Domain name - how to choose the “right” domain. What is a domain? How to register a domain name

Hello dear readers of the blog site. This blog has a detailed one. After or while reading this publication, I advise you to familiarize yourself with that article in order to get a complete picture. I also advise you to read my publications on the topic of what and means.

Today we have a question on our agenda - what is domain or domain name (in fact, these are synonyms). Well, it's actually simple. This is the name for the site, which is assigned to him instead of the hard-to-remember IP address of the server on which this site is hosted (see). Enter this name in the address bar of your browser and the site opens.

But the difficulties arise precisely in the details. What they are, how it all works, what are domain zones, how to understand which level domain and which of them can be registered, where it can be done and which zone to choose. There are many questions and I will try to answer all of them in this "small note".

What is a domain?

As I mentioned above, domain is the name for the site..162.192.0. And besides, imagine the situation. You have placed the site on the hosting server (see above for what it is) and received an IP address. But moving to a different hosting IP will change, which will cause disaster. But in the case of domain names, this will not happen. Why?

The fact is that there are thousands of DNS servers (Domain Name System) on the Internet, which will state that the site's domain is available at the IP address If I move to another hosting, I will go to the domain name registrar panel (where I bought it), change something and all DNS servers on the Internet will indicate that the site needs to be searched for at a different IP address. Convenient, right?

Convenient, but probably not clear yet. The main thing to understand is name for the site is a very important thing and it is for life (as a rule, although you can, if you wish, transfer the site to another domain, it is not easy). As you name the boat, so it will float. True, not only the name is important, but also the level of the domain, as well as the zone to which it belongs. Again, not clear? Well, let's go in order.

How a domain name works

Let's start with the basics. The domain record (site name) should include all levels of nesting of the domain (all the zones it belongs to) so that it is unique and there is no confusion.

There are two main domain name recording rules:

  1. The zones that this domain belongs to are listed from right to left.
  2. Dots are used as separators.

For example, it may look like this:

We get the fourth-level domain net, which is part of the third-level domain zone "blog", which is part of the second-level zone "ktonanovenkogo" belonging to the zone. Nonsense, right? (my spouse checking the errors in the article will be happy to confirm this).

What domain levels distinguish

  1. Root domain (level zero) is an empty entry, denoted simply by a period (.). In theory, the full domain name record should always end with a period, but in most cases it is omitted (as if meaning) and instead of the record: site.

    They use the already well-established relative domain notation (without a dot at the end):

  2. This is followed by the first level - this is usually regional (national) domains (.ru, .su, .ua, .us, .de, .fr, etc.) or thematic (.com, .edu, .org, .net, etc.). But there are also first-level domain names that include national alphabets (for example, .рф).
  3. Second level - these are the same domains that we are with you buy (we register with special registrars). Prices for them differ not only depending on belonging to a particular first-level domain (for example, buy cheaper, as a rule, than, but also depending on the registrar (or its reseller - retailer).
  4. Third, fourth, etc. - they no longer need to be bought (as a rule) and can be created independently (without registering anywhere) based on the purchased second-level domain. For example, I can create such a name for a new site - ..

Let's explain it all again for example:

  1. ... (dot) - zero (root) level domain
  2. ru - the first level, also called top-level domain or zone
  3. site - second level domain name
  4. - third level domain
  5. - fourth level

Top (first) level domains

Except for the zero level (root - root domain), because this is emptiness, then the so-called zones or top level domains (it is with them that the name of any site begins, although it seems that it ends with them - but not the essence). They cannot be bought by an ordinary person, but it is from these zones that we will choose when buying a second-level domain (name for our website).

So what are they:

  1. Domains of the first (top) level, assigned to countries, which are usually called by the abbreviation Cctld, which means country code top-level domain among helluva smart people. Russia has two of them:
    1. su - a rudiment left over from the Soviet Union and now representing the resource space in Russian
    2. ru - originally assigned to Russia
  2. Domains with national alphabets, which are usually denoted by the abbreviation Idn (internationalized domain name). In Russia, it is a zone. In fact, their names are still written in English characters (transcoding takes place), but this is kind of hidden from view. However, if you enter the address in your browser: http: //ktonanova.rf/

    and after going to this site copy its address from the address bar, you will get absolutely indigestible nonsense:

    Http: //xn--80aedhwdrbcedeb8b2k.xn--p1ai/ So it turns out that it looks unpleasant. And it is in this form that it will have to be added to different services (type), and not in the form of a new one.rf. This must be taken into account. Other problems are also possible, although at first they are not obvious.

