How to change the mobile operator while keeping the number. Change of operator while keeping the number

More than four hundred thousand people expressed their desire to switch to another operator, leaving their phone number. Rossvyaz recorded 446,256 applications. She successfully got rid of the shackles of mobile slavery, however, only half of them (259,939 people).

In theory, the process is simple: you come to the office of the operator whose subscriber you plan to become, write a statement, conclude an agreement. According to the law, no later than 8 days later, the number will be transferred to another operator. The document usually even indicates the exact transition time.

In fact, not everyone succeeds in changing the operator the first time. What could be the catch? We learned what pitfalls can await you on the way to a new operator, and found answers to non-standard questions from subscribers.

I was not transferred, why?

There may be several reasons. First, if the SIM card was issued not to you, but to friends or relatives. An application for number portability can only be submitted by a person for whom a specific number is issued. If another person does it, a notarized power of attorney for the representative is required.

Secondly, a mistake could have crept into the application - they made a mistake in the passport number or instead of the name of Hedgehogs (as written in the document) they wrote Ezhikov. The same trouble if you matured and changed your passport or, for example, got married, changed your surname, and the operator was not notified.

Alena Yarushina, press secretary of the Motiv company:

When submitting an application, the passport data of the subscriber must completely coincide with the passport data of the subscriber, which is in the database of the current operator. Therefore, carefully check each letter in the spelling of your last name, first name, patronymic. Pay particular attention to the letters "E" and "E". If you changed your passport, last name or place of residence (registration) and did not inform your operator about it, you will need to come to his office again before moving on and make changes to the database.

And how much will they carry?

In your application, you have the right to indicate the desired date of porting the number. The only legislative restriction: the number cannot be transferred to the network earlier than the eighth day for subscribers - individuals and the 29th day for subscribers - legal entities. If you did not indicate any date in the application, then the number is automatically transferred to the new operator's network on the ninth or 30th day, respectively.

Will there be interruptions in communication?

According to the law, interruptions in outgoing communications during the transition from one operator to another should not last more than 30 minutes, incoming - more than 6 hours. In fact, the "technological break" in the provision of communication services to the subscriber is usually less. Be prepared that for some time you will be "out of range". For convenience, you can schedule the transfer of the number at night. But there is a catch - at night it is not so easy to replenish the balance of a new operator - you will have 0 on your account (if you had money on the balance of the previous operator, it will not be automatically transferred).

However, some operators give gifts to transferred subscribers as a sign of hospitality. “Immediately after transferring the number, it is activated for new subscribers. This will allow you not to be left without communication and make urgent calls before the first replenishment of the account. However, for especially sociable subscribers, we still recommend planning to transfer the number to the daytime, ”advises Alena Yarushina.

How to top up the balance after transferring the number?

The abolition of mobile slavery has added jobs to financial institutions. Previously, the belonging of a phone number to a mobile operator was determined by a directory of operators and DEF codes (the first three digits that allowed the operator to be recognized). Now banks and payment systems also need to take into account the ported numbers database. If cellular operators submit information about the transfer to this database in a timely manner, then it will be impossible to replenish the account of the former operator. In other words, if you changed operator X to operator Y, and then accidentally decided to top up your phone balance by transferring money to the old operator X, then you will be refused a payment operation.

Banks had to update their systems - this primarily affected Internet banking and mobile banking.

Press service of the Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia:

Sberbank notes that the Mobile Bank service is being refined. For now, users with a ported number to pay for mobile communications are advised to indicate the operator directly in the SMS-command of the Mobile Bank (for example, MTS 200 to pay for their phone number or MTS 9XXXXXXXXX 200 to pay for any other number).

Regional banks have also updated their banking software. Thus, all UBRD ATMs have a new menu item - “Payment when changing an operator”. Changes have also taken place in the Internet Bank: now subscribers who have changed their operator, when making payments via the Internet in the "Mobile communications" section, have to select the item "Payment for communication when changing the operator (MNP service - switching with saving the number)"

“The client needs to work a little when paying - to choose his new operator. But on the other hand, the payment will arrive without delay and exactly at the address, ”says Konstantin Kotelnikov, head of the UBRD Information Technology Directorate.

