The contact does not display the time of the last visit. How to change the date of the last visit to Vkontakte

At some specific point, Pavel Durov decided to bring a new feature to the VK and added the time the user last visited his page. Now everyone can see when a user was in the social network. Question - is it possible to hide the time of visiting VKontakte?

No, there is no such function for users, that is, they can not hide the time of the last entry into the VK. Nevertheless, there are ways that allow you to use the site without being noticed, which means that the real time of the last visit to the site will remain the same. To do this, you can use the same methods that are described in the next article about. Consider several ways.

If you want to hide the real time spent in VK using a smartphone or tablet, you can use the Kate Mobile application.

Launch the application and go to "Settings".

Here select the “Online” subsection.

The application will tell you that you can remain invisible if you do not write anything on the wall.

For the desktop version, you can use various add-ons for browsers. We have already talked about one of them - this is the add-on for VKfox. After installation, you can chat with other users and use the VK using the plug-in without going to the social network site. Then you will remain invisible and the time you visit the site will not change.

Finally, there is one very interesting, albeit a strange way. As we know, when it is in the database for several months, during which time it is easy. Each time you exit the site, you can delete the page, then no one will know the time of the last visit to the page, since the inscription on it will say that the page has been deleted.

At each subsequent entrance, it can be restored, which, however, does not add convenience. In addition, in this case, no one will be able to write messages to you.

Just go to his page. In the upper right corner, to the right of the person’s name, the time will be written last visit  , eg: "Came in today at 8:51."  If it says there "Online", it means that this person is sitting on VKontakte right now or was there just recently. The accuracy of this information is 5 minutes. That is, it may turn out that a person has been offline for 5 minutes, and you still see that he is as if online. Previously (until the end of April 2017), this time was approximately 15 minutes.

Remember and remember that when you access mobile phone  and activate the location service, anyone with minimal knowledge can find out where you are. It is advisable to take precautions and avoid the risk of constant geolocation.

External bosses: The fact that your boss at work has access to your wall can lead to problems, especially regarding your publications and personal opinions that you pour into a social network. Location: Do not show the position from which you are updating your status, because if you do this from home, you are giving your address to potential offenders. Sentimental relationship or marital status: usually, if this changes, you should change this state, which psychologists qualify as inappropriate.

If nothing is indicated there, there is no time (and the words "Online"  also not), read on:

Is it possible to hide the date, time when I went to VK?

Could it be that a person hid the date and time of his visit to VKontakte, and how then to find out when he came in? How to hide my time when I went to VK? In fact, the time you were last online (online) cannot be hidden. If someone told you that you can do this and continue to use the site as usual, then it’s just lying. There is no such official opportunity. Until April 2017, it was possible to sit invisible in some applications, then this feature was completely removed. It remains only (read more below).

What does it look like

It collects all the information added by each user to the profile. social network  but you can change some of them in a simple way  for example, with a date of birth. If you do not want your friends or acquaintances to know when your birthday or age is, you can edit this data through your profile settings. Advice is useful for those who have the wrong date, you want to change only the year, or even those who want to hide this information. The feature in this tutorial is available on the computer and takes only a few minutes.

The time of the last call itself disappears if you have not visited for a long time (more than three months). It is believed that after this time it does not matter exactly when the person was online - too long. Therefore, for some people you don’t see this time: they simply haven’t been online for a long time, and the date (time) of the visit has disappeared. They themselves did not hide anything. But time will appear again the next time a person enters. Or maybe a person could not regain access and has not used the old page for a long time, opening a new page instead.

Select the "Update Information" button in the upper right corner of the screen. Scroll down to “Basic Information” and find “Date of Birth”. Make changes to the day, month, and year and check the text box to confirm your age. Click Save Changes. Remember that there is a small number to make this change: if you change it once, you will have to wait a few days to change it again.

Click the icon to the right of the date of birth and select “I Only” for the information you want to hide, or “Friends” to not show to unknown people. Please note that there are two icons, for example, you can hide only a year. Thus, your friends or “strangers” will no longer be able to see this data. Confirm with “Save Changes”.