  3. Upper common domains, usually with Gtld, which means generic top-level domain, are registered (sold) regardless of the country where the webmaster lives. The most commonly used ones:
    1. .com - for commercial projects
    2. .org - for non-profit sites of various organizations
    3. .net - for projects related to the Internet
    4. .edu - for educational institutions and projects
    5. .biz - commercial organizations only
    6. .info - for all information projects
    7. .name - for My Sites
    8. .gov - for US government agencies

How and where you can register (buy) a domain in top-level zones

Domain names of the second level, as a rule, cannot be obtained just like that (and it is better not to try, because the name for the site is too important to risk registering it from someone who is not clear). They cost money. Moreover payment is made per year, and then the domain lease must be renewed.

Once again I will draw your attention - buy second level domain names, and all that is above - you can create yourself on their basis. This is usually done in the panel of your hoster in the subdomains section - these are domains of the third and higher level, such as

There are not so many such companies (vivid examples are RegRu and WebNames), but they may have a whole network of resellers (partners) who will be engaged in the selection and sale of domains on their behalf. If you are not satisfied with the current reseller or you are having strains with him, then by contacting the registrar, you can choose another reseller or go directly under the wing of the registrar.

At all without Borders You can buy domains in the public zones, .net, .org, .info, .biz, and .name. In the .edu, .gov zones, this option is provided only for institutions, as well as educational and military institutions of the states. There are also a number of specialized first-level domains, for example, .travel, .jobs, .aero, .asia.

Second level domain names in these public zones can be bought from any registrar (not only national), which, in fact, is used by some resources that may have conflicts with copyright holders. The same torrents were forced to move to the public zone org, because in the national domain zone ru its resource was blocked.

Second Level Domains - Checking for Occupancy and Whois

About half a billion domain names have already been registered on the Internet in various zones, so choosing a good (short, simple, sonorous) name in the required zone is now quite difficult task (just as hard). A third of the registered names are not used at all, because they were bought for resale (successful domains can be expensive on the secondary market - sometimes many millions of dollars).

Checking a domain name for availability

Therefore, the first thing to do when choosing a suitable domain for a website is. This can be done with different registrars (the result will be the same, because they use a common database).

Below are the domains being vacated at the moment (for a detailed view, click on the price):

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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From the author: hello dear reader. For the functioning of a modern web resource, you need a lot of things: a database, an engine, a server, etc. But there must also be a domain. What is a site domain? If you still do not fully understand, now I will understand everything.

Domain or domain name is the name by which it is available on the network .. is the domain of the most popular social network. networks in runet Vkontakte.

And if you remember, earlier this social network was located at Why did the address change occur? Firstly, the network has long grown from the rank of only Russian, today many users from other countries are registered in it. Secondly, in colloquial speech, everyone called the social network exactly as VK. Lest you think that I have deviated from the topic, all this has a direct bearing on domains.

The name of the site plays a huge role in how people perceive it. Many people even pay freelancers to come up with a cool name for their project. Indeed, a good name already provides some success. This service is known as naming, I even met a freelance exchange that specialized only in providing such services.

What does a domain consist of?

Perhaps the question is a little incorrect, but still. It consists of the actual name of the site and the domain zone. In our example, webformyself is the title is the zone. There are actually a lot of such zones. Almost every country has its own. For example:

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Ru - Russia

Ua - Ukraine

By - Belarus

Kz - Kazakhstan

And so on. In addition, there are those who are even tied to a particular city. By the way, they appeared quite recently. For example, you have an online store only for residents of Kiev. His network address may be as follows:

Well this is just an example. Such zones have already appeared in large cities. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but every year more and more such zones appear.

