Positioning by phone number. Tracking location by phone number is now easy

Often there are situations when you need to find a person whose coordinates are unknown. Not necessarily this action is associated with surveillance, perhaps a child with a cell phone in his pocket just got lost.

What to do? Then determine the location by phone number will help the telecom operator.

When you need to know the location of the subscriber

Different situations happen in life. Very often people want, but cannot find each other. Then locating by phone number is the only way out. For example, we agreed to meet in an unfamiliar area or city, but you can’t navigate the terrain. Or the child after classes went to a friend, forgot to call, and parents need to find out where he is. In this case, the help of the coordinator is needed.

As mentioned above, it is possible to find out the location by the number of the cellular device. A very common case is to search for your own missing or stolen phone. Here it is already possible to use special pre-installed programs. There are situations when there is a search for the missing person or a search for a criminal who is hiding from justice - in this case, special services also resort to the help of mobile operators. If you determine the location of the phone lying in your pocket, then the person can no longer hide. "Spy games" are also not ruled out when the bearing is not entirely legal.

Who can request information

Phone position information can be requested by anyone. Locating by phone number is sometimes necessary for various reasons, so applicants may be different.

The most important condition is that the one who made the request for the service must have the right to do so. If the search is conducted through the operator using his SMS services, then the consent and confirmation of the “lost” party is necessary. If you use a special direction finding program that uses GPS or GLONASS technology, then the person again knows that he has such a beacon. Without the consent of the subscriber, it is possible to find it only with the sanction of special services.

When you can not find out and why?

It is not always possible to determine where the subscriber or phone is located. How to determine the location of a person if, for example, he turned off his cell phone? In this case, the system does not work. You will not be able to find out where he is in this period of time. In the case of theft of the phone, the thief just needs to change the SIM card, and the search will become impossible. In addition, you cannot find a person if he does not confirm his consent to the transfer of data.

Which operators support the service

Today, the largest Russian operators have the ability to locate by mobile device. Giants such as MTS, for example, provide a service called Locator. Its use is reduced to simple actions: you need to send a message to the short service number 6677 containing the phone number of the lost person. Then he will receive a text notification with a request to confirm his whereabouts and consent to the transfer of such information. This is the main condition. If the subscriber agrees, then his location will be announced, and if he refuses, then no one will know where he is currently located.

The Beeline operator also has a similar service: sending a message is to number 684, then the actions of the representative of the cellular company are identical with the description of the MTS rules.

At Megafon such a service is not available on all tariff plans. You need to send a request to USSD: * 148 * No. of the missing #, and if the subscriber agrees, his location will become known to you.

What actions do not need to be done?

The Internet is replete with sites that offer programs that allegedly report on the location of the phone, bypassing the operator. Are they worthy of your attention? As practice shows, such programs turn out to be ordinary games. Or, if you're not lucky at all, with dangerous viruses. Better to use beacon programs created by trusted developers. They are recommended to download from official sites. Many programmers claim that with the help of their developments, you can certainly determine the location of a person by phone. But this is not always the case in reality. The cellular communication system has been developed for a long time and is considered one of the most reliable in terms of secrecy, so you should definitely not trust such statements.

How to calculate the location

Operators use the capabilities of their radio towers to search, for beacon programs it is necessary that both cellular devices are connected to the Internet. The operator detects a mobile phone with an accuracy of 100-200 meters according to the layout of its base stations. For ordinary users it is impossible to determine the location by phone number with greater accuracy.

Navigation programs send a request to the server, and from there to the satellite. He searches for a phone with the given parameters and sends the received information to his subscriber. Accuracy is usually higher (plus or minus 50 meters). To use navigation systems, access to the network is required, since interactive maps are used: Yandex Latitude or Google Maps.

Modern technologies

Special services or the Ministry of Internal Affairs use other technologies to search for missing people. When the phone is turned on, he searches for the nearest tower. This is how his work works. Since the towers are located on the ground more often than the base stations, and their range is about 50 m, then determining which tower the particular subscriber is connected to, you can find out its location with high accuracy. But this is the radius in which the person may be located, that is, the search area in this case is 8.5 square kilometers.

