Windows 7 setting up a wi fi connection. Enabling and configuring Wi-Fi on a computer

Wireless is more popular than ever. And this is not surprising, because it is incredibly convenient: you can use the Internet without being tied to, say, a cable. The main condition with which the use of a wireless network becomes possible is the availability of Wi-Fi coverage.

Setting up

So, to begin with, I will note that there is a main computer and other computers on the network. In the first case, your PC acts as a conductor of the wireless network, and in the second, other computers use the main one in order to connect to Wi-Fi. There are also programs that make it easy to create an access point, for example, you can read how. To configure the Windows 7 wireless network of the host computer, you must: turn on the wireless module, then go to "Start" and then to "Computer". Next, you should select "Properties", where, on the left side, there is an active line "Additional system parameters".

There you will see the Computer Name tab, where you should enter the name of your network (this could be, for example, your name). If you also want to change the computer name and the name of the workgroup, then click the "Change" button under the description, click on it and rename everything to your liking. If you don't need to do this, then after filling in the "Description" line, just click "OK".

Please note that in the tray, near the clock, there is an icon that indicates the network, click on it.

You will see a window with current connections, and at the very bottom there is an active line "Network and Sharing Center".

After going through it, on the left side, you will see a category with wireless networks management, and click the "Add" button.

To manually add a network, select the "Create a computer-to-computer network" and "Next" section.

You will see a window with a short instruction about this network, you will need to set an arbitrary network name, a password you have invented, it is also a security key, and a security type, namely WP2-Personal. Finally, turn on Internet Connection Sharing.

Wireless Security

Information on your computer should be protected from unauthorized access to it by unauthorized users, because the network signal can go far beyond your apartment or office. To do this, choose a username and password not by default, as the system suggests, but come up with your own personal one. The same goes for the network security key, it must be original so that no one can pick the right one. In addition, to increase the level of protection, it is recommended to use a firewall - a program that helps protect the system from viruses and other negative programs that negatively affect the computer.

The modern person faces the need to connect to Wi-Fi everywhere: wireless networks are much more practical and convenient than their cable "brothers".

Here are just such WiFi-privileges are mainly "used" by all kinds of mobile gadgets: phones, tablets, smartphones and most modern laptops. Accordingly, the question arises: why is a "classic" personal computer worse? After all, it is much more convenient to work on a stationary computer, and connecting the cable Internet is often a lot of trouble.

And in this article we will analyze how to connect a stationary computer to wifi, and what needs to be done in order for the computer to "catch" invisible wi-fi.

By the way, the age of the device is not directly related to the creation of a wireless network, and you can even connect WiFi to a relatively old computer.

Can a regular computer be connected to wifi?

Some of the difficulties with connecting Wi-Fi on a personal computer are by no means related to the "prejudices" of the developers or the unsuccessful fate of this device, complete deprivation.

The fact is that mobile devices and modern laptops are initially equipped with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter for connecting to a wireless network (which is not available on a desktop computer). However, such devices are mostly intended for short-term access to the network, and have a rather meager set of functionality.

While a stationary computer is designed for continuous work with both serious offline software and any resources of the global information network. Accordingly, the connection with all peripheral devices and external networks (Internet, power supply, etc.) is carried out here in a more reliable cable way.

A cable Internet connection for a desktop computer is more stable than a wireless Wi-Fi connection. So, with a WiFi connection, the reliability and speed of the network directly depend on the number of active connections, channel load, room architecture and many other third-party factors.

Therefore, you shouldn't decide to connect your home computer to wifi solely for aesthetic reasons. "Standard" cable connection is more reliable, more efficient ( not), and it does much less damage to the health of an Internet user.

However, if a hard connection to the Internet source is not available for some reason, then you can connect Wi-Fi on your home computer in a matter of minutes.

How to connect your home computer to wifi?

To connect wifi to a stationary PC, first of all, you need to purchase a special removable Wi-Fi adapter - a miniature antenna that will “catch” the Internet signal transmitted by the router and return the data processed by the user to the router.

The most popular and inexpensive solution here would be to choose a removable USB adapter for your computer.

In order not to get a "pig in a poke", it is better to buy a device from well-known and time-tested manufacturers: TP-Link, D-Link, etc.

If you purchased the adapter from an authorized distributor, then a disc with a special program for installing drivers is supplied with the device.

How to install Wi-Fi on a Windows 7 computer?