By the way, the above domain is the so-called third-level domain, and there are also the second and fourth. What is their difference? Simply put, how many words are separated by a dot? Second level:

Third level:

Domains of the third level can specify that the site is directed only to people from a certain country or city, or they can say that the site is on free hosting. In this case, the domain is free. That is, for names like:

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You do not need to pay, as they are created on site builders. For other domains, in most cases, you will have to pay once a year. At the moment, there are about 750 domain zones, but each year there are more of them, as the Internet continues to actively develop.

How much does registration cost on average?

To register a site name, firstly, it must not be taken. If you try to register something like or, then nothing will work for you, because such domain names have been occupied for a long time.

Today it is most likely to find a beautiful name consisting of 2-3 words. The cost of domain registration depends mainly on the registrar site, as well as on which zone the domain is registered in.

For example, in the (international commercial) it will be more expensive than in the (global Russian). Now, in connection with the emergence of new domain zones, you have a great chance of finding beautiful names.

As you can see, I checked the address - auto-parts. Moscow and it is still free. In my opinion, this is the ideal site name for an online store of relevant parts in Moscow. And it is still unoccupied, like hundreds of other beautiful names. Are we running to register?)

As you can see, the cost of registration in new zones is a little more expensive. The largest registrars in runet are 2Domains and

What to do after purchase?

After purchasing, you can do nothing. Just wait for the moment when you have a site of the relevant subject, then add it to this domain. That is, you can reserve the name for yourself in advance so that others do not take it.

In most cases, however, a domain is bought immediately before the start of an Internet project. To associate a domain name with the hosting, which will store the site files, during registration or later, you will need to specify the dns addresses of your hosting provider. If anything, ask him.

After that, you will need to create the appropriate domain in the server control panel. A folder will be created for it, in which you need to place the files necessary for the site to work.

Can a second level domain be free?

In most cases, no. But not so long ago new domain zones appeared for some countries and registration in these zones is free. For example, in the ml zone, which represents the state of Mali, as well as the zones of some other African countries. Some registrars offer such domain names for free.

So we figured out what a website domain name is and what it is for. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. As a person should have a name, so does a web resource, otherwise how to access it?

How do you find a good name?

So that you do not search the network for useful online services for choosing a name, I will share a link with you. Copy it and paste it into the address bar of your browser

There you will see an interesting service from one registrar. Here you can enter 2-3 words and the service will automatically show you all possible combinations, and what is even more convenient, it will immediately show what is busy and what is free. In general, I myself have never chosen a domain name with its help, but I really liked the idea itself.

On this I say goodbye to you. I hope you have gained enough knowledge to acquire beautiful domains in the near future and use them in your internet business.

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Welcome to the Online Business Blog.

Choosing the right domain name is an important step, no matter what type of site you want to create. Yes, exactly, the selection of the domain name will begin immediately after the selection of the site theme.

Today, let's talk:

What is a domain

Someone said words have meaning and names have power. Therefore, the domain name is becoming important in the era of internet marketing and branding.
So, a domain is a symbolic (Latin alphabet) unique name that identifies an Internet resource on the World Wide Web ..

In 2014, the number of active domains reached 271 million, according to

The domain name is part of the URL (uniform resource locator) http: // site

Url Is a unique full site address, which consists of a protocol, domain name + path.
The domain name serves for the convenience of remembering the address on the Internet, the ability to transfer a website to various hosting services, as a simple label to indicate ownership or control over a resource.

Domains are formed according to the rules of the domain name system (DNS)... Any name registered in DNS is a domain name. DNS system provides correspondence between network addresses (IP addresses) and symbols.

You can determine the IP address of the server by domain here.

There is a strict hierarchical arrangement of the domain on the network. First-level domains (upper ones, for example .RU ..

Domain zone selection, depends on the territorial and linguistic affiliation of the site or thematic (general use). This ending after For example, in Russia it is desirable to use the ru or rf zone when registering a domain name.

Example: and are located in different domain zones.
Example, thematic affiliation info - information sites, com - commercial organizations.

Where to buy a domain

Typically, domains are purchased directly from domain name registrars or hosting companies. Register a domain in your name.
When you purchase a domain name, you get ownership for one year. Do not forget about this and renew your domain rights in time.
By the way, you can buy at a price of 140 rubles per year here.

