What is the landing page and how it should look

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Today we will talk about such an important thing as landing pagewhich very often on the Bourgeois manner is called Landing Page (from English Landing Page - Target Page). What is it and why is it so important?

Let's give the current article just to respond to this question, as well as in all details we consider those moments that are very important when creating lending, and consider it all on specific examples Landing Page And those receptions that are used by the best usabelists to increase the efficiency of the landing pages.

What is Landing Page and why it is so important

Very often, even with proper work to attract the necessary people (target audience) to your site (, etc.), you, as the owner of the business, will not feel from this return. It seems to be I. traffic goesAnd the audience is targeted, and sales or subscriptions (depending on which conversion action you have chosen as the main task B is practically no. Nothing works. What can be wrong?

Most likely, you forgot to think through and prepare landing (landing, targeted) pages that are often called landingami. What it is?

And this is a very important point that can significantly increase the conversion (the number of purchases or registrations), for Landing Page is called maximum effectively summarize the user to perform the target action. If you are from all advertising announcements You will send visitors, for example, on main page Site, you can disastrously reduce the conversion and fly to the pipe.

The term "leyding paige" is formed from the English phrase "Landing Page", translating just a target, landing (landing) page. Landing is not created ababy as, but taking into account the psychology of visitors. They have to cling and not let go They are until the moment of purchase (or registration), because it will be re-attracting the visitor will be arhistent.

It is like hook On the fishing tackle - he must reliably pick up and confidently hold the fish that fell on him up to the moment you do not lock it. If the hook (leyding) is inappropriate, or it will not be at all, then all your efforts from bait, installation of bait and other shamanic actions will go ash. The ultimate goal you do not reach.

Landing themselves are either separate pages Already an existing website, single-page sites specially created under this business. In fact, hitting which the user is already quite difficult to get out and he will inevitably go to her, until it becomes your client. But it is ideally, but as this ideal to implement using various advertising tricks, we will see in the continuation of this publication.

Examples of lending

Depending on the purpose of the goals, the landing pages (lending) can be divided into several types:

12 steps to create perfect lending

It should be understood that the landing pages to which users will be attracted from social networks (or from contextual advertising) must have a number of characteristics and meet some requirements. So how create perfect lending page?

  1. Each lading should be sharpened only for one target (conversion) action - either subscription, or sales. No need to be greedy, because the user's attention will be scattered and the likelihood of its care will increase (so without choosing from the proposed options). It is better to make customers as small as possible to think and choose - the path to Landing Page should be direct as an arrow (obvious to him) and without any branches.
  2. On the landing page must be present call to action (With the verbs in the imperative ignition - call, buy, get, come, etc.). Phrases should be short and motivating. For example, "buy now", "get a video course" or "sign and get".
  3. Boil also bright buttons and arrowswho creates accent on them. The buttons of red and yellow shades work well, for noticeable and contain as if calling to action.

    Well, the arrows are usually designed to emphasize the button on the button so that the Landing behavior line is as predicted as possible.

    Sometimes work very well animated buttons (But in any case, it will be necessary to test the effectiveness of certain elements of the Landing Page):

  4. If in Ledding is used (On subscription landing pages, without them, it is not necessary, but they are often used on sales), then proceed that they contain as few fields as possible. Ideally, in the form there should be only one field (to enter the email address), but for further communication (marketing) you will need to know the username, so the two fields are the most common option. The large number of fields can significantly reduce the conversion. In addition, adding fields for entering a phone or address causes user alertness in users and can lead to a targeted effect.
  5. In the article about I mentioned that users on the Internet do not read texts - they browse them. And the most important thing in this regard is the title. If it is not (or it is not allocated accordingly), it will very much to reduce the conversion. On lending headlines must necessarily clingSo that the user bends to further read or immediately to the accomplice of the conversion action (subscription, order, call).

  6. On your Landing Page should be not only calls for action and spectacular headlines, but also argentic need Subscriptions, purchases, order or call. In the case of the subscription page, this may be, for example, a small video with a description and content of "freebies", or all the same is designed as short list (List). In the case of a sale case, this may also be a video overview, a list of those services that you offer (including your competitive advantages).

  7. Very good on boarding pages work reviews From those who have already consisted of customers, buyers or subscribers (better, if at the same time some contacts will be indicated by those who left these reviews so that everything looks plausible).

  8. Also work well on landing pages comparison "before and after". Not for all the subjects applies, but in the area of \u200b\u200bweight loss, cosmetology, fitness and many other niches it can be used with high efficiency. For example, this makes a firm providing restaurant services.

  9. Landing page can be quite long, but when watching the first screen (This is the area of \u200b\u200bthe page that is visible without using scrolling) the user must be quite clear and it is clear what exactly you wanted to tell him.
  10. To stimulate subscribers or buyers of some goods (for example,), you can use the option of additional bonuses that the subscriber or the buyer will receive when ordering. When the user is on the verge of decision, then such "buns" can outweigh the scales in your favor.
  11. Well, of course, it is worth focusing that "only here and only for a number of time" the user will be available all this magnificence (subscription, special price for goods, an additional set of services). How to do it best? Right, put timer Leading Reverse Time Report Up to hours when the opportunity provided is missed. Nothing stimulates the decision of the oscillating user, as literally in the eyes of the runaway seconds.

