How to set up NETGEAR JWNR2000 Wi Fi router with PPPoE connection. How to set up a Wi-Fi network and wireless router

I welcome everyone! Today I will tell you how to set up wifi on a laptop. Setting up wi-fi on a laptop is not a difficult task. The first thing to know is if your device supports this feature. Modern laptops are already equipped with a wi-fi module, however, some manufacturers still release devices without wi-fi support, but these are mostly cheap models.

In case your laptop is not equipped with a wi-fi module, you need to get a special adapter. To understand if the laptop has wi-fi, it is enough to carefully examine the device case. Usually, manufacturers glue a sticker under the keyboard or at the bottom of the case, which indicates the presence of wi-fi.

In addition, the wi-fi symbol is also located on the keyboard function button, which is responsible for turning on the module. Use the button together with the Fn key.

Turning on wi-fi on a laptop

  • If it's Acer brand, the keys are Fn and F3. You will see a connection manager appear, where you will need to turn on wi-fi or Bluetooth.

  • On Asus devices the buttons are Fn and F2. A connection icon will appear, there you need to select wi-fi or Bluetooth.

  • Toshiba branded notebooks require pressing the Fn and F8 keys. Further actions are similar.

  • For Samsung the keyboard shortcut would be: Fn and F12.

To determine the key to turn on wi-fi, an antenna icon will help you. If pressing the buttons does not turn on wi-fi, then there may be several reasons for this:

  1. incorrect operation of the operating system;
  2. driver problem or conflicts;
  3. viruses, about that.

The problem is usually solved by reinstalling the drivers or.

What if the laptop doesn't have a wi-fi module?

Connecting to a wi-fi access point is possible using a special adapter; its cost varies from 15 to 30 dollars. You can easily find such an adapter in any computer store. In terms of external dimensions, the device can be compared to a flash drive. The device is used in the same way, just plug it into a USB port.

Lack of external adapter - high probability of breakage if handled roughly. This also happens because the part protruding from the laptop remains unprotected. Therefore, the built-in wi-fi module installed in the service center will not cause problems. Although this solution will be more expensive, you will feel comfortable working.

In order to turn on an external wi-fi adapter, you need to press a special button located on the case.

Checking the correct installation of the drivers

If your drivers are installed incorrectly, then even the access point may not respond to a lit indicator and wi-fi will not work. First of all, in this case, you need to check the performance of the network card. Right-click on My Computer and go to Properties.

Next, go to "Equipment" -\u003e " device Manager". You will notice the entire list of devices that are installed on the laptop. We need to find the section " Network adapters“, And there we are looking for“ Wireless ”, wi-fi or Wireless. If you see a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark next to a module, then be prepared for whatever is needed.

Download drivers from the Internet or use the disk that comes with the laptop. Installation of drivers is standard and not much different from installing any program. A scenario is possible that wi-fi will not work immediately, but only after several installations. In order for the adapter to work well and easily detect wireless networks, you must set it to automatically obtain an IP address.

How to set up WIFI on a laptop and how to enable automatic obtaining of IP addresses in Windows Xp.

So we almost figured out the question of how to set up wifi on a laptop. But now we need to enable automatic obtaining of an ip address. For this:

We open " Control Panel“, We put the classic view.

We make the transition to " Network connections“, Right-click on the required connection, select“ Properties ”. The components will open there, we are interested in the TCP / IP protocol, click again on Properties.

In the window that opens, we set the automatic receipt of the Ip-address, as well as the receipt by the automatic DNS, click OK.

Configuring Automatic Obtaining IP Address for Windows7

We need to open the control panel, go to " Network and Sharing Center«.

In the column on the left we make the choice “ Change adapter settings«.

A window will open, there you need to select the required network and click on it with the right mouse button, select "Properties". There we choose to automatically obtain an ip-address and DNS. Click OK. For Windows 8, similar steps are taken.

Access point connection.

You will notice a list of available networks. If you have your own access point, then the adapter will certainly find it. The adapter is also capable of finding nearby networks that may belong to your neighbors. You can choose any network that does not have a lock icon. This means that the owner of the network does not mind someone using his access point. If you have your own network, then click on it, in the window that appears, enter your username and.