Domain selection here

Coming up with a nice domain name. Selection rules


  1. The domain name should be close to your line of business or brand.
  2. Short, preferably one word, length can vary from 2-63 characters.
  3. Catchy and easy to remember.
  4. The name is easy to pronounce and write by ear.
  5. It is easy to write a name in transliteration, for example online, photo.
  6. Different from competitors, such as numbers (from 1 to 9 ( or symbols (such as a hyphen)
  7. Contains keywords at the beginning of the domain name.
  8. Not someone else's trademark.

Free online service of ready-made beautiful domains

Coming up with a nice domain name can be difficult at times. While surfing the Internet, I recently discovered an interesting free online service called Frishki.
FREE is known to be translated free / free. The service publishes various free domains by parameters, categories and topics.

Let's get to know the project frishki.rucloser. Let's take a closer look at the possibility of choosing and purchasing a memorable domain.

  • 1. First, we decide on the domain zone, the project will offer you the most popular domain options from ru, com, net, org, info, biz. You need a specific zone, then put a tick in front of the desired one, choose, do not hesitate.
  • 2. Length of characters. Everything is clear here, the shorter the domain name, the easier it is to remember. Of course, do not forget about the information content and your topic.
  • 3. Section "Exclude Domains". Allows you to use a filter that excludes domains with numbers and dashes.
  • 4. Subject department, allows you to quickly filter out unnecessary domains.

I decided on the search filters, chose the topic "business". The Frishki service offered 18 free domain names. Next, move the cursor to the domain name, three icons will appear. See screenshot.

  • You can see all the domain indicators on the website - Seo analysis (titers, PR, links).
  • View domain history in the web archive.
  • View metrics history on I think you are registered there, if you use it, if not, you will have to register.
  • Next, consider the buttons on the right.
  • 1. "Offer" your description, allows you to edit the domain.
  • 2. "Verify", allows you to instantly look at the employment through the service.
  • 3. "Already taken"if you checked in the previous step that the domain is busy click on this button.
  • 4. "I take away", confirm your intention to purchase a specific domain and start going through the registration process.
  • 5. Price, displays the real price when registering a domain with a specific registrar.

On the service, you can not only find an attractive domain, but also add your own for sale. The rules can be found on the service.

That's all. Come up with, choose, register your unique, beautiful domain name. Additionally, you can read the article “

In one of the lessons, I talked about what a domain name is and how to get one. He spoke casually, only to form at least some idea. But this topic requires a more detailed analysis. This is really important!

Domain is the website address. This is a unique name on the Internet, opening which will open a specific site.

For example, the Internet resource you are currently visiting has the following address: site

That is, the site is the domain name of our site. By typing it, only our site will open and no other.

How to find a domain name

To find out the domain name, that is, the address of a particular Internet resource, you need to look in the address bar of your browser when this site is open.

For example, I opened the Yandex website. To find out his domain name, that is, the exact address, you need to look in the address bar. This is what my browser's address bar looks like:

And here is the Yandex address. It is highlighted in a darker color in my browser:

That is, his address is

And here is the domain name of the Google site:

There is always a prefix before the domain name. That is, some kind of introductory part. Most often this is part of http: // or www.

Actually www is shorthand. Correctly, this part of the address is spelled http: // www.

That is, the full address of the Yandex site looks like this:

Basically, this is the same thing with www and without. We can say that this is the same address, just in two different spellings.

With these different spellings of the address ("without www" and "with www") there are certain nuances that professionals in the field of website creation and promotion need to know about. But we will not go into this.

How to find out the address of a specific page of the site

Since a site is a set of pages, which, in turn, are sorted into sections (categories, headings), each page also has its own address. It is written immediately after the domain name and is separated from it with a slash (/).

In the classical view, at the end of the address of each page there must be a part of .html or .htm, and it must consist exclusively of letters of the Latin alphabet. An underscore or hyphen must be used instead of spaces, and numbers can also be used.

But now this is no longer so relevant, since the Internet in general and search engines in particular understand a variety of addresses. Therefore, site pages can have Russian names, and include some characters, and be without any "tail" at all (without html, htm, php or something else).

