What is the podcasts program on the iPhone for? Podcasts on iPhone. Releases and updates

After I sent one of my last mailing lists, which suggested listening to an audio interview with Igor Osipenko, I received back a huge number of letters in which people asked what kind of word is so wonderful " podcast»I used in a mailing list and in a blog post ...

In the course of the correspondence, it turned out that a huge number of people have no idea at all about what a podcast is and what they "eat" with.

To be honest, I don't really like using buzzwords like this, but I thought that podcasting, as a booming phenomenon on the Internet, was already familiar to my audience. But it turns out I was grossly wrong! Therefore, the idea was born to write this article, which would reveal in detail the topic of podcasts and podcasting in general.

So, "Podcast" is an English word, or rather even slang.

In English it is written as Podcast.

Anyone who knows English can immediately notice that the word consists of two parts "Pod" and "Cast".

First part Pod originated from the name "iPod" (iPod). The iPod is the world's most popular portable mp3 audio player manufactured by Apple.

The second part of Cast originated from the English "Broadcasting", which is translated from English as "widescreen broadcasting" or "broadcasting".

In the free encyclopedia Wikipedia, you will find the following explanation of the meaning of the word "podcasting":

"Podcasting - the process of creating and distributing audio or video transmissions (i.e. podcasts) on the World Wide Web (usually in MP3 or Ogg / Vorbis format for audio and Flash Video and others for video transmissions). As a rule, podcasts have a specific topic and frequency of publication (however, there are exceptions). The target audience of podcasting is users of personal or laptop computers, as well as owners of portable players ... "

So, podcast this is sound file (most often in MP3 format) or a video file (most often in the format of streaming flash video FLV), which is distributed free of charge via the Internet for mass listening or viewing by its target audience.

If in the beginning podcasts were only audio and were more designed for listening on iPods or other portable players, now the phenomenon of podcasting has evolved a lot. This led to the fact that podcasts became not only audio, but also video, and they began to listen or watch more often directly on the site (usually on a blog) or downloaded to your computer. But if the podcast turned out to be very useful, then it is already loaded into a portable player and listened to (viewed) many times in their free time (for example, on the way somewhere in a car, bus, subway, or just sitting in nature).

The very word “ podcast"Invented by Bloggers. A blogger is any person who is actively blogging on the Internet. Some bloggers, instead of text notes, began to record their notes (useful thoughts, ideas, interviews and lectures) in audio format, and then let them listen to visitors to their blogs.

But the matter did not stop there. Bloggers began recording podcasts in video format, which attracted even more attention to their personas, and the value and interest of the material increased many times over. After all, watching and listening together is the maximum you can dream of when presenting information!

Now, let me list what types of podcasts exist at the moment ...

So far, I know of three types of podcasts:

#1. Audio podcast. It is an audio recording of your finished ideas, thoughts, lectures, news, presentations, which carries a clear interest and benefit for your target audience. The recording is made in an mp3 file, which you then provide for listening or using a special audio flash button, which you integrate into the blog (site) and (or) provide a link to download the podcast file. For example, if you are blogging on the popular Wordpress engine, then you can download a special plugin (additional software module) for posting your audio podcasts on the blog.

The theme of the Audio Podcast should fully correspond to the theme of your blog or website. The audio podcast should be free and provide informational value to the visitor.

You can record an audio podcast both through an ordinary microphone on your computer, and on your mp3 player (if it allows you to record), or on a dictaphone. Also, you can use special equipment to record audio podcasts, as I do. The hardware is called the Pinnacle Podcast Factory (M-Audio Podcast Factory) and costs around $ 180.

#2. Video podcast. It is a video recording of your speech on a topic related directly to the topic of your blog or information site. Further, this entry is posted on your blog or website. Again, a video podcast should definitely be useful to your target audience.

A video podcast is filmed either on a webcam or on digital video camera... High quality video does not play a big role here, just as podcasts in general do not imply the professionalism of the author. Let's just say - a video podcast is more of a home video that contains some kind of useful and free information for visitors to your blog or website.

You can record your video podcasts on any modern camcorder, which then allows you to connect to your computer via a USB-2.0 or FireWire port, and then you can transfer the video to your computer. Usually software for this it is supplied with a camcorder. And if you, for example, have a video camera that writes directly to DVD, then in general the process is easy - you insert the DVD after recording into the computer and now you have almost finished video.