Moreover, there is another option for internet connection. If any establishment nearby has wi-fi, then perhaps the owner will provide you with a password and you will be able to connect to the network if your adapter will finish this distance.

After the network is selected, you must click "Connect". After that, enter the password twice and see the signal and connection speed.

After the wi-fi connection is completed, we will see the corresponding icon in the tray.

We open the browser, the page of the service provider appears in front of us. Click on the "Login" button, and we get to the page specified as home in the browser properties. If the connection is often dropped, then the laptop is probably placed in a place where the signal from the wireless network is weak. In this case, you can drag the laptop closer to the access point.

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In this article we will analyze such a question - how to set up wifi windows 7. The setup process itself requires special knowledge of a personal computer.

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So, let's begin.

Introduction to wi-fi setup

In addition to the device itself with wi-fi, there must be an access point to access the Internet via wi-fi. It's just that the Wi-Fi itself is a wireless network for data transmission, by itself it does not provide access to the Internet.

So, first we need to take care of the presence of an Internet access point, to which we will connect via our wi-fi connection.

How are things going with wi-fi setup in public places?

If you are in a public place, then all the easier the access point should already be, for example, in some cafe or library. You just have to connect to it. This can be done if you ask the administrator of this institution if there is an Internet connection here.

What do you need to do at home to set up wi-fi?

If you are at home, then you need a modem router with support for a wi-fi connection (such an industrial communication H201L / H208L, such an industrial communication mt pon at 4 or another). Let's say that everything is there, all that remains is to directly connect to the wi-fi network.

And so we press "Start" - "Control Panel":

On the new page, go to the "Network and Internet" line:

In this window, go to the "Network and Sharing Center":

We have opened the main window about the settings of network connections. Here we can configure and change all network connections such as a simple local network or wi-fi connection. In our case, we go to the "Change adapter settings" submenu in the left column of this window.

In the window that appears, there is a shortcut "Wireless Network Connection". Right-click on it and select "Connect / Disconnect". So we enabled the search for available wi-fi networks.

Now in this window you need to select the desired wi-fi network. All these networks have their own names. So, choose either your home name which you gave or choose a public network whose name you also know.

Why choose only a known one, but because usually to enter you need a password that you know either from your network, or it is a public network and there is no password on it, usually there is no password in cafes, libraries, McDonald's and other massive public places.

And so with the left mouse button, click from the list of networks to the one you need, in our case it is called "berlazar":

After that "connection", the connection will start and after a couple of seconds you will be prompted to enter the password (if any). Enter your existing password. Click Ok. And after another couple of seconds you will be connected to the Internet via a wi-fi connection.

If everything is done correctly and the connection was successful, then you will notice the word "Connected".

Pros of wireless wi-fi

Of course, an important feature and at the same time a big plus of such a connection is that you do not have to sit in one place (if you are working on a laptop or other portable device), but you can easily go, for example, to another room. The range of a wi-fi network from the point of connection to the Internet is somewhere up to 100m (but this is without obstacles, such as walls, but in reality it is about 10 meters)

But this distance depends on various partitions, walls and other physical obstacles. So, you can experiment with the connection range.

This is how, in general, the question of how to set up wifi on windows 7 is easily solved, if you have any difficulties, then we will help you, our masters will set up the connection quickly and inexpensively.

Wi-Fi provides fast wireless Internet access without being tied to wires or a modem. You only need a device with a Wi-Fi module - using it, several devices can connect to the network at once.

No special education is required to properly configure the router

Buying and configuring a router will take a little time and does not require special knowledge. In order to consider in detail all the stages of connection, we will use the settings for the models of the TP-Link brand, the most popular among a large number of users.

Before moving on to installing Wi-Fi, you need to figure out how to put your router and make sure it works properly.

How to connect a Wi-Fi router? First, we choose a place for him - the main thing is that he does not stand on the table where the computer is located or on the system unit, since in such cases, interference often occurs. Therefore, we move it slightly away from other equipment and place it closer to the center of the house so that the waves cover as much of the area as possible.

