
Website - website address
Image - a picture, a photograph of his some kind of discount card, for example, a coupon of some kind.
Thanks to all these types of data, you can make a direct mini CRM system in your Mailchimp, and understand that, how, where it works, all this is clearly segmented and highlight such narrow, small dot segments in order to maximize the efficiency of your mailing ...

MailChimp is the most suitable mailing service for aspiring internet entrepreneurs. Why? There are 3 reasons for this:

  1. It's free for beginners. You will have to pay for the service only after the number of your subscribers exceeds 2000 people. By that time, you can download your database and switch to any other service.
  2. In 2017, MailChimp opened the opportunity to create automated message threads for a free plan. Previously, this feature was only available on paid accounts. Of course, this made them stand out even more from the competition.
  3. Mailchimp is used by Texterra, Ilyakhov, Websarafan and other mastodons.
  4. The service is easy to use. All basic functions are within two clicks from the main screen. It is convenient to create letters thanks to beautiful templates.

There is only one minus - Mailchimp is not translated into Russian. So I wrote this step-by-step guide for you. It is large and you will need it more than once until you remember the basic steps, so save it. Also subscribe to other new instructions that I periodically do, this can be done at the top.

In this guide, you will learn:

Before I start, I want to say that the purpose of this article is not to make you experts in MailChimp and teach you all its intricacies, but to show you how to run your first email campaign in the easiest way.
This article is for those who are just starting out in email marketing and want to choose the best service for this at the start.


check in

I described the registration process in detail in this video (it is not necessary to watch it, below everything is painted step by step with screenshots):

Below I will duplicate the video tutorial step by step with screenshots.

We go to the site and click on " Log in»At the top right of the screen:

Click Log in

After that, a screen will open on which on the left you will see a form that you do not need to fill out. Click on the inscription " Create an account" (Create an account):

Create an account on the screen that opens. Fill in the following three lines from top to bottom:

Fill the form

Email - enter your mail.

Username - enter your mail again, it will be easier for you.

Password - Pick a password. Attention! Your password must meet five requirements:

  1. Use only English letters
  2. Use at least one uppercase and lowercase letter in your password
  3. Use one number or more
  4. Use one punctuation mark
  5. Password must be longer than 8 characters

Click " Get started" (To begin).

After that, you will see the following screen:

It says that now you need to go to the mailbox you specified during registration, find the letter from MailChimp and click on the button in it:

After that, a page will open where the service will ask you to confirm that you are a live person.
To do this, just click the button:

Congratulations! You have signed up for the best newsletter service for online beginner entrepreneurs! Let's continue hacking the system and mastering MailChimp in Russian.

Filling out the profile

Fill the form

From top to bottom, sequentially indicate:

First name - Enter your name.

Last name - enter your last name.

You can always fix it later.

A form will open in which you need to add information about yourself:

Fill the form

Again, from top to bottom, we consistently enter the following data:

Whats the name of your business? - enter the name of your project here

Whats your website? - enter your website or a link to your profile in the social network. Important! You must enter without http or https, that is, your link must begin with the name of the site (for example: / site).

Click on the " Continue" (Proceed).

After that, you need to leave data about your mailing address, there is nothing you can do about it - antispam requirements:

Fill the form

In your usual way, fill in the following fields from top to bottom (MailChimp allows you to fill in Russian letters):

Adress line 1 - enter the street where your office is located or where you live.

City - city.

State / Province / Region - region or district.

Zip / Postal code - index.

Country - your country (I chose Russia).

Click on " Continue" (Proceed).

Left just a little bit. On this page, choose whether you want to sell to your followers or not.

Needed for tracking sales

Click on the " Continue" (Proceed).

Do you need it? I don’t. So click “ Continue" (Proceed).

On the last screen, you are prompted to subscribe to Mailchimp news:

I doubt you will be interested in these letters. Leave everything unchecked and click " Lets go!" (Move on).

Hooray! This is where you are done filling out your profile.

