Direct payments for thermal energy. How to pay for housing and communal services in the counters and without as we pay for hot water

How to charge for hot water in the summer when there is no heating? When checking the HOA "Chicherina, 21", GGi of the Chelyabinsk region issued an order, to recalculate fee for hot water according to the standard. GGGA was not taken into account that HOA, in this case, is not a supplier of these services in the sense of paragraph 54 of Rules No. 354, and in a disputed apartment building there is no centralized hot water supply, given the fact that we ourselves are preparing hot water with a plate water heater, we must take into account The entire actual flow rate of the coolant, which has passed and recorded by a generalic heat meter. Inspector Geji does not take into account our arguments that the heading of the coolant received in our house for heating the DHW is carried out through the heat meter (generalical) installed only for heating water and requires recalculation, taking into account the standard equal (in Chelyabinsk) 0.0467 Gcal / m3 . From the challenged prescription it follows that the HOA should recalculate the fees in the formula 20 of Appendix No. 2 to the rules No. 354, taking into account the cost of the heat consumption for water heating, and a significant amount (31000.00 rubles), which we need to pay the supplier we must HOAs to seek themselves? The resource workers do not even want to listen about it, they say how much we must pay for the meter and must pay. As for the calculations in the production of DHW inside the house, the calculation is made according to the formulas 20 and 20.1 of the rules 354 of the decision (see the decision of the arbitration court on the dispute with GGG - dated September 22, 2017. Case No. A41-32587 / 17 for a similar issue). Thus, the fee for the hot water consists of the cost of cold water and thermal energy spent on its heating. During the absence of heating, all thermal energy is distributed to the volume of water consumed by residents for the estimated period and, accordingly, the heating fee for each month of the summer season will be different. The management of the GGG is not proven to be the obligation of HOA to make payment charges for these types of utility resources according to the standard, and the availability of violations of housing legislation is not proven, respectively, the requirements of the prescription cannot be recognized as legitimate. Under such circumstances, it follows that the contested prescription is not based on the law and violates the rights and legitimate interests of HSC "Chicherina, 21". In accordance with Part 2 of Article 201 of the APC RF, it is said that the contested abnormative legal act, the decision and action (inaction) of bodies engaged in public authority, officials do not comply with the law or other regulatory legal act and violate the rights and legitimate interests of the applicant in the field of entrepreneurial and other economic activities should be the decision to recognize the abnormative legal act by invalid, decisions and actions (inaction) illegal. Tell me how we need to do in this case?

In most Moscow homes, the heating fee is calculated according to the testimony of a common heat meter. For this, the meter testimony is used last year.

  1. The management company divides the amount of heat, which by testimony of the meter received your home last year, for 12 months.
  2. From the figures obtained, consumption will be deducted for non-residential built-in-attached premises, and the difference is divided into the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises at home and multiplies to the total area of \u200b\u200byour apartment and the acting From July 1, 2019, for residents of all districts of Moscow, except Tinao, the following tariffs for thermal energy are established:
    • if the house serves Mosenergo Public Joint Stock Company - 1864.3 rubles / Gcal;
    • if the house serves the Public Joint Stock Company "Moskovskaya United Energy Company" - 1904.28 rubles / Gcal;
    • if the house serves the Public Joint Stock Company "Moscow United Energy Company" and it is connected to the thermal network after the thermal point (or on it) operated by the heat supply organization, - 2,389,72 rubles / Gcal.
    "\u003e Tariff
  3. At the beginning of the year, the management company checks the resulting digit with actually consumed the amount of heat and makes the adjustment in one direction or another, depending on how much heat has spent your house last year. Correction of payment is indicated in the receipt, in the column "recalculation".

The area of \u200b\u200bthe house and the testimony of the generalized heat meter you can request in your management company. Its contacts can be found on the portal.