    Next to the timer, it will be not bad for the subscription form, ordering or contact number. It will not always work, so it is necessary to carry out tests (I think to write a number of articles about holding a / b-test - if you do not want to miss, then subscribe to the newsletter), and it is possible that such a simple and obvious way will allow you to increase the conversion of this Landing Page And with more thank you, the money spent on promotion in social networks or contextual advertising.

  12. Users also want to know who exactly offers this product, service, video course, etc., so necessary in Landing, specify information About the author, shop, firm.

    Naturally, it would be good to mention the advantages, achievements, competitive advantages, but do not intercept yourself, in order not to go to the line, which is already reduced by confidence in published information.

Examples of errors making Landing non-working

In addition to those things that the Landing Page is more efficient to work, it is worth listed and frequently allowed errors when creating landing pageswhich can level all the "Finders of Ears" listed above, and you will not get the desired result from advertising or promotion in social sets (or context).

  1. Once again I remind you that almost no one reads on the Internet (in any case again open page), namely brings up information. If it is really standing and requiring a more detailed study, then it comes to reading before reading (in general, as well as with newspapers). therefore do not allow the overload of lading information - It may be disorienting the user and cause reaction reaction even until it discern about what we are talking about.
  2. The text must be small, the maximum is laconic and filled with information, not water. A couple of paragraphs "Nothing" will call the user a stormy desire to close such a landing page. A small font is also poorly working on Landing Page. In general, it is not necessary to use it, for for presentation, there are no significant words.
  3. Do not deceive the user's expectations. If you talked about one in advertising or in a post on a social network, and when you hit the lending, the user sees a slightly different, then the loss of confidence is loss and conversion sharply decreases. It is very important to monitor this correspondence.
  4. Designing of the landing page In fact, it is very important. If it is not completed, it has been made unprofessional or has a view for most users, then even adherence to all the rules described above the creation of good leyding will not save you. If you yourself do not have proper skills and taste, or you do not have in the state of the designer, you can use numerous designers or ready-made templates of Ledding, which will only be able to remake a little to their needs.

    Again determine the best way You will help testing and analyzing statistics, for example, (often not everything is so obvious as it may seem). Thus, you can track the execution of the target action and understand which elements of the lending contribute to an increase in conversion, and which there are distracting effects and should be changed.

Do you have a little more time? Want to spend it with benefit? Then take popcorn, sit comfortably and watch a two-hour master class « Step by step algorithm Creating Landing Page »:


Landing page (or Landing) is one of the most effective components of the online advertising campaign. We have already written about. We tell about how to make it as much as possible.

1. Use the photo with the mind

Visualization and, in particular, photos are the main "driver" of web content consumption. But what exactly choose is a miniature or image big size - Depends on the goods you sell.

And you can arrange a small quest, intrigue the potential buyer. As, for example, in the case of designer gifts. So nicely "deploy" the box with your own hands - you feel like a preschooler, to whom Santa Claus came.

Home quest on the website of the online store of designer gifts

3. Add video

Video lending contributes to better conversion. YouTube or Vimeo-roller is embedded in the page, in which it can be used for one to two minutes. useful information, create a mood (as, for example, on the Landing workshop Dinero).

The video is perceived faster and more efficient than the text. In addition, this format makes it possible to demonstrate product characteristics in the dynamics, to tell about it with the original way.

Also, a video is more than 50% increases the chance to get on high places in top search engines.

A good example of creative video: Kathart agency made a lending with a presentation roller that creates the effect of presence in the company. You go, get acquainted with employees, see their real jobs. Attractive and unusual.

Kathart Designer Agency Logging, made in the form of a video dating

The roller can be with autorun, or without it: which option is suitable, it is better to determine testing.

4. Surprise

It is possible to stand out from the mass of the landing pages, not only creative design, but also unexpected filling. This may be related to anything: for example, the pop-up window with a proposal to "please you with the code for an obscenely large discount." It seems that everything is trite, but for the buyer it can become so desirable for each seller, crochet.

You can show the goods from the unexpected side, as the builders of the residential complex did. On their boarding page you can see how new building looks at night (very impressive).

Landing page of residential complex with original addition

5. Allow the opportunity to compare

Well, if you provide potential buyers the opportunity to compare the goods you suggest to make the most optimal choice. And also, also to show that you have the most attractive price, compared with competitors.

What is Landing Page and what is his features? How best to quickly make a steep linging with high conversion? What designers to create a landing page are now popular?

Hello, dear readers! With you one of the authors of the Khitirbobur.com business magazine, Alexander Berezhnov.

And I decided so - I will tell you about Ledding, about the main techniques that used when creating them. I will give examples of good single-page sites. And the conclusions each of you will do for yourself. Agreed? Then let's start.

