Will there be a new iPhone in the year. IPhone X - review, price, where to buy, photos and specifications

Hello! The September presentation of Apple died down, the company introduced as many as three new devices, left almost all old iPhone models on sale and ... Apple, damn it, what are you doing? What for? How good it used to be - there is one on the market new model iPhone and one last year. If you want cheaper, you take an iPhone a year ago. If you want maximum performance, you buy the just announced smartphone.

Many did not like this lack of choice and they got what they wanted ... At the moment (early 2018), there are 8 (eight, Karl!) different models iPhone. That's not counting the numerous memory configurations.

A separate song about memory ...

Apple is enough, you've got everyone confused! Even I, a person who closely follows all these iPhones, do not have time to remember which model with so many gigabytes happens - either this iPhone is 16GB, then it has ceased to be produced. They added 256GB, then removed 128GB. A-a-a-a! :)

And with all this goodness, we will live until the next apple presentations in September 2018. No, perhaps some iPhone SE 2 will be presented in the spring, but this will not change the overall picture much. And most likely it will make the choice even more difficult.

But so far we have "only" 8 different models, so let's figure it out - which iPhone to buy at the end of 2017, so that you won't be ashamed to walk with it in 2018? Let's go!

A few important notes:

  1. We will not consider the amount of memory - everyone has their own preferences and tasks. 32GB is enough for someone, and 256 is not enough for someone.
  2. All instructions are the personal and subjective opinion of the author, who is looking for a replacement for his 4-year-old iPhone 5S.
  3. We will not get to the bottom of the details (otherwise the text would be just huge), so let's look at the main pros and cons and choose the leader among the iPhone for 2017-2018

iPhone 5S vs iPhone SE vs iPhone SE 2 (?)

Subheading for those who choose compact smartphone from Apple. And here the company (at the end of 2017 - beginning of 2018) does not leave any chances for a choice. You need to take the iPhone SE and completely forget about the iPhone 5S. Dot.

The most powerful small iPhone ever. The most popular case. The cheapest iPhone. Rumor has it that Apple will launch a second SE model in early 2018 and it will most likely become equally popular. But these are just rumors and nothing more ... In the meantime, we have what we have.

  • Powerful filling.
  • Low price.
  • Convenient and compact body.
  • A huge number of spare parts. Broke the display? Do not worry - the cost of repairs will not hit your pocket.
  • Large selection of accessories.
  • Lack of chips like Force Touch and moisture protection.
  • Small screen.
  • A lot of "divorce" if you buy "hand-held". The most common is the sale of the iPhone 5S under the guise of SE ().

The perfect dialer. Holds the battery perfectly, does not slow down, good camera, lies perfectly in the hand. Should I take in 2017? If you don't need a large display, buy and not think. Of course, SE 2 may come out in 2018. But! Will it cost 18,000-20,000 rubles? Hardly.

iPhone 6S vs iPhone 7 vs iPhone 8 - what to buy in 2017-2018?

But here the choice is more difficult ...

iPhone 6S

According to the technical characteristics, this is the same iPhone SE, only in a different case - the display diagonal is larger and the screen supports Force Touch. Perhaps, I won't write too much here - the iPhone 6S doesn't have any special advantages to strongly recommend it for purchase in 2017.

It would be sold at a price of 25,000 - 27,000 thousand, then one could think about buying. And so ... it's better to pay attention to the older models. Although, I will still highlight several advantages:

  1. Speaker. Since iPhone 7, Apple has been making its models waterproof, which negatively affects performance auditory dynamics... As noted by many, the sound when talking on the phone is much clearer on the iPhone 6S than on the next generations of iPhone.
  2. Camera. Yes, yes, yes, judging by the reviews iPhone camera The 6S is almost a benchmark among the latest iPhone models. Since many people do not like the image processing algorithm in the iPhone 7 and 8 (yellow, “soap” in the details).
  3. Good old 3.5mm headphone jack.

iPhone 7

In my opinion, at the moment this is the most balanced smartphone from Apple. And he will almost certainly remain until the September 2018 presentation. Until some iPhone 8S comes out ...