2. How is the charge for water supply and drainage charge?

  • according to counters. If your apartment has individual counters, calculate the difference between the testimony for the current and previous month, multiply the difference received (actual consumption) to the current tariff. Watering is calculated as the amount of actual consumption of cold and hot water supply and is also multiplied by the current From July 1, 2019, for residents of all districts of Moscow, except Tinao, the following tariffs for water supply and water disposal are established:
    • cold water supply - 40,48 rubles / m³;
    • hot water supply - 198,19 rub. / m³;
    • watering - 29.57 rubles / m³.
    "\u003e Tariff
  • without counters. If there is no individual counters in your apartment, check in the management company (you can find its contacts on the portal) if your home is installed in your home. If installed, then deduct from its testimony of the general expenditure of water (on watering lawns, washing the stairwells, and so on) and the testimony of counters installed in non-residential premises (in the basement, in the attic and so on), - all these readings can be clarified in the managing Companies. From the resulting figures, deduct the readings of the accounting devices installed in the residential premises; The difference is divided between all residents registered in apartments without water meters. The result cannot exceed the standard set for one person, more than twice;
  • according to standards. If the house is emergency, dilapidated or in it If counters are not installed in the apartment, although this technical opportunity is available, the final amount will also multiply on the increase of 1.5 coefficient. This can be avoided if you submit a survey act to the service organization confirming the lack of technical capabilities of the meter installation. "\u003e No technical capabilities Install a general or individual counter, water consumption (for houses with all kinds of amenities) is determined at the rate of 6.935 cubic meters of cold water, 4,745 cubic meters of hot water and 11.68 cubic meters for water disposal for each person registered in the apartment. The standard is also multiplied by the current tariff.

In homes with an individual thermal point (boiler room), the fee for hot water consists of a board for cold water and for its heating. Cold water is paid as usual.

3. How is the charge for gas charge?

If you do not have a gas meter, its consumption is calculated by Gas consumption standards:

  • in the presence of a gas stove and centralized hot water supply - 8.3 m³ / pers.;
  • in the presence of a gas stove, a gas water heater and the absence of centralized hot water supply - 20.8 m³ / pers.;
  • in the presence of a gas stove, the absence of centralized hot water supply and gas water heater - 10.4 m³ / person.
"\u003e the standard for each tenor registered in the apartment and is multiplied by the current From July 1, 2019, for residents of all districts of Moscow, except Tinao, the following tariffs for gas supply are established:
  • 4 904,86 rub. / 1 \u200b\u200b000 m³ - for houses with heating from gas heaters;
  • 6,83 rub. / M³ - for all other houses.
"\u003e Tariff

If the gas meter is installed in your apartment, then you pay only that gas that was spent. To do this, calculate the difference between the testimony for the current and previous month, multiply the difference (actual consumption) to the current tariff.

The gas meters must be installed only if you consume more than two cubic meters of gas per hour. In practice, this means that, in addition to the gas stove, you have at home at least there should be a gas column.

Read more about how to install counters, you can read in ours.

4. How is electricity charge charges?

If your apartment has individual counters, calculate the difference between the testimony for the current and previous month, multiply the difference received (actual consumption) to the current From July 1, 2019, the following electricity fares are established for residents of all districts of Moscow, except Tinao:

For apartments and houses in which there is an electric stove or electric heating installation:

  • tariff with a single rate - 4.65 rubles / kWh;
  • tariff, differentiated in two days: Day zone - 5,35 rubles / kWh, night zone - 1.50 rubles / kWh;
  • tariff, differentiated in three days: peak zone - 5,58 rubles. / kWh, semi-color zone - 4,65 rubles / kWh, night zone - 1.50 rubles / kWh;

For apartments and houses in which there is no electric stove or electric heating installation:

  • tariff with a single rate - 5,47 rubles / kWh;
  • tariff, differentiated for two days: day zone - 6,29 rubles / kWh, night zone - 2,13 rubles / kWh;
  • tariff, differentiated in three days: Peak zone - 6,57 rubles. / kWh, semi-color zone - 5,47 rub. / kWh, night zone - 2,13 rubles / kWh.
"\u003e Tariff.

If your apartment has no meters, the fee will be accrued like this: the number is constantly or temporarily The number of people living is determined according to data on registration in the apartment.

"\u003e living people are multiplied by the cost of electricity consumption and tariff. The following standards are operating in Moscow:
  • for an apartment with a gas stove: 45 kWh - for each person registered in the apartment, 50 kWh - if one person registered in the apartment;
  • for an apartment with an electric stove: 70 kWh - for each person registered in the apartment, 80 kWh - if one person registered in the apartment.

