Why buy an iPhone? Resale price. P.S .: could I still abandon the iPhone in the future

No matter how Russians scold the bourgeois iPhone, this gadget still continues to be popular in our country and around the world. Despite the high cost in our understanding, the iPhone is striving to acquire not only the wealthy segments of the population, but sometimes those who can barely make ends meet. Although everyone knows that today's smartphone market boasts functional devices at a more or less decent price. So why is the iPhone so popular? Go figure it out!

For those in the tank!

iPhone is a series of smartphones manufactured by Apple. These guys are also known for their iPads, iPods, MacBooks and other good-priced tech. This company was founded by the now deceased Steve Jobs , who made a significant contribution to the IT industry.

The iPhone runs its own operating room iOS systems... The smartphone was first announced in early 2007. Since then, Apple has released new iPhone models every year. So in September 2016, the latest version was released - along with the more expensive brothers iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 7 Pro.

By the way, the prefix "i" in the names apple products, in Jobs's own words, primarily means the Internet.

Well, now let's figure out why this iPhone is so loved by everyone.


Really striking in its quality. It has the highest pixel density - impossible to see with the naked eye. The picture is so clear that you just want to swap desktops aimlessly. This procedure is also enjoyable because the iPhone has a better tap response. It is really more convenient to work with it, you directly feel that you are using something high-tech, and not a Chinese toy. Thanks to the high refresh rate of the screen, we see smooth and neat animations, which also gives a certain charm.


Let's face it, the iPhone is recognizable. It has its own "corporate identity" that sets it apart from other impersonal smartphones. Someone might say that Apple does not give users the right to choose, but for that matter, nothing prevents you from personalizing your gadget by purchasing an inexpensive case. Yes, some iPhone models look awkward due to the increased size, but such are the trends, because it is easier to work with a large screen.


We've already talked about the perfect responsiveness of the Apple smartphone. These guys decided to take care of the users by developing simple interfacethat will be clear to everyone. Therefore, representatives of the older generation, if possible, will prefer the iPhone, because you can figure it out in a few minutes.


Own store apple apps although not everyone is satisfied with the prices, it has strict moderation: all dubious and low-quality programs are eliminated. If you buy something in the AppStore, then you can be sure that you will get exactly what was said in the description. All games are made with high quality and work stably. Plus, you don't have to worry that your device won't pull some cool toy. Although if you are the owner of the first iPhone, then you will not be given guarantees in this regard.


There are a lot of different devices and gadgets for iPhone. Are they needed? Yes and no. Apple has such a policy: they seem to say that they do not force anyone, but in the end you understand that you will have to buy something in addition. And you end up spending it like another iPhone. Still, all accessories are distinguished by their reliability and quality.


The proprietary operating system was developed specifically for the iPhone. Full compatibility with the device eliminates freezes, crashes, errors and application failure. The probability that iOS will crash is 0, unless there are any mechanical damagethat will disrupt the system. Moreover, unlike universal android, the iOS update is installed on all devices, so then the owners of old iPhones can be boiled over that they are software-provided.


Apple values \u200b\u200bits users. There was a story some time ago when the American special services demanded that they get the data from an iPhone of one alleged terrorist. The case even went to court, because Apple did not make any concessions.

The iPhone is not afraid of viruses and hacks. Although it is loudly said about hacking, this smartphone is not up to every hacker. I remember Apple paid good money to the first hacker to crack new iOS, in order to safely cover this loophole.


Buying an iPhone, you can be sure that you will go through more than one year with it. He is practically unaffected system failures, and the build quality minimizes the appearance of backlash, squeaks, and in general metal iPhone case maintains its original appearance for a long time.

A little about the latest model

We will not do a detailed review, because we don’t need it - just go through the main points.

The group Brigadny has a song in a row, where the following lines are found: "There is a phone in the toilet - the 7th iPhone!" Well, now officially it is not possible to heat it in the toilet, or in a saucepan, or in other "wet" places. YouTube will soon be overflowing with underwater adventures of the waterproof iPhone 7.

Apple guys tried to improve the camerathat has always been weak place iPhone... Version 7 Plus cameras as many as two, which seems to improve the quality of photos and videos. Let's hope these aren't just cheap show-offs.