But you cannot immediately place such a video on a blog or website. This requires a special video format. Therefore, here you can use either services such as Youtube.com or video.mail.ru, which will help you convert a video clip into a streaming flash video format and then you will receive a ready-made html-code for placing a flash-video player on your blog or website. Very comfortably!

Or you can do it yourself, I explain in detail how to do this in my tutorial here. You can also use a special plugin (additional software module) for the popular WordPress blogging engine.

#3. Screencast. This is a whole new phenomenon that has created an incredible number of new information products, as well as simplified the training of people via the Internet. The essence of the screencast is that you use special program (usually Camtasia Studio) you record your actions on the screen of your computer along with your audio comments, then save it in Flash-video format and then you can give it to visitors to your blog, your website, or you can make whole commercial educational products in the format screencast.

The possibilities and potential of screencasting are truly endless! Now you can massively and in a very accessible form transfer your experience of using any programs, any sites and web services. You can also demonstrate step by step any of your complex ideas with visual diagrams and immediately give examples of their use. You can combine screencasts with live video inserts with presentations made in Microsoft PowerPoint. In short, screencasting has enormous potential and a future.

You can place screencasts for free for viewing directly via the Internet on your blog or website in streaming flash video format, you can download screencasts as files for local viewing on a computer, you can also burn capacious screencasts to CD or DVD discs and distribute them further for a fee. Everything is in your hands and only your imagination and abilities set the limits!

For now, let's talk a little about the benefits of podcasting:

First of all Using sound and video allows you to become more lively and real for your target audience. Now you have the opportunity to influence them not only with ideas in text form, but also with emotions that are transmitted through audio and video. This allows you to erase as quickly as possible doubts and distrust of yourself as a source of valuable information.

Secondly The very process of recording podcasts for many people is more creative, entertaining and convenient than writing text. In turn, for many people from your target audience it will be much more interesting to listen to, and even more so to watch a video with you. People are by nature very curious creatures, so they like to watch someone, peep through the "keyhole" of someone's life, and besides, they also like to learn a useful experience in this format J.

Thirdly , a clear advantage of an audio podcast is that its listener can do their usual business while listening to the podcast in their MP3 player. This is convenient because such information, with frequent listening, begins to be absorbed into the listener's mind at a subconscious level, and then change his mental attitudes, beliefs, value system and outlook on life. Thus, listening to podcasts of successful people, with valuable positive information, a person begins to gradually change at the level at which it is almost impossible for him to change by applying his direct conscious effort. And so you also start thinking like a successful person. In other words, positive audio podcasts can literally reprogram you, making you a happier, more constructive, and productive person. And this has been proven for a long time.

Fourth , video podcasts and screencasts can convey to you some non-verbal motivational information, as well as a person's experience, which in most cases does not allow you to make ordinary text. For example, it has been proven that gesticulation during communication is an important part of communication itself and often expresses what the words themselves do not express. And when you watch a video podcast and see how a person (speaker) speaks and gestures, this allows you to assimilate information in the maximum format, to be imbued with what is said and shown. And the intonation of a voice in an audio podcast often directly affects the personal belief in the correctness of what the author said.

Fifth , the creation of audio, video podcasts and screencasts makes you a kind of director, author and presenter of your radio and video programs. You can become popular and famous as an author and as a professional in your field. And if earlier this was the lot of selected people working on radio stations or TV channels, now with the help of podcasting and the unlimited possibilities of the Internet you can broadcast yourself through own blog, newsletter, site to a potentially unlimited audience!

At sixth , the theme for creating your podcast can be anything. It may be a brilliant idea that came to your mind and which you quickly recorded on a dictaphone. It can be an audio or video interview with someone interesting person, it may just be some news from your field of activity. This could be your professional record of your recommendations for the audience of your blog or thematic site. All that remains is to connect your creative imagination, because the topics and possibilities of podcasting are unlimited! The main thing to remember and observe is one most important principle - a podcast should not turn into some kind of muttering under your breath and loading people with useless information. A podcast must necessarily have informational value for its listener or viewer!

Now let's summarize what has been said:

#1. A podcast is an audio or video file that must contain benefits for the target audience of your blog or website. You record podcasts yourself and then you distribute them free of charge. Most often this happens through your blog or through a thematic site.

#2. Podcast recording does not imply that you have professional diction, acting skills, oratorical skills, or sophisticated equipment. The useful informational component of the podcast is important. Moreover, the more you record podcasts, the better you will get them :-)

#3. The podcast can be listened to or viewed directly on your website, or you can upload a podcast file to your computer to add it to the collection (library) of podcasts and then listen or watch directly on your computer.