How to sit in VK offline? The administration of VKontakte reports that they never made it possible to hide the status online. You can only sit invisible through if you just follow what is happening in your VK (are there new messages, likes, who is online and the like). As soon as you go to the VKontakte website, you will again appear on the network, and your friends will be able to see it on your page. Nevertheless, for many this is enough. Try it, it’s convenient and safe.

To do this, go to the "Edit Profile" menu. Just below the options reserved for the theme color, you will see drop-down menus offering to tell you your month, day and year of birth. The first two options can be publicly distributed among your subscribers, for the people you follow, for the people you follow, and who follow you or only with you. The same is true for your year of birth. Thus, you can make a combination of visibility for the parameter pair day - month and year in order to have the flexibility necessary to display information at the desired level.

Invisibility in mobile applications such as Kate Online and the like no longer works. In addition, there are many fraudulent applications that do nothing and simply steal your passwords. So be careful. The very entrance is one that has existed for many years and has almost two million users worldwide.

There is another auxiliary way to hide the time of the last login to the VK - you can log in, do something, and delete your page before logging out. It is not permanently deleted immediately, so the next time you log in, you can restore it. But it is not recommended to do this constantly, because you risk losing access. And of course, people who view your page will see that it has been deleted.

Try the site

Through the site, you can find out what is happening on VKontakte and remain invisible. You can enter any site with one click, it is very convenient.

At some specific point, Pavel Durov decided to bring a new feature to the VK and added the time the user last visited his page. Now everyone can see when a user was in the social network. Question - is it possible to hide the time of visiting VKontakte?

No, there is no such function for users, that is, they can not hide the time of the last entry into the VK. However, there are ways that you can use the site while unnoticed, which means that real time  The last visit to the site will remain the same. To do this, you can use the same methods that are described in the next article about. Consider several ways.

If you want to hide the real time spent in VK using a smartphone or tablet, you can use kate application  Mobile

Launch the application and go to "Settings".

Here select the “Online” subsection.

The application will tell you that you can remain invisible if you do not write anything on the wall.

For the desktop version, you can use various add-ons for browsers. We have already talked about one of them - this is the add-on for VKfox. After installation, you can chat with other users and use the VK using the plug-in without going to the social network site. Then you will remain invisible and the time you visit the site will not change.

Finally, there is one very interesting, albeit a strange way. As we know, when it is in the database for several months, during which time it is easy. Each time you exit the site, you can delete the page, then no one will know the time of the last visit to the page, since the inscription on it will say that the page has been deleted.

A function that appeared a couple of years ago, which displays the date and time of the last user visit to the VK social network, caused a flurry of indignation from some users. Especially for those who did not like this innovation, this article examined the question of whether it is possible to remove the “online” mark and methods for hiding the visit time in Contact.

For those who want to remain invisible in VK and use a computer to communicate on a social network, there are special browser extensions. They allow you to disable the tracking function of visits to and remain invisible to other users.

Important! The VKfox plugin has a feature that I should take into account: it stops working if you comment on posts and visit pages of other users. It is suitable for those who use a social network for correspondence.

Most modern browsers are based on the Chromium engine, so all extensions from the Chrome store are suitable for them. If you use Google Chrome or Yandex.Browser to surf the Internet and communicate on a social network, you can download VKfox from the resource\u003den.

  • Follow the link provided.
  • In the search bar write “VKfox” and press “Enter”.
  • Click on the “Install” button to immediately add the plugin to the browser.
  • Click on the thumbnail of VKfox to go to the extension page and see detailed information.

After installing the plugin, an icon will appear on the toolbar of your browser. Click on it and allow access to the VK account.

Now you can visit the social. network and use some functions of VKontakte, but do not be online. To write a message, see the latest events on your page and find out who is online, click on the VKfox icon. Never go to! So you will give out your presence. Communicate only using the plugin.

Reference. If you use Mozilla Firefox as the main browser, then download the VKfox extension at\u003dsearch. After installation, follow the same instructions as for Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser.

How to hide a visit from the phone

The developers of the official application for VK are not interested in the fact that you can remove the time of the last visit to the social network. To get this opportunity, you have to use third-party development.

