Aypad does not see wi-fi what to do. Why iPhone won't connect to wifi, reasons and solution. Reset network settings in iOS

The problem when the iPhone does not connect to WiFi or does not catch WiFi is one of the most common difficulties for owners of Apple gadgets. Why your iPhone does not see or does not look for WiFi at all, and what to do in such a situation - see the instructions below.

Sometimes the iPhone does not connect to Wi-Fi because the owner of the iPhone 4, iPhone 5S and other smartphone models entered the wrong password. What to do in such cases? The solution to the problem in such a situation is the simplest: enter the password again, more carefully filling in the appropriate field, rechecking whether the keyboard layout is correct.

You can also try to enter the password on another device, and if it turns out that it is correct, but the Apple gadget failed to connect to the network, then your iPhone does not see WiFi for another reason.

An easy way to restore the work of Wi-Fi on an iPhone

Another easy way connecting to the Internet when the iPhone does not see the network - this is a forced reboot of the device. To execute it, you need to simultaneously press 2 buttons - "Home" and "Power". If after rebooting the smartphone still does not find the network, obviously the problem lies in something else and it is more serious.

Reconnecting as a way to catch the network

If your iPhone 5S stubbornly does not want to see the network, and you cannot understand the reason why this is happening, try reconnecting the device to the Internet one or more times.

This method usually solves the problem of iPhone 4 not connecting to a known network. Although, if you have a different version of this gadget and have the same problem - for example, iPhone 5 does not connect to the Internet - you can also try using the tips that will be given below.

So, if the iPhone manages to find the network, but it does not connect to it, follow these steps in sequence:

  1. Go to the Wi-Fi settings through the gadget menu.
  2. After selecting the network to which the device sees, but does not connect, click on the "Forget this network" button.
  3. Search for other Internet channels and try to connect to wifi networks... If, after that, your gadget does not want to look for other networks, then the problem has not been solved again and the reasons lie elsewhere.

Resetting the network settings is one of the surest methods to establish a connection to wi-fi

If all other ways to wifi have not brought positive results, it remains to try to reset network settings, because I really don't want to connect home Internet if it is so convenient to use the Internet in the iPhone 6 or other models of this gadget.

You can reset network settings by following these steps:

  1. In the "Settings" menu, go to the "General" tabs, then "Reset".
  2. Click on "Reset network settings".
  3. Confirm the reset by clicking on the "Reset" button.

After that, you need to check the connection, and if you cannot catch the network again, probably the annoying nuisance due to which you cannot connect to the Internet lies in a router malfunction.

Fixing router problems

If none of the solutions to the problem corrected the situation, therefore, the problem lies in one of the following points, such as:

  1. Incorrect settings for this component.
  2. Breakage of the wi-fi module.

To change the settings of the router, you need to have some knowledge. If you are not an expert, it is better not to touch the settings, but call the wizard. For those who understand this issue a little, you can independently perform a number of steps (it is allowed to do it on all iPhone models - when the iPhone 4S does not connect to the network, the fourth or five iPhone, after applying all other methods, do not see the network or do not want to connect to it etc.):

  1. Reboot the router.
  2. Reset all its settings ..
  3. Change encryption data from WPA2 / WPA to WEP.
  4. Change user's region to America.

Usually, after completing all the above steps, it was possible to solve the problem of iPhones of any model to connect to Wi-Fi successfully. A connected gadget could once again delight its owner by surfing the World Wide Web.

If the Wi-Fi module is broken

A module failure will be signaled by a gray Wi-Fi icon. Therefore, if there are problems with the connection, you must first pay attention to it. If the problem is in the module, the user is unlikely to be able to solve the problem on his own. It is more correct to say that this should not be done, but it is better to immediately contact service center... Most likely, the module will be replaced with a new one. The solution to this problem is the most costly in terms of time and money, but the owner of the gadget in this situation simply has no other way out.

The popularity of the Iphone has long stepped over all sorts of imaginable and inconceivable limits. Imagine that you bought a long-awaited favorite toy (for example, it will be an Iphone 5), clicked on the keys in order to customize wifi connection, followed all instructions and expect a normal Internet connection. And nothing like that happens. Iphone just doesn't see wifi - doesn't connect to wireless network infrastructure no matter what you do. There is nothing more unpleasant than problems with just bought brand new equipment. You don't expect them, but they are - in our case, the Iphone does not want to connect to the network.

