Determining the location of the subscriber. Determining a person’s location by mobile phone number (geolocation)

Situations constantly occur when it is necessary to accurately and quickly determine the location of a person. In everyday life, people worry about their loved ones, elderly people, and children. And in the business sector, it is necessary to organize and control the work of employees. Previously, only FSB, police, and police officers used this prerogative. You can determine the location of a person by phone number in several ways, which will be discussed below. You can try in action a ready-made service for determining a person by phone, at

Is it possible to find a person’s location by mobile phone number

You can determine the location of a person by mobile phone number. Modern mobile operators have begun to offer special geolocation services for this purpose. Such systems allow you to determine the coordinates of the subscriber with an accuracy of several tens of meters. This is a convenient alternative to satellite positioning systems, but geolocation via a mobile phone operates only in the field of cellular network services. based on determining the position of the phone on an electronic card.

Video: online search for a subscriber’s location by phone number

How to find out where a person is without his consent

Determine the location of the subscriber via the Internet

Very often people cannot find their phone, or they need to determine the location of the person by phone number. In the modern world, solving this issue is quite simple, since there are programs and online services that help determine the location of the phone.

Mobile phones

There are several ways to locate a mobile phone:

  • call / sms message;
  • mobile operator;
  • GPS search;
  • special programs and services.

Call / SMS

If you are going to work or walking in the park, you accidentally drop your mobile phone, you should call him or send SMS messages. Hearing a familiar tune, you can find your phone.

Mobile operator

Today, almost all mobile operators provide a service, thanks to which you can determine the location of the phone.

  • Beeline has a Mobile Locator, which is provided free of charge. Subscriber only pay for relevant requests. The service is activated by number 06849924. In the future, to send a request, you need to send an SMS with the text "L" to number 684.
  • You can find out the location of the subscriber from the MTS operator using the Locator service. To do this, send an SMS - message to the number 6677, in which to indicate the name of the subscriber of interest. Only after its confirmation, you will be able to receive the necessary information.
  • Megafon did not stand aside and offered its users the site, with which you can find out where the phone is. The location of the required subscriber comes in the form of SMS messages. But before that, the second subscriber must agree to the processing of his data by sending an SMS to the number 000888 with the text "+ and your phone number." To determine the location of the child, Megafon provides the Mayachok service, which can be connected to one of the children's tariffs.

If you are unable to find a subscriber, read the article or where additional search options are given.

GPS search

GPS navigation allows you to find a person using satellite systems. If the owner of the phone marked his location on the map, then the navigation will show where the phone is. It is worth noting that many games and social networks are asked to indicate where you are. Thus, you send data to the satellite.

Special programs and services


There are a lot of sites on the network that offer phone searches. In order to find a subscriber, you can use the site It is worth noting that he will not give you the exact location of the phone, but only its approximate coordinates.

Apple app

If you are trying to find another phone with Apple, you can use the “Find my friends” application. This application allows you to search not only for Apple owners, but also for other subscribers who will provide you with their data.

Landline phone

If you know the landline phone number of the subscriber, then you can find his location using the site On the site you must select the country of residence of the subscriber and enter his phone number. You can also try searching the printed telephone directory.

Megafon company provides an opportunity to find out where a person is located by the signals received from his phone. This article provides information explaining how to enable or disable this option. The review also contains information about the cost of providing such a service and options for tracking a person in real time.

It’s not difficult to locate a person if he uses the services of an operator. In order to have the opportunity to check and track the location, Megaphone requires you to add the subscriber to your access list. To do this, do one of the following:

  • dial on the mobile combination * 148 * [number of the person whose coordinates you need to determine] # and press the send call key;
  • send SMS to the short number 000888 with the telephone number of the subscriber in the format + 79XXXXXXXXX;
  • contact support and ask the operator to help find the owner of the desired number.

It should be understood from the outset that it is impossible to connect and find out the location of a Megafon subscriber without his consent - a person is always informed after sending a request. For this, the subscriber, whom it is supposed to monitor, will receive an SMS notification that someone wants to determine his location. And only if he agrees, the counterparty will be able to conduct surveillance.

To activate the control function for one specific subscriber, the approval procedure is enough to go through only once - in the future no confirmation of consent from the second party is required. After receiving confirmation, each time the searching subscriber will receive an SMS with a description of the object closest to the person being searched, for example, a movie theater or intersection.

The cost of sending one request is 5 rubles.

The coordinates of a person in large cities are determined from the accuracy of the street. The least accuracy is in small settlements, where the base stations of the operator are located quite rarely. Many users of modern smartphones often want to install and use the Megaphone Locator service in order to be able to watch friends and relatives through the application in real time. Unfortunately, such a function is not provided by the operator. Regardless of the model of the gadget, you will have to send paid SMS requests each time to determine the location at a particular time.

