Detailed instructions for setting up Netgear N300. Review of Wi-Fi router Netgear N300: description, characteristics and owner reviews

With the detailed instructions that will be presented in the article, it won't take long. Any person who does not have the skills and knowledge can cope with it. All you need to do is connect the equipment and, following the instructions, enter the parameters. There shouldn't be any problems during the setup process, since this model the router supports all protocols that Russian providers work with.

Connection diagram

Configure netgear router N300 can only be connected to a device, for example, desktop computer... Typically, the manufacturer provides a diagram in the instructions. But in fairness, it is worth noting that not all owners thoroughly study it, therefore, below it will be described how to properly connect the router to a laptop or PC using an interface cable.


  • Connect an internet cable to the WAN connector.
  • Insert patch cord into ports network card on system unit and in the LAN on the router.
  • Connect the router to the mains using a cable with a power supply.
  • Switch on the device by pressing the On / Off button.

If the indicators are lit, then the router is connected correctly.

Entering the router settings

All Netgear N300 settings are made in the router menu. In order to enter it, you will need to use any Internet browser. The digital code is typed in the address bar. Next, a page with an authentication requirement appears on the screen. You can open it in another way by typing instead of the digital address.

Now we need to figure out both the username and the access code (aka password), which is requested when entering the web interface. Provided that the parameters of the equipment have not changed, the standard data is entered. In the login (name) column, you will need to type admin, and in the bottom line (password) use the word password. After confirming the input, the user goes to the interface through which any settings can be changed.

Protocol types and hardware configuration

After connecting the device and logging into the web interface, the user can start configuring the Netgear N300 (JWNR2000v2). An important point in this process is the choice of the type of connection. The subsequent settings will depend on it. Currently, providers use protocols such as DHCP, PPPoE, L2TP. Let's take a look at the steps for each type.

  • DHCP. When network equipment very easy to implement. To do this, in the "Internet" item, you will need to select the appropriate protocol and refuse to enter additional informationby checking the box next to "No". In the IP address field, select "Receive from service provider", and in the DNS column - "Receive automatically". There is another section at the bottom of the page. It is filled in if the provider uses a binding to a specific MAC address. In order to activate the Internet, you need to check the box next to "Use this MAC address". The setting will take effect after clicking the "Apply" button.
  • PPPoE. This type connection requires additional information to be entered, therefore, in the corresponding section, in contrast to the first method, a mark is placed opposite the word "Yes". After selecting PPPoE protocol, the user will need to enter identification information. You can find it in the contract. After that, go to the "Connection mode" column. Here from the drop-down list select "Always on". In the IP and DNS addresses sections, enable automatic acquisition.
  • L2TP. Settings of this protocol do not differ from PPPoE. The only thing you need is to write the following in the IP-address column -

Wireless settings

Now the user needs to go to the item "Parameters wireless connection". Here you can change the settings for the Netgear N300. When creating a network, you need to come up with a name for it, and it can be anything. For correct operation of the router, the region must be specified. Domestic users should select Russia from the drop-down list. Next, in the "Channel" column, set "Auto" ( automatic selection). Changes can be made to the speed mode by setting the maximum value.

Next, let's move on to the security settings. The user is offered a choice of four encryption methods. It is recommended to focus on the WPA2-PSK algorithm. Then come up with a key-password that will need to be entered when connecting to Wi-Fi. By pressing the "Apply" button, the entered parameters will take effect. To check the signal wireless network just connect any device equipped with a Wi-Fi module.

Software Update

When setting up your Netgear N300 router, a software update may be required. To do this, you need to download the firmware file and save it on a computer connected to the router via a patch cord. Important: the distribution kit with the current software version is taken only from the manufacturer's official website. To update, you need to do a few simple steps, which are described below.

  • Disconnect the router from the Internet (remove the provider's cable from the connector).
  • Verify local connection from a PC created with a patch cord.
  • Go to the router menu.
  • Find the "Update" tab and click on "Browse".
  • Navigate to the downloaded firmware file.
  • Activate download.
  • Wait until the end of the installation process, then restart the device.

After these manipulations software equipment will be updated.