It so happens that the Iphone sees everything except what is needed. For example, a neighbor's Wi-Fi detects, but its own home network does not. This strange behavior of the iPhone puzzles us, and we carry the smartphone to the repair. And here the most interesting thing comes to light - in the workshop the iphone connects to the local LAN without any problems, while the masters just shrug their shoulders and offer to check the router for serviceability.

One of the possible reasons for this behavior of the iPhone is related to the regional settings of the device delivered to us from the USA. We will consider it first.

Foreign guest

Very often, appliances made for sale in the United States are not connected to home wifi. Moreover, it was noticed that most often this happens in high-rise buildings. The reason for this behavior of the Iphone is that up to several dozen Wi-Fi can be deployed in multi-apartment high-rise buildings. The frequencies at which the iPhone connects to wifi differ from country to country. Moreover, even the number of used frequency channels differs. In the US, there are 11 such frequencies, and in Russia - 13. Wi-Fi iPhone settings by default imply that the smartphone connects to the network via channels 1, 6 or 11. But in a multi-storey building, these channels may be busy, and then the iPhone connects to Wi-Fi file on a channel that he really does not have.

That is, your American-sized Iphone connects to the 12th or 13th frequency channel, which he simply does not have. Of course, such an iPhone does not see the network. We have explained why this is happening, but now what to do - no. You can twist the iPhone in your hands as much as you want - you still won't be able to connect. The point is that you do not need to change Iphone settings, and the router settings. Now we will show how this can be done with a specific example.

Configuring the router

If the iPhone does not connect to wifi, we need to open the router's web interface and change the regional settings in it. Let's say you have a "D-Link" brand router (for models from other manufacturers, the setup process differs little), then we need the following manipulations:

  • We launch a browser on the computer.
  • We drive the IP address of the router into its address bar, usually it is
  • We go to the admin panel of the device and select the group of settings "wifi" ->.
  • In the drop-down list "Country" put the value "United States of America (USA)".
  • We save the settings and try to find out if the iPhone connects to Wi-Fi. In theory, everything should work.

It so happens that yesterday your iPhone perfectly caught Wi-Fi, but today it does not connect, even though you crack. Why is this happening? It happens that the settings fly off as a result of a network break. What to do in this case? There are several tricks with which you can restore wifi in this case.

Reestablishing a connection after a network break

To restore wi-fi on iphone, we suggest trying the following recipes:

  • If for some reason it does not work out, turn on the "Airplane mode" mode.
  • Try to cheat - in the network settings, select "Other" and try to connect by specifying the same network.
  • If for some reason all of the above does not help, and the network is still not there, then go to the network settings: "Settings" -> "General" -> "Reset" -> "Reset network settings" and then configure everything again.

One of the listed techniques should definitely help and the network will be with you again.

There is such a belief: "The more expensive, the more reliable." Undoubtedly, there is some truth in this, and many people believe that smartphones from Apple are eternal. But most of them have never used iPhones and all confidence in reliability comes exclusively from the "catch phrase". This does not mean that the famous manufacturer makes bad phones, it's just that any device in the world can crash, for example, when the iPhone does not connect to wi fi. We will deal with the solution of this particular situation in this article.

For users who constantly visit Internet sites and social. pages, the most important factor is the quality level of the BS signal reception. If the wireless network starts to catch poorly on the device, hangs up, work on low speeds, this will become an important problem for the owner of a mobile device. And what to do in such a situation? Some of possible options breakdowns can be fixed on your own and it doesn't matter if you have an iPhone 6, 4 or Apple iPhone ipad, but if something serious happens, it is better to contact a specialist.

Below are the main causes of malfunctions when the iPhone does not connect to wi fi:

  • Fault at the hardware level.
  • System crash.
  • The network settings have been reset.
  • Mechanical damage to the iPhone.
  • Water has entered the cabinet.

Checking for problems with the wi-fi network

To find out everything possible reasons If your wireless connection is not working properly, you need to make sure it is working properly. Check options like:

  • Is there a Wi-Fi icon on the iPhone screen in the scroll bar? When the feature is enabled, but the phone is not connected to a specific access point, the icon will look like an inverted triangle with a void inside.
  • Go to the menu, click on the wi-fi button, make sure that the option enable slider is active.
  • Poor network operation will be confirmed if Wi-Fi is constantly looking for a connection.
  • Try to connect to other points, and if the connection does not work, but the device sees all possible access points, then this also indicates a problem with the network.

