How to completely remove chrome. Removing Google Chrome completely on Windows

Probably, everyone has encountered problems with the browser, for example, some glitches or freezes in work. There comes a moment when all this gets boring and you decide to reinstall the browser or even find an alternative to it. However, first you should delete the old one, and completely. Consider how to do a complete Google Chrome removal, what does it mean to clean completely?

Google chrome - fast, high-quality web browser that is stable and secure. He is the most popular in the world according to the assessment given for 2016, he is also in a confident first place in Runet. Among the shortcomings, one can only note the lack of the ability to install it in a directory specified by oneself. The browser is installed by default in the system Program Files folder.

However, it is known that Google Chrome is not just a browser, but also a powerful collector of information about user actions on the network. It protects its files on the system multiple times. Therefore, when deleting standard means, it is possible that some files will remain. That is, in fact, everything that is deleted in this way is just an outer shell, hidden file drives remain on the computer.

Therefore, the question arises - how to get rid of them?

Browser removal can be divided into three steps:

  • standard delete through the program manager;
  • cleaning temporary folders;
  • cleaning up "tails" in the registry.

Let's take a closer look at each stage separately. The system being used is Windows 10. For earlier versions, explanations will be given in case of major differences.

Make sure not to lose any important data before deleting. After complete successful deletion, the return of this data will be irreversible.

Don't forget about synchronization too. If this function is enabled, then you will need to delete data from the Google server.

Standard uninstallation via the program manager

In the browser itself, you should first clear all the time history of views, downloads, cookies, passwords, media licenses, data for autocomplete, data of hosted applications, in general, everything that is offered in the clearing section (Ctrl + H in the browser field), section Personal data , clear the history.

At this stage, everything is simple and standard. We go to the Start menu / Control Panel / Programs / Programs and Features.

Launch a window with a list installed programs and components.

We find Google Chrome there and click delete, after closing the window of this browser.

In such a case, go to the task manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) and end all processes related to Chrome.

Once again, click delete, check the box “Also delete data on work in the browser”, and then wait for the program to be removed.

Thus, we performed a standard deletion, but we still have temporary files and tails in the registry.

Removing from the AppData folder (how to find this folder in XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10)

The next step is to clean up temporary files. What is it? Temporary files are saved by the browser when web pages are opened. This is done in order to speed up the loading of pages, as most of the content of these pages does not practically change over time. This happens without the knowledge of the user himself. The disadvantage of this process and the negative consequence may be downloading, among other things, malicious files, that is, viruses, trojans and other unpleasant things. Where are these files stored?

For all browsers installed on your system, the path for storing temporary files is the same.

You need to go to My computer / Local drive C: / Users, find a folder with the name of your computer.

There should be appData folder or Application Data... But initially it is hidden. It is not visible, but it is there. Windows specifically hides important system folders so that we do not specifically delete them. In order for it to appear in the visibility zone, you need to select View and check the Hidden elements box.

In earlier versions, configure the display of hidden files and folders in the folder settings, View tab.

Open AppData / Local and look for Google. We delete this folder.

Then go to Roaming and also delete the Google temporary folder.

Removing from the system registry

The registry is a hierarchical database of files, settings, and windows settings, the basis of the operating system. Contains various important informationsuch as: parameters software, user profiles, hardware settings and others.

An important step associated with deleting browser file settings can be done in two ways: manually or automatically using specialized programs.

In order to do this manually, you can go to the Start menu, run the command regedit.

The registry table opens before us.

Here we see 5 sections, of which only 3 are of interest to us, these are: ROOT, USER and LOCAL_MACHINE.

In the first case, it is enough to open the HKEY_CLASSE_ROOT folder, find everything related to the word google and delete it.

In the second and third paths, respectively HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Google and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ WOW6432Node \\ Google

We make a similar removal.