If special equipment and software are connected, then tracking is carried out from several points. In this case, it is possible to determine the exact coordinates on the ground, and the search area narrows to 1 sq.m. Since the target, as a rule, is constantly moving, the points from which the bearing is also constantly changing. Therefore, updating the operational data takes a few seconds. Despite the complexity and high cost of such search operations, they are very effective and are used by "specialists" to detect and eliminate dangerous criminals.

Since locating a mobile phone is quite an expensive pleasure, bearing technology is constantly changing and improving. If earlier only special services could afford such means of tracking, then today it is available to a wider circle of people. Groups of programmers with sufficiently good training and a strong technical base are able to create a tracking system for a specific area, simply by going to the frequencies of the stations and entering them into the base.

They develop algorithms that allow you to calculate the coordinates of the target with high accuracy. In addition, some manufacturers of mobile phones supply them with direction finding equipment, which, with a certain frequency, send a signal independent of the SIM card to the navigation satellite. So you can track the phone until it turns off.

How much is it

For ordinary people, the phone search service is available for a nominal fee. This allows you to use this service to a wider circle of people, if the search is conducted using the capabilities of the operator. Services such as Locator and its analogues cost from 2 to 12 rubles per request. The software used as a beacon is priced not much more expensive. Thus, legal search methods are quite accessible to any subscriber of a cellular network.

You can choose the format of the received data - in an SMS or MMS message. Text information with coordinates comes to SMS, and MMS contains a fragment of a map with a subscriber’s location mark.

The accuracy of the coordinates can be: about 1 km. For a more accurate location, use the Tracker https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id\u003dcom.megalabs.trkr


Connection: * 140 # call. Using the service: navigator.megafon.ru or using the USSD-menu: * 140 # call, via SMS: “WHERE 7920XXXXXXX” (number of the desired subscriber) to number 1400.

How to find out the location of the MTS subscriber

Locator. To connect send the name, phone number of the subscriber to the number 6677. Example: "Egor 7910XXXXXXX". The subscriber will receive a request, if he gives his consent, then the location will be determined. On the site: http://m.mpoisk.ru/login.aspx?rt\u003d%2flocator%2fdefault.wml

How to find out the location of a Beeline subscriber

Beeline Coordinates. Connection: send an empty SMS to 4770, or call 0665. Then, add the name and number of the subscriber (eg Egor, 7903XXXXXXX), get his consent.

  • calls:
    • call date and time
    • call direction
    • call duration
    • base tower address
    • GPS coordinates of the device
  • posts:
    • date and time of the message
    • message direction
    • base tower address
    • GPS coordinates of the device
  • the Internet:
    • date and time of connection
    • connection duration
    • amount of data transferred
    • base tower address
    • GPS coordinates of the device

Production time subscriber location printouts  will not exceed more than three hours from the moment we receive payment on order. To complete your order you only need a phone number, period and services.

All services on our website are anonymous: the owner of the ordered number will not know anything.

Cost location

When ordering a range of services discounts from 20% to 50% are provided. .

The overwhelming majority of our users use a mobile phone not only as a communicator (in the literal sense of the term), but, like a mini-computer, with a ton of useful properties. With it, you can go to the global network, work with a variety of programs, watch videos and listen to audio files, as well as determine the location of the phone in any specific time period.

Location by Phone Number

There are many rumors and gossip about this possibility. Someone claims that surveillance and global conspiracy are everywhere, the masses are on the alert, others do not believe that their mobile friend can give anyone information about their place of residence. Both the first and second are wrong. If you ask the question a bit - is it possible to determine the location of a person by phone, then the answer is undoubtedly positive. But whether special services are watching you around the clock - of course not, unless you are a world-famous criminal, of course.