Here's why you should pay attention to the iPhone 7:

  • Moisture protection, Force Touch, quite powerful stuffing. Support for all iOS 11 features.
  • Large selection of color solutions (one Product Red is worth it!).
  • The smartphone has been produced for a year now, all "children's" sores and flaws have been eliminated.
  • Sane price.
  • Aluminium case.

There is also a negative, but it appears only in comparison with the iPhone 8 and there is not so much of it - from the serious I can only note the lack of wireless and fast charging. If you are ready to charge your device the old fashioned way, then buying an iPhone 7 in 2017 (and in 2018 too) is the smartest decision.

iPhone 8

In fact, this is the same iPhone 7, to which wireless charging was added and for this we had to change the materials of the back cover - now there is glass. And this is immediately a bold minus - the eight can be dropped so that you "get" to replace both glasses at once - front and rear.

And this is money. And considerable.

Here are a few more cons:

  • Choice of body color. Yes, everything is very subjective. But in my opinion, "this is a fiasco" Apple - where at least some variety? Cream? Are you seriously? And anyway, I want a blue iPhone! :)
  • Camera. Judging by the test shots, an eerie yellowness appears in the photo in an artificial room. Yes, it was in the iPhone 7, but clearly not as strong. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that photo processing algorithms can be corrected with the release of new firmware.
  • This is iPhone 7. New - minimum.
  • True Tone is one of the few innovations. Adjustment of screen colors and backlight intensity is now more intelligent.
  • Video in 4K (60 frames) and 1080p (240 frames - slow motion).
  • Well, we have already talked about charging - there is fast and wireless.

In my opinion, there are not enough pluses. Is it all worth the overpayment of 10,000 or more thousand rubles (compared to the iPhone 7)? Great question.

So, what about the iPhone Plus - which one to take?

And with "big" iPhones, everything is approximately the same as with small ones. Except that the iPhone 6S Plus shouldn't be considered for purchase at all. Still, the main feature of the iPhone with the Plus prefix of recent years is the dual camera (in the iPhone 6S Plus - one module), which means we will choose between the “seven” and “eight”.

How to choose the right one? That's right, look at what is written just above about small models - everything is repeated. There are no fundamental differences that allow us to definitely recommend only the iPhone 8 Plus (and not the iPhone 7 Plus) for purchase.

Want to pay for the most powerful processor on the market (the difference with the 7 Plus is negligible in real tasks), wireless charging, True Tone? You can also buy 8 Plus. No? We take 7 Plus and enjoy a good device.

Should I take the iPhone X in 2017-2018?

Sure, this smartphone stands out among all iPhone models in 2017-2018 - there are too many innovations. The very best iPhone for the next year. Maximum possibilities. Super device. Take it and rejoice!

But ... I, for example, would not rush to buy it in 2017. And, at least, I would have waited until the beginning (or even the middle) of 2018. And that's why:

  1. iPhone X is completely new experience for Apple. New body, new display, new technology Face ID. Most likely, there will be some flaws in the first installments - let other users test the first "jambs".
  2. Price. Apparently, at the moment of the start of sales of phones there will be very few (like in the good old days). In conditions of scarcity, the price tag will be overpriced.

But when the excitement subsides, then we can take it - after all, we really miss the truly revolutionary devices from Apple.


If you need a small smartphone, then we get the iPhone SE - there are no options at all. In any case, until the release of the second generation SE. As soon as it is presented, I will definitely supplement the article and we will figure it out - is it worth buying it in 2018?

As for me, as a replacement for my iPhone 5S for 2017-2018, I will choose the iPhone 7. I still want a little bigger screen, and all sorts of chips like water resistance will not be superfluous. "Seven" - the device is already proven, the money is sane (), and without a wireless charging iPhone 8 I'll get along somehow. And even if before September 2018 you suddenly strongly want iPhone X, you can always sell the "seven" for a more or less normal price, pay extra and buy a "ten".

These are the thoughts ... what do you think? What iPhone is better buy "here and now"? Share your opinion!