If counters are not installed in the apartment, although this technical opportunity is available, the final amount will also multiply on the increase of 1.5 coefficient. This can be avoided if you present an act of examination to the service organization, confirming the lack of technical capabilities to install the meter.

5. How to find out about tariffs for utilities?

Managing organizations are required to provide free access to information on the main indicators of their financial and economic activities, on the services provided and on the work performed on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, on the procedure and conditions for their provision and fulfillment, about their cost, prices (Tariffs) on communal services provided by their placement in GIS Housing and LCD.

6. How is the fee for overhaul and social hiring?

If you are the owner of the housing, you pay contributions for overhaul. From January 1, 2020, a single minimum rate is 18.86 rubles per square meter. You can read more about the contributions for overhaul in our.

If you are an employer of the apartment under a social hiring contract, then contributions for overhaul for you do the city, but you must pay for the hiring of residential premises every month. The fee is calculated by multiplying the base rate to various coefficients.

For the social and hiring of specialized residential premises For social ones in bottom-out homes
Basic board size

160.60 per 1 sq.m

160.60 per 1 sq.m

Category matching ratio
Quality coefficient of residential premises
The coefficient of landscaping of residential premises
  • 1.0 for houses with elevator
  • 0.8 for houses without elevator
Coefficient location
  • 1.08 - Zone I, within TTK
  • 0.8 - Zone II, outside the TTK

8. How is the charge for other services charge?

Services related to the management of the house and the content of the common property of its owners (for example, the service of the intercom), provides the management company. At the general meeting, owners can decide which additional services they want to receive, and the management company will determine the tariffs for these services. Contact your management company you can look at the portal.

Services that are not related to the management of the house and the content of the common property of its owners (for example, a radio or television antenna), provide third-party organizations. The fee for them can be included in a single payable document or paid by a separate receipt. The cost of services and the conditions for their provision are indicated in the contract.

How to calculate hot water for subsequent payment, every home owner is obliged to know. The fact is that the provision of this service is quantified, and if the consumption of hot water is incorrect, it may pour out a rather large amount of overpayment or debt.

In addition, if as a result of such an error you do not pay hot water on time, it can lead to its disconnection.

If you do not pay hot water on time, it can lead to it

Payment of services for the supply of hot water to the population is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 No. 354. According to him, it should include 2 components:

  1. Providing hot water supply directly in a residential or non-residential room.
  2. The provision of hot water supply for generalic needs or for the needs of the land plot, as well as the utilized buildings located on it.

Usually centralized hot water systems are used in cities to deliver such water to apartments, utilities and rooms of apartment buildings. Tariffs for hot water at the same time establishes the Federal Service for Tariffs, as well as its divisions in the regions, so if you do not know how to calculate the tariff for hot water, you can contact the site of this organ. In addition, an example of such a calculation can be provided to you in the local resource supply organization.

Hot water tariffs establishes Federal Service for Tariffs

In any case, it is worth knowing that in the formula of calculating the cost of hot water, not only the tariff itself, but also other indicators. For example, if your communal organization has installed a two-time tariff, you will pay for:

  • fee for consumption of one hot water cubic meter;
  • fee for the maintenance of a hot water system from the calculation for one gigocaloria.

With a single-component tariff, only consumed cubic meters in which the costs of other needs are paid. In addition, the approved technique that answers the question of how to calculate and how much the hot water cube is, takes into account both the category of consumers you treat. This may be industry, budget institutions or population.

The device of public records of hot water is used, which is established on the basis of the solution of the general meeting of owners of residential premises.

If other categories of consumers have all the issues on utility payments, special staff consist in the state of a legal entity, the population considers and pays for hot water consumption on their own. At the same time, it is also entrusted with the obligation to pay and costs for public needs. To do this, the device of public records of hot water is used, which is established on the basis of the decision of the General Meeting of the owners of residential premises.