The new iPhone has the coolest apple A10 Fusion processor... And these are 4 cores and 64 bits. Thanks to this, the operation of the smartphone has become more efficient with less power consumption.

A cool laser sensor has also appeared that can recognize gestures from a distance. And the kit will also include tiny wireless headphones AirPods.

So why exactly the iPhone?

This is a high-quality non-impersonal smartphone. People have always tried to emphasize their status, and the iPhone is by far the best suited for these purposes. Show off?! Yes, show-offs, which, coupled with convenience and manufacturability, make Apple's product so popular and in demand. No wonder that many new iPhone chips will soon be adopted by manufacturers of other companies.

The most fashionable Russian with an iPhone

Our site in no way encourages everyone to save up for a brand new iPhone. It's a matter of taste and habit. But the statistics and reviews of the owners speak for themselves: the iPhone lasts longer than its competitors in the market!

And they also have a cool box))


Let's not deny that the iPhone has certain drawbacks, ranging from gentle coercion of users to buy expensive accessories and ending with a closed one. file system, which is not always convenient. Nevertheless, the iPhone deserves popularity due to its quality, reliability, high technology and, ultimately, the prestige for which many are willing to pay, even those who constantly spit in the direction of Apple products. Such a modern person ...

It lies primarily in the brand. Where can you now meet a successful person without a smartphone with a "bitten apple" in his pocket? The magic of the brand is so great that sometimes buyers simply do not pay attention to the presence of more productive and functional gadgets with a lower price in neighboring windows.

Does the iPhone have no technical advantage over its competitors at all?

It is incorrect to compare iPhone with devices on other operating systems - Apple has never played on general rules... In-store consultants often use a comparison tool: instead of an iPhone, they show another gadget with the same price, claiming that it has 8 cores, while an Apple smartphone has only two. In fact, an iPhone with a dual-core A8 chip is capable of giving odds to almost any Android.

For example, according to the results of the Phone Buff video blogger test, the iPhone 6 successfully competed in terms of performance with the 8-core HTC M8 and Samsung S6. The latter lost to the dual-core iPhone at all.

Hence the moral: dry specifications Apple technology is not a selection criterion.

Apple is said to have fewer free apps than Android. Doesn't that scare buyers?

IN Google play (android store) more free appsthan in the AppStore. In addition, in 2015, Google Play surpassed the AppStore in terms of the total number of mobile applications - there are about 100 thousand more of them in the Android store.

However, according to a study by the analytical company App Annie, professional developers prefer to deal with Apple, and it is obvious why - an application hosted in the AppStore brings on average four times more profit than an analogue present in Google Play. That is, the number of applications does not indicate their quality - Apple users do not risk downloading "junk" developed by amateurs in the store.

But isn't Android easier?

Dealing with Android is definitely easier than with iOS, but this can hardly be attributed to the advantages of a "green robot". Yes, in order to upload music to the phone, an Apple user will have to master iTunes program... Yes, the iPhone owner will not be able to transfer a funny photo via Bluetooth. But all these restrictions are just security measures: the closed nature of the iOS operating system is a guarantee of its protection from all kinds of viruses.

What about design?

Ergonomic and stylish design is another great advantage of the iPhone. Nothing has been done "at random" here. The model 4S serves as a kind of standard, the screen diagonal of which was developed so that the average user could reach with his thumb to any corner of the display. Over time, Apple has lost some of its consumer orientation (to be sure), but has managed to maintain a reputation for being extremely caring for its customers.

In terms of materials, there are also a minimum of questions for Apple: for example, the back panel of the iPhone 4S is made of glass, reinforced with a chemical method. It is both practical and insanely beautiful.

is the iPhone really worth a lot of money?

The fact that the cost of the iPhone is much higher than that of other gadgets is just a myth. The price of the iPhone is roughly equal to the price of flagship devices from other companies. For comparison: for 2016 iPhone year 7 for 32 GB costs about 55 thousand rubles, and Samsung S7 with the same amount of memory - almost 60 thousand rubles.

The price bias for iPhones stems from the fact that Apple doesn't make budget smartphones. Their role is played by "outdated" gadgets - previous modifications, shamelessly losing in value immediately after the release of the next novelty.