Updated! Dear friends, I am always glad to answer all the questions about choosing a particular device in the comments - no need to duplicate questions in the mail and "throw" letters into it. Thanks!

Updated 2!Very often, in addition to the question "Which iPhone to choose?", The question "Where to buy it?" Yes, to make it cheaper! " I already wrote about this, but I will repeat:

  • It is very difficult for me to advise any store (even if I have bought there myself before), since I cannot be 100% sure about it. And I would really not want the purchase on my advice to bring disappointment - this has already happened once (and, as it later turned out, not through the seller's fault) and for the usual advice, in general, I was mixed with mud. Since then - no, no :)
  • But I'll tell you about one proven way to save money. How to do it? Get some money back from the purchase. Yes, you should not count on huge amounts - however, on a cover and (or) safety glass always enough. We register on the site, choose a store where the price is lower, and the return money bigger, buy an iPhone (you can not only have it - the choice of goods is huge) and ... victory!

They bought the phone, some of the money returned, beauty!

P.S. If the information turned out to be useful, then put "like" or click on the buttons social networks - do a good deed. Need to check - do they work at all or not?!

Not everyone is saving up money for summer vacations, many prefer to update their fleet of gadgets during this period.

The most pressing question is:

Which iPhone should you buy right now, and which one shouldn't you buy in any case?

Place all the points over the "i".

iPhone 5s

This is the most popular iPhone in Russia, but his era is already drawing to a close. The device still behaves cheerfully on the latest firmware, but we do not recommend buying it in mid-2017.

You can take such a gadget only as the first smartphone for a child, a terminal for communication with parents, or, if you need a second smartphone on iOS. At the same time, you need to clearly understand that the device will be used for a very long time until it breaks or is lost.

Most likely, already this fall, the iPhone 5s will disappear from store shelves, it will be possible to find it only on the secondary market. Anyone who now walks with "5-escs" will merge them in the near future and Internet sites will simply overflow with such announcements.

Selling the iPhone 5s profitably will no longer work. If you add another 4-5 thousand, you can take a more sophisticated SE.

iPhone SE

A device similar in size, but more powerful in filling. It will be the next budget iPhone when the 5s retires.

There is powerful hardware and a good camera and support for almost all iOS chips. iPhone SE is simply created for those who do not want modern "shovels" and like to operate the gadget with one hand.

If you are really unbearable, you can buy right now, but you can wait for autumn. Then the prices for the most affordable SE will fall below 20 thousand rubles.

the iPhone SE is perfect for the first iPhone.

If you already have it: use it and do not worry. But if you want to change to a model with a large screen, you need to sell it before the fall, and buy a new one in October-November. Be prepared to do without your iPhone for several months.

iPhone 6

On the one hand, the gadget is not very old, but on the other, Apple no longer officially sells sixes. Only resellers have left such models, and the price for them has dropped dramatically over the past year.

Take the iPhone 6 only if you need a cheap iPhone, but with large display... In other cases, you should either take SE with better performance and an affordable price tag, or look towards the 6s.

Selling the iPhone 6 in the secondary market will be extremely difficult. Already there are many offers in the region of 15 thousand rubles, and in the fall the price will fall by another 10-15%.

If you already have it: There is not much sense to sell, only if you managed to buy at the start of sales for 32-35 thousand. In December 2014, the price soared above 50 thousand and did not drop until the fall of 2016.

Merge good device for 15 thousand, bought for 50K, it makes no sense. Keep it in reserve, give it to parents or children.

iPhone 6 Plus

Not the most successful iPhone model. Apple was experimenting with a new form factor, or maybe they didn't want to invest heavily in the development of the first phablet. The model is enlarged copy of iPhone 6. Of course, it has a larger battery, optical stabilization of the camera, but a lack of performance is noticeable to the naked eye.

Even then, it was necessary to equip a device with a large screen with two gigabytes. random access memoryto avoid jerking and frequent interface jerks. FROM iOS update the situation has not changed much.