In order to find out the address of a specific page on the site, you also need to look at the address bar of your browser when the page is open. For example, this is what you will see if you look at the browser line right now:

The page address is immediately after the domain name and separated from it by a slash (/). That is, the address of the page you are currently on is domennoe_imya.html

Since now most sites are "created" on control systems (engines), the page addresses are formed by these very systems. And in principle, it is not so important what they are: alphabetic, numeric, with different symbols, with or without a "tail".

It is also not at all necessary that the address of a particular page reflects its content. It was important before, but now it practically does not matter.

What are domain names?

A domain name consists of two parts: the name itself and the domain zone.

The name itself is a word or a few words that the site owner comes up with on his own.

For example, our site has a site address. Here is the word neumeka - this is how I wanted to name the site. That is, I came up with this word and registered such a domain.

The domain zone is a "tail" in the form of a dot with some set of letters. In my case, this is a ponytail .ru

There are not just many domain zones, but very, very many. And there are more and more of them. You can talk for a long time about what they are and the principle of their formation. But it is better not to clog your bright head with this.

What you really need to know is that there are domains of different levels. The easiest way to explain it is: there are domains with one dot after the name and with several.

With one dot, this is our website address:

Multiple dots are addresses that end in or and the like.

As a rule, such names are distributed free of charge by other sites (systems). For example, in the lesson "How to make a website for free" I talked about online constructors. Let me remind you that these are systems with which you can get your own website completely free of charge and without much difficulty. So these systems give free domain names with multiple dots.

Domain names usually consist only of letters of the Latin alphabet, no spaces. But there are also exceptions. For example, Cyrillic domain zones: rf, moscow, online, website, rus and others. In this case, the website address will be entirely in Russian (except for the http: // prefix).

You can also use numbers and a hyphen in the name.

Choosing a name for your site

First thing to remember: no free domain names. Choosing such a name, you ruin your site.

The second thing is to decide on the domain zone. As I said, there are a lot of them. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Domain zone

There are domain zones that have been used for a long time. For example, com, net, org.

There are special zones for websites of certain topics. Example: gov (government), mil (military), edu (educational).

Available for sites of certain countries (regions): ru, by, kz and so on.

There are new domain zones for every taste. For example, shop, sport, moscow.

Of course, it's up to you to decide. But it makes sense when choosing a zone to heed the advice of professionals:

It is better not to register names of the third level, that is, with two "tails" (,, etc.).

An exception is the domain zone - this zone is for Ukrainian sites.

If your site is targeted at residents of a certain country, then it is better to register the name in the national domain zone.

For example, you want to create a website for a company that provides services in Minsk (Republic of Belarus). So, the name for this site should be chosen with a "tail" .by

If you are creating an international site without regional affiliation, then it is better to register a domain in the com.

For example, you are creating an information site about smartphones in English. That is, visitors to this site will not be from Russia, but from other countries. So, the name should be chosen with a

If you create a website in Russian, without regional affiliation, then it is better to register a domain in the ru zone.

For example, our site. Its visitors are Russian-speaking residents of different countries. Therefore, it is in the ru zone

Name for the site

Let's say you've decided on the zone. Now you need to choose a name for the site, that is, a word or several words that will be its address.

In fact, it doesn't matter what it will be. The main thing is to have it. It's like with a phone number: it doesn't matter what it is, the main thing is that it is.

Still, it is better if the name is short, easy to remember, without numbers and hyphens, reflecting the essence of the site. But since each name is unique, that is, it can belong to only one site, there are not many such short beautiful names left. You have to use your ingenuity.

The principle is as follows: go to the domain name registrar website and select the address.

It doesn't matter which registrar's website you go to - there are a lot of them. All have the same base, only prices and convenience of selection differ. Don't look at the prices, because you will be buying a domain on another site (with the most democratic prices), the main thing is convenience.

For example, you can choose an address for the site here.

Imagine. If the selected word is occupied, add some letters to it. In general, try to choose a name that is pleasing both to the ear and to the eye.

Imagine how it will be written on a business card. Whether the person will be able to accurately dial it by ear (for example, if the address is dictated over the phone).

