Why does the router constantly turn off the Internet. Why the connection to the Internet is lost on the computer. Conflict of network protocols

The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. And it does not matter for what purpose we use it. As they say, everyone's business. When, for some reason, the Internet is lost, for most, the computer becomes unnecessary. After all, in our time on the Internet everything: friends, work, music, movies, games, information. And many first of all start to call in a support service, to cause masters, to pay for it money and to waste the time and nerves. And you just need to ask "Why did the Internet go missing?". In 90% of cases, you can restore everything yourself, or at least you will know why.

This solves the problem of diagnosing why the Internet connection is no longer working. This also helps to determine the likely cause of the lost connection if the procedure does not restore the connection to the Internet. To save time, this problem is often caused by a computer and a modem that do not exchange data. One quick step can solve the problem without having completed all the troubleshooting methods described below. Restart the modem and turn it on for 1 to 2 minutes.

If the light does not go out, there is a battery in it, which must also be removed. Most routers allow you to connect up to 4 computers in this way. Insert the cable modem into the wall outlet and turn on the lighting until they are normal. Usually this means that all the top lights are green and do not blink. Wait 1 minute. Connect the wire from the cable modem to the first port of the router, which is often separated from the 4 conventional ports. Plug the power cord into the router and turn it on until the Internet light comes on and is likely to be stable.

Why the Internet disappeared on the computer

Roughly speaking, all of the thousand reasons for the absence of the Internet can be divided into two categories. The first is internal causes, breakdowns. To them I will relate everything that concerns your computer. It's like setting up your operating system, particularly windows, as well as damaging or breaking your hardware (computer or laptop).

If you have a wired connection, it must already be connected. Or, follow the usual procedures for connecting to a wireless connection using your operating system. If he can not connect in a minute or two, leave everything on and connected. Reboot, using the appropriate order above, dropping the steps for the router.

In either case, you should call your technical support provider. I hope this solves your problem. Then the connection grows again - sometimes it stops for a few days, and then it suddenly aborts. So what does the agonizing client do? The technical support hotline confirms the voice of the robot: There is an error in your regional code. We apologize and are working to resolve the problem. Then I will be kicked out of the line.

The second category is all that is outside your computer, external causes. These include modems, routers, an Internet provider, sockets, cables, and in the end, a banal lack of electricity in the outlet. 🙂

To start, we'll look at the whole chain, where and how the Internet comes to us for a better understanding of where it hurts. We get the Internet from the Internet providers. Whether it's the home Internet or mobile. We give them money, they give us the Internet. By the way, at this stage there is already one reason why the Internet may disappear, the money has ended on the balance sheet. Then the Internet runs through the cables to our house and the first one who meets it is our modem and / or router. Then the cable or wifi Internet comes to us on the computer, where the network card or wifi adapter accepts it. Well, the operating system itself and the programs available to it are starting to work. Well, it's so brief.

Step-by-step instruction with photo

The announcement takes place within a few weeks. Due to an unexpectedly large number of customer requests, you can not quickly respond to your request. Your expected waiting time is 45 minutes. Next try: after exactly 60 minutes of waiting, the hot line throws me out of the line. There, my anxiety "immediately" and "without waiting" worked. After 15 minutes, the following message appears. We apologize for the inconvenience. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

After 10 minutes of waiting time, the following message appears. Thank you for your understanding.

What pity for the lousy devil? The hot line refers to the chat, the chat points to the hotline - and both are not available for a few weeks. The Federal Grid Agency confirms an increase in the number of complaints regarding the "availability of the hotline". The Federal Grid Agency confirms to me that there is an increased volume of complaints regarding the "availability of the hotline". In the consulting centers of consumer centers and on various Internet forums, complaints of desperate customers continue to accumulate, which may simply not come into contact with their provider in the event of problems.

Diagnosis of the lack of Internet or why there is no Internet

When you discover the "loss" of the Internet, the first and most logical method of diagnosis will be to shout to your mother or wife in the next room "Do you have Internet?". Well, you understand what? If the house has more gadgets that accept the Internet, first check whether it is available to them. If the Internet on them is, then the reason in your computer. And the first thing you should do is reboot your computer or gadget. On the rest we'll talk further.

The reasons for this are manifold and refer, for example, to the quality of services or contracts. This applies to both private users, as well as entrepreneurs and authorities that depend on the Internet, or emergency doctors whose maintenance manual is not available. In the comments, however, you read partially massive complaints from customer customers that hit invalid accounts, unanswered announcements, loops, defective routers and days, sometimes even weekly failures. We could not find enough people quickly enough.

In these cases, we analyze the causes of high pressure and try to restore the availability of services to our customers as soon as possible. However, longer or superficial violations are an exception and are indeed rare. The problem is that there is still no legal basis for a minimum standard of customer service in the telecommunications sector. In principle, there is no claim to the hotline. This can have serious consequences for consumers. In the event of technical problems, contractual problems or cancellation, customers need urgent contact.

