Why does not the laptop see the wi fi network. What to do if the laptop does not see the WiFi router. The laptop does not detect wireless Internet: why

To date, portable devices are gaining increasing popularity in comparison with personal computers, and there are a number of reasons for this. Modern laptops, tablets and phones are not just compact in size. They communicate with the Internet via Wi-Fi, and this is important, because the Wi-Fi network today is quite widespread. It is available in cafes, restaurants, libraries, railway stations and even public transport. All this thanks to the Wi-Fi module available in portable devices. However, sometimes such a wireless connection does not work correctly.

From time to time launch an anti-invasion

Follow the steps described here. After each action, check if the problem is resolved. The box is fully furnished. Note. Then the box should be configured again. Common problems include slowing down, problems with signals, poor network security, scanning, or network connection  and interference. Note that a day or another will be useful to you. Fortunately, some hotels still offer a cable connection.

Use the Network Profile Manager

How to connect the tablet and mobile phone? I really like the small radar. Not all networks are equal: some have a different configuration. Required for those who use the laptop. Go to Control Panel and find the wireless connection icon.

A little bit about Wi-Fi coverage

The Wi-Fi network is wireless and is based on IEEE-802.11. To date, the data transfer rate through this network  can reach 600 MB / s. Coverage of Wi-Fi has a number of positive aspects, namely:

  • To connect to a phone, laptop or tablet, you absolutely do not need a cable. Thus, the amount of money spent decreases.
  • The owner of the phone, tablet or any other portable device is not limited to a certain place. The use of the Internet can be anywhere where the user wishes.
  • Coverage of Wi-Fi without problems can be used by owners of phones, tablets and smartphones.
  • Despite the fact that the Wi-Fi network is indoors, many users with a phone or tablet can connect to it simultaneously.

Causes of Wi-Fi connection failure

About this reason, as too much of the remote device from the connection point, that is, the router, is not worth mentioning. The main thing is to observe the necessary distance. However, if a laptop, phone or tablet is a few meters from a wireless router and there is no connection, there are several reasons for this. So, here are the reasons:

Remember: the router is not an enemy

Drag it to the desktop to create a link. If you do not get results with these tricks, the problem is probably related to the driver and configuration. In the most difficult cases, hardware can be. In this case, you will need to call your support provider. Next to supported types of radio frequencies, you will read all 11 standards supported network adapter  and its drivers.

Many of our laptops are gradually disappearing from our cable network. Somehow it does not fit into modern philosophy, that no cables should be connected to the technology, it should be charged "in the air" and ideally, so that there are no connectors anywhere - it just destroys the clean design. What is the reality of a wireless network?

  • Older notebook models have a special small button on / off the Wi-Fi connection. Therefore, it is worth checking that the connection is simply turned on. In new models, you can use the combination of keys, for example, Fn and F2, to enable Wi-Fi access. Additional documentation will be provided by the device.

Using a gigabit network, you can copy four laptops four times faster than eight years ago. The effect of copying data to gigabytes lasted a short time, and copying tens of gigabytes was not something that you had to reserve all day.

People go wirelessly, so a wired network connection is only an emergency feature if the user gets to where there is no other way to connect to the Internet. With wireless technology, this is difficult. Although wiring is relatively easy to approach theoretical speeds, wireless communication is an important part of marketing.

  • The next reason is the damage to drivers that provide high-quality work Wi-Fi  module. The problem is easily solved by reinstalling the drivers, which can be downloaded using the official website of the manufacturer. Other sites may offer poor-quality products.
  • Sometimes the adapter module does not work at all. This is due to the lack of a special utility that allows you to manage the wireless network. The utility can either be found on the manufacturer's website, or installed from the disk that comes with the notebook kit.
  • Sometimes Wi-Fi connection  completely unavailable. There are cases when all devices recognize a network, and one of the devices does not. In this situation, you first need to disconnect the router for 10-30 seconds, and then turn it on again. Sometimes the problem occurs because of an unexpected failure of the router settings. All you need is to re-configure it. In this situation, the highest quality assistance will be provided by the provider's support service, because each provider has its own type of settings.
  • It also happens that the signal is almost imperceptible, characterized by a low level. At the same time, some devices recognize a Wi-Fi connection, but the connection is still impossible. This situation can occur if the router is located quite far from the laptop, phone or tablet.

