Login to VK offline. Invisibility VK on Android

Each user of social networks wanted to at least once go unnoticed at the entrance to the network: calmly watch videos, listen to music or avoid unpleasant and annoying messages, followed by accusations of ignore. Therefore, we will figure out how to enter VKontakte invisible from a computer, and most importantly - safely.

How to enter VK in stealth mode from a computer

There is one unique safe way to enter VKontakte from an invisible personal computer: using the APIdog service. This is an alternative offline version of the most popular Runet social network with additional features.

How to enter VK invisible from a smartphone on Android

Despite the numerous requests from users to add this feature to the official client for mobile platforms, they constantly refuse, due to the inconsistency of this function with the company's concept. But craftsmen do not sit idle and solve pressing problems on their own.

The Play Market has a number of applications that offer this functionality: Kate Mobile, Polyglot VKontakte, FLiPSi, etc. You can download them at any time.

Let us dwell on the application, which is not in the official Google store - VK MP3 mod. To download it, go to this  link and find the latest version on the wall of the development team. To install the client:

Attention! After installing the program, disable the permission to install applications from unknown sources!

It is worth noting that in addition to the "Invisible" mode, there is "Unread", which leaves the message unread after reading. For secret agents, the function of disabling tipping is provided.

For example listening to music, watching videos. But in order to communicate with other users there is no time or desire. In this case, the best solution is to turn on stealth mode on the device. There are several ways to do this using the social network itself, browser settings, or installing a separate client for VK.

How to enable offline mode

Mode invisibility in VK for Windows Phone  can be configured in various ways, one of which is the termination of the page. In this case, the profile will be displayed to other users of the social network in Offline status, while some functionality will be available. Namely:

  • - view the news feed;
  • - access to media files (video, audio);

To activate the stealth mode, it is enough to stop the profile activity for 20 minutes. Offline status will turn on automatically. However, this method has a significant drawback - the restriction of access to certain pages. That is, when you go to your profile or personal page of another user of the social network VKontakte, the invisible mode will be turned off and the user will again be displayed as being on the network.

In order to avoid this kind of inconvenience, it is better to use invisible application for windows phone, or use the browser settings.

Utilities for stealth mode on Windows Phone

Special applications that allow you to activate on devices from Microsoft Invisible VK for Windows Phone  not so much. The most popular of these are the following.

  1. VK Go !.
  2. Invisible VK
  3. Customer

All these utilities are unofficial clients for the VKontakte social network. They support the basic functions of the social network, as well as a number of additional ones. Applications enable mode vK Invisible for Windows Phone 10  versions, as well as earlier: 8 and 8.1.

Each of these utilities supports approximately the same set of functions. But there are some differences in their functionality.

VK Go!

The Store has a large number of unofficial customers for social networks with a different functional set. Supports mode invisible for VK for Windows Phone app  VK Go !. Its key feature is the ability to not only stay offline, but also in access to download media files from VK. This feature also allows you to use video and audio recordings without going online.

Invisible VK

One more vK invisible application for Windows Phone. It also provides the ability to read messages anonymously. This utility is different in that it can support multiple accounts at the same time, which makes its use even more convenient.


Perhaps the most famous client for maintaining stealth mode. Like the rest, it allows you to anonymously read incoming messages, use the pages of a social network without detecting user activity. An additional advantage of this utility is the encryption of dialogs and messages when using it. This makes communication more secure.

If for some reason the use of third-party clients is unavailable or inconvenient, you can save the invisibility mode when using the VKontakte social network in standard browsers.

Enabling stealth mode using the settings of Google Chrome, Opera and FireFox

For Google Chrome and FireFox, you will need to install a separate extension from the official website of the developers. You can find it in a separate section “Plugins.” After installing it on the device, you will need to uncheck the “Always be online” checkbox. This activates the stealth mode on Windows Phone.

No additional downloads will be required. All you need to do is go to the “Advanced Settings” tab of the browser menu and go to the network settings section. Here you need to uncheck the box “Enable automatic redirection”. After making adjustments, access to the profile page will result in an access error. You need to refresh the page - it will be displayed correctly in stealth mode.

Very often, users of social networks have a need to remain invisible, while being present on the network. Many are interested in how the invisibility for Windows Phone is activated in VK. After all, you can visit your profile, for example, to listen to your favorite music tracks, when there is simply no time or desire to chat with friends.