To reset the Netgear N300 user settings, you need to do the following:

  • Click on the hidden Reset button (located on the back of the router).
  • Hold it in this position for about 10 seconds.
  • During this time, the indicator lights should turn off and then turn on again. The button can be released.

Everything, the factory settings of Netgear N300 are restored.

In order to get to the router's web interface, you need to open your Internet browser and type in the address bar. In the window that appears, enter admin "as the username and" password "as the password.

Upon login, a page for checking the software update appears.

After the update, if required, you will be taken to the installation wizard. If until now the router has not been configured or was in the factory settings state, then you will see the settings wizard page. There are two installation options to choose from. We will cover setting all the necessary parameters manually

When asked by the master, choose " No. I want to configure the router myself. "and click" Next\u003e".

Change the factory password

For security reasons, it is recommended to change the factory password. To do this, go to the " Set password"and specify the default password as the password, that is," password", and as a new password, your desired password. And click on the" Apply". After applying the new settings, you need to log in to the system again by entering your new Password .

Setting up an Internet connection

Depending on your provider and its settings, you must select one or another connection mode. Let's consider each of them in order.

Configuring a DHCP (Dynamic IP) Connection

The first mode is DHCP mode, which assigns automatic receipt of network settings from the provider. In this case, you must select "No" to the question "Is it required to enter connection information when connecting to the Internet?" and specify "Obtain dynamically from an Internet service provider" for the "Internet IP address" field (this field is not visible in the figure) and "Obtain automatically from an Internet service provider" for the "DNS server (domain name server) address" field. If your provider uses MAC address binding, and you configure the router from a PC that was previously connected to the Internet, then for the "Router MAC address" field, specify the "Use computer MAC address" option. If the provider does not have binding by MAC address, then we leave the default option - the "Use default MAC address" option. And press the "Apply" button.

After applying the settings, we can successfully use the Internet.

Configuring a connection in static IP mode

The second mode is static or otherwise fixed settings, which are usually specified in the agreement concluded with your provider. For settings this regime similarly, we answer "No" to the question "Is it required to enter connection information when connecting to the Internet?" and specify the option "Use static IP address"in the" Internet IP address "field. Next, you need to enter the settings that your provider provided you. For example, IP address:; IP subnet mask:; Gateway IP: In the field DNS server address (domain name server), specify "Use these dNS servers"and enter: the IP address of the main DNS and the IP address of the secondary DNS, if we have one, for example: Similarly to the case of setting in the first mode, we choose to use the MAC address of the computer if the provider uses MAC address binding. Or leave using the default MAC address if there is no binding. Then we press the "Apply" button.

Configuring PPtP (VPN) when automatically obtaining a local IP address (DHCP)

This is a kind of VPN connection. To configure it, select "Yes" to the question "Do you need to enter connection information when connecting to the Internet? And select" PPTP "from the drop-down list of Internet service providers. If you want the router to remain always connected to the Internet, select the connection mode “Always on.” Otherwise, you can set an inactivity interval in minutes after which the router will automatically disconnect from the Internet, or you can choose a completely manual connection via the web interface.

The "PPTP" protocol requires not only the mandatory indication of a username and password, the address of the VPN server for connection, but also is divided into two options widespread in Russia. Their difference is in how the settings for connecting to local network provider: dynamically via DHCP or statically set by the user. In both cases, you must first specify your login in the "Username" field and the Internet password in the "Password" field. Then you need to specify the server address in the "Server address" field. The server address can be in the form of an IP address, for example, or as a domain name, for example,

Configuring PPtP (VPN) with a static local IP address

If you have access to local resources provider needs to be configured extra options connections. If they are obtained automatically or the provider did not provide them to you, then usually you do not need to enter anything additional! If you have data on specifying the IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS servers, then you must enter them in the appropriate fields: "My IP address", "Subnet mask", "Gateway IP address" and "Main DNS "," Additional DNS "(some fields are not visible in the figure). If your provider uses MAC address binding, select the "Use computer MAC address" option as well. Then click the "Apply" button.

PPPoE connection setup

The "PPPoE" connection mode is completely similar to the previous modes in its settings. We fill in the columns "Username" and "Password" (we take the data in the agreement with the provider), "Service name" - enter any name for the future connection. "IP address on the Internet" - put an end to "Get dynamic from an Internet service provider".