Many cheap laptops are not designed to get close to such speeds. If the connection to the local network is only a step-by-step approach to access to the Internet, such a person's speed will not be limited at all. Worse, when you work with cumbersome data sources, which you are accessing from another computer or network drive. You have a 10-fold slowdown on your internal hard drive, because you can find it relatively easily.

With a good wireless access point, this speed is sometimes achievable, despite the wall of the middle house. Definitely do not expect a full refund. The cable is becoming more and more secure. Two walls make you either see the network at all, or a stable connection is not guaranteed.

  • Theoretically, the reason may be the failure of the Wi-Fi module in a laptop or some other device. At the same time, if there is still a guarantee, you can easily change the purchased goods. If there is an old device, repair can be very expensive. Therefore, many advise to purchase Wi-Fi adapter  external destination, which at a price is quite affordable.

So, it is important to remember that it's not enough to just buy a router, connect the appropriate cable to it and connect to Wi-Fi network. You need a setting that is best left to the master.

And what about transfers? It's really better, but it has one hook - it depends very much on the laptop used. When speed is needed, it is still indispensable. High-speed numbers in megabytes in boxes of wireless elements are only theories, sometimes available only in the laboratory with a profitable combination of devices.

How do you connect to a wireless network that has its name

To access the list of available wireless networks, click the network icon in the taskbar. You should get something similar to the screen capture below. Find the network you want to connect to and click on its name. If it is a network that you know and regularly connect, you can check the option "Automatic login".

For many modern tablets and phones and other devices there is a win-win option for connecting to the cover Wi-Fi connection  with the appropriate access point in the local area network  provider. About the access point, it should be said that it is a radio wave hardware amplifier capable of both receiving and transmitting content. The principle of operation is the following, the arrival of a standard Wi-Fi signal  comes from a portable device and is received directly by the access point described. The type of signal is unified for equipment of different brands, so there should not be any questions regarding the incompatibility of the device with the network.

Turning off the wireless card or turning it on means that your device will no longer attempt to connect to any wireless network. It also helps to save the battery of your device when you are not on the Internet. When it is finished, it will ask for your security key. After you have entered the password required by the wireless network, click "Next". If you want to verify that you entered correct password, you can see it before clicking "Next" if you click the eye icon to the right of it.

How to disconnect from the wireless network?

If you are connecting to a public network, select No. If you no longer want to use the wireless network that you are connected to, you can always disconnect from it. To do this, first open the list of wireless networks by clicking the network icon in the taskbar.

In the modern world, laptops are very popular among users. Advantages of a laptop in front of a desktop computer are obvious, especially since there is an opportunity to access the Internet via Wi-Fi. Modern models manufacturers are equipped with built-in modules for accessing the Internet through a wireless router. Many users sooner or later face a problem when their laptop does not see WiFi. The reasons for this problem can be several. In most cases, it's enough to find one of them to understand why the laptop does not see WiFi.

In the list of available wireless networks, find the one with which you are connected. This should be very simple, because next to the network name you should see the text, for example "Connected, protected". Click on the network to which you are connected, then click the "Disconnect" button.

Troubleshoot wireless communication

Even if you have followed all of the instructions above, you may run into trouble at any time. If you can not connect to the network you want and you are sure that the security information you entered is correct, read the articles below, as they contain information that can help you.

Let's look at each of them so that you can understand exactly in your situation.

The reasons that the laptop does not see WiFi, can be very different. The router in your apartment or office has failed. Check the settings, call the ISP, call a specialist.

If you are sure that the router is OK, then we are looking for a reason in the laptop. In older models, it's usually easy to switch Off to On. Sometimes it happens that the OS of your laptop with the Off button turned on shows that the Wi-Fi is in working order. Check this option and before taking any more serious measures it will not be superfluous to look at the documentation, maybe, this problem  has already been provided by the manufacturer of your laptop, as well as its solution. If your laptop is newer, press FN + F2. In most cases, this is the solution to the problem.