Where do buyers get their money to buy an iPhone?

A significant part of iPhones in Russia are bought on credit. Sellers offer extremely tempting conditions - for example, in networks MTS, Megaphone and Re: Store the offer is almost always relevant installments, that is, a loan without overpayment for 6, 12 or 24 months. Even if banks do not approve of an interest-free loan, the buyer usually agrees to the alternative terms and does not bother calculating the overpayment at all. The desire to possess the cherished "apple" is too great - the price has a very mediocre influence on the popularity of the brand.

Users who do not want to shackle themselves with credit do not have to chase the latest models. For example, iPhone 5S in MTS and Svyaznoy stores is sold at a price below 20 thousand rubles - this amount is quite feasible to pay in cash.

Abroad, also "apple fever"?

2015 was the year Apple conquered the US market. The most significant was June, during which Apple sold more than 44% of the total number of smartphones in America (for comparison: Samsung - only 28%). This is even though iPhones are only sold in the US with a two-year cellular contract.

On another large market - Chinese - everything is far from so simple. iPhones account for only 9% of total sales (as of June 2016) - in addition, this share falls from year to year. It should be noted that the Chinese market is quite specific and very diverse. The leaders on it are not the iPhone and Samsung familiar to Russians, but exotic Oppo (23%) and Huawei (17.4%).

So is the iPhone worth buying or is it just a fashion statement?

the iPhone is well worth the money. Buying a smartphone is the very same situation where the “cheapskate pays twice”. If you choose between an iPhone and a cheaper Android device, there is no need to chase after the immediate benefit. The Apple device has been serving faithfully for many years, while, according to reviews, the "operating system" Android in 1.5-2 years "clogs up" to such an extent that the use of the gadget turns into torment. Therefore, at the price of the iPhone, it is reasonable to compare not with one, but with several devices on Android or Windows.

Apple lovers often complain that they are very expensive. Let's think a little today why the same iPhone is so expensive.

The topic is very relevant, because updating the device has become very common. And with every purchase, we always hear complaints. Let's figure it out.

Why the iPhone is so expensive?

It will be very difficult to describe everything in one sentence, so I propose to just go through the points and understand the details of why iPhones are so expensive.

We all know perfectly well that the cost of any device or technology depends entirely on its brand. First of all, you buy a name, and then a gadget.

It has always been this way and you just need to put up with it. Apple has been on the market for a long time and from the very beginning of its existence it has positioned itself as high-end gadgets at a high price.

Just remember how the iPhones were in short supply five years ago. Not everyone could afford them, and it was believed that the carriers of such a device were majors (in fact, it was).

Today, the range of models has expanded greatly and now you can find very budget models. The used market is especially crowded, where you can find very tasty prices.

Nevertheless, even used devices will cost the same as new smartphones from other manufacturers. Everyone wants to have Apple in their pocket and you have to pay for it.

I think many people understand that if Apple made low-quality devices, then no one would buy them. As soon as you buy one of the iPhones, you realize that it will be for a long time.

If you are very careful in use, then I think your iPhone can live at least 4 years and you will not even know the words "Service Center".

I tested this on my own skin and experience with the iPhone 4S showed that problems begin to appear only after four years, and then, because of my very careless use.

I have already mentioned the used market and here it also plays a role. Many people buy them and understand that the gadget can work for a very decent period.

But this is if the seller was completely honest with you and told the whole story of use. After all, it is not uncommon for iPhones to be whipped up, drowned and others.

So the iPhone is a very high quality device and, as you can imagine, for good quality you always have to pay big money.

I know that you are now thinking that every second person can find an iPhone. Nevertheless, the gadget is still unique and now I will explain my point of view.

The fact is that in the era of push-button smartphones, you could even know from afar that a person uses Nokia, Sony Ericsson or Siemens. Now the time has changed completely and completely.

An era has begun when everything touch smartphones on one face and we just have a screen and a button. You always ask for the name, because you have no idea what kind of device it is.

When a person uses an iPhone, you always understand that this is him. There are a lot of models, but they all have features that unite them: the bull's eye on the back, the shape of the case, the placement of buttons and of course the Home button.