The Kate Mobile application has long gained popularity among VK users thanks to special features that are not in the official application. - the ability to use a social network without displaying the line "online" on your page.

  • Select the options for the settings of the "Online" mode and check the box next to "If possible, be offline."

The Kate Mobile app will not be able to hide you if you post to your wall or to your friends' feed. But you can write private messages, read news and visit the pages of other users without hindrance.

Just go to his page. In the upper right corner, to the right of the person’s name, the time of the last visit will be written, for example: "Came in today at 8:51."  If it says there "Online",  it means that this person is sitting on VKontakte right now or was there just recently. The accuracy of this information is 5 minutes. That is, it may turn out that a person has been offline for 5 minutes, and you still see that he is as if online. Previously (until the end of April 2017), this time was approximately 15 minutes.

If nothing is indicated there, there is no time (and the words "Online"  also not), read on:

Is it possible to hide the date, time when I went to VK?

Could it be that a person hid the date and time of his visit to VKontakte, and how then to find out when he came in? How to hide my time when I went to VK? In fact, the time you were last online (online) cannot be hidden. If someone told you that you can do this and continue to use the site as usual, then it’s just lying. There is no such official opportunity. Until April 2017, it was possible to sit invisible in some applications, then this feature was completely removed. Only Log In Remains (read more below).

The time of the last call itself disappears if you have not visited for a long time (more than three months). It is believed that after this time it does not matter exactly when the person was online - too long. Therefore, for some people you don’t see this time: they simply haven’t been online for a long time, and the date (time) of the visit has disappeared. They themselves did not hide anything. But time will appear again the next time a person enters. Or maybe a person could not regain access and has not used the old page for a long time, opening a new page instead.

If the page does not say when a person came in, then it was a long time ago. How to find out for sure? On his page click on the button "To write a message"  (if he has a personal account open for you) - VK will show the date when he was on the site for the last time. It is better to do this in the full version of VK.

Sometimes the time of the last online is not displayed simply for the reason that some technical work is going on in VC or it is just buggy. This happens not for everyone, but for that part of the people who are affected by these problems. Then, when everything is fixed, the time of the last access to the network appears again.

How to sit in VK offline? The administration of VKontakte reports that they never made it possible to hide the status online. You can only keep track of new events in VK while staying offline, through (are there new messages, likes, who is online and the like). As soon as you go to the VKontakte website, you will again appear on the network, and your friends will be able to see it on your page. Nevertheless, for many this is enough. Try it, it’s convenient and safe.

Invisibility in mobile applications like Kate Mobile and the like no longer works. In addition, there are many fraudulent applications that do nothing and simply steal your passwords. So be careful. The most reliable way to login is one that has existed for many years and has nearly two million users worldwide.

There is another auxiliary way to hide the time of the last login to the VK - you can log in, do something, and delete your page before logging out. It is not permanently deleted immediately, so the next time you log in, you can restore it. But it is not recommended to do this constantly, because you risk losing access. And of course, people who view your page will see that it has been deleted.

Try Login

Through the site Login (site) you can find out what is happening on your VKontakte, and remain invisible until you go to the site. It also works for Odnoklassniki and You can enter any site with one click, it is very convenient.

In today's article, we will look at how you can mask your Vkontakte online presence status using all the features of the service that allow you to be offline for everyone who views your page. Hide VKontakte online by the means of the social network itself and when using third-party services.

Quick navigation:

Is there a need to hide your VKontakte presence

Many of us are used to using the Vkontakte social network daily. Each of us uses it for different purposes. Someone spends most of their time on VKontakte, talking with friends, some listen to music from public interest, someone competes all day in flash games, and someone is interested in news and watching videos.

However, all users have a definite desire to hide VKontakte online in a functionality that unites all of us, for example: we all want to see guests visiting our profile (See). Many of the users want to intentionally hide the Online sign, which is treacherously visible on the upper right of the VK website’s interface, and some even think about removing this inscription permanently.

In this section, we will focus on the presence in Vkontakte with offline status and how to make sure that the visitor who has entered your profile cannot identify you, since he will think that you are absent.