The topic of the creation of a lending is not from the lungs, but very relevant and interesting. Knowing how to do it, you can make money different ways, for example, as. Uses in this direction, you can start your small business, simply selling goods or services through the Landing Page.

1. What is Landing Page - Browse for beginners

Hundred articles are written on the topic of planting pages. One material is difficult to "push" all the advice, all experience. But I still will try to tell you about the most important thing as concerning Landing Page.

Landing. - This is a single-page site or just a page whose goal is to encourage users to make some action: buy, subscribe, call, leave a request.

Landing Page is literally translated from English: "Target" or "landing page".

Such one-page you probably saw on the Internet.

Why make Landing:

  1. They motivate well Visitor to make the right action.
  2. They are quickly constructed. And often cost the most ordinary site. Another plus: the landing page can be made independently.
  3. Landing Page Easy to redo - Improve, change, add missing information.

Landinga create for:

  1. Product sales. For this use calls: "buy", "leave a request", "call".
  2. Collection of information. Here visitors are offered: "Subscribe", "learn more."
  3. Spreading software - Sale software.

Landing and Funnel Sales

Funnel Sales - This is the process of selling goods / services. At each stage of this process, part of people - potential customers of a commercial company. Our site has a separate article about.

The sales process through Landing Page looks like this:

  • saw a link to the landing page 100 people;
  • switched by link 40 users;
  • 10 people left the application;
  • bought a product 2 people.

From hundreds - two sales. Return - 2%. This is a good option. Not perfect, but not losing.

Funnel Sales looks like an inverted kitchen funnel: a wide base and narrow neck.

The wider part is to switch to the page. At this stage, we test the work of contextual advertising, messages in social networks, publishing on other sites. Determine CTR.

Ctr. - The ratio of the number of clicks to the number of shows. Measured in percent.

The middle part is an application. We analyze the efficiency of the landing page - its design, text part.

Narrow part - application processing and sale. Here we appreciate the work of living people - operators, managers.

When lending is analyzed, another indicator is calculated - EPC.

EPC. - This is averaged figure of earnings from one thousand visits to Ledding.

The higher the profitability indicator, the higher the efficiency of your advertising campaign.

In what cases need to create a lending?

Below will consider a number of cases when you may encounter the need to create your one-page.

Case 1. Low conversion (sale) of the company's main site

When the site shows a low conversion rate - that is, buyers leave, without buying anything. And money to create a new working big site - no.

Example of calculation: For 24 hours, 300 people visited the site. Subscribe to the newsletter - 12 users. Conversion will be: 12/300 * 100% \u003d 4%.

The average conversion of sites in the zone.ru - 0.5%. Landing conversion 5-10%. These figures hides the whole truth about why entrepreneurs like to sell their products and services through one-page.

Case 2. Starting a new product

When you run a new product and want to show it in the most best of sight. When on the novelty you need to focus the contextual advertising.

Case 3. Solution of a specific task

When you need to solve a specific marketing task. And the company's main website is not suitable for this.

Creating Landing Page without in most cases will help increase sales.

In itself, the presence of the landing page will not attract a bunch of customers at once. In fact, Landing is only a tool. Even the most implanted drill will not drill the hole in the wall until you take it in your hands. So here.

To make the page - you need to "enable" it.

For this you can take the following moves:

  1. Start contextual advertising On your one-page site.
  2. Run E-mail newsletter By a predetermined database of subscribers. In the letter briefly spoke product properties and add a link to Landing.
  3. Restore product On forums, partner sites, bulletin boards. Everywhere add a link to the page.

It erroneously the opinion that Landing may be the only business and audience venue. If the company does not lead a blog, does not develop its presence on social networks, does not use email marketing - Landing Page will be ineffective.

Example from practice

The young man became interested in the proposal of the company "Kverti". The guy never heard about this company before, and therefore is looking for evidence of its existence. Visits the site and blog company, enters into a group in social networks.

He was convinced: the company works. The blog is constantly updated content. In social networks, Admins quickly respond to questions of users. The client returns to a single-backer, makes a pre-order.

And now ask yourself the question: to make the guy if I didn't find the traces of "Kverti" on the Internet? If all the existence of the company began and ended in a single landing page. Would he order their product?

Conclusion from this example: Use auxiliary tools to enhance the effect from sales through your single-page.

2. How much is the creation of Landing Page and what is the price of one-page site depends

The price of creating Landing Page depends on whether you will order single-page or do it yourself.

  • The first option is expensive. Freelancers are taken from 100-200 cu. For work, design studios - from 1,000 cu Cool agencies - from 5,000 cu.
  • The second option is "almost" free. If you connect to the development of a programmer or copywriter, if you take a paid template as a basis - the price of this method will be from 20 to 1,000 USD. And even higher. For a better understanding of prices for different types Sites and Landing, read our article.

If you decide to order Landing, you will be asked to fill briff - Special questionnaire: answer questions what you would like to see on the site.

