Which windows 8 is better to install. Best Windows version. Comparative tests of operating systems when working with conventional programs


  • The interface is convenient and understandable for stationary computers, laptops and netbooks.
  • Stability - Windows 7 is one of the most stable operating systems in recent memory. If everything is configured correctly. The drivers are installed and updated. Antivirus protection is worth it. The work of the seven is very stable. For example, on my computer, the seven has been standing for more than 5 years and I have no problems with work and stability.
  • Windows 7 has good compatibility even with old programs and games. It is possible to run applications in compatibility mode with Windows XP and even Win 98. The work of such programs has been tested on personal experience, for example, there is a game that was released on Windows 95 - Heroes of Might and Magic III and it still works fine.
  • Protection from dummies - Windows blocks possibly incorrect user actions and indicates a possible error.
  • System Restore Service - very convenient in case something went wrong, you can always return to the original settings. After viruses or crashes, you can roll back the system to an earlier state in order to get a normal, healthy, virus-free Windows.
  • Touch input - yes already in Windows 7 you can use touch input and it works quite well.
  • Convenient search - search in the seven works very quickly, you can easily find the necessary files even on huge disks, such as 2TB.
  • Supports over 4GB of RAM in 64 bit version. On XP, it was not possible to use more than 3.2GB of RAM, which imposes some limitations.
  • The seven has support for the latest DirectX, which allows you to play any games on it, of course, subject to high performance details.
  • Simplified work with any connected devices - printers, cameras, bluetooth and more is now very easy to set up.
  • A simpler taskbar - it has many convenient functions.
  • Convenient control panel. Everything is thematically grouped and any setting is much easier to find.
  • Windows XP Mode - allows you to run the Win XP emulator on your desktop. True, it is available in Ultimate, Pro and Enterprise versions.
  • Improved power management service. When I first installed Windows 7 on my laptop, I was amazed how long it could run on my battery. In general, the power consumption has been very well optimized.
  • The Automatic Driver Installation Center is very useful. If you have the Internet, you can update most drivers in 2 clicks, completely automatically.
  • Very fast OS installation - on your computer, installation from start to finish takes only 9 minutes.
  • Parental control - I think everything is so clear here.
  • Windows Defender - Built-in protection against spyware and grayware. Although its protection is not very effective, I put this option as a plus.
  • Built-in online multiplayer games are now available. For example, I really like to play chess with opponents from any part of the world.


  • Resource intensity - on weak Windows 7 computers. For the seven to work well, you need a fairly powerful computer.
  • Inconvenient guide - it has been greatly simplified and it happens that working with it is rather inconvenient.
  • Weak self-protection - despite the fact that the system has built-in firewall and Windows Defender. the level of computer protection against viruses is very low. you need to install additional.
  • It is not convenient to share files over the network.
  • Compatibility issues with some 64 and 32 bit drivers.
  • For some, there may still be problems, but for myself I no longer found problems with the seven.
Well, now let's get to what is better or worse in Windows 8.

Windows 8

Newer is not always better. Remember when Windows Vista came out, most users continued to use Windows XP. Why did it happen? Vista was a very crude, not convenient and resource-consuming operating system. She was very much expected. but when it came out many went back to XP. Everyone had different thoughts on this matter, but in total the whist failed. The developers themselves understood this and began to hastily put the whista in order, after which a pretty good seven came out. now many have a question whether to switch to the new eight or wait and find out what Windows 10 will give us, which will be released in the near future.

Windows 8 advantages:

  • Explorer in desktop mode turned out to be more convenient.
  • The new task manager is very convenient and informative.
  • Quickly turn on and off your computer.
  • Convenient control for devices with touch input.
  • The ability to install Windows 8 on a USB flash drive.
  • Advanced System Restore - an interesting function of restoring system defaults without reinstalling Windows, restoring a PC without deleting files.
  • Burn any discs using Windows itself.
  • DirectX 11.1 support - useful for owners of video cards that support this functionality.
  • Less demanding system for hardware, in contrast to the seven.
  • Support for various devices - computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

Disadvantages of Windows 8:

  • The absence of the "START" menu - for many, the absence of this menu spoils the usability of the OS for non-touch computers.
  • The Modern UI (tiled interface) is a very inconvenient interface for ordinary non-touch computers and laptops. It is inconvenient to operate the mouse and keyboard. Many people do not switch to Windows 8 because of it. There is no way to uninstall Modern UI, I would like to do it.
  • Incompatibility of games - it seems like a new operating system, but not all games run on it))
  • Shredded Search - No generic search for Desktop and Modern UI. This is very inconvenient when looking for the information you need.
  • The market is adapted for a touch interface, all applications in it are for Modern UI and are not convenient for the keyboard and mouse.
  • Cloud - Not everyone wants their files to be stored in the cloud. Consider the example of the iCloud hack.
  • Pop-up panels are generally horrible, you work calmly and accidentally point to a corner or edge and then a pop-up window will pop up that interferes with work and distracts from work.
  • Performance - Apart from the download speed, the increase in performance, in contrast to the seven, has hardly changed. Therefore, I write it down.
  • Lack of system tray - causes discomfort when using.
  • The bios locked under the UEFI eight are extremely sad, since it is impossible to install, for example, the seven if necessary, or it is also impossible to install Ubuntu, for example.
  • Many will find many more drawbacks - you can supplement the article in the comments.


In the end, I presented you with the most basic advantages and disadvantages of Windows 7 and 8. Based on them, you yourself can easily conclude what to choose for you. Because both operating systems are good in different conditions. If you decide to do

Before choosing which system to use, Windows 8 or 10, you need to find out how they differ. Let's take a look at the differences that anyone might encounter, rather than the systemic subtleties that are important only to developers.

Comparison criteria

When choosing the system on which you will be working in the near future, do not forget to pay attention to the following points:

  • appearance, design. It should be borne in mind that the color scheme can be customized, and the interface can be personalized using system settings and third-party programs;
  • performance. Different versions of the system will solve the same problems on the same computers at different times: some OS will take more time, some - less;
  • device support. Some modern devices only work with the most recent version of Windows, and older ones do not always interact with it. Although Windows 10 solves the last problem with the help of compatibility mode;
  • availability of functions. Microsoft has officially ended support for Windows 8, so new technologies and services that Microsoft invents are not being added to the old operating system.

By comparing the two versions according to the above criteria, you can understand which version is right for you. Feedback from people who have tested both Windows will also help make the right decision.

Minimum Requirements

Minimum Requirements is a list of the "weakest" components that make up a computer, which are required to install the system. If your graphics card, processor, and any other component does not meet the minimum requirement, you will not be able to upgrade to a new Windows. The only way out is to replace it with a modern and more efficient analogue.

The minimum requirements for Windows 8 and 10 are the same. Although the latest version of the system has acquired a wider range of functions, good optimization allowed us not to raise the minimum performance bar:

  • processor with a frequency of 1 GHz;
  • rAM - 1 GB or 2 GB for 32 and 64-bit systems, respectively;
  • HDD or SSD disk with 16 GB or 20 GB of free memory for 32 and 64-bit systems, respectively;
  • the video card must support DirectX version 9 or higher.

Design comparison

Windows 8 is very different from the rest of the versions, as it has an innovative tiled design. The usual desktop is absent, access to applications is carried out due to rectangular tiles. The user has the right to drag them, change colors and dimensions.

Windows 8 has a tiled design

Since the appearance of the G8 caused a lot of disapproval, Windows 10 returned to the familiar design: a desktop with shortcuts and a Start menu. The only difference is that now the system search bar is in a separate tab. The interface is similar to the presentation of Windows 7, but slightly modernized: unnecessary elements are removed, system settings are streamlined and intuitive, window frames are flat and rectangular.

Windows 10 brings back the familiar Windows 7 desktop and Start menu

Which design is better and more convenient is up to you. It is recommended to watch several videos comparing the appearance of both systems in order to understand how it looks in reality, in motion, and not in pictures.


You can find many tests on the Internet, their meaning is as follows: the same components are taken, the same versions of several systems are installed and the same tasks are performed on them. As a result, the time taken by each version to cope with them is compared.

System process speed

The graphs below clearly illustrate how quickly Windows 7, 8 and 10 can cope with the work. From them we can conclude: in most cases, "ten" wins.

Photo gallery: comparison of the speeds of system processes Windows 7, 8, 10

Comparison through programs

To compare performance, there are also special programs that specifically load the systems with various tasks, and then give the result for all points. According to the conclusions of these programs, Windows 10 wins in most cases.

