Change the password to Wi Fi. How to find out the network address of the router through a cable connection. How to change the password on an Asus router

How to protect your Wi-Fi network from outsiders? To do this, you need to put a password on the wi-fi. A home Wi-Fi network needs to be protected to prevent its neighbors “freeloaders” from connecting to it, which leads to a drop in Internet speed. This is due to the fact that the signal strength of the router depends, among other things, on the number of devices connected to it.

Setting and changing the Wi-Fi password - instructions

What to do if you have set a password for Wi-Fi Internet and forgot? The password on the Wi-Fi router can be changed at any time. How this is done on the routers of the Chinese company TP-LINK will be discussed below.

First you need to go to the router whose settings you want to change. To do this, in the search bar of any browser (Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, etc.), type or (depending on the model), then press Enter.

The access address, as well as the factory login and password for entering the device, are on a sticker located on the back of the router. You can find this information in the instructions for it.

Next, you will be asked for a username and password, after entering which the settings window will open. If the username and password previously set by the user were hopelessly lost, then it is necessary to return the factory settings of the router by pressing the Reset button, and then use the data indicated on the sticker to enter. As a rule, they are: login - admin and password - admin.

  1. In the side menu (left) select "Wireless Mode" and the section "Wireless Security".
  2. Select an active security method, which can be WPA / WPA2-Personal or WPA / WPA2 - Enterprise, or WEP, or "Security is disabled".
  3. If WPA / WPA2 - Personal is selected, then in the “PSK Password” line, enter a new password and click the “Save” button.
  4. If another security method is selected or it is disabled, then you need to select WPA / WPA2 - Personal and come up with a new password. Please note that this method provides the best Wi-Fi network security when you select WPA2-PSK and AES encryption.
  5. After the performed manipulations, you will be prompted to reboot the router, with which you must agree. Password changed.

How do I choose a strong Wi-Fi password?

It is better to choose a password so that it can be remembered and typed on any mobile device. It shouldn't be too long or too short. It is better to set a password with a length of 8 to 10 characters.

It is desirable to combine letters and numbers in the password. To make your Wi-Fi as secure as possible, you must select the WPA2-PSK security standard. You do not need to set a password that is too simple to guess.

Which password you SHOULD NOT use:

  • their names and surnames, relatives, pets.
  • dates of birth and any others.
  • simple words.
  • simple combinations of numbers and letters. For example: 1234, 87654321, qwerty, qwerty12345, 123abc
  • repeating numbers or letters. Example: 222222,111222, aaabbb.

A strong password is a barrier for ill-wishers, without entering it it is impossible to receive a signal from a Wi-Fi router. It is believed that it must contain at least eight different characters, which an ordinary user cannot pick up. For added security, the password should be changed periodically.

How to find out the password for your Wi-Fi

How can I see the password for the Wi-Fi on the computer? To find out or change the password on a WiFi router, you need to go to the Wireless settings, Wireless mode or Security settings. To enter the device web interface, enter the address:. To gain access, enter admin admin.

There are several ways to view the password from the Wi-Fi on the computer.

After changing the password, it is necessary to connect the Wi-Fi consumers in the house to the router, for which, on each of them, select a network with the desired name and enter a new password, which is recommended to be entered into a notebook for safekeeping.

A router is a special device for accessing a single network of equipment with WiFi receivers. Using a wifi router, they connect to a local network and access the Internet from an accessible point of the office or home without wired connections. But the security of a WiFi network is less when compared to a traditional connection. For this, you need to know how to change the password on a Wi-Fi router.

Due to the fact that the Wi-Fi signal of the router covers tens of meters, you need to protect the connection by creating a password for the connection. The signal penetrates the walls, and other people will connect to the router and through it to the wireless network from another room or street. Losing some of your internet connection speed is less of a problem. Solving the problem is simple - set a strong password for the wifi. When connected, simply enter the network security key, which is saved with the push of a button.

Before changing the access key to WiFi, you should think about the security of the wireless connection. The rules are simple:

Which password to use

Before changing the password to wifi, it is worth determining which password to use. From a security point of view, it should be at least 8 characters long, contain upper and lower case letters, signs and numbers. However, this should only be done if the connection is important for hacking. Otherwise, an ordinary combination of 8 characters, difficult to guess, will do (do not enter facts known to people, such as a birthday or a simple sequence of numbers, enter a complex combination). In addition, in modern routers, it is easy to configure protection against the selection of an access key.

Compilation rules:

  1. At least 8 characters long;
  2. A security key made up of uppercase and lowercase letters, signs, symbols, and numbers. For example: 1№Ld3 # f
  3. Not a date of birth, a simple password like 12345678, surname, pet's name.

