Correct to subscribe to post comments. WordPress New Comment Plugin

  Today I will talk about such an important point as comment subscription. And to be more precise, how to make your blog visitors subscribe to update comments in WordPress.
  To begin, let's figure out why this is necessary at all. Let's say a visitor wrote a comment on your blog, and how can he find out if anyone replied to it? Of course, he can go to the right page every day (and maybe more often) and check, but by subscribing to comments it can be much easier.
  There are two ways:

I. Subscribe to alert all new comments on the article.

That is, it means that the subscribing visitor will receive notifications by e-mail about of all  new comments on the article, regardless of whether this comment is the answer. In my opinion, this is not very convenient. Agree, let's say you just want to get an answer to your question, and instead of this (or along with this) you get a bunch of unnecessary alerts to your mail. But still I meet such a subscription on many blogs, so I’ll tell you how to do it. Maybe in some cases it’s not so bad ...
  1. So, we need the Subscribe To Comments plugin. The installation is standard:
  a) Download,
  b) Unpack and upload to the hosting directory ... / wp-content / plugins,
  c) Activate it in the WordPress admin panel in the "Plugins" section.
  2. Next, go to “Options” -\u003e “Subscribe to Comments”.
  And we correct the stanzas “Not subscribed”, “Subscribed”, “Entry Author” into Russian (or whatever you like) language, and, accordingly, save the settings.

For example, I looked like this:

3. We haven’t finished translating yet, we have to do it again - We go back to the “Plugins” section, look for our Subscribe To Comments plugin and click “Change”.
  In order not to search for the desired line for a long time, press Ctrl + F (search) and enter There is - this is how the notification letter begins. We see the following code:

And we fix something like this:

Click "Update file."
  In general, there are still moments that should be translated, for example, “Subscription Management”, but this is for yourself.

II. Email notification of response to comment.

I think everything is clear here: the visitor writes a comment and in case of an answer to it, he receives an e-mail notification. I like this option more, and I use it.
  1. So, for this you need another plugin - WordPress Thread Comment.
  After the standard installation, go to “Options” -\u003e Tree comments and in the column “Inform the commentator about the appearance of new comments” check the box “Always inform” or “If the answer is from the author of the post or administrator”, I personally chose the first option - \u003e Save Settings.
  If you thought that with this plugin, unlike the first, there will be no trouble, you were mistaken.
  2. Firstly, you will also have to do a little translation: go to the "Plugins", find the WordPress Thread Comment, click "Edit" -\u003e Ctrl + f, copy "Your comment is awaiting moderation" into the search and replace it in the code to “Your comment is awaiting review” or something like that. Next, go to “Options” -\u003e Tree comments and in the stanza “Settings for the type of responses”, replace “Reply” with “replies”.
  3. Secondly, an extra “reply” button will appear (At least I have one, I don’t know how you do it). To remove it, you need to remove the check mark from the “Allow” item in the wordpress admin area in "Options" \u003d\u003e "Discussion" tree-like (nested) comments depth. "

I hope that you will not be frightened by small difficulties, and you will put one of the plugins on your blog. 😉

Let's enable users to sign up for new comments on the WordPress site. We can say that this is almost the most common function that is used on numerous projects. In most cases, people who subscribe to comments want to receive notifications of replies to their comments by e-mail. Actually, this will be discussed in this article.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate a plugin called Send Email only on Reply to My Comment. The plugin has four groups of settings:

Basically, these are settings for text templates that a user should see when they subscribe to a comment, when not. As well as subscription management, fully check statistics and configure email settings on the configuration page of this plugin.

The presented plugin will add a drop-down list of three options (do not subscribe to a comment, subscribe if someone replied to your comment, subscribe to new comments) in the plugin settings you can edit all these parameters. As a result, you get the following result:

Subscribing to WordPress comments allows you to keep abreast of answers, however, if you wish, you can turn it off by clicking on the link provided in the email. If you wish, you can create to monitor the update of the entire site.

Plugin Subscribe to Comments

Subscribing to comments can be implemented with several plugins. One was presented above, and the second is called Subscribe to Comments. The difference between them is small, the main thing is that they both cope with their work. The plugin is Russified so it will be easy to figure out its settings.

Attention! If before that you had the plugin installed Subscribe to Comments  Without a crack, then in 99% percent, reinstalling with a Russified version does not help.

