Why doesn't the software update on iPhone 4. Done, you've updated to the new iOS, now what? How to update iOS from beta version via iTunes on Computer

Surely many owners of smartphones from Apple wondered, how to update an iPhone4 toios 8, and whether it is worth doing. The company releases new updates quite often, and all of them allow to increase the performance and optimize the power consumption of the device.

Possible upgrade options

Despite the fact that the operating ios system 8 is designed for gadgets equipped with a dual-core processor, many owners of the 4th generation iPhone are eager to install the update. This is quite simple to do, and it will take about an hour.

There are two ways to install a new update:

  • When connected to a computer with installed program iTunes.
  • With the help of a high-speed Wi-Fi connection.

Let's consider the disadvantages and advantages of each of the listed methods, so that everyone can choose the best one for themselves.

How to upgrade iPhone 4 toios 8 via iTunes

Before proceeding directly with the update, you must download it at iTunes help... If not enough free space, you can also download the necessary files from the official Apple website.

Before connecting a smartphone using a cable, in the iTunes settings menu, you must enable the "Update" item.

  • After connect iPhone 4 via USB, wait for automatic launch iTunes... If it doesn't, start the program manually.
  • Click on the device button located to the left of the iTunesStore.
  • Select the "Update" item. After that, the files will be automatically downloaded and installed on your smartphone.

If you see information on the screen that the latest version of the operating system is installed in the smartphone, you can download the update using any browser, after disabling the function automatic start after downloading.

How to upgrade iPhone 4 toios 8 via wifi

Updating by connecting the smartphone to wireless network with Internet access - this is an easier way, however, it has one drawback. The update weighs approximately 1GB, so you should start the download and installation process if the battery charge level exceeds 50-60%. Otherwise, it may shutdown before the specified processes are completed.

To start the update, you need to go to the smartphone settings. Then go to the section "Basic" - "Software update". After all the files are downloaded, you should click "Install", accepting the terms of the standard user agreement.

Now you know, how to updateiOS on iPhone 4, and you can do it yourself, without contacting specialized service centers.

Hello everyone! Most recently, I faced such a problem - my iPhone categorically refused to update to the new firmware version, both through iTunes and through iCloud. I just displayed the inscription - "Failed to install the software update. An error occurred while iOS download". Although, in fact, the update was not only available, but already downloaded to the device. Mystery? Even some! But the "answer" was successfully found by me and now my iPhone is running the latest mobile axis.

The first thing you should pay attention to is whether your device supports that version software that you are aiming to install. For example, iOS 12 and all its modifications can be "installed" on:

  1. iPad mini 2nd generation, iPad Air and later.
  2. iPhone 5S and all subsequent models.
  3. iPod touch 6.

Have you checked it? Your technique fits this list? If the answer is yes, then we proceed as follows.

In the main menu, go to settings - basic - profile (at the very end of the list).

Feel free to delete everything that is there.

Reboot your phone or tablet.

After removing it, everything went like clockwork and took a fairly small amount of time (about 20 minutes).

In any case, here are a few more points that can prevent the installation of new software and it makes sense to pay close attention to them:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated - all the tips are quite simple and easy to do at home. But, at the same time, their implementation will almost 100% help to put the fresh version of the software on your iPhone. So, we must act!

Addition! Updating over Wi-Fi may interfere with inoperative scanner fingerprint. Is the fingerprint sensor not functioning on your device for some reason? Installation new version firmware is only possible via iTunes. And one more thing - if you are faced with the error "Cannot check for iOS update", then it will suit you

The question of how to update iOS becomes more and more relevant as the old ones die away iPhone versions... Today, it will not be possible to install a new operating system on the 4 series of a smartphone, there are certain restrictions. iOS 8 can no longer be called new firmware since it came out in 2014. If you own an iPhone 4, you need to install the newest supported system.

If you look at the development trend of the operating system, then in version 7, drastic changes were made in terms of design, namely appearance underwent processing more than the rest. With the release of version 8, the emphasis has shifted somewhat, since it focuses on increasing the functionality of the device. So in iOS 8, built-in applications, previously unavailable extensions, multiplication of functions were reworked.

Now to the sad news, for the iPhone 4 iOS firmware 8 is not available, the most accessible OS is the 7th version. Moreover, this only applies to the pure version of the smartphone, for 4S this possibility is already present.

