How to find out who left an anonymous opinion vkontakte? How to find out who wrote a group anonymously

They are interested in finding a post in the group. This task is solved by a variety of ways, familiarization with which takes a minimum of time. So, open the community of interest to us and proceed!


The first and one of the simplest ways - search by text . To implement it, you must press the top of the wall to the "Community Records" tab. When you go on it, a new page opens with a search string, to the right of which we find the "Search by posts" tab. After pressing it, it remains to write a word in search of either a phrase, and it will be given all possible comments and posts in. To limit the search, only on the posts should be right to activate the "Search only in the records" function.

If you want to change the menu and search settings, but how to restore the initial form you do not know, then just return to the community wall and repeat all actions again.

Second way - search by date. To make it, it is necessary to do all the actions from the previous point, after which the calendar icon will appear to the right of the search bar, clicking on which allows you to set a search limit to a specific publication date. Thus, knowing at least about when it was published by the right post, you can quickly restore the publications of the day and without difficulty finding it. Search by date works both with a text request and with an empty search field.

Third way - search by Hestegam. It is suitable only if in a group at least part of the records signed by Hesteggers. In this case, it is enough to search by analogy with the first or second point, but only speaking in the line instead of the text of the Hesteg of interest to us, which will help to see records from specific columns. The request will immediately give us all the appropriate options.

With the help of the proper use of hashtegov, you can easily both restore the chronology of certain events, and simply create a beautiful functional news feed.

By the way, to figure out how to find in a global search for writing with hashtags from a specific group, you need to drive a hashtag format # Searching @ link_name_Group, take note 🙂

And some more usefulness

  1. If you have the need in a particular community, it is easier enough. You need to return myself to the already familiar wall of the group of interest and just go to the "Community Records" tab. At the top of the page that opened above the search string is visible to the number that is the number of posts published here.

To count the number of posts to a certain date, it is necessary to go to the "Search by posts" tab and select the number in the calendar near the search line you need to find all the records to this day.

The calculation of anonymous opinion of anonymous opinion about you is now not too difficult task, although it was almost impossible to do it before. In practice, you should only provoke this author to go on a while link.

The first way to calculate anonymous

We offer the following method. The menu on the left contains the "My Settings" item, in which you want to run the "Offer" function. If it is already running you before, and you have answers to suggestions, immediately delete them. After that, create any question, for example: "Do you want to walk with me?". Next, we return to the settings and turn off the option "Offer".

After that, you send anonymously an answer containing a link, accompanied by such a comment, which will make the addressee necessarily proceed. For example: "Is this your message ????"
The link must contain the following address:
http: //\u003da_sent&to_id\u003d123456&dec\u003d1in which you replace the numbers of 123456 on your ID VKontakte. In the event that the recipient follows the link and gets to the profile with your offer, you immediately receive information about it. At the same time, only the author of anonymous opinion will be able to answer it.

We learn the author anonymous opinion, the second method

This method is more complex and limited in use, because it will only suit those who have few friends. The way provides for the removal of all users from the list of friends. The essence is that VKontakte can be answered by an opinion, obtained solely from each other, in the opposite case, you will not be able to answer it. So, you delete one of the friends in turn and try to answer an opinion. When, with the next attempt, you will not succeed, you will learn the name of Anonymous.

Third way

The third way is to use special applications, especially the "traid". This software product is designed to track user actions on your page. Comparing the time of the person's stay on your account and the time of creating an opinion, you will easily make conclusions to the author of an anonymous message.

What is "opinions"? Opinions are a service on Vkontakte website, which is intended to be able to leave an anonymous opinion or recognition in you. You, in turn, can leave anonymous messages, opinions and wishes to your friends.

In order to enable or disable the "Opinions" function, you need to go to "My Settings" and put or remove a tick next to the point "Opinions".

You can write your opinion any of your friend, while it is completely optional that the service "opinions" was included with him.

Opinions that leave you can see directly the person who you sent this opinion, you yourself and all friends from the list of friends, your addressee.

It happens that in a rustling of unrestrained fun, or anger, you write a person an opinion that you want to remove after a while. How to do it? You need to go to the "Opinions" section, select the "Your Opinions" tab and click on the "Delete" button next to the opinion you want to delete. But here there are subtlety. You will delete an opinion only from your page. That is, a friend to whom you sent it your opinion will remain. The thing is that the principle of service "Opinion" is similar to the work of e-mail. You send a letter - an opinion, it leaves you and comes to your friend. From this point on, the sent opinion is in the list "Your Opinions" on your page, and in the list of "Opinions about you" on your friend's page. Delete an opinion from your page can only your friend. Or you yourself can honestly admit that the author of this opinion you are and ask a friend not to be angry with you and remove this opinion from his page.