After installing the plugin Subscribe to Comments  a checkbox will appear in the form of a comment, usually under the "send" button. If you want to put this flag in an arbitrary place, then open the comments.php file and add the following function where necessary:

After that, users can choose to either uncheck the box in order to enable or disable the receipt of email notifications when someone leaves a response to their comment.

There is still such an opportunity for the plugin to subscribe to comments without leaving them. But it will be more like coercion. Why? Because if you leave this form blank, you’ll receive an error when sending a comment. Error that not all fields are filled. To display the form, add the following function to a place convenient for you.

Please note that the plugins in question cannot work simultaneously, so you should choose one of two.

Subscribe to WordPress comments - ready.

One of the most difficult steps for eleventh graders to write an essay (task 25) is to work on a commentary on a text problem. This is due to the lack of a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe content of the commentary, not only among students, but often by the teacher.

The difficulty in working on the commentary is also due to the inability to present this fragment of the created text in any generalized, schematic form, which, of course,would facilitate the work of a graduate in writing an essay.

Practicewriting a comment should be done only after the students have mastered the stageformulating source code problems.
Commenting on a problem (exercise)

Familiarity with the assessment system for the criterion

K2. Commentary on the formulated source code problem

The problem formulated by the examiner is commented on. There are no actual errors related to understanding the source text problem in the comments.

The problem formulated by the examiner is commented on,

no more than 1 factual error was made in the comments related to the understanding of the source text.

The problem formulated by the examiner is not commented on,

more than 1 factual error was made in the comments related to the understanding of the source text,

commented on another problem not formulated by the examiner,

as comments given a simple retelling of the text or its fragment,

a large fragment of the source text is cited as comments.

Actualization of the problem:

- What do you think is a comment?

- Have you ever commented on anything?

- What are we going to comment on?

-Why is a comment text problem needed? What skills, in your opinion, are tested by writing a comment?

- Why write a comment?

The commentary on the text problem is of great importance, since this part of the essay demonstrates the graduate’s ability to find and explain the semantic components of the text. It is the commentary of the highlighted problem that shows how deeply and fully the graduate understood the meaning of the text and the problem identified by the author. A correctly written comment allows you to get 2 points in part C.

Let's get acquainted with the definitions of commentary that various sources provide:

Comments  - reasoning, explanatory notes about something (The Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, ed. D.N. Ushakova)

Comment  - 1. explanation; 2. notes; 3. interpretation(Alexandrova Z.E. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: a practical guide)

We highlight the keywords in the comment definition: “reasoning ", « explanation ». Please note that comments need a PROBLEM,reflected in the text, not just text andits themes and not just a problem in isolation from the text.

What can I write about in a comment?

oHow relevant is what the author writes about?(Can we assess the degree of relevance of the problem being raised and explain what is its relevance?)

oTo whom and in what situations do you have to face a similar problem? (Who is the text addressed to (narrow specialists or the general public, youth or middle-aged people, intellectuals, or anyone interested in this problem)? It would be nice to note here why you made such a conclusion. Why are they interested in this problem?)

oIf possible, briefly describe how other authors (or famous people) considered this problem.

oDoes the graduate know about a point of view that does not coincide with the position of the author of the submitted text?

oHow does the author of the text solve this problem? What material / literary material is the text based on? Is the situation depicted by the author typical? What facts, details does the author pay attention to? Why? What impresses the reader?

oWhat is the mood of the author? (sad irony, sarcasm, sadness, sadness, joy, etc.) It is necessary to indicate how this is manifested (preferably based on the choice of the writer (or publicist) of specific words, details).

oIf there are words in unusual usage (metaphors, epithets) that have stopped your attention, and you understand that it was thanks to their choice that the author managed to convey his thoughts to the reader, it is nice to pay attention to them.

oWhat does the author emphasize? What follows from this? What conclusions does he draw the reader to?

A well-written comment allows a person who has not read the text to understand what problem the author was thinking about.

Practical work

The task.  Get acquainted with the comments and try to formulate the problem that the author of the source text reflected on.