Create a subscriber base

Let's start with an overview of the main menu:

MailChimp Main Menu

Campaigns - this is where you will create one-time letters.

Templates - here you will create a visual template for your letter.

Lists - here you will create your first subscriber base.

Reports - here you can see reports and statistics.

Automation - here you can create automatic series of letters, which will save your time.

Let's create the first base (sheet) of subscribers.

I described the process of creating a subscriber base in detail in this video (but if it is more convenient for you to perceive the text, then read everything below in detail):

To do this, click on " Lists»(Sheets) in the main menu.

Build a subscriber base

On the page that opens, you will see the Create List button on the right. Click on it.

Now you need to fill in five fields:

Specify settings for the subscriber base

List name - enter the name of your first subscriber base.

Default From email address - specify your email from which the mailing will be conducted.

Default From name - specify the name that recipients will see in the "From" field.

Remind people how thew signed up to your list - write the phrase “You received this letter because you subscribed to my mailing list” or similar. It will be at the bottom of every letter.

Phone - you can specify your phone so that subscribers can call you. This field is optional.

Set up alerts below on the same page:

Select alerts

How often do you want MailChimp to send you reports about your database? Select:

Daily summary - select this item if you want to receive a daily report on the number of subscribers and unsubscribers (zero reports do not come).

One-by-one Subscribe ... - select this item if you want to receive a report instantly when someone subscribes.

One-by-one Unsubscribe ... - select this item if you want to receive a report instantly when someone unsubscribed.

Congratulations, you've created your email subscriber base.

If you have subscribers now, you can add them to it manually. There are two ways to do this. The first is to add each address manually, the second is to load it with a list. Since novice entrepreneurs read me, I will only consider the manual method (if you already have a large database, I think you yourself will figure out how to load it with a list).

To do this, on the opened page in the menu, click on the item " Add contacts»(Add contacts):

Add subscribers

In the drop-down list, select " Add a subscriber

After that, a window will open in which you can enter the data of each of your subscribers:

Add subscriber

Email address - enter the email subscriber.

First name - enter the name of the subscriber (optional).

Last name- enter the last name of the subscriber (optional).

Check the box next to "This person gave me permission to email them" (This subscriber allowed me to send him emails)

The second checkbox is optional. It is for those who already have a MailChimp base and want to update it.

Click the " Subscribe" (Sign).

Voila! You have manually added the first subscriber to your database. Now add the rest in the same way.

Attention! If you don't have a single subscriber, you need to get them. To do this, set up a subscriber collection form for your website or landing page, as I tell you here.

Create and send your first email

To do this, click in the main upper menu on the item " Campaigns"(Campaigns). This is where we will send single letters.

Create a letter

On the page that opens, click the " Create Campaign»(Create a campaign), which is located in the upper right:

Click the "Create a letter" button

In the window that opens, select the option " Create an Email

Select the type of letter

As you can see, I found that only the first 3 of them are of interest to a budding entrepreneur.

Regular - there is an opportunity to create a beautiful letter with an individual design or using a template, which are abundant in MailChimp.

Automated - here you can create an automatic letter that will be sent automatically when one of the conditions of your choice is triggered:

  • When adding a new subscriber, you can set up an automatic greeting message.
  • Provided that your subscribers indicate the date of birth, you can set up sending them a letter of congratulations.
  • You can set up automatic mailing about new articles on your site

Plain-text- here you can write a simple text letter without design. It is in this simple way that we will go further with you.

A / B Test - an opportunity for those who have large email databases to conduct A / B tests. Not relevant for us yet.

Create your first simple letter. To do this, select " Plain-text"(Plain text).

In the window that opens, enter the name of the letter (you can change it later):

Left just a little bit

And click the "Begin" button.

Create a letter in MailChimp

1 step - select which database the letter will be sent to:

Select the first option and click the button

Since you only have one subscriber base, select the first option, "Entire list".

The rest of the options are sending by segment - at this stage it is not relevant to you, I still do not use it.

Step 2 - customize your first letter.

