Met 1 cute personal app. People Search App Nearby

I must say right away that I am married and happy in marriage, but since the authorities give an editorial instruction to find the best dating in the App Store, you have to take the mission heroically under the hood. Moreover, as they said in one popular film: "There is no husband who has not dreamed of becoming a bachelor for at least an hour." Perhaps this will be the epigraph for my research.

Three main suspects were selected right away: I’ve known Mamba since the desktop youth, about Tinder all the ears buzzed creative and lonely Muscovites from friend, but Badoo is considered the most popular, and it would be indecent to ignore this service, about which I wrote before the material only knew that it existed.

The first thing that pleased all three applications was the registration process, namely, the ability to create profiles through authorization via Facebook. A couple of clicks - and the temptations of adultery have already opened my eyes. By the way, according to my friends on the social network, no one has received any notifications that a user is inviting you to join such and such a dating service. This is pleasing, as many would have perceived such invitations ambiguously.

I must say right away that even before the start of the experiment I decided: no matter how tempting the temptation is, I won’t spend a penny on additional options. Firstly, the idea does not imply any serious and far-reaching intentions, and secondly, no one was going to compensate me for these expenses. And in general it’s interesting: is it possible to find an adventure in one place in 2Q17 for free? I remember about 5 years ago it was definitely possible.

I decided to start with Tinder, the only application from today's list that has a version for. The pair search begins with the selection of the desired age range and radius of the search. After a couple of tapas, we begin to study what Moscow is ready to offer us in terms of communication with the opposite sex.

Photos of girls are displayed on the screen in turn, and by swipe left or right, I decide whether I liked this or that person. Right - yes, left - no. If any lady made my heart beat especially often, I can give her a like, and then she will feel that someone really really liked me.

By the way, this mode is available for all three today's applications, it works more or less the same, so I won’t talk about it further. I only note that in Tinder the number of likes that can be expressed during the day is limited. To make their number unlimited, you need, of course, to buy a premium subscription at the following prices:

In general, I can’t say that I found Tinder a suitable dating tool for me, and that's why. If, for example, I liked a girl in a club and at first glance she didn’t show sympathy, I will persevere: I’ll come and try to talk and change my opinion about myself. Here, they deprive me of such an opportunity: I did not like the facade or accidentally swiped in the wrong direction - and the ghostly hope for adultery fades away completely. Enrages this, honestly.

Title:  Tinder
Publisher / Developer:  Tinder
Price:  Is free
In-app purchases:  Yes
Compatibility:  For iPhone
Link: Install

Launching Mamba, I seemed to be back in time when I was a bachelor and was looking for communication with the opposite sex on dating. From the desktop version to the mobile migrated the ability to simply display on one screen all the ladies that were found according to my requests. A very logical function that was so lacking when using Tinder.

The girl was interested - she just went to her page, winked, or immediately wrote a message. You can still send a gift or a fashionable sticker, but you will have to lay out a coin for this. Coins, of course, are bought for real money, but I promised not to.

In general, Mamba suited me, since in this application it is quite possible to communicate for free and not to buy additional options. Of course, it would be cool if they showed me in a search only girls at least 180 cm, who are excited by men in socks, but you can live without it. At the same time, the application seemed very overloaded with functions, which is why it is too clumsy to work. So what's next?

Title:  Mamba
Publisher / Developer:  Mamba
Price:  Is free
In-app purchases:  Yes
Compatibility:  Universal application
Link: Install

About the Badoo service, which I am discovering for the first time today, I heard that it is almost the largest dating in the world. I thought about this when, rubbing my hands, introduced the search terms and prepared for the search for prey.

I'll start with the pleasant: here you can write to a girl, even if she has not expressed sympathy for you. It’s enough for her to come to your page. Even if your physiognomy turned out to be unpleasant at first: turn on your charm and wit - and the date will not take long.

The application has several search modes: in addition to the usual "left-right" there is also a display of new users. However, you can write to them only if you purchase superpowers (for money, of course).