It is not worth going to a service center when the reason is not mechanical or hardware breakdowns, because everything can be solved with your own hands. For example, if a router malfunction is detected and for this reason access to communication has disappeared, read the next paragraph.

Checking the operation of the router

First of all, follow the simplest steps that will narrow the search for a breakdown when the phone cannot connect to the BS. Reboot the router, connect another device to it, make sure that the provider is not to blame. If the connection problems persist, you will need to reset the router settings. Follow the instructions below:

  • Connect the router to your computer using special cable into the LAN connector.
  • Open any web browser and in search bar enter
  • After entering the parameters of the router, you need to reset them to the factory settings.
  • Select the Data Encryption tab and switch from WPA2 / WPA to WEP.
  • Then you need to change the region of use to the United States.
  • Save all settings, disconnect the router from your computer and restart it.

These router properties are ideal for correct work smartphones from Apple.

Note! Do not forget that if your provider has a permanent ip-address, then after deleting all parameters, you must re-enter the connection data that the provider provided to you.

Module failure

When there is no working wi-fi on the iPhone 4s, this may mean the failure of the BS module. The signaling device is the gray Weifai icon in the scroll bar. We can safely say that this is the most bad reason why the iPhone can't find the network. It is very difficult to fix such a breakdown yourself and the right solution would be to contact the service center, where they can quickly and efficiently replace the broken module and resume its work, thereby allowing the device to connect to the service.

Among the possible ways to solve the problem with signal reception, you can try to do forced reboot... This is a fairly simple method that does not require special skills. All you need is to hold down two buttons, "Power" and "Home", you need to keep them in this state until the moment Apple appears on the phone display. This instruction suitable for everyone iPhone models without erasing data and applications. After Hard reset try to connect to Wi-Fi, if this does not help, then you should seek help from professionals.


First try to reset only network parameters... Go to the main settings, select the "Reset" menu, then « Reset network settings » ... After completion, re-enter the IP, DNS and port parameters, you can get them from your cellular operator... Did not help? Then we take a cardinal step - a return to the factory settings.

Before starting the process, do not forget to make a backup, which will help save your phone from losing all data. Please note that a master reset will delete all accounts, including iCloud, iTunes and the like. This procedure you can do it yourself, for this you need to go to the settings, go to the "Basic" tab, and select the "Reset" item. You will see a list of all the features of this menu, among which you must select "Reset to factory settings". After iOS updates, restart your smartphone and try to connect again.

Physical damage

The main factor when the iPhone does not catch wi-fi is the fall of the phone or physical breakdown... As a result, the following elements may fail:

  • Damage to antenna components. After a fall, the internal parts of the antenna may be damaged, thus, deformation of the bolt caps is possible. Because of this, the reception of the signal of the Internet connection is significantly impaired, and the wi-fi will probably not function.
  • Fracture of the antenna in the adhesion zone. It could break only with a powerful impact in the area of ​​attachment to the clamp or in the area of ​​the connector junction. In this case, you can face a complete refusal of the BS module.
  • Failure of the control board. A common source of a problem. Non-functionality of microcircuits occurs due to the impact of the phone on a hard plane or object. Consequently, the place where the signal is received becomes inoperative.

As a rule, when mechanical damage malfunctions are easily eliminated in the workshop by replacing the antenna or microcircuit.

Important! You can try to replace spare parts yourself, but it is not known what consequences this will lead to, do not risk it.

Additional help

If the smartphone is connected to Wi-Fi, but cannot connect to the Internet, try using the same access point on other devices. If it is not possible to reach them either in world wide web it may be that there are disruptions in the service of the provider serving this coverage. You need to contact the appropriate organization for providing Internet access.

Try connecting to wi-fi elsewhere. If it is possible to connect the device, it is necessary to eliminate the disturbances in the operation of the BS, to check the network settings. When the device does not connect to any entry points, contact your vendor.

