Search and update outdated device drivers. The best programs for finding, updating and installing drivers on Windows

On a PC or laptop. The article considered mainly manual installation methods, since everyone should know this. Including inexperienced users (everyone was once a beginner).

However, it is not necessary to install them manually. After all, today there are special programs for installing and updating drivers that will do everything for you. A couple of mouse clicks, 15-30 minutes of time - and everything will be configured on your computer or laptop: Internet, sound, video card.

Programs for automatic driver updates are suitable for all computers and laptops - Acer, Asus, Samsung, Lenovo, HP, etc. There are no exceptions here. They also work on all OSs - Windows XP, 7, 8, 10.

But there is one caveat: over time, online installers are gradually updated. And, possibly, new versions will not support Windows 7 or XP. Therefore, before installing the driver manager, read the system requirements (in particular, the item "Supported operating systems").

The first excellent program (in Russian) -. There are several versions of this utility, including a free one. Its capabilities are more than enough for ordinary users.

Benefits of the Driver Booster program:

  • operational scanning of a PC (or laptop);
  • displaying the priority of updating devices (shows which it is desirable to update immediately);
  • installation is carried out in the background: press one button and you can do your own thing.

Also, this free driver manager automatically creates a system restore point. And if some kind of failure occurs, you can easily roll back to the previous working version.

Another free driver search program is. It is considered one of the best. Users can choose from 2 installers - online and offline. And you can choose any (based on the situation).

For example, if you need a free program to install drivers without the Internet, then you need to download the offline installer. It is an ISO file larger than 11 GB (you can open it through Daemon Tools). Perhaps this is quite a lot, but you will have a program with all the drivers on hand. And it will be enough for at least a year. Just write to a USB flash drive and you can use it if necessary.

If you do not want to download such a large file, and there is Internet on your laptop, then you can use the online installer. It weighs about 300 KB.

Using this utility is quite simple. Launch Driver Pack Solution (any version), wait until it scans the system and displays a report. Uncheck the items and click "Update." In 15-20 minutes everything will be ready.

Driver Pack Solution also installs additional software: browsers, archivers, etc. If this is unnecessary, do not forget to uncheck the corresponding boxes.

Give it a try. However, this utility also works on Windows 7, 8 and 10.

One of its main advantages is that it is able to find drivers for unknown devices that Windows cannot recognize in any way. This option has repeatedly helped out owners of PCs and laptops.

Her other advantages:

  • quick scan - about 2 minutes;
  • automatic search and update drivers;
  • simple interface in Russian;
  • the installer takes only 21 MB.

3DP Net

Another program is 3DP Net. Recommended for use if there are problems with network controllers. That is, if after reinstalling the OS they are defined as an unknown device - try this installer.

3DP Net takes up very little space, so you can download it from your phone. Yes, and this program works for installing drivers without the Internet. And most importantly: it supports many network cards. Even if you have a rare model installed, the utility will still install a universal driver, and the Internet will appear.

Main feature: she can backup, i.e. Save all previously installed Windows drivers.

This feature is very useful when reinstalling the operating system. Save your drivers using Driver Checker, install the new Windows, and then restore all the data from this program. And you don’t even have to look for anything.

The main advantage: it scans the system very quickly. Literally in 10-20 seconds! The only negative is that this driver manager is in English (although using it is quite simple).

After scanning Windows, this utility displays a visual report of what exactly needs to be updated. The drivers are installed one at a time.

There are 2 versions of the installer - Free and PRO. The possibilities of the free program are enough with your head, so you can install it if necessary.

Best suited for those who do not trust the various installers and want to control the whole process themselves. He copes with this task perfectly.

The utility will scan the system, after which it will give you links from where you can download the drivers yourself. As a result, you don’t have to look for them on the manufacturer’s website: just click “Download” and install.

By the way, if you need a program to update video card drivers, it is best to use a native utility. For Nvidia models, this is GeForce Experience (installed automatically when a new driver is installed), and for Radeon models, AMD Gaming Evolved. In this case, it is recommended to update the drivers on the video card through them (without using third-party installers).

OSTotoSoft Driver Talent Pro  - A program for finding and installing the latest drivers for your equipment. Driver Talent will quickly find missing and outdated drivers in the system and after a few seconds you will receive a complete list of outdated drivers. You can tidy up the drivers in bulk, or download and install them separately, ticking off the boxes and pressing the "Start" button. By the way, Driver Talent is one of the few programs of this kind that allows you to download installer files to a specified location and run them manually. Typically, installation is performed in the background, and the user sees only a progressively filling progress slider.