If it's hard to come up with a secure password, use a combination generator to help you create a hard-to-guess network key. Or write down a sequence of numbers from your favorite book. The access key should be written down and kept.

Let's move on to the settings that change the wireless password.

Login to the admin panel of the router

To enter the settings of the router, open a browser, write the address of the administrator panel in the address bar. As a rule, this is, or For TP-Link routers, you can use not IP, but URL addresses and.

The address is indicated in the manual for the router and on the sticker on the back). If you turn on the router for the first time, you will also find a login with a password to enter the administration page there. Do not despair if the instructions are thrown away, the sticker has worn off, and this page on the Internet is the last one that a phone connected to Wi-Fi was worthy of.

Finding the address to enter the router through the command line

Find out the address using the command line in Windows. Simultaneously press the "Win + R" keys, in the window that opens, type cmd, press Enter.

A command prompt window will open, type ipconfig and press Enter. In the Ethernet section, the last ip (default gateway) - access to the router settings. In the picture, this is the address

If the login and | or the password has already been changed, then enter a new pair "login" - "password" for access. If the new username and password are forgotten, return to the factory settings of the router, press and hold the RESET button. Remember, the settings for connecting to the Internet will also be reset, enter the settings again after changing the security key, make a note of it!

Some routers come with a software to work with the hardware. In this case, it is better to use the program than the interface in the browser.

The process of changing access to a Wi-Fi network is monotonous for models and manufacturers, let's look at the particulars of frequent devices. Remember, passwords for 2.4GHz and 5GHz dual-band routers are configured separately. Repeat the process for each WiFi band.

Changing WiFi password on a D-Link router

After authorization (the process is specified in the previous paragraph) in the browser at using the current username and password. Go to the menu item "WiFi" - "Security settings". The interface differs depending on the firmware used by the router.

How do I change the WiFi password in this window? Select WPA2-PSK in the "Network Authentication" line. Enter the password in the PSK encryption key field. Save your password change.

How to Change Password of TP-Link WiFi Router

The difference between authorization and D-Link routers in the address, use not only, but also, By default, the pair "login" - "password": "admin" - "admin" (without quotes). The window interface also differs depending on the firmware of the router, follow the path "Wireless security - WPA / WPA2 - Personal (Recommended)".

Enter the new password in the PSK Password field.
Save your changes. If the modem asks for a reboot, agree. After rebooting, the password will take effect.


Authorization is similar to TP-Link routers, open a browser, specify in the address, enter your current username and password. After authorization go to the menu "General" - "Additional settings" - "Wireless network". The authentication method is WPA2-Personal. Enter your new password in the WPA Preshared Key field. Save your settings.


Type in your browser, log in using the current login-password pair. If the password has not been changed, look at the "login" - "password" on the sticker on the back of the router and in the instructions for use. Once in the settings, go to the Network menu. In the Wireless LAN tab, select WPA-PSK, set a new password in the Security Mode, Pre-Shared Key field.


In the browser, go to the address, log in with the current username and password (by default admin - admin). Go to the Basic tab, Wireless Lan menu item. Enter the name of the wireless network in the SSID field. Select the type of authentication and encryption, enter a new value. Save your changes.

Other routers, for example: Netgear, Belkin, Linksys, Trendnet, Apple Airport, do not make sense to describe separately, the mechanism is similar. Providers also use their own firmware, such as Rostelecom, InterZet (Dom.Ru). The tuning mechanism is no different.

Security certificate for Wi-Fi.

Which security certificate to use: WEP, WPA-PSK, or WPA2-PSK? Use - WPA2-PSK, this will provide an increase in transmission security. Use WPA-PSK and WEP only if your equipment does not support WPA2-PSK.

Data encryption type

Should I choose encryption - TKIP or AES? The Wi-Fi standard IEEE 802.11i directly says: using WPA, the temporary key integrity protocol TKIP is used, when using WPA2, the protected AES standard. Otherwise, there may be problems connecting devices to the wireless WiFi network.

Change password for WiFi routers with 3G, 4G, LTE

If the Internet comes from cellular networks, and is given via Wi-Fi, then the settings will be as follows:

Password change on MTS-Connect

MTS-Connect has the following characteristics by default:

  • name - SSID: MTS-ROUTER;
  • type of encryption WPA / PSK-AES;
  • pin code: adminmts1.

To change the password, go to the "Network" and "Wireless" pages. Change the security combination in the PSK encryption key field in the security settings. Click on the "Change" button, the new settings are saved.


The security key and password for entering, like on other routers, is written on the back of the router. The address of the WEB interface in the browser is, Log in, change the password and save the changes.


The web interface login address is Log in with your current username and password. In the "Management" menu, go to the "Key" section, create a new password and save the changes.