However, this is all muddy and quite problematic for many novice users. Because if you do something here and delete unnecessary, it will be enough big problems... To prevent this from happening, you can use specialized programs that have already won the trust of millions of users. Which ones? Consider in the next section.

Removal using third-party utilities (if you did not manage to remove everything yourself, which you can use)

The registry accumulates a lot junk fileswhich often cause system errors, so most users are familiar with its optimization programs like RegCleaner and CCleaner. We will dwell on the latter in more detail, in particular in relation to our situation with cleaning browser registry files.

Download, run the program. Open the Forced uninstall tab. In this case, we need to remove Google Chrome. Therefore, in the input field for the name of the program, enter the word "google" or find it in the list of installed programs.

We remove the program, the Revo Installer utility will take care of creating backup copies of the registry files.

As you can see, following our advice, complete google removal Chrome won't give you any trouble. Then you can reinstall given browser and successfully continue your work there. We hope this article helped you solve this problem.

How to remove Chrome.

If you are tired of your browser or it starts to run slowly, it might make sense to uninstall and reinstall it. To remove Google Chrome, you need to follow a few simple steps.

Do not uninstall the program by erasing the shortcut. It won't help. You need to remove Google Chrome strictly according to the rules - through the control panel.

We have instructions for Windows, Mac and Linux!

Instructions for Windows.

Open the computer control panel through the "Start" button. Then look for the Add / Remove Programs link or something similar. The fact is that on different operating systems the name of this item may differ slightly.

After clicking this link, you will have a list of all installed programs. It is usually sorted alphabetically. Find in this google list Chrome and click on the title right click mice. Then click the "Delete" link. Within a few seconds, the program will be completely removed from your computer.

Alternative option (manually).

There are frequent cases when, due to a damaged operating system or some kind of failure, a program may not be listed. In such situations, you will have to delete it manually.

  1. Click START.
  2. In the search box, enter the command:
    % LOCALAPPDATA% \\ Google (for Windows 7) or % USERPROFILE% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google (for XP).
    Just copy what is highlighted and paste in the window.
  3. Press ENTER.
  4. The program folder will appear. Remove it manually. The screenshot will help you.

For Mac:

  1. Open folder with browser.
  2. Grab the program's icon with your mouse and drag it to the trash can in the Dock.

P.S. if the browser is installed in the Programs folder, then you will need administrator rights to uninstall. By default, they are initially. But if several users have access to your MacBook at once, then you will have to log in as an administrator.

For Linux:

  1. Open Synaptic Package Manager.
    Just in case, here's the full path to this folder: Applications - Debian - Applications - System - Package Management - Synaptic Package Manager.
  2. In the list that opens, find Chrome and check the box next to the name.
  3. Select "Mark for Complete Removal".
    In this case, the program is completely uninstalled with complete erasure configuration. You only need to do this if you want to completely remove everything, leaving no traces or settings.
  4. Click on "Apply".
  5. Select Chrome again from the list.
  6. Click Apply.
Launch the Finder, with it you can access any file and folder you have. Find the Applications directory in it, and in it the Google Chrome folder. To delete this folder, drag it to the trash can icon.
Depending on the system settings, when uninstalling Google Chrome, you may need to enter the administrator login and password. Provide the required information and click OK.

Windows XP

Before uninstalling the Google Chrome program in operating system Windows XP, close it if it is running. Also make sure that the program does not work in background, to do this, check the icons on the right side of the "Taskbar" windows systems... Open "Control Panel" and launch the "Add or Remove Programs" application. Find Google Chrome in the list of programs and click the Uninstall button.
If necessary, you can delete information about browser settings, bookmarks, account data, etc.

Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8

Close the Google Chrome program if it is running and check if it is running in the background. Open "Control Panel". In the "Programs" section, select "Uninstall a program". In the list that opens, find Google Chrome and double-click on it, then confirm the deletion. In the confirmation window, you can check the boxes to delete the program settings data and select the default browser.