Almost everyone who tried the iPhone 6 Plus was unhappy with the thoughtfulness of the gadget.

If you already have it: strange that he still hasn't sold it. But, if you haven't sold it yet, you won't be able to get good money for the device. It is better to give it to relatives for use than to drain for a penny.

iPhone 6s

One of the most successful potential acquisitions this year. The iPhone 6s turned out to be a profitable investment; by the middle of the year, the situation had not changed much.

The penultimate generation smartphone is not in danger. Yes, from the official store Apple modelwill most likely disappear in the fall, but resellers will be selling off the rest for another year.

In the secondary market, the device will remain in price due to the controversial "seven".

After the presentation new iPhone the price of the “six” will fall by 8-10%, but this will not happen immediately, but within a couple of months. If you are ready to wait almost until the new year, you can save about 4-5 thousand, otherwise you can buy a 6-escu right now.

If you already have it: not worth selling. Even if you really want a new iPhone, wait for the presentation.

iPhone 6s Plus

Nice device, like the iPhone 6s. The phablet perfectly copes with all tasks, has a 3.5mm jack and supports 3D-Touch. Yes, there is no moisture protection in it, but in the form in which it is in the iPhone 7, it is still dumb to check it.

If you just want to try 5.5-inch apple smartphone, you need to start with this model. The 6 Plus will disappoint with its performance and the 7 Plus with the price.

If you already have it: use it as long as it suits the size of the device. If you want to switch to a regular iPhone, take your time, in the fall you will decide. You can always sell 6s Plus.

iPhone 7

The most disadvantageous purchase for today. Yes, over the past six months, the device has dropped in price by about 10%, but this is not a reason to purchase it a month and a half before the presentation of the new iPhone. In any case, in September it will be possible to buy an iPhone 7 cheaper or take a brand new flagship a little more expensive.

If the purchase of an iPhone 5s or iPhone 6 can be justified in some cases, then there is no point in taking the "seven".

The iPhone 7 bought now will drop in price by 20-30% in 3 months.

iPhone 7 Plus

An overrated model in every sense. Yes, there is a cool camera with portrait mode, and you can get a cool bokeh effect in the photo, but this is clearly not worth $ 1000.

For show-off, the usual "seven" is enough, you will save 10 thousand. And for the role of a phablet it is better to choose 6s Plus, the price difference is even more significant.

All adherents of the products of the well-known American company Apple can jump for joy: it will be released this fall new iphone 7 from 2017. Around the announced novelty, a large number of various rumors swirl, but they all boil down to one thing - the smartphone will be filled with numerous surprises and innovations that will bring the iPhone to new level own development. Perhaps it is for this reason that true connoisseurs of high-quality and branded devices froze in anticipation of the release of something truly unpredictable.

Basic information

Initially, it was possible to find information on the network that the release date of the new iPhone was planned
for 2016, but, as it turned out, only its official presentation is planned for this year. But it will be possible to buy a new product only in 2017 in the company's dealer stores around the world.

To date, there is no specific information about the smartphone, since it is still in development. So far it has become known only that the manufacturer has finished testing trial version gadget, which means that very soon it should be mass-produced.

IPhone 7c specifications

According to the developers themselves, the appearance of the novelty will strongly resemble the 5th series in its shape and even size. But the color variation of the body can be presented in three basic colors.

The specific technical information there is no iPhone 7c, although it is already possible to say with confidence about the use of a 1642 mAh battery in its design, which is 10% more than in the 6 series of the same smartphone. It was also decided to use an 8 MP camera and a completely new A9 processor. But the OP of the flagship should supposedly equal 2 GB.

According to the oriental sites where you can find a short overview of the American smartphone, from the line future iPhone 7c will remove the 3.5mm headphone jacks while replacing them universal port called Lighting. Among other things, representatives of Apple in the near future should present to the public the bluetooht headphones of their own production. By the way, the majority of users of iPhones 6 and 5 series did not take the news that their favorite device will lose its usual connector. On the one hand, this means that now it will be impossible to charge a smartphone and listen to music at the same time, and on the other hand, users will have to buy completely different headphones for the new product. Most likely, the developer will make life a little easier for iPhone owners in 2017 and will release a Lighting-3.5 mm adapter.