Also, do not forget about the unique iOS, which can be distinguished from other operating systems just by looking at the branded icons.

So the iPhone is still a unique device and our world is designed in such a way that you have to pay a decent amount for unique things.

If you go to Europe or just countries where there are official Apple stores, then the cities are just teeming with ads with their devices.

I think it is clear that advertising is not a cheap pleasure and it is quite logical that the money is taken from the devices already sold.

And the more devices you need to sell, the more money is invested in advertising and of course, the more is the cost of the device.

Of course Apple doesn't make huge price jumps. But this is due to the fact that the price tag of the devices is already very high and there is a very good supply.

This one is quite obvious, but I will still mention this point. Just imagine how much money you need to spend to develop a device that will appeal to the whole world.

Just millions, if not billions of dollars are spent on research, testing, design development and other issues. Of course, only the best are hired for such positions.

Apple has a pretty decent workforce at its disposal and everyone has to pay money. So a piece of money for your iPhone simply goes to the salaries of specialists.

I can also mention production. You have to hire a large number of workers to oversee the technical process of assembling the iPhone.

These facts are quite obvious, but I think it was worth mentioning this point once again. After all, the iPhone is not going to by itself and you have to pay decent money for everything.


These are my thoughts and if you think somehow differently why the iPhone is so expensive, then write your opinion in the comments and I will gladly read your point of view.

I touched on only the most basic reasons, and I think if you think carefully, then the article can be even more. But I think there is no need for this.

Apple products have conquered the markets of most countries in the world, despite the considerable cost. But why is the iPhone so expensive? The short answer to this question is as follows. iPhones are expensive compared to many Android phones for several reasons: First, Apple not only designs and manufactures the hardware of each phone, but also software... Second, the manufacturer controls the entire user interface.

Historically, many competitors (such as Samsung) make phones and use operating system from Google to launch them. In the case of the iPhone, there is a careful integration of software and hardware, which is more resource intensive. Hence, this naturally raises the price of the phone.

One more point can be added to this. Looking at everything that goes into an iPhone - dozens of metals to be mined from all over the world, handcrafted parts and complex components (such as gyroscopes, accelerometers, multi-touch sensors, and incredibly compact and powerful processors series A), the smartphone no longer seems so expensive. It can do more tasks than many desktop PCs. This explains why the iPhone is more expensive than the computer.

Apple also continues to position the iPhone as a high-end product, preventing it from becoming a leader in some large emerging markets (such as India). This gives the company the opportunity to generate much higher profit margins on each device than the competition. The iPhone is by far the most lucrative product in modern history.

All of this makes it clear why the iPhone is so expensive. In addition, there are many reasons why Android. This is especially noticeable if we compare android capabilities 8.0 and iOS 11.

the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus may not offer huge capabilities, but they still got good feedback from many buyers. Models 8 and 8 Plus are currently available and have wireless charging device and upgraded cameras. More recently, the iPhone X has entered the market with an addition in the form of Face ID. All this allows us to understand why the "iPhone-10" is so expensive and why it is better for many users in comparison with Android devices.

Programs and services

IPhone apps are the first to appear and look better than similar services on Android. Most popular programs are available on both platforms, but many best games and apps still appear on the iPhone in the first place. Of course, often similar services appear in both platforms at the same time, but many of them exist only for IOS.

What's more, even when apps are available on both iPhone and Android at the same time, you can see better design on the iPhone version. This is still true in 2017. For example, you can see some new features for Snapchat and Spotify, but they are much better represented on the iPhone X. Moreover, some new apps only appear on AR-enabled iPhones. Some fast-paced games hit the iPhone 8, 8 Plus and X later this year and will continue to be available only on the iOS platform. This explains why people buy iPhones so expensive.

In simple terms, apps are an area where the gap between mobile OS is gradually closing, but differences still exist and remain visible. It's obvious that Apple is better takes care of the AppStore. Recently, developers removed 47,300 apps from the store that were unsuccessful or outdated.

Fast Updates

IPhone owners enjoy fast and regular iOS updates no matter what model they use.

Updates on Android take months to adapt to all devices. After the Android device turns one and a half years old, the user may need to buy a new smartphone to get the latest software.