In general, it is worth saying that there are several possibilities for determining the location of a mobile phone. And they all have different technical features, as well as, more importantly, different operating conditions. Some people detect a subscriber only during his period of increased activity, that is, when he actively uses his cell phone for communication. Others can work, even if the phone is quietly in your pocket, and in some cases, even if it is in idle mode or turned off altogether. Differentiation also applies to errors, to determine the location by phone number in some cases, you can only very, very approximately, in the area of \u200b\u200bseveral kilometers, in others there is a way to find out where the owner of the gadget is up to a couple of meters. Most methods also provide information in a two-dimensional format, that is, without considering the vertical position of the object. It can be located on the first, second, twentieth, thirtieth floor of a high-rise building, and this information will not be indicated. And also in the subway.

But, nevertheless, the answer to the question of whether there is an opportunity to find out the location by phone number will, of course, be possible. And about how exactly and why, we will explain further.

When you need to know the location of the phone

There can be a huge number of options. We will focus on only a few major groups, so as not to bore you.

Emergency cases can be safely attributed to the first group. That is, we all know that the phone acts as a measure of protection, a means of salvation. No matter what situation you are in, to exit it you just need to dial the emergency number and help will come. However, there are many examples where a subscriber in a difficult situation simply did not have the opportunity to dial a number. Due to poor physical condition, limited movement and so on. In this case, the operator could independently determine the location of the subscriber and send this information to concerned relatives or law enforcement agencies.

The second group includes law enforcement agencies themselves, which, due to the nature of their work, can send a request to the operator. The operator, in the framework of the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, cannot refuse to receive information. Regardless of which cellular company you are working with, MTS, Beeline, Tele2 - they all obey a single law.

The third group includes people who need to find out the location of a person by phone number for personal purposes. And personal goals can be many. The main ones are the suspicions of his girlfriend or boyfriend, husband, wife, girl, boyfriend of treason. Jealousy can be dazzling, so checking the subscriber’s geolocation in this case is just a way to check your suspicions, cool cockroaches, so to speak. Or, on the contrary, take someone to clean water. Naturally, if you decide to determine the location of your friend’s online phone number, and her number shines twice a day at the address of her ex-boyfriend known to you, then there is definitely an obvious smell of betrayal. Also, this is an opportunity to monitor your child if he is at the age at which he needs enhanced custody. Easy opportunity to define each step of its movement.

The problem of the third group is that the first two can legally easily get all the necessary information. But the third does not have this right. And if there is no possibility, but the need is high, then there will always be various ways to circumvent existing bans.

How the online phone location system works

There are several ways, as we have already focused on this, of your attention. The main ones are GSM and GPS. But, the most reliable option will undoubtedly be the use of the combined method, which is used only by some companies, unlike operators who have clear-cut operation algorithms. Thus, working with a third-party company, you can get location information by phone number more than FSB officers even receive by sending a request to a mobile operator.

So, in most cases, a triangular system is used to determine the coordinates. That is, the way of the triangle. The fact is that a cell phone always works with a signal transmission tower. And at the moment when he contacts her, that is, sends or receives SMS, makes a call, the operator receives some information about how far he is from her. In this case, the telephone signal is also analyzed from the second tower, which is also nearby, but is not currently a priority. As a result, an equation is automatically compiled based on which the approximate subscriber geolocation is calculated. That is, we can safely say that the operator can determine the location of a person every time he uses his phone. But, what if you don’t use the phone? Is it possible to obtain information in this case? Yes, there are many ways to do this. If the operator wants to find out where the subscriber is in a given period of time, it is enough for him to provoke activity. The easiest way will be billing the phone, as well as sending empty SMS messages that are not visually recorded on the gadget. That is, the subscriber does not see them and does not know that the phone has begun to actively transmit the signal.

The GPS navigator, which is equipped with almost every modern gadget, is an even more convenient way. Having the necessary software and knowledge of the principles of operation of this device, you can connect to it virtually and read information about where the subscriber is. How to determine the location of the phone if it is turned off? It is difficult, but still possible, since even when the gadget is turned off the power remains, software processes occur.

An active mobile device easily transmits data about its location. Moreover, even if the phone does not carry out any communication processes at the moment, but remains on, it tells a lot about itself to the operator towers. The fact is that the device itself constantly scans the terrain to find exactly the tower with which it is best to work at the moment. That is, with whom communication is better. Bouncing sticks of communication level - this is precisely this process. And determining signal levels from one point or another, to automatically reconnect to a more convenient one, it is also considered an activity that helps to pinpoint a number.