1. Connect your adapter to any USB port on your computer.

2. Insert the disk into the drive, run the autotuning utility and, when prompted by the program, click the Next button.

3. After installing the driver in the "Network Control Center" folder for Windows 7 (or "Network Connections" for Windows XP) you will see a new shortcut (in addition to the usual "Local Area Connection"). The name of the label will contain the brand of the manufacturer of your adapter.

4. Now you can connect your desktop computer to wifi. To do this, single-click on the shortcut with the right mouse button -\u003e "Connection" -\u003e Select the name of your Wi-Fi network and enter the password.

How to set up Wi-Fi if there is no installation disc?

In addition to the "classic" purchase of a brand new licensed adapter, there are times when a user needs Wi-Fi on a computer "here and now", and he borrowed / purchased an old used WiFi adapter from friends.

The disk with the driver for such an adapter, of course, has long been lost.

In such a situation, you need to download the archive with the driver from the Internet.

"But there is no Internet!" - you say - "What to do?"

Here to connect a desktop computer to wifi:


Connect the configured computer to the router using a cable (if possible).

Go to the official website of the manufacturer of this adapter (or profile resource, find the driver you need by the name of the USB-Wi-Fi adapter and download the software to your computer.

If a cable connection to the router is not possible, download the driver you need to any computer connected to the Internet, and use a removable media (flash drive) to copy the archive to your wired computer.

2. Next, right-click once on the shortcut "My Computer" then - "Control" and select "Device Manager" here. In the "Network adapters" section, find the name of our USB adapter, right-click on it and select the "Update driver" menu item. Next, specify the folder where the archive with the required drivers was copied and click "OK".

3. Once the installation is complete, you will be able to connect your desktop computer to wifi. To do this, in "Network Connections":

Select a new shortcut;

Click on it with the right mouse button;

Select the menu item "Connection";

Select the name of your Wi-Fi network (which you specified in the SSID when configuring the router);

Enter the password and you can use the Internet.

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In this article we will analyze such a question - how to set up wifi windows 7. The setup process itself requires special knowledge of a personal computer.

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So, let's begin.

Introduction to wi-fi setup

In addition to the device itself with wi-fi, there must be an access point to access the Internet via wi-fi. It's just that the Wi-Fi itself is a wireless network for data transmission, by itself it does not provide access to the Internet.

So, first we need to take care of the presence of an Internet access point, to which we will connect via our wi-fi connection.

How are things going with wi-fi setup in public places?

If you are in a public place, then all the easier the access point should already be, for example, in some cafe or library. You just have to connect to it. This can be done if you ask the administrator of this institution if there is an Internet connection here.

What do you need to do at home to set up wi-fi?

If you are at home, then you need a modem router with support for a wi-fi connection (such an industrial communication H201L / H208L, such an industrial communication mt pon at 4 or another). Let's say that everything is there, all that remains is to directly connect to the wi-fi network.

And so we press "Start" - "Control Panel":

On the new page, go to the "Network and Internet" line:

In this window, go to the "Network and Sharing Center":

We have opened the main window about the settings of network connections. Here we can configure and change all network connections such as a simple local network or wi-fi connection. In our case, we go to the "Change adapter settings" submenu in the left column of this window.

In the window that appears, there is a shortcut "Wireless Network Connection". Right-click on it and select "Connect / Disconnect". So we enabled the search for available wi-fi networks.

Now in this window you need to select the desired wi-fi network. All these networks have their own names. So, choose either your home name that you gave or choose a public network whose name you also know.

Why choose only a known one, but because usually to enter you need a password that you know either from your network, or it is a public network and there is no password on it, usually there is no password in cafes, libraries, McDonald's and other mass public places.

And so with the left mouse button, click from the list of networks to the one you need, in our case it is called "berlazar":

After that "connection", the connection will start and after a couple of seconds you will be asked to enter a password (if any). Enter your existing password. Click Ok. And after another couple of seconds you will be connected to the Internet via a wi-fi connection.

If everything is done correctly and the connection was successful, then you will notice the word "Connected".

Pros of wireless wi-fi

Of course, an important feature and at the same time a big plus of such a connection is that you do not have to sit in one place (if you are working on a laptop or other portable device), but you can easily go, for example, to another room. The range of a wi-fi network from the point of connection to the Internet is somewhere up to 100m (but this is without obstacles, such as walls, but in reality it is about 10 meters)

But this distance depends on various partitions, walls and other physical obstacles. So, you can experiment with the connection range.