Apple supplies iPhone updates for devices that are even three years old. Thus, the company offers support for the 4s model on IOS 9, while the same is not available for old phones on Android. Device support ends much faster on this platform. Google promises a maximum of two years for Nexus devices, and even less for devices from other manufacturers. This is a very objective reason why the iPhone is more expensive than other phones.

Work with all devices

If you also have a Mac, your data is easily copied from one device to another. You can quickly sync photos with all devices, answer a phone call using iPad or Mac and send text messages... There is also Handoff support, which lets you run a task on your iPhone and keep working on an iPad or Mac.

Overall, communication between these devices is exactly what Android cannot achieve without relying on a collection of third-party apps and services to work together for gadgets.

AirDrop also makes it faster and easier to access files from iPhone to Mac. This built-in service sends a file by wireless network directly on your Mac, even if there are other Wi-Fi sources nearby.

However, you will not be able to use Android for such a purpose so quickly and functionally. By comparing this, we can draw conclusions about how well the iPhone interacts with the MacBook and simplifies the tasks that you do multiple times each day. All this clearly demonstrates why the iPhone is more expensive than the android.

No third party services

There are no additional mobile apps on the iPhone when you buy a new device. Many Android phones come with a variety of brand-supporting services preinstalled, many of which you will never use.

It is often impossible to uninstall these additional applications, you can only disable them. This means they still remain on your phone and take up space. It's a small problem right after purchase, but after a year when you need more memory and can't clear it quickly, it can be difficult.

Unlike the android, the iPhone out of the box looks more like a blank slider. Also, in IOS 10, you can delete some of the user data and hide unnecessary applications Apple.

AppleCare iPhone warranty

Another reason why the iPhone is so expensive is additional risk insurance. Apple offers a $ 99 to $ 129 iPhone warranty that extends the manufacturer's commitment by two years and adds the same amount of customer support. This service is called AppleCare +, and its counterparts in most android phones absent.

HTC offers 1 year free UhOh protection that compensates for cracked screen and water damage repairs. Samsung offers an additional warranty for its Galaxy smartphones, which ranges from $ 99 to $ 129, depending on the model. This service offers functions similar to AppleCare +, but it does not allow replacing the device. Rest of the world android smartphones does not have such guarantees. So it's obvious why the iPhone is so expensive and popular.

Sharing devices

On the other hand, if you do the same interaction with Android devices, you will need to download several applications to maintain the same level of communication. Samsung is simplifying this process with Android Marshmallow devices, but these are only early attempts. For this reason, it is also obvious why the iPhone is more expensive than Samsung.

Worth more when you resell

The iPhone retains its value longer than the Android phone. If you sell your smartphone for Android, which is 1-2 years old, even a flagship device, you often get much less money for it than you paid. At the same time, when selling an older iPhone, you can get an amount almost double the cost of an Android phone that came out at the same time.

For example, a 2015 Galaxy S6 in flawless condition costs $ 130 today. The iPhone 6, which came out a few months after it, now costs $ 195. This also explains why iPhones are so expensive in Russia.

This trend is slightly reversing due to improved build quality and higher demand for latest devices Android, but used iPhones are still more expensive for now. In addition, the value of a device depends on its prevalence: limited editions are always more expensive. Therefore, it becomes clear why the red iPhone is more expensive.

Lightning and micro USB

Apple uses a Lightning cable for charging and sync iPhone... This wire is vastly superior micro cable USB, which most Android phones use for a similar purpose.

When applying Lightning, there is no wrong way to connect it because it has no top and bottom. force users to attempt to plug in the cord several times before the correct direction and angle of insertion into the connector is determined.

Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge are equipped with support wireless chargingwhich performs better than Lightning, but still requires a Micro USB cable for some features. Despite the fact that its field of application is gradually narrowing, it is still used on many phones.

Stores and support

When the download of applications does not go as planned, or when you install a service, iPhone performance deteriorates, AppleStore immediately cancels. You can fix this problem in a few hours, and not wait a day or two with the iPhone not working. Customer support in AppleStore is often a step further than the help that Android device manufacturers can provide over the phone or in specialized stores. And since all the support is from the US, it becomes obvious why iPhones are so expensive in Russia.