The mobile operators themselves advise in the first few hours after transferring the number to replenish the balance directly at the sales and service offices of the new operator or using express payment cards.

I changed my mind. I'll stay!

If you suddenly decide to stay with the same operator, then you can refuse the application only until 00:00 on the fifth day from the date of application.

Can you see everyone?

You can try at least all operators, alternately changing one to another: the number of transitions is not limited by law. The operator can be changed once every 70 days. This is due to the internal procedure and interactions between operators. The transfer is possible only if the subscriber has no debts to the previous operator. And the former operator can send information about the subscriber's debt to the new operator within 30 to 60 days, another 10 days are given to pay off the debt. This is where 70 days are taken.

How are direct landline numbers transferred?

No way. Unfortunately, this is not possible now - only the federal number (9xx-xxx-xx-xx) is allowed to transfer. It is also important to take into account that the number is transferred only within the limits of the subject of the Federation in which it was issued by the current operator. That is, if you have moved from Chelyabinsk to Yekaterinburg, then you will not be able to keep the Chelyabinsk number.

Where to go if there are any difficulties during the transfer?

The transfer is handled by the operator to which you plan to transfer. The current operator is only testing the portability. This means that for all questions the subscriber should contact the new operator. This can be done with the help of subscribers - in real time, the subscriber will be helped to resolve any issues, including those related to changing the operator.

Let's start with the fact that now every cell number in our country has become significantly longer and begins, for example, on D7799... D is to prevent this 15-digit number from being dialed from a regular mobile phone. Then the area code (77), then the operator code (99).

CDB - general database of Russian operators

When MNP (number portability) was first introduced, the last three weeks have been simply enchanting. Why? It's just that all over the world such a procedure is being implemented on average in 2 years, while in Russia it was only 5 months.

Normal porting process

There are 4 different transfer processes that differ in terms of conditions and timing. All of them imply that the subscriber comes to the recipient operator (with whom he wants to be serviced) and writes a transfer application indicating when he wants to transfer. With us, you can still make an application from the site from your personal account for both individuals and legal entities, so as not to fill out paperwork in the office. There is a courier who brings everything at once along with SIM-cards.

Immediately after the application, we will give you a temporary SIM card (not all operators do this). During the first part of the number transfer, there is just a random number from the number of free numbers from the number capacity, and after transferring your number to our number capacity, we simply rewrite the number on this SIM remotely. And the subscriber can safely call his old number without another trip to our office.

After you have written the application, we contact the central database through which all operators communicate. Communication goes like this:
- Base, are we the only ones who are doing the porting now?
- Yes, there are no two simultaneous processes.
- Base, and the new number and the old number in one subject of the Federation?
- Yes, the zone addressing is the same.
- Base, and the subscriber has no debt to the old operator at the time of application?
- No, everything is clean, you can connect.
- Base, just in case: and the number of exactly this operator, from which we are going to transfer?
- Yes, do not worry, let's endure.

This is how it looks to the subscriber

After passing all possible status checks, the application goes for validation to the donor operator (we call him "mother" in jargon). Now the "big three" operations of checking individuals are performed automatically, which is very time-saving. Full name and passport data are checked. In our experience, approximately 30% of applications are screened out at this stage.

If the validation of the questionnaire is successful, a pause is made for 2 days, the debt at the current moment is determined. If it is, you are given 3 more days to pay it off, for which the subscriber is told 2 times that he did not pay. Didn't pay off - the application is rejected. There is no debt - the transfer date is confirmed. Another 2 days there is an opportunity to refuse this transfer, then it will be impossible.

A day before the transfer, the subscriber receives an SMS with instructions that he should not forget to change the SIM card and so on, while he can still receive them, because then the connection will be interrupted.

During the procedure, you can vividly follow the process. We have it like this:
* 444 * 1 # - this is the command for the status of your application.
In the personal account of the temporary number - the status of the application and the progress of all procedures for it.
For every important event - an SMS with an explanation of what it means.
There are 8-800-700-4004, where you can call for the status of the application.