How to determine the location of a person using an operator

Due to the constant pressure of the authorities, and more importantly, in the course of constant competition, almost all mobile operators have come to such a service - as calculating the location of the subscriber. Each of them has its own name, and interestingly, it is paid. That is, the user can buy this service. So what's the matter, it would seem, why are you reading this entire article, if you just turn to the company and track any phone will be easy? The problem is that, in view of the very legislation, access to this information is available only to the one to whom the phone number is registered, and even then not always. So, to trace the wrong soulmate by determining the location of the phone online - will not work. In addition, the methods of the operators are not so accurate and give a high error, since they do not combine them. Although, it is worth noting that in a big city, when around the number of towers for signal transmission is very high, the error becomes minimal. Up to a dozen meters. But, if the subscriber leaves somewhere to visit his grandmother in the village, then it will be possible to determine his location by phone number only with an error of several kilometers. Of course, it is easy to understand that he went to the village of his grandmother, and not to the Crimea, but nothing more. True, it is worth noting that the modern subscriber, who does not suspect that he is being monitored, is unlikely to try to escape from the signal towers as far as possible. But the location of the phone is determined anonymously, without notifying the user. So the method remains reliable, and the error does not exceed a dozen or several tens of meters. Of course, in which part of McDonald’s your girlfriend is, you won’t understand, but what it is there is easy.

Mythical programs that can find out a person’s location by phone number

Is there really such software? Is it so effective, how is it talked about on the net?

If not cunning, there are still such programs. And they really can detect a subscriber. But, there are a number of rather significant difficulties that make this work almost impossible. Which ones:

  • In order for such a program to work, it must be installed on the user's phone. That is, at least you should have the phone itself, or rather access to it. And given modern password protection, this is not an easy task. Also, the subscriber out of kindness of soul should not delete the new application and cooperate on a voluntary basis.
  • Most of these programs, one way or another, involve professional hackers in their work, who get a decent fee for this. Will they merge their own developments into the network? Why, in order to create a competitive base for your work? Logic is so-so.
  • There are a lot of scammers on the network. You know this very well, and a wonderful paid program is an ideal springboard for a scam. Try to google something like that, a program for determining the location of a person by phone number. And download a couple of search results, just copy the necessary files to the USB flash drive in advance, since the hard drive as a result of this small experiment will have to be formatted.

How to order the location of the phone with us

As we have already explained, we work on the principles of hacking the database and operator’s servers. So, we can use hacking to get the ability to calculate the location of the phone. Combining the tried and tested triangl methods and connecting to someone else's GPS give the results with the least error at any given time. The phone is turned on or not, what operator it is controlled by, which model - nothing matters.

Our team is hacking, and we do not hide this fact behind the screen of branching definitions. But, although this is an offense, however, all responsibility for this act lies with our company, and not with the customer. Which, by the way, collaborating with us, remains completely anonymous.

To summarize, if you want to determine the location of a person by phone number at any time, as well as constantly receive information about his movements, and you do not have access to his phone, then you have come to the address. Since we need only a subscriber’s phone number and nothing more for work (the period of which is literally several hours).

Most of the methods are based on the use of the latest information technologies and communication services. The most common is the use of the services of mobile operators. The procedure for connecting this service is similar for most of them. For the convenience of customers, it is simplified as much as possible. The activation algorithm begins with sending a request in the form of a USSD command with the telephone number of the wanted person. After that, the request to activate the service is confirmed by sending an SMS message according to the tariff established by the operator. This service uses an Internet connection in order to determine the location of a person, guided by the signals of his mobile device. At the same time, it is enough for users of this function to have any convenient portable device with network access with them.