This is how, in general, the question of how to set up wifi on windows 7 is solved easily, if you have any difficulties, then we will help you, our masters will set up the connection quickly and inexpensively.

Let us analyze with specific examples how to set up wifi on a laptop if the Windos 7 operating system is installed on it. Taking into account most of the manufacturers and the pitfalls that are encountered during the setup process. Quick automatic configuration and manual installation of drivers. The main reasons for Wi-Fi failure and laptop glitches.

In practice, there are cases when you just need to turn on the wi-fi with a key combination. Consider manufacturers and combinations:

  • Asus - FN + F2;
  • DEL - FN + F2 or FN + F12;
  • Lenovo - FN + F5 / F6 / F7;
  • HP - FN + F12;
  • Samsung - FN + F12 or FN + F9;
  • Acer - FN + F3.

Some manufacturers, such as Toshiba, especially on older models, put a separate switch on the laptop panel, which was responsible for turning on wifi. It can be anywhere. Most often on the back and front sides, less often on the side.

Wi-Fi is available, but no internet

Don't confuse a system problem with a hardware problem. If the laptop sees and connects to wi-fi, it is likely that setting up wifi on a windows 7 laptop will not come in handy. The internet may not work for various reasons. The router may burn out, the internet cable on the roof is frayed, the router settings may fail. The pet has gnawed the cable or it has simply moved away from the socket. In such cases, you should contact your provider or service center.

Unlikely, but it can play a role in the distance of the router from the computer. When there is a connection, but the signal is so weak that there is a constant break in the network. The icon on the panel will be in the "connected" status. You can check this by moving the router closer to the computer or vice versa.

Specificity of Lenovo laptops

The developers at Lenovo took care of the consumer and added the ability to use hot keys without pressing the FN button. This means that you can turn on the Wi-Fi by simply pressing the F5 button.

What didn't work out? Oh, these Lenovo! It turns out that on some models such as the G580, the F5 button is set to enable airplane mode.

We will treat like this:

  • We open "START";
  • Then "Control Panel";
  • Go to the "Device Manager" tab;
  • Expand the line "Network adapters";
  • The wireless controller will appear below;
  • Click on it with the right mouse button and select "enable".

Then we rejoice and remember how to set up Wi-Fi on a Windows laptop.

Another victim is the Lenovo z50 laptop. Here the software for the wireless adapter on windows 7, got "Poltergeist". The Internet disappears when you turn off or restart your PC. What a reboot, just close the laptop lid.

The fact is that the driver starts itself only after the first installation. Further, it must be enabled manually, as shown in the example above. Therefore, as the software environment does not know how to turn on wifi after restarting Windows. Or find a more recent driver on the manufacturer's website.

Wifi does not work on battery power

The standard settings of the laptop on the seven, start the power saving mode when running on battery power. Another reason is when the system itself turns off the wireless adapter.

Disabled wifi board on laptop

appearance of the laptop wi-fi module

A wi-fi module is a small board, the size of a matchbox, that connects to the motherboard. Rare, but still real cases when antennas are not connected on a new laptop. In this case, the adapter simply cannot receive the signal from the router.

If you are not afraid to connect them yourself, then take a Phillips screwdriver and remove the back cover of the laptop. It will be difficult not to notice the antenna. These are two wires, black and white, at the end of the connector for connecting to the adapter board.

Driver Installation

These steps are more suitable for users who do not have a wifi driver or have the wrong one installed. The driver may have been damaged or simply not suitable for this model. In such cases, it is best not to rely on the driver disc that comes with your laptop, although it may not be there at all. It is better to download a fresh driver after removing the old one.

Follow the instructions (example - Lenovo):

X32 and x64 what is it?

It seems that everything was done correctly and the required driver was downloaded, but for some reason it is not installed. There is such a thing as the bitness of the operating system. Let's skip the details, you need to know that there are two types: x32 bit and x64 bit.

To find out the bitness of your OS, you need to right-click on the "My Computer" icon and go to "properties". Then find the line where "System Type" is indicated and download the required driver with the correct bit depth.

Viruses and programs blocking wifi

It is easier than ever to put viruses on a computer these days. Especially if you visit malicious sites, downloading programs and games from there. You should also not connect to the laptop media in which you doubt.

It happens that viruses block the Internet. And antiviruses cannot always cope. You can, of course, try to cure your pc using various antivirus programs, cleaners and holy water. Which, in turn, takes a lot of time and is not a fact that it will be successful.