Ease of use

The iPhone is still easier to set up and use than most Android phones. Even a “kettle” can start using a smartphone. It also explains why the iPhone X is so expensive.

Google today provides greater ease of use than older versions of Android, but not all phones are using these updates. For example, Samsung has come a long way in simplifying Android with EasyMode, but there are still some issues. This is not a problem for power users, but for people who do not want settings to change randomly, it can be difficult. This is especially due to using Wi-Fi or Cellular.

Headphone control

If you love listening to music and you constantly need to monitor your playlist, the iPhone has the advantage of headphones that can control many aspects of playback.

Standard iPhone headphones can play, pause, fast forward or rewind a track. IPhone users can also control the volume without involving the phone, thanks to the volume up and down buttons. In addition, Apple includes the ability to launch Siri so that users can simultaneously make a phone call and perform other actions.

This is a big advantage that most Android phones lack. Today there are more options for controlling headphones on Android devices, but they are far from universal.

iMessage, FaceTime and FaceTime Audio

Apple makes it easy to communicate with other iPhone and iPad owners by providing three unique services that make communication fast and easy.

iMessage allows users to send longer messages in one go, and they can be sent to any other Apple device that they own.

FaceTime provides a great way to video chat. Unlike Hangouts, it's built into the phone app, so it's easy to switch from phone call on a video call. FaceTime Audio also helps iPhone users make calls when network coverage is intermittent by using the data to make an audio call. The sound calls of this app also sound better than a normal call and work when you have bad signal cellular communicationbut there is still wifi.

Improved notification control

The iPhone still does a better job of managing notifications. Android makes them easy to clean up, but still doesn't categorize them very well.

On the iPhone, you can see short review what's happening today and access widgets that allow you to update information and then use notifications. In contrast, Android devices do not have any settings that allow you to switch.

Storage and media use cases

You can add a Micro SD card to your Android smartphone, but the device will not recognize it in the same way as if you had an iPhone with 64GB or 128GB of internal storage. The Galaxy S7 has a feature that essentially tricks the phone into seeing Micro SD as part of internal storage... Because of this, you cannot move all applications to the SD card, and the programs for which you use widgets cannot be copied to it.

All of the above reasons explain in detail why the iPhone is so expensive. Perhaps, over time, its cost will decrease, but currently there are no equal competitors for this device.

Let's make a reservation right away, dude: no one can say with confidence that the iPhone is really cooler than Android - and vice versa: no one can convincingly convince you that Android is cool and the iPhone is a waste of money. When it comes to smartphones, you need to understand that any criteria is a relative thing, it all depends on your needs, expectations and budget. So don't think that my dudes and I are trying to persuade you to buy an Android phone. We just decided to focus on the advantages that smartphones with this OS have: who knows, maybe you change your mind about shelling out for an expensive masterpiece from Apple and decide that Android is a rational alternative.

12.Standard micro-USB cable

We have nothing against Apple. In our editorial office, of course, there are owners of iPhones, iPods and MacBooks - where without them. But these same iPhones have one problem (apart from the price, of course) - the fact that they use Apple's cables. Apple refuses to use conventional connectors micro USB and thus complicate our life, and in addition to this and empty our wallet. Imagine this: you have to have a special charger, a cable for connecting to a computer and something else - and things from Apple are expensive. And one more thing: the company pays designers and engineers to develop this whole thing, and the cost of their work is included in the price of your iPhone. Not really, right?

But if you have an Android phone, you can connect it to your computer with one of the 15 micro USB cables that are already lying around at home. And if you suddenly lost the charger or the same cable, there is nothing easier than walking to the nearest store and buying the necessary gizmo for a maximum of a couple of hundred rubles. And this is a serious advantage, agree?

11. Good old stylus

Apple founder Steve Jobs said, "If you see a stylus, throw it out." And it can be understood: if a team of engineers is not able to create an interface that does not require additional tools, it really can be regarded as a failure.

Of course, this can be interpreted in another way. Apple's trick is an intuitive interface. What method of entering information is more understandable than handwritten one? Until now, the world is full of people who believe that writing something by hand is much faster than typing on a keyboard. Over time, they may change their minds, but right now, why not give these guys what they want?

