Where ipad backups are stored. Transferring data from iPhone. System imaging

Every time you sync your iPhone with iTunes, you automatically create a backup copy of the device, from which you can later restore the lost information. However, there is often a case when backups are removed, for example after reinstall Windows... In order not to lose the data collected over a long time, you must be able to copy backup files to removable media or to a cloud service.

A lot of data is stored in the backup that iTunes makes, from the contact list to the bookmarks of the Safari browser. Nobody wants to lose such important data, so now we will see where to find backup files on various operating systems.

Where is iPhone backup stored on Mac OS X

To detect and copy your device's backup files to go to ~ // Libraries / Application Support / MobileSync / Backup /

Where is iPhone backup stored in Windows XP

To locate and copy the backup files of your devices in Windows XP go to \\ Documents and Settings \\ (username) \\ Application Data \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\

Where is iPhone backup stored on Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10

To locate and copy your device backup files in Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 go to \\ Users \\ (username) \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\

Note: if the folder is not visible, go to Control PanelFolders settingsView and activate the parameter Show hidden files, folders and drives... For Windows 7 and Windows 8, the Control Panel should be converted to a classic view for convenience by clicking ViewSmall icons... In Windows 10, the folder options are most easily accessed by searching the system with the query “ Change search options for files and folders».

How to Quickly Locate iPhone Backup Files on Windows 7/8/10

Step 1. Go to the search bar. In Windows 7: Click on the Start Menu; Windows 8: Click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner. Windows 10: Click on the search bar next to the Start menu

Step 2. Enter the following command in the search bar:

Step 3. Press the " Input»

Step 4. From the opened folder go to the directory Apple computer MobileSync Backup.

Remember that there is only one backup available for each device, and if you try to create another one, it will replace the previous one. All data will naturally be lost. Try not to lose your backup files by copying them when reinstalling the operating system to removable media or a cloud service such as Dropbox.

If the backup was made by you on the old iOS version, then you will not be able to transfer data to a device running new versions of Apple's mobile operating system. However, there is a simple solution to this problem - the program allows you to manage old backups, as well as extract or view all saved data.

Every time you sync iPhone with iTunes, it is automatically backed up. From which in the future you can easily recover information that was lost for any reason. Nevertheless, quite often there are situations when backups are deleted, for example, after reinstalling the operating system. In order that you do not have such problems, it is important from time to time to copy the backups made to any external hDD or to cloud storage.

An iTunes backup contains a huge amount of important information: From your contact list to your Safari bookmarks. Of course, no one wants to lose so much information accumulated over a long time. using iPhone... Therefore, in this article I want to tell you where the iPhone, iPad or iPod backups are stored on the computer.

Where is iPhone backup stored on Mac OS

Mac OS backups are located in ~ // Libraries / Application Support / MobileSync / Backup /.Therefore, in order to copy them, just go to the Backup folder and transfer them from there to any external media.

Where is iPhone backup stored in Windows XP

In Windows XP, you can find the backups by following the path \\ Documents and Settings \\ (username) \\ Application Data \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\.In order to copy them, open the Backup folder and transfer them to any external media.

Where is iPhone backup stored on Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10

On Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10, the backups are in the same location along the way \\ Users \\ (username) \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\.

Note: If the required folder is not displayed, then you need to enable the display in the Control Panel hidden folders and files. To do this, go to Control PanelFolders settingsView and put a circle around Show hidden files, folders and drives. In Windows 7 and Windows 8, for easy display, switch the control panel to classic view by clicking View - Small icons. In case you have Windows 10 for easier access to the folder parameters, it is best to do a search in the system with the request « Change search options for files and folders» .

How to Quickly Locate iPhone Backup Files on Windows 7/8/10

Step 1. Open the search bar. In Windows 7, you need to click on the menu "Start"; in Windows 8, this can be done by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner; in Windows 10 click on the search bar next to the menu "Start"

Step 2. Enter the following command in the search bar: % appdata%

Step 3. Open the found folder

Step 4. From this folder go to the directory Apple computer MobileSync Backup.

Important!Remember, there is only one backup available for each device. So if you create a new one. then the old one will be automatically deleted. Of course, all data stored in it will be deleted. Try not to lose your backup files by copying them in case you reinstall the operating system, to removable media or a cloud service, for example, Dropbox.

You can view information about backups directly from iTunes, for this go to Edit Settings Devices... You can see the date here last sync, ban automatic synchronization and delete existing backups.

If you accidentally deleted some information from iOS devices and hoping to restore it, an iTunes backup can be a great help.

iTunes backups happen automatically, each time you connect your iPad or iPhone with iTunes (if you didn’t turn on the iCloud Backup option), or manually, when you right-click the device in iTunes and choose ‘’ Back Up ’’. They are saved on your computer and contain important data, such as contacts, text messages, calendar, notes, call history and app data.

So where are iPhone or iPad backups stored? It depends on which operating system uses your computer, although there is space for reserve copy the default is the same between iOS versions.