  • Beeline service from Beeline (Android only): an empty SMS is sent to 5166 and the application is downloaded. The service costs 3 rubles per day, it is possible to track 5 numbers, including even the operators Megafon and MTS.
  • Service "Navigator" from Megafon: USSD-command * 140 # is sent or the search is conducted on the site m.navigator.megafon.ru. The desired subscriber is monitored on the site or with the help of the USSD command * 140 * search phone number #, the phone number of the sought is indicated in the format 7XXXXXXXXXX. The price of the service is 3 rubles per day. You can track MTS subscribers.
  • MTS: activation of the Locator service. Sending a USSD command * 111 * 788 # activates this service. By sending an SMS to number 6677 with the name and phone number of the monitored subscriber, you will add it to the list of monitored ones. For example, “DOB Ekaterina 89610536445”. Observation is also conducted for Megafon subscribers. The service is paid, the price is 100 rubles per month.

The Internet search technique is available even for ordinary phones, it does not require the installation of special programs or binding to stationary equipment, which makes it the most common tracking system.

Get location using GPS tracker

Search functions are also integrated in the GPS tracker. This device partially duplicates the functions of a regular telephone, allowing you to receive and make calls to a limited number of numbers, while the built-in GPS component associated with the satellite makes the device a kind of “beacon”, allowing you to accurately locate the person who owns this GPS bug .

Having equipped the GPS tracker with a SIM card and adjusted the settings for receiving notifications, the user can at any time find out his location with high accuracy, using Internet resources, as well as using SMS messages. A wide range of options for this device enables its owner to exercise complete control over all movements of the tracking object, and the compact size of the “beacon” makes it practically invisible and convenient to use. A GPS tracker is widely used as an optimal tool that allows parents to determine the location of their children with high accuracy. Thanks to this device, children are constantly monitored, and their parents receive notifications about all their movements.

Mobile apps are another way to find a person’s location

It is advisable for owners of modern portable communication devices to use special search functions thanks to mobile applications built into the operating systems of most smartphones. Download and install these programs for free. The search functions in them are configured in the best way, and in cases of need, the specialists of the service center will always help to resolve all the issues that arise in the use of search programs on smartphones.

Beware of scammers

When trying to find out the whereabouts of a person, try not to fall for the tricks of scammers. On beautifully designed sites, they can offer these services for a nominal fee. But sending SMS to a short number, you simply lose money. The second option is a proposal to download a program, supposedly to track a person’s location. Instead, the computer will simply be infected with malicious viruses.

Modern technologies contribute to the implementation of advanced tracking methods available to the masses. Thanks to modern GPS-systems, as well as special applications of the latest smartphones and developed programs for ordinary phones, it’s not difficult to determine the location of a person.

Locations can be done in different ways: for example, by calling the voice service 0888 or sending a request * 148 * subscriber number #. Please note that the operator for using the service charges a fee of 5 rubles (for each request); only messages will be free.

MTS operator provides its customers with a service called "Locator". To activate it, you need to send a message to the short number 6677, indicate in it the name of the other subscriber and his number (this message is free). After sending it, the subscriber will receive an invitation, your number will be indicated in it. If the subscriber gives his consent to determine his location, then you can do it. Megafon customers can determine the location of subscribers not only of their network, but also of the Megafon network. Registration in the service is performed, however, for each request 10 rubles will be debited from your account. True, each price may be different (more details can be found on the operator’s official website).

In "Beeline" there is such a service as "Mobile". It also allows you to find out the current. Connection and monthly fee are zero rubles, but each request will cost you 2.05 rubles. Activation of the service is performed by number 06849924; the request is sent via SMS with the text "L" to the number 684.


Do not use unofficial means to find out the location of the subscriber, otherwise you may endanger your data and the data of other subscribers.

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  • how to determine the location of the subscriber

To all those who want to know location  of another subscriber, you should contact your operator to activate a special service. It can be called differently, but it has one essence: you send the wanted operator subscriber, and he tells you his coordinates.

Instruction manual

MTS also has such a service, but it is called Locator. In order to be able to search, connect it by sending a special request to the short number 6677. In the request text, be sure to indicate the name of the person you are looking for, as well as his number. By the way, the operation will also require his consent. If the subscriber gives it, the operator will immediately send you the exact location coordinates. The fee for using the Locator service is about ten rubles. It may turn out to be a little more or less, it all depends on the parameters of the active tariff.