A separate scheme is calculated by hot water supply in the event that an individual boiler room is installed in the house. So, in the wardings there is no string "hot water supply", and instead of it 2 positions are installed: water heated and cold water supply for hot water supply. This subtlety will need to take into account all owners of housing in such houses.

Hot water pay for the population

  • on the meter;
  • according to the general standard.

The first option is the most profitable for the owner of the residential premises, as it allows you to pay only for the volume of hot water, which was actually consumed. At the same time, every month he will need to transmit the readings of the instrument of accounting to the local resource-supplying company. Typically, it is called "Vodokanal" or "Thermal Energy" and is in municipal property.

Payment of hot water on the meter

In the second case, it is necessary to pay, based on the general standard established by the government, taking into account the number of residents registered on a particular living space. Usually, the standard is applied when the counter is not installed in the apartment or it broke. At the same time, as a measure of stimulating the population to the installation of instruments of accounting, the government since 2015 increases the standards by 2017 1.6 times.

As for specific figures, for 2016, the rate of hot water consumption is 166 liters per day for one person. In other regions, it can be different. In any case, the counter will pay more profitable, so it makes sense to establish it in the room as early as possible.

Important! In addition to the standard and meter testimony, the cost of hot water is also calculated taking into account the testimony of a general-purpose accounting device.

You can find out how to consider OND on hot water, contacting the company providing services to manage your apartment building. If we talk in general, then the readings of the apartment counters are submitted from the testimony of the device, and the resulting residue on the basis of a special formula is divided into all residents registered in the house.

Hot water payment receipts

Directly tenants of apartment buildings are usually not dealt with the calculation of one. Since this is the responsibility of a local HFA or HOA, for them, a line with this indicator has been highlighted in receipt of payment, which will be paid in the general receipt. In the event that the amount of one in your opinion will be overestimated, it may cause your request to recalculate it. This should make the management company on a ten-day period. If this does not happen, you have the right to appeal the actions of the company in the housing inspection or court.

It is also worth keeping in mind that modern technologies allow payment of utility services to remotely or special graphics. It will be especially convenient if you leave the region from the region for some time or you will be very busy. For the production of payments on the schedule you will need to write a statement about this in the local branch of your bank or set up a personal account accordingly on your bank's website.

In any case, try to pay the cost of hot water completely and on time

Next, the required amounts of payment will be filmed from your account at the right time, which will allow you not to become a debtor for utility payments. In any case, try to pay the cost of hot water completely and on time.

Transmission of meter readings

As you already understood, the easiest way how hot water consumption is considered - this is the removal of testimony from the meter installed in the residential room. This procedure must be carried out once a month. To do this, it will be necessary to write off the first 5 digits of the readings from the instrument.

Calculation of hot water flow

On their basis, you can calculate the consumption of hot water on their own. To do this, from the testimony last month, deduct new testimony. The difference you received and will be your consumption for the month.

If you are interested in how to calculate hot water on the receipt, then you can do this, multiplied by the instrument of reading the testimony for the tariff in your region. Such a calculation may be useful to you when you have questions about the numbers specified in the payment receipt. With complaints about this account, you set to contact a resource-feeding company, where you must make the recalculation of hot water consumed.

Unplanned check of the water meter

After you remove the readings of the hot water meter, they will need to be transferred to the residential organization. This can be done in several ways, for example:

  • using the site of such an organization or management company;
  • using special blanks;
  • in the office of the organization that supplies you burning water.

After transferring the testimony of an individual device, hot water, you will only have to wait for you to receive a receipt for its payment. If you have repeatedly figured out how to calculate hot water, you can double-check the amount you put in order to avoid errors. At the same time, if several water meters are mounted in your apartment, it will have to transmit testimony from them all.

By the way, you will be useful not only knowledge, how to calculate hot water, but also how to check the accuracy of the meter readings. For this, the testimony of three red digits available on its scale is recorded, after which it is poured from the crane about 30 liters of water with a decider bucket. In the event that a large or smaller figure is reflected on the counter, it can be a sign that the water meter requires an unscheduled test.

Internet Bank to pay hot water

After the testimony you have given you, you can pay for you in several ways, for example, by Russian Post, through the Internet Bank, as well as with the ATM. In the event that you hold the payment for more than 3 months, you can be accrued with pencils, and hot water can disable. After six months, public utilities will already be able to apply to the court for evicting you from the room occupied.