System requirements:
Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8/7 / XP / Vista, Windows Server (32-bit & 64-bit)

Torrent Automatic Driver Installation - Driver Talent Pro RePack by Vova Details:
In addition to installing and updating, the program can create backup copies of the drivers installed on the computer. This feature is useful, for example, when reinstalling the operating system. By installing “fresh” Windows and restoring the drivers from the backup, you will not only save time, but also lose the need to install drivers for specific devices that were not found by Driver Talent during the scan and were installed from optical disks.
Not bad in the program is a module for collecting information about hardware. The program displays only the most important data about the processor, RAM, SSD and HDD-drives, graphics adapter and motherboard. The collected information can be exported to a separate file. The graphic design of Driver Talent is simple and tasteful, so working with the program is quite pleasant.

Key features:
  Scan for outdated, missing or damaged, faulty and incompatible drivers.
  Download and install the best matched drivers for your computer hardware and all connected peripherals.
  At the touch of a button, it will restore and fix all problems with the drivers.
  Updating drivers to the latest version.
  Pre-downloading and saving drivers for your own computer, downloading and transferring drivers for another PC.
  Universal control:  backup, restore, delete, reinstall and much more.
  Support for downloading drivers and updates for all devices and manufacturers.
  Fully compatible with Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8/7 / XP / Vista, Windows Server.
  Keep your computer and devices in perfect condition.

Features RePack "a:
Type of:  Installation
Languages:  Russian (Fix by Wawa) | English.
Cut out:  Other languages.
Activation:  Conducted (Patch-shenkee1991).

Command Line Key:

Any computer user at least once faced with the need to install or update drivers, and therefore, faced with related difficulties. In order to do this yourself, you need to find out the model of the device, go to the official website of the developer, and only then download and install the necessary software. There are programs that automatically search for drivers. They greatly accelerate this process, avoid downloading obsolete, and sometimes malicious versions.

Free Driver Search Software

Free for non-commercial use programs can perform several functions. Firstly, the direct selection of drivers. They simply scan the system and provide all the necessary information to the user. Secondly, they are equipped with functionality for automatic search and installation of drivers.

DriverPack Solution  - One of the most powerful and convenient programs in Russian. It is distributed free of charge, with open source code. The main feature of DPS is the ability to install drivers on computers without a network connection. This is possible due to the fact that the program has its own database that stores drivers for different devices. Due to the fact that the database is packaged in 7z archives, its weight is negligible. This saves disk space for storing the program.

In addition to the offline database, it is possible to search for the necessary drivers on the Internet. This functionality is used in cases when information about equipment is not available in the program. Additional amenities include automatic scanning and updating of anti-virus programs, the presence of integrated software - browsers, audio codecs and some necessary utilities.

Driver booster free  - A similar program with a Russian interface. It, unlike DPS, works only with Online databases, which somewhat reduces its versatility. However, to support the computer and the system in working condition, it is ideal. After starting, Driver Booster minimizes to the tray, regularly conducting an automatic search for drivers. If necessary, updates them.

Users note that in addition to all the advantages, the program has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it takes a long time to download the necessary software from the network, which not only spends traffic, but also slows down the computer for some time. Secondly, after installing each driver, Driver Booster gives a signal about the need to restart the PC. Thirdly, the program is quite resource intensive.

  Device doctor- Perhaps the least useful program for finding drivers. Despite the fact that there are 13 million drivers in its database, not everyone can use them. The completely uninformative interface and the lack of an automated installation are to blame. Therefore, after the scanning procedure, the program only provides links to web resources where you can download each driver separately, and then install it yourself. Also, its interface is localized only in English, which further complicates its use.

Among the obvious advantages, Device Doctor is a very powerful system that searches for outdated drivers that works even with unidentified devices. It is for her sake that you should download the program.

  Drivermax- Another paid program made in the metro-style. Its interface is simple and understandable to any user, even despite the lack of a Russian language. In addition to standard features in the form of searching for drivers and installing them, the program boasts a unique solution - archiving and saving installed versions of drivers in the system. This will help in cases where after the update they work unstably, with errors.