Another fun mode is the doubles. Suppose I like Alina Kabaeva, and I want to find a girl like her in order to feel real ... well, you understand, an alpha male. I select her photo - and the application shows me all the users who are similar to her. Unfortunately, Alina was not among the Muscovite twins at the time of testing the application. Ladies are invited to look for doubles of Mikhail Prokhorov and Eldar Murtazin, but these people are unlikely to have Swiss accounts of the first and analytical abilities of the second.

Another important advantage of Badoo is the ability to not only text chat, but also video chats. If you think about it, it is very cool for this type of application. Chatted in video mode - and it's not so scary to go on a date: at least you know that a person is real.

For all the time I used Badoo, I did not have the temptation to fork out: I did not need the bulk of the functions that are offered to be included for money. Yes, it would be cool to raise a questionnaire in the extradition or to get the opportunity to chat with new girls, but even without it I practically divorced several participants in person.

Since only thanks to Badoo I practically completed my virtual program at least (I agreed on a real date), in my subjective review I will give first place to this service. Sorry, I had to delete some chats before taking screenshots: after all, I would not want anyone to see them.

Title:  Badoo
Publisher / Developer:  Badoo
Price:  Is free
In-app purchases:  Yes
Compatibility:  Universal application

6 billion people live on earth and to find among this amount of their one, the task is difficult. It is for those who have not yet found a soul mate, numerous developers every year release new dating applications. But only now it became important to find an interesting and most useful application. So we have put together the best dating apps that will help you get rid of loneliness.

Best dating apps - where to start

Before you begin your search for the one or only, determine your purpose. Many applications are designed only for flirting or a short connection, and serious relationships that may end in marriage do not always become the goal of all registered on the resource. So decide for yourself what you want to get by installing such an application, and according to this decision, make a program choice.

Popular Dating Resources

The search for a true friend and ally sometimes becomes the goal of a lifetime. Software developers also understand this, so dating apps are a whole sphere of entertainment, which, in addition, brings considerable income. Let's start with the popular and numerous resources that you should look at first.

  • Tinder

One of the largest portals for those who seek love. This network spread its tentacles around the world, a simple interface and, as an advantage, many foreigners. You do not have to fill out a questionnaire in the application, if you are registered on Facebook, then just log in from your profile. The application will automatically transfer information from the social network to its database. Of the pluses, we note that the portal has already gained a certain reputation and the likelihood of meeting an interesting interlocutor here is high. Well, the only drawback is that Tinder is not very popular in the CIS countries. Although, if your goal is a lone foreigner, then this is the best way to get to know each other.

By the way, in the rest of the world, the first matchmaker on the network is Tinder. So, if you want to tighten your English, then this application will become the main tool of your study.

  • Loveplanet

The resource began its work in 2005 and at the moment, its database is estimated in millions of profiles. You just need to download the application to your phone, fill out a form and go in search of. In addition to the standard functions, there is the “Sympathy” option, which users mark photos of strangers, if the sympathies coincide, this will serve as an occasion to make acquaintance. The free version of the application slightly limits the possibilities on the portal, if you want to communicate more freely, then you need to pay real money.

  • Mamba

One of the oldest resources for dating, the general database of profiles has exceeded several millions and every year there are more and more people wishing to meet their soul mate. Mamba is interesting in that it is aimed at a serious relationship, hence the complete openness of the questionnaire and the opportunity to meet in real life. Of course, all additional buns will become available only when buying a paid account. By the way, this will help to raise the questionnaire higher, which means that the chances of being noticed will certainly increase.

All these applications work on the same principle. Just fill out the questionnaire, and then begin to review photos of people who are already registered. In some cases, you mark the character you like with a heart, which will mean sympathy or “swipe” the photo left or right. If the selected person also reciprocates, a chat will open, where a private conversation will already begin.

Applications with a twist

Standard online dating methods may just not meet your requirements. So for highly extravagant, highly specialized applications were invented.

  • Pure

This application is interesting in that the main purpose of dating is sex. This is precisely the specificity of the portal. That is, by posting your photo, you declare that you are ready for a short relationship, most likely for one night. Of course, such an attractive offer could not get past single and not very men, so the main part of the audience is represented by them.