  1. For drinking and cooking (it is impossible to dehydrate the human body, as it leads to a fatal outcome).
  2. In agriculture (for the growth of crops: vegetables, fruits, berries, etc.).
  3. As a solvent (most often in the industrial sphere).
  4. As a coolant (hot - in thermal networks for heating rooms, cold (ice) - for cooling in the field of catering and in medicine).
  5. When extinguishing fires and fires (both in liquid form and foam).
  6. As a tool (for example, with hydroabrasive cutting).
  7. As a lubricant (as part of emulsion lubricants).

Calculation of fees for hot water supply

Hot water supply - The supply of hot water supplied through centralized hot water networks and domestic engineering systems in a residential building (home ownership), in residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building, as well as in the premises included in the general property in an apartment building.

Clarification of payment for hot water in 2012 (register of payments for January-February 2012)

Tariffs Since January 2011 to June 2012, REC was approved in the following sizes: heat energy for 1 Gcal: 615.52 rubles without VAT (orders from 11/29/10 No. 696-NP and No. 235-NP from 10.29.10), for water disposal - 16.83 rubles, on the Hall-Eboard - 11.54 rubles with VAT for 1m3 (orders No. 687-NP and 688-NP dated November 29, 2010), for the coolant - 13.81 rubles for 1m3 and are unchanged to them Changes by the authorized body. Specified tariffs for thermal energy and coolant are components of the tariff for 1m3

How to calculate payment for hot water

Directly tenants of apartment buildings are usually not dealt with the calculation of one. Since this is the responsibility of a local HFA or HOA, for them, a line with this indicator has been highlighted in receipt of payment, which will be paid in the general receipt. In the event that the amount of one in your opinion will be overestimated, it may cause your request to recalculate it. This should make the management company on a ten-day period. If this does not happen, you have the right to appeal the actions of the company in the housing inspection or court.

The cost of Gkal Heat and Cuba Hot Water in the Counter

On the CHP, the water is turned into pairs, steam turns the turbine, turning the kinetic energy of steam into electricity, condenses again turning into water and this water is used for heating. Respectively water and warmth in water For CHP, the product of by-production, it is easier to say waste.

According to water with the help of counters and for what methods

Today, in almost every apartment you can find such a device as a water meter. With the help of a water meer, the owner can keep records of consumed the amount of water, which allows him a lot to save on its payment. At the same time, not every owner after the installation has an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to calculate the amount for the payment for consumed water. The method of calculation itself is quite simple, so there is no specific knowledge to understand this process. Much more important than others. Over time, certain models of water meter can show incorrect dataWhat can lead to extremely large savings or increase water costs.

Half water payment

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation for No. 344 of 04/16/2013. Changes were made to the rules for the provision of utilities approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation for No. 354 of 06.05.2011, namely, the distributed volume of general work should not exceed the amount calculated on the basis of the Communal Services Consumption Standards provided for generalic needs.

Half water payment

It is clear that the floor boards do not emit heat. Heat is radiated by the source - battery sections, in the amount of them are proportional to their area and temperature. CMOPZH - the value of const with any circumstances and allows you to charge unreasonable payments even during cold batteries. The abuse of the confidence of Russian citizens, these circumstances are used for mercenary purposes to use unscrupulous and immoral officials of various ranks and "nuovokommersant". The magnitude of the losses from family budgets of compatriots in annual calculus only in our McD is hundreds of thousands of rubles, and in Russia - billions.

Payment for hot water on new electronic meters

to Drawa: Thank you for your attention to my question. But in your advice, firstly, there is inaccuracy: the "sewagers" also has its own website, and secondly, the question is not to transmit readings in Megabank or supplier Services, but not to pay twice with such organizations as KP TP Water and Kharkov Community.
Moral Basni: If I have already summed up in the testimony for cold water, it has passed through a cold and hot tube, then what to pay for me to once again pay an indicator of the use of water heating, according to coefficients. I will not!