DriverMax users often complain that in demo mode it installs third-party software in the form of browsers. This, of course, does not adversely affect work, but it causes a number of inconveniences.

The drivers that the program installs are tested for digital signature. This ensures the stability of the system and its individual elements.

Paid programs, with demos.

Paid programs, as a rule, have advanced functionality, and more frequent developer support. Also, you can use them as Demo versions, which are limited in time of use, or carry limited functionality. But often, these programs are bought.

Carambis Driver Updater  stands out among other programs for its simplicity. Even the most inexperienced user can use it. To start the scanning system, you just need to press a few keys. Immediately after this, Driver Updater minimizes to the background and consumes almost no computer resources. After all the devices are detected, and the drivers are selected for them, the program will offer to start the download and installation. Again, everything will pass almost without user intervention.

Carambis Driver Updater works on devices with any version of Windows OS from XP to 10. Also, both 32 and 64-bit systems are supported. If there are any problems, incompatibility with computers, then technical support always solves the problems of users in a matter of hours.

The main drawback of CDU is the lack of an offline driver database.

This is the most popular program among analogues. Almost every user knows about it. Working with updated online databases, the utility allows you to quickly find and download the necessary drivers. At the same time, there are several operating modes: automatic and user. In the first, download and installation are automatic. The user only needs to click the "OK" button. In the second, you can install separate drivers. This mode is suitable for those who are limited in web traffic.

There is no official Russification of this program, but there are many unofficial patches. However, many consider this useless, because the interface is intuitive. All that is required of a computer user is to click on two large, prominent buttons.

Driver Genius has a great feature - the scan schedule, which can be configured in any convenient way, at any time.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments, we will help you.

Any system update or connection of new equipment requires interaction with the drivers. In fact, there are no particular difficulties in this process. However, the constant execution of the same actions manually takes too much time. Moreover, there are many automated applications that are ready not only to find the necessary driver, but also to install it, as well as monitor further updates.

Among the popular programs there are the best ones that you should definitely pay attention to.


Perhaps the most successful choice for those who want to forget about the manual installation of drivers. Moreover, the software is perfect for both home and office use. This is due to the fact that in the application database there are many official packages received directly from manufacturers. In this case, DriverHub is absolutely free and does not have trial periods and other hidden conditions.

You can download one of the best programs for updating and installing drivers on the official website or via this link in the program directory.

In addition to the main functionality, the program is able to independently determine outdated drivers. After checking, she can install the missing items individually or comprehensively. By the way, the application saves the history of actions and creates data recovery points before any updates. Among the main advantages of DriverHub, users note:

  • concise interface;
  • an impressive base of official drivers;
  • the presence of automatic and manual operation;
  • the ability to return to the old driver version;
  • the existence of a history of downloads and installations;
  • lack of extra tools and features.

The application fully meets the needs of even the most demanding users, therefore it is rightfully in the list of the best in this segment.

Already from the name of the product it is clear that it is available in absolutely free mode. A fairly convenient installer that can update drivers automatically. Active software allows you to avoid bugs and use only the latest utilities. The application of this application stabilizes the system and reduces the risk of errors. The program may well function without user intervention.

Among the characteristic features it is worth highlighting:

  • efficiency and ease of use;
  • the presence of the Russian language in the interface;
  • quite convenient installation of packages in automatic mode;
  • no need for manual settings;
  • there is an additional base for gamers that significantly improves gaming performance.

If the PC periodically issues certain errors or does not perceive one or another device, probably the gadget simply can not find the necessary drivers. With Driver Booster Free, this problem will be solved in a matter of minutes.

Another software for those who are looking for a powerful and efficient driver installer for your computer. The application completely scans the system, highlighting the missing elements and downloading them. The interface is intuitive even for a novice user. Moreover, the program does not require special participation in interaction with drivers. By the way, the modern database is updated daily.

Having tested Carambis Driver Updater in business, you can quickly notice its main features:

  • rather prompt scanning of the system for the presence of the necessary components;
  • with one click you can start the search and installation of entire driver packages;
  • the application interface allows you to get acquainted with the detailed OS data;
  • software does not take up much space and works effectively in the background;
  • the utility is optimized for all modern versions of Windows.

An important aspect is the availability of drivers exclusively from official developers. In this regard, PC productivity is noticeably increasing.