Point X

Actually, the transfer begins.Interruption of communication is allowed for 6 hours by law. Here is the following: if all systems (ours and other operators') work normally, then the subscriber is not available for about 20 minutes. More precisely, like this (the timing will be different for us, for other operators):
Outgoing communication is connected almost immediately.
Incoming "Beeline" - 15-20 minutes.
Incoming from the donor operator - within an hour, usually also 15–20 minutes.
Incoming from other mobile operators in the country - about 2 more hours.
Incoming from fixed operators is about the same, for rare regional operators - a little longer.

At the moment X, when the transfer begins, a new number is written to the SIM card, and it is also updated in the billing. I must say that only IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) is on the SIM card. A new Russian subscriber number is assigned to your IMSI.

In order to be able to define new routing, the entire addressing scheme in Russia had to be changed. As I said, now numbers inside routing systems are written in a 15-digit format, starting with something like D7799. This means that now the number ownership is determined not by the first numbers like 903, as it was when a specific number capacity was assigned to the operator, but by the region prefix and the operator in this 15-digit "routing" number. Well, and also on the parameter "where to route", which may also be in the database (or may not be). This is important for clients of virtual operators.

After X

Payment systems receive information about the ported number and start routing payments correctly. Not everyone does it at the same speed, so a frequent call on the first day after the transfer is “When will my payment arrive?”.

On the first day, it is better to put it directly through a new operator. It is optimal to pay by card from the new operator's website or in the operator's salon by hand.

There are cases when the subscriber starts complaining about the lack of communication in some directions. What is typical - incoming. And, naturally, he believes that the new operator is to blame.

In fact, everything is simpler. The fact is that with proper routing through the normal route, the call goes directly from the caller's operator to the called operator without additional loops. If suddenly the switchboard of the caller's operator decides that it is necessary to give the call to the "mother", then the "mother" (as the original owner of the capacity) must route through itself. For money, by the way, which stimulates many small operators to immediately register the routes correctly. And of course, a regular problem arises: a subscriber comes to us, he has no incoming long distance communication and part of the fix. The "mother" was unable to correctly forward the call on the routing node - and the hang-up. This is due to the inaccurate implementation of the specification on the nodes of the calling operator and, sometimes, to routing bugs at the "mother".

Today, several thousand subscribers are transferred a day, and only 1-2 may face such problems. In the first about 10 days after the start of the transfer, we rolled software releases every day, fixing both our mistakes and achieving compatibility with the releases of colleagues. We had to update 25 subsystems. The solution was as follows: we immediately decided not to rewrite our standard CRM, but to make separate solutions that worked on the gap between the incoming data and the rest of the "internal kitchen", and were responsible for converting numbers. A kind of universal connectors.

Number of hyphenations

The number of transitions of subscribers from operator to operator - open data. On average, from the very beginning we have a constant and large inflow of legal entities, in the last month - a stable plus for individual subscribers. At the beginning of MNP, we had a clear inflow in the south of the Russian Federation and fluctuations back and forth in a number of regions, later the delta began to decrease, and now we are in a stable plus in terms of the subscriber base every day.

Other transfer procedures

For individuals, the period is 9 days. For legal entities, the period is 29 days, in particular, because manual verification of documents is mandatory. For them, there is also an extended payment period, you can pay off the debt for weeks. You can specify any number of numbers in the application, for example, only half of the corporate numbers from the entire contract with the old operator. Each number is transferred individually - at the final the statement crumbles into lines.

For small legal entities with 5 or less rooms - also 9 days.

For the B2G market (state-owned companies) - 9 days, but there is no debt verification. The contract is checked, when the competition is completed, it is verified that the applicant is the winner of the competition.

There is also an emergency room return procedure. For example, the subscriber changed his mind in due time, took the application to the office at 21:59, but they did not manage to enter it into the database. In general, you can return the number back within 24 hours if there is a strong technical justification. For example, one large plant passed from us, which suddenly changed its mind and wrote a letter of refusal. The operator to which he was going delayed the registration of the application, and the numbers changed. Employees at this moment have already thrown out the SIM cards of the failed new operator. And the day after the claim was considered, an emergency return was made.

Zoom in on your process: 10 times 25 centimeters

The length of the process with all the steps in Visio is 250 centimeters. We started with 4 steps and then started writing exceptions.