The use of water, both cold and hot, is an integral part of the maintenance of any household in our country. At the same time, the issue of payment for water consumption services remains open at the moment, since the tariffs constantly undergo changes. What the cost of a cube of water in the meter in 2019 will be discussed in this article.

Since this moment is relevant to many categories of the population, we will try to consider all the nuances in detail.

How are the tariffs for water in the meter calculated?

First of all, it is worth noting that in the calculations of the cost of water consumption services, in addition to the water cubic meter specifically spent on the meter, another number of indicators are taken into account that are related to the maintenance of water supply networks. These include:

  • Fee for consumed electricity;
  • The cost of acquiring reagents, with which water is purified to indicators of compliance with sanitary standards;
  • Funds that go to pay wages to Vodokanal employees (here is given to the deductions in the FIS, FSS, as well as income tax);
  • Amounts that are paid for renting premises and equipment that are in time operation;
  • Expenses that are related to the repair of water supply networks and the water tax payment;
  • Costs aimed at the destruction of waste, etc.

If we consider the formation of tariffs for water flow (hot and cold) in the counter and without it, then there is no difference here. The difference in payment arises only that in the absence of a meter in the apartment, the payment for water is made on the basis of the established consumption standards per person. At the same time, to obtain the final amount for payment, the tariff is multiplied by the number of people who live in this house. If there are counters for hot and cold water in the apartment, the water consumer is paid exclusively the amount of water that was actually used (according to the water reading). It should be noted that the last option is most beneficial for both apartment owners and tenants if they need to pay communal services themselves in accordance with the lease agreement. The presence of water meters makes it possible to significantly save.

Now consider how much water cube is (when paying for the meter) and how much will need to pay in 2019 for water supply services.

Hot and cold water: How much is a cubic meter of water in 2019?

In Russia, the function of the regulator of tariffs for utilities takes over the state, and rates for specific cases are under maintaining regional authorities. And this year, our government decided to make a gift to our citizens and raise tariffs in two stages. At the first stage from January 1, 2019, it will be elevated by 1.7%, and at the second stage from July 1, 2019 by 2.1%:

Cost of cube water in the meter in Moscow and residents of the new Moscow

For Moscow, the price for 1 cube of water on the meter in 2019 will increase from July 1 compared to the previous year by 5%. For those who are interested, how much is 1 cubic meter of water (according to the meter) at the first half of 2019 we inform:

  • The cost of one cold water cube is 38.06 rubles;
  • The cost of one hot water cubic meter - 125.69 rubles.

Of course, these prices can not be called low, but they are in accordance with both the standard of living and with the level of wages of Muscovites.

Tariffs for cold water (drinking) and drainage in Moscow for 2019 for 1 and 2 half year (with the exception of Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts)

Created consumers Tariffs for drinking water, rub. / Cubic meters. Tariffs for drainage, rubles / cubic meters.
1 half year 2 half year 1 half year 2 half year
Population (with VAT) 38,70 40,48 27,47 29,57
Other consumers (without VAT) 32,25 33,73 22,89 24,64
Organization of the water supply and sewer household region, at the place of execution of obligations of Moscow (without VAT) 23,72 24,81 19,84 20,75

Tariffs will strongly change towards the appreciation only in the second half of the year from July 1, 2019. This increase was scheduled. It is adjusted under the Program on the Socio-Economic Development of the capital until 2019.

Tariffs for cold water (drinking) and drainage in Troitsk and Novomoskovsky districts on the first and second half of 2019

Name of systems of centralized water supply and drainage in the territories of internal municipalities of the city of Moscow