After selecting the mode of the required Internet connection and the corresponding settings, the router should automatically connect to the Internet. You can verify this by going to the "Router Status" menu and clicking the "Connection Status" button.

Configuring L2TP connection

  1. Connection type - L2TP
  2. Username and Password - login and password from the contract
  3. Connection mode - Always on
  4. Server address - enter the ip-address or the name of the vpn-server under the contract
  5. DNS server IP - get automatically from the provider
  6. Router MAC address - use the default address
  7. The rest of the parameters can be left unchanged. Push Apply.

Setting up Wi-Fi on the router

To configure the security of the wireless network, go to the "Wireless Settings" menu. Here you can set your own network name, which will be visible to wireless wi-fi devices. Leave the region "Russia". It is also recommended to leave the wireless channel number unchanged in the "auto" mode. And also you need to set the connection mode and security parameters. It is recommended to use the highest possible mode as the connection mode if you have the appropriate wireless adapters supporting new standards with speeds up to 150 or 300 Mbps. Otherwise, it is enough to specify the mode up to 54 Mbit / s. It is recommended to use the most modern security modes as security modes, for example, WPA2-PSK with encryption, since it gives maximum performance and network protection. After choosing this mode, you need to set a password phrase that will be used to connect all wireless wi-fi devices to the router. Try to use a complex phrase and write it down! Using combinations like "qwerty" or "1234567" can be hacked by intruders in a matter of seconds. After entering the passphrase, click the "Apply" button, and connect securely your wireless devices, PC to router using given key security.

Port forwarding and forwarding

Go to Additionally - Port forwarding / port initiation.

Push Add your own service. Service name - name of the created service Service type - choose the protocol you need External start / coiled port and Internal start / end port - port range Server IP - network address the device to which the request will be redirected Press Apply.

Almost every home has Wi-Fi router, which allows you to establish the use of wireless unlimited internet... Today there are a huge number of different models of routers, among which one of the most preferred by users is the Netgear N300.

If you have just acquired a brand new Netgear N300 router, then before you can use wireless internetyou need to configure it correctly. It should be noted that this article is quite generalized, since for different providers the router configuration may be performed differently. However, if you have on hand all the necessary data from the provider, then you can independently cope with setting up the router.

Setting up the Netgear N300 router

For convenience, we have divided the process of setting up the router and computer into several simple steps so that you can understand what exactly you will be doing. In a similar way, the configuration of routers and other manufacturers is usually performed, therefore, if suddenly a router of a completely different manufacturer falls into your hands, the experience of setting up you will already be there, which means that you will need to act on approximately the same principle.

Step 1: completing the router connection

You won't be able to set up your router until you connect it. This is easy enough.

First of all, you need to provide power to your router. This can be done using the power supply included in the kit, which will need to be connected to the modem, and then plugged into an outlet.

Next, the router must be connected to the Internet. We already assume that you have an agreement with a provider, which means that an Internet cable is installed in the house. It is this cable that must be connected to the router (with back side chassis) into a slot, which is usually highlighted in color or marked with the word "WAN" or "Internet".

And finally, it remains to connect the router to the computer on which we will configure the device. To do this, your modem must come with special cable, one end of which connects to any free LAN-socket, and the other, respectively, connects to the computer.

Actually, at this point, the router connection can be considered complete, which means that we smoothly flow to the second stage.

Step 2: Perform router setup

  1. Run any installed browser... It can be as standard Internet Explorerand any of the third party web browsers.
  2. Using the address bar of your web browser, you need to go to the following link:
  3. An authorization window will appear on the screen, in which you will need to register data to enter the web interface of your router. If the router is new, and the username and password have not been changed on it before, then these data are standard, which means that you need to write "admin" (without quotes) in the login field, and enter the word "password" in the password field. If these credentials did not fit, pay attention to the bottom of your router, where the sticker with the printed data for entering the web interface should be located.
  4. When the login is successful, you will see the configuration window for your router on the screen. First, we need to configure the Internet, so we go "Internet"... At the top of the window, go to the tab "Advanced mode", and in the left pane of the window, select the "Internet Settings" section. Further, the procedure for entering the settings will differ depending on the type of connection provided by your ISP.