External factors of lack of Internet

If the Internet is missing and on them, we quickly run to the modem. On the modem we look, what lamps burn. Here each individually, but, as a rule, the Power light bulb (Power), the ADSL bulb, it's a wire coming from the telephone line or possibly from another source should be lit. The third light bulb is Wi-Fi or LAN (the LAN cable that connects your modem to the computer). And another bulb, it's the status of the network or just the Internet. A light bulb lets you know whether the Internet is currently on the modem or not. This I told you in a simplified version.

Massive and comprehensive problems?

My smartphone can not connect to the Internet. In this area there may be restrictions on phone calls and surfing. This request is called an echo request. A pending node responds when it is available with an echo reply. If the connection is working correctly, you should get an output that indicates that the pending site received the data packets as a response. If the response time is in order, and no packets are lost, then everything fits. If this is available, at least the connection in your network with the gateway is working.

In general, you, of course, need to know your modem and the number of bulbs that should burn there. First of all, if something is not lighting up the right way or the wrong color (not green in most cases), just turn the modem off and on, that is, reboot it. In 70% of cases it helps. If the Internet has not appeared, we look, that it burns not so. If the ADSL indicator does not light up, then first pick up the phone of your home phone and check for horns. If they are not there, then the problem is on the line and there it is only to wait. If there are any beeps, then the problem is in the wire going from the network to the modem or in the splitter. Check their condition. If nothing happened, call those support. By the way, the splitter is often the cause of the breakdown. If there is a reserve or there is someone to borrow, then replace it and see what happens

We will explain this in detail, and the steps that you must take to cancel, so that every case in which you can find. If you have questions, check the hardware installation guide or contact him. Are the abbreviations removed after checking the installation? If not, contact your device vendor to try to fix it. If you connect to a mobile device, skip this step. If you are trying to connect from a laptop or desktop computer, check that the network configuration is automatic so that you know the data about the connection of the router.

Next, the LAN or Wi-Fi indicator. If it does not light up, the problem is either in the wire coming from the modem to the computer, or in the network card / Wi-Fi adapter of the computer itself. I want to say at once, even if you check everything, and you will be all right on all points, do not forget that the breakdown may be in the modem itself, but we can not do anything ourselves. Checking the LAN wire, let's see how things are on the computer itself.

After making changes to Section 2, you tried to connect again, and you can go to the incident, probably on your device. It looks like the problem can be in your terminal. If not, contact the device vendor to try to fix it. Programs for the mass download of music, movies, etc. if it is incorrectly configured, may interfere with navigation. If you want to simultaneously use them and surf the Internet, it is very convenient to do the following.

Limit the maximum traffic and connections or simultaneous sources that can be controlled by the download application to a sufficiently low number. Open the ports used by these applications so you can more quickly manage incoming and outgoing traffic and improve viewing capabilities. Find out which ports are using your applications in the settings menu and see how to redirect the ports on the router. Usually this is done from the configuration menu or application settings. . To test the effectiveness of these changes, you must restart the device and the router and try again.

The internal factor is the lack of Internet.

On the computer, go to the control panel and select "View network status and tasks" and in the left column select "Change adapter settings".

If after completing these steps you can already go, the problem will be solved. If you still can not navigate, you need to check the router settings. Check the router settings to make sure that this is correct by following the steps below.

If something does not match, change it, click the "Save Changes" button. After saving the configuration, turn the router on and on again. Can you connect and surf? If the answer is "yes", the problem is solved. Network Authentication: allows you to change the user authentication protocol. You can choose one of the following options.

We will see all available network connections at the moment. As you can see in the picture, I have a Wi-Fi connection and a network cable connection.

Now we are interested in connecting via cable or "LAN". There are three modes of cable connection.

If you made any changes, click the "Save" button for the changes to take effect. If not, we recommend trying with another device. If the other device is working, you may have a problem with the source device. If this is not possible, and the cuts are saved, check the software version of the router.

If this does not work with other devices, this may be a problem with the router software. Check the version by contacting the router again. These are the current versions. Router model Software version.

If you are shown that the network connection is disabled, then double-click the left button to turn it on or right-click on the shortcut, select "enable" from the context menu

If you have a connection in the status of "Network cable not connected", then most likely a problem with the cable. Either it is broken, or the chips on the ends of the cable are damaged. Maybe you just did not put the chip into the socket completely. The problem can be in the network card itself. Check whether everything is ok with the network card in the "Device Manager". On the desktop, right-click the "My Computer" icon and select "Device Manager" from the context menu.

You can also check it out or ask experts. Some viruses and spyware, rather than content with seeding chaos, carry a network configuration with them when they are removed. Thus, after disinfection of the system, it is no longer possible to move through the network.

Pre-cleaning: antivirus and antispyware

In this article we will describe the most common. Before repairing the socket directory, you must remove all traces of malicious software from your computer. Other more specific tools are the destruction of counterfeit antivirus and a vaccine that specializes in botnets. Here are the instructions for each utility.

We are looking for "Network adapters". We unfold it and look. I have a Wi-Fi on the laptop and there is one network card, which we can see.