To find out how much the router covers the room, after installation, download special applications - they will make the device work as efficiently as possible.

On the back of the router there are the following connectors (in the basic version):

  • 4 Lan - port for connecting to a PC. A maximum of 4 computers can be connected to one device at a time. We insert the cable into one of the ports, connect the other part to the connector on the back of the system unit.
  • A cable with an Internet connection is installed in the WAN cable slot.
  • We plug the power cable into the socket.

Also here you will see a reset and an on / off button - their functions are clear. When you figured out the wires and inserted them where needed, an icon about a new connection will appear on the bottom of the desktop. Now we need to find out if your PC has installed the router correctly.

Device Manager - setting up a computer to work with a router

How to enter the settings of the router and check if the computer correctly recognized the equipment. Using the Control Panel, let's stop at the chapter Network Connections - if you have Windows XP, in Windows Vista / 7/8 this section is designated as "Network and Control", "Network and Sharing Center".

The actual connections will appear here - select "Local Area Connection", look at the properties. You will now see a list of components where you stop at "Internet Protocol TCP / IP". Here we check how the checkboxes are indicated:

  • Usually, the lines are highlighted in which we are talking about automatically obtaining an IP address and DNS server.
  • For some providers, information is entered manually, so you will see filled lines. Check them against the data in the contract or instructions for the device, enter the correct numbers if they do not match.

The next step is to go to how to enter the settings of the router.

Browser and parameters entry

The router is configured using a browser.

Enter your IP address in the address bar. In most cases, this is a combination of - the standard version of the address, which, however, is different for some ISPs. After pressing Enter, you will see the Wi-Fi router settings. If this does not happen, then the IP address does not fit and you need to enter other numbers.

How to find the IP address:

  • In the papers or on the back of the router.
  • If, when entering the properties of "Local Area Connections", the IP-address field was previously filled in, and there was no automatic detection, copy it.
  • Try checking other addresses - the last two values \u200b\u200bmight look like 0.1, 0.2, or 1.2.
  • Enter the action cmd in the command line (it opens through "Start"), and then - ping 168.x.1, and you will be shown all the parameters of the device.

After entering the IP, a form for entering a username and password appeared in front of you. We fill both lines here with the word admin, after which the parameters of the router itself will appear directly.

Flashing equipment

First of all, setting up a router begins with flashing it to the current version - after the release of each model, a lot of time passes, during which improvements are made, errors are corrected. Therefore, installing the most recent version will avoid operational problems.

You can get it on the manufacturer's website. Download the file and go to the parameters again (you know how to enter the settings of the router through the browser) in System Tools, subsection Firmware Upgrade. Here we select "Browse ...", download the file and after clicking Upgrade, the update will begin.

Clarification: the firmware is optional, so you can do without it - it will not interfere with the operation of the device.

Internet connection setup

After rebooting the Wi-Fi equipment (it will happen automatically), we proceed to setting the parameters for accessing the World Wide Web. In the System Tools section, select the Password tab and enter at your discretion new data to enter the settings.

Now in the Network section, we stop at the WAN graph, where we select the type of connection provided by the provider. Mostly this is a dynamic IP (Dynamic), but in some cases this option is not correct.

How do I know my connection type?

It is indicated in the documents along with the rest of the data for setting up a Wi-Fi router. If they are missing, find them on the website of the Internet service provider or contact a specialist by phone.

Note: if you need a different type of connection (not dynamic), enter additional information yourself in the fields located in this form after selecting the required parameter.

The rest of the fields when you select the Dynamic IP option will be filled in automatically.

Go to the Wireless section. We put a tick in front of Enable (if there is such a line), in the Wireless Network Name or SSID we come up with a name for the connection, which will be seen by everyone who wants to use Wi-Fi. Below there may be a tab for selecting your country - we indicate it, save the changes and proceed to the next stage of our configuration.

Wireless Security - filling in this part of the parameters should be taken seriously, because here you can protect your network from unauthorized access. We select WPA / WPA2 and set a password in the PSK Password field - no one can establish a connection with your Wi-Fi without it.