Example 1

“The writer Sergei Mikhalkov says that children stop reading good books, but these books develop the spiritual world of the child. Good books are fiction, above all, world classics, reflecting world spiritual experience. These books are known to educated people, and the author of the text also calls them: “Tom Sawyer”, “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, Russian poetry ... It is with the help of such literature that a person can learn to think, evaluate the actions of other people, and form his own moral guidelines. The author of the text draws attention to the special role of the art book. This role is to educate the soul, develop a special ability - to feel, empathize. And it is no coincidence that the writer especially emphasizes the role of these books in childhood, when a person is still at the beginning of his life's journey. ” (The problem of the importance of reading classical literature in childhood)

Example 2

“This problem has become especially burning recently: thanks to the development of genetics, a person can not only determine, but also“ set ”predispositions and talents. The author’s indignation is obvious: we ourselves will not be interested in living if we know everything about our makings: everything is destined, there is no way to choose - many would suffer from a sense of doom, and if everyone decrypts it with the genome, there will be little human left in a person. “Life is given to us by fate,” the author claims, and we ourselves have the right to manage this life.   (The problem of heredity and self-formation)

Example 3

“The author of the text proposed for analysis, reflecting on the development of the language, narrates that recently borrowings from other language systems have acquired a large-scale character. S. Kaznacheev sadly writes that the written form of Russian words is distorted by the fact that Latin and other graphic symbols are embedded in established Cyrillic spellings. This, in turn, leads to disruption of the functioning of the language, "to erosion of established norms for centuries." (The problem of development and preservation of the Russian language)

Example 4

“Cases like the one described by the author occur in life quite often. We meet a person, we understand that he needs our support, but instead of helping, we stand aside, thinking that someone else will help him. ” (The problem of people's indifference to what is happening around)

Let us analyze the proposed examples from the point of view of compliance with the criterion K2. Note that a good comment does not contain a retelling of the text. We point out that a comment can be both lengthy (Example 1), andsmall in volume (Example 4).

The task. Read the source code. Formulate a problem and comment on it .

Alone with the crowd

(1) A person in crowded conditions is one of the mostburning topics of our time.

(2) A person is not with his neighbor, but with a group, mass, darkness of his neighbors. (H) Naedine with the crowd.

(4) Let's take a walk around Moscow and watch how it behaves2003 man in a big city.

(5) A rare trip around the capital without a metro. (6) Tall heavy doors slam non-stop. (7) A tough guy, apparently, beautifulltuned, whistling something, pushes the door with his foot. (8) Heromotion! (9) The door flies off, the guy deftly slips, but does not holdher after herself, and she manages to hit the sluggish old woman well. (10) Tatried to slip along with the guy, but, obviously inferior to him in strength andagility, did not have time.

(11) We descend the escalator in zigzag dashes.(12) It is known that one must stand on the right, pass on the left. (13) But a recommendationthis is not respected by all, and it is necessary to maneuver between those standing "asnecessary ”and“ as not necessary. ”

(14) We went to the platform. (15) A train is approaching. (16) We have toto get into the carriage. (17) The operation, it would seem, is uncomplicated: first, passengers leave, then enter. (18) But pay attention to that woman beforethe doors. (19) She is not able to restrain herself - to wait until she leavesthe last passenger, and after each exit makes an attempt to slip inrailway carriage. (20) Therefore, the crowd leaves the door not smoothly, but somehow convulsively -this is how yesterday’s thick yogurt pours out of the overturned bottle.

(21) We will not speak here of whether to give way to a woman.(22) The picture is generally clear: mostly men are sitting. (23) And ifwomen, either so old that it’s impossible to give in to them, or,on the contrary, young, trained, apparently engaged in sports,able to get ahead of a gaping man ...

(24) So, man is not with his neighbor, but alone with the crowd. (25) Maybe hereis it inappropriate to talk about upbringing? (26) We are forced a lottime to spend in crowded places, in conditions far from comfort,here let everyone take care of themselves, (27) And in my opinion, it’s here andtrue upbringing is manifested. (28) Education today isfirst of all, not the impeccability of manners (although this, of course, is also not a minus), butSite materials used

www. gramma. ru

Those who comment on me will immediately understand what I am writing about. After you receive a response to your comment, you receive a notification in the mail (does it come?), They say so and so, a response was received on the site and all that, unless of course you left your real email.

Read how it is implemented below.

For example, I am a frequent guest on many blogs and actively communicate with them in the comments. And to keep all threads of conversations, remembering on which blogs and in which topics correspondence was unrealistic. Therefore, if I suddenly commented on someone, you answered me, and I, in turn, didn’t react at all - I’m sorry, but you are to blame - you had to take care of automatic notification by mail, and at the same time increase the commentability of your articles.