To do this, fill in 5 fields:

Customize your first letter

Campaign name - indicate the name of the letter for your convenience. Nobody will see him.

Email subject - Letter subject. Subscribers will see it.

Preview text - This text will also be seen by subscribers in the "Subject" line.

From name - Your name that subscribers will see in the "From" field

From email address - The address from which the letter will be sent.

In the right half of the screen, start-up entrepreneurs do not need to check any boxes.

Step 3 - Enter the text of the letter.

Just a little bit left

Instead of the text that I have circled in a red rectangle under the number 1, enter the text of your letter.

The red rectangle under the number 2 can be simply deleted - novice entrepreneurs do not need it.

Step 4 - Sending.

Make sure there are green checkmarks everywhere:

Final countdown

Click on the "Send" button.

In the pop-up window, you need to click the last Send now button for today:

I showed you the simplest way to do it.

In the following articles, you will learn how to create beautiful letters, bypass spam filters of email services, and increase the number of your subscribers.

In order not to miss anything, enter your email in the subscription form at the very top of the page, I will send you new articles by mail every week.

Click Sign Up Free:

2. Fill out a small form (email, login, password):

note, it is important to come up with a password of at least 8 characters, which contains at least one:

  • number;
  • lowercase and uppercase letter;
  • special character.

Advice! If your browser has AutoComplete enabled, disable it during registration. Otherwise, an error with code 3057 (too many attempts) will occur: autocomplete will cover a hidden field, which is used to protect against bots.

3. Verify your account. An activation letter will be sent to the mail specified during registration:

4. Follow the instructions. In the window that opens, fill in your first and last name:

5. Write down the name of the company and give a link to the website, Facebook or Twitter page:

6. The service asks to indicate the physical address of residence. This will help ensure compliance with international anti-spam laws:

7. Answer the question if you sell something online:

8. To publish posts on social networks in the future, select the ones you need right away:

9. MailChimp offers 5 questions about your business to help you set up. You can answer them immediately or come back to this later:

10. The last step is the subscription to the newsletter (optional):

If you want to receive letters from the MailChimp team - subscribe

How to enable Russian in MailChimp

There is no way to switch to Russian in the service. However, to make it easier to work with MailChimp, use the browser's translation functions or special plugins.

For example, in Google Chrome, you can translate a page in 2 steps: right-click anywhere on the page → Translate into Russian → voila:

To display text in Russian

Or set up automatic translation: go to your browser → Settings → Additional → Languages \u200b\u200b→ Offer translation.

MailChimp interface overview

The platform's usability is pretty simple and intuitive. After registration, you will find yourself on the main page, where there is a menu and a dashboard:

This is how the main screen looks right after registration
And so - after the campaigns

There are 4 sections available at the top:

  • Campaigns (campaigns) - creating, configuring, launching, tracking, managing email newsletters;

  • Templates (templates) - view, change and create templates for letters;

  • Lists (lists) - creating lists of addresses to make mailing Mailchimp, as well as registration of the subscription form;

In the tab, lists of subscribers are formed
  • Reports (reports) - all information about the campaigns carried out is collected here.

Hidden under the name:

  • Notification (notifications) - display messages that come from users;
  • Profile (profile) - setting up a profile (adding, changing, saving information);

  • Account (account) - account setup and plan tracking, payment information, issue display;

  • Connected sites (connected sites) - view and manage connected sites;

  • Log out (log out) - log out of the account.

There is also a Help button in the upper right corner. She opens help in English with basic questions and problem situations.

We finished the theoretical part, now let's get down to practice.

How to create a subscription form in MailChimp

In order for your site visitors to subscribe to the newsletter, it is important to create a custom form. This can be done via Lists → Signup forms. 4 tools will become available on the page:

Form builder

Constructor of forms that can be immediately embedded on the site, sent by mail, and give a link to them. There are ready-made templates, based on them, new options are created:

By checking the box next to Let subscribers pick email format, you will give users a choice of format (HTML or plain text):

Below is an automatically generated link to the form:

Below is the constructor itself. Here you can remove or add elements, and to change their sequence, you just need to drag and drop:

To add objects, go to the Add Field tab on the right and select text, date, address, number, phone, and more.