Photo Gallery: Comparing Windows 7, 8, and 10 Performance Using Programs

Comparison in applications

Another way to find out the winner is to analyze the speed of the most popular applications: Excel, Mozilla browser, Adobe Photoshop, etc. According to the results of these tests, the tenth version of Windows is not always the first, but not far behind.

Photo Gallery: Comparing Windows 7, 8, and 10 Performance in Applications

Video: Comparison of Performance in Windows 7, 8, and 10 Games

Differences in capabilities

Some functions of Windows 8 moved to the tenth version, the second - remained only in it, the third - appeared only in the "ten". The list below will help you understand what this or that Windows can do.

Virtual tables

Native support for virtual tables appeared only with the release of Windows 10. In previous versions of the operating system, you could work with multiple tables only after installing third-party programs.

By creating as many desktops as you like, you can share the programs you use between them. For example, a browser and a notebook will be open on one table, a photo and video editor on the second, and a game on the third. In other words, the need for multiple desks may arise for people working simultaneously in many applications, or for those who let other people on their computer and want to provide them with a separate desktop.

Windows 10 can create multiple desktops

Video: How to use virtual desktops in Windows 10

Charms bar

The Charms Bar is a Start or Start menu that is very different in the Windows in question. In the "eight", by pressing the key with the Windows logo (a square divided into four squares), the user brings up a whole set of tiles that provide access to applications and news. The menu opens in full screen and can be scrolled wide. The list of tiles located in the menu is initially offered by the system itself, but in the future it can be changed by the user.

Charms Bar occupies the entire screen and consists of tiles

In Windows 10, the Start menu has taken on a more familiar look, albeit with a slight difference - the search bar, which helps to search for applications by name, has been moved to a separate window. By default, the Charms Bar opens in a small tab, which takes up about 1/6 of the screen, and contains a list of all programs in the computer's memory, as well as advertising and news tiles. The appearance, the number of folders and blocks can be configured manually.

In Windows 10, the Start menu is smaller and looks similar to the Start menu in Windows 7

At the same time, Windows 10 has a full-screen mode, the activation of which will lead to the fact that the menu will begin to open in the entire monitor.

Sync with OneDrive

OneDrive is a cloud service that lets you keep copies of many things on your computer. You will need a Microsoft account to work with it. You can send your photos, videos, some types of files and even system backups to this cloud, with the help of which broken Windows can be restored in the future. The technology is supported in both Windows 8 and Windows 10.

Personal data can be stored in OneDrive so that in the event of a computer breakdown it can be easily returned

Video: how to use One Drive

Standard browser

As with all previous systems, Windows 8 uses the standard Internet Explorer browser. Although it has been improved for a long time, it still lags far behind in performance and the number of supported technologies from all popular browsers. Of course, IE is capable of performing standard functions, for example, viewing news and videos, but most users, for many reasons, are in a hurry to replace it.

Windows 8 uses the outdated Internet Explorer browser

Windows 10 introduced a replacement for the unsuccessfully updated Internet Explorer - Microsoft Edge. This browser is faster, more beautiful and simpler. Modern design and support of many modern technologies makes it competitive. Perhaps it is still worse than most free counterparts, but it's already more enjoyable to use.

Windows 10 uses an updated and competitive Edge browser

Voice assistant

The voice assistant, called Cortana, appeared in the desktop version only in Windows 10. It is present in the mobile version of Windows 8 Mobile, but in the edition for the computer at this stage of Windows it was not.

With the help of the assistant, you can open applications by voice, request data, perform some actions, for example, minimize or switch a tab, search for information on the Internet, etc. But you need a microphone through which Cortana can hear you.

Windows 10 has a Cortana voice assistant that lets you do simple things using just your voice

At the moment, the assistant is not available in the Russian-language edition of Windows, so you will have to select the language supported by Cortana during the installation of the system or after that by going to its settings. A complete list of languages \u200b\u200bthat the assistant can interact with can be found on the official Microsoft website.

Xbox games

At a conference, Microsoft announced that all games released exclusively for Xbox One will be available on Windows 10. That is, a user with an Xbox Live account can purchase a game released for a game console and play it on their computer. There is no game compatibility with Windows 8.

On Xbox Live, you can buy games from the console and play them on your computer

Disc information

Windows 10 has a built-in service that provides detailed information on what the space of the HDD or SSD is used for. It shows how many megabytes each program uses, how much space these or those files take. Of course, you can install additional programs on Windows 8 to get the same information, but in the latest version of the system, just go to the computer settings.