From your answers and will be repelled by the Contractor when determining the cost of work.

The more "chips" and "frills" you want to see on your one-page, the more expensive the Ledding Page will cost.

The price will depend on:

  • unusual structure and unique design pulls at 7 00 cu;
  • contextual advertising And its setting - from 100 cu per month;
  • text from a good copywriter - 50-100 cu, from an excellent commercial writer - from 1,000 USD;
  • unique pictures and icons (not dried off from stock) - this is at least 100-200 cu.

In addition, the price of Landing Page is influenced by the analysis of the target audience, a selection of key phrases, testing the page structure, constant monitoring and so on.

I met Landing, the conversion of which was 50–60% . That is, every second visitor left his data or sent a request for the purchase of a product. The secret of such great returns consisted in two factors:

  1. The page came mainly the target audience - that is, people who have been interesting to this product.
  2. Developers adhered to traditional rules for creating an effective landing page.

I will tell you about these rules.

Tip 1. Place one product on Landing

I failed to hook - the reader will not reach the cherished button "Buy".

Follow the following rules:

  1. Focus the client's attention on something one.
  2. Tell him about the benefits of only this version of the program.
  3. Offer him a discount on one product.
  4. Interest it by sending on a specific topic.

If you place ten products within one screen - the visitor's attention will dispel. He will look around the whole page. Perhaps will pay attention to a huge discount or on some funny picture. And then closes the tab. Five seconds, he will forget about your existence.

The user comes to the site. The first thoughts that visit him: where I got, why am I here? If in the coming moments he will not find a response - you lose the client.

According to statistics, 80% of potential buyers leave the page in the first fifteen seconds. And these are the main reasons:

  1. They did not find what they were doing here. The site does not have a specific call for action: "Subscribe", "Order", "Find out more" and so on. Remember if there is no "big red button" signed on the screen simple word "Buy," - before you bad Landing.
  2. Visitors do not understand what they are offered here. They are annoyed dozens of outdoor details, screaming gifs and solid Caps Lock. Non-unique elements are struggling for the attention of the visitor, knocking it from the main thing - from buying or subscription.

These tips will help you increase sales of your product:

  1. Our all - Rectangular red button with capacious verb in the center. Place it not only at the end, but also at the beginning of the page.
  2. Excry clearly. Speak directly: what should the user should do and what will he be for it.
  3. Remove everything that distracts from the main thought. Incomprehensible graphics, neutral pictures, stupid headlines, left buttons, huge banners with advertising other people's products.
  4. Sensoring the visitor with an example of the exclusivity of its product. In praising of goods, use more digits, comparisons. Next to the conviction, install the red button.
  5. Show specific benefits Which will receive the client from using your offer.

But do not be unnecessarily passionate in your desire to faded the client. Excessive pressure and oversupply of advertising convention causes readers only nausea.

Tip 3. Use selling headlines

Selling fluorescent lamps? Here you have a title: "Save energy 4 times more efficient."

Are you inviting fatty in fitness center? Bey in the heart: "Who else wants a tele-star figure?"

When laying the headers, be sure to use Tags H1 and H2. If it turns out, turn on them key phrases - those words and phrases for which customers will be found through the search engine.

Tip 4 Make a quality selling text

Text is the first priority. As long as you do not have a fully formulated offer, do not even think to order the design of the lending.

To the text be first-class you need:

  • First - Know who he is the person who needs your product. Form a portrait of the "ideal buyer."
  • Second - Read books about marketing and psychology sales.
  • Third - To be able to involve the client in the conversation. Even if this conversation is actually a monologue. Imagine what questions arise in the head at the source. Answers logically enter into text. Write until you tell everything about the product. And do not dwell on the number of characters.

I drew attention to how the Internet marketing guru love to criticize big lending. If you look at the object of criticism attentively, it will become clear - we can condemn tedious and low-informative texts. Interesting and standing long Landing Page Criticians for some reason bypass.

Do not be afraid of large texts if:

  1. Product complex and unfamiliar. The client will have to chew each advantage of the goods. Bring a lot of examples proving its benefit.
  2. Product expensive. To achieve a response, you will have to use all the super supercase - reviews, warranties, cases, discounts, post-warranty service, gifts.


70% Visitors do not fulfill the Landing exhausted by you and until the middle. Do not blame yourself. Try to capture the attention of the remaining 30% - It is also good.

Tip 5. Avoid aggressive advertising !!!

Like you three exclamation mark at the end of the sentence? Maybe also Caps Lock cost add?

These pieces are a sign of aggressive advertising. Normal man kind capital letters And three exclaints causes panic attacks: "I want to get some kind of nonsense," this again intrusive adware! "," I always said that the Internet is a garbage. "

And for good copywriters, editors, content managers - this is also a sign of the township, non-professionalism and sometimes, sorry, idiocy.

And I also recommend excluding the following stamps from the text: "Flexible system of discounts", "leader in the area", " high quality and low prices"," Huge experience "," Individual approach ". Remove without regret all raw and not reinforced with the phrase numbers.