At such a moment, not answering messages or writing in jerky sentences is not the best solution. Friends may be offended by the banal, but you don’t feel like staying without music. There is a way out of the situation - this is creating the appearance that the user is offline. This will allow you to fully use the account, while remaining invisible to others.

Starting invisibility mode

This method is the most acceptable and does not require downloading any add-ons to a smartphone. To activate the invisibility you will need to log in to your account, go to the message section and pause for 15-20 minutes. This is enough to become invisible.

This method has certain restrictions on navigating through VK pages. Invisibility operates until you go to the main page of your account or to the page of your friends or other users. Allowed to watch, various videos, as well as listen to music. All other actions will immediately display your online status. If this method does not suit you with certain restrictions, then try alternative methods.

By the way, the option to activate the invisibility can be greatly simplified. To do this, make a bookmark on your profile, or rather on the audio page.

So, you do not need to wait 20 minutes to activate the invisibility. You can immediately go to your profile, listen to music and browse and remain invisible at the same time.

Application specific applications

Official applications to activate the VC invisibility for Windows Phone have not yet been submitted. There are applications from third-party developers. They assure that their applications provide complete invisibility in VKontakte. In fact, the Windows operating system for smartphones has certain specifics, so no application can provide complete invisibility. When downloading a third-party application, remember that you can get a virus or malware that could harm your device.

application   VK Offline  for Google Chrome, it’s a list of contacts, your correspondence and notifications of new messages even with a closed browser or no Internet.

When creating Offline VKontakte, I had the idea that the development of our most famous social network is not going the right way. If at the very beginning the concept of “staying in contact” was actively used and meant “to have access to the list of your friends”, now it means “staying on the site”, spending your time to find out what happened to your friends, to follow for new posts, etc.

Then I had the idea to make a short stop and imagine how I would like to use my data from the contact, provided that most of my friends are sitting there, and important correspondence periodically occurs in private messages. The solution was to create an application that should notify of new messages even when the contact tab is closed, and also (ideally) with the browser closed. The application should provide access to correspondence always, even when there is no Internet connection.


The main idea of \u200b\u200busing the application is precisely its invisibility. You do not need to keep it open and watch what happens - you can close it and it will still notify you of new messages as soon as they arrive. If you need to find something in the correspondence, or find the contact phone number of the person you need, then in the application this is done in 2 clicks. In the absence of an Internet connection, all correspondence and a contact list are also available for viewing and searching. The application is aimed at those people who value their time, but want to stay in touch with their friends and acquaintances. And also for those who have problems with the Internet channel.

View emails

Last week, I decided that it would be best to talk about the application simply in words. After that, my friends and I recorded a full-fledged video story about the essence of the application from the very center of St. Petersburg:

And a screencast for the Chrome Web Store:

The basis of the application interface was created at Google Hackathon in St. Petersburg on August 27 and 28. Then his first presentation was held. The application is actively developing and now it implements a search for contacts and messages, which I talk about in the video. It is also possible to work with contacts and correspondence in the absence of the Internet, as well as notifications of new messages even with the browser closed. Sorting contacts is set on the application settings page.


Not without errors. As soon as the application had its first users, an offensive bug surfaced in Chromium (http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id\u003d94314), when working with file names on Windows computers with Russian usernames system. The application was installed, but could not reach the background page. As a result, a fairly large part of users was lost, and indeed the overall impression of the application was spoiled. Nevertheless, the error was discovered in the evening of the same day and corrected on the next morning.

VKontakte Offline app in the Chrome Web Store:

Official VK page:

As always, I'm waiting for ratings and suggestions. If you have questions and tips on the technical part of the application, write comments, I will be happy to answer and listen.

Quite often, situations arise when we certainly need to get in touch, but when doing this so that no one on the network notices us. That is, to be offline in contact. In the same social network Odnoklassniki there are no problems with this. Yes, you need to pay a certain amount for invisibility mode, but still.

As for how to be offline in contact - here it is more and more problematic. The fact is that the usual VKontakte functionality does not provide such an opportunity. However, there are some workarounds that allow us to achieve what we want.

