Yandex filter: spam, content of little use, excess advertising. Content of little use. New filter. My experience

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The algorithm takes into account the parameters of non-unique material, spam and a large amount advertisements... He can be compared to a strict police officer who closely monitors the safety and comfort of citizens.

Yandex: content of little use, spam, excess advertising - signs of sanctions

Signs that the site is under the filter:

  • Message in the Webmaster.
  • No email alerts.
  • Quick stop indexing.
  • The positions sank low on some requests.
  • Decreased traffic.

Reasons for the imposed measures

The reasons are not indicated in the Webmaster: you will have to look for problems to fix it yourself.

Let's talk about some of them.

Empty domain or young project

Sites with a small, insufficient amount of information fall under the sanctions, therefore the search engine regards them as of little use to the visitor and removes them from the search. The problem can be solved by adding material. Then send for recheck.

Low-value content

This parameter shows how competitive the web resource is: are visitors interested in reading the posted content, or do they prefer other sources? If the web project does not stand up to the competition, then the reason may be technical or marketing problems: the text is truncated or is not interestingly written. Measures are also imposed on non-unique texts, because there are already good and comprehensive answers to this or that question.

Large amount of advertising

It can interfere with viewing information. Users leave quickly, which signals the search engine that the site is not in demand.

Low-visited pages

Because of them, you can get a filter, despite the presence of sections with excellent behavioral factors... Recycle or delete irrelevant articles.

Spam, overspam, over-optimization. For spam comments, they are also banned.

If the site is filtered

Yandex developers advise you to follow these tips:

  • Consider:

- The audience.
- Landing pagewhere visitors will come from search.
- Requests for which the project will be promoted.
- Questions to which the user will receive answers.

  • Check the amount of ads.
  • Post helpful and informative articles.
  • Upload ready-made web projects. Collect the material in advance so as not to immediately fall under the measures.
  • Check for technical problems. Pages with technical information are also not useful, for example, with login data for your personal account.
  • Stay competitive, don't stop developing and promoting. And for this you focus on users.

Don't rush to blame Yandex: the web resource is always good for developers. Conduct a full audit: check content, design, structure, usability. Work through the flaws and you will become a stronger competitor.

  1. Reduce overspam in articles, especially on the home page.
  2. Add images.
  3. Make your content as unique as possible by reviewing and correcting low-score articles.
  4. Organize your headings in descending order, not in a chaotic order.
  5. Specify 301 image redirects.
  6. Combine LSI techniques with SEO: use additional queries alongside keywords.
  7. Reduce the number of banner ads to 2-3. If the project is young, first place it to the side of the text, do not rush to insert it in the middle.
  8. Set subject restrictions on your advertised ads.
  9. Check headers for morphology and spam.
  10. Edit the meta tags - description, title, and alt attribute - for images.

Life after filter

The search engine team advises to take the notification as a signal of a serious flaw and guarantees that the sanctions will be lifted after a set of problems has been eliminated.

The page may not crash for everyone search queries... The developers attribute this to low competition and the usefulness of information compared to others.

Please contact technical support first: if the measures were taken by accident, the violation will soon be removed without your participation. After that, no additional sanctions will be left, and the old traffic will return back.

So far, Yandex's filter about spam, unhelpful content and excessive advertising is not entirely clear to developers and owners: many complaints are related to the operation of high-quality web resources. If your project is subject to sanctions, this is a reason to make it even stronger and more competitive. Or write to technical support for rechecking. According to the developers, it is held regularly, this explains the disappearance of measures without action on the part of the webmasters.

This post was last modified: January 27, 2018

Hello everyone! For seven months now, I have not been writing anything, and the point is that my site has come under the filter. I go to Yandex Webmaster "diagnostics", and I see fatal error on my resource - violations and threats on the site, and below under this terrible heading it is written: content of little use, spam, excess advertising... It is clear that first you need to fix this problem, and only then think about writing new articles.

How to fix a fatal error on the site

In Yandex Webmaster, I read what could cause this error, and made a hasty conclusion - the site fell under. And for some reason I ignored the fact that the site has technical problems, because I was sure that the whole trouble was precisely because of this filter, which could not be checked anywhere.

In this regard, the first thing I did was to look for problematic ones, and there were a lot of them. I also wrote to Yandex, Platon Shchukin, so that they would tell me what was wrong with my site. They did not give me real advice, so I decided to postpone everything for later, as often happens to me.

A few months later, I took up the site again, but decided to fix technical problems. I connected a certificate, translated the site from HTTP to HTTPS, removed some errors from the site pages and, it would seem, everything is fine, but it was not there. When you go to the site, the mouse wheel stops working, it basically does not work now. Now, to scroll the page up or down, you need to move the slider to the right, which is not very convenient, that is, completely inconvenient.

I contacted template monster support for help, where the template was purchased. The problem was quickly fixed and the blog started working properly. But later I noticed that there were external links in the old articles, which I never added. I had to reinstall the site from backupbecause it is not known how many of these links the support service added.

