Forced restart iPhone 6. iPhone freezes and does not reboot

It's hard to find a user who has never had to restart a frozen iPhone. This is the first solution that comes to mind if the device does not respond to touching the screen or pressing the Home or Power keys. How to restart the iPhone in this situation? We will talk about the most effective methods below.

Restart iPhone in normal mode

If the device works perfectly fine, and there is a desire to urgently restart it. For this purpose, a “Power” key is provided, holding which will suggest turning off the device.

Clicking on the “Turn off” item will knock out the device. After that, through the same key, the device can be loaded back.

Force reboot iPhone

Such a measure will be needed if the device hangs and does not respond to requests. You can completely restart the iPhone 5, which turned out to be in this state by pressing the Home and Power keys simultaneously for about 10 seconds, after which the screen will go blank.

After turning off the device, you can turn it on. Forced reboot allows you to reboot the device in the event of a software failure.

However, this method is an extreme measure, its use can harm the device. Even more dangerous, but no less effective - just remove the battery from the device.

It happens that the keys on the device do not work. To restart the iPhone without a button, you do not need to disassemble the device - Apple developers have provided such an opportunity.

If, for any reason, the Home and Power keys do not work, you can achieve the desired result with certain gestures.

For this, it is necessary that the “Assistive Touch” function is active in the smartphone’s settings, which can be used to flexibly control the iPhone using gestures, it can completely eliminate the use of ordinary buttons.

Activating the Assistive Touch feature is as follows:

  1. You need to open iPhone 4 Settings.
  2. Select the “General” window, and then “Universal access”.
  3. In the section "Physiology and Motility" the corresponding item will be available, which you need to choose.

In the menu that opens, you can configure those movements that will allow you to replace the action of the "Home" and / or "Power" keys.

Reboot the iPhone via iTunes

The method of rebooting the iPhone via iTunes is also considered quite tough and is used only if other tools did not help, and the device does not restart by pressing keys or other methods.

To do this, go to, log in, and conduct a complete reset of the device. The procedure will delete the data from the smartphone, installed applications, but will roll it back to its original state, eliminating all possible ones that do not allow the device to reboot.

What messages restart the iPhone?

This is an unpleasant phenomenon that users of Apple devices began to encounter in 2015. If the phone receives a message consisting of a set of letters in Arabic, it starts to reboot.

Apple developers are working to eliminate this vulnerability, so it is best to download updates from them immediately after they go online. If the message that restarts the iPhone comes from a specific recipient, then it is better to add it to the black list.

Apple regularly offers consumers new phones with the latest technical innovations. But there is a change not only in the location of the buttons, their functionality is changing. Therefore, some users have questions. For example, how to reset iPhone 7 with two buttons.


All previous generations of iPhones reloaded the same way. To do this, you had to click on the "Home" button. And at the same time with it "On / Off." They need to be kept pressed for exactly as long as it takes to restart the phone. In some cases, just a few seconds is enough. But most often it takes about 20 seconds to do this.

Thanks to major improvements in the latest generation of iPhones, users are unlikely to have to deal with the question of how to restart the iPhone 7 using two buttons. It is worth noting that even owners of previous models of smartphones of the American giant often did not realize that there was such an option.
This is due to the fact that the "apple" smartphones are characterized by high speed, good response to the owner's commands. The launch and operation of applications usually occur without crashes and freezes.

Change Home Button

Despite the fact that the button is in its place, the principle of its operation has changed. It represents the same recess as in previous models. Even when you click on it, a familiar click is felt, that is, nothing seems to have changed for the consumer. But in fact, a change has occurred. The key has become a touch, not a mechanical one. That is why it can no longer be used to reboot the phone. But then, how can iPhone 7 be reloaded with two buttons? We will talk about this later.

Reboot in 4 steps

Despite the fact that the Home button can no longer be applied for rebooting, the ability to restart the smartphone still remains. In this case, the procedure was not complicated and is also performed with the participation of two buttons. How to reset iPhone 7 with two buttons?

The instruction includes 4 steps:

  1. You need to pick up your 7th generation smartphone, find the on / off button on the edge And click on it with your finger.
  2. Find on the opposite edge of the phone a button to decrease the sound volume and also hold it with your finger. Both buttons should be clamped at the same time.
  3. The screen should go blank.
  4. A brand icon - an apple should appear on the screen. This is a signal that a reboot has been made, and the buttons can be released.

iTunes to help

How to restart iPhone 7 with two buttons? Photos of the correct implementation of this simple procedure can be seen below.

But restarting may not improve the situation. If the phone continues to glitch, freeze and does not want to function normally, you can use another algorithm involving iTunes.