    Configuring Dynamic IP

    Fill in the following parameters:

    • Do I need to enter a username and password when connecting to the Internet? - Set the point opposite the item "No";
    • Internet port IP address
    • DNS server IP - put a dot next to the item "Receive automatically from provider";
    • MAC address of the computer.Usually a check mark is placed next to the "Use default address" item. In the event that your ISP uses MAC address binding, you will need to check the "Use computer MAC address" box.
    • Save the changes by clicking on the "Apply" button.

    PPPoE setup

    The most common type of internet connection used by ISPs. Here, of course, the setting will be very different from the first option.
    • Do I need to enter a username and password when connecting to the Internet? - Check the box next to "Yes";
    • Encapsulation- "PPPoE";
    • Login to the system - the login provided by your provider is indicated here (usually prescribed in the contract);
    • Password- the security key, which is also prescribed in the agreement concluded with the provider;
    • Connection mode - "Always connected";
    • Internet IP address
    • DNS server IP - "Receive automatically from the provider";
    • Router MAC address - "Use the default address";
    • Click on the "Apply" button to save your changes.
  5. Now that the Internet is configured on the router, you can access the Internet from a connected computer, but the wireless network is not working yet. To configure Wi-Fi, go to the "Basic Mode" tab in the upper part of the window, and on the left to the section « Wi-Fi network» ... Here you will need, again, fill in the following fields:
    • Check the box next to "Enable SSID Broadcast";
    • Check the box next to Enable Indexer for NETGEAR Icon;
    • Name (SSID) - write down a name for your wireless network;
    • Channel- "Auto";
    • Mode- "Up to 300 Mbit / s";
    • Security options - set the parameter near the item "WPA2-PSK";
    • Passphrase - write down a password to protect your wireless network. Please note that its duration must be at least 8 characters.
    • Save changes by clicking on the "Apply" button. From this moment, the Internet configuration on your router can be considered complete. As a rule, from now on, you can safely use the Internet, but we recommend that you follow the steps described in the next step to avoid network problems.

Step 3: Perform Computer Setup

Actually, that's all about setting up the Netgear N300 router today. We draw your attention if you have any difficulties with self-configuration the Internet on this router model, we recommend not to postpone the call to the provider, where the specialist hotline will definitely help you configure network access.

Almost every home has a Wi-Fi router that allows you to establish the use of wireless unlimited Internet. Today there are a huge number of different models of routers, among which one of the most preferred by users is the Netgear N300.

If you have just acquired a brand new Netgear N300 router, then before you can use the wireless Internet, you need to configure it correctly. It should be noted that this article is quite generalized, since for different providers the router configuration may be performed differently. However, if you have all the necessary data from the provider on hand, then you can independently cope with setting up the router.

Setting up the Netgear N300 router

For convenience, we have divided the process of setting up the router and computer into several simple steps so that you can understand what exactly you will be doing. In a similar way, the configuration of routers and other manufacturers is usually performed, therefore, if suddenly a router of a completely different manufacturer falls into your hands, the experience of setting up you will already be there, which means that you will need to act on approximately the same principle.

Step 1: completing the router connection

You won't be able to set up your router until you connect it. This is easy enough.

First of all, you need to provide power to your router. This can be done using the power supply included in the kit, which will need to be connected to the modem, and then plugged into an outlet.

Next, the router must be connected to the Internet. We already assume that you have an agreement with a provider, which means that an Internet cable is installed in the house. It is this cable that must be connected to the router (on the back of the case) into the socket, which, as a rule, is highlighted in color or marked with the word "WAN" or "Internet".

And finally, it remains to connect the router to the computer on which we will configure the device. To do this, a special cable must be included with your modem, one end of which is connected to any free LAN-socket, and the other, accordingly, is connected to the computer.

Actually, at this point, the router connection can be considered complete, which means that we smoothly flow to the second stage.