Consumer name

Tariffs (rubles / m 3)
From 01/01/2019 to 06/30/2019

Tariffs (rubles / m 3)
From 01.07.2019 to 12/31/2019

Drinking water Drainage Drinking water Dried drainage
1 Urban district Shcherbinka Population (with VAT) 22,97 27,89 26,48 29,57
Other consumers ** 19,14 23,24 22,07 24,64
2 Moscow settlements, Vnukovo, Voskresenskoye, Derovskoye, Mosrentgen, Pine, Filimkovskoye Population (with VAT) 38,70 37,30 40,48 36,55
Other consumers ** 32,25 31,08 33,73 30,46
3 Schupovskoe settlements, Klenovskoe Population (with VAT) 29,51 37,99 32,46 36,85
Other consumers ** 24,59 31,66 27,05 30,71
4 Settlements Voronovskoye, Krasnopahorskoe (with the exception of the village of Minzag), Mikhailovo-Yantsevskoe, Rogovskoe Population (with VAT) 24,12 39,38 27,54 38,21
Other consumers ** 20,10 32,82 22,95 31,84
5 Establishment settlement of the Ministry of List of the settlement of Krasnopahorskoe Population (with VAT) 25,58 28,80 29,52 29,57
Other consumers ** 21,32 24,00 24,60 24,64
6 Settlement Ryazanovskoye Population (with VAT) 22,12 29,18 25,72 29,57
Other consumers ** 18,43 24,32 21,43 24,64
7 City District Troitsk Population (with VAT) 25,30 30,23 28,63 29,32
Other consumers ** 21,08 25,19 23,86 24,43
8 Settlements Kiev, Pervomayskoye, Novofedorovskoye, Kokoskino, Marushkinskoye Population (with VAT) 34,87 29,05 40,48 29,57
Other consumers ** 29,06 24,21 33,73 24,64

* - The order of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city of Moscow entered into force on January 1, 2019.

How much is a hot water cube on the meter in 2019

The relevance of the question is "How much is a cube of hot water in the meter?" There is only for those Russian cities that have heat supply organizations. At the same time, the prices of 1 cubic hot water can vary significantly. In addition to the factors that were mentioned earlier, the price of hot water is influenced by the price in this region on cold water, which is purchased with the aim of heating heating networks.

Tariffs for hot water in the city of Moscow, with the exception of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative district of the city

Tariffs for thermal energy for the population of Moscow, with the exception of the Trinity and Novomoskovsky administrative district of Moscow

No. p / p Name of company Tariffs for thermal energy for the population of the city of Moscow, taking into account VAT (rubles / GKAL)
1 Public Joint Stock Company Energy and Electrification "Mosenergo" - a tariff for consumers connected to the heat network without additional transformation on thermal points operated by the heat supply organization 1773,19
2 Public Joint Stock Company "MOSCOW JOINT ENERGY COMPANY", subsidiaries and dependent on this organization of the Company - a tariff for consumers connected to the thermal network without additional transformation on heat points operated by the heat supply organization 1806,89
3 Public Joint-Stock Company "MOSCOW JOINT ENERGY COMPANY", subsidiaries and dependent on this organization of the Company - a tariff for consumers connected to the heat network after thermal points (on thermal points) operated by the heat supply organization 2279,95

Tariffs for hot water in Troitsk and Novomoskovsky districts

MUP "Troitskterenergo" to consumers using closed hot water systems

Tariffs 2019 for technical water for consumers Mosvodokanal JSC

Consumer groups Tariff's action period Tariff, (rub. / M 3)
Population (with VAT) 8,98
Other consumers ** First half of the year - from 01/01/2019 to 06/30/2019 7,61
II half - from 01.07.2019 to 12/31/2019 8,02

* - Resolution of the Regional Energy Commission of the city of Moscow entered into force on January 1, 2019;

** - The tariffs are not included in the value added tax.

Tariffs for drinking water (drinking water supply) and drainage
For consumers JSC "Mosvodokanal" in the territory of the Moscow region *

Type of service (Products) Tariff actions for 1 and 2 half
from 01/01/2019 to 06/30/2019 from 01.07.2019 to 12/31/2019
Drinking water ** (rub. / M 3) 21,94 22,82
Drainage ** (rub / m 3) 17,68 18,39
Water transportation for Vodokanal OJSC. Korolev ** (rub / m 3) 4,05 4,46

* - the disposal of the Committee on Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region of December 19, 2018 No. 373-P came into effect from 01/01/2019;

** - The tariffs are not included in the value added tax.

Note :

  • Tariffs for drinking water and drainage are used for consumers attached to the water supply system and drainage of the city of Moscow in the Moscow region;
  • Based on the Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 22, 2016 No. 103-PP, the Regional Energy Commission of the city of Moscow is abolished with the imposition of functions and powers at the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city of Moscow.