If you begin to notice that the speed of the Internet via WiFi has become not the same as before, and the lights on the router are blinking intensively even when you are not using a wireless connection, then, quite possibly, you will decide to change the password to WiFi. This is not difficult to do, and in this article we will look at how.

Note: after you change the password for Wi-Fi, you may encounter one problem, here is the solution:.

Change the password on Wi-Fi on the D-Link DIR router

In order to change the password of the wireless network on D-Link Wi-Fi routers (DIR-300 NRU, DIR-615, DIR-620, DIR-320 and others), launch any browser on the device that is connected to the router - it doesn't matter , via Wi-Fi or just a cable (although it is better with a cable, especially in cases when you need to change the password for the reason that you yourself do not know it. Then follow these steps:

  • Enter in the address bar
  • When prompted for a username and password, enter the standard admin and admin, or, if you changed the password to enter the router settings, enter your password. Please note that this is not the password required to connect via Wi-Fi, although in theory they may be the same.
  • Further, depending on the firmware version of the router, you need to find the item: "Configure manually", "Advanced settings", "Manual Setup".
  • Select "Wireless network", and in it - security settings.
  • Change the password to Wi-Fi, and you won't need to know the old one. If the WPA2 / PSK authentication method is used, the password must be at least 8 characters long.
  • Save the settings.

That's all, the password has been changed. You may need to “forget” the network on devices that have connected to the same network before to connect with a new password.

Change password on Asus router

In order to change the password on Wi-Fi on Asus Rt-N10, RT-G32, Asus RT-N12 routers, launch the browser on the device connected to the router (you can use a wire, or you can also use Wi-Fi) and enter in the address bar, then, when asked about the login and password, enter either the standard login and password for Asus routers - admin and admin, or, if you changed the standard password to your own, enter it.

  1. In the menu on the left in the "Additional settings" section, select "Wireless network"
  2. Specify the desired new password in the "Pre-Shared WPA Key" (in case you use the WPA2-Personal authentication method, which is the most secure)
  3. Save settings

After that, the password on the router will be changed. It should be noted that when connecting devices that have previously connected via Wi-Fi to a configured router, you may need to "forget" the network in this router.


To change the password on the TP-Link WR-741ND WR-841ND router and others, you need to go to the address in the browser from any device (computer, laptop, tablet) that is connected to the router with a wire directly or via a Wi-Fi network ...

  1. The standard login and password for entering the TP-Link router settings are admin and admin. If the password does not fit, remember what you changed it to (this is not the same password as for the wireless network).
  2. From the menu on the left, select "Wireless" or "Wireless"
  3. Select "Wireless Security" or "Wireless Security"
  4. Enter your new password for Wi-Fi in the PSK Password field (if you have selected the recommended WPA2-PSK authentication type.
  5. Save settings

It should be noted that after you have changed the password for Wi-Fi, on some devices, you will need to delete the information about the wireless network with the old password.

How to change the password on a Zyxel Keenetic router

To change the password on Wi-Fi on Zyxel routers, on any device connected to the router via a local or wireless network, launch a browser and enter in the address bar and press Enter. When asked for a login and password, enter either the standard Zyxel login and password - admin and 1234, respectively, or, if you changed the default password, enter your own.


  1. From the menu on the left, open the Wi-Fi menu
  2. Open the "Security" item
  3. Enter a new password. It is recommended to select WPA2-PSK in the "Authentication" field, the password is specified in the Network Key field.

Save the settings.

How to change the password on another brand of Wi-Fi router

Changing passwords on other brands of wireless routers such as Belkin, Linksys, Trendnet, Apple Airport, Netgear and others is similar. In order to find out the address at which you need to enter, as well as the login and password for entering, it is enough to refer to the instructions for the router or, even easier, look at the sticker on its back - as a rule, this information is indicated there. Thus, changing the password for Wi-Fi is very easy.

Nevertheless, if something did not work out for you, or you need help with your router model, write about it in the comments, I will try to answer as quickly as possible.

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Today, it has replaced electrical wires when using the Internet. The transmission of audio data over radio channels provides several functions at once:

  • the ability to use the Internet simultaneously in several gadgets in the same room;
  • the ability not to be tied to a single installation site of the network cable;
  • the exchange of data between several people or a group of people in the field of the Internet.

But to use the wireless Internet, you need an access key, which is entered on your computer before using the service. If you suspect that the access code has been hacked and is used by unscrupulous neighbors, then you need to know how to change the password on your computer.

The necessary knowledge will certainly be useful to all users of the router, without exception.

To change the Wi Fi code, you first need to connect to the Internet. You can do this in two ways:

  • using a router;
  • via a network cable.

After connecting to the Internet, open any browser on your computer (Google Chrome, Yandex, Mozila, Opera, Explorer or another). Then write it in the address bar of the IP code of your router.