At the same time, tracking a person on a map using this service is very simple both through a smartphone and using a computer. And there is no need to install any additional program. Currently, the ability to search for a location in real time for free is performed by the operator service of Megafon Radar, available at

That is, today for the service "Locator" on through online is no longer available. Now tracking is provided through the above site of the Radar service, which replaced the previous version. Moreover, the ability to determine the location is available only to MegaFon subscribers. Before use, you must register by your phone number, after which, to search for a person on this resource, you should:

  • log in using your username and password;
  • indicate in the corresponding field of the site the phone number to which the desired subscriber will receive an SMS with a request to give his consent or refuse, by sending a YES or NO command in a response message;
  • after receiving an affirmative answer from the subscriber, the necessary information with its approximate coordinates will be displayed on the computer screen.

Often there are situations when you need to find a person whose coordinates are unknown. Not necessarily this action is associated with surveillance, perhaps a child with a cell phone in his pocket just got lost.

What to do? Then determine the location by phone number will help the telecom operator.

When you need to know the location of the subscriber

Different situations happen in life. Very often people want, but cannot find each other. Then locating by phone number is the only way out. For example, we agreed to meet in an unfamiliar area or city, but you can’t navigate the terrain. Or the child after classes went to a friend, forgot to call, and parents need to find out where he is. In this case, the help of the coordinator is needed.

As mentioned above, it is possible to find out the location by the number of the cellular device. A very common case is to search for your own missing or stolen phone. Here it is already possible to use special pre-installed programs. There are situations when there is a search for the missing person or a search for a criminal who is hiding from justice - in this case, special services also resort to the help of mobile operators. If you determine the location of the phone lying in your pocket, then the person can no longer hide. "Spy games" are also not ruled out when the bearing is not entirely legal.

Who can request information

Phone position information can be requested by anyone. Locating by phone number is sometimes necessary for various reasons, so applicants may be different.

The most important condition is that the one who made the request for the service must have the right to do so. If the search is conducted through the operator using his SMS services, then the consent and confirmation of the “lost” party is necessary. If you use a special direction finding program that uses GPS or GLONASS technology, then the person again knows that he has such a beacon. Without the consent of the subscriber, it is possible to find it only with the sanction of special services.

When you can not find out and why?

It is not always possible to determine where the subscriber or phone is located. How to determine the location of a person if, for example, he turned off his cell phone? In this case, the system does not work. You will not be able to find out where he is in this period of time. In the case of theft of the phone, the thief just needs to change the SIM card, and the search will become impossible. In addition, you cannot find a person if he does not confirm his consent to the transfer of data.

Which operators support the service

Today, the largest Russian operators have the ability to locate by mobile device. Giants such as MTS, for example, provide a service called Locator. Its use is reduced to simple actions: you need to send a message to the short service number 6677 containing the phone number of the lost person. Then he will receive a text notification with a request to confirm his whereabouts and consent to the transfer of such information. This is the main condition. If the subscriber agrees, then his location will be announced, and if he refuses, then no one will know where he is currently located.

The Beeline operator also has a similar service: sending a message is to number 684, then the actions of the representative of the cellular company are identical with the description of the MTS rules.

At Megafon such a service is not available on all tariff plans. You need to send a request to USSD: * 148 * No. of the missing #, and if the subscriber agrees, his location will become known to you.

What actions do not need to be done?

The Internet is replete with sites that offer programs that allegedly report on the location of the phone, bypassing the operator. Are they worthy of your attention? As practice shows, such programs turn out to be ordinary games. Or, if you're not lucky at all, with dangerous viruses. Better to use beacon programs created by trusted developers. They are recommended to download from official sites. Many programmers claim that with the help of their developments, you can certainly determine the location of a person by phone. But this is not always the case in reality. The cellular communication system has been developed for a long time and is considered one of the most reliable in terms of secrecy, so you should definitely not trust such statements.

How to calculate the location

Operators use the capabilities of their radio towers to search, for beacon programs it is necessary that both cellular devices are connected to the Internet. The operator detects a mobile phone with an accuracy of 100-200 meters according to the layout of its base stations. For ordinary users it is impossible to determine the location by phone number with greater accuracy.

Navigation programs send a request to the server, and from there to the satellite. He searches for a phone with the given parameters and sends the received information to his subscriber. Accuracy is usually higher (plus or minus 50 meters). To use navigation systems, access to the network is required, since interactive maps are used: Yandex Latitude or Google Maps.

Modern technologies

Special services or the Ministry of Internal Affairs use other technologies to search for missing people. When the phone is turned on, he searches for the nearest tower. This is how his work works. Since the towers are located on the ground more often than the base stations, and their range is about 50 m, then determining which tower the particular subscriber is connected to, you can find out its location with high accuracy. But this is the radius in which the person may be located, that is, the search area in this case is 8.5 square kilometers.

If special equipment and software are connected, then tracking is carried out from several points. In this case, it is possible to determine the exact coordinates on the ground, and the search area narrows to 1 sq.m. Since the target, as a rule, is constantly moving, the points from which the bearing is also constantly changing. Therefore, updating the operational data takes a few seconds. Despite the complexity and high cost of such search operations, they are very effective and are used by "specialists" to detect and eliminate dangerous criminals.

Since locating a mobile phone is quite an expensive pleasure, bearing technology is constantly changing and improving. If earlier only special services could afford such means of tracking, then today it is available to a wider circle of people. Groups of programmers with sufficiently good training and a strong technical base are able to create a tracking system for a specific area, simply by going to the frequencies of the stations and entering them into the base.