Any user can send a response to the opinion that came to him. To do this, click on the "Reply" link, which is located next to the opinion sent to you. But keep in mind that the answer is not an anonymous - he comes to the user who sent the opinion to you in private messages on your behalf.

The maximum length length varies from 2,500 to 4,096 characters. It all depends on the number of punctuation marks and spaces in the text being sent.

If you are not satisfied with this function, simply suck it off. Go to the "My Settings" menu and remove the checkbox in the cell to the left of the point "Opinions".

Many users are interested, whether the owner's opinions can only read the owner of this page. Unfortunately, such a function is not provided. Opinions about you may be brought through those friends who have already left their opinion about you.

Similarly, you can view opinions left on your friend. To do this, you need to send at least one opinion to this friend and then click on the link "View" on his page, to the right of the inscription "Opinion about ...".

Opinions are an anonymous service, according to the rules of the site VKontakte, users can not know who exactly sends them opinions.

If you are writing threats, insults or other unwanted opinions, notice, it makes people from the "My Friends" list, you can block an unwanted opinion. To do this, next to any opinion there are two links: "Delete" and "blacklist". If you do not want to see some kind of opinion on your page, remove it. If you do not want to continue an anonymous evil user sending you opinions, click the "Black List" button. After that, the link will automatically change to the "white list" and you can always return an anonymous opportunity and then send you nasty and send "opinions about you."

Please note that the secrets of VKontakte are replete with the most diverse solutions, how to expose an anonymous sender of the opinion. The proposed option is not illegal, but works on the principle of "catching on the livery".

In the "Offers" section you need to create a new offer. But it is important to come up with something interesting. After that, turn on the "Offer" function in the "My Settings" section and, using the service "Reply" to an opinion, send the author of the following link:\u003da_sent&to_id\u003d***&dec\u003d 1, where *** is your Iyi Vkontakte. The link must be equipped with an interesting text to force it to click on the link. As soon as a person clicks on the link, you receive confirmation of the agreement on the offer. In such a non-cunning way, you can calculate who sent you an anonymous message. Keep in mind that only one person can confirm your proposal.

Want to know who left an anonymous opinion about you in the social network Vkontakte? No problems!

This will require 15 minutes of your time and a little imagination.

1. To start, go to any postal service (Yandex, Google, Mail.Ru) and register 5-6 mailboxes there.

2. Next, go and register there 5-6 accounts (pages) with false names, only that they look like existing ones (for example: Peter Toughcan, Olesya Pakhomova, etc.), put an avatar for more accuracy and, Of course, do not forget to hide them.

3. Create a new group from one of these false accounts, come up with a beautiful description to it so that people are interested in entering it, put the avatar on the group and, most importantly, make it closed to join there it was possible only with your permission.

4. Enroll in the group the remaining 5-6 false accounts and your real account (page) also do not forget to enroll there, so that there are 6-7 people in the group. All this will give great accuracy to the group.

5. And now the most important part! You were sent an anonymous opinion, answer in such text, for example, "and I know who you are! Gee Gee Gee))) here's a reference to\u003dEnter&gid\u003d666 on the Favorite Contact group, It is written how you can find out who left the opinion! ", or something like this. The main thing is that the anonym has bought and clicked on this link! By the way, pay attention to the numbers at the end of the link. This ID (identification number) of the group. They need to be replaced with the ID of your group! Learn the id is very simple. Go to the group and in your browser (where the site address) will be approximately this address, where the last numbers are your group number. In principle, you can even send a link to your group.

Attention! Now explain how it works! The fact is that when passing by reference of the type\u003denter&gid\u003d666 (instead of 666 insert your group number) The victim gets on your closed group and automatically submit an application for accession to it! Next, you will need to just go with a false account (from which you created a group, because it is an admin account), click "Edit information" -\u003e "Participants" -\u003e "Applications" and the same person will appear Posted about your opinion!

And when you click on the link of the species (instead of "491" number of your group), he may not want to join another group if he has them already a lot. However, some believe that it is better to use this link, because when you click on another link, the victim can see that the application for joining the group is sent automatically, and when you click on this link it will not be. So to solve you.

By the way: Answer an anonymous opinion Write yourself as you think. The main thing here is intrigue to the sacrifice so that he / she led and pressed the link. Also write the answer you need as early as possible, not a year after you sent an opinion.

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