The first way to be offline is achieved using the Mozilla Firefox browser. First of all, in the address bar of this browser, we need to enter the following "about: config" (naturally, without quotes) and press "Enter". After performing these operations, a window should open

In this window there will be a field called "Filter". There again, you need to enter a specific command. This time it's “network.http.redirection-limit” (again without quotes). The value of the appeared parameter needs to be changed to 0. In this case, 0 means that the browser is not allowed to handle all kinds of redirects. By the way, the settings window should not be closed yet.

Now you can go to the main page of VKontakte and enter your username and password. But that is not all. We return to the network.http.redirection-limit parameter, and set what was previously. By the way, when you enter the site will give an error - but it does not matter, it should be so. And one more limitation - you can’t go to the user’s pages, including this also applies to your own page.

The next way to be offline is everywhere. One catch - it is too long, but you do not need to change anything in your settings. So, you need to go to the site in the "My Messages" section, and do not touch anything for about 15 minutes. During this time, the connection timeout will expire. But you can’t go to the main pages of users in this case either.

The third way to be in offline contact is exclusively for the Opera browser. First, we need to tweak the settings a bit again. In principle, the essence here is the same as in Firefox, but this is done in a completely different way. To begin, open the “Tools” tab, select “Settings”, the next menu “Advanced”, and there we click on “Network”. Here you need to uncheck the option “Enable automatic redirection”. And after that we do everything, as in the first version - we go to the main page, enter our data and so on.

Well, and answering the question of how to be offline in contact, it is worth recalling the existing fourth method. Like all others, it is simple - however, there are no restrictions. It is enough to install the Agent VKontakte program on your computer, and then use it to select the necessary function. As mentioned above, there are no restrictions, you can not only listen to music and visit communities, but also view the pages of your friends. But most often it happens that we go to social networks for exactly this - to find out what's new in our friends.

If you want to hide your presence on the VKontakte social network, then try downloading the VK invisibility to your computer. This program allows you to use your account without a burning inscription "online", that is, others will see you offline.

This feature is useful if you want your friends to not know that you are online. We offer several ways to become invisible on vk.com with and without programs, applications, extensions.

The archive contains all the necessary applications and methods for implementing this function with detailed instructions. Choose the appropriate method and use it.


apidog.ru is an online VK client that is connected directly to the site database. Enter your username and password there and go to your page. Then we go into the settings uncheck "Set online mode" and click on the button "Mark me offline" below. Now you can use the social network, and other users will see a message like "Was online so many minutes (days) ago."


With Vklife, you can also stay offline. Just click on the “Online” button to turn it off and change the mode to “Offline”. In addition, the program has other useful features that will be useful to active users of the network. For example, downloading music and video.

Mobile app

The official mobile client for android and ios also has anonymity function. In its settings there is a corresponding item that needs to be activated. Detailed instructions can be downloaded below.

Chrome extension

There is an extension VKinviz, which, after installation in the browser, takes care of your anonymity.

How to become invisible offline vkontakte video

Invisibility Features vk

OS: Windows 7/8/10 / XP
  Type: programs / plugins / instructions
  Build Date: 2017
  Release: site
  Platform: PC
  Interface language: Russian
  Medicine: not required
  Size: 1.4 Mb

Install Invisibility vk.com on a computer

  1. Open downloaded archive
  2. Choose a suitable way
  3. Perform the steps described in the instructions.
  4. Hide your activity on the site.

In today's article, we will look at how you can mask your Vkontakte online presence status using all the features of the service that allow you to be offline for everyone who views your page. Hide VKontakte online by the means of the social network itself and when using third-party services.

Quick navigation:

Is there a need to hide your VKontakte presence

Many of us are used to using the Vkontakte social network daily. Each of us uses it for different purposes. Someone spends most of their time on VKontakte, talking with friends, some listen to music from public interest, someone competes all day in flash games, and someone is interested in news and watching videos.

However, all users have a definite desire to hide VKontakte online in a functionality that unites all of us, for example: we all want to see guests visiting our profile (See). Many of the users want to intentionally hide the Online sign, which is treacherously visible on the upper right of the VK website’s interface, and some even think about removing this inscription permanently.

In this section, we will focus on the presence in Vkontakte with offline status and how to make sure that the visitor who has entered your profile cannot identify you, since he will think that you are absent.