Manual removal

Uninstalling Google Chrome manually requires making changes to the Windows registry. To exclude the possibility of entering erroneous data, it is recommended that you do backup this registry. In addition, it is advisable to consult with specialists for the correct implementation of this operation. Open "Control Panel" and go to the "Appearance and Personalization" section. Click on the "Folder Options" item, in the window that opens, go to the "View" tab and uncheck the "Hide extensions of registered file types" checkbox.

In the Google Chrome window, right-click and select "Save As ...". Enter the name of the file remove.reg, while choosing the file type "All files". Close the Google Chrome program window. Run the remove.reg file by double clicking on it, then confirm the operation by clicking the "Yes" button. Open the folder "My Computer", in the address bar, enter:

% USERPROFILE% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google (for Windows XP),
% LOCALAPPDATA% \\ Google (for Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8).

In the window that opens, delete the Chrome folder, then google program Chrome will be completely removed from your laptop.

The question "How to remove Chrome from the computer completely?" disturbs the user when he decided to abandon it in favor of another web browser or wants to reinstall it. How to remove Google Chrome from Windows different ways and what to do if it is not deleted, read this article.


Method number 1: in the Control Panel

1. In the Taskbar (icon strip at the bottom of the display), click "Start".

2. Click on "Control Panel".

3. In the "View" add-in, set the "Category" mode.

4. Click on "Uninstall a program".

5. Click once with the right mouse button on the browser name in the list.

6. Click the "Delete" command that appears.

7. In the uninstaller panel, check the box "Also delete data ..." to perform a complete removal.

8. Click on the "Delete" button.

Note. If you want to set another browser as the main browser immediately after the uninstallation is complete, also check the "Assign .." checkbox. And then select the required web browser from the drop-down list.

Method number 2: CCleaner

1. In the utility menu, click the "Service" section.

2. Select "Remove Programs" from the submenu.

3. Select Chrome in the catalog by mouse click.

4. In the command bar on the right, click Uninstall.

5. Configure the uninstaller (see method # 1) and complete the uninstallation.

Method number 3: Soft Organizer

This utility allows you to completely remove Google Chrome from your computer, including all additional items in file directories and keys in the registry.

1. In the Soft Organizer window, left-click the name of your web browser in the list.

2. At the top, click the "Uninstall a program" button.

3. Execute standard uninstallation (described in method No. 1).

4. Return to the utility panel, start the search for the remaining browser components.

5. Remove all found remains of Chrome (keys, files).

How do I remove synced browser data from my Google profile?

If you decide not only to uninstall Chrome, but also to get rid of its data in your account google records, do this:
1. Log in to your account.

2. Log in to the profile through the browser interface: Menu → Settings → Log in to Chrome.

3. Open a new tab and go to

4. At the bottom of the list of settings, in the "Chrome Synchronization" section, click the "Synchronization Settings ..." option.

5. At the bottom of the page, click the "Stop syncing ..." button.

6. Confirm the stop: in the prompt window, click "OK".

7. After these steps, all synchronized custom settings and the data will be deleted.

If Chromium is not removed ...

Try the following operations:
1. Check if the browser window is closed. If not, right-click on its icon in the taskbar, in the menu, click "Close window".

2. Open the Task Manager: press Ctrl + Alt + Del. Click on the "Processes" tab. End all Chrome processes (chrome.exe): right click on the object → End process.

3. Remove any suspicious add-ons from your web browser.

4. Clean Google Chrome with the official Cleanup Tool (

5. Check your computer for viruses with AdwCleaner and Malwarebytes scanners.

Successful and quick uninstallation!

How to completely remove Google Chrome from a computer or laptop so that no junk files are left? There are several ways to remove a program from your computer completely. The first option is for those who are not afraid of the word registry, and can easily dig deeper into the AppData directory, in order to remove from there everything that usually remains when the browser is deleted. And the second option is to use third-party software, programs to help completely remove any installed components.