Try to enter a different password, if unsuccessful, update the firmware router wifi before latest version and make sure your smartphone is included in the list of supported gadgets. Per additional information contact your router manufacturer, they should definitely provide a solution to this problem.


Do not be afraid to use all the available options to check your iPhone when you do not have an Internet connection. wireless line... If none of the methods helped to cope with the breakdown, then it will be necessary to contact the service center and, best of all, the official one.


Many iPad and iPhone users have faced the problem when, when connecting to a saved network, iOS gives an error "Invalid password". However, you are sure that the password is correct, and you use it regularly. Considering how addicted smartphones are to the internet, it's no surprise that this kind of problem is annoying and makes it difficult to use the device properly. Fortunately, there is a solution.

4 reasons for the "Invalid password" error

Before proceeding with further instructions, do a few simple steps to dismiss other possible causes of this problem.

  • Make sure you entered the correct password (check on another device - the password may have been changed)
  • Make sure you are connecting to desired network(often in the same building there can be several networks with similar names, especially if they are installed by default by the router manufacturer or sysadmin)
  • Check the case of letters in the password
  • Make sure you don't have Caps Lock or any other keyboard (like French instead of English) turned on

These actions may seem stupid to you, but in fact, often the reason lies precisely in incorrect input password. You may have Caps Lock pressed, or you misheard a word, or you put an extra space. For example, if the password is Burrito123, then it must be entered exactly like this: with a capital letter and without a space in front of the numbers. Otherwise, you will see the "Invalid password" error. Well, it is completely logical that if you connect to another network and enter required password, then you will not get access to the Internet either.

Having done this simple check, we have verified that the password and network are correct. Now you can move on to the solution.

Fixing the "Invalid Password" error on iPhone and iPad

1. Reboot the device

Often simple restart iPhone or iPad is enough to solve simple glitches in Wi-Fi operation- including the inability to connect to a known network.

To reboot:

  1. Press and hold the power button until a slider appears on the screen
  2. Drag the slider to turn off your device
  3. Wait a few seconds for the screen to go completely black and press and hold the power button again until you see the  logo. By the way, we talked about how to type this icon on any device in this article.

When your smartphone or tablet turns on again, try connecting to Wi-Fi again. In most cases, this is sufficient to solve the problem.

2. Forget the access point, then reconnect to it

3. Reset network settings in iOS

This method assumes complete removal all Wi-Fi settings and saved points Wi-Fi access... Accordingly, you will have to re-enter the password to connect to already known networks. Also, you will have to spend time on Wi-Fi setup your smartphone or tablet.

Resetting your network settings can fix other Wi-Fi problems as well. In particular, this way you can get rid of the error "Failed to connect to the network".

After a factory reset, you may need to configure your iOS network components. For example, if you used an alternate DNS server, manual settings DHCP protocol, as well as VPN or proxy, then you will have to enter all these data again.

4. Restart your router and modem

To do this, disable Wi-Fi router or a modem from the network, wait 15-20 seconds, then reconnect.

Note that it is not always possible to do this: for example, in a public place or at work (provided that everything is working for all other employees). So this method is worth trying at home or with friends, but not at the airport, office or public place.

  • Connect to a different hotspot to make sure Wi-Fi is working on your iPhone or iPad
  • If the device cannot connect to the nickname of one Wi-Fi network, then this may be a hardware problem - such situations are rare, but still possible - especially if the device has often been in contact with water or fell. In this case, you should contact an Apple Authorized Center for diagnostics and repair.
  • Finally, creating a backup can help, full reset device settings and then restoring data from a backup. This method should only be used as a last resort - if all other tips did not work and you are sure that the problem is not a hardware failure

Remember to connect to hidden network Wi-Fi you will need to manually enter the SSID.

Did these tips help you to solve the problem? Have you encountered other errors that you couldn't fix on your own? Write about it in the comments, and we will make a material dedicated to fixing this problem!

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Many users of branded phones such as iPhone 4s and 5s have encountered problems connecting to Wi-Fi networks at least once. In this article we will try to deal with them and help you in this difficult situation.

Possible problems

So, what problems can there be when connecting to wireless networks? Your mobile device just doesn't see desired Wi-Fi network, which you know for sure (for example, we are talking about your own home network). Or, when connected, it knocks out some errors. It is also worth noting this option, when the signal level of the wi-fi drops sharply, or you are disconnected from the Network by itself. Perhaps you will face a problem when, after a seemingly established Internet connection, you cannot access any site.