The subscribers of the MegaFon telecommunications operator have two different services that allow you to search for people. One of them is intended only for parents and. Therefore, the service is provided exclusively on two tariff plans: Smeshariki and Ring-Ding. But keep in mind that these can be replaced at any time by others, so sometimes look at the company's official website, get new information about existing services and their provision.

Another type of search is universal, since subscribers of all tariff plans, without exception, can use it. You can activate the service using it through the official site locator.megafon.ru (you just need to fill out the request form). As soon as it is sent to the operator, he will process it and send it to your coordinates in a couple of minutes subscriber. You will also receive a map on which they are marked. Its viewing will be available not only, but also on the computer. And to use it directly, send a USSD request to * 148 * number subscriber# or call 0888.

In the event that you are a customer of the Beeline network, use the number 684 to search (send an SMS message with the text L to it). Sending a request will cost 2 rubles 5 kopecks.

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Using a mobile phone, now it has become possible not only to make calls, use the Internet and do a lot of other things, but also to search for other subscribers. This can be achieved thanks to special services provided by the largest telecom operators.

Instruction manual

The Locator service will help out MTS customers if they want to find out the coordinates of another subscriber's location. They can easily do this by simply sending an SMS to number 6677 (the number of the other subscriber and his name should be indicated in the text). True, in order to access the data of another person, you will need to first obtain his consent. It is completely easy to carry out this, if only the subscriber confirms the message he received with your number. There is no subscription fee for using Latitude, but about 10 rubles will be written off from your account for each request sent.

The Beeline operator is also extremely simple: you can find out where the person close to you is located by calling 684, or rather, sending an SMS with the text L. You must first activate the service using the toll free number 06849924. Each request will cost the subscriber 2-3 rubles (depending on the tariff plan).

Megafon subscribers have more opportunities to find their friends and relatives, since the operator provides them with two services. The first one is available only at a limited number of tariffs (they can change, so it will be useful to check the official website and clarify the information). This service was created primarily for parents who always want to be aware of their child’s movements. But the second exists for all users, regardless of who they belong to each other. To use the search engine, go to locator.megafon.ru or dial the short number 0888. Both resources will provide you with information about the location of the person you are interested in. The operator will debit from your account an amount equal to 5 rubles.

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Information on the location of the phones is available from mobile operators. However, there are legal restrictions on who this information may be available to and under what circumstances.

You will need

  • - documents on a cell phone;
  • - IMEI

Instruction manual

In order to receive information about the location of another person directly from the operator, you can use a special paid service. For example, Megafon offers a service called Track, and a similar MTS service is called Search. The peculiarity of this service is that for its connection it is necessary to obtain (once) the consent of the subscriber. As soon as he confirms that he agrees on his whereabouts, you can at any time, by sending a request, immediately find out where the person you are interested in is.

If you want to know location  of your own phonethat you have, then to obtain such information from a mobile operator, you need a request from the police. So, if your phone was stolen, you, having collected all the checks and documents, go to the police, located in the exact area where you lost it. There you write a statement about, in which you describe your phone in detail and indicate IMEI. IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is your unique fifteen-digit number phonewhich should be written on the box. It is through IMEI that your phone can be found, because no matter what the SIM is in the device, it always transfers its IMEI to the network. Further, the employees of the competent authorities independently send a request to the mobile operator, and then receive information about the location phone.

In fairness, it should be noted that police officers do not always send requests to mobile operators, and they, in turn, do not always provide information even in response to requests. One can only hope that over time the situation will improve. In addition, he will never send a request to the operator if you simply lost your phone and did not lose it as a result of theft or other criminal actions.


Currently, the Internet is replete with a variety of sites offering for a fee to tell you the location of any phones you are interested in. Most often, those who offer such services do not have this information, and having received money from you, they will not report anything. In addition, it is worth remembering that the dissemination of such information without the consent of the subscriber is not legal.

Useful advice

If your phone is not lost with you, you can just in case check and record its IMEI. To do this, dial * # 06 #. After entering this combination, fifteen digits of a unique number will be displayed on the screen of any telephone.


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