Windows 10 can provide detailed information about the disk and programs that consume space on it

Smart split screen

In Windows 8, there are early signs that Microsoft is working on a feature that allows you to split the screen into parts rather than manually dragging and dropping windows and formatting their sizes. In it, it was possible to divide the monitor into two halves: one is given for the desktop and everything that happens on it, and the second is for windows with system settings and parameters. Convenient, but not completely practical.

The screen in Windows 8 can be split in two

Windows 10 has a full implementation of this feature. Dragging the window off the left or right side of the monitor and releasing it will create a split screen in two. The drag-and-drop application will go to one part, and the application that you choose from the list of launched ones will open in the other part. After that, using the arrows, it will be possible to divide the monitor into 3 or 4 blocks with different programs.

In Windows 10, the screen can be split into 2, 3 and 4 parts

Enhanced security

In Windows 10, there are more ways to set a password for an account. With Windows Hello, you can set up the following authentication methods: standard password entry, fingerprint recognition, pattern key, face recognition. Of course, fingerprint analysis requires a dedicated touchpad, and face scanning requires a Full HD camera with an infrared sensor.

You can set up identification by face or fingerprint to log in to Windows 10

Which is better than Windows 7 or Windows 8.1? After buying a new computer or laptop, many colleagues come to me and ask me to demolish the eight and install the seven. I used to agree to do this, but then I decided to install Windows 8.1 on my computer and see why it is so bad that people immediately want to remove it. As I thought it was all just a matter of habit. And in general, I even liked the eight more than the seven.

There are, of course, nuances that sometimes make you wonder. For example, in Windows 8.1 it is inconvenient to search for the required program. But you can just link "Programs" to the quick launch bar (in the same place where the Start button is located), and everything will immediately fall into place, or rather, almost in the same way as in previous versions of Windows.

The control panel can also be on the Desktop, and poke around in a long search for all its settings.

I must say right away that after a month of working with Windows 8.1, I no longer wanted to return to the seven, but this is only out of habit. In fact, the 8 is more tailored for mobile devices with touch screens, and not everyone will like its interface.

Sometimes you forget, you click on the Start button, and you fly out to a menu where you don't understand a damn thing. And why such a menu is needed on a stationary computer? Apart from irritation, I don't see any convenience in it.

Benefits of Windows 8 / 8.1

There are, of course, advantages in the eight. It's fast loading and a pretty user-friendly interface of all windows, similar to the windows of office applications 2007 and 2010. Not a bad Windows Defender, which provides basic protection against viruses. But in any case, you can't do without an antivirus program.

Also in the eight there is a store where you can buy or even install many useful programs for free. Directly from the system, you can find out the weather, the ruble exchange rate, and play. But all this is only when connected to the Internet. You can create your own collections and collect culinary recipes.

It also has its own cloud service (OneDrive), on which you can store up to 7 GB of data, which allows you to do without a flash drive. I threw the files into a kind of cloud at home, and at work took from it what was needed.

The main advantage of the eight is stability, and a much lower processor load compared to the seven.

Those who have not worked with Windows 7 will very quickly get used to the eight, but for those who are accustomed to the seven, it makes no sense to switch to Windows 8.1, especially since soon it will be possible to try the ten.

If you want to try to install one of these systems (or both at once) on your computer or laptop, then you must first ask on the official website of the manufacturer of your equipment, whether your computer supports this particular system, and whether there are drivers for these systems for your equipment.

What systems are better to install Windows 8 / 8.1

It makes no sense to install these systems on old computers without drivers. The system itself may be installed, but it will not work without drivers. It is much easier to find drivers for a desktop computer than for a laptop, tablet or netbook.

Usually there are drivers for either Windows 7 or Windows 8 / 8.1. On a stationary computer, it is better to install both systems, and try which one you like best. I did so. I have all three systems on my computer: Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8.1.

This is purely my opinion. Which is better Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, you decide. And for this, you must first try to work with them, and then draw conclusions.

I would like to hear your opinion regarding these systems. Share your observations and problems with us.

Windows from Microsoft has long been ranked first in popularity among operating systems, if, of course, not talking about mobile platforms. Microsoft itself periodically makes us happy with updates, and every few years releases a completely updated operating system. The last one at the moment is Windows 8 (8.1, to be precise, but in this case it does not matter). At first, users were trite to be afraid to update the system - it seemed so unusual and even complicated to them. However, after a while, everyone realized that there was nothing to be afraid of, and today the 8th version of Windows is installed on almost every second computer.