It is interesting that after his departure from VK, he asked VK developers to remove the sign Online when he comes to the network and the time when he was last online. This function is completely disabled for him. At the same time, there is a way by which one can track an online person or not.

How to hide online in VK 2018

How to be invisible VKontakte

To begin with, you should consider the simplest method of hiding the online status in VK and becoming invisible on a social network, however, in order to be invisible, you still have to make a transition to the site once. So, we perform the actions in the following sequence:

We go to the site and go to the personal messages page.

We leave this section without activity and without additional clicks on it for 20 minutes.

After that, the VKontakte server covers the online session, but does not knock out of the account.

In this state, it is quite possible to view posts and other news, and even you can answer and comment on them, listen to music, put it, etc., but it is not recommended to go to your own or someone else’s page, otherwise it’s great to be in an online session.

This mode is extremely simple and effective. A characteristic minus - it is impossible to go to users, even when it is very necessary.

ApiDog and VKlife - VKontakte invisibility function

The following method of being invisible in VK involves the installation of Special Programs, which today can be found in the network quite a grandiose amount. The most popular of the famous programs for this purpose are considered - VkLife and ApiDog. The most basic advantage of programs is that with full use of Vkontakte your account does not go online.

Download and install programs is extremely simple, it takes a maximum of 5-7 minutes. time. It is better to download from the official website of the program and because copies of the program in which the malicious code is embedded are found on other websites. Now you know how to hide VKontakte online on any browser other than the following.

Hide VKontakte online - mode in FireFox

For users of one of the most famous FireFox browsers, there is another way to be invisible on this public network. First you need to open a new tab and add about: config in the address bar, opening the page for expanding browser options. In the filter field, you need to use "network.http.redirection-limit" (without quotes) and change the value to 0, remembering the initial value indicator. After that, you need to open a fresh tab and log in to the public network. An error message will be generated there, this is normal. After that, you should go to some section, for example, “my photos” or “my news”. Then you need to return to the tab where we have options open and return the initial value to the parameter that we changed first. If everything was done without errors, then the status of the account will be offline. In order to continue to remain invisible, it is preferable not to switch to your own profile and pages of other users, otherwise the online icon may appear, and you will not be able to log in offline.

How to log in to VK and not be online from your phone

Is it possible to make the "Invisible" mode in VK on an Android smartphone in order to be present on the site but still be offline?

Yes. To do this is quite possible using the unofficial function of VK-application for mobile. In order to activate the Vkontakte invisibility mode on the Android device, you will need to take the following steps:

Vkontakte invisibility mode on Android

To get started, download the official mobile client. Download the Vkontakte application is quite possible for free from the Play Store via a direct link.

After installation, run the application. After starting the program, go to “Options”. In the options tab, go to the "About" section.

A window will be formed where you need to press (tap) on the illustration of the dog 3 times. After that, nothing changes on the screen. Close the application "Vkontakte for Android." Now you need to go into the “dialer” of your phone and dial the following combination of numbers and symbols: * # * # 856682583 # * # *. This formula will help you hide online VKontakte.

After dialing, without clicking on the call button, a window for setting up hidden features for the VK application should be formed.

In the window that opens, make a mark on the item "Invisible".

That's it, now the Vkontakte invisibility mode is running. From this moment, your presence on the VK social network site will be hidden and your Online status will change to Offline.

Vkontakte stealth mode on iPhone

To activate the invisible mode for devices based on iOS, you will need to do the same steps as on Android. The hyperlink for downloading the VK application for the iPhone will be the same.

Is it possible to log in from the phone in status as from a computer?

Now we will consider how to log in to a contact not in the status of a phone.

If you access the site through a browser and at the same time through the full version of the Vkontakte site, and not the mobile one, then for sure, just a circle, and not a picture of the phone, will be displayed near you.

For this, it is also better to access the network through a “proxy server”. So, in fact, “hackers” act so that the real IP address is not detected, the network presence is hidden.

Similarly, you can log in to VK from the phone as from a computer.

How to hide online VK 2018

In this article, we examined in detail how to hide the status of "online" from a computer and phone on the version of the VKontakte site, which will operate in 2017-2018. At the same time, do not forget that there are programs that limit this process, using which you can be seen.

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