This stage is very important for the successful promotion and sale of goods and services.

Immediately turn to the rules:

  1. Readable font - 16 Kehel. Recommended: Georgia, Open Sans, Pt Sans, Arial, Pt Serif, Clear Sans, Garamond.
  2. In a string - up to 80 characters.
  3. Every 3-5 lines - a new paragraph.
  4. Every 2-4 paragraph is a new subtitle. The subtitles must be drawn up so that the reader, running around them with his eyes, without difficulty, I understand what we are talking about.
  5. Required: lists, quotes, tables.

Think over what trajectory will move the visitor's look. When all the elements are in their places, a person easily perceives the information. And if the client understands your product, it is likely that he immediately will buy it.

Use visual navigation: arrows, icons, pictures. Attract attention with contrasting shades: highlight the collar headers, use a red (yellow, orange, green) button.

Relevant Landing is a page that matches the user's expectations.

Another example

If the user clicks on the banner "Buy new iPhone With a discount of 10%, "the proposal should hang on the Landing page, it is about buying this phone and precisely with this discount.

Create your Landing not only for each marketing campaign, but also for each traffic source. For example, customers go from the social network in VKontakte - this should be reflected on the site.

90% of buyers think before buying something. People are afraid of fraud, fear for their safety. Many do not want someone to know about their purchase. Fears give rise to objections: "I am afraid of losing money," "I do not believe that the price may be so low."

Since you are not able to personally calm the client, take care of the answers to their objections in advance. Formulate convincing arguments and insert them into text.

I give tips:

  1. Refund warranty for 1-2 weeks. "If you do not like the product, we will refund all the funds invested in it."
  2. Offer Try the product for free. "Trial 2-week period will help you decide."

Such marketing moves were and remain relevant when creating landing pages.

Be careful with a deficit. Few now believe the countdown timers. Moreover, when the counter is constantly updated when the Landing is rebooted.

Act prudent. Specify the number of remaining products. Constantly and manually update information. The user must see - the goods are disassembled.

Cave buyer think so

"Yesterday there were 74 microwaves with 50% -skidka, this morning - 23, and only 7 pieces remained to the dinner. We must urgently take! "

Tip 11. Slend the user in what is reliably and safe

Place elements of confidence not far from calling to action.

  1. Use the social networks buttons - Tweets of tweets, husky on Facebook, a list of subscribers in the group in VK.
  2. Publish reviews with reference to people or companies leaving them.
  3. Display rewards and certificates. Documents must be fully and easy to read.

Tip 12. No complex forms for filling

By itself, the form of data entry does not cause unpleasant emotions from visitors. Most target audience is ready to interact with you. If necessary - they will write their name, activity and e-mail.

Difficulties begin when at the registration stage of users ask to tell about their lives in more detail. I advise you to transfer the moment of more close acquaintance for later - when the visitor confirms the fact of registration.

Another problem is a complex captcha.

Caps - The pop-up form in which the user brings a set of characters (numbers and letters on blurred pictures), confirming that it is not a robot.

Over deciphering characters, each hangs over the solution of puzzles and cumors. Therefore, the test pass is not all - about 30-40% will close the tab and immediately forget about your offer. Forget about Caphet. Leave it to your competitors.

This Council unites the essence of all previous points. Order a simple Landing Page.

The page must be:

  1. Without excess graphics and text
  2. With a proposal to make only one action: buy one product, subscribe to one newsletter and so on
  3. On the view of the free, spacious and not overloaded

Perfect Landing is a logo, a clear header and a button. If your product allows you to make a minimalist single-page-style - use it.

4. What is better: Order Landing from professionals or independently make a landing fabric?

The team necessary to create Landing Page from scratch:

  1. Marketer. Develops a strategy. Forms a proposal. Test results. Creates a site prototype.
  2. Copywriter. Writes texts. Creates headlines.
  3. Web Designer. On the basis of the prototype makes the layout. Implements special effects.
  4. Front-end developer. Programming and looks. Tests Landing Display on different devices. Adjusts form feedback, Call button, etc..
  5. Directologist, specialist in contextual advertising. Analyzes semantic kernel. Picks up keywords. Adjusts contextual advertising.
  6. Manager. Controls work. Calculates the return on the project. Takes key solutions.

Services of six specialists will cost you from 3,000 USD. This is the price for Ledding Page, which will work.

If you rightly plan each stage of work and find in advance good people - The landing page will be ready in 2-3 weeks.

Now let's go to the second - "Independent" option .

If you are a "ordinary" man - programming tasks, design and layout you are most likely to fail. Nothing remains how to download a free template or take advantage of the paid designer Landing Page.