How to upgrade iPhone to iOS 8 - preparatory stage

Let's decide how to update iPhone 4 to iOS 8 based on several main methods of carrying out the procedure - through the air and iTunes. In the first case, Wi-Fi network, and the second requires a PC.

In rare cases, the data store may be cleaned up along with the update. Despite the low probability, it is better to prepare for the situation, although this step can be excluded. If you want not to risk it, then you will first have to create backup... We will not consider this aspect separately, the instructions are offered on the site tvoykomputer.ru.

If the update is carried out via a PC, then you must first install iTunes, and if via Wi-Fi, you will have to find a stable connection.

How to upgrade iPhone to iOS 8 over the air?

How to update iOS on iPhone 4? To solve the situation, you just need to connect to the network. Please note that no failures should occur during the download of an update or installation of the system, otherwise you will have to reflash the device, this refers to the level of charge and access to the network.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Go to "Settings";
  2. Now select the category "Basic";
  3. Then click on "Update software";
  4. Then tap on "Download and Install".

Most often, the smartphone will prompt you to install the update on its own, you just have to confirm.

Update via iTunes

An important condition iPhone updates 4s to iOS 8 is the availability of synchronization with a PC. With this on the computer, iTunes must have a new version.

This method is suitable for flashing even if the smartphone does not have any OS, but it is better that a connection with a PC is made earlier, and it has been entered into White list devices.

  1. Download the firmware file;
  2. Launch iTunes and sync your PC and smartphone;
  3. Most likely, after determining the type of device, an offer to update will come out. Otherwise, manually go to the "Browse" tab, then find the "Update" item, using Explorer, specify the path to the file;
  4. Please confirm your consent to the update.

Today the sphere mobile technologies continues to develop at a fairly rapid pace. Manufacturing progress cell phones and smartphones becomes especially noticeable if you pay attention to how quickly yesterday's novelties become obsolete morally, unable to withstand the competition of the newly released flagships. We will talk about the elimination of one of the signs of such obsolescence below.

Moral wear and tear on iPhone and iOS

In one of our previous articles: - we analyzed an option that allows you to play online video in high quality on an old computer.
But if the process of obsolescence of iron in most cases can be considered natural and necessary, then with software it is not always so obvious.

There are two main areas in the issue of software obsolescence:

  1. Lack of support and release of operating system updates by the manufacturer for old devices
  2. Lack of backward compatibility of new software versions with old OS

Support period

The first point is clear. The smartphone manufacturer does not want to spend energy and money on optimization new system under obsolete hardware even if this task is technically feasible. In addition to saving resources, this step also contributes to the speedy growth of sales of new manufactured devices (we neglect the outflow of the client base to a more loyal manufacturer in this case), which also does not speak in favor of increasing the duration of support for our products.

Backward software compatibility

As for the question backward compatibility then this side may seem even more controversial. To begin with, let's give a conditional answer in the context of the current article to the question: What is Backward Compatibility?

backward compatibility is the ability of new software versions to work with old data formats, on an old operating system

Both variants of this problem are very acute for the owners of the previous releases of the company's cell phones. Apple.
So, for example, the last one available to owners iPhone 4S version iOS - 9.3.5 , for iPhone 4 the situation is even more deplorable, on this device it is officially possible to install only iOS 7.1.2... And this despite the fact that latest version of Apple operating system at the current time - 10.3.1

The consequences of software obsolescence

What is it fraught with?
One of the main troubles that will face users of outdated Apple devices- what, often, it is impossible to install some programs from App Store on iOS below a specific release.
In particular, to install such popular program exchange fast messages and calls over the Internet, like Viber, from the Apple store you will need to have installed version iOS 8.1 or later... For applications like Skype, network client In contact with or mobile app Instagram, maximum old the version of the phone system that meets the conditions for installing the listed software - iOS 8.0.

From all of the above, we can conclude that officially we do not have the opportunity install Viber on iPhone 4 ... The same goes for the other programs mentioned: Skype, vk client for iOS, Instagram and many others. Moreover, the same fate will soon befall the newer models, so this issue in the future may affect an increasing circle of users of Apple products.