Optional: MAC Address and copying it

Sometimes providers tie the Wi-Fi hotspot to the PC's network card. This equipment has a personal MAC-code, which we copy into the settings of the router - for this we need to press the "Clone MAC - Code" button.

Where can I find it? Depending on the manufacturer, the address can be located in different sections, mainly in Wireless. In the most common models from TP-Link, the MAC address is located in the Network folder, to copy it, you need to select a special column.

Wi-Fi router setup completed successfully. Confirm the reboot - the router will offer you to do it, then all the changes will take effect.

Wireless access is convenient, practical, it is easy to set up such an Internet, it takes a little time and a bit of effort. Now you know how to go into the settings of the router and fill in all the necessary fields to get quick access no matter where you are in the room and use the Internet on any device that supports this technology.

Today, many families have had a couple of computers or laptops for a long time, and sometimes both. Plus to all this, there are also smart phones, and maybe a tablet. And, of course, the center of entertainment for each family member is great. Until a certain point, everything usually goes well, while everyone at home uses their devices, but then there is a desire for something more.

This requires a home wireless network. It helps to get rid of unnecessary wires, to be more mobile, of course, makes all the media content accumulated by family members available to everyone.
Such home wireless network is being organized using a wi-fi router that sends a signal to many devices that support a wireless connection. Or you can join the distribution using network cables, but for this you will need to register IP addresses for each connected device.

For greater comfort of access to content, use a NAS server. It can be either a separate system unit with several HDD disks, or a ready-made box solution. Such a home server allows you to wirelessly connect any device and watch HD videos, music, play games and much more, and most importantly, store all this on your disks. The home server is also connected to a wi-fi router.

The most common internet connection options

  1. Dynamic IP (Automatic IP or DHCP)
  2. With a static IP address (Manual configuration field WAN IP address setting, mask, gateway ...)

We will consider the 2nd option, with a static IP address. As soon as you select it, the fields for entering the parameters of the static connection - "Setting the WAN IP address" will become active, which must be filled in according to the data received from the Internet provider.

Click "No" and fill in all the fields sequentially.

It should be noted that in this case the IP address and other network parameters are fixed, they should be entered exactly as indicated by the provider.
If the option with a dynamic IP address, or PPPoE or L2TP is selected, the configuration is simplified and the router will receive all connection parameters from the provider automatically. Only for the last two types of connection it is necessary to specify the name and password that is issued by the provider (or, in rare cases, the "Service name").

Complete the settings by clicking the "Apply" or "Save" button.

In some cases, the provider binds the user to the MAC address (physical address) of his computer so that no one else can connect instead. In this case, an attempt to access the Internet using a router will become impossible.

To avoid this, the MAC address of the external interface of the router should be changed so that it matches the MAC address to which your ISP binds you (usually this is the address of your computer's network interface).

This operation is called cloning the MAC address, although this function in the web interface of the router does not always have the same name.
To clone the MAC address of your computer, which was connected with a cable to the Internet before installing the router, enter it in the MAC field of the "Special requirements of your Internet service provider" section in the WAN section, Internet connection tab.

Save the settings by clicking the "Apply" button.

How to find the MAC address of your computer

To find out the MAC address of the computer and enter it when setting up an Internet connection on the router,
do the following:

1. Click on the computer icon in the taskbar (tray), click "Network and Sharing Center"

and in the window that opens, select "Local Area Connection".

2. Click on the "Details" button to see the MAC address.

The MAC address will be located in the Physical Address field.

Configuring Wi-Fi Settings Manually

If you did everything correctly and specified the correct connection parameters, then after restarting the router you will get Internet access from the computer on which you made the settings. Open your browser and type
any website address, eg. The site page has opened, therefore, you can proceed
to setting up a wireless network (wi-fi).

In the menu of the router's web interface, select the "Wireless" section, the "General" tab.

Please note that some routers support a dual-band wireless network (5 GHz and 2.4 GHz). Set up your wireless network in the more popular 2.4 GHz band.