Work copywriter, manager, specialist in contextual advertising and marketer will have to take over. Here is an approximate scheme of actions:

  1. Come up with the idea. Word Offer - Send to the audience that your product or service needs.
  2. Slide the idea of \u200b\u200blogical blocks. If you specify the question in the first block - the second or third block should be the answer.
  3. Develop a teaser * - mobile or text. Make it clinging and concise.
  4. Work over the main text. Here you appear as a copywriter.
  5. Come up with headlines. It is desirable that they are not heterogeneous and folded into the story.
  6. Call to action.You should have phrases and words "order now" on your selling site, "Call", "Subscribe".
  7. Take a design. Choose a suitable template Ledding Page. Edit it under the invented structure. Photos, illustration are looking for in drains. Or take the chamber and remove the material yourself.
  8. Launate Landing. Adjust the contextual advertising.

Heavy? But for free! True, time for this you spend a lot: perhaps not less than 4-5 weeks.

Let's look at the table of ways to get a finished one-page.

5. Popular Designers Landing Page - Top 3 best

The popularity of Landing gave impetus to the emergence of a number of designers. I will tell now about several Russian-speaking and most popular.

Designer 1. FlexBe.com (Flexbe.com)

- Very simple and reliable Landing Designer. Free version Acting 14 days - time is enough to understand whether the designer is convenient, whether it is suitable for your business.

The cheapest rate is 750 rubles per month. This amount includes: one domain, 10 pages, 250 sms notifications, technical support, its own mailbox And other buns up to a free domain in Zone.ru.

The most expensive tariff is 3,000 rubles per month. This is an unlimited number of domains, how many pages, 1,000 SMS notifications and so on.

Of the minuses - to create something unimaginable cool will not work. A set of tools "FlexBi" without delights.

Of the advantages - incredible speed. In 10 minutes I created an acceptable single-page. He looked well on the screens of mobile devices.

Designer 2. Lpgenerator (Lpgenerator.ru)

Imagine that you have already downloaded the liked template. What do you have hosting and domain name. What to do next?

Landing Installation Instructions

Some simple steps How to install a single-page:

  1. Go to the site of your hosting provider. Go to the Account Control Panel.
  2. Find the root folder of the site (it should be empty). The name of this folder is the domain you bought in advance.
  3. Click the Load button, in the window that appears, select the archive with the template.
  4. When the archive is copied to the domain folder, click the "Unpack" button next to it.
  5. Wait the seconds 20 until the operation is over. Update the page.
  6. Landing is installed!

To edit the Landing Page, go to the root folder of your domain and look for the desired file.. Change text, pictures, insert video. You can learn this: Read a couple of articles on the topic - and go ahead, make money.

7. Real examples of working ledding

15-20 years ago, Landing was created for impulsive purchases. In the old days, acid colors, crazy gifs and other trash acted. Now we have become reducing: we pass by empty promises, we trust the calm tone and convincing evidence.

"Those" times have passed, but still people remain who believe that Landing should be "screaming." I created this section to convince them in the opposite. Before you, examples of Landing Page. Let's analyze their pros and cons, we will understand why they work.

Example 1. Master Climate - a company for the installation and sale of climatic equipment

www.masterclimat.pro - We have done this site with a friend when they were still engaged.

The site has a clear structure, a pleasant design in the style of "ventilation and air conditioning". Also on this Landing is implemented adaptive layoutThat is, the site is adapted to any sizes of screens, including under mobile devices.

Example 2. Vacancies Alpha Bank

www.job.alfabank.ru - scroll through the site and see - how the career of a young man in Alpha Bank starts. After some time, looking at the tempting visualization, site visitors finally see letters. The page published a suitable text - its quality is not worse than animated pictures.

Directly on the surface is a description of new vacancies, a partition of possibilities is published. For applicants - a small and very simple form.

Action button: Upstairs a small and low-speed "Send Summary" button is minus; At the very bottom of the page, the bright link "Watch vacancies" is a plus.

On Landingah globally, you can earn in three ways:

  1. Creating Landing under the order, that is, being a web studio, designer or manager of the whole project, finding a suitable team.
  2. Using single-page sites for appointment, that is, to sell goods and services through them.
  3. Having lidogeneration. Lida - contacts potential customers. These are "warm" applications that can be sold to target companies. For example, you can create Landing "Sliding Coupe in Samara" to drive traffic on it and sell formed applications to firms that these cabinets are manufactured.

What kind of way to choose is to solve only you. In the first case, you will receive money from customers who need the Sites themselves, and in the second - money that will bring Landig-paji from sales to end users.

9. Conclusion

In truth, people are tired of Landing Page. They also enjoy the same techniques - countdown timers, crazy discounts, "unique offers", static reviews that do not change for 2-3 years.

In order for the visitor to not closed your Landing - make it non-sabroval. No, you can just use the templates, but fill them with the mind. Do not lie, do not chase the fleeting benefit. Think about the client, about his needs.

Let's summarize:

  1. Landing. - This is a great tool to attract new subscribers, buyers.
  2. Do not make a bid only on the landing page. To communicate with the audience, develop other directions - blog, main website, groups in social networks.
  3. You will always have time to order Landing Page. Therefore, try to make it first alone. This will help you ready templates and designers. You can only develop a marketing strategy, writing text, configure contextual advertising.