They develop algorithms that allow you to calculate the coordinates of the target with high accuracy. In addition, some manufacturers of mobile phones supply them with direction finding equipment, which, with a certain frequency, send a signal independent of the SIM card to the navigation satellite. So you can track the phone until it turns off.

How much is it

For ordinary people, the phone search service is available for a nominal fee. This allows you to use this service to a wider circle of people, if the search is conducted using the capabilities of the operator. Services such as Locator and its analogues cost from 2 to 12 rubles per request. The software used as a beacon is priced not much more expensive. Thus, legal search methods are quite accessible to any subscriber of a cellular network.

Today, almost every person has a mobile phone, and sometimes several at once. The phone is a means of communication and entertainment. With the help of our device, we can fully use the cellular services - call relatives, send messages, use the Internet, etc. Without all this, it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person. Meanwhile, daily using their smartphone or tablet, most people do not even think about the fact that their gadget is a kind of “beacon” by which they can be found. And we are not talking about the capabilities of special services. Even the most ordinary users can find out how to find a person by phone number today, and it is not necessary to have any special knowledge to carry out the plan.

There are many reasons why a user may be puzzled by finding a person by phone number. For example, someone wants to find a telephone bully, someone needs to find a missing relative, for others it’s a way. The editors of the site found out how to find a person by mobile phone number and in this article we will share the information received with you.

How to find a person by phone number - 4 ways

It should immediately be said that we will not consider various doubtful methods within the framework of this article. Now on the Internet there are a lot of ads that suggest the ability to find anyone by mobile number, of course, you must pay for such services. Of course, among these services there are really working ones, but most often this is a hoax. Before considering methods for determining a person’s location by phone number, it should also be noted that for some cases a separate method is effective. That is, if you need to find a stolen phone, then most likely the attacker has already got rid of the SIM card and then you should use IMEI, and on the phone number. So, below we will consider all the methods that work today, you just have to familiarize yourself with them and choose the most convenient option for yourself.

1. Special Services. As mentioned earlier, now on the Internet you can find many sites offering to find a person by phone number. Some of them really work and are even free. You can search the Internet for reviews of similar services and try to use them. An example is the site http: // mobile The resource is available completely free of charge and does not require registration, however, it will not work to get the exact location of the phone using this service. It should be said that any other similar site will give you only approximate coordinates. To get more accurate data on the whereabouts of a person, you will have to contact the police, or use one of the methods that requires the preliminary connection of special services and the installation of certain applications. As for contacting the police, we need weighty arguments for this and we will not consider such an option, but we will consider the software and services of mobile operators.

2. Search by IMEI.  Each phone has an individual IMEI number. Many users mistakenly believe that knowing this number can easily calculate the location of the phone. In reality, not everything is so simple. To search by IMEI, first of all you need to have access to special equipment and databases of operators of the country where the search is performed. As you yourself understand, an ordinary user does not have access to such information. As for the software for searching the phone by IMEI, it will not arise with its search and installation, and most of these utilities are distributed free of charge. Even paid programs have a text period during which you can evaluate the benefits of software and decide whether to purchase a license. This software really works and allows you to determine the location of a person by phone number, but there is one significant drawback - they require pre-installation on the phone. Agree, the disadvantage is quite significant. In principle, most of the methods for finding a person by phone number described in this article require the preliminary installation of special software or the connection of certain services from mobile operators. Perhaps you will be upset by this news, but the fact remains, and telling “fairy tales” is not our profile.

3. Tracking services from operators. It will not be difficult to find a person by phone number if the wanted number is connected to the subscriber location search service. Almost all mobile operators have similar options today. Consider similar services in the presence of MTS and Megafon.

  • Locator from MTS.   If the wanted subscriber is connected to this service, then you can find out information about his location in the following way: send the name of the friend and his number via SMS request to 667.  There is one caveat - you can’t get the coordinates of the subscriber if he does not give his consent.
  • A child under the supervision of MTS.   Another very interesting service from MTS, in which caring parents can determine the location of their children by gps. You can find out more about the service on the official website of the operator or.
  • Navigator from Megaphone.  First of all, this service is intended for navigation, but with its help you can also determine the location of loved ones. You can get acquainted with the features of the service on the Megafon website.

4. Special programs and services.  Speaking about how to find a person by phone number, special attention should also be paid to special offers available for holders of smartphones and tablets. For example, if you need to find another phone with Apple, the “Find my friends” application can help you. Using this utility you can find not only Apple phones, but also other models running on the Android platform. If you are using a device with the Android operating system, then it makes sense to consider the Talklog application. With this program you can not only determine the location of the phone, but also track it. The disadvantage of this method is that location is only possible if the application is pre-installed on the phone. Typically, such programs are installed immediately after buying a phone to find it in case of loss. The location of the device is determined via GPS with an accuracy of one meter. There are also many other similar applications, but they are all similar and require pre-installation.

On this we will end this article. Now you know how to find a person by phone number. As you can see, this is not so easy, but it’s worth a try.

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