WiFi router IP: how to find out

The router code is always marked on any model of a technical device. The device label is usually attached to the bottom of the device.

If for some reason the characteristic of the device is absent, you can read it in the instruction book for the operation of the router. In the case when both information sheets are unavailable, you need to enter the device model name and the task in the browser search engine: what is the IP code.

Basically, the IP address is set by the standard like this: But there are exceptions when it can have the following codes: or

After entering IP in the address field, press “Enter”. Next, the system will prompt you to enter the data: login and password. Fill in both the first and second fields with the word “admin”.

Now you will find yourself in the control panel of your router. It is worth noting here that each router has its own interface.

Therefore, it is necessary to rely on logic, since the section names for different users are not always identical.

An example of changing a password on a D-Link router

Let's figure out how to change the Wi-Fi by getting into the menu of the D-LinkDir-615 router. So, let's start working on the points:

  1. In the menu list, select the column "Advanced settings" and click on it with the cursor.
  2. We select the section "WiFi", and in it - "Security settings".
  3. In the open window, enter the type of network authentication. “Open” or “Open”.
  4. Choose: WPA2-PSK mixed or WPA-PSK. This type of encryption is capable of providing high-quality protection.
  5. The line that appears will indicate the cipher generated by the system. But you can change it to another or use the ready-made code.
  6. After entering the password, click on the "Apply" task and wait a couple of seconds for the router functions to be updated.
  7. Now you can close the browser window and use Wi-Fi with a new password.

Important notes

After changing the password of the WiFi router, remember that if you have not changed the access offered by the system, then you will need to remember it. Since before accessing the Internet, the router will ask you for a new access code.

In order not to start the procedure again, it is better to play it safe and write a hint (system code) on a piece of paper or gadget. In case you have set a new access code and remember it well, the procedure for entering new data for entering the Internet must be repeated.

It is also worth knowing that a router is not always used to implement the network operation. For example, a laptop can act as an access point. A handheld PC connected to a network via a cable can distribute the Internet like a router.

This network group is called virtual. Most often, this connection is created using the management console. To change the Wi-Fi in a similar situation, you need to go from your computer to the "Network Control Center" menu.

Then click the connection sign at the bottom of the screen. In the pop-up window, you need to select the item "Wireless Networks Management". Then click on the desired connection and select "Properties".

In the panel that appears, click on the security section. Here you need to tick the section "Display entered characters", we will see the access code to the network, changing which, you just need to click "OK".

Let's sum up

So, in order to change the password for wi-fi on a home or work PC, it is enough to know the IP address of the router, which performs the function of transmitting data over radio waves. By entering information in the browser field, you will be taken to the router menu.

After entering the required tab, the system will prompt you to provide some data. After such manipulations, you can easily change the network access code and save it. However, it is worth remembering that at the end of the procedure, you will only be able to access the Internet after entering a new WiFi password.

Also, after reading the above rules, you can change the network password code if a laptop plays the role of a router.

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Any wireless home network should be password protected so that curious neighbors and passers-by do not connect to your network and do not use all the traffic, the most sophisticated users can access their personal files over WiFi. Therefore, it is quite natural that your router at home has a security code, however, if someone recognized it or you yourself decided to change it, you may face such a problem as not knowing the process of changing the password. First of all, you need to go to the main settings of the WiFi router, and then change the password for your home network. How to do this and not make a mistake, you will learn in this article. Take this algorithm into your arsenal.

First of all, you need to go to the router menu. This is easy to do, but you need a computer. Open your browser and enter the following ports in the address bar:
  • 192.168.01

If they didn't work, and nothing new appeared on the screen, then try another similar one:


A window will appear in front of you with the entrance to the parameters of the router, no matter what company it is.

By default, the password and login are admin in any router, however, if you changed one of the parameters earlier, you need to enter your data. In all other cases, the key will be exactly the word admin.

Once on the main page of your router's settings, go to the “Wireless Mode” tab. This section is entirely responsible for the WiFi network and its parameters. In the example of TP-Link, this tab is on the left.

Several more sub-items in this menu will immediately unfold. You need to select “Wireless Security”.

This is where the password for your WiFi signal is located. Please note that the previously set password is visible and is not encrypted with asterisks, so do not let anyone near the computer at this moment, otherwise the person will simply see your new password.

In the item “Wireless Password”, delete the previously entered key and enter a new one. Some rules apply:

  • The password must be between eight characters and sixty-three characters.
  • Only numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet can be entered.
  • The upper and lower register are taken into account.

If you have not set a password for WiFi at all, then first select the “WPA / WPA2 - Personal” tab, and then enter the password in it.

Now your connection is reliably protected, you do not risk losing important files and suddenly finding the end of Internet traffic.

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