Smartphones like Samsung Galaxy Note II comes with a stylus, and Android does a pretty good job of supporting that interface. The iPhone isn't.

10. Vibration when pressed

Do you like it when your phone responds with vibration to your every touch? Yes, for me. It's not exactly a big deal, but for some, this vibration is important - especially for those who have just started using the virtual keyboard and want to be sure that they really pressed something. And if you don't like this feature, turn it off and be done.

But on the iPhone, you don't have that choice. It doesn't vibrate when you press it.

9. Simple exchange of information

8. Ability to customize the desktop

Have you always wanted to have certain widgets at hand at all times? On Android, you can customize everything however you want. You can arrange the icons as you like, and you won't get anything for it.

IPhone? Sorry dude. Only standard icons. What? Don't you want them all displayed on desktops? Do you want to arrange them in a different order? Ha ha ha! Well, yes, you can sort them into folders, but the folders will remain on the desktop. Get used to it.

7. Ability to choose a keyboard

It may take you a while to get used to virtual keyboard... There is an option that the version pre-installed on your phone will not quite suit you. That would be cool if there were other keyboards with a different arrangement of letters, a different smart way of entering - right?

If you have an Android phone, you can try installing a different keyboard. And if you don't like it - another one. And if it doesn't work at all - well, buy a phone with an ordinary keyboard.

If you have an iPhone, then you have to get used to what you have. Of course, this is a good keyboard, but if you want to experiment, then you have to give up this idea.

6. You can attach any file to the letter

This iPhone bug is so crazy that it could be at the top of our entire list.

And the fact is that the Gmail client is also leaky when it comes to applications. So if you have Gmail, I'm sorry, dude. But if you have an Android machine, then the Gmail client continues to be crappy, but the standard interface can still attach any garbage to the letter. Well, at least so.

5. Near-field communication

In the Samsung Galaxy S3 promo video, you probably saw the moment when dudes bring their phones to each other and exchange files, right? This is because Android supports Near Field Communication technology. Its development is not yet complete, so the applications have a limited set of functions. So far, you can throw pictures and music to each other - but it's not very interesting. But in the near future, using this system, it will be possible to pay with money from an electronic wallet - isn't that wonderful?

What about the iPhone? And he doesn't support this technology yet. Maybe they just decided to wait until she turns into something really worthwhile. But still, in this regard, we run the risk of lagging behind progress if we buy an iPhone.

4. Additional memory

Missing 64GB of storage on your iPhone? Don't worry. Just plug a USB stick into the micro SD slot, and ... Oh wait, iPhone doesn't support additional memory cards. So be content with what you have. But on Android, there is no such problem. Hurrah!

3. Replaceable battery

Not all Android phones hold a charge well - remember the same Samsung Galaxy S3. But they at least have a replaceable battery, and if it fails completely, it can be replaced with another one. Or you can buy additional batteries, charge them and carry them with you for future use - for example, when you are on the road. But if the battery is worn out on the iPhone, there is nothing you can do about it.

2. Bigger screen ... or smaller

Apple tried so hard to make the iPhone 5 screen bigger - but it didn't come out so much more, how much longer... Thanks to this, more icons fit on the desktop, but this is practically not reflected in the viewing of media files.

Samsung Galaxy S3? Here in his truth big screen... And the same with Htc one, Sony Xperia, Motorola Droid Razr and LG Optimus all have larger screens than the iPhone 5.

What if you don't want a giant screen? Well, okay. Lots of Android phones with smaller screens.

1. Simple interface on a PC

When you connect your Android smartphone to your computer, you can dig into its contents like in a regular folder on your hard drive. If you want to throw off or delete music, photos, videos or documents, you just grab the icon, pull - and it's done. And even on an iMac, you can do the same if you download the Android app (like we have in the photo).

What about the iPhone? Well, good luck, dude. You can add media files (pictures, videos, music) through iTunes - and it seems to be simple. Simple, but not entirely, because the creators wanted to make iTunes unnecessarily complex.

What if you want to upload other files to your iPhone? I'm sorry buddy. You will have to feel like an idiot: nothing will come of it.

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