Click Field settings to make changes. Edit:

  • block names;
  • variables for entering dates, names, contacts, and so on;
  • obligatory filling of lines;
  • hints for users when clicking on a block;
  • field visibility.

The Design it tab helps to customize the appearance of the form (separately the page, the form itself, objects and the Mailchimp logo). The color, font, size of the inscription changes here:

The section has subsections. Choosing any of them, the service highlights the object in the form with a red frame. It helps to navigate.

The next section Translate it is intended for translating forms, Russian is also available:

To translate, select the desired language in the Set default language tab. And for automatic translation into the user's browser language, check the box next to Auto-translate.

There is also a Text direction option that allows you to align objects to the desired edge.

Embedded forms

The creation of the HTML code of a new form for posting on the site is carried out in Embedded forms:

There are 5 options for the appearance of the form, among them classic and horizontal.

Let's go through the functionality in more detail:

  • Include form title allows you to record titles;
  • Show fields needed to choose between required and optional fields;
  • Show interest group fields makes it possible for the subscriber to determine the topics;
  • Show required field indecators marks important and required fields with an asterisk;
  • Show format options displays email format settings;
  • Form width needed to edit the width of the form in pixels. Leave empty space - get a shape for the whole space;
  • Disable all JavaScript disables scripts to check values;
  • Include archive link will add a list of important campaigns to the form so that the user can see what you are offering;
  • Include MonkeyRewards link places a referral link to MailChimp;
  • Enable reCAPTCHA adds captcha from Google;
  • Copy / paste onto your site writes the code of the subscription form, it cannot be changed.

Subscriber popup

A template-based form popup is available in the Subscriber popup tab:

With the available functions, you can:

  • specify the location for the pop-up window;
  • to design the appearance of the form (inscriptions, colors);
  • choose whether the field will be required;
  • blur text above and below the form.

The generated code will be available after all settings and clicking Generate Code.

Form integrations

The page has compiled guides for integrating Woofoo and Squarespace.

How to embed a MailChimp signup form on your site

In the Embedded forms tab, there will be a Copy / paste onto your site with the subscription form code. It cannot be changed: just copy and transfer to the site.

How to create a newsletter in MailChimp

To start campaigns, go through 4 stages:

  • domain confirmation;
  • creating a list;
  • creating a letter template;
  • setting up a campaign.

Domain verification in MailChimp

After that, you can confirm the domain in MailChimp. To do this, go to Account → Settings → Verified domains → Verify a domain:

Enter the address and click on Send Verification Email:

A code will be sent to the mail, which must be written in the field of the new window:

To confirm a few more addresses, click at the end of Verify another.

After completing the procedure, you can start preparing mailings. And we'll start by creating a list.

Creating a mailing list in MailChimp

Go to the Lists → Create list section, fill out the form:

There will be such fields:

  • List name - the name of the list. Your subscribers will see it;
  • From email address - your address from which the mailing is done, reply letters will be sent to it;
  • From name - addressee, you can specify both the name and the name of the company;
  • Remind people how they signed up to your list - a field to inform subscribers why letters are coming;
  • Company / organization - Company name;
  • Address - legal or physical address (it will be filled in automatically if you provided this data during registration);
  • City - the city where you or your company are located;
  • Zip / Postal code - postal code (linked to the specified address);
  • Country - country, choose from the drop-down list;
  • Phone - phone number is optional.

There is also a block with notification settings on the page:

Choose the items you want

After filling, click Save.

New lists are displayed in the List section. At any time you can change the settings, including adding new contacts.

Adding new subscribers to the list

To add new subscribers to the list, use one of the methods:

  • manually (via the Add subscriber tool);
  • import of subscribers (via services or files).

