Search engines of people in social networks without registration. How to use Yandex Service People to search for social networks. Learning to hide your own profile.

With the help of Yandex People, you can search for your friends acquaintances and colleagues in social networks. You ask what is unusual here? Each social network has its own search engine with fairly wide parameters. Yandex People is convenient because it can perform a search directly by a large number of networks, and only once to enter and configure the request.

In today's master class, consider the process of finding people in social networks using Yandex.

Go to the Yandex People Software Software or Main Page, click "More" and "People Search".

Before you search form.

1. In the yellow line, enter the name and surname of the desired person. The drop-down list may be the name you need.

2. In the Fields below, fill out the information you know about the age of a person, its place of residence, work and study.

3. And finally, check the social networks in which you want to search. Click on the buttons of the most popular networks - VKontakte, Facebook and classmates, and add other communities drop-down list, in which a person's account may be.

Search results appear instantly each time the request is changed. If the results are not automatically displayed, press the Yellow button "Find".

That's all! We were able to find a person in a variety of social networks, making only one request! It is very convenient and fast. We recommend using this service.

Yandex does not cease to surprise with its new and practical services that help in different spheres of our life. In this article I would like to talk about the development of Yandex Pipla search people. With this tool it is easy to find the necessary profile in different social networks. It does not require registration, filling data - the service functions as a standard search engine. You will need to register only to send a message to the user found.

It is convenient that Specservice collected information on your request components. Thanks to this, you can choose a resource through which it will be more comfortable. Another advantage of Yandex Piple is the confidentiality of the data. The creators of the instrument do not allow to cross personal face, so that certain rules apply:

  • if a person wants to remain invisible and in the settings of the social network set the relevant items, you do not see information about it;
  • only the information that unregistered users can see;
  • it can be grouped exclusively pages that are precisely related to each other. They will be tied to search engines if real references to other social profiles are indicated;
  • custom data are not stored, they are simply displayed in the search process.

Thanks to this approach, Yandex People is considered a unique system, and also allows you to look at your own contact details when requesting. Anyone can monitor how his personal profile see the rest of the Internet visitors, and that if necessary, it should be edited.

Is incognito mode installed?

Special Systems Piple Yandex make the request processing and send everything to the monitor, which is found in existing social networks, for example, in classmates, VC and others. Here are just information a huge amount, and in some cases it is necessary to wait for obtaining the desired result.

It is worth noting that the "freshly registered" pages find much harder. But if your account has been created for a long time, and it fails to see it, you will have to contact the site's reference service. It will be necessary to point out the note to communicate with you, clearly specify the problem and, if necessary, throw off the screen, which clearly describes the problem. Usually, experts respond very quickly and help to solve the issue.

How to use the service to find people Yandex Piple?

First you need to open myself website And search the People tab, the analysis begins with it.

Next, you can choose different parameters: place of residence, learning or work, number of years. This notes not necessarily, you can simply write the name of the wanted. That's just a huge number of people with the same names, last names and to reduce their quantity, it is worth noting all the info that you know.

If you wish, you can search for Piple Yandex only by one specific social network. This option is suitable if there is an accurate info that a person has registered there, and if there is no confidence, it is better to use the full overview.

Yandex People will easily find the desired user at such sites:

  • My Circle;
  • Linkedin.

If this graph is empty, then all available profiles grouped into a list of 1 users will be shown.

Principle of collection

Information may be grouped in several cases:

  • when 2 pages are links to each other;
  • when a link to another is listed in one of them, and it has been moderation and verification (confirmed by the introduction of a protective combination).

In such situations, the service will successfully show your accounts, but if you have not received such information, there is always a solution.

When you do not want to view the account settings, and you have a yandex profile, you can attract the binding service.

In a new window, a notification will be notified of permission to use information on relationships between accounts, it is necessary to give it, in the opposite case, nothing will happen.

There are features of use for some sites. For example, for a page in my circle it is easy to specify links through the "I on other sites" option. And users of classmates, there is no such possibility, so you need to attract Yandex passport. Registered in LiveJournal, will find a way out in the "Methods of Communications" subsection. Inhabitants VK - Contacts / Specify Personal Site or Contacts / Integration.

Learning to hide your own profile.