DriverPack Solution

This product has not just entered the list of the best in its segment. Its main feature is versatility. The free application is suitable for any current Windows operating system. It is important that the software has a built-in database of official drivers. Immediately after checking the PC, the program begins to look for the necessary add-ons. At the same time, it is quite capable of functioning offline. The Internet is necessary only if the necessary utility is not found in the database.

Here are just some of the advantages:

  • compatible with any gadgets from well-known manufacturers;
  • capable of a comprehensive search for drivers for almost any equipment;
  • differs in an absolutely laconic interface without complicated functions;
  • in just a couple of movements allows you to install new drivers or replace obsolete;
  • in manual mode, selective installation of specific utilities is possible.

If you do not want to give the application permission to automatically search for updates on the network, it is worth remembering the need for periodic manual checks.

The last thing on the list was software, which easily copes with installing drivers individually and in whole packages. The application database is regularly updated with the latest versions. The utility is able to function in automatic and manual format. In work, she shows the following features:

  • operational update of almost any missing drivers;
  • creating backups to protect the device from possible failures;
  • manual configuration for partitions that require automatic installation;
  • thoughtful simple interface.

The only negative, many consider its value. An unlimited version for 3 computers will cost about 2000 rubles.

In searching for the perfect program for installing and updating drivers, you need to pay attention to all aspects. The software interface, its functional indicators and capabilities are important here. The described applications are the best in this direction and offer users the most effective conditions.

Download drivers and driver managers for your computer for free. You can download the latest drivers from our website in one click ..

   version: 19.3.1 from March 11, 2019

Lame graphics while playing Crysis 3 or Battlefield 4? Does the graphics adapter not cope with the fast processing of high-resolution video files in high resolution? You should consider new advanced drivers for your video card. Of course, if you have an AMD Radeon graphics card.

Drivers AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition (also known as the AMD-Catalyst name option) is a software package designed to improve the performance of a video card. If you play games with cool graphics or deal with video processing, then you probably understand how important it is that the video card does not fail.

   version: from 07 March 2019

DriverMax Free is a free utility used to search and backup the so-called "firewood".
As a rule, in order for the computer to recognize the connected device, special programs are needed - drivers. They provide the normal interaction of the processor with the video card or, for example, with the motherboard.

   version: 419.35 from 07 March 2019

NVIDIA has released an updated version of the Forceware driver. These drivers are used to operate NVIDIA graphics cards on a computer running Windows XP, Vista, Win7 and Win8 32/64 bit.

The drivers are designed for video cards with hardware support for the DirectX 8/9/10/11 API (GeForce 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 900 series), as well as motherboards based on nForce 760i SLI and integrated graphics solutions.

   version: dated February 25, 2019

A program for updating drivers that can scan the system in two or three minutes, find outdated versions and download new ones.

The new version of Driver Booster is able to update drivers not only for computer components and connected devices, but also for computer games.

   version: dated 12 February 2019

If you want your computer to optimally display game graphics and play high-quality video files without any inhibitions, you should make sure that the graphics adapter is in perfect condition.

To achieve this, the GeForce Experience, a program from NVIDIA, can be downloaded for free by every user whose computer is equipped with an appropriate graphics card.

   version: 17.9.3 dated January 31, 2019

DriverPack Solution - a utility for installing new versions of drivers in automatic mode. This software is a set of software components into which you can add or extract the necessary drivers for your devices in a separate archive.

The decisive role in the correct operation of devices and their components is played by drivers. They tend to become obsolete, and for high computer performance the driver base needs to be updated periodically.

   version: 7.121 dated October 29, 2018

A set of components for the correct operation of the Realtek family network adapter. Drivers are ready for use immediately after installation and do not require separate configuration.
  This software can be used for external devices and adapters integrated into the PC motherboard. All modern components are supported, including cards with a bandwidth of up to 1024 Mbps. You can download the Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller network driver to computers running Windows or Linux. The architecture of the platform does not matter - the software is compatible with 64-bit and 32-bit systems.

   version: dated December 06, 2017

A useful utility for scanning drivers installed on a computer and downloading their latest versions. It is able to create backup copies of software intended for connected devices in order to avoid problems during system failures.

In order for the devices connected to the computer to display and work normally, special programs are needed - drivers. They can be bundled with purchased software or downloaded from the Internet.

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