Underground railway. Foreign Experience: Urban Projects Under Earth Old Roads Short Road - Familiar Road

Underground road

sUD, Number of synonyms: 3

Metro (7)

Metropolitan (3)

Subway (3)

  • - Part of the earth's crust in which natural waters can exist in thermodynamic conditions. G. P. develops together with earthly crust and is directly related to the ground hydrosphere ...

    Dictionary of hydrogeology and engineering geology

  • - underground gasification method for the development of mineral deposits containing combustible components ...

    Encyclopedia Technics

  • - The name adopted for the designation of the secret system of the Organization of Escapes of Negro slaves from South Rablovnel. US states; existed to the chase. Wars 1861-65. "P. g. D." had "Stations", "Conditioners" ...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - Located in the soil and G. P. Earth's crust in any physical. states, including chemically related ...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - - - the well method of mining p. and. translate them into a liquid state on the site of the location by means of a coolant ...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - see underground hydrogazodynamics ...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - Gravimetric photography, in which the measurement of acceleration of gravity and second derivative gravitational potential is made in mines, tunnels, gallery, etc. Mountain production ...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - - Underground Horn. development, having a small length with relatively large transverse dimensions; Designed to accommodate functional technole ...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - Merchargeds are a way to develop Mreni minerals directly in the depths of the Earth, based on the transfer of minerals from the solid phase to the gas ...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - Mercharges are a way of developing mineral minerals based on nat.-Chem. Transformations of minerals in gaseous and liquid products with air, water vapor, oxygen ...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - "... 7) Underground water - water contained in the depths; ..." Source: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.03 ...

    Official terminology

  • - Oil Plast, see Art. Thermal oil production ...
  • - The Secret Railway, the name of the secret system of organizing the shoots of black slaves from the southern slave owner States; existed to the Civil War 1861-65 ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Method of mining method by transferring them to the molten state. It is used mainly for sulfur production ...
  • - "" - the name of the secret system for organizing elaborate shoots from the southern slave owner states to the north ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - Underground shocks, ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Underground Road" in books

Underground road

From the book of the hundredth chance Author Sturikov Nikolai Andreevich

The underground road by iron bracket under the narns of Arkady Zone cut the boards. They were cut off by the painter so that the LAZ in the underground could be closed by the same floorboards. It was an incredible work, but he opened the way to freedom, and there is no such gravity that

Underground music

From the book of the silver century. Poet about poets Author Mochalova Olga Alekseevna

Underground music All alive - insanely or buggy and complaints. Looking at one - sea, dog, apple tree. We are all descendants of the mawes, hidden volcanoes, herbs. Furious in the run of the breath, swells the wind of the sleeve. Reflection of stone circle in the outlines of large vagrants. Gring

Underground psychology

From the book, contrary to absurd. How I conquered Russia, and she - me Author Dalgonh Lennart.

Underground war

From the book of call sign - "Cobra" (Special Assembly Score Notes) Author Abdulaev Erkebek

The underground war before my second business trip to Afghanistan "Grandfather" Starins showed me the Yugoslav Journal with an article about the underground war in Vietnam. Immediately mounted thought: but something similar exists in Afghan! The fact is that, perhaps, since the days of Alexander

Shaliko Margiani: "I say: the road, but is it a road! .."

From the book Tiger cliffs Author Hergiani Miron Budzheevich

Shaliko Margiani: "I say: the road, but is it a road! .." Plot No. 1. 15.VIII.64 G.Vyodim from the main camp at exactly an hour. On this site, that is, from the block, exactly the wart, sticking out on the middle of the sideline of the ears of the Chatini, to the immediate approaches to the mirror, during

Underground Odyssey

From the book of the author

Underground Odyssey 1B Thirty kilometers from Lugansk, at the mine named after the XIX Congress of the CPSU Trust "Leninugol", in the lava of the steep fall of the fourth plot there was collapse of the breed. All the people who were in the disaster zone jumped to the shtrahkam and quickly rose to the surface

Transport: Underground Railway

From the book Baker Street and surroundings Author Chernov Svezozar

Transportation: Underground Railway Well, finally, the last vehicle, which I intend to tell - the underground railway, it is the metropolitan. By 1877, when Sherlock Holmes moved to London and settled on Montaigue Street, underground iron