However, there are always people who are completely satisfied with the operating system in its current form. Indeed, if someone is using XP, why is he obliged to update to the latest version if he simply does not need it? However, a huge number of users are torn between Windows 7 and 8. What is better to install? I will provide you with food for thought.

Pros of Windows 7

  • Where to begin? Of course, from the design. If you are used to the laconic design of "Windows", which dates back to the mid-90s of the last century, then you better not change anything. Moreover, this version of the OS has been studied far and wide so that experts know it like the back of their hand, so in case of problems it will be very easy to find a solution.
  • The next point, which actually originates from the previous one, is the absence of the "Start" button. It’s almost impossible to get used to it! To be honest, I do not use this button very often, however, for convenience, it cannot be found competitors. Getting a little ahead of myself, I would like to point out that it is very easy to return the Start button to Windows 8 - there are a great many ways.
  • What else? Well, for example, do not forget that in fact 100% of all available programs are by default compatible with Windows 7. However, it's just a matter of time - in a couple of years, some manufacturers of toys and applications will stop supporting the G7, limiting themselves to the G8 ". However, I hope it doesn't come to that.
  • I remember that I was very surprised when I first launched 7 - unusual widgets appeared on the screen. Initially they seemed superfluous, but later I got used to them. If you are one of those people, like me, then 8 is contraindicated for you - there are absolutely no widgets in it! Why is a question that needs to be asked by developers, although this problem can be solved by third-party applications.
  • By the way, one more funny moment - in the G8 there is absolutely no transparent window decoration. How important is it? Honestly, at this moment I would not even pay attention, but for someone it matters.
  • The pluses can also be attributed to the relative problem-free - I'm talking about various problems associated with the performance of the operating system. However, all bugs of 8 "Windows" will definitely be fixed - it's just a matter of time.

Pros of Windows 8

  • What's the first thing that comes to mind? Of course, the updated design. It can hardly be called beautiful (personally, I do not consider it to be something out of the ordinary), but it is pleasing to the eye and laconic. At the same time, the design cannot be called completely new - it is rather a deep modernization of Windows 7, which many users liked.
  • The next item that, perhaps, should have been put at the head is the new Metro shell. Actually, this innovation has caused the greatest interest in the new product. What do I think about this shell? Let's just say that it's not as convenient for me to use it as the seventh version of Windows. And yet I believe that Microsoft should have taken a big step forward long ago, which has finally come true. It is possible that after a while I will reconsider my opinion about Metro, besides, as far as I know, a huge number of users have remained pretty shell.
  • Metro has several other important advantages. For example, now the user has the ability to access the most popular computer settings, such as the file search function. However, earlier it was also convenient to use the search - it was enough to press the "Start" button and enter a search query.
  • You can also remember a more convenient task manager - it really became more pleasant to use. You don't have to mention the new one - everyone knows about it.
  • Integration with Microsoft SkyDrive cloud storage has appeared. True, I do not use cloud storage at all.
  • Finally, you can always brag to your friends that you are using the latest version of Windows. Although who cares today ...


The above story was mostly about external changes. What about performance?

In order to compare the performance, the experts took two completely identical laptops with the same drivers, on which they installed Windows 7 and 8, respectively. Several special programs were used for the test. So, in 3DMark 2001, both OS showed almost the same results, the same applies to 3DMark Vantage. In some places, of course, the G8 was slightly ahead, but this can be attributed to errors.

But in performance tests, Windows 7 pulled ahead slightly. At the same time, the eighth "Windows" showed a much better result when loading the operating system itself, but the difference turned out to be small.

In the games, too, much difference was not noticed. However, in some games one operating system performs slightly better, while in others the second. Overall, parity.

All this leads to the conclusion that it will not actually be possible to achieve performance improvements by moving from Windows 7 to 8.

What's the bottom line?

I must say that initially Widnows 8 was developed for control from touch screens, where it is really more convenient to use it. But using the mouse is not so convenient, so it is not surprising that smartphones and tablets running the mobile version of the G8 have become so popular.

Is it worth the transition from the "seven" to the "eight"? The choice is entirely yours and depends only on personal preference.

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