At the end of the article - video on the topic of manufacturing perfect Landing:

I wish you good luck in business, launch Landing Page and increase sales!

Probably, it is no longer a secret that the percentage of failures (as well as the site's income) depends on the page that "meets" the user. It is like "Science to sell." In each supermarket at the box office there are shelves with chewing elastic bands and other trifles, because every second hand will dyate behind them, and a pleasant and tasty fragrance craits in the store, which comes from the bakery. Under the influence of this fragrance you wake up the desire to "eat". Consequently, you buy more than planned. There are also things with online stores and just sites.

What is the landing page?

Landing page or Landing Page is the target page to which users will not only come from search results, but also from email mailing, contextual ads and so on. That is the landing page - this is the page you promote.

What does the perfect landing page look like?

It is better, of course, to entrust this business of Internet marketering, those who are engaged in promoting sites daily. Payment for optimizing your site will not be high. This amount will pay off at your first month, even if your online store is completely young. But if you still decide to independently reduce the percentage of failures, then consider the following tips.

10 elements of the landing page that attract the attention of the visitor:

  1. Proper heading. The headline of the landing page and the advertising slogan must complement each other.
  2. Subtitle. Inscription large font - This is the first thing that rushes into the visitor. They should not bring him into confusion or force to miss. Headers must cause desire to carefully examine the contents of the page.
  3. Imcorrent grammar. Trust to the online store, which requests visitors to purchase something, leave personal information and number credit cardAnd at the same time writes illiterately and allows a bunch of mistakes, it can seriously shaken.
  4. Reviews. Show what you can trust.
  5. Call to action. After the visitor read the title of the page, it is extremely important that he knew what to do next. When browser Mozilla Firefox. Replaced the call "Try Firefox 3" to "download now for free!", Number of downloads, during testing increased by 99%.
  6. Select buttons. Select words that will awaken to the action of your visitors, such as free, new, buy or download right now. The button must be allocated and placed immediately under the appeal. It should be big, bright and located in the first screen of the monitor (that is, without scrolling the mouse wheel).
  7. Less links. Simplify the block with references. A large number of references to other site pages or other resources will distract visitors that will negatively affect your conversions. Placing a lot of references makes sense only on the main or information page. In the case of the landing page, the other way around is the easier, the better.
  8. Image + video. Stories, pictures and videos Reviews on the landing page will be positively affected by visitors' loyalty. Motivate them carefully examine the proposed product or service.
  9. Page height. Do not make scroll! The most important parts of the page must be placed in the visible part of the screen. Place the call button to action in the visible part of the page, in the place where the visitor expects to see it. Never replace it in the place you need to look.
  10. Experimental! Few following other people's advice. You need to look for the perfect option for yourself and your site. Change texts, images and videos, test, see what option is the most optimal in terms of conversion.

Create a functioning target page - the process is not heavy, but creating a target page that converts will require a series of effort.

The target or landing page (Landing Page) is a page that users will hit by visiting Internet resources. Direction to this page is performed through guest posts On social networks, blogs or advertising banners.

Target pages are considered specialized pages created to encourage users to action. The overwhelming part of unnecessary elements from the page is removed and the user's attention is focused on what you need from it (Call-to-Action).

The landing pages will supply buyers necessary information And turn them out of online visitors to consumers, ready to pay for the goods.

Sample landing page:

How to create a landing page with high conversion?

Create a target page easily. A considerable number of web site templates includes the option to select a "landing page" layout, which will allow you to create a standard version of the page.

Layouts are easy to use. The main processes are performed by copying elements, a visual editor block and other page tools.

Virtual hosting sites for popular CMS:

Elements that increase the conversion of the landing page (features Landing Page).

Attractive and efficient heading is half the success of the site.

You will need to determine the purpose of creating a landing page and a header that will be interested in the user. The task of the title is to clarify the specifics of your site, and also to have an emotional impact, forcing the visitor to read information from the beginning to the end of the page.


  • The title should be "hook" that intrigues the visitor. (as in the second image).
  • In the title, you can insert the ITP - a unique trading offer for the main service.
    In the first example, it could look like this: "Drawing up the estimate - for free, the final cost of the work does not exceed the estimate of more than 2%."

Create a feeling of urgency (timer on Landing Page).

Create a feeling of urgency on the target page is possible through a number of methods. As an example, post on the site countdown timer or a limited range. Another option is to reduce the number of downloads and subscribers.

Such a tactic will force users to act much whether.


  • Promotion, discount or special offer should act for a limited amount of time. Making a timer "until the end of discounts 765 days 23 hours and 56 minutes" meaningless.
  • Worse than the previous one - just the rest of the same offer. "To the end of the action of 2 hours," after 2 hours it comes a new day and "until the end of the action 23:59:58".
  • The proposal must be weighty. In addition to jokes, in one of the car dealerships, the timer counted the period during which when buying an SUV was given a branded T-shirt. So do not need to do.