The portal is looking for partners for a pleasant mutual pleasure within a radius of 50 meters, and all correspondence disappears after one hour. So, if you find someone interesting, then you should not waste time.

  • Yep app

A very specific application for dating, which is more likely to help find a friend and associate. You are not looking for a partner and not a future husband, but just someone who wants to drink coffee together, chat or just make up the company. This is the emphasis in this application, choose the goal. For example, and send a "request". The portal will find the people who are closest and show your request to them. If they agree, then you will find a small romantic adventure, which, if desired, will grow into something more.

  • Hater App

Since such unusual ways of dating are becoming more and more popular, the appearance of an application based on dislike was quite expected. Hater picks up pairs according to topics that both hate. After registering on the portal, it should be noted that you hate it, at the moment there are about two thousand topics on the portal. And the application will take care of choosing the most suitable person.

Such applications will help expand the circle of acquaintances, go beyond the usual and try in such a unique way to end loneliness.

Long search

If you seriously decided to try your luck digitally, then it will not hurt to find out some tricks about the online dating process itself.

  • Do not bear arrogance! If you went to the portal, tuning in to a serious search for a partner, then you should not endure arrogance from others. As soon as the hints of a potential acquaintance have crossed the limits of decency, close the chat and go on a search further. Do not hope that this is only temporary insanity. Let's be honest, most of these acquaintances are aimed at simple sex and nothing more.

In the Pure application, it is excusable, yet the purpose of acquaintance from the very beginning is indicated quite clearly. In other applications, where everything is aimed at a serious search, you should be wary of greasy offers.

  • Be honest. Do not try to embellish your world, believe me, it is already beautiful. Many people come to fill out the questionnaire, like a real exam. Relax, no one will criticize you for your dislike of Taylor Swift in the Hater app. But frankness will definitely play into the hands when you meet that one or that unique.
  • Use filters. Each portal has a filter system that you can configure yourself. For example, you can choose only brunettes with a height of 180 cm or blondes of a sports physique. Use this opportunity to narrow the circle of potential acquaintances.

And most importantly, do not be afraid. You are sure to be in a heap of profiles and offers. We have prepared the best dating apps for you, you just have to decide on this step and install the program on your smartphone.

If you already have experience of such dating, write a comment on this article below and tell us how you met.

Good luck and an unforgettable date!

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17.02.2017 20:50:00

In one of the articles, we examined the issue of how to enable gps on Android.

Not so long ago, in order to get to know each other, a man or woman had to go beyond his comfort zone: go to a club or a cinema, come up with a reason to get to know each other.

Now, for free download, a variety of dating applications are available that allow you to find a mate without leaving your home. Some applications can be used for communication, others are designed for quick dates, and there are those with which you can go to intimate relationships.

We have collected the most popular dating apps on Android. Any of these can be downloaded for free from the Google Play digital store.

AnastasiaDate: Date & Chat App

OS Version: Android 2.3.3 or later
  Size: 15.26 Mb

A popular Android program for dating women in Russia and the CIS. To work with it, you need to register an account in the application, or log in through your Facebook account. You need to fill out a profile, add photos and contacts, and you can begin to search for a soul mate. Among the main features of the dating application are the following:

  • Sending emails with photos
  • Text and video chatting
  • Ability to make calls to mobile numbers

The creators of the application guarantee only verified and accredited 100% accounts and protection against scams.

Communication, dating, chat nearby

OS Version: Android 3.0 or later
  Size: 10.95 Mb

The features of the dating application on Android are not limited to one chat. For full communication, the user can use voice chat, as well as write a message in the "Live" mode for application participants in their city. Fans of online dating using the application can see who is nearby, leave them a note and make an appointment. In the profile, you can indicate the mood, what you think about and what I would like to do. You can quickly find yourself interlocutors of interest or character and, possibly, create a reliable romantic relationship with him.