Where is truth and where is fiction?

Not so long ago, information appeared on the network for the first time that the new product from the American "apple" brand will receive dual cameras, which greatly revived public interest in the upcoming premiere of the smartphone. Therefore, it is worth understanding in advance the correctness of such a statement. It is worth noting that Japanese and Chinese lens makers from Lardan Technology have begun supplying cameras to Apple that use two lenses. Today it is impossible to say for sure whether this device will pass the testing stage or will immediately go into use at serial production... It is also impossible to say anything concrete about the teaser photos of the novelty, so you should wait for the official release of the novelty. By the way, with the help of such cameras, any user can get more quality photos... In addition, it is worth noting that Lardan Technology supplies the American manufacturer with its products only 60%, so while the Americans are trying to find another supplier of optical parts for themselves. By the way, the news that Apple wants to use dual cameras appeared back in 2015. It was then that it became clear that the manufacturer was planning to implement similar developments in its equipment in 2017.

Other information

According to representatives of the Taiwanese company Catcher Technologies, which supplies cases for iPhones, the new line of smartphones from the American manufacturer in 2017 will have a new case created from a completely different material. This will make the smartphone waterproof, as well as save it from additional strips that are recent times cause too many complaints. According to the company's engineers, such inserts are necessary so that the radio signal can normally pass to the antenna, which is located inside the gadget itself. So now a radio-transparent material will be used for the production of the case, with which you can refuse unnecessary parts and improve the appearance of the new item.

Who, of course, doubted that the developer would decide to make the new product more dimensional? Yes, yes, yes - the 7th series of the iPhone will receive a larger screen than its predecessor. At the moment, there is information that the company's engineers used a 5.5-inch matrix in the development of new items. There is also information that the Touch ID sensor will be removed from the round button.

But the representatives of the "leaky hands" are in a hurry to inform that the design of the smartphone will use a sapphire coating of the display, which will provide it with super-strong properties.

In 2017, another version of the 7 series of iPhone will be released, the cost of which will be slightly less. This time it will be the usual 4-inch smartphone, which will receive almost all the same characteristics as the iPhone 5.

The cost of new items

Experts in this area are confident that immediately after the premiere, the cost of the new iPhone 7c will reach $ 700, while in 2017 it will drop to $ 500-600. Of course, there will be special versions that will cost the buyer several thousand, but that's a completely different story. Also, many are interested in past versions after the release of 7C. Of course, less by $ 100-150, but the exact price for the entire previous the lineup Apple in 2017 will be known only after the New Year holidays.

Technologies do not stand still, and leading companies offer the user something new every month. Apple is no exception. Although new devices from the giant from Cupertino appear less frequently than flagships and middlings from Samsung, the choice in favor of a device with an apple is undeniable for many. About which iPhone to choose in 2017 will be discussed.

Whether to expect iPhone release 8 in 2017?

Apple's new appliances are renowned for their design and quality. Anyone who touches the sleek and thin design of the new iPhone is impressed. Indeed, modern body materials and design leave no chance for mid-range smartphones. Therefore, the question of what the new iPhone will be in 2017 can be answered almost unambiguously - it will turn out to be another piece of art.

The new iPhone 2017 (let's call it that for the sake of simplicity) may come as a surprise. Why? All new devices of the mobile giant carry controversial and conflicting details. One lacked a headphone jack. In another, the "closed" operating system did not suit. Jubilee iPhone 2017 will certainly not be devoid of such delights. Apple can easily afford whims. But the throne of the company with the best marketers in the world is no longer as stable.

Who can compete with Apple?

While the debate about when will come out new phone from Apple, do not subside, you can turn your gaze to the products of competitors. Chinese and Korean companies are striving to take the palm from the American corporation, thus capturing a solid market share. Among the unambiguous competitors are:

  • Samsung, mentioned earlier.
  • LG. Although the company pleases the flagships less than in the past.
  • Motorola, which has returned to the market with the aim of recapturing it.
  • And a whole galaxy of Chinese and European companies with no less potential.