The correct solution would be to reinstall windows with a full format of the hard drive. Yes, it will also take some time, plus the installation of drivers and programs. Nevertheless, the 100% option will help if the cause was viruses.


Be patient and calm while performing these operations. Technology doesn't like haste. Go from simple to complex and you will definitely succeed!

Today it is difficult to imagine a modern apartment, or even more so an office, not equipped with the appropriate set of office equipment: computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones. And where all these devices are available, the Internet should naturally also be available. He firmly entered our life, occupying one of the most prominent places there. On the Internet, we study, work, have fun, relax, communicate. Therefore, the comfortable provision of access to the World Wide Web for yourself and your loved ones is a problem that sooner or later each person has to solve. Fortunately, now we have a reliable assistant that allows us to carry out the most effective and simple solution to this issue without special additional intellectual and financial costs. This is, of course, about Wi-Fi technology.

But in order to use the "air" Internet, you need to know where to find and how to enable Wi-Fi on your computer. We have tried to explain the answers to these questions in the current article.

What is Wi-Fi?

Wireless internet technology has become a part of our daily routine. We habitually identify Wi-Fi with a convenient, reliable and fast Internet connection, which we face at home, at work, in public places - at airports, cafes, shopping centers.

Answer the question "what is Wi-Fi?" the simplest way is: it is a network protocol, with the participation of which communication is carried out between an "access point" and a "client", or an "access point" and several "clients", exchange of packet data in a local network or through the World Wide Web.

Currently, the abbreviation Wi-Fi does not mean anything and is not officially deciphered in any way, however, when creating this protocol, the developers "gave it a name" by analogy with Hi-Fi (High Fidelity). It stood for "Wireless Fidelity" - wireless accuracy.

Benefits of using

Of course, the "air" Internet is not an ideal technology. Several examples can be given at once of what difficulties may arise when using it. One of the most widely known is the so-called “noisy” connection. In the range used by this protocol, many household appliances (for example, microwave ovens) emit, alternative connection devices (for example, Bluetooth) work. Walls and floors can also create interference. All this negatively affects the speed and quality of access.

At the same time, there are no less positive aspects from using it in home and office conditions. Here are just some of the most obvious ones:

  1. Low cost wireless networking and multiple access points that will provide consistent coverage throughout the area. At the same time, there are no cables, extension cords and adapters that constantly get confused and clutter up the space. "Air" connection is indispensable in premises of historical value, as well as in premises with obstructing architectural features;

  2. This protocol provides full access to the Internet for any device - be it a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer - without being tied to a specific location. Access to the global information space through this protocol is the ability to comfortably use the Internet while lying on your favorite couch;

  3. Weifai allows you to synchronously use a large number of active connections. Once you've established a wireless connection, you don't have to worry about how many computers and mobile devices are simultaneously accessing the Internet.

What are the different Wi-Fi modules for a computer?

All popular devices are now equipped with adapters by default. They can be connected to the Internet out of the box, but what about those with a stationary computer? The answer to this question is obvious - you need to purchase an additional Wi-Fi receiver, install, connect and configure it.

We'll talk more about how to install Wi-Fi on a computer below. Now we propose to determine what receivers are, what is their difference, specificity and advantages.

Air adapters are of two types: external and internal. External ones are the most commonly used and easier to operate. An external receiver is like a miniature USB drive (flash drive). It connects to the USB connector on the front or back of the computer, either directly or via a USB cable.

The internal adapter is slightly larger and requires opening the computer case to install it. Therefore, only buy an internal receiver if you are confident that you can figure out how to install it on your motherboard yourself. When installing the internal module, you must first disconnect the antenna from it, insert the board into the corresponding port on the motherboard (for this, the PCI interface is most often used) and return the antenna to its place.

Further manipulations for installing and enabling wireless adapters do not differ and do not depend on the modification and method of connection to the computer.

How do I install the drivers?

Any Wi-Fi receiver is supplied with a disc from the manufacturer, which contains the drivers necessary for the full operation of the device. In addition to drivers for a specific device, the disk may also contain drivers for other adapter models, so when installing, you need to be careful not to miss the choice of the device for which the drivers are installed.

The rest of the driver installation procedure is standardized and provided with an intuitive interface with detailed tips from the Found New Hardware Wizard. Just carefully read the messages that will appear on the screen, and click the corresponding buttons "Next", "OK" and "Finish".