As you can see, the network connection that dissipates its name is very easy to perform and takes only a few steps. This guide shows you how to search and connect to any wireless network that you have access to. But be careful when you connect to an open network, from a public place. Typically, these networks do not request a security password and are free, but they can also be risky.

How many times have we found our laptop or smartphone through a foreign city without an Internet connection, trying to find free wireless Internet? We were glad when we ran into good signal, but not the password. Well, all this time someone could control us and steal our passwords. Even if we are not aware of the power of hackers and the risks we face when we are not sure about the Internet, they are very real. Most hot spots are not encrypted. Thus, with the help of some programs any hacker can see the passwords of users.

Try to overload your router. Probably, the reason will be eliminated after reboot. Also check all the settings of your router. Perhaps the settings are lost. In this case, you must always contact your provider. The independent solution of the problem in this case is impossible and fraught with various, more unpleasant, consequences.

Since then, wireless network. Consequences: the technology has become very cheap for both manufacturers and users. To connect to a laptop on the street or in a cafe, you only need a laptop with a strong battery. Likewise, networks of this type eliminate cables that are so present in cities, as well as in people's homes.

To counteract that passwords are constantly violated, users should make sure that they have certain settings. First of all, laptops should be able to automatically disseminate information closed. At home, you can start to print documents, exchange files between two computers, but in the street it's a danger and an invitation for malicious ones.

Perhaps the laptop does not see the WiFi router because of the drivers. Reinstalling the drivers will help to bring the Wi-Fi module in working order. When downloading drivers from the Internet, please contact the manufacturer's website only! Otherwise, you can get a lot of other problems with the work of the laptop.

One of the reasons for the module's inoperability is the absence on your laptop ancillary program, which should be in its composition software. Check the disc that was sold with your laptop. If it does not have this utility, download it, only from the manufacturer's website.

Reasons why a laptop might not see a Wi-Fi

Probably, if you are not so well versed in technology, it's a mystery. They do not speak either. But the explanation for them is the following: When these letters appear, the site is safer and encrypted from possible attempts to steal data. If there is no such connection, many times, because there is no security certificate on the website, theoretically anyone can look into the online mailbox. Often, the absence of certificates is advertised via an Internet browser through a warning.

This warns the user that he should not continue the work session on this page, but allows him to enter an exception from this rule. Often people prefer not to pay attention to this alarm and enter completely unprotected connections.

If your devices on the laptop show that there is a connection, but you can not access the Internet, in that case the problem is in the incoming signal, it is weak enough to connect the network. This may be due to the fact that the router is far away from the laptop or there are any problems with its transmitting antenna.

Finally, the best way  protect yourself - this is a private virtual network, known on english language  as a virtual private network. The network can be downloaded for free from the Internet. What does this virtual private network do? Transfer the connection between the computer and the target server to another virtual server that offers a level of protection against intruders. In practice, communication becomes indirect and not direct, as before.

It scans adjacent connections and identifies a number of sensitive points, and then can use them to search for passwords for users connected to an unprotected network. A serious problem, surface treated. Many users do not understand the dangers of free Internet connection.

If all of the above reasons do not fit, and the laptop does not see, the built-in wireless module may be faulty. Contact the store or the service center where you purchased your laptop. If the expiration date has not expired, you can correct the situation, and even if it has already expired - you in any case have no other option, but how to turn it in for repair.

How to connect to wifi. Setting up the connection

The Asian expert added that people believe that these threats are only theoretical. There is a real economy of Internet crime. It's more profitable than illegal drug trafficking, and it is almost impossible to find and punish criminals, "Hodge said, making an analogy that can make users understand what personal data traffic is and how dangerous it is. 30 years ago, people looked through the garbage to find out personal details of the company's employees.

"Users should know that if they do not pay attention to what appears on the screen and what messages they get, it can end accounts"Balan warned, for example, what he says when a warning on the screen warns about a connection to erroneously ignore him or think that you may be vulnerable. When you see something like that, evil is already happening. The message arises when someone intercepts data, the so-called "man in the middle", Many people accept without thinking, "explained Balan.

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