Manually adding new subscribers

To expand the list with new addresses, go to List → Settings → Add contacts → Add a subscriber. In the window that opens, enter the address and first name with last name (if known).

You can specify the subscriber's address, phone number, date of birth:

Important! Do not forget to check the box next to the item on the person's consent to receive letters from you - otherwise you will not be able to add a subscriber:

And to update information (phone number, name, address) about an existing subscriber will help a checkmark opposite If this person is already on my list, update their profile.

After clicking Subscribe, a new subscriber will appear in the list.

Importing new subscribers

To add a subscriber, go to List → Settings → Add contacts → Import contacts. Check the box where you plan to copy addresses: from a file, spreadsheets or services, for example, Google Contacts.

Moving contacts using CSV or tab-delimited text file

Choosing the first option, the service will redirect you to a new form:

To specify the path to the file with addresses, click Browse. You can add a CSV or txt file.

Advice! For correct import using a text document, it is important that the email list is correctly spelled out: each new address is from a line string, and between the information there is a tab character (Tab key).

Import via Copy / paste from file

In this case, a window will open with a spreadsheet that needs to be filled in:

Enter information into it manually or copy data from another table.

Integrated service import

Choosing the import function through the service, the following options appear:

Services offer to import contacts in different ways: Google Drive asks you to specify the location from which to copy, and Google Contacts - to select data to import.

Now let's consider the possibilities when working with a ready-made contact list.

Working with the subscriber list in MailChimp

The service provides:

  • removal of subscribers;
  • creating groups;
  • selection of subscribers by criteria.
Removing subscribers

Select the list to edit. Go to Manage contacts:

Step 1

Go to View contacts:

Step 2

All users are displayed in the list. To delete, mark the line with a tick and click on Delete:

Step 3

To erase multiple addresses, use the Unsubscribe adresses tool:

In the window that opens, enter the addresses of subscribers that are no longer needed. Click Unsubscribe:

Create a subscriber group

Groups allow you to segment users by interests. For example, you sell children's clothing and toys. You can create a mailing list in Mailchimp for people interested in things from 0 to a year, 2 to 3, 3 to 5, and so on. Or subscribers who only want toys, things or hygiene products. To find out this information, it is important to make a separate block for selection in the subscription.

So, we create a group: Manage contacts → Groups → Create Groups.

Fill in everything, select the appearance of the field for sorting preferences, click Save. The group is ready.

When people select leads in the subscription form, contacts are automatically dropped into a specific group.

You can also add subscribers to a segment manually. Go to the list, select a subscriber, click Actions → Add to group → click the required one.

To import subscribers, go to the group, click Import to opposite the required segment.

To remove a subscriber from a group, follow the following path: go to the list, select a contact, click Actions → Remove from group.

Selection of subscribers by criteria

If you need to combine subscribers by some similar criterion, for example, by date of birth, a filter will come to the rescue. In the section Manage contacts → Segment create a new segment:

To create a filter, select conditions - name, date, gender, group, and so on. Above the list, click how many conditions must match: all (All) or at least 1 (Any):

If you need more parameters, add them with + Add. If you want to delete - click on the minus opposite the marker.

All subscribers are assigned to separate lists. To save, click Save as segment, come up with a name and, if necessary, check the automatic addition of a new user to the list when subscribing through the form.

When the lists are set up, you can proceed to the layout of the letter templates.

Creating a letter template in MailChimp

All work is done in the constructor, knowledge of HTML and CSS is not required. To create a template, go to Templates:

There are 3 options for blanks in the tab:

  • Layouts - basic constructor from scratch;

  • Themes - templates with pictures and selected fonts;

  • Code Your Own - a section for those who want to typeset a letter with their own hand;

Important! Any template can be changed by adding and removing elements.

By choosing an option, you are taken to the constructor. It consists of two parts: on the left - the body of the letter, on the right - the tools:

Each element in the body of the template is dragged and edited: hover the cursor over it and the available functionality will open.