By the way, some users often complain that Wi-Fi doesn't work automatically after updating. Let's deal with these problems together!

There are solutions

There are solutions in any situation! And here is a step-by-step instruction:

If you cannot find a network, you should try the following actions:

  1. It is worth checking again that there is a network among all those available for your device. To do this, you need to go to the settings and find the Wi-Fi item there. If the network does not appear immediately, then you should wait a while;
  2. get closer to the router that distributes Wi-Fi, it is possible that the signal is simply not picked up by the device;
  3. You can also reset the network settings, instructions are attached below.

Video: iPhone Won't Connect to Wi-Fi

Entering the router settings

If you need to configure a Wi-Fi router, which can be a solution to the problem, then you should first go to its settings through the web interface. Of course, the list of all kinds of routers is very large and we will not describe how to enter the settings of each one here. We will describe only a general instruction for all routers:

That's all - you are in the router settings. Usually there is a Wi-Fi or Wireless section on the left. This is where the network settings are made, including the access password (key). You can find the settings for each of the routers separately in another article on our site.

TP-Link, by the way, created for this special program Tether. Working with the web interface for many users may seem a very difficult process, but when working through special application Tether for all iOS devices and Android, setting up a router will not be particularly difficult, since it is simplified.


How can I reset the network settings:

Thus, you can reset absolutely all network settings, and this:

  1. full list Wi-Fi networks with which you previously worked, while the saved passwords will go away;
  2. also, those devices with which you worked via Bluetooth, and those with which you made contacts will disappear;
  3. VPN and APN settings will also be deleted.

If you want to reset the settings of your iPhone, which is required in the event that you accidentally set up a new device, but wanted to transfer data from the old one, then you will have to:

Change the country of connection

Another reason why your iPhone 4s won't connect to Wi-Fi might be the following:

Copying and restoring data

If you do not want to waste your precious data, then if your iPhone 4s or 5s breaks down, it is worth doing backup files. For this, there are special services iCloud and iTunes. So, it remains only to see how this is done, and how quickly and easily to create all copies of the data. If you use iCloud service then everything is done quite simply, just created backups v automatic mode, it will work for all iOS devices as well.

For this you need:

So, what if you still lost your data and want to get it out of iCloud? Let's say you purchased new iphone and want to copy data from the old one to it. Complete all requirements first initial setup system of your iPhone. When you are offered one of three options, among which there will be "Recover from iCloud copy", you should choose this option. From the list of all copies, select the one you created, it will be visible by its name. There are some details to consider when using iTunes:

Backups are created even when you use sync between your computer and your device. In order to finally make sure of this, you need to go to iTunes program on your computer, and go to the "Devices" tab. And there you will already see the name of your device, and the date and time of the backup will be indicated there.

To recover data from iTunes, you only need to connect iOS device to the computer where the backup is stored. Check again iTunes version installed on your computer. Go to "File, from there to the" Devices "section and click" Restore from backup ". That's all!

Photo: restore item from backup

Why won't the iPhone connect to Wi-Fi?

There are quite a few reasons why iPhone 5s won't connect to Wi-Fi.

Here is a list of them:

  1. if the network is secure, make sure you enter the password correctly;
  2. make sure the network signal is strong enough. If the signal is weak and intermittently disappears, then you may be at the maximum Wi-Fi range;
  3. your device may have been manufactured for sale in the United States. To do this, you will need to change the country in the router. We wrote above how to do this.

Video: How to reset settings on a TP-Link router

Time to reboot your router

So, one more reason why your iPhone stopped connecting to the router. The problem of accessing Wi-Fi from your iPhone can be solved in general with one click of the router button. Reboot it, unplug it and plug it back on. But what if? Each device can have its own errors in operation, and the router is no exception! True, if other devices are successfully connected to the same router, then the problem is unlikely to be in it.

Resetting and creating a new password

What if you forgot your Wi-Fi password and can't connect to it on your iPhone? Are you constantly entering the wrong password for the Network?

Time to reboot your router

We hope this article fully told you what problems with access to Wi-Fi on iPhone 4s and 5s can be, how to solve them, as well as how to back up and restore data in the case of purchasing a new iOS device.

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