It is interesting that after his departure from VK, he asked VK developers to remove the sign Online when he comes to the network and the time when he was last online. This function is completely disabled for him. At the same time, there is a way by which one can track an online person or not.

How to hide online in VK 2018

How to be invisible VKontakte

To begin with, you should consider the simplest method of hiding the online status in VK and becoming invisible on a social network, however, in order to be invisible, you still have to make a transition to the site once. So, we perform the actions in the following sequence:

We go to the site and go to the personal messages page.

We leave this section without activity and without additional clicks on it for 20 minutes.

After that, the VKontakte server covers the online session, but does not knock out of the account.

In this state, it is quite possible to view posts and other news, and even you can answer and comment on them, listen to music, put it, etc., but it is not recommended to go to your own or someone else’s page, otherwise it’s great to be in an online session.

This mode is extremely simple and effective. A characteristic minus - it is impossible to go to users, even when it is very necessary.

ApiDog and VKlife - VKontakte invisibility function

The following method of being invisible in VK involves the installation of Special Programs, which today can be found in the network quite a grandiose amount. The most popular of the famous programs for this purpose are considered - VkLife and ApiDog. The most basic advantage of programs is that with full use of Vkontakte your account does not go online.

Download and install programs is extremely simple, it takes a maximum of 5-7 minutes. time. It is better to download from the official website of the program vklife.ru and apidog.ru because copies of the program in which the malicious code is embedded are found on other websites. Now you know how to hide VKontakte online on any browser other than the following.

Hide VKontakte online - mode in FireFox

For users of one of the most famous FireFox browsers, there is another way to be invisible on this public network. First you need to open a new tab and add about: config in the address bar, opening the page for expanding browser options. In the filter field, you need to use "network.http.redirection-limit" (without quotes) and change the value to 0, remembering the initial value indicator. After that, you need to open a fresh tab and log in to the public network. An error message will be generated there, this is normal. After that, you should go to some section, for example, “my photos” or “my news”. Then you need to return to the tab where we have options open and return the initial value to the parameter that we changed first. If everything was done without errors, then the status of the account will be offline. In order to continue to remain invisible, it is preferable not to switch to your own profile and pages of other users, otherwise the online icon may appear, and you will not be able to log in offline.

How to log in to VK and not be online from your phone

Is it possible to make the "Invisible" mode in VK on an Android smartphone in order to be present on the site but still be offline?

Yes. To do this is quite possible using the unofficial function of VK-application for mobile. In order to activate the Vkontakte invisibility mode on the Android device, you will need to take the following steps:

Vkontakte invisibility mode on Android

To get started, download the official mobile client. Download the Vkontakte application is quite possible for free from the Play Store via a direct link.

After installation, run the application. After starting the program, go to “Options”. In the options tab, go to the "About" section.

A window will be formed where you need to press (tap) on the illustration of the dog 3 times. After that, nothing changes on the screen. Close the application "Vkontakte for Android." Now you need to go into the “dialer” of your phone and dial the following combination of numbers and symbols: * # * # 856682583 # * # *. This formula will help you hide online VKontakte.

After dialing, without clicking on the call button, a window for setting up hidden features for the VK application should be formed.

In the window that opens, make a mark on the item "Invisible".

That's it, now the Vkontakte invisibility mode is running. From this moment, your presence on the VK social network site will be hidden and your Online status will change to Offline.

Vkontakte stealth mode on iPhone

To activate the invisible mode for devices based on iOS, you will need to do the same steps as on Android. The hyperlink for downloading the VK application for the iPhone will be the same.

Is it possible to log in from the phone in status as from a computer?

Now we will consider how to log in to a contact not in the status of a phone.

If you access the site through a browser and at the same time through the full version of the Vkontakte site, and not the mobile one, then for sure, a circle will be shown next to you, and not the image of the phone.

For this, it is also better to access the network through a “proxy server”. So, in fact, “hackers” act so that the real IP address is not detected, the network presence is hidden.

Similarly, you can log in to VK from the phone as from a computer.

How to hide online VK 2018

In this article, we examined in detail how to hide the status of "online" from a computer and phone on the version of the VKontakte site, which will operate in 2017-2018. At the same time, do not forget that there are programs that limit this process, using which you can be seen.

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