Checking the domain name

Let's say you have chosen an address for your site. It suits you and you are ready to buy it. But you should check this name before buying.

The fact is that the Internet has existed for a very long time, and with it domain names have also existed for a long time. Every day, thousands of different sites appear on the network and thousands are closed.

Each of them has its own name. This name needs to be renewed. That is, the name is bought not forever, but for a certain period, for example, for a year.

So when the site is closed, and its name is not renewed, it becomes free after a while. As a result, anyone can register it, that is, buy it for their website.

All would be fine, but buying such an address, you can say, take away its past. Search engines Yandex, Google and others know and remember the history of each name. And it is sometimes very difficult to get rid of this "burden".

For example, you picked up a beautiful address, and before it was a site with prohibited information. For search engines, such an address is marked as "bad" and they ignore it. By purchasing such a name for your site, it becomes invisible to search engines.

Or, let's say you have a site dedicated to aquarium fish. You buy a name for him that used to belong to an online TV store. Since search engines remember that TVs were sold at this address earlier, you may have difficulties in promoting information about fish.

Verification methods

There are several ways to check the name. You can find out if it was once used and see which site was previously at this address.

Unfortunately, you cannot find out the "rating" that the search engines have given this site. Even if it looked dignified and there was nothing illegal on it, the address could get a black mark.

Unfortunately, there is no way to check this. Usually, such things are recognized after the purchase and attachment of a new site.

So, way number one: check if the name was previously registered by someone.

For addresses in any domain zone. We check on the website

We print the domain name that we want to check (in full), and click on the "Lookup" button.

If there are no records, then everything is fine. So this address never belonged to anyone.

If there is a "Whois History" item with a certain number of records, then it means that this address has already belonged to someone.

For addresses in the zone ru, su, rf. Such addresses can also be checked in the previous way, but more complete information can be obtained on the website

However, for this you need to register, confirm the registration by e-mail, and enter the system.

After that, enter the domain that you want to check without the domain zone - you need to select it in a separate window. Check the box next to "Exact match", then a dot on "Throughout Whois History." After that, select some very old date (two thousandth year) in the field "Date of registration (created)" - "from". And in the field "by" - today. Then click on the "Find" button.

If there are no records, then this address was not previously used.

If any record is found, it means that this name has already been registered for someone else. You can also see more detailed information there (when, on whom, etc.).

Method number two: check if any website has been at this address before.

These are registrars through which I personally have been ordering and renewing addresses for websites for many years. So far there have been no problems. The only thing is that for the first registrar the cost of the domain when renewing is different from the primary one. Of course, not downward. It is the same for beget.

If you are a beginner and have created a site according to my lessons, I recommend buying a name on, as it is very easy to attach it to the created site.

I can't say anything about the reliability - I myself have never used their services. But this office has not been working for the first year and they have good reviews. True, sometimes their site "hangs", but this does not affect the quality of services.

Many of the users are faced with the question of what domain names are.

They become especially relevant when users decide to create their own website.

Then different terms and definitions appear, in which it is necessary to navigate in order to understand the complete structure of the Internet space and the location of the created site in it.

Getting down to business, we can say that a domain is the name of a site. It hides its ip address, which allows you to simply enter the name "", and not the address of such a site - "".

This is quite convenient, but if you go into the details, many questions arise that will be covered later in the article.

What does domain name mean

As noted, the domain is the name of the site. The user is provided with a set of Latin letters, which he can name his resource.

It is this name to the first point that will designate the address of his portal.

However, there are also difficulties associated with the fact that such names are already taken, then you have to change the values \u200b\u200band select what is not yet reserved on a specific hosting or domain.

Note! Domain and domain name are synonyms and have the same lexical meaning, regardless of which one is used.

The domain name is tied to a specific address on the network. It has the form When switching to another server, the redirection remains.

This means that the technology makes it possible to use one site name, even if it will be constantly transferred to different domains.

It is to preserve the unique name of the site that the domain name technology was developed.

It allows you to assign the name of the portal to a specific person and transfer it to various servers without losing the root ip address.

How the domain works

For the concept of a domain device, you need to consider it from the very beginning with an example.

In order to make your site address unique, the developer must designate it.