For example, a “nurse-operator” has the right to say after 45 days that the subscriber owes him money. Firstly, a couple of rubles can run up after the last check of the debt. Secondly, there are many details on the postpaid, and the invoice may arrive in a month or two. Thirdly, late data for roaming can only arrive. At this moment, the subscriber has 10 days to reach the old operator and pay off the debt (it will not work through ordinary machines - the routes are already new). Further, if it does not extinguish, a lock is placed through the central base (this is a prerequisite of the standard). Several dozen numbers are blocked a day.

One more. Since at the moment X from the numbering capacity of the "nurse" the number passed into our numbering capacity, at the time of the end of the contract it is necessary to return the number to the base. Specifically, when the subscriber decides to complete the contract, the number is returned. Now there are about 50-100 such returns per day.


- Why is it impossible to transfer a number from one geographic area to another?
Because in Russia a system of routing by zones is used. Moving away from such a system means restructuring almost all fixed operators. But even if it is technically possible to register new routing in this way, legislative changes are needed - the number capacity is now issued to the subject of the Federation.

- My girlfriend has free calls to Beeline, can she call a new number for free?
Yes, when you switch to us, the new number will be considered “ours” and calls to her will be free. However, there is a nuance: when the "nurse" or recipient is MVNO without MNC, then you need to make a special table of exceptions. Not everyone does it, or it is manually updated for some operators. This means, for example, that for a number of small regional operators the number may be “nobody's”, and you will not be able to use bonuses for calling your own.

- And how to find out whose number then?
We have a USSD command: * 444 * NUMBER #, for example, 444 * 9031111111 #. In response, a message arrives stating what kind of operator it is (Beeline or not) and which region (if it is different). Other operators have similar means (by calling on IVR or requesting via SMS or USSD), which, according to the standard, should be given at least to the operator. It is not necessary to give away the region, but we do it.

- What should be checked before transfer?

  1. Make sure that the “nurse-operator” has your full name and passport data recorded without errors.
  2. Check through the office of the "nurse-operator" or its call center that there are no debts of 2 kopecks for all old contracts. You will definitely remember the SIM card that you bought in another city 10 years ago and threw it away at the station - pay an extra ruble to the cashier, or the "mother" will reject the application.
  3. If you go to a small regional operator or virtual operator, keep in mind that a lot can be registered there by hand. You may not have a connection not 20 minutes, but a little more, plus there will be difficulties with billing and payment in the first days.
  4. If your phone is the only Internet connection, write down the new operator's call center number in advance - it will come in handy. All short numbering is routing within your operator's network. For example, we have made aliases for "other people's" short support numbers at home, but not everyone does this.
- Why were there so many mistakes in the first time after the introduction of MNP?
Colleagues will understand: we worked 15-17 hours a day then because of the very tight deadlines for specifications. Plus, of course, few people outside the "big three" actually documented their technical processes in detail. As a result, we were catching bugs for the first 4–5 months. There was no way to test: all other operators immediately entered production, so the first 10 days (and about three to four hundred first subscribers) were actually beta testers. There were some difficulties with encryption: each operator encrypts on its side. The adjustment of interaction took about a month. Now with us and other large operators, everything is more or less debugged and automated, but out of two or three thousand subscribers, one will still have something wrong. We'll figure it out with colleagues, document it, roll out a new patch.

- When do you get 100 rubles for the transfer?
For the transfer of the number, the amount specified in the standard is taken - 100 rubles. We write it off only when the transfer is completed successfully, some other operators take it upon the application. This is important because half to a third of the applications are rejected, and these 100 rubles will not be returned.

Relatively recently, a law was adopted in Russia to abolish "mobile slavery". The meaning of this law is that now every person who is dissatisfied with the terms of providing mobile services of his operator can switch to more favorable conditions offered by another operator, without changing the number. Changing the operator while maintaining the number is possible for each operator, because now this possibility is provided for by law.

However, the operators themselves adopted this law quite positively. In the mobile communications market, a fairly high level of competition and the change of operator with the preservation of the number allows you to increase the client base by providing better and more profitable services for subscribers.