However, there is a way to install the same Instagram on iPhone 4. To work this method will be with most programs.
Its essence, the method, is to preload the application from the App Store with a link to Apple ID and then installing a supported version of the program on the phone itself.

So, we need:

  1. Computer with Internet access.
  2. Internet connection on iPhone.

Let's get started.

Installing VK App to Apple ID via iTunes

If we try install the Vkontakte program on the iPhone 4, then nothing will work for us, we will receive an error For of this content(app) requires iOS 8.0 or newer with a proposal to update the device to iOS 8.0

But if we go along the path Settings - General - Software Update, we will see what we have installed " the newest"Software, namely iOS 7.1.2 which is the latest for the iPhone 4

This means that we will have to look for workarounds.

Download to your computer from the official website Apple program iTunes and install it.
Launch iTunes and log in under the account with which your iPhone is activated.

Now, in the upper left corner, click on the drop-down menu and select the Edit menu item there ...

In the list that appears, put a checkmark in front of the Programs item and click the Finish button

Next, in the drop-down list, go to the Programs section we added.
In the central part of the screen, click on the App Store tab. In the upper right corner, in the search bar, we enter the name of the program we are interested in, let it be Vkontakte client for iPhone... Press the button under the application icon Download, enter the password from your Apple ID and click the Buy button ( the app is free, nothing to worry about)

The app is uploaded to our account, we no longer need a computer.

Installing VK App on iPhone 4 via the App Store

We connect the phone to the Internet via mobile network or via Wi-Fi. Launch App Store on the device and we can immediately go to the tab Updates... Here we will have the very application that we downloaded in iTunes, that is, the client VK App... To the right of the program icon there will be a button in the form of a cloud with an arrow, which allows us to install the application from Apple ID.
Click on the cloud

Now we will see a notification that to download the latest version of the program, an updated version of the operating system is required... But here we will be offered download previous version this application, which we will use by clicking on the button Download

We are waiting for the download of the latest compatible version to finish and we can run the installed program.
It is worth mentioning that this will not succeed. install latest version iPhone apps(the solution to the issue is possible in the presence of a Jailbreak), that is, you will probably not be able to access the full functionality of the application added in new releases, but for comfortable use of the basic features, this, most often, is not required.

Today we talked about how to install the program on an iPhone with an outdated iOS system.

We wish you long support and constant updates.

If you now have a device like the iPhone 4 in your hands, then you probably would like to know how you can update it to iOS 9.

It is quite normal that people always strive for the newest, because usually newer versions of the OS carry a lot of new useful functions.

Let's try to find out if it is possible to do this today. There is an answer and it is very obvious, so I will gladly share it and tell you about my thoughts on this topic.

How to install iOS 9 on iPhone 4?

I'll start a little with statistics and history. Apple always strives to support devices to their maximum iOS version and the iPhones 4 and 4S are great examples.

The iPhone 4 was released back in 2010 and I think you don't need to say how many years the phone is. At that time he was very, very cool.

Generally speaking, usually when buying yourself a new device from Apple, you should understand that you can get the most comfortable use within four years.

Often iOS updates device occurs in the following ways:

  • by air (via Wi-Fi);
  • via iTunes.

Unfortunately, if you try to update your iPhone 4, you can get the maximum update to version 7.1.2 and no iOS 9 is out of the question.

As soon as this smartphone comes out, it had a completely different type of iOS and you probably heard such an expression as Skeuomorphism. Everything OS before iOS 7 were built on just that.

When iOS 7 appeared, quite a lot of new functions appeared and absolutely everything was completely redrawn. And as you can imagine, each subsequent version of the OS requires better performance.

This system appeared in 2013 and the time of this phone was already coming to an end. Think of the phone as having an Apple A4 single-core 1GHz processor and only 512MB of RAM.

The most you can do is install Jailbreak and install a bunch of tweaks that can change the look of your system and nothing more.


How is such a harsh truth about updating the iPhone 4 to iOS 9. You need to understand that the smartphone is already a part of Apple's history and nothing more.

The solution from this situation may be as follows. Today the market has a very good selection of Android devices that are very tasty for the price and pull absolutely all new software.

Or, if you are a true Apple fan, look at older models like the iPhone SE, 6S, and others. In principle, the six is ​​still not so bad. For the price, good options are Refurbished.

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