And in this case, everyone’s favorite plugin Subscribe to Comments far from the best option, because it makes it possible to subscribe to all new comments on the article. I don’t know about you, but personally, it bothers me to rake the rubble in the mail ( a day, and so several hundreds of letters have to sort), when you subscribe to your head like this on some commented blog) Therefore, I almost never use this feature, even though I myself have this plugin.

UPD. I was delicately broken off in the comments, recalling that in this plugin there is also the opportunity to enable the choice of the subscription option - for all messages or only for replies. However, I didn’t forget about it for a reason, the fact is that once I already tested this feature and thus notifications to the mail did not reach me at all. I don’t know what the problem was, but I thought that this function did not work normally. By the way, almost no one includes it or even realizes the existence of such a possibility, so in most cases blogs only have to subscribe to all comments on the article.

And this is still half the trouble - you can say, I signed up, it means I’m to blame myself, I knew what you were going to, I ticked it - rake it now ( or did not remove, if the default is checked) 🙂

But there are such cunning blogs, including among my friends ( i will not point fingers  🙂) where the owners of the site check this box by default, and then simply remove it from the page.

Those. thus, leaving your comment on this site, you automatically become the happy owner of a subscription to all comments on the article (which the majority to the bulb, we are primarily interested in their own person) and in combination, sracha in the mail \u003d)

Well, well, well, nonono! It’s not good to do this and force people to push such a subscription - I'm sure many are annoyed by the sudden blockages at the post office. For example, I immediately unsubscribe from such a newsletter, and from now on I will think a few times whether it’s worth leaving comments on such a blog at all so as not to bother myself with excessive soap cleaning.

Freedom of choice, it should be, at least on the Internet, whoever wants to - will subscribe, if I want to read other people's comments, I will go and read them on the blog myself. I understand that this is also a marketing technique, to increase the attendance of the resource, attract users to discussions, etc. however, it seems to me that the technique is very doubtful and may give the opposite result.

I hope my call will be heard - return the checkmark, down with the forced! 🙂

Comment reply notification plugin Comment Reply Notification.

Here it is, this little scoundrel, which, for some reason, few people know, or know, but do not use. But this is a great way to remind the commentator about his blog, and make him return as soon as possible, thereby supporting the thread of the conversation and improving behavioral factors.

It was suggested to me by my friend in arms and just a good blogger Eugene fishkalife. All the same, I can’t stop myself and sleep - before, he also had a forced subscription to comments, which terribly infuriated me 🙂 But then he put this useful plug-in, and it became much more pleasant to comment on his blog, especially since there is something to comment on \u003d)

The meaning of his work is simple.  - as soon as you receive a response to your comment, you will receive a notification letter in the mail, and only when the answer is personally to your message - it’s called feel the difference with the buggy Subscribe to Comments 🙂 As a result, the mail order and mission completed - the visitor is pleased that they are talking to him and even politely remind about this, so that he would not bother once again to keep everything in mind.

I won’t describe the plug-in settings in detail, I don’t think it’s small anymore, they’re elementary there - they chose in which cases to inform about the answer, set up the text of the notification letter ( it is desirable to do everything in Russian of course) and that's all, enjoy the increased commenting on the blog) If someone still has problems - write in the comments.

Upd:  It wasn’t possible to give a free ride) By popular demand, I’ll briefly write how to translate a line in this plugin that displays the checkbox with a subscription to the response.

Appears after installing the plugin, go to its settings and turn on Commenter choose to do so (default checked) in the settings, if we want to give the visitor the right to choose whether he wants to receive an answer to his comment by mail ( although here you can safely choose "If the answer is from the author of the record or administrator" or "Always inform")

Below the comment form there will appear such an inscription “Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail” which it would be desirable to translate. This is done directly in the plugin file. comment-reply-notification.php.

Just open it in a text editor, find the phrase through the search Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mai  and in 2 places we replace it with the one we need, for example Notify me of a response to my comment by e-mail.  Close, save, everything is ready)

By the way, I myself have not installed this plugin separately, but this function is built in another - tree comment plugin WordPress Thread Comment - it’s like in advertising, 2 in 1, a universal solution for those whose templates do not support the possibility of tree-like comments and who want to set up an alert about mail replies.

By the way, you probably noticed that even with this plugin I give a person the right to choose whether he wants to receive notifications by e-mail.

Although it is no longer so scary if this opportunity is removed, at least there will be no blockages at the post office.

What plugin do you use to alert your commentators?

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