The first is my device that accepts Wi-Fi, and the second is my network card. If there is no network card in the list of network adapters, either it disconnected or it came to an end. I had this situation in the laptop when the wires from the Wi-Fi were disconnected. And in the task manager, the adapter then appeared, then disappeared.

The second check is a box: it connects to another computer and checks the availability of both the internal network and the Internet. Repairing your configuration just to find that you have had problems with the router will break the morale. An error occurred while updating the LAN interface: the requested service provider could not be loaded or initialized.

There is no adapter for this operation. An operation was undertaken that is incompatible with the type of object required. Internal error: unsupported request. For both, there are solutions that are ready to be implemented. Right-click on them, the other on "Delete", and another - "Yes" to confirm deletion.

You also need to pay attention in the task manager to items with an exclamation point.

This means that the equipment is installed in the computer, but the software, i.e., the drivers, has not yet been installed on it. This also happens with various failures, and such exclamation marks, as a rule, should not be, especially on the equipment that you use, in particular on a network card or Wi-Fi adapter. In such situations, you just need to update or install the drivers.

After in the connection properties click "Install", select "Protocol" and click "Add". This is the one you need to successfully complete the protocol installation. Maybe not; there is one last step that can solve your connection problems. Enter Internet Properties on the control panel.

Then go to the "Advanced" tab and click "Reset". This returns the connection settings to the default state. The resolution, published on Thursday in the Official Gazette, sets out how to do this. Indicators of quality of connecting lines. Speed ​​of loss of packages. Delay.

In custody.

The main points we have considered. The main thing is to determine the reason for the absence of the Internet, external or internal. And a couple of cases from my practice.

I lost the Internet, for a long time I did not know the reason. It turned out that the provider changed the settings for the modem. I just do not go to their site and did not know about it. Imagine that I just did not. I checked everything that can be checked. Regarding the settings, your provider on the site should have a guide to configure the modem and a guide to setting up Windows. You should know and be able to use these instructions and then you will save a lot of time and money.

The web page, which will be implemented within a maximum of 6 months, will contain at least 9 data. At the second stage, the authorities will determine the specific indicators that are. will serve to measure the quality of the service of Internet access, from. the perspective of the end user.

At the end of May, users amounted to 1.25 million, which is equivalent to about 500 thousand connections. Read this document if you used your computer to connect to the Internet and receive e-mail, but suddenly the computer displays an error message in the browser.

At least I told you. I would like to tell you everything, but not enough ink. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will certainly help, with the help of your questions I will supplement the article and write new ones on this topic.

It is not uncommon that the Internet simply disappears from time to time, or even disappears altogether, most often people immediately call those. experts or contact the support of the Internet provider, but often the problem lies in some small things that can be solved without problems independently!

At first:   It is necessary to determine the source of the problem. Does the Internet disappear every half an hour, or every hour, maybe the Internet connects and Windows reports that everything is fine, but the sites do not open?

When you decide how you the internet is missing, you should look for, in fact, the very source of the problem.

In the event that you have just every half an hour or other time period the Internet disappears, then most likely the problem is either on the line (in the case of ADSL, etc.) or on the provider side.

In rare cases, the problem lies in the user's computer.

In this case, we advise you to turn to those. support and clarify information about the current problem. If the provider is doing well, check the telephone line, it may be damaged. In the event that everything is fine with both the operator and your wire, it means -we will advise you, reset the Internet settings and re-create the connection to the Internet.

If you connect the Internet, but do not open the site - the problem can be covered, either in the settings of the modem or in the setting of Windows.

There are 3 possible solutions to this type of problem:

1:   Open the settings of the modem and try setting the Bridge mode (in the case of ADSL), or simply reset all settings to factory settings. After that, turn off the modem, wait 10 minutes, during this time restart the computer, then try to connect to the Internet again, often this decision is correct.

To switch to the modem settings, you should type in the IP address of the local LAN adapter from the modem (in the case of ADSL). Standard settings can be opened with the IP address of the local machine -, however, in the event that nothing happens, you should still specify the LAN address. You can easily learn the IP address of the local LAN of the network.

Open "", in the left menu, find the item " Change adapter settings", Then find the same LAN adapter in the same place and open its properties.

In the properties, select the item " Internet Protocol Version 4"And click on the" Properties", You need an IP address in this window. Copy it into the address bar of the browser, after which you will go to the settings page of the modem.

In the event that the modem requests a combination of login / password, then simply enter admin / admin - this is the standard factory combination. If the reset does not help, try turning on DHCP on your modem, it is sometimes advised to do those. specialists of the support service of the Internet provider.

2:   Windows may be incorrectly configured at this time. In this case, the Internet from the provider arrives, however, from the modem to the computer does not go. To fix this, try running the Windows Diagnostic Troubleshooter from the Connection Control Center, after which Windows automatically has to fix any problems with the connection.

To start the setup wizard, open the " Control Panel", Find the" Network and Internet", And then open" Network and Sharing Center", At the very bottom there will be a button" Troubleshooting«.

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