And now about seven months have passed, I decided to write once more to Platon Shchukin, so that they would still tell me what really needs to be corrected. Literally a couple of days later they answered me:

I received this letter on January 19, that is, on the day of the Orthodox holiday of Epiphany, and now the site is visited by about only 200 people, but this is better than nothing. Before that, there was traffic only from youTube channel... Further, I hope the counter indicators will improve.

As it turned out, the matter was not at all in useless content, spam, or an excess of advertising, but in technical problemsthat could be corrected in one week, or a little more, but definitely not seven months.

But these seven months have not been in vain. I have been trained on the trade with China, and also studied Ya.Direct. I have already started working with China, but I still need to practice on the Y.Direct.

I studied business with China with Alexander Fedyaev, about whom I will soon write a review. You will find out whether it is worth learning from him or not. That's all, be healthy.

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The topic may be of interest to those who create their own sites on the Internet. Since I am not a professional in this case, I warn you that everything written is purely my subjective opinion.

As you can see, the message about the site hitting the filter caught up with me on the evening of November 10th. What was done on the site at that time: a domain with age (it was bought for a blog, which for many reasons has not moved up to 10 pages for several years), the theme of the design was set and adjusted, the WordPress was updated, the first articles were posted (about 10 , all own writing), adSense advertising codes are placed.

How to get out of the filter?

First of all I decided to find out everything possible reasons "This disgrace." Yandex has issued a bunch of resources on this topic. From the stories of webmasters, I got the impression that the content that is of little use, spam, and an excess of advertising that fell under the filter often have common features. First of all, these are young, small resources (with a small number of pages), often starting content sites.

The dynamics of the development of such sites is often not great at the initial stage. I created a website, filled it in to a minimum and wait for semantics, ordered articles or first traffic. Many of these blanks have several. Often, sites that fell under the filter did not even have time to place ads. It is clear that Yandex probably judges by many factors. But, in this case, similar sites at an early stage of development apparently have a maximum typical problems... If the site had at least 50 pages, the filter of little use content would hardly have touched it.

What it was decided to fix:

  1. Content (check unnecessary links, close unnecessary ones from indexing, correct texts if necessary).
  2. Spam (here I honestly don't even know what to write - I don't cheat, I don't send mailings, I checked the security settings for every fireman).
  3. Excess advertising (I decided to check how ads are displayed to users of various devices).

On the first two points, I did not find anything unexpected, only closed unnecessary links from indexing. But with advertising, adsense found an unpleasant moment.

AdSense and Yandex filter of little use, spam, oversupply of advertising.

On the laptop from which I was browsing the site, the page had a maximum of three ad units. Too much adverts are unpleasant and Google's ad code has been set more for experience. To my grief, no one has clicked on the ad units yet ((

But, as soon as you looked into the webvisor, it turned out that users mobile devices see just a bunch of ads. The site had a verification code and a code for two ad units, but in the end, visitors (I apologize) saw about 8 ad units per page. Realizing perfectly well that this was what Yandex could not stand, I decided to completely remove the advertising code for the time being. It was easy, but as it turned out, the adsense ad code was removed, and the ad is still displayed!

Then I had to think hard. I contacted the adsense community where they explained to me that I should better understand the creation of ad units, since the verification code itself is an ad code and adds ad units to the site.

As a result, advertising on the site was switched to shortcodes, excess advertising was removed. On the same day, he indicated in the webmaster that the violations had been eliminated, after which he waited for the filter to be removed. This happened within the first week, and as a result, the site had to be restored to the SERP within 30 days. Thirty days have passed and it looks like traffic from Yandex is slowly returning.

My advice to those whose sites fell under the filter of little use content:

1. Check the content. Write original texts, tell Yandex about it through a webmaster. Don't overuse links. Update the site regularly, at least at first. 2. Do not use gray promotion methods. 3. Carefully check the ads you place. Conclusion - the new Yandex filter, it turned out to be rather useful to me. If it weren't for him, it is unlikely that advertising problems would have been discovered promptly.

updated: December 20, 2017 by the author: admin

I am glad to greet you colleagues. I want to announce the launch of a new service on my blog, which is directly related to the withdrawal of sites from the filter - Low-value content, spam, excess advertising. Surely, many of you have already heard about this filter, and some of you even took some action to remove it from your project.

I don’t know how successful your attempts were, but periodically looking through the profile threads of SEO forums, I constantly come across the topics of users whose sites fall under this difficult filter and people are wasting their time trying in vain to carry out various works to get their site back positions and was ranked high.

I have not read a lot of advice on these forums, sometimes users advise such nonsense that you simply wonder how the site, after the introduction of such changes, will generally rank normally in the future and be present in the search.

Indeed, in fact, you need a clear and well-functioning algorithm of work, with the help of which all the necessary steps will be taken to remove the filter and further successful development of the project.

What to do if a site gets filtered and how to get out of it

1) The very first thing I recommend to do is to conduct an analysis for what reasons the site could fall under the filter. Perhaps, until a certain time, it developed quite normally and its traffic was growing, but at one point a mark appeared in the Yandex. Webmasters and traffic began to decrease exponentially. Think about the changes you made on the site globally: installed a new type of advertising (teasers, affiliate programs, different popunders or clickanders, etc.), added many re-optimized articles to the site, made spam linking, etc. Think again about all your actions, perhaps it was they that led to the imposition of sanctions on your project;

2) After eliminating the reasons from the 1st point, you need to make your site even more convenient and original for users (adding unique and interesting, well-designed content, introducing new functionality - depends on the theme of the site itself). After all, the problem of the filter is that it is not enough to return the previous level of the site to remove the sanctions from it, you need to make your project better than it was before it came under the sanctions.