Underground country

From the book of the Lost Worlds Author Novoz Nikolay Vladimirovich

The underground country and the boat sailed with me to a high grief, which flowed the river; And, seeing it, I was afraid ... And I wanted to stop the boat and get out of it on the mountain, but the water defeated me and entailed the boat, and the boat went under the mountain, and seeing it, I was convinced that the perished. Thousand and one

Sorrow road. Any road - road loss

From the book is the island of God author Norm Benjamin

Sorrow road. Any road - the road loss "Only those are really dead, which completely forgot." Why am I writing about these places, the same, as stated at the beginning of my writings, "not a guidebook"? And therefore I write that this is the road from one world, from one usual life, in

Underground Rus

From the book of the eye is kind Author Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

Underground Rus Let our North seem poorer other land. Let his ancient face closed. Let people know little about him about him. The fairy tale of the north is deep and captivating. Northern winds Bodra and merry. Northern Lake Pensive. Northern rivers silver. Darking forests

2.26. Brasheva \u003d Borovitskaya road on the Kulikol field and the old Borovskaya road to the center of Moscow

From the book Book 1. New Chronology of Russia [Russian chronicles. "Mongol-Tatar" conquest. Kulikovsky battle. Ivan groznyj. Razin. Pugachev. The defeat of Tobolsk I. Author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.26. Brashev \u003d Borovitskaya road on the Kulikov field and the old Borovskaya road to the center of Moscow as we said, moving on Kulikovo field, Dmitry Donskoy went on the road through the boilers, and the army of Vladimir Andreevich approached the battlefield on another way, namely, according to Battle

III. Entry to the Perm province. - Okhansk and Kama. - Road to Perm. - The beginning of Perm. - Pier. - Monastery and monuments. - Ermakovo weapons. - Road to the mouth of Chusovoy. - Chusovaya. - Poland

From the book of road notes (on the way from Tambov province to Siberia) Author Pechersky Andrey

III. Entry to the Perm province. - Okhansk and Kama. - Road to Perm. - The beginning of Perm. - Pier. - Monastery and monuments. - Ermakovo weapons. - Road to the mouth of Chusovoy. - Chusovaya. - Poland ... Finally, we left the ground with the ground: here is a stone pillar with a bear and onions, - we are in

"Underground Railway"

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (by) author BSE.

Old roads Short road - familiar road.

From the book guide to the author's Ozersky district

Old roads Short road - familiar road. It is remembered in childhood when I was 10 years old, my father and I collected mushrooms in the forest, which was then "at least oblique kosi". They went to some pretty direct rectacks, overgrown with greater frequent lindas and birches, but still

Chapter 9 Underground Dream Road

From the book a secret story of dreams [the value of dreams in various cultures and the lives of famous personalities] by Moss Robert.

Chapter 9 The Underground Dreaming Road She had a rich imagination and an amazing inner world, which sometimes made himself a completely unusual way. Dreams and vision, fears and premonitions accompanied her throughout his life. Franklin Senborn O.

Underground railway (eng. The Underground Railroad) - the designation of the secret system, used in the United States to organize shoots and transfers blackheads from the slave owner of the south to the north. I operated until the beginning of the civil war in the United States in 1861.

Various routes that were made through the groups of fugitives began on the borders of Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Georgia, Maryland and led to the northern states, as well as to Canada. The "Underground Railway" had its own organization - on it there were their "conductors" (senior accompanying groups), "Stations" (housing provided by sympathizing for enhancing towards recreation and shelter).

Activists of abolitionist movement, free blacks and mulatters, quackers and baptists accepted the greatest participation in the organization of the Underground Railway. For the period from 1830 to 1861, on this path, it was possible to send to the north and give freedom to more than 60 thousand slaves. Thomas Garrett's most distinguished themselves, helped to flee more than 2,200 slaves, and the black woman Harreet Tabmen, who committed 19 "travels on the road" and freed 300 slaves.