As part of this review, we will look at the process of switching to the most popular operators in Russia (Beeline, MTS, Megafon and Tele2), and also tell about all the pitfalls that you will encounter during this procedure.

Switching from another operator to MTS while keeping the number

The MTS company provides subscribers with quite a lot of attractive offers. If your current operator cannot offer conditions that MTS is able to provide, you can safely transfer your number under the control of this operator.

The cost of changing the operator while keeping the number is 100 rubles. The procedure assumes the need for a personal contact to the MTS office, that is, it will not be possible to carry out a remote transition, although in the near future such an opportunity may appear, because some operators already have it.

To switch to MTS while keeping your number, follow these steps:

  1. Contact the nearest MTS office or shop. Tell the employee about the desire to become a client of MTS, keeping your current number. Then write an application for the transition to a new operator and conclude a contract for the service of the ported number. An office worker will help you fill out the application correctly. The main thing is to take your passport with you. It should be understood that no one will accept the application if the phone number that needs to be transferred is issued to another person. If the formal owner of the room cannot visit the office, a power of attorney will be required on his behalf. Otherwise, it will be impossible to change the operator while keeping the number.
  2. Choose a tariff plan that suits you and get an MTS SIM card with a "temporary" number, to which your current number will be transferred after the procedure is completed. If it becomes necessary to use a "temporary" number, you can safely use it immediately after you receive it.
  3. Pay 100 rubles for switching to MTS. This money is used to maintain a common database where the ported numbers are stored. This database is maintained by a government-designated organization.
  4. After completing the above steps, you can go home. Now it remains to wait until the end of the verification of the specified data, the presence or absence of debt, etc. This process takes several days. Your temporary number will receive SMS messages with information about the status of the application. In case of any problem, you will receive a corresponding notification by SMS.
  5. One day before the number transfer, you will receive an SMS message, which will indicate the date and time when the number on the temporary SIM card will be changed. From this moment you will become an MTS subscriber with the number of another operator.
  • Attention
  • If you have any difficulties, call the toll-free number 8 800 250 8 250. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information at the end of the article about possible pitfalls.

Switching from another operator to Megafon while saving the number

If you have read our article about that, then you are well aware that each operator has its own advantages and disadvantages. Megafon also has a number of offers that set it apart from its competitors. If you are interested in any of these offers and you want to use it, then become a client of Megafon by keeping your number. In addition, the operator provides the ability to remotely switch under his control. The cost of the service is 100 rubles.

To remotely switch to Megafon while saving the number, follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the online application on the official website of the operator Megafon by clicking on this link. The application is intended for ordering free delivery of documents and SIM. Thus, you will bypass the need for a personal visit to the Megafon office.
  2. A specialist will arrive at the address specified in the application (you will be informed of the exact time of arrival), who will deliver all the necessary documents, accept payment (100 rubles), help you choose a tariff plan that suits your needs, issue a SIM card and conclude an agreement to change the operator while maintaining the number. You, in turn, must provide a passport so that the specialist can make sure that the number indicated in the application is issued to you.
  3. The transition will take place from 8 days to 6 months, at your discretion. You will be notified of the successful transition to Megafon control via SMS.

If you do not want a specialist to come to your home, or for your locality such an opportunity is not provided, then contact the nearest communication salon or Megafon office. The employee will accept your application to change the operator and explain the procedure to you. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the possible pitfalls, information about which is given at the end of the article.

  • Attention
  • Change of operator is not possible if there is a debt on the number. It is also important that the number is from the same region in which the transfer is carried out, otherwise it will not work to become a Megafoa subscriber without changing the number.

Change of operator to Beeline while keeping the number

Beeline, like any other operator, has in its assortment offers that compare favorably with competitors. If you want to take advantage of some offer of this operator or simply think that the quality of the services provided by Beeline is much higher than that of your current operator, then become a Beeline subscriber without changing the number.

Changing the operator while keeping the number will cost you 100 rubles. Beeline did not provide for the possibility of switching over to its control remotely, so a visit to the office is a prerequisite (recently, Beeline has the opportunity to leave an online application to change the operator).