Most adapters are automatically recognized by current computers and can work even without installing drivers from the bundled CD. It is enough to connect the device to the desired connector and wait a few seconds. As a rule, after that, a message will appear in the "tray" stating that new equipment was found, identified and installed, which is already ready for use. However, generic drivers cannot completely replace specialized software. Therefore, we advise you not to neglect the installation of drivers, even if everything works flawlessly at first glance.

The CD with drivers for your model of Wi-Fi receiver may also contain a special utility from the developers, which is designed to facilitate the process of setting up Internet access. Moreover, this utility will allow you to further control your Internet connection, monitor the speed and volume of data transfer.

How to set up Wi-Fi in WIN XP?

For this guide, we will assume that your Home Access Point and Internet Dispenser are already configured.

So, to establish an "air" connection on a computer with Win XP OS, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the "Start" menu;

  2. Select "Network Neighborhood";

  3. In the "Network Connections" window, find the "Wireless Network Connection" icon;

  4. Right-click on the icon and click "Properties" in the list;

  5. In the "General" tab, find the item "Internet Protocol TCP / IP";

  6. Click the "Properties" button.

If it is critical for your provider to use specific ip and dns addresses, then in the window that opens, check the "Use the following ip address" radio button. If these parameters are configured in automatic mode, then do not touch anything.

When manually configuring ip, you need to fill in the following fields:

  • IP address: (You should check this parameter with your ISP, the value may be different);

  • Subnet mask:;

  • Enter the address of your router or modem into the line "Main gateway", usually or But in order to avoid mistakes it is better to check the documentation of your device;

  • Click to activate the "Use the following DNS server addresses" radio button and fill in both the primary and secondary DNS server fields. Information about the DNS servers used by the provider can be found on the official website of the telecommunications company or by calling technical support;

  • Without closing this window, select the "Wireless Networks" tab at the top and select the "Use windows to configure the network" checkbox in it. Then press the button "Wireless networks". Here you will see a list of all available connections. Select the connection that is configured on your dispenser and click the "Connect" button. Now, in order to connect to the Internet, it remains to enter the username and password you know.

How to set up WiFi in WIN7?

There are two ways to set up an "air" connection in Win7 OS: in automatic mode and manually. The second option can be useful if the network you plan to connect to is hidden from the general list for security purposes, but you know the name and password to connect your computer to it. Let's consider both methods step by step.

Installing Wi-Fi in Win7 OS in automatic mode

When the operating system is loaded, you can see the Wireless Network Connection icon in the lower right corner of the screen. Click on it. This will open a list of air connections available to you. you need to choose from the list the one that is configured in your modem or router.

Installing Wi-Fi in Win7 OS in manual mode

To configure the connection manually, select "Network" in the system tray, then "Network and Sharing Center". Click "Setting up a new connection or network". At the next stage, we mark the parameter "Connect the wireless connection manually" and click the "Next" button.

In the next dialog, fill in all the appropriate fields: specify the network name, encryption type and security level. In most cases, the default settings can be left unchanged - use AES and WPA2. In the "Security Key" field, enter the password for the connection. For more security, check the "Hide characters" box so that the password cannot be read because of your shoulder.

The final touch - if you plan to use this connection as the main one in the future, then check the box "Start this connection automatically". Then click the "OK" button.

Installing the device in Windows 8

To connect wirelessly in Win8, do the following:

  1. Click on the Wi-Fi icon in the system tree on the taskbar or call Settings Charm through the Charms Bar (similar to pressing the win + I combination). The Wi-Fi panel will appear on the right side of the screen;

  1. you will see the entire list of wireless networks available for connection. Select the one that is configured for you and click the "Connect" button;

  1. The next step is to check the conditions for connecting to the network. The system will check the requirements of the selected network and offer to enter the required data;

  1. After checking the network requirements, the system will prompt you for a password. Enter the security key you know and click "Next";

  1. If the password is entered correctly, you will see the message "Connection complete", which means that the Internet connection is established.

How do I turn off the device?

To turn off Wi-Fi or edit the previously entered data, select the wireless networks icon in the tray (relevant for Win7 and Win8) and select the one that you configured earlier in the drop-down list of all available connections. To disable, use the Disable button, and to edit - right-click and click Properties. In the "Connection" and "Security" tabs, you can either disconnect the device or make changes to the password, encryption type or security level.

For Win XP, you need to do the following:

  1. Start menu;

  2. Network Neighborhood icon;

  3. "Wireless connection";

  4. In the list that opens, select the established connection and click the "Disconnect" button.

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