  • Foster W. "Negritansky people in the history of America", M., 1955
  • Still W. "The Unterground Railroad", Phil., 1879
  • Siebert W.H. "The Unterground Railroad", N.Y. 1898.
  • Preston E.D. "Genesis of the Unterground Railroad" (J. Of Negro History, 1933, Vol.18).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Underground Boat (Values)

Watch what is "Underground Railway" in other dictionaries:

    Underground railway - ("The Secret Railway", more precisely, the "underground railway", underground railroad) The name of the secret system of organizing the shoots of blacks of slaves from the southern slave ownership States to the North, existed to the Civil War (see Civil ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Underground railway - (Secret Railway) Name of the Secret System of Organization of Escapes of Negro Rabov from the southern slave owner States to the north. In the 30 60 E GG. 19th century With it, OK was released. 60 thousand slaves ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Underground railway - (Underground Railroad), a secret orgement to the United States to assist the slaves who fled from the south, during the preceding the Belarusian War in the United States. Although p.j.d. Could help only a small number of slaves (approx. 1 thousand per year after 1850), she fifth ... ... The World History

    Underground railway - ("Underground Railway") The Secret Railway, the name of the secret system of organizing elaborates of Negro slaves from the southern slave owners of the United States; existed to the Civil War 1861 65. "P. g. d. " had "stations" (houses of citizens, ... ...

    "Underground Railway" - ("Secret Railway"), the name of the secret system for organizing elaborate shoots slaves from the southern slave owner States to the North. In the 30 60 E GG. XIX century With its help, about 60 thousand slaves were liberated ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    "Underground Railway" - The name adopted for the designation of the secret system of the shoots of the shoots of blacks of slaves from South Rablovnel. US states; existed to the chase. Wars 1861 65. P. g. D. had a station (houses of citizens who sympathized with fugitives, where they stayed in ... ...

    Railway or tram on cable car - Railway, or a tram on a cable rod, (established Russian term does not exist, the title of the article is chosen by analogy with the English Cable Car "Cable Car") Type of rail transport close to the funicular ... Wikipedia

    Secret Railway - ("Secret Railway",) The name of the secret system of organizing elaborates of slaves from southern slave owner; The name "Underground Railway" is more common ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    "Mystery Railway" - See Underground Railway ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Urban railway - Request "Stadtbahn" is redirected here; See also other values. This article lacks references to sources of information. Information must be checked, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can ... Wikipedia


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If the subway is so convenient for moving around the city, why not transport loads and correspondence under the ground?

Since 1927, underground postal railway existed for 76 years under London. Built by the UK Post Office, it was used to transport mail between the post offices of the capital.

Photo 1.

The idea of \u200b\u200ban alternative method of transporting letters and parcels was born in the UK in the second half of the XIX century.

Photo 2.

Construction was started in 1915. After laying tunnels, started stations. However, in 1917, construction work was suspended in connection with the participation of Great Britain in the First World War. By this time, the system of tunnels and stations was fully prepared, which was used to cover the funds of some London museums.

Photo 3.

Postmen are loaded mail.

Photo 4.

In 1925, work in the tunnels resumed, laying paths and installing all the necessary equipment: elevators, postal conveyors, and other things, and in 1927 the line was put into action.

Photo 5.

The depth of tunnels under the ground is 15-25 meters. Mostly, the line passes along a two-way tunnel with a diameter of 2.75 meters. At the bottom of the tunnel, a pillow and a thirty-bentimeter layer of concrete was laid, on concrete - paths and contact rail.

Photo 6.

The underground mail train is small. But it's fun in it.

Photo 7.

In the best times, the line passed 30,000 mail bags (about 45 thousand kilograms) daily, up to 30 compositions worked on the line.

Photo 8.

Train movement time was 26 minutes from the ultimate to the ultimate one with all stops, with a passage of all intermediate stations with transit - 15 minutes. The creation of a postal metro contributed to the accelerated exchange of mail within the city and unloading of traffic.

Photo 9.

The underground railway operated from 1927 to 2003.

Photo 10.

The reason for the closure of such an unusual railway was simple: transportation of mail by road on the same route costs, in various data, 3-5 times cheaper.


To organize shoots and transfers blackheads from the slave owner of the south to the north. I operated until the beginning of the civil war in the United States in 1861.

Various routes that were made through the groups of fugitives began on the borders of Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Georgia, Maryland and led to the northern states, as well as to Canada. The "Underground Railway" had its own organization - on it there were their "conductors" (senior accompanying groups), "Stations" (housing provided by sympathizing for enhancing towards recreation and shelter).

Activists of abolitionist movement, free blacks and mulatters, quackers and baptists accepted the greatest participation in the organization of the "underground railway". For the period from 1830 to 1861, on this path, it was possible to send to the north and give freedom to more than 60 thousand slaves. The most distinguished Levi Coffin, Thomas Garrett, who had an assistance of more than 2,200 who fled to the slaves, and the black woman Harreet Tabmen, who committed 19 "travels on the road" and freed 300 slaves.

