Music download software is the best. Music2pc - program for fast search and free music download

There are a million ways to find and download music on the Internet today, but let me tell you about the one million first method - with the help of one small and free program called.

I was bribed in this program by the speed and quality of song search. I hope you enjoy Music2pc as well.

In fact, using this program is so simple that today there will be no article, but some kind of note. For this reason, I'll advertise Music2pc a little more, for more letters.

So, I have already said that the program is completely and categorically free. You will say that there are a lot of such free programs? Yes, there is, but almost every one contains "gifts" for free.

Some install toolbars for you and change the default search in the browser, others are crammed with blinking advertising banners, others are limited in the number of downloads ...

Have you already understood where I am leading? All this is not in Music2pc, this program is pure and innocent, like a baby's tear!

This was the first advantage over similar programs for searching and downloading music from the Internet.

Let the second unique quality be just the wild speed of downloading songs. Words cannot convey this - you have to try it yourself. This is the only way you will understand what I meant when I spoke about the speed of downloading music from the network using Music2pc.

And the third advantage of the program is its ease of use. I'll tell you about this in more detail ...

Download Music2pc

The size of the downloaded file is 1.51 Mb!

Installation of the program, as I said, is tricky and simple. The only caveat is that at the end of the installation, I removed two checkmarks so that the English-language page of the program would not start in the browser ...

A shortcut appeared on the desktop ...

... and the Music2pc program was launched.

The first thing to do is to reassign the folder to save the downloaded music. We poke on the button with three dots and select a folder on the D drive, for example.

I hope it's clear how to start downloading? Just hit "download" and that's it.

By the way, the higher the “Bitrate” value, the higher the sound quality and, accordingly, the larger the downloaded file size.

That's all for today. Until new useful and interesting programs. Bye Bye!

Music lovers are well aware of how difficult it is sometimes to find and download music, a song. There is no such site that would have collected all the musical compositions, moreover, available for.

All of them are randomly scattered across the network, and to revise hundreds of sites, social networks and "cloud" servers, you understand, there will be no strength.

Fortunately, there are programs for downloading music from the Internet. You no longer have to suffer, browsing site after site in search of the desired song - the program will do it for you, and it will do it much faster.

In this review, we bring to your attention five of the best programs for searching and downloading music from the World Wide Web in our opinion.

Some of them have a narrower specialization, for example VKMusic downloads music only from certain sources, others search all over the network.

1. Music download program - VKMusic

The first on our list is VKMusic ( - a free program for searching and downloading audio, video and images from the popular social network VKontakte, as well as from YouTube, RuTube, Vimeo, Yandex, Mail.Ru and some other resources.

The program has a very simple and pleasant user interface. The main menu consists of five items. The "File" item controls the cleaning of the search history, the "Upload" item allows you to manage download streams, rename and delete files, pause downloads, copy the url-address.

The "VKontakte" item is intended for managing video and audio files located in the social network user account, the "Options" menu item contains the program settings, using the "Help" item, you can go to the program website or open the built-in manual

To download music from VKontakte, you must log in by entering your username and password in the window that appears. You don't need authorization to download files from other sites. having logged in, you will get full access to the music database of the social network and will be able to download songs, albums, videos and without any restrictions.

Using the program is very simple - just enter the name of the artist, the name of the album or song in the search line, as VKMusic will immediately display a list of songs available for download.

To start downloading, select the name of the song with the mouse and click “Add to download” or just double-click on the name of the song - the download will start almost immediately.

Since by default VKMusic saves all downloaded files to the hard drive C, it is recommended to change the path in the settings to specify a more convenient directory. It is also possible to preview, view the bitrate and get information about the artist. By the way, all downloaded songs can be listened to directly from VKMusic with the help of a simple and convenient player built into the application.

2. Program for downloading music - VKSaver

VKSaver is a very simple and lightweight program for downloading audio and video content from the most popular social network VKontakte. VKSaver is free, easy to install, works on most Windows OS versions.

VKSaver does not have its own window, it runs in the background. After installation and launch, the program adds an icon to the system tray, and a small “S” button on the pages with audio content.

Now, to download your favorite song, you do not need to fiddle with additional windows, copy and paste links.

It is enough just to click on the “S” button and the utility will immediately redirect the user of the social network to the developer's site VKSaver, where he can download the selected song or video quickly, for free and without annoying ads.

The program is compatible with all popular browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer. VKSaver does not require any additional settings.

The only thing to remember is that the VK Saver installation should be done exclusively with closed browsers. It may also be necessary to create an exception for VK Saver in the firewall.