The near future for the market mobile phones will be held in battles between key players, to which newcomers will certainly connect. And now - what kind of iPhone you can choose in 2017.

Awaiting September 2017

Fans of portable technology following the news are already guessing if there will be an eighth iPhone in 2017. And if so, when? By good tradition, September falls on Apple. Now we can say with confidence that a new flagship is being forged in the depths of the company.

We can say that the new iPhone SE was a surprise. Steve Jobs' successors turned their attention to a more budget-friendly niche with a remake phone. What will be the next one - you won't have to guess for a long time. In each device, Cupertinos develop ideas that are relevant to the market. What can you say now?


Summer will surely show what to expect from technology next year, 2018. During this period, all innovations are being prepared. However, one can judge a lot about the stuffing of jubilee devices for Apple right now:

  1. Screen. Super AMOLED matrix with high resolution will delight lovers of bright colors.
  2. The A11 processor, if it does not become a masterpiece of speed, will surely surpass the ubiquitous Snapdragon.
  3. You can count on at least 3GB of RAM. Agree, putting less in a top smartphone now is nonsense. The release date of the new iPhone, 2017, will certainly show how much memory will be in the flagships of the new generation.
  4. iOS 11 will be beautiful, more convenient and simpler.
  5. And an eye and face scanner will complement the rich picture of a riot of technology.

What else can you expect?

The latter for today, the iPhone SE, is no exception to a good rule for Apple - the quality must remain consistently high. Its release was watched, holding their breath, by many. Earlier novelties and models of the future - the "corporation of evil" will retain its face before the consumer, you can be 100% sure of this.

What will be the iPhone 8, 2017 will show for sure.

And if you have not yet decided for yourself what will be the iPhone 8 2017, turn your attention to the constant fans of the Apple brand. They regularly update their devices - not only to stay “on track”, but also to be confident in the reliability and quality of their digital satellites. The release date of the new iPhone is 2017. And he promises to be very generous with tech innovations.

On September 12, 2017, Apple released new smartphone under the name iPhone X, or how to correctly call it iPhone 10. Thus, the company celebrated the tenth anniversary of the existence of this product. The flagship received a completely new one, unlike any of the current smartphones of the company, but the screen and cameras deserve special attention. But let's get it straight.

IPhone 10 Specifications

The characteristics of the new product really impressed everyone, both Apple fans and haters. Frameless screen, over powerful processor and other innovations shocked even the most obvious skeptics. Below you can see the detailed specifications of the gadget:

IPhone 10 Specifications
Display 5.8-inch, OLED, 2436 by 1125 pixels, 458 ppi pixel density, 81.49% body ratio, 1,000,000: 1 contrast ratio, 625 nits maximum brightness, HDR10 / Dolby Vision, True Tone, DCI-P3, 3D Touch.
CPU Apple A11 Bionic, 64-bit, 2.5 GHz, 6 cores, 10 nanometers, Neural Engine, M11 coprocessor
OS iOS 11
Memory 3 GB of RAM and 64/256 GB of permanent
Cameras Dual main with 12-megapixel sensors, aperture for the first f / 1.8 and f / 2.4 for the second, dual optical stabilization, LED flash, 2x zoom, 4K video support at 60 FPS and 7-megapixel front TrueDepth with HDR support, screen flash Retina Flash and Portrait Mode
Battery Non-removable Li-Po with fast charging support, 21 hours talk time or 60 hours music playback
Communication LTE Cat.16 with transfer rates up to 1.2 Gbps, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 5.0, NFC, GPS / GLONASS, Lightning
Other Wireless charger (Qi), IP67, Apple Pay, Siri, stereo speakers
Equipment Lightning headphones, charger, cable, traditional adapter from Lightning to 3.5 mm
Dimensions and weight 143.6 x 70.9 x 7.7 mm and 174 grams
IPhone X sales start in Russia November 03, 2017
Price from 79 990 rubles
Pronunciation IPhone 10 (Ten)

All data presented in the list are true. Now we will take a closer look at the features of the flagship.