For this he creates a non-use of the name on the net. Let it be called "primer".

After that, you need to attach or bind a domain zone to the site name.

It will show in which territory the designated developer site is located.

In its final form, it will be called “”.

Gets that during registration the site "primer" received a domain name of the category ".ru".

There are 2 main rules when recording a domain name:

  • The zones that are included in the full site address are listed srps to the left in the hierarchy.
  • To separate domain levels, only dots are always placed between them.

If the site address "" is used, it will be considered in the following way:

  • net - domain of the fourth level;
  • blog - domain of the third level, which includes the domain of the fourth level net;
  • primer - second level domain, which includes domains of 3 and 4 levels;
  • ru - the domain of the first level, which includes all the levels described above.

The first level in the hierarchy is always the last after the dot separator.

First level domains table for public use

Considering domain levels, it should be noted that they are international.

However, depending on their location, there are laws, restrictions or rules in force in a specific territory of the state.

The first-level domains are the highest in this chain of addresses.

There are geographically defined addresses, which refer to the designation of the country where these domains are used.

An example of such top-level domain zones can be:

  • ru - RF.
  • br - Brazil.
  • cn - China.

In addition to geographically defined domain names, first-level domains that have an international public purpose are of particular polarity.

All available addresses will be listed in the table:

Domain name Its public purpose
com commerce
net Network and network settings
org Non-profit organizations
info Information portals
biz Business
name Private portals using owner names as designations
aero Aviation and services provided by it
arpa Internet infrastructure
edu Educational system (mainly USA)
int International companies
gov Government
mil Military structures
coop Service organizations and cooperatives
museum Museums and persons involved in them
mobi For mobile devices
pro Specialists from various industries
tel Automatic contact page generators
travel Travel, tourism, resorts
xxx Adult film industry

What are the domain levels

Analyzing the hierarchy of domains, you should clarify their specific purpose.

From the previous section, you can see that first-level domains have either a specific public purpose or a geographic location. It is from them that the name begins to be built.

Everything that comes after them increases the number of subdomains, thereby increasing the number of domain levels.

This was clearly seen above using the example of the full address "", where reading from right to left will increase the hierarchy of the marked zone.

Specialists distinguish 3 main zones:

  • Root.
  • Second level.
  • First level.

Each row can include an additional number of domain names. Moreover, they will compose and divide according to the rules through a dot.

Note! Domains can be 3-4 levels. They are subdomains and are not part of the global network.


It is also defined as zero. Its purpose is to separate other levels of domains.

In other words, all address records must end with a dot at the end.

It turns out that the systems were previously used when introducing domain levels of the following type ""

Now the last zero domain is omitted, and today the address records have acquired the following form “”, where the dot at the end after the first-level domain is no longer put.

It is also worth noting that country-specific domains that have recently appeared relative to the entire domain system can be used.

They use the designation not in Latin, but in the language of a particular country.

In Russia, you can now register the site address "primer.rf". The use of national alphabets also makes it possible to simplify the circulation of domains and specific fixed addresses to them. However, all national sites also have an unreadable address hidden behind the one written in the official language.

Second level

This is the space left to indicate your own site name. It is this domain that is the second level.

It turns out that the creator of the portal registers exactly the address on the network, and not just the name. It should be noted that the prices for such portals differ during registration.

If you register a domain in the ".ru" zone, it will be much cheaper than the same one, but in the ".com" zone.

Basically, to register such a name on the network, there are special companies engaged in the design of names of site addresses.

The price depends on the choice on which the site of the first level will be located the required resource.

There are also rental systems that make it possible to use a second-level domain name on a monthly basis. However, in case of non-payment of the rent, the site will be disconnected from the network and immediately disappear from the search engine.

First level

It is from this level that the name of each site begins. This can be misleading as the site is usually read from left to right.

However, to be precise in the mandatory rule of addressing, the first-level domain (except for the root-level domain, which is not counted and is zero) always comes first, and then in descending order.

In each country, such addresses have a main "top" level and indicate the name of their country in the abbreviation.

It is interesting! First level domain name "su ”, was originally assigned to the Soviet Union. It contains a large array of information from the late 1980s to the mid 2000s.