To switch from another operator to Beeline while maintaining the number, follow these steps:

  1. Contact the nearest office or Beeline communication salon and inform about your intention to change the operator without changing the number. The office employee will ask you to write an application to change the operator. Complete the application following the instructions of the office worker.
  2. Choose a tariff plan that suits you and get a Beeline SIM card, to which your current number will be transferred within 8 days. Pay for the service (100 rubles).
  3. According to the law, the change of the operator with the preservation of the number must occur within 8 days. The status of the operation will be communicated to you via SMS. The day before the activation of the number, an SMS notification will be sent to the new SIM card with a request to insert the SIM card into the phone.

The operator change process does not always go as smoothly as described in the instructions. If you have a debt or your number is not from the region in which the transfer is taking place, it is impossible to change the number. You will also have to provide a passport, while the number must be issued to you.

  • Attention
  • By law, the change of operator must take place no later than 8 days after the application is submitted. Nevertheless, at the request of the subscriber, the expected date of transferring the number to Beeline can be postponed to a later date.

Switching from another operator to Tele2 while keeping the number

Operator Tele2 differs from its “big” competitors by low prices. At the same time, the quality of services remains at a high level, which can neither attract the attention of subscribers. The coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe Tele2 network is constantly increasing, and at the same time the number of people wishing to become subscribers of this operator is growing.

To switch from another operator to Tele2 while keeping the number, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the nearest Tele2 communication salon and inform about your desire to become their subscriber, while keeping the number originally belonging to another operator. Don't forget to take your passport with you.
  2. Write an application to change the operator, keeping the number. The salon employee will help you write the application correctly and tell you how the transition to the Tele2 operator proceeds.
  3. Get a SIM card to which your number will be transferred in the future and pay for the service (100 rubles).
  4. After submitting the application, you can go home and wait for the completion of the operator change procedure. The transition takes no more than 8 days after signing the contract.
  5. The day before the transfer, you will receive an SMS with instructions on how to change the SIM card.

To eliminate the likelihood of problems arising in the process of changing the operator, we recommend that you pay off his debt in advance, if any. You should also make sure that the number is issued to you, otherwise the transition will be impossible.

Change of operator while maintaining the number: pitfalls

The above instructions for changing the operator while maintaining the number are practically no different from those presented on the official websites of the operators. Meanwhile, everyone knows perfectly well that the official instructions reveal only general points, while few people pay attention to the pitfalls. This is especially true when it comes to mobile operators, who often mask hidden conditions.

The site is just the same is designed to identify such cunning operators and bring them to the attention of subscribers. Changing the operator while maintaining the number also implies the presence of pitfalls that each subscriber may encounter. As an experiment, we went through the process of changing the operator and identified a number of nuances that we recommend that you take into account before heading to the office of the operator you decided to subscribe to.

1) The standard scenario assumes that the subscriber does not need to communicate with representatives of his current operator, listening to beliefs, think over and stay again. In practice, it is often impossible to avoid such communication. There are times when the passport data specified in the agreement with the current operator differ from those used when concluding an agreement with a new operator.

There are only two reasons for this problem:

  • error when entering data by the current operator at the stage of concluding a contract;
  • change by the subscriber of passport data.

In both cases, you will have to go to the office of your operator and ask to amend the contract accordingly. However, in order not to listen to excuses, you can simply keep silent about your plans to go to another operator.

2) The procedure for changing the operator can be delayed for 8 days, and if the subscriber wishes, then for several months. Of course, all this time you will continue to use the number. All this time it is important not to go negative. If during the entire transition period there is a debt, the system may prohibit the transfer of the number to another operator and the subscriber will have to reapply and wait again.

3) The day before the end of the procedure for changing the operator while keeping the number, you will receive an SMS notification with the date of the upcoming transition. Communication problems may occur on this day. Moreover, the connection may disappear even on the old SIM-card, when the new one did not have time to be activated. In addition, you may lose the ability to use your number for the first few hours after switching to a new operator.

4) Another not very pleasant moment, which operators forget to mention - for the first few days (sometimes even weeks), payment of the bill is possible only through the operator's communication salon. That is, it may not be possible to replenish the balance with a bank card or through electronic payment systems. This is not true in all cases, however, many subscribers talk about a similar problem.