Cupertinos equipped the Apple iPhone 10 with a frameless OLED display with a physical resolution of Super Retina 2436 x 1125 pixels, added support for HDR10, True Tone, as on iPad Pro, and 3D Touch. The display has a maximum brightness of 625 nits and its ratio to body is 81.49%. The glass surface has an oleophobic coating that repels moisture and fingerprints.

Plus, the new Super Retina display lets you watch HDR content on Netflix and YouTube. With a pixel density of 458 dpi and a DCI-P3 color space, the iPhone X experience is first-class.

Hardware and operating system

The iPhone X relies on the brand new A11 Bionic processor, which has six 64-bit cores. They operate at par clock frequency 2.5 GHz and equipped with a high-performance graphics accelerator. It also has an M11 coprocessor and a neural engine, the characteristics of which allow it to work machine learning and artificial intelligence.

The chipset itself is manufactured using a 10-nanometer process technology, which significantly reduces energy consumption, but also improves smartphone performance. Thanks to the Apple A11, the iPhone 10 is faster than some MacBook Pro 13 "2017. Inside there is also 3 GB of RAM, 64 or 256 GB of internal memory at the user's choice.

This model iPhone comes pre-installed operating system iOS 11, which will be released on September 19.

Cameras in iPhone 10

iPhone 10 received a pair of 12-megapixel main camera modules with dual optical stabilization. The first has an aperture of f / 1.8, and the second - f / 2.4. These are good indicators among today's mobile solutions. Front-camera has a 7-megapixel lens with Retina Flash and HDR on-screen flash support.

The main camera provides augmented reality capabilities of the smartphone. ARKit is already available to millions of users, but the iPhone X takes this to the next level with its TrueDepth front camera and obviously the rear.


There is a Li-Po battery inside the metal-glass case. Thanks to him, according to the manufacturer, the iPhone X lasts 2 hours longer than the iPhone 7. It will last 21 hours in talk time and 60 hours in music playback. Apple has equipped it with fast charging, although the included power adapter won't be able to provide enough power. Hence, we will have to buy a MacBook charger.

IPhone 10 sales start date in Russia and price

In many countries around the world, including Russia, the new iPhone X went on sale on November 3, 2017. A week before that, on October 27, pre-orders were officially launched. It is available in two different body designs: Silver and Space Gray.

The price of the iPhone X in Russia at the time of sales was 79,990 rubles for the base configuration with 64 GB of internal memory, and the top one with 256 GB was estimated at 91,990 rubles. Behind fast charging you will have to pay at least 3590 rubles. And wireless will cost about the same.


The phone supports LTE 4G Cat.16, which means that maximum speed transmission leaves 1.2 Gbps. On board is also present fast wifi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 5.0, NFC and GPS / GLONASS. Of course, the iPhone X is compatible with Apple Pay mobile payments.

Where to buy an iPhone 10 cheaper?

In 2018 they presented their new iPhone smartphone XS, which did not become something revolutionary, but only continued the iPhone 10 line. But the good news is that it still influenced the price tag of that very revolutionary phone and now you can buy it for 64 950 rubles , instead of the iPhone XS, the price tag for which in Russia starts and reaches 128,000 rubles.

The most profitable and reliable option is to buy an iPhone on AliExpress, while it costs 64,950 rubles there. Already 2147 people have bought so only from this seller! After all, you do not need to wait a month for him from China, since there is a TMall project, which sells goods that have already been brought to Russia. So, if you are in Moscow, the courier will bring the phone on the day of the order, and delivery time to any region is from 2 to 5 days! These are official phones with an official Apple warranty.

But you can buy it even cheaper if you return the cashback for your purchase using LetyShops.

But it fell in price not only on Ali, but also in other stores:
1.C-store - 69,990 p.
2. Beeline - 65,000 RUB (Considering a discount of 5000 rubles for a promotional code up to September 30th!)
3. Messenger -

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