3. Program for downloading music for free FREE Music Downloader Studio

The next free program that we recommend looking at is called FREE Music Downloader Studio ( This application works with the following popular music portals:,,, as well as the social network VKontakte. FREE Music Downloader Studio has a very simple and convenient user interface with Russian language support.

Moreover, the program has a fairly impressive set of tools. Resuming, listening to music online, viewing the texts of selected songs, changing skins, maintaining logs, sorting, internal search, and many other functions are implemented.

The main disadvantage of FREE Music Downloader Studio is the presence of an account on supported sites. When making a search query, the program will ask the user to enter a username and password from the site from which it is supposed to download music. The search engine is also not well implemented.

For example, with the search query "Valeria" the program will return not only those results that are directly related to the work of this singer, but also all those where the keyword is found. Moreover, it may have a modified ending, for example, “Valery”, “Valerie”, “Valera” and so on.

True, you can use the built-in filters, but this does not always help out. The rest of the program is even very good.

Stream management is performed from the graphical menu located in the upper part of the working window. Everything is very simple - add the selected compositions to the download list and press the "Start Download" button. Do not forget to just change the path to the directory that will be downloaded

4. Program for downloading Easy MP3 Downloader

Easy MP3 Downloader ( is an efficient and very simple program for finding and downloading music. The main advantage of this application is a huge database of over 100 million musical compositions of different styles!

Using Easy MP3 Downloader is very simple - enter the song title or artist's name into the search box and after the program displays the list of results, select the desired track and click “Download”.

A window will immediately open in which you can specify the location where to save the file, select the bit rate or change the name of the song. There is also the possibility of previewing. Easy MP3 Downloader is paid. At the moment, the cost of the program is $ 24.95.

5. VKontakte.DJ program

The fifth on our list was a program called VKontakte.DJ ( As the name implies, the VKontakte.DJ program is designed to download audio and video from the VKontakte social network. The application is powerful enough, with many useful functions and interesting settings, but at the same time simple enough that even an untrained user can easily use it.

VKontakte.DJ supports downloading albums, listening to music online, automatic selection of the best bitrate, has a powerful built-in search by artist and track name, supports work with popular radio stations, and can display the text of the found song on the screen.

The main features of VKontakte.DJ are multitasking and automatic update function. Working in VKontakte.DJ you can perform several operations at once, for example, simultaneously listen to songs and search for new music.

VKontakte.DJ is free. A kind of reminder of the “generosity” of its developers is a small banner on the right side of the working window, which can be removed only by sending a paid sms.

In VKontakte.DJ, the download function is quite interesting. Rather, there are two ways to start downloading. The working window of the program is divided into two main parts: the search results area and the playlist.

To download a song, you can simply click on the arrow in front of the song name or drag the track to the playlist area. At the same time, a small window appears with a request to indicate what action the program should perform - just add a track to the list or add and download it right there.

6. OWL Player program

And finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with another interesting program, more likely even a utility called OWL Player). This little program weighs only 510 kilobytes. But do not be confused by her low weight - she knows her business. Unlike previous programs, OWL Player does not use social media databases. For her, the entire Internet is one big base. By connecting to various servers around the world, OWL Player can find just about anything.

You can search by artist name, genre, album or song title. It is possible to add to favorites. The main advantage of this utility, in addition to being free, is an unusually high search speed.

In addition to downloading tracks to the user's computer, the utility can play audio online. The new version has improved the context menu, improved search, added tooltips, and redesigned the loading algorithm, making the program even faster.

So we come to the end. All programs presented in the review are quite “working”, and besides, they were highly appreciated by the majority of users.

So now it's up to you. And we hope that our humble work will help you decide on the choice of tools for downloading music from the Internet and draw your attention towards the most reliable and useful programs.

Need to download music from VK?


Zona is a torrent client with a number of additional features and capabilities with a simple interface and easy navigation. Zona can perform all standard torrent client functions. So, for example, you can add an unlimited number of torrents, download them, share, and also limit the upload or download speed if you need it. However, the Zona program can serve more than just a torrent client. The fact is that it provides access to an extensive library of various films and TV series, which is constantly updated. In addition, the Zona app identifies different distributions of the same movie, differentiating ...


Another download manager, which is not inferior in its functions to more well-known analogues. So, for example, the program successfully works with the http and ftp protocols, successfully supports downloading files, and also has a built-in scheduler in which you can set not only the download time, but also their number, as well as set the computer to automatically shutdown. In addition, the program has a pleasant appearance, which, by the way, can be changed using skins, as well as an intuitive interface. There is also a floating window, which displays information about current downloads, and the ability to automatically rename the file ...