#4. You can upload podcasts to yourself on mobile player or phone. Modern mobile devices allows you to listen to podcasts in mp3 format and watch video podcasts in flash video format or other video formats. I recommend using for podcasts - Apple iPodor Apple IPod touchor Apple IPhone... But any other players or modern mobile devices will do.

#5. Screencast is also a kind of podcast. It allows you to broadcast your actions on a computer in video format with audio commentary for your target audience or for an individual person. Screencast allows you to showcase your experience of use.

#6. Podcasting is very creative, enjoyable, and entertaining for a podcast writer. On the other hand, it is a convenient and interesting form of obtaining information (experience) for your target audience of listeners and viewers.

When you travel for a long time in transport, and because of the shaking it is difficult to read or watch a movie, and the music is tired, the latest invention of the developers will be a real salvation. What are podcasts? Broadcasting music on the Internet on the principle of a genre radio station, there are even video casts.

What are podcasts?

This term was invented by bloggers when instead of texts they began to post their thoughts and lectures in audio format. Faster, easier and more convenient both for them and for site visitors. The word was formed from "podcasting" - a procedure for the formation and distribution of voice and video materials online. What are podcasts? Computer data in MP3 format - for voice recordings and Flash Video - for videos, with a specific topic and a clear frequency. The podcast consists of large list specially selected compositions, you can really find the connection, both paid and free.

Such sites are similar in principle to social networks, there are similar groups-channels: trade, humor, sound books, lectures on various topics. Often, users even subscribe to selected channels and receive new recordings. Radio stations also create their own podcasts so that listeners can find content from programs they like or original shows.

Podcast and webcast - the difference

Podcasting became popular very quickly, many users even switched from text to audio and video communication, especially making life easier for students. Podcasts - what does it do? It is easy to "scatter" the recording of a lecture to the whole group, and if you need an image of a board with formulas, then on help will come webcast. The term "glued" by users from "web" and "broadcasting" - broadcasting. These are videos, films, excerpts of recordings posted on the Internet. Recording is on digital camera, then processed on a computer. The development of webcasting gave rise to popular blogs.

What are podcasts on windows?

Useful podcasts can also be found on the Internet by users of smartphones with the "windows" system, because entertainment is very popular. Experts recommend using software such as iTunes; it is most convenient to synchronize computer data with an Apple device through this program. Good feedback Clementine has a strong player and file manager, there is even a separate item for podcasts.

Podcasts for Android

Since such files are distributed online by the thousands, there is already more than one application for listening and viewing them. What are the best podcasts for Android? There are three most popular applications today:

  1. Pocket casts... Syncs with the cloud, has a good library and video support, easily searches for any podcasts.
  2. Podcast addict... Very functional. Knows how to organize not only podcasts, but also an RSS feed, and youTube channels, unlike other apps.
  3. Player FM... Stylish in appearance, original design, there is support for Chromecast and Android Wear.

For beginners, the question is very relevant: how to listen to podcasts on Android? Experienced users advise the Podcast Addict program, it is easy to download in Android applications. Once the program is installed, you can select a language to filter out faster desired channels, add your favorite shows - through a selection of podcasting networks or manually. The database of this program contains thousands of various channels, information about them is immediately loaded into the library. The name, logo and number of programs are displayed.

How do I use podcasts on my iPhone?

As soon as the first interesting podcasts appeared on the Internet, Apple immediately developed their implementation into their system. Using such files on an iPhone is simple, they are sorted by topic, if you choose Trance music, you can listen to a lot of tracks, and even from different authors. There are also Overcast and PodWrangler apps that have a lot of functions. Only for Apple gadgets, they also released specialized free software with convenient settings.

How do I create a podcast?

It is known that the best podcasts are self-created, and many users have already mastered this science. Beginners are advised to use audacity programs, Bioreporter and Podcast Wizard. Before speaking to the public, you need to decide on the topic, rehearse your speech, choose music, buy good microphonebecause the sound quality is very important. How to record a podcast?

  1. Skype and the built-in app are best for voice recording. Skype Call Recorder.
  2. If there is a conversation with a guest, the answers and questions should be written separately, the guest will then send his file for editing.
  3. Choose a picture for the cover and come up with tags - keywordsto find a performance on the Internet.
  4. When the sound is cleaned and "glued", upload the file to the cloud. Of free hosting praise Google Drive.