Formation of trust through reliability (availability of customer reviews on Landing).

You are able to prove the reliability of all sorts of ways. The most common way is to show the reviews of previous customers and buyers. To emphasize the degree of reliability, specify the presence of subscribers and followers from social networks, of course if their number is sufficiently large.

For B2B segment - Display positive comments about your project from businessmen who are busy in the same business area as you.


  • Feedback from scanning thanks or letters from the client is much better than "just feedback." Many users have already been tired of forever smiling (and often repeated) "customers" who sing the diffilaments of the next company.
  • Even better video reviews. For a small discount or some bonus, many of your customers will record your opinion about your work. If a beautiful photo And the laudatory feedback can accommodate each (and fake, respectively, too), then persuade a dozen-other customers to record the recommendation on the video - much more difficult. But confidence in such reviews is more.
  • Well also reviews, indicating profiles in social networks, thus, in doubting visitors have the opportunity to evaluate - the real person wrote a feedback and can it ask him about the question of interest to the potential customer or the product?

Call for action on the boarding page.

If people thoroughly learned your website, then you will need the right call to action to encourage customers to fulfill the actions you need. Abundant number of calls is displayed as buttons, so you will need to make this button notable and actions-oriented.

Also make sure that the call button does only perform one function.


  • Let the client understand what will happen after sending the application.
  • Avoid the impersonal names of the "Send" buttons, "OK" and similar. It is much better if near the button or in its text is indicated by the benefit of the client. "Get a free site audit", "Get a link to download books."

Check and refinement.

For the first time, when you create a target page, you are targeting the information obtained during past contacts with customers or your own intuition. Tracking and testing changes taking place on the target page, you will learn how to create higher conversion pages over time.

When you perform testing, make sure you work with only one element at a time. It certainly takes a long period of time, but so you will learn what is regular and what is not.

Tips - what to test:

  • Headers.
  • Block location.
  • Color buttons.
  • Text calling to action.
  • Images (man or woman, a serious character or cheerful, there is an image or it is not).

Over time, using the collected information, you will become much easier to create and modify high-conversion target pages.

When should I use the landing pages?

Use the landing page in each incoming advertising campaign. As an example, you sell all sorts of products and participate in promoting certain proposals among different user segments, and the home page of your site is not able to cope with such tasks.

The effectiveness and style of incoming marketing will also differ depending on the tools of use (the payment per click, organic and email marketing, marketing on social networks and advertising banners), so you will need to provide only primitive information through each of the advertising channels.


  • The landing page should offer one service (2-3 similar services). You can not make the landing page that will sell and iPhone and refrigerator.
  • The boarding page can be used with the main site.

Segmented promotional offers.

If you intend to report discounts or chat with a variety of customer classes - as an example, existing buyers and people who are registered on your site and do not use paying servicesThe appropriate way for this is separate target pages.

They will allow you to hide and personalize the message, not harming the home page of the site. Not all promotional offers are intended to be the same clients.

Promote the product or service page.

Advertising goods take three ways: through homepageUsing the product description page and through the site directory page. Among the presented methods - the preferred page with detailed description Products because it contains the full information necessary to make a purchase.

Nevertheless, there is a chance that online visitors will prefer to use the site navigation page. After all, surely they will want to buy another product, and in conclusion, the purchase remains to buy, is it not true? This is a far wrong performance. If you seek the creation of an efficient marketing campaign, then priority is required to pay for accurate statistics.

If you have only one target page, then as a rule, sales channel is implemented by simplified scheme:


  • If the conversion indicators do not satisfy you, pay attention to how coinciding your messages with the site advertising and check the design and content of the target page.
  • See how your visitors interact with the site can be in the Yandex web service service.

Segmentation and optimization of traffic sources.

Potential buyers who read your message on Twitter, consisting of 140 characters, are not enough about your product and therefore they will need more facts to take the necessary solution.

For those who hit the site page, following the link in electronic letter - It will also be necessary to find another way. In such cases, use individual target pages for each of the sources.

Another major advantage of traffic segmentation using individual target pages is measurability. Using the analytical services of Yandex Metric and Google Analytics.You are able to track down that the conversion of traffic from social networks is many times higher than the conversion of the e-mail traffic.

Replacing the target page that gets all incoming traffic, you will thus affect the conversion indicators of all sources.


  • Using different pages For different sources of traffic will allow testing faster.
  • The separation of traffic sources will optimize the page for each of them, not degraded the indicators of other sources.

How to attract traffic on Landing Page?

One of the most popular questions is "where to take traffic on Landing?" Most effective way Attracting traffic on the landing page is contextual advertising. Causes:

  • Quick start - Unlike SEO-optimization, run an advertising campaign to Yandex Direct or Google AdWords is possible within 2-3 days.
  • Opportunities for testing. Changing landing elements for every 100-200 visitors, you can form the most efficient options. To accelerate testing, 2-3 sites are created and the test is carried out simultaneously.

If, when reading the page, you have any questions - ask them in the comments.

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