That's all for us. In general, we can say that changing the operator while maintaining the number does not imply any difficulties and is a completely accessible procedure. It is enough to visit the office of the new operator, spend 10 minutes of free time and wait for the operator to change.

The recently implemented procedure for porting a mobile number from one operator to another (MNP) is still at a very crude level. Many, using it, stumbled upon a number of pitfalls. Therefore, we will try to answer some questions related to the transition from one mobile operator to another while maintaining our usual phone number:

Your tariff and set of services

Services that remained unused at the time of porting the number are not transferred with it. That is, if during the transition you have a certain amount of mobile Internet from the previously purchased package, you will lose it. In principle, this is logical. However, a number of subscribers are sure that when they switch to another telecom operator, they will have the same tariff. No, you can only transfer your phone number, that's it.

Balance funds

Money from your balance will not be transferred to another operator! Therefore, if there are funds on the account, especially decent ones, you should withdraw them in advance (before transferring) yourself, for example, transfer them to the balance of another number of the current operator.

Virtual facilities and services

Sometimes the money on the phone number account is not exactly the money that you imagine. Sometimes, they (or part of them) are "virtual" and cannot be returned or withdrawn. If you really strain, then you can find the relevant clauses in the contract with your operator. Easier - such funds can only be spent on conversations, sending messages, the Internet and other communication services. These include the starting balance, bonus rubles, the amount of the obligatory monthly payment, etc. Moreover, the money transferred to another number also turns from real to "virtual".

City numbers. Or the former "direct Moscow"

In the case of a change of operator with the preservation of the number, if your number is a city number (495, 499), it is not transferred along with the federal double, but, simply speaking, “falls off”. Only federal is transferred. You will lose direct once and for all. You will no longer be called to a city number, call forwarding to it will not work, and the autoinformer will not work either. In principle, for many, this is more of a plus - a long-awaited opportunity to get rid of the money-guzzling city with the preservation of the federal one. After the transfer, the tariff will be new - federal.

Basically, that's all. One has only to keep in mind that not all payment systems accept money for the number transferred via MNP yet. Of course, you can always top up your balance at the cash desk of the new operator's office. But you should not be afraid of this - the situation is changing literally from day to day and payment systems are being trained for the new technology.

Also, the procedure for changing the cellular operator while maintaining the number takes some time. Sometimes "something goes wrong" and the subscriber may be left without communication for several days or even more.

I repeat: the MNP system is still new and very crude. If desired and necessary, it can and should be used, but carefully!

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Our attractive tariffs operate on a wide coverage area of \u200b\u200bour partners' network, and 24/7 technical support will always help you with setting up equipment and solving any technical issues.

simbiosis - internet with a backup channel

OTK is the first telecom operator to implement a scheme for combining various mobile networks (in the format of an inter-operator interface) to reserve Internet access channels with a single network space of external IP addresses.

The simbiosis solution implies simultaneous operation with two independent radio networks of leading Russian mobile operators with a single external static IP address.

The hardware module can select the best network in terms of availability and speed, and automatically switch between networks. The static IP address of the client remains unchanged. With our unique solution, we provide our customers with guaranteed 4G LTE Internet with unlimited tariff plans.

Unparalleled ddos \u200b\u200bprotection

OTK specialists have developed an exclusive intelligent protection system against ddos \u200b\u200battacks on telephone numbers, in particular, to the toll free number 8 800.

Ill-wishers call, wait for the start of paid tariffication and drop the connection, causing direct financial losses to your business. Along with this, you can also lose interested customers who, in parallel with the attackers, call to place an order.

The telecommunications operator OTK can offer a unique solution - interactive protection against ddos \u200b\u200battacks on 8 800. The monitoring system controls incoming traffic and analyzes it in automatic mode. Ask your operator how it protects the budget of its subscribers and compare it with our service.

IT outsourcing and network infrastructure service

Business today directly depends on modern telecommunication technologies. In a highly competitive environment, your online availability is of paramount importance to the client.

Communication operator OTK offers IT outsourcing and network infrastructure maintenance services for companies of any size. Our qualified specialists solve a whole range of work to maintain the performance of your services: a website, IP-telephony in the office, employee access to utility programs over the local network and the Internet, and much more.

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