Specify the wireless network operating mode. The best option is a universal setting that provides compatibility with both new and old versions of the Wi-Fi standard. It is called "Mixed" or "Auto" (automatic mode).

Enter the SSID of the network (The name of the network that will be displayed during scanning) in the field of the same name. Choose a security option in the "Authentication Method" field, I recommend WPA2-Personal, why, read the Wi-Fi heading. Enter your password (or key) in the WPA Preshared Key field. This key and network name (SSID) will be required to configure access on your wireless devices, therefore it is recommended to save them to a file or write them down somewhere in a safe place.

It is recommended to hide the SSID so that your home wireless network was not visible from the outside, but you can still connect to it, since you already know the SSID. To save the settings, click on the "Apply" or "Save" button. By the way, the wireless network in the 5 GHz band is configured in the same way.

Attention! Be careful when updating your router's firmware. The need for it is due to the incorrect operation of the router and communication problems. Carefully study the section of the user manual on updating the software of the router and strictly follow the recommendations. Updating the router's firmware is a last resort; you should not resort to it unless absolutely necessary, since there is no such need during the initial configuration of the wireless network.

P.S. I would be very grateful if you point out the points that need to be analyzed in more detail.

The modern world cannot be imagined without wireless networks. In the 1990s, no one suspected such a rapid development of the Internet. However, already in 1998, the first Wi-Fi network was presented. In this article, we will learn how to connect and configure a WiFi router.

A little background

Surely many of you are familiar with the functionality of wireless networks. However, there are those who do not know anything about it at all. Therefore, all actions will be extremely detailed so that everyone understands.

Wi-Fi technology was created by an Australian developer, and then it was a very deplorable sight. The transmission was carried out over short distances, and there is no need to talk about data protection. At the moment, "Wi-Fi" is the most common type of Internet connection transfer without using wires.

It became widespread with the development of smartphones and laptops with network adapters. The need for wireless connectivity grew among users because it was very convenient. Now "Wi-Fi" is used everywhere: in schools, large corporations, entertainment centers and at home. It not only broadcasts the Internet signal, but also links certain devices together.

Now you will learn how to set up your router to receive WiFi. For this, all data is split into several actions. We will also describe the connection to the most popular routers.

First action. Router connection

After connecting the Internet cables, your ISP usually provides a Wi-Fi router for free. Sometimes it is connected by those who conducted the cable for you, or the master is called at home. Or you can do everything yourself, the procedure is quite simple:

  1. Choosing a place for the router. It is closer to the cables that your provider has laid for you. It is recommended to install the router at a certain height, especially if you have pets.
  2. Assemble the components into a coherent whole. For example, screw on the antennas if they are removable. Then plug the power adapter into a power outlet and turn on the device.
  1. Connect the cable from your ISP (usually white) to the WAN or Internet port. In most cases, it is specially highlighted in blue so that it is more convenient for the user to navigate in the abundance of wires.
  2. Connect the router with a computer or laptop with a network cable. On a PC, the wire is connected to the system unit, namely to the network card. And in the router, the cable goes to the LAN port. Sometimes it can be called "Home network", as a rule, there are only four such ports.

Second action. Checking the operation of the router

Before starting the setup, you need to make sure the router is connected properly. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Look at the router, there should be light indicators on its screen, which indicate normal operation. If they are not visible, then turn on the router, usually the button is located on the back of the device.
  2. Check the electrical connection. It's worth noting that this is another reason why the router might not turn on.
  3. Take a close look at the wires where they are connected.

If everything is fine, then the router will already distribute WiFi. However, it won't work, so you don't know how to set up your WiFi router yet.

Third action. Checking the network adapter

Each laptop model has its own function key that allows you to enable or disable the network adapter. For example, on Lenovo notebooks, as a rule, there is no button on the keyboard. The switch is on the front panel.

ASUS notebooks have a hot key combination Fn + F2, while Acer has implemented Fn + F3. You can see the rest of the hotkeys on the manufacturer's official website or by opening the instructions for the laptop.