It is important to uninstall programs completely. That is, not only a shortcut from the desktop, but so that traces of the program do not remain in the scheduled tasks, nor in the registry, nor in directories. Complete removal guarantees stable work systems and excludes in the future various conflicts when installing new programs.

How to remove Google Chrome from your computer in the standard way

Deleting google browser Chrome from computer manually:

  • We go to Start - "Control Panel".
  • Switch the view to "Categories", select the "Programs" section.
  • Open "Programs and Features" - in the list of programs we find "Chrome" and remove it by clicking on the button at the top of the "Remove" window.

Before deleting Google Chrome from your computer, it is advisable to clear the history, cache and cookies, as well as saved passwords in the browser itself. In general, everything that can remain in the system and create a software conflict.

Do not forget to check the box with the deletion of all data about the browser.

If Google Chrome is not immediately removed, but a window appears with a message that you need to close the browser, then disable it and try again. Sometimes it may be necessary to "kill" some processes manually before removing Google Chrome from your computer. This happens because even after closing the browser, chrome.exe processes remain running for a while in the system. Disable them through Task Manager and try again.

Remove hidden browser files

The first step to remove Google Chrome is done. Now it is necessary to clean out everything that could remain in hidden folders on drive C:

  • Go to Start / Control Panel / (View - Large Icons) / Folder Options - for windows versions 10 - this will be "Explorer Options".

  • Then select the "View" tab.
  • We stretch the slider to the very bottom and switch to the button "Show hidden files, folders and drives "/" Apply "and" OK ".

Now the next step on the way is how to remove Google Chrome. It is necessary to remove everything that remains of "Chrome" in the hidden packs.

  • In the "Start" menu, open "Run" - write to search bar request: % LOCALAPPDATA% \\ Google

To delete a browser with data, you need to erase the folder Chrome.Or, if you need to delete only Google Chrome data, then you do not need to delete the folder itself, but only the section User Data.

We clean the registry from Google Chrome entries after deletion

The next step to how to completely remove Google Chrome will be to delete the entries in the registry (do not remove everything lightly). In this case, there is a chance that the computer will not start at all. Therefore, it should be deleted strictly according to the description.

  • Press the keys on the keyboard at the same time Win + R.
  • In the window that appears in the lower left corner, enter the request regeditand click "Ok".

  • Next, press the combination Control + F- this will open the search interface in which we write Google and click "Find Next" - delete all records from the search results.
  • The same action must be carried out with the word Chrome.

Removing the browser using third-party utilities

The second way - for those who do not want to plunge into the jungle of the system, is to use third party utilities... Here are some well-established programs:

  • IObit Uninstaller.
  • Advanced Uninstaller PRO.
  • Revo Uninstaller.
  • Uninstall Tool.
  • Total Uninstall.

Using IObit Uninstaller as an example, you can show how to remove Google Chrome from your computer:

  • After the utility is borrowed from the developer's site, you should run it.
  • In the list, mark the program that you want to uninstall and click on the trash can icon.

It is desirable to create control point recovery before uninstalling Google Chrome, so that in case of problems you can restore everything by rolling back the system.

Then click on the "Powerful Scanning" button. As a result, the program will display a list of all residual files and registry entries, as well as scheduled tasks to be deleted. Next, you should mark all found items and click "Delete".

Extensions in

In some cases, various Chrome add-ons can be the culprit for obvious slowdowns in the browser, freezes or other problems. They, of course, simplify the work with the browser and make it possible to more thoroughly protect data by not sending malicious requests to the computer and blocking ads, but sometimes they can also become a source of unpleasant phenomena. And also a guide of those same malware to your computer. You only need to download extensions that have been checked by reading the reviews on the developer's website.

So, you can remove Google Chrome extensions right in your browser. It is enough to go to the menu, select the item " Additional tools", Then" Extensions ".

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