As for other cities, the tariffs will differ there. Consider them further.

The cost of 1 cube of cold water and hot water in the counter for the cities of Russia for 2019

How much costs 1 cold water and hot water cube for large cities of Russia for the first half of 2019 you can find in the table, which is shown below.

Price for water in the counter in the cities of Russia
City Cold water price Drainage Price of hot water
Moscow 38.70 rubles / m.Kub 23,43 rub. / M.Kub 188,53 RUB / M.KUB - OAO MOCEK
St. Petersburg 30,60 rub. / M.Kub 30,60 rub. / M.Kub 106,53 руб. / M.Kub
barnaul 19,45 rubles / M.Kub 12,66 руб. / M.Kub Component on cold water - 3140rub. / Cube. M.

Component for thermal energy - 2207,46 rub. / Gkal

Yekaterinburg 35.77 rubles / m.Kub 22,03 rub. / M.Kub 124,92 rub. / M.Kub
Nizhny Novgorod 18,29 rubles / M.Kub 14,16 руб. / M.Kub 87,42 rub. / M.Kub
Kazan. 18,19-56,41 rub. / M.Kub 18.65 - 71,32 rub. / M.Kub 137,79 руб. / M.Kub
Kaliningrad 24,62 руб. / M.Kub 19,90 руб. / M.Kub
Krasnoyarsk 24,95 rubles / M.Kub 15,96 руб. / M.Kub component for thermal energy - 1702,16 руб. / Gkal

component for coolant - 41,90 rubles / cubic meters

Omsk 16,33 rub. / M.Kub 19,92 руб. / M.Kub component on cold water, rub. / cubic meters - 16.33

component on thermal energy, rub. / Gcal - 1 902,54

Permian 33,03 rub. / M.Kub 21,67 руб. / M.Kub LLC "Perm network company" - 159,12 rubles / cubic meters
PJSC "T Plus" - 126,02 rubles / cubic meters
PAO "T PLUS" Zone PTEC-14- 158,72 rubles / cubic meters
Rostov-on Don 42,59 rub. / M.Kub 29,23 rub. / M.Kub Component on cold water, rub. / Cube. M, - 42,59

Component for thermal energy, rub. / Gcal - 2614,52

Ufa 25,43 rub. / M.Kub 30,29 rubles / m.Kub Component thermal energy - 2092,32 rub. for 1 gkal
Component Cold Water - 25,43 rub. For 1 m3

*** - Tariffs for different areas of the city and region depending on the service provider.

The following averaged rates for the supply of cold and hot water are valid:

  • The cost of 1 cubic meter of cold water in the cities of Russia is in the range of 16 rubles. up to 56 rubles.
  • The cost of 1 cubic meter of hot water ranges from 87 rubles. and higher.

Separately, it should be noted that benefits are fully preserved. The following categories of citizens include preferential:

  • Pensioners;
  • Veterans;
  • Persons having disability (either degree);
  • Other categories that can count on social protection.

In order for the above-mentioned population categories and in the future, we use subsidies and benefits in paying utilities, the government allocated more than 80 billion rubles.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that at the end of 2017 there was some correction of legislation. Now in apartments and houses, where there was an opportunity to establish counters for water, but the tenants abandoned this, the norms of water when setting off for water consumption will be multiplied by an increase in the coefficient. From this we can conclude that the installation of individual water meters will help to significantly save money for water consumption in 2019.

From the above information, we can conclude that the inhabitants of the Russian regions pay more for water will have only from the first half of 2019. Of course, any increase in tariffs can not be called a pleasant moment for the population. However, if you installed meters on water and know how much the water cube is on the meter, then this increase will not be able to significantly affect your well-being.

If you pay utility bills, you are not able to apply for registration of subsidies to the relevant authorities. Such subsidies, in case of allocation, will be able to partially cover the cost of paying utility bills.

In addition to the above information, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the video on how to calculate the cost of 1 cube of hot water.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the payment of accounts on the tariffs installed in the region should be carried out in a timely manner. In this case, controlling services will not have any complaints to you.

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