Other levels

It is also worth noting that there may be others after the second-level domain. They are worth highlighting separately. However, they have no global significance.

And they exist inside second-level domains. Usually they are not registered or processed.

Users who own the site by purchasing a second-level domain "primer" in the form of a name can independently select the names of the third and fourth levels.

They themselves at their address allocate subspaces necessary to select one more address from the already registered one.

In other words, level 3-4 domains exist at the expense of a second-level domain and are its subspecies, which the site owner himself can select.

Such sublevel numbers cannot exist without an officially registered name, portal, which is a second-level domain.

Domain purchase and registration

The situation with buying a domain name has a number of peculiarities. This primarily applies to jurisdiction and legislation.

There was a known situation with the creators of torrent sites, who were initially present at the first level domain name ".ru".

However, after the tightening of Russian legislation, the relation of copyright to the resource began to be blocked. Therefore, in order to avoid blocking, the developers had to transfer their resource to the ".org" domain, which has an international level.

Each country has an official second-level domain name registrar. They are authorized and licensed to carry out such activities.

It is from them that you need to purchase and register the name of the site.

In addition, the official registrars have representatives, in the form of partner companies, who also deal with the registration of domain names as an official registrar.

If a partner or representative has violated the terms of the contract, you must immediately contact the official registrar.

Service prices will vary... Typically, reps offer to register a second-level domain name with a monthly fee.

Official registrars set the rules for registration with payment of a domain name immediately for 1 year.

Note! If the payment is late, it will be impossible to access the site. Depending on the registrar, a contractual deadline is given for renewal of payments. If it is missed, the domain name will become free and another person can register it.

Checking a second-level domain for availability

There are now over half a billion second-level domains on the network.

With the development of Internet technologies and the transfer of business to the virtual space, domain names as names for sites began to have a high price.

Large corporations are willing to pay millions of dollars for a beautiful name for their website.

Many enterprising developers more than 10 years ago began to register sites with beautiful URLs. And a few years ago, such investments began to be justified.

Now the price for a second-level domain with a beautiful name costs tens of thousands of dollars, and the rent of such a number usually does not exceed $ 100-1500 per year.

Therefore, when creating a site, you should pay attention to its name, as a second-level domain address, because this name can already be acquired by a thoughtful investor, for its further resale several times more expensive.

View information about the current user of a specific domain name

To check the availability of a domain, just contact the official registrars. They provide all the information you need for a specific resource.

There is a search line on the official page of such institutions.

By entering the name of the second-level domain there, you can check its availability in various zones. It should be noted that all registrars have a common database.

Therefore, you can ask for help in finding any of them, regardless of geographic location.

After the domain of interest is officially acquired and an agreement has been concluded with the registrar for the right to use it within the specified period of time, you will need to configure it and link different hosting services.

For this, there is a special administrative panel that allows you to edit the domain, connect various services to it.

It is through such a panel that users can select domains of the 3rd and 4th levels from the received address.

View history and purchase vacated names

According to the established international rules, registrars provide information about the owners of second-level domains free of charge and openly.

That is, anyone who wants to go to the official website of the registrar in section "Whois" , maybe, by specifying the address of a specific site, get all the information about the person who registered it.

However, services are now also provided to conceal such registration information about the resource owner.

Various official services offer this service both for a fee and for free. It is also possible to change the data to fictitious.

According to the rules for registering a second-level domain, when concluding an agreement with an official registrar, you must indicate your personal and contact information.

The site address is tied specifically to a specific individual or legal entity with whom the contract is concluded.

Many owners of popular online resources advise using the services of hiding information or its substitution.

This is due to the fact that there are those in the network who want to take possession of information or money. The user's personal data greatly simplifies the hacking of the service.


Based on the materials of the article, we can conclude that the domain is one of the most important components of the address of any site on the Internet.

Without the assigned names, it will be impossible to go to the resource using the browser. Many developers pay great attention to the issue of domain selection.

This is explained by the fact that a lot depends on the name of the portal, as well as on its location.

If it is unreadable and not laconic, as well as located, the number of visitors to the resource will be minimal in the little-known zones of the first level.

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