About the title and translation of names into Russian

The world's first real underground railway appeared only in the 1860s, but projects known today as city metro were actively discussed on both sides of the ocean since the 1830s, and, without any doubt, made a big impression on the advanced public, were all on hearing. In addition, at the time of the most active activity of the "subway" of aboliusists, in London, the construction of the first metro was already in full swing - London Underground. Apparently, the echoes of these conversations and gave rise to the black slaves of the South legend that the abolitionists proceeded under the ground the tunnel, in which the rails were laid and let the "trains of freedom", exporting slaves north. It is hardly possible to establish the author of this beautiful myth - whether the abolitionists themselves launched this bike for conspiracy purposes, or they accepted the details of this legend to refer to the details of their network of crosslinks ("Stations", "Conditioners", etc.). Today, speaking about this page of American history of dealing with slavery, it will be more correct to use the accurate translation, The Underground Railroad - "Underground Railway", as the name of the underground organization of abolitionists.

In culture

"Underground Railway" in the Picture of Ch. Webbera

In the literature, the most famous underground road, described by Harreet Becher-Stow in her novel "Uncle Tom Hut", released in 1852. There are the main heroes Mulati Eliza, George and their son Harry decide to flee to Canada, free. Their path begins from the Ohio River (the boundaries between the slave owner Kentucky and free Ohio). Throughout the journey, they stop in the villages, mostly quakers, which despite the law prohibiting the robust in every way, give them shelter and food, and also transport them from the "station" to the station. The path of heroes lay through Ohio to the shores of Lake Erie, from where they were shipped to Canada on the steamer. Already in Canada there were people ready to help in adaptation of blacks.

The English term underground fully complies with the meaning of the Russian word "underground", today they designate any hidden, secret, illegal phenomenon. The underground is sometimes called resistance movement during World War II.

Underground Railway Harriet Tabmen Mentioned in the cartoon Griffin in the episode Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater.

In the book "Percy Jackson and the Death Maze" Rick Riordan mentions Harriet Tabmen as a daughter of the Hermesman's God for its contribution to the work of the Underground Railway.

Also, the work of the underground railway is described in the story of Konstantin Sergienko "Take away us, Pegasus!" Her main characters, white teenagers help run to the north of slaves, whom the owner prepared for sale.

see also



  • Foster W. "Negritansky people in the history of America", M., 1955
  • Still W. "The Unterground Railroad", Phil., 1879
  • Siebert W.H. "The Unterground Railroad", N.Y. 1898.
  • Preston E.D. "Genesis of the Unterground Railroad" (J. Of Negro History, 1933, Vol.18).

You will not believe, but under the whole of Europe, thousands of kilometers of underground tunnels stretch, which can be reached not only in various cities, but even countries. Archaeologists called these Tunnels Erdstall, lost in the speculation about who and why managed to turn such a lot of work.

Housing underground creatures

Interestingly, the size of the tunnels is little suitable for a person. The height of the majority ranges from one to one and a half meters, and the width does not exceed 60 centimeters. Even a thin short. Could not overcome and a couple of kilometers of such a path, and after all the tunnels stretch to a much larger length.
Suddenly opened dedicated to the tunnels Scientific labor has released a German archaeologist and doctor of science Henrich Kushch. His book "Secrets of the underground door in the ancient world" made the effect of a broken bomb in the scientific community. What is there, the German was initially submitted by real injury: it is difficult to believe in the existence of some secret underground tunnels there, which no one ever heard.

Primitive secrets

However, they will not argue with the facts: the tunnels were discovered and partly investigated by independent expert teams. Radio carbon analysis showed that the first underground roads appeared even during neolith, that is, about 5,000 years ago. The most "fresh" tunnels are held under the Czech Republic and are presumably leading to Austria - they were already built in the Epoch of the Middle Ages.

Land Goblins

What is the most amazing, anthropological study showed the full awareness of the rural residents of Germany about these tunnels. Moreover, in common, they call Schrazelloch, "Helf Hoblins." Did you build an unknown science underground people? It sounds ridiculous, but it is quite real.

Under the cross

During the study, it suddenly turned out that very many European churches and monasteries are built directly at the entrances to the catacombs. It is unlikely that it can be called an accident. Most likely, the servants of the church were well aware of the strange underground paths.
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