Step 2: Perform router setup

  1. Launch any installed browser on your computer. It can be either standard Internet Explorer or any of the third-party web browsers.
  2. Using the address bar of your web browser, you need to go to the following link:
  3. An authorization window will appear on the screen, in which you will need to register data to enter the web interface of your router. If the router is new, and the username and password have not been changed on it before, then these data are standard, which means that you need to write "admin" (without quotes) in the login field, and enter the word "password" in the password field. If these credentials did not fit, pay attention to the bottom of your router, where the sticker with the printed data for entering the web interface should be located.
  4. When the login is successful, you will see the configuration window for your router on the screen. First, we need to configure the Internet, so we go "Internet"... At the top of the window, go to the tab "Advanced mode", and in the left pane of the window, select the "Internet Settings" section. Further, the procedure for entering the settings will differ depending on the type of connection provided by your ISP.

    Configuring Dynamic IP

    Fill in the following parameters:

    • Do I need to enter a username and password when connecting to the Internet? - Set the point opposite the item "No";
    • Internet port IP address
    • DNS server IP - put a dot next to the item "Receive automatically from provider";
    • MAC address of the computer.Usually a check mark is placed next to the "Use default address" item. In the event that your ISP uses MAC address binding, you will need to check the "Use computer MAC address" box.
    • Save the changes by clicking on the "Apply" button.

    PPPoE setup

    The most common type of internet connection used by ISPs. Here, of course, the setting will be very different from the first option.
    • Do I need to enter a username and password when connecting to the Internet? - Check the box next to "Yes";
    • Encapsulation- "PPPoE";
    • Login to the system - the login provided by your provider is indicated here (usually prescribed in the contract);
    • Password- the security key, which is also prescribed in the agreement concluded with the provider;
    • Connection mode - "Always connected";
    • Internet IP address
    • DNS server IP - "Receive automatically from the provider";
    • Router MAC address - "Use the default address";
    • Click on the "Apply" button to save your changes.
  5. Now that the Internet is configured on the router, you can access the Internet from a connected computer, but the wireless network is not working yet. To configure Wi-Fi, go to the "Basic Mode" tab in the upper part of the window, and on the left to the section "Wi-Fi network"... Here you will need, again, fill in the following fields:
    • Check the box next to "Enable SSID Broadcast";
    • Check the box next to Enable Indexer for NETGEAR Icon;
    • Name (SSID) - write down a name for your wireless network;
    • Channel- "Auto";
    • Mode- "Up to 300 Mbit / s";
    • Security options - set the parameter near the item "WPA2-PSK";
    • Passphrase - write down a password to protect your wireless network. Please note that its duration must be at least 8 characters.
    • Save changes by clicking on the "Apply" button. From this moment, the Internet configuration on your router can be considered complete. As a rule, from now on, you can safely use the Internet, but we recommend that you follow the steps described in the next step to avoid network problems.

Step 3: Perform Computer Setup

Actually, that's all about setting up the Netgear N300 router today. We draw your attention, if you have any difficulties in setting up the Internet on your own on this router model, we recommend that you do not postpone the call to the provider, where the hotline specialist will definitely help you set up access to the network.

Rear panel of the router.

1. Login to the router

To enter the router settings, enter the address in the browser line. After that, a window will open where you need to enter the login information - "Username" and "Password". The default name and password are admin and password.

2. Firmware update

Router firmware can be done in the "Router Update" section. Current version the firmware is on the official Netgear forum.

3. Internet setup

In the "Basic Settings" section, the settings should look like this.

4. Wi-Fi setup

To configure the wireless network, you need to go to the "Wireless Settings" section. In the "Name (SSID)" field, create a name for the network, make the rest of the settings in accordance with the image, in the "Passphrase" field, create a password for the wireless network.

5. Change administrator password

You can also change the password for entering the router settings in the "New password" section.

6. Setting up IPTV

To watch IPTV, you need to enable multicast routing. In the "Internet port settings" section, the IGMP proxy function is enabled by default, the "Disable IGMP proxy" field should not be checked.

If you want to connect any device that will receive an IP address not from a router, but from our network, then in the "Redirect IPTV stream for set-top box to" item, you need to select the desired LAN port.

If your router was previously configured, and / or you cannot access its interface, you need to reset it to factory settings. To do this, hold down the reset button on the preset panel for 20 seconds.

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