Universal advice. Look at the row of keys F1-F12, among them find the antenna icon that transmits the signal. Hold the Fn key and click on your distribution button.

All steps are correct, but Wi-Fi does not turn on - why?

In this case, the problem lies in the software settings. There are three reasons:

  1. System crashes. In such a case, just restart your computer or laptop.
  2. Infection with viral software. Download popular antiviruses and check your device.
  3. Incorrectly installed drivers or their absence. When a new device is connected, the Windows operating system itself loads the necessary drivers. However, sometimes this does not happen.

After fixing these problems, you can learn how to set up your WiFi router. Instructions for this and useful tips are presented below.

Configuring the web interface

All routers are made individually and have their own tuning algorithm. To enter it, you need to use a browser and go to the specified addresses.

Everything you need to know to set up correctly:

  • Your device must be connected to a router via cable or Wi-Fi connection. Without this, you will not be able to open the desired site and start setting up.
  • The control panel does not require an Internet connection. You just need to set the connection of IP addresses, which will occur automatically.
  • The required address used for configuration is entered in the address bar. It is worth noting that if you do not enter data into the search bar, then you will not get anything.
  • The name and password are on the back of the router. As a rule, the name and password have the same name - admin (with a lowercase letter).

In most cases, ISPs write the address required for configuration on the back of the router. But, if you are too lazy to watch, then use one of the following:


How to set up a Rostelecom WiFi router

Before starting the setup, we need to check the connection with the computer. To do this, follow the following procedure:

  1. Open the "Start" menu.
  2. Click on the "Control Panel" tab.
  3. Then go to "Network Connections".
  4. And then select "Local Area Connections".
  5. Next, click on "Internet Protocol" and right-click on "Properties".

Make sure you have automatic connection of IP address and DNS server enabled. If everything is fine with the set parameters, then setting up a WiFi router from Rostelecom will proceed normally.

Let's consider an example

Let's take the RT-A1W4L1USBn router model from Rostelecom as a sample. How to set up a WiFi router at home? The procedure is described below:

  1. Go to the provider's website. To do this, enter in the browser: or
  2. In a new window, you will be asked to enter your username and password, they are indicated on the back of the router. And in most cases they do not differ in any way, usually both values \u200b\u200bare admin (in small letters!).
  3. A new page will open where you can configure your router. Unfortunately it is in English.
  4. Select the Interface Setup item and open the Wireless tab.
  5. Choose AES for encryption and WPAPSK for authorization.
  6. Enter the new network name in the SSID field. This will help you discover and connect to your network faster.
  7. Set a password. Typically, it consists of a set of numbers, letters, or symbols. You are required to come up with a key between 8 and 63 characters long.

After all the manipulations, restart the router. To do this, turn it off and on again. The required button, in most cases, is located on the back of the device. Now you know how to set up a Rostelecom WiFi router.

The settings are off. What to do?

Rare enough, but it does happen. A software failure occurs for the following reasons:

  • Unfavorable weather conditions.
  • Infection with viral software.
  • The user is hard on the router.
  • Software "illiteracy" of the user.

And despite this, you still have to recover your data. You can call the provider's hotline, explain the reasons, and ask to call the master. It usually sets up for free, but some providers can cost money.

You can do the reconfiguration yourself, there is nothing difficult about it, especially if you personally configured your router. for the house rarely breaks down, but here is a list of steps to restore functioning:

  1. Take a small-diameter object, such as a needle or safety pin. And click on the Reset button, which is located at the back of the router.
  2. After that, the settings will be reset.
  3. Check the hardware for problems through the system capabilities. If the computer finds them, click on "Fix".

When the link is restored, measure the speed and signal. Now you know how to set up a WiFi router if the settings are reset.


In the Russian Federation, the most popular provider is Rostelecom. However, there are others, you can take advantage of their offers. Every year the speed of the Internet connection grows and the number of users increases.

For the home it is provided by the provider itself, as a rule, the device is given to the user absolutely free. The configuration is carried out directly by the wizard, who connected the network cable for you, or independently. It is quite simple and is described in this article. If you have any questions that are not mentioned here, please contact your provider.

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