Not everyone in the shower that his information is the "property" of the public, and they can be easily discussed in the system. If you feel about their number, you can use the access levels pre-installed on social networks. Each resource has its own capabilities and tools. On some, you can choose to admission to the data only elected users, and others have to hide from all. It is noteworthy that many sites make it possible to limit only robots. Consider the instructions separately for each social network.

  • VK - choose in the privacy parameters a string "Who in the network is visible by my page", choose subparagraph "all except search engines".
  • Facebook - Privacy Settings section provides. There is a separate item with a question about the desire to place the links in search sites on your chronicle, you need to remove the checkbox.
  • Odnoklassniki - In the settings of publicity near the recording "Make an open page for search engines", mark a negative answer.
  • Twitter - There are no such options here, there is only a function of disconnecting the profile, after which the account will be closed.
  • Google Plus - In privacy settings, look for "Edit Visibility On Profile" and deactivate the necessary items.

Thanks to Yandex Piple to search for people, you can find friends of childhood, classmates, colleagues, because today there are almost everyone to have an account in any social network. Good luck!

How to calculate the enemy by ip or find out the address of the girl you like? We tell about services, search operators and interesting tricks.

That's what you can do:

1. Find the last records of a person in all social networks immediately

5. Find out what you will be in Twitter people around

With the help of the operator "Near:" You can find out what the inhabitants of a particular city are written now:

Or at a point with a certain latitude and longitude:

Geographic coordinates can be defined on this map or look at the EXIF \u200b\u200bdata of photographs.

6. Find out who in the photo

Cut out the part of the photo where a person has a head and load it to the search page in Google. I am surprised by the result.

7. Find out what a person has been on Twitter on a certain day

Sometimes it is interesting to know that some famous person wrote to his Twitter before a certain date. For example, Tim Cook hosted in his account before October 17, 2015?

For such complex tasks in Twitter there are operators for an extended search. They must be typed on the main page of the social network in the form in the upper right corner:

If you combine the "Until" described above with the "SINCE" operator, you can make a sample of tweets for a certain period of time. For example, you can find out what I wrote Tim Cook at Christmas Week:

8. Find out whether the person is wanted

If your new friend calls suspicions, it is worth looking for him in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of His region.

9. Find out if he has a debt

14. Find out what region he bought SIM

You can identify the region and operator to subscribers on the website

15. Find out, find out the room number of the person at home phone number

The last lifehak produces an indelible impression of women:

A) Watch a new girl before the entrance. Nessness asking her home number;

B) between the case go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the MGTS payment section;

C) drive the phone number and recognize the apartment number;

D) Before saying goodbye, tell about the Russian Uncle, who participated in the "battle of psychics" and propose to guess her apartment number;

E) call the desired number;

I bring to your attention several ways to get data for different parameters.

How to find a person in social networks

In Yandex find a person You can immediately search for 16 social networks to search for pages of the right person. is the cherished address of the service.

The search can not be done not necessarily according to the name, but also by nickname:

When there is no confidence in the name / nickname of the user, it turns out to resort to the logical operator or (vertical):

Posts surrounding on Twitter

Through NEAR, we learn what people are discussing around.
For example, in the city N:

near: Sankt-Peterburg

Or with the coordinates you are interested in:

near: 56.35,47.03

We will see what they write about the user and Top Hestegov, and the top users who spell about it more often than others.

There are debts

Find out the apartment number by its stationary phone number

To do this, in the Sberbank application, we go to the section where MGTS services are paid (my negative feedback about MGTS).

After that, we introduce a phone number, and the apartment number appears.

Video with user

On YouTube you will find a lot of interesting things. We just have to resort to the necessary search options:

Find out the location by IP

Since there are many variations of covering their real address, there is no one hundred percent guarantee. However, an attempt is not torture.

a) We look at the original text of the letter from the user interested in us:

b) I find the IP address there.

Scientific research

Some students will cry thus research their teachers, hoping to get a plus on the exam! There is for those interested.

Information about "Golden years"

How to find on Facebook

It turns out that you can use the search by email here. After all, the number of registered users here is more billiona. And there is a chance to face the person interested in us. To do this, simply make a postal address in the search string. The system should immediately find a profile (in case of its binding to mail).

How to search for other networks

There is an option - resort to Knowem. With it, you will learn what services to us nickname "lit up".

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