ParkFace - Online Dating

  Size: 12.14 Mb

It should be noted the ParkFace program. This is a mobile social network for dating and hobby meetings, created for Android by developers of the ParkSeason thematic site. The application is designed for those who are not used to spending a lot of time at home, but appreciates walks and romantic dates. Users can communicate according to interests and make appointments, choosing interesting places of rest on the poster of events.

The application database contains complete information about city parks, squares, museums, pedestrian streets, beaches, rental points, sports facilities with an indication of promotions and discounts. Here you can choose an entertainment event, such as a festival and a concert. You can even choose a dance studio or yoga center as your first date — most importantly, mark common interests in your profile or chat. To any meeting point you can build a convenient route on the map.

Other smartphones Fly
On our site you can find a catalog with other Fly smartphones on Android.

Mamba - Online Dating

OS Version: Android 4.0.3 or later
  Size: 30.00 Mb

One of the best and most popular is Mamba. The program focuses on the search for interlocutors and interest partners. In the search, you can set several criteria:

  • Age
  • Region
  • Purpose of dating
  • Is the user in a relationship?
  • Type: height, weight, education, physique, zodiac sign, knowledge of languages
  • Bad habits and sexual preferences

The user can mark liked people in favorites, and unwanted, respectively, send to the ignore list. Some interlocutors can be written only by purchasing a VIP status. Also, the application can indicate to users who are already useless to write: these accumulate unread messages, which means that it is likely that they stopped using the program. On the other hand, the application informs about new users who are waiting to be introduced to them.

Badoo - Meet new people

OS Version: Android 4.2 or later
  Size: 29.11 Mb

The application is a complete mobile social network. After the user has gained access to the application through a Facebook, Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki account, you can see which of those who want to meet is currently nearby. Each user notes in his profile his interests, purpose of communication and status.


OS Version: Android 4.0.3 or later
  Size: 30 Mb

One of the most popular dating apps on Android. After activating the program, you need to spend several minutes filling out your profile. Then you can begin to search for a soulmate, indicating certain parameters: age, height, weight, dating goals, location. You can choose a partner for normal friendships, for serious relationships or for creating a family.

According to the assurances of the application developer, almost 1.3 million people use the program every day and make about 50 million views. Designers did a good job on the interface, which turned out to be simple and intuitive. On the main tape posted photos of users indicating sex and age. Inside each picture is a detailed profile.

Photo country: dating + chat

OS Version: Android 4.0.3 or later
  Size: 4.54 Mb

A popular social network for dating, on the official website of which more than 22,000 people are registered every day. Using the application, the user can find friends by interests, exchange messages, meet new love in his city. Communication partners can exchange photos, news and interesting events with each other. The application provides a notification system for new messages, users who want to meet or about those who have shown a clear liking.

KakaoTalk: Free Calls & Text

OS Version: Android 4.0.3 or later
  Size: 35.68 Mb

KakaoTalk is a messenger application with which you can send text messages, photos, videos, voice recordings and location data. Among the main characteristics of the application are the following:

  • Quick messaging
  • Free media sharing
  • Voice chats, one on one or group voice calls (1: 1 or group) or a large set of stickers and emoticons.
  • Promotions and coupons from application partners
  • Support Android Wear.


OS Version: Android 4.0.3 or later
  Size: 36.66 Mb

A feature of the application is that you can only communicate here if users mutually like each other. Management here is ideally simple: to put a Like, you need to swipe the screen to the right, and to go to the next profile you need to swipe the screen to the left. When the couple has established, you can chat in a text chat, exchange news and make dates. The application has several special modes:

  • Tinder Social - Organize group chat meetings.
  • "Passport" - for communication with people around the world
  • "Rewind" - allows one more user to express themselves
  • “Boost” - triggered once a week, displays the profile in the top leaders for 30 minutes.

Private Chat

OS Version: Android 4.1 or later
  Size: 36.66 Mb

The application for dating, by the principle of action, resembles the service, popular in the West, and is designed for one hundred percent privacy of communication. Chat participants are divided into pairs: one guy and one girl. The system randomly selects partners, while no one sees their correspondence except them. Message history is not saved. After one of the chat participants leaves the conversation, the correspondence is deleted. The application even blocks the ability to take a screenshot from the screen and does not save photos, videos and audio from the chat to the phone’s memory, instantly deleting them. The chat user is not tied to a mobile number, the application does not require registration.