MusicWire is a program designed to search and download audio recordings from the Internet. It does not need registration or authorization, just go to the program, find the desired audio recording and download the file in MP3 format. Search is made by song title, artist or album. Also looking for backing tracks, soundtracks from movies and games and video clips on Youtube. Allows you to find not only music, but also audiobooks in multiple sources, in which more than 100,000,000 songs. Supports multi-download, with which you can download multiple files at once. Has its own top 1000 popular songs. Works...


A program for downloading music and videos from popular services, one of which is the social network Vkontakte. This program is designed as a separate module, can be installed easily and quickly, and also has a Russian interface. In order for the program to freely download music and videos from Vkontakte, you must enter your login and password from your page in it. As for the rest of the services, no data can be entered here. VKMusic is constantly being improved, as the owners of social networks are constantly struggling with such programs. The program itself has a search box where you can enter everything you need ...


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Sites on the Internet store a huge number of audio files in MP3 format: songs, soundtracks, audio books. In order to find the desired song, melody or audiobook, the user will have to use the search or a specialized site. Finding the music you want can take some time, you have to be patient.

Therefore, it makes sense to use a specialized program designed to search and download music from the Internet.

The free MusicWire program searches the internet for music and audiobooks from a variety of sources that hold 100 million MP3 tracks. The MP3 format is supported by almost all devices, so the downloaded music is easy to play.

Key features of MusicWire:

  • search music: songs, melodies, audiobooks
  • autoplay downloaded music
  • search for track information on
  • search for artist video clips on YouTube
  • download history

MusicWire can be downloaded from the official website. The application works in the Windows operating system, the program has support for the Russian language.

musicwire download

MusicWire does not need to be installed on your computer. This is a portable (portable) program that can be run from anywhere on the computer, as well as from any portable device: flash drive, memory card, external hard drive.

After downloading to your computer, unpack the archive with the program. The MusicWire program is launched from the folder, to open the application, click on the “MusicWire” file (application).

The first time you start, you must accept the terms of the license agreement. The main MusicWire window will open in English. The application has a simple, concise interface. By default, the MusicWire program window opens in the Search tab.

MusicWire Settings

To enable the Russian language, go to the "Settings" tab.

In the "Settings" tab, select the interface language: "Russian". The program will immediately switch to Russian. In addition to Russian and English, the program supports the Brazilian Portuguese language.

In the program settings, select the folder for downloading music. By default, MusicWire saves downloaded files in the program folder itself. Therefore, it is better to choose another location on your computer that is more suitable for storing downloaded music.

Here you can turn off the automatic playback of downloaded songs. With the default settings, immediately after the music is downloaded to your computer, the track will start playing in the default player.

If the program stops downloading audio files, the developer recommends disabling “Music source # 1” in the settings.

Find and Download Music to MusicWire

In the MusicWire window, in the Search tab, in the search field, enter the artist name, album name, or song. The name of the work, album, or the artist's name can be entered in letters of any register, in Russian or English.

I searched for an artist by artist name (group "Agatha Christie") in Russian. Depending on the artist's name, you can see an impressive list of works by this author or group.

You can search by song title. In the search results, you will see different authors who performed this, or a work similar in name.

I entered the title of the song "Little Man" from 1966, sung by the duo Sonny & Cher, into the search bar. MusicWire found this piece of music.

To download a song to your computer, click on the arrow button located opposite the given piece of music. In the MusicWire window, you will see the progress of downloading the song to your computer.

In a similar way, audiobooks are searched for and downloaded from the Internet.

The Downloads tab displays all the music downloaded in the MusicWire program. To play the song on the computer in the default player for MP3 files, click on the arrow button.

To enter the MusicWire download folder, click on the button with the image of the "Open Downloads folder" folder, or press the "F5" key on your keyboard.

Highlight the song (soundtrack, audiobook) and then right-click. In the context menu, select the required command: download, cancel download, play, show in explorer, delete from downloads, delete from hard drive, find song and artist information on and YouTube, find other song options, find other artist songs , copy titles, select all.

MusicWire can be operated using keyboard keys that correspond to context menu commands.


The free MusicWire program is designed to search and download music from the Internet. With MusicWire, the user can download to his computer: songs, melodies, audiobooks in MP3 format, find other options for a piece of music, get information about the track on, find the artist's video on YouTube.

MusicWire - a program for finding and downloading music (video)

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