Where is the iTunes backup folder on Windows?

Reserve iTunes copies stored in% APPDATA% \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync on Windows.

On Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista, this will be the path, for example \\ Users \\\\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup.

On Windows XP it will be similar to \\ Documents and Settings \\\\ Application Data \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup.

The Microsoft Store version of iTunes is slightly different: it stores its backups in% HOMEPATH% \\ Apple \\ MobileSync. This will be the path, for example \\ Users \\\\ Apple \\ MobileSync \\ Backup.

Where is the iTunes backup folder on macOS / OS X?

ITunes backups are stored in ~ / Library / Application Support / MobileSync on macOS.

This folder is usually located in the / Users // Library / Application Support / MobileSync / Backup folder.

How to find the iTunes backup folder automatically

iPhone Backup Extractor automatically finds the iTunes backup folder for you, and can open it with a click. This functionality is in the free version, so this won "t cost a thing.

  1. Download and install iPhone Backup Extractor
  2. Open the Preferences window from the app "s pull-down menu
  3. Select the Backups tab.
  4. Where the window says "We always look for backups in your default folder", click the "default folder" link. Easy!

Opening iTunes Backup Folder in Windows

Open the default backup location in File Explorer using the command “ Windows startup". Press ⊞ Win + R and the Run window will appear. Type% APPDATA% \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync and press ⏎ Enter.

For iTunes versions for Microsoft Store you can do this: Press ⊞ Win + R and the Run window will appear. Type% HOMEPATH% \\ Apple \\ MobileSync and press ⏎ Enter.

This is how it looks on Windows 10:

A folder named "Backup" will appear in the explorer window that opens. This contains any iTunes backups that are already present on the computer.

Finding the iTunes backup folder on macOS

The default backup location can be shown in Finder using Spotlight. Pressing ⌘ Cmd + and enter ~ / Library / Application Support / MobileSync before pressing ⏎ Enter.

A folder named "Backup" will appear in the Finder window that opens. This contains any iTunes backups that are already present on the computer.

Change the location of the iTunes backup folder?

If you'd like to change the default folder that iTunes backs up to, we have a handy guide in our support center.

For many users, it is very important to preserve the accumulated information over the years. Every time the iphone is connected to the computer, the program automatically creates a backup. Where it is stored and how to view all the data, let's find out in more detail.

Synchronizing phone data with iTunes allows you to automatically create a copy of the device data, this is a so-called backup, so that the user has the opportunity to restore all data if information is lost from the phone. It also happens that after reinstalling the system on a laptop or computer, all data is erased. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to copy all files or make a backup, but first you need to know where it is created in order to be able to copy it to another media.

Where is the Iphone backup stored

A copy of all files stores all information from the phone, from contacts and bookmarks of the browser that you use when visiting Internet pages, to records, photos and videos. You don't want to lose all data, especially if it is very important, so you need to learn how to find all the information when synchronizing. This is not difficult to do, we will consider 2 options, taking into account the different operating systems of the devices.

How to find a copy of an iPhone on MAC 0S X:

  • go to the "User" folder;
  • register a name if it has not been assigned yet;
  • then go to the "Library" folder.

At the stage of entering the "Library" folder (it is hidden), in order to see it, you need to do the following way: open the "Finder", click the "Go" tab at the top, press the alt (key on the keyboard) and contemplate the desired folder. Then we just go into it. Then we move along this path: "Application Support" - "MobileSync" - "Backup", and look for necessary information.

How to Find Iphone Backup in Windows XP

If you are using a different operating system, then the search route is as follows:

  • folder "Documents and settings";
  • "Username";
  • folder "Application Data";
  • folder "Apple Computer";
  • folder "MobileSync";
  • folder "Backup".

If the operating system on your device is different - Vista or Windows 7, then the backup search path is slightly different: "User", "Username", "Date", "Roaming", "Apple Computer", "MobileSync", "Backup ".

Easy Way to Find Iphone Backup

For those who do not like long searches, we offer a lightweight option - a backup copy of the information can be found in iTunes.

How to do it:

  • Open iTunes.
  • We go into the program settings.
  • A new window will open, you need to go to the "Devices" menu.
  • In the window that opens, all information about all copies from the phone that are stored in the computer's memory will be displayed. You can also track them by their creation date.
  • You can only delete them. It is impossible to transfer all information or copy everything from this program.

How to Find Iphone Backup in iCloud Cloud

There is another option with which you can find a phone backup in cloud service apple. To do this, you need to go to the iCloud.com website and enter your password, as well as a login in this browser.

You will see the following information:

  • mail data (if the boxes are free, then you can access your information);
  • information on contacts, calendars, reminders (if a "birdie" was installed in the device in advance);
  • if there is mail on the cloud service, then information will be provided on the synchronization of notes;
  • synchronization of documents;
  • search for an iPhone. The map shows where your phone is at the moment (the function allows you to track the device if the iPhone is stolen or lost).