To do this, you need to connect the phone to your computer and go to iTunes. Then restart the iPhone 7 with two buttons, as described above. But with this reset option, the buttons should not be unclenched until the recovery mode appears on the screen. Then you need to activate the update process by clicking on the appropriate button. In this mode, the program will reinstall the operating system with the preservation of all personal data. If, by mistake, start recovery mode, then all the personal data of the user will be deleted. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing a mode.

Rebooting an iPhone with two buttons is considered very hard and is used exclusively in hopeless situations. If the phone can be rebooted just by turning it off, then you should do just that. If the situation is insoluble or in doubt, you should immediately contact the company’s service. This will help to avoid unpleasant consequences with complete data loss.

In the life of any person who has electronic gadgets, a moment occurs when software errors occur, and the device ceases to respond to user actions. No matter how stable iOS devices are, glitches and crashes do not bypass them. Sometimes your iPhone stops responding to touching the screen and pressing buttons. What to do if it freezes? This is what will be considered in this article. After reading, you will learn how to restart the iPhone in case of an error.

First, imagine that your device is working as expected. That is, it responds correctly to pressing the screen, pressing the volume buttons and the Home button work as expected, but the phone needs to be restarted. To do this, briefly hold down the on / off button, after which two large buttons will appear on the screen: “Turn off” and “Cancel”. You should touch the screen of the device in the area of \u200b\u200bthe left side of the “Turn off” button, after which you need to draw it from left to right. Such a movement on the screen is called "Swipe" (derived from the English word Swipe - hold without lifting your finger). The device will turn off. You need to wait for the moment when the screen finally turns off and make a short press on the power button. After that, the Apple logo will be displayed on the device’s screen, and the download will begin as usual.

But it also happens that some kind of error occurred and the device tightly “freezes”. What to do in this case? Any iPhone can be forced to restart even in this case.

In order to do this, you need:

  • Hold down the mechanical buttons "Home" and "Power" at the same time. You need to do this for about ten seconds. After that, the device screen turns off.
  • After turning off the display, the buttons can be released. In the event that after that the “apple” on the screen does not start, you need to briefly press the “Power” button, as was done in the case of a reboot in normal mode. After that, the device will start to boot.

This method was created only for emergency device reboot. It is strongly recommended that you resort to it only if absolutely necessary, and if possible, then generally use the other two methods of rebooting. This method is best left only as a last resort.

The latter method is relevant when the device is working properly and responds correctly to touching the screen, but the power button is broken (which is quite common on the iPhone, especially the fifth generation).

Rebooting an iOS device without accessing the power button?

Apple’s mobile devices can also be controlled without mechanical buttons. Engineers took into account the fact that the buttons have a large resource, but at the same time, any mechanical part breaks sooner or later. In the event that the touch screen of the smartphone is in working condition, and the mechanical button is broken, then you can restart the iPhone or turn it off completely thanks to all kinds of gestures.

To activate device control through gestures, you need to use the “Assistive Touch” option in the settings. Thanks to this function, you can very flexibly adjust the device control using various gestures that will replace the broken mechanical buttons, at least before the repair operations are carried out.

The inclusion of the Assistive Touch function is carried out in the device settings, in the "General" section, and then "Universal Access". At the bottom of the section is the “Physiology and Motility” tab, where the desired option is located.

Move the slider to the "Enabled" position (on iOS 7.0.4, the slider will turn green). After activation, a practically transparent button will be displayed on the device screen.

You need to click on this button (such a gesture is called “Tap”, which came from the English “tap”, or “touch”). After pressing, the “Assistive Touch” function setting screen will be displayed.

Let's consider in more detail how to use the “Assistive Touch” function to turn off an iOS device without resorting to mechanical buttons.

To get started, click on the function icon. A menu will appear in which you need to press the "Device" button and make a long press on the "Screen Lock" item. If everything is done correctly, then the “Cancel” and “Turn off” buttons will appear on the screen.

Further steps are the same as in the case of turning off the device in normal mode: we move the slider from left to right, and the smartphone starts to turn off.

In order to turn on the device with a broken power button, you must connect it to a personal computer using the supplied USB cable. After that, the smartphone will start in the same way as it would when you pressed the power button.


Thanks to the methods that were described in this article, it will be possible to turn off or restart the iPhone or iPad, which is in any state, even if the device is “frozen” or the on / off button does not work. The capabilities of the “Assistive touch” function are described, the disadvantages of which are that it is unlikely to help when the device does not respond to user commands.

iPhone is a powerful device that allows users to work with many applications at the same time, enjoying amazingly fast multitasking. However, it is rare, but it still happens that the iPhone “freezes” or starts to execute commands incorrectly. In such cases, restarting the iPhone helps.

The iPhone may “lag” due to a huge number of reasons, most of which will deal with a banal reboot. As in the case of a braking computer, your smartphone will drop all the “accumulated load” and will work like new. There are two ways to restart your iPhone.

The first (soft) way to restart your iPhone

Step 1. Press the button Food  (Sleep / Wake) and hold it for about 4-5 seconds (until the slider appears).

Step 2. Move the slider to the right to turn off the device.

If the iPhone hangs tight and does not respond to button presses, you must force a reboot.

The second (hard) way to restart your iPhone

Step 1. Simultaneously press and hold the buttons. Foodand Home  about 9-10 seconds.

Note: on iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, instead of the Home button, you must hold down the volume down button.

Step 2. Wait for the Apple logo to appear, indicating that the reboot was successful.

This method allows you not only to “wake up” the iPhone that is deadly frozen, but also to get rid of many internal system errors. Forcing a restart of the iPhone is recommended to be performed first of all in case of any problems with the smartphone. It is a “hard reset” that can deal with poor reception of a network signal, reduce suddenly increased battery consumption, bring back to life idle applications, etc.

Hello! In many articles, I write that in order to solve some problems (and just for prevention) of the iOS operating system, it is necessary to perform a hard reboot of the device. Moreover, from article to article I constantly briefly describe how to do this. Honestly, I'm sick of it. Well, how much can you write the same thing?

Therefore, a strategic decision was made - once to write detailed instructions on how to perform a hard reset (Hard Reset, as some call it) iPhone and iPad, and then just give a link to it. In my opinion, this is simply an ingenious train of thought - after all, it is almost impossible to think of such a thing! How I did it ... I don’t know :) Okay, stop joking and joking, let's go to the main point.

So, a hard reset is a forced reboot, which may be necessary in the following cases:

  • The device is stuck, slows down and slows down.
  • Any errors fly out.
  • Problems with wireless networks, keyboards, programs, applications, etc.

I draw your attention to the fact that such a procedure does not affect any user data, all information will remain in its place, nothing will be deleted. If the goal that you are pursuing while doing a hard reset is to erase everything from the iPhone or iPad, then you need to perform a slightly different operation, namely, a complete reset of settings and content -.

Standard hard reset of iOS device

Why does the title say the word standard? Because before the release of the iPhone seventh model, all iOS devices must have had these two mechanical buttons. So if your gadget is younger than the "seven", then here is a way to force it to restart:

  • iPhone or iPad must be turned on.
  • At the same time, we hold two buttons - Home (round under the screen) + Power (turn on and lock).
  • Without releasing them, we are waiting for the moment until the iPhone or iPad turns off.
  • We continue to hold them until the screen lights up.

How to hard reboot iPhone 7

In iPhone 7, Apple added a lot, but also removed a lot. In particular, the Home key has ceased to be mechanical and most likely, so it will now be in all new models. So the old way, holding the home button does not work (there’s nothing to press). How to hard reset your iPhone now?

  • The device must be turned on.
  • At the same time we hold and hold two buttons - Power (on) and "Volume down".
  • We continue to hold both keys until the screen turns black, and then the Apple logo appears.
  • Release the buttons.

Thus, all the manipulations are almost the same as in the old models, except that now instead of the Home key the “volume down” button is used.

How to hard reset iPhone 8 and iPhone X

Apple, having released the iPhone 8 and iPhone X, completely changed the combination of buttons to force a restart of these devices. Now, in order to make Hard Reset you need to use as many as three buttons, and even press them in a certain sequence. Ready to stretch your fingers? Go!

  1. Press and release the “volume up” button.
  2. Press and release the “volume down” button.
  3. Hold and hold the side (power) button until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

Please note that everything needs to be done quickly enough. Pressed - released, pressed - released, clamped and hold.

How to make Hard Reset on iPhone XS, XS Max and XR? Instruction!

This time, Apple did not come up with anything - the buttons for a hard reset of the new iPhone models of 2018 remained exactly the same as in the iPhone X.

Your iPhone is frozen, you can not scroll through this article a little higher and see how Hard Reset is done? Nothing wrong! I can tell you again. It’s not hard for me.

So, the instruction. Force and hard reset the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR:

  1. Press and release “Volume Up”.
  2. Immediately press and release “Volume Down”.
  3. Immediately press and hold the “On” button until the “apple” appears (this will take about 10 seconds).

I repeat, all the actions are completely identical to the iPhone X (see the picture just above).

Agree that there is nothing complicated in all of the above manipulations - everything is very simple, quick and easy. But despite this simplicity, one cannot underestimate the significance of this procedure - how many times have I used it to treat stuck iPhones ... Oh, there were times ... :) But this, of course, is a slightly different story.

P.S. Want to get the correct reboot? Like it! Both you will benefit and the author will be pleased - thanks in advance!

P.S.S. If your iPhone does not want to hard reset, as well as there are other questions, then immediately write in the comments - let's try to figure it out!

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