We hope that the review, in which we examined the best dating apps, will help you find not only a new friend or girlfriend, but also establish a strong, long and romantic relationship.

Lack of time, embarrassment at a personal acquaintance, a desire to find the other half "according to interests" are just some of the reasons why modern people resort to applications for online dating. Moreover, due to high demand, as they say, there is plenty to choose from. However, how to find a mobile application: simple, safe, with informative profiles and real photos? Roskachestva experts ranked the best applications for Android.

Roskachestvo experts have identified seven of the best mobile applications for online dating, which can install users of devices with the Android operating system. These applications received the highest overall score after checking on 119 parameters.

Verification  - This is a confirmation of the fact that the photograph shows exactly the person who posted it.

5. Flirt Chat JAUMO »

This application also has many filters for user profiles (there is even a filter by appearance). Plus profiles can be viewed without registration at all. Chat with any user is also implemented. There is integration with social networks and a map with an approximate location of users. However, the application does not have a web or computer version. The application is safe, regularly updated, works correctly and stably.


- a large number of search filters (7 out of 10 main)
   - data transmission in encrypted form
   - integration with social networks
   - the ability to evaluate the database of profiles without registration



- lack of photo verification
   - advertising that interferes with work


Free iOS App

What is the point?The program is focused not so much on romantic acquaintances as on finding a companion for the next hour. Let's say if you want to go to a movie with someone or have a cup of coffee.

How does it work?  You do not need to register to enter the application - just log in via Facebook. You leave a request saying what you would like to do in the near future - go to the cinema, have a drink, take a walk. If it’s hard to decide, there is a “something special” option - this can mean dating or sex. After that, you are offered profiles of those who are in the radius of 50 kilometers from you looking for the same leisure. With mutual interest, you have exactly one hour to write off and make an appointment. By the way, the application also allows you to call each other - while your phone number will be hidden, so it is completely safe. After 60 minutes, your application is automatically canceled, and correspondence is erased.

What is really?In Russia, this application is not particularly popular. For example, in the evening in the program you can usually find one or two people with similar interests, and most often no one at all. Well, judging by the profiles, the main consumer of the service is first-year students.

Pros.Simple and intuitive interface, clearly defined expectations, an acceptable level of communication security. It may come in handy if a friend unexpectedly let you down and you have no one to go to the theater with.

Minuses.Low activity of the application, according to the interlocutor’s profile, you will not know much about him.


Free app for iOS and Android.

What is the point?According to the creators of the service, the application is designed to "return to people the joy of a regular and diverse sexual life." In other words, find a partner for sex soon.

How does it work?  Registration is also not required - just log in via Facebook. The principle of complete anonymity is preserved in the questionnaire - only your photo and floor are visible. Very convenient and intuitive interface, nothing more. As in Yep, the same here and now principle applies. You leave a request that you would like to meet. You are asked to select a candidate depending on his location from you. If the sympathies are mutual, then you have exactly an hour to correspond and exchange additional photos if you wish. And no matter what direction the conversation goes, after 60 minutes the content of the chat is erased, and the interlocutor dissolves in the virtual space. By the way, for security reasons, the interlocutor will also not be able to download your photos. However, this does not protect them from the screenshot.

What is really?This is where you won’t be bored, it's in Pure. At any time of the day or night, men here are very, very active and determined to have sexual joys. It is especially surprising that most users are beautiful, well-groomed, intelligent-looking. However, there is no time wasting here on empty talk. Your interlocutors will throw a couple of elegant compliments, and then go straight to the point - where and when. In addition to the conversation, many throw their intimate pictures to show, so to speak, the goods face.

Pros.  Convenient and pleasant interface, high level of privacy. In principle, if there really is a need for a partner for the night, there is someone to choose from.