3) Look at your project through the eyes of a third-party user and think about whether it is pleasant to be on it, whether you are annoyed by an excessive amount of ads, blinking windows, etc. Reduce its size to a comfortable viewing level for your site.

4) Stop selling SEO links from your site, and audit the naturalness of the published articles on the site: meta tags - Title, Description, Keywords, H1 headers, the text of the article itself. For all these parameters, there should be no over-optimization, unnatural phrases and word patterns. All text should be well readable and without unnecessary water in the text.

5) After you have carefully worked on all of the above points, go to your Yandex. Webmaster and along the way: Diagnostics - Security and violations press the button - "I fixed everything."

If the reason / s for which the site fell under the filter were eliminated, then within a month the sanctions from it should be lifted automatically.

If this does not happen, feel free to write to yandex support service and urge them to review your site.

The picture above falls into the ideal solution to this problem. But as practice shows, in 95% of cases, site owners, or Webmasters who are engaged in it, cannot find the reasons (or simply do not have free time for this) and eliminate them to remove this filter.

Therefore, I decided to make this service for removing from under the filter - "Useless content, spam, excess advertising" public and now every affected owner of projects of different directions can turn to me for help.

Frequently asked questions about working with me

What is the withdrawal period - 1-2 months;

Service cost - depends on your site (but not less than 15,000 rubles);

- Payment principle - 50% prepayment, 50% upon withdrawal of the notification about the filter in the Webmaster's panel;

Who does the work on the site, making changes - you and only you, I give all the recommendations for lifting sanctions from the site, and I control them, the work is done by you;

Who is in correspondence with Plato - exclusively I;

- What are the guarantees - more than 5 years of experience in this area, about a hundred projects from which a variety of filters have been removed (specifically on this filter - more than 30 projects), a comprehensive analysis of the site and a non-standard approach to business, work on the site is always to the bitter end.

Benefits of cooperation

- Almost constantly in touch (exception - at night, Sunday);

- After the work carried out, the general condition of the site improves and a lot of errors that prevented it from ranking well in the PS are eliminated. There were cases when, after the completion of the work, the attendance on projects from 2-4 thousand visitors per day increased to 5-10 thousand daily visitors;

- Practical experience in the conclusion of more than 30 sites specifically for this type filter;

Several screenshots:

Screen on traffic growth after successful removal of sanctions (click to enlarge)

While waiting for a response, we analyzed the impact of the issued violation on the position and site traffic in the first two days. Although the period was too short, it was necessary to do it - judging by the discussions on the forums, many people who received such warnings on their sites had their traffic collapsed almost immediately.

Search traffic

According to Yandex.Metrica data, we can conclude that this did not in any way affect the site's search traffic. Dynamics corresponds to the average and clearly correlates with traffic from the search engine google systems... This suggests that changes in traffic are associated with changes in demand among users, and not imposing restrictions on the part of Yandex.

Analysis of search traffic in the first two days after receiving the warning:

For a clearer demonstration, below is a graph showing the share of traffic from Yandex in relation to traffic from Google, which is clearly not influenced by these warnings.

As you can see, there have been no drawdowns in the last two days, which would indicate a drop in traffic due to restrictions. If we compare traffic from search engines that came to home page, it turns out that traffic from Yandex did not decrease as much as from Google when comparing April 24 and 25 (branded traffic is filtered).

The total traffic for all new build pages is also not very different for Yandex and Google:

We remind you that this decrease in traffic is associated with a change in user demand and is reflected in all search channels:


Monitoring the dynamics of changes in positions also gives no reason to think that any actual restrictions have been imposed. The table below shows data for the last three days on the number of requests that changed their positions in the TOP-10 in search engine Yandex (the number of queries that changed the positions is indicated, not the total presence).

Such dynamics is normal for this site and does not at all indicate the imposition of any sanctions.

Initial conclusion and further actions

It can be concluded that there are no actual restrictions on the site, despite the warning received. Of course, this does not mean that nothing is worth doing, but drastic measures should not be taken. First of all, you need to wait for a response from Yandex.Webmaster technical support, which can clarify the situation. Since the imposed violation is algorithmic, one could try to click the "I fixed everything" button and hope that a second check will show that there are no violations, but:

    firstly, there is a high probability that the result will be the same if the algorithm fails;

    secondly, the algorithm can work correctly, and Yandex simply did not disclose any violations for which a warning could be issued;

    thirdly, the opportunity to send a reapplication for revision will appear only in a month, and if a violation of Yandex's “unwritten rules” does exist and will entail any consequences in the future, it will be a harder blow than waiting for a response.

As long as there are no actual restrictions (there are no changes in traffic and positions that clearly indicate this) and there is no response from technical support, it is not worth making any drastic changes.

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