And if you click on the block, the editing menu will appear. Here write and change texts, upload pictures, insert links to social networks and more:

To add a new item, open the Content tab and drag the item to the left side of the screen. All blocks can be copied, edited, deleted.

When you go to the Design tab, customize the background, fonts, alignment and padding, edit the mobile version:

If you want to see a preview of the result, click Preview & Test in the upper right corner:

See what happens

After making the settings, be sure to click Save & Exit at the bottom of the page to save the template.

At this stage, you can go to the campaign settings and send emails.

Setting up a campaign in MailChimp

We will create and manage campaigns from the Campaigns section:

Choose Email, 4 campaign options will be available:

More details:

  • Regular - plain text with HTML markup;
  • Plain-text - text without pictures and formatting;
  • A / B testing - 3 options for testing themes, content and time of sending, in the end they leave the most effective;
  • Automated - setting up automatic chains of letters for a specific occasion: birthday, subscription, purchase, updates.

Let's take a look at the sequence of actions using the Regular example.

So, it is important to fill in all the fields: from whom, to whom, the subject of the mailing, the letter itself (described the process above), choose the sharing on social networks:

Remember settings and monitoring. Select conditions in Settings & Tracking. Track:

  • clicking on links;
  • actions of subscribers from reading the letter to purchasing;
  • user movement through a link in an email;
  • interaction with content.

At the end click Finish later:

Done! Send emails either immediately by clicking Send, or at a specific time using Schedule and choosing the date / time of the mailing:

  • fixed time;
  • sending when the recipient is online;
  • dispatch after examining all factors and determining the optimal time
  • special algorithm.

"High five!"

Sent letters are half the battle. Now it is important to find out about the results and, if necessary, correct the text, pictures, time of sending.

MailChimp Mailing Result Reports

Details about each campaign are in the Reports section:

Go to section

There are 4 types of reports in the tab:

  • Campaigns - results about sent mailings;
  • Comparative - comparison of several campaigns (for paid accounts);
  • Automation - information about auto-mailing (for paid accounts);
  • Landing page - reports of actions on the landing page.

After opening a report for one of the campaigns, the service will redirect you to a page with basic data:

  • Overview. It contains such indicators as open rate, delivery, number of clicks, profit, activity over the last 24 hours, a list of the most active users;

  • in Activity you can see the lists of users who received, opened the letter, clicked on the link, unsubscribed, and so on:

  • Links - section for displaying transitions by links in the letter;

  • E-commerce - a report on orders that people placed after clicking on the links;

  • Conversations - all replies from subscribers come here. History is right at your fingertips, no need to access your mailbox;

  • Analytics360 - reports from Google Analytics. To view them, it is important to connect the service to the site, otherwise you will not see the information.

That's all. Still have questions? Ask in the comments.

Hello everyone on the updated SEO Cultist Blog! By the way, you can express your thoughts on the redesign))

Most likely you are currently using the Feedburner service. There are rumors that it could be shut down, just like Google Reader. So it's time to think about a fallback for email newsletters.

Some of you came to this article straight from your inbox because you subscribed to blog updates (those who haven't subscribed yet, what are you waiting for?))).

For email newsletters, I have also used Feedburner for a long time and quite successfully. It's a great service, but ... when using it, I missed the response from the subscribers. That is, I saw transitions from email campaigns in Google Analytics, but it seemed to me not enough.

This is why I discovered MailChimp. This is not the discovery of America, of course, but it is also quite a serious step forward.

MailChimp comes in handy if:

You want to change the headers of emails in your mailing list. Headings are a very important thing, because in many respects it depends on them whether a person will open your letter or not.

You want to control the content of your email campaign: insert any pictures, text, links.

You want to see how many subscribers have opened your email and even how many times.

You want to see who clicked and what links from your email.

If you want to segment your subscribers according to any parameters and send them letters in accordance with this segmentation.

These are the main advantages of using MailChimp for email newsletters, in my opinion. The only drawback for some will be that this service is in English. But it's not so hard to figure it out.

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