It's always nice when guesses and rumors (especially good ones) are confirmed. So it happened last night: Apple released the long-awaited app " Podcasts". The application appeared quite unexpectedly and was not noticed immediately: without unnecessary announcements and introductions, quietly and calmly. With its new application, Apple has once again proved that attention to detail is its favorite hobby.

Coincidence or coincidence, but the release of the Podcasts application almost coincided with the release of a new podcast from the site. Therefore, you can listen to the latest episode of our podcast through the new application from Apple. And so that you don't have any problems with this, we decided to tell you in more detail about it.

At the very beginning, you need to find the podcast that interests you. You can do this in a variety of ways: see the overall Popular Rating, select a podcast from a specific category, or use the standard search. After you have found the podcast you need, you can subscribe to it: this is done with just one tap on the "Subscribe" button. In addition, there is a small settings menu for subscriptions. So, for example, it is very convenient when new content will be loaded automatically and you will not need to do it manually every time. You can send a link to any podcast using Twitter, email or messages.

After we have found the necessary and interesting podcast, of course, we need to proceed to listening to it. Just want to draw your attention to one interesting function: "Sleep Timer" - this is very convenient if you listen to a podcast before bedtime, you set the time for the timer yourself. The time is set, we understand further. The player for listening to podcasts looks very nice and sleek. In addition to the usual and boring rewind and pause buttons from all players, Apple surprised us with the switch from "turtle" to "bunny". It is difficult to say what this is for and how often it will be necessary, but with this switch you can change the playback speed from slow to fast (in the middle, respectively, the normal speed). To the right of this switch is the button that is responsible for setting the "Sleep Timer" (although you can turn it on even when you enter the application). Also, if you listened to a certain phrase or did not understand what the host of the podcast wanted to tell you, you can spin the podcast back a little with one tap on a special button. The same can be done in the other direction - a small step into the "future" of the podcast. The volume can be adjusted directly from the app. And, of course, it was not without the AirPlay function.

As always, Apple has released another excellent app that will make listening to your favorite podcasts even more convenient and interesting. The Podcasts application perfectly combines huge functionality with minimalism in design, which the company from. The application is thought out to the smallest detail: from drawing all the elements and the smallest details, ending with such useful features such as Sleep Timer and autoloading new content. Now all the latest and new podcasts will always be with you and listening to them will become a real pleasure.

Unfortunately, there is one small drawback: if you have installed iOS 6 beta 2 out of curiosity, and not from professional activity (although it will not save), then be prepared for the fact that your Podcasts application will work very unstable.

Name: Podcasts
Publisher / Developer: iTunes S.a.r.l.
Price: Free

After WWDC`12, Apple's worldwide developer conference, a native Apple iPhone application appeared in the AppStore, which no one expected at all. Moreover, it happened quite quietly and calmly. As a result, many iOS device users may have remained in the dark. Therefore, today is a story about the "Podcasts" program released by Apple. Everyone knows about podcasts from the menu iTunes programs... I myself listened to them several times, but did not reach constant use. The Podcasts program is a different story. Here you are not distracted by anything other than the videos themselves. This saves a lot of time and does not require unnecessary movements. The main menu is nothing special. A small Catalog button is hidden at the bottom left of the screen. By clicking on it, the user enters iTunes Storefrom where it can download most podcasts for free. Once you select a podcast that interests you, you can download either a separate episode or subscribe to the artist, after which you can download all of his new episodes. Everything happens pretty quickly and efficiently. After subscribing to the artist, it is not necessary to download all the videos at once: you downloaded what you liked, or deleted what you didn’t need (you need to slide your finger over a separate podcast from left to right and click Delete).
Podcasts are placed on the home screen under the covers, by clicking on which you get full list videos, as well as some information about the podcast itself. If you liked what you listened to, share it with your friends via Twitter, Mail or a message in iMessages. For each podcast, you can configure an important option - automatic download of new episodes, which is convenient if you have unlimited internet or wifi connection.
An interesting feature of the application is the view during playback. Old-fashioned film rewinding system with the ability to change the playback speed. All of this is more than just animation: an empty reel is actually wound with film from another reel. Quite unusual. Another one, it seems to me important function is hibernation. You can set a timer to turn off playback after a certain time. After falling asleep, the application will stop playing music by itself, and you will continue to watch dreams. Many people point out that Podcasts don't fit into the design apple apps... To be honest, I do not understand this, since I am very pleased with the application and its rich features.

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