The cloud service does not have a "backup" folder, so you cannot copy a copy or use the information you want. You can only delete programs that are not in use, restore your iPhone from the created backup when you first start the device. The program asks whether to restore the phone from a copy or not. If you enter your data (password and login), then you can restore data on the phone from a backup copy.

Often, the user of an iOS device is faced with the task of finding a backup made at a certain time ago. Any experienced iPhone owner probably knows how to back up. But not everyone knows where these copies are stored on conventional computers or on a Mac.

Backup files store a lot of important information for the user, so no iPhone owner wants to lose them irrevocably. There are both contact lists and browser bookmarks (for example, Safari, etc.).

Our article will tell you where the iPhone backup is stored on the computer. And this is done on different "operating systems" in different ways.

A copy file made from a Windows computer with the assistance of the aytyuns utility is usually stored in the Users folder.

And to keep your copies safe and files are not accidentally damaged, Apple offers the following guidelines:

  • A backup that can be created on a PC or laptop will not necessarily be stored in the folder named above. The location of the copy will depend on which OSA is installed on the computer. Although it is possible to copy information with a backup, it is better to refrain from moving it to other folders or drives (external or network).
  • Backing up iPhone data cannot be edited, renamed or retrieved file information, since all these actions can lead to their damage. For example, to restore information from a moved copy, you need to return it to its place, otherwise nothing will come of it. Backup is a safe source of storage for all data mobile device... Even if the backup file stored on the PC is open for access, you will hardly be able to view the iPhone backup. it is not readable.

Where are iPhone backups stored on Mac

It is even easier to find and open a copy on these computer gadgets than on a regular PC or laptop. This is done in just a few simple steps.

To find the information image, you need to click on the menu bar, and then specify the following path: ~ / Libraries / Application Support / MobileSync / Backup /

And the second way is how to find desired file with backup, assumes such user actions as:

  • Opening the aytyuns utility.
  • Entering the settings menu.
  • Selecting a section with devices.
  • Pressing the "control" key and holding it for some time.
  • In parallel with the above action - clicking on the name of the desired copy.
  • Click on the item "Show in Finder".

This completes the search process. Now you know not only how to back up your iPhone, but also how to find it later among many other files on a regular PC or Mac.

We are looking for information on a PC with "operating system" Windows 7,8,10

To search for backup files on a PC or laptop with the specified OS versions, you need to perform the following set of actions:

  • In the search bar, enter "Windows 7" (8 or 10, respectively - depending on which PC you are using for work), start the search by clicking the appropriate button.
  • Drive into the opened search line:% appdata%.
  • Click on the enter key.
  • Double click (sequentially) on folders:
  • Apple computer
  • MobileSync
  • Backup.

How to delete a backup on a regular PC or Mac

As mentioned above, it is strictly forbidden to perform the following manipulations with backup files:

  • Editing.
  • Transfer to other folders.
  • Renaming.
  • Extracting information.

All of these actions in 100% of cases will lead to damage to the files with copies. And to duplicate files or delete them. Several other actions will be required, which we will discuss below.

Copying backup files to another location

If the user needs a duplicate of backup files, you need to find these files using one of the methods described earlier, and be sure to copy them completely (in part) to the required location (for example, to a disk or to a network storage, etc.).

If you used Time Machine, the copied information is automatically duplicated during the backup process on the Mac device.

Method how to delete backups

For complete erasure backup files, you need to proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • On a Mac, go to the settings of the aytyuns utility, on a regular PC or laptop - in the edit menu, and then in the settings.
  • And there, and there click on the device icon.
  • Selecting a specific copy to be deleted. If there are many files (or several devices), you need to hover the mouse cursor over each copy to view information about it.
  • Select the item to delete the backup copy, click on it, thus confirming your decision.

How to find copies saved in icloud

If the user prefers to make a backup via iCloud, because this method seems to him the most convenient, he will not be able to find them later on the service resource on the Internet. To search for backup files on any device (it doesn't matter if it's a regular PC or laptop or Mac), you need to use another method and do the following:

  • In any device from Apple, you first need to go to the settings.
  • Then you need to scroll the page to the very bottom and click on the icloud icon.
  • Enter the storage section, and then - management.
  • On a device called Mac, go to the Apple menu, then to system preferences, and click on the icloud icon.
  • On a PC or laptop with Windows operating system, at the previous step, you need to open the icloud for this OS and also go to the storage.

Method for deleting files with backup in icloud

This method, in addition to erasing information, is also used to select the content of the copy stored in the icloud.

To delete data in icloud, you must:

  • On any gadget from Apple with iOS, go to the settings.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the icloud icon.
  • Enter the repository and then the file management section.
  • Decide on the copy to be deleted or perform an action to erase it, simply confirming it by pressing one button.

Before deleting, you can view additional information about the backup file by simply hovering the mouse cursor over its name. The information will pop up in a special window next to the file.

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