Minuses.  The absence of any information about the interlocutor and his focus on the quick organization of sex can be annoying. It seems that the application is still more focused on male requests.

Serious relationship apps

The most popular dating apps with more serious intentions are Tinder, Badoo and Yumixo.


Free app for iOS and Android .

What is the point?This application involves searching for a serious, traditional relationship with long correspondence and courtship. According to the creators of the service, they have made happy 9 million couples around the world.

How does it work?You also log in without registering, through Facebook, from where the program copies all your data - profile photo, interests, profession. So you won’t have to fill out any tedious questionnaires. Despite close contact with the social network, the program promises that no one will know about your presence at Tinder. Then you set the search parameters, and you are offered a choice of many profiles. The most fascinating part is the “casting” of candidates. With a flick of your finger, you finicky look like a guy to the right, and a plain one to the left. As soon as your sympathies coincide, the phrase “you are a couple” lights up on the screen and a chat opens for correspondence.

What is really?Due to the great popularity and ease of use in Tinder, you can really quickly find an interlocutor. In addition, many foreigners hang out here - at the same time and practice English. But be prepared to endure dozens of empty conversations with the banal “how are you” and “what are you doing” before someone is found.

Pros.  User-friendly interface, pleasant contingent, real profiles in profiles, protection from uninteresting or intrusive admirers.

Minuses.  It is impossible to reconsider the "rejected" gentlemen ", the risk of freezing in relations with interlocutors at the stage of correspondence.


The program has a website on the Internet, as well as free applications for iOS and Android.

What is the point?This is one of the most popular dating services in Russia, which has existed since 2006. He, like Tinder, is focused on finding a second half or chatting for flirting.

How does it work?  You can enter Badoo by registering on the site or through Facebook. Data and photos from the social network are also automatically used to fill out your profile. At the same time, you can supplement it by adding a description of your appearance and partner search parameters. After authorization you will be offered potential "suitors" who are nearby (section "People nearby"). Or you can view the profiles of all in a row in the "Dating" block. At the same time, you can send messages to everyone in a row, but simply block unwanted gentlemen.

What is really?With the usual, free version of the account, the dating process is very sluggish, and the candidates, frankly, leave much to be desired. Basically, migrants, Caucasians and 74-year-old grandfathers are active here. To increase your popularity and be able to write messages to new users, you need to pay for VIP status - 5490 rubles per month.

pros. The ability to use the application both on the phone and on the computer, a wide audience coverage.

Minuses. The imposition of paid services, the low activity of the service, the dubious contingent of suitors and the lack of protection from unnecessary communication.


Free iOS App

What is the point?The service is also intended for romantic dating and socializing. At the same time, as conceived by the authors, the program should stimulate users to communicate in real life. To do this, you are invited to select the desired scenario for a date (the service contains countless templates) or offer your own. For example, "go for a walk in clothes of the same style and color" or "start Chinese lanterns from the roof."

How does it work?After authorization using Facebook, you will be asked to upload a profile photo, as well as be sure to indicate your height and search parameters. Then you can leave a request for a date or go to study what the gentlemen offer. You can like the interested candidate, after which he will automatically receive a message from you stating that you like his script. So you are encouraged to relax the conversation.

What is really?The application is quite lively: they immediately notice the profile, guests of the profile and the number of likes are visible. You can send and receive messages from everyone except those who are in VIP status. Depending on the tariff, paid services will cost from 500 to 1850 rubles. However, there is no particular need for a paid profile. The contingent of men is the most diverse. If you compare, then the gentlemen are clearly more decent than in Badoo, but inferior to the handsome men from Tinder.

Pros.Fairly high application activity. The service makes it possible to go offline, and not get hung up on correspondence. It helps those who have difficulties in communication - there are ready-made message templates.

Minuses.Not very convenient interface: the principle of the service’s operation, where and how to look for interlocutors is not immediately clear. It can be seen to whom you went in profile, which is not always convenient. Annoying automatic messages from users, which often ends in communication.

